6 Ayers Remains. PEOPLE FIND That it is not wise to experiment with cheap compounds purporting to be blood-purifiers, but which have no real medicinal value. To make use of any ether than the old stau~ dard AYER‘S Ssrsaparlllarâ€"the Su- perior Blood-gr riderâ€"is simply to invite loss of ti.“ .. money and health. If you are a: czcd with Scrotum; Catsrrh, li‘: ’ Dyspepsia, Eczema, 7' _, Tumors, or any other bleed. disc-use, be assured that a v c ' + . I‘ it Pays .o U38 AYERS Sarnnmï¬lla. and AYERS only. AYERS Surcapsrilla. can 0.1- wavs be (‘lcncnlwl upon. It does not It is always t??? Same in " and. effect. I: is 53:2,. proportion, Lil tutti: goes to “cm si'cakcned by It searches out All} up 21;. ~ ‘l‘fï¬ YOU -I 1‘-. .. (5.th kg. LiXDSAYfMFRIDAY, MAY 10. 1393 LOCK}. NE\\'.\‘-LETTERS M £1) K ()K --i Sumnm AFFIDFINTâ€"Un Friday morning Mr. George Neal went to inspect the new planer recently put in by Bette- 8: Chsil'ey. and while doing so, but his right bond too close to the under cylinder. In a moment his hand won out and crushed so badlv thst omputstion was found necessary. Dr. Topp 'ook the hand oil‘ at the wrist, while Mr. Joseph Cooper held the arm. Mr. C. belleveu one good turn drsri’Vr-a another. Lost winter whrn he had his right hand amputated, Mr. Neal, thz- victim of lost Frh a~. llrld M- Hfooprr' ) rsrm. We ore very sorry im Mr. N. 3!. Be ug .carprnter, he con now do nothing in his line of business. We are sure he has the sincere ovmpalhy of oil in his terrible misfortune. We u: dcrntond he stood the painful opsro- tloc very well. .â€"_â€".â€" PLEA SAN T VAL LE Yâ€"â€" PENELON. [Correspondence of The Post.) ()lllTUAitY.â€"-Dolth hos visited our settle- mrcr. once more and token o victim in the paw-on of Mr. John Moyues. 51%, one of the oldest tetilers here. llo was only sick one w.. k with erysipelos. lie was a man. I m'tht soy. that had not on enemy. Zion fans a resident who was liked by all who knew him. He bore his illness withchris- tion fornitude. Everything was done thot could be done both by his physician and also by his ottcudonts. but he pooscd awoy peacefully and uictly on lost Wed- nesdoy morning, M." 0th. and was buried at Zion cemetery. His remains were fol- lowed to the grove by a large concourse of sorrcwing friends- The event has cost quite o it com in the community. Deceased woo vary hospitable and olwoys ready to give a helping hand so a needy one; he was s kind fother and loving husband. His death was improved by the pastor, Rev. Mosoo Motherell, who looked upon the deceased gentlemsn as o faill r. they were bound up in each one so much. His death will be felt greatly here for 'some time. both in the home one also in the church. His end was peace. â€".â€"â€"â€" KING’S WHARF. [Correspondence of THE POST.) SCHOOL REPORT. â€"Senlor lourth classâ€" ] Ethel Dcyell, 2 Dennis O Leary. Junior fourth classâ€"l Mary O'Loory. 2 Charlotte Dorgsn, 3 Mabel Cbombers. Third classâ€" 1 John Mcehan. 2 Helena Dorgan, 3 Nollie Doyell and Annie Dorgsn(s col). Second classâ€"1 Martha Homllton, 2 my Dcyoll, 3 Thomas Perdus. Part2 closeâ€"l Herbert O‘Neill. 2 L zzlo Chambers. Part 1 classâ€" 1 Gauge Mschsn. - ABOUT 'ro Bonnâ€"Mr. J. C. Leory is about to build a new workshop, the old one being too small. Bursmnn.â€"Evcrbody is pleased to hear that the Pigeon Creek bridge is about so- poired Dull times in this vicinity is the result of the bridge being in bad ditlou. We are very thankful to the many orthy gentlemen who have thrown their inï¬n- ooes in favor of the continuation of this hrldgvi Harmâ€"The new hotel on Jacob’s is- land. owned by Mr. P. Galvin of Ennis- mcre. is pretty well nigh completed. This will be of great convenience to picnickers and tourists. and will in general becf great service to the community. especially in spring and foil. We wish Mr. Galvin all accusinhtsucwhome. â€".â€".â€"â€" BOBC’A YGEON. Dunnâ€"Mr. Garner N :qholis was much surprised. on Monday afternoon, whilst paddling in Pigeon Lake, to ï¬nd two bucks swimming across the loks. They were not vary for oï¬' when he noticed them, and costly caught up to them. The one was s ï¬ns large one. sad the other o youngster, s yearling. The latter was not afraid of the canoe. and took quite kindly topotting on the neck. The elder wss not so toms. and kept pcggingowoy.oshordoshecould go. They had evidently token the water somewhere about Stousy Point, out of Green Bay. sud wsrsmokingforthoBig Islond. o tidy swim in cold water. Nicholls being a deputy under thsgomo act. and protector of the door soth sorely land on theisland. "l'hey weo rather wcok on their pins audotrifls 83°88! on landing, but soon recovered, and scsmpored owsy. apparently none the worse for their long swim. PussonsLâ€"Miso Braden has returned home, ofter spending some time with her sister in Lindsay ...... Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Fisher are visiting ot Mr. John Brodeu’s. Mr. Fisher isjustreccvorlngiromw and oriticolillnoss ...... Mr.Knight, inspector. poidhis oï¬loisl ottsutlous to the school mistresse- this week. '~â€" CAMBILAY. l of TnPoerl ocddont scmswsoksogosudis sgoinoblotorssumobuslnoss ...... Muff. stillcmstiuuostuo critical ondfeorsoreeu thothis l mrisn student on Sunday lost opcworful sermon on the oub‘sct “Christ the corner stuns.†â€"â€" which intermotion was sought as toth whereabouts of David Leith. Whom1863 molded in the township of Grey. county Huron. The result has men the discovery of the mother of the missing man, who will be raised from o position of poverty to comparative sfl‘luencv. Thei'octs of the cal-e are about those: Msrrin Logan was born in Scotland but came to Canada When a child. In 1851, at the sac of 16, she was united in marrisge to Robert Lsith at Toronto. David. Mr. Leith died at Beaverton, and John went to live with his grandfather Leith and David with his grandfather Logan. in Eldon. Mrs. Leith married James Cooper in Toronto. and after living for some years at Oshawa they settled at St. Msry’s,where Mr. Cooper died. Mrs. Cooper was s. rosi- dent of Seafor'h about ï¬fteen years, and has lived in Brussels the past ten years. By the second marriage she had seven cnildrcu. But to go back to tho Leith boys. John btcsmo a farmnr in county York, and David went to Buffalo. About twenty- scveu years ago he was stricken with black small pox and died in a. Buffalo hospital. He was unmarried. and the money which his mother will now receive was left to him by his grandmother. The old ladyis sixty-seven years of age. During the last winter the council aided her.â€"[Orlllla Packet. S U N DERLA ND. [Correspondence of Tim POST.) PERSONALâ€"Mr. James Dobic. who has been out cast for some time visiting some of his friends, brings back a report that ï¬sh in that part of the country appear to bite better than what they do around hero. ..... Mr. William Bennett one of our popular cilizmn be! taken his departure to some part of the States. where he intends staying during the summer months. We wish him every success. Cannon Normaâ€"The Rev. Mr. Nellio and Mr. Deweï¬exchangee puipits on Sun- day evening is . C. E. Sealantâ€"We are pleased to stotc that we have organized a society of Chris- tain Endeavor, and we hope the young interest in this grand and noble work, hearing it in mind that success is only due each and every one conscientiously doing his or her duty. Sc impress upon your minds the great value of your service and the great responsibility resting on each of us towards our fellow-men. Let each of us grasp at our present opportunity that we may in future years look back with blessing upon the ï¬rst steps of this glorious cause called Christoin Endeavor. Ir.t..â€"'We regret to learn thot Miss J san- ette McIntyre is at present very ill, with not much hope of her recovery. Baumâ€"We expect to see our bond turn out in their uniform on the 17th of this month to seruode some of their poor friends who intend taking in the World’s fair for o mouth or two. TORONTO. Tun Dunn: Tnonmv.â€"Amcs chdisr of Toronto J uucticn sustained o compound comminuted fracture of the elbow joint of the left arm lost Thursday night by being run over by a Junction trolley car in Bothurst-st. Goudier was standing on the front of the car when his hat blow off. He jumped off snd rsu forward. the motor- mou slowing up. In running Goudier lost his bolsuce and fell so close to the wheels that it was impossible to bring the govt to a standstill. and his arm was run If. spiuster, 66 years of age, who has for some time post boarded with Mr. John Barrie. 70 Duudss-st.. mode a determined attempt to take her life ot 5.30 Saturday afternoon. She ï¬rst tried to cut her throat with o pair of dull scissors, making a Jagged but not dangerous wound. She then jumped from a window and fell 25 feet to the ground. She was removed to the g‘euerol hospital about 9 o’clock and will recover. Miss Siftou come to Toronto with relatives about a year ago. The relatives recently removed to Montreal, ever since which time she has been dospondeut. TOOK run Cannomc ACID Room.â€" Whille Samuel Hill of 1.634 Queen-st. cast, was passing through the woods near the Woodbine hotel on Saturday, he discover- ed the dead body of William A. Bird. who had resided at m Harkeley-st. The police were ot once not ed and the remains taken to the morgue by Police Constables Tripp and Denning. Coroner Aikins held an inquest on the remains ot the morgue on Saturday night,whon it transpired from the pcst-morbsm examination that death had been caused by s self-administered dose of carbolic acid. and a verdict in occcrdance with this fact was rendered. Deceased was employed as o waiter at (:10st restaurant on Colborue-st. He was always steady and attentive to business. He was lost seen by his wife on Thursday afternoon. Bird was a member of Kent lodge, Sons of England, and will be buried by that society. __.__â€" FENELON FALLS. A Vicxous Bumâ€"Mr. John Clark, who has had charge of thestallicn, Bob the Router, Jr., since he attacked two men during the summer of 1891. has at lost fallen a victim to misplaced conï¬dence. as everybody but himself felt sure he would, sooner or later. On Fridoy lost. in Somer- villc. while he was talking to Mr. William Mitchell, the vicious brute suddenly seized him by his left arm, fell upon hisknees and commenced to push his victim along the ground before him. Mr. Clark csllcd out to Mr. Mitchell to help him for God’s sake. so the horse was eating him; and Mr. Mitchell, having no other weapon, pulled out one of the boards that serve in lieu of o gate. and holding it ï¬rmly in both hands and pointing one and ot the horse’s head, ron at him with all his might. The board fortunately struck the jugular vein and the blow was so severe that the animal instantly roleossd his groom ond for several seconds appeared unable to rcgoin his feet. Dr. Wilson, who wos sent for to attend to Mr. Clark, says that his arm was terribly swollen and discolored. though the horse’s teeth had only mode one wound. but that was a bad one. A Boson Susana Cssuâ€"ln Morch lssto man named Thomas Dunn hired a handsome young grey more and a cutter from o jeweler in ltonit'ew forfour days, to go around the country peddling medicine. After receiving two or three letters mom Dunn, saying he wontsd the rig s little longer, the owner got suspicious and employed a ccustobls. who spent several days ondsbout 830 in on unsuccess- ful attempt to ï¬nd Dunn, though he no doubt did his best. The wcler, (whose name we connot loom). ksp hisoors open, sud oftor s time hoard something that induced him to go to Holiburtco. where he found that Dunn hod boon st Kollstt’s hotel with the more and cutter. The matter was then put into the hands of Mr. Kellott, who is a ecustoblo as well as a hotel- r, sud who on Monday lost found missing property in the party who livos nsor people of this community will take a deep ATTEMPTED SUICsuu.â€"Elizl Simon, o 11.3 cilia-w. istoadodtobosrdths sovouo’cloc . .R.troinforPortBopo whore-he purpcood tskiug them North King tor Rochester. Miss (howlsy evidently did not hoor the ccoductor's had «.55 missed her foothold. slipped and foil hoov- ily to the truck on one other legr. The result was that she sustained a serious break in her right limb near the onklc. The injured woman was immediately removed in a cab to St. Joseph's hospital. where Drs. McGroih and Hollidsy reduced the fracture, which is a serious one-[Ex- ominer. ’ *â€" .TANETVILLE. Correspondence of Tm: Poer :Bonus BY-LAW.â€"Tho Monvcrs council at their meeting in Bethany on the 8th inst. passed the necessary by-low and allow a vote to be taken in the part of the township interested, on the question of granting a bonus of 37.000 to the Lindsay. Bobcaygeon and Pcntypool Railway Co. Those who formerly opposed the bonus both in the council and among the other ratepayers are coming to look more favor- ably ou the scheme as they better acquaint themselves with the advantages which the construction of the road will give the township. Istrnovsmmrs.â€"Tne Orange holl is re- ceiving a bright new dress of point. which will tly add to its op neurone. s ...... Mr. illism McGlll is erecting a kltcftan to his handsome birck house ...... Mr. J ss. McGlll is preparing to point his house ...... Mr. William Rehill is adding more born room to his premises ...... Mr. Wil- llom Anderson is putting an addition to his barn. Visrrous.â€"Miss Maud Haw of Toronto is spending some time with her gren- mother. who has been ill for ueverol weeks ...... Mrs.Hsshill of Little Britain spent o few days last week at the home of her brother, Mr. James Hobbs ...... Misses Emma and Minnie Howe have gone on on extended visit to their sisters ot Goldwater and Sebright. RumovaLs.â€"Mr. L. C. Birchsrd hos moasd into Mr. Robinson McGill’s house opposite the Methodist church ...... Mr. James Armstrong has Temoved from his own house to that lately occupied by Mr. Richard McGlll, who is now on his form south of the village. # m3 AND THERE. “There's one secret a. woman can keep." "What is it?" "Her ago." Trusts and Combination Are unpopular. But there is one form of trust against which no one has on hing to soy. That is the trust which the nu c rcposcs in Hood's Ssrsaporills. and the best of it is the trust is fully justiï¬ed by the merit of the medicine. For. remember. HOOD'S Sarsapsrillo CURES. Silent Watches oi the nightâ€"The wooden once in front of u jewelry store. â€"Bessio H. Bsdioc. Burlington, Vt. had o diseose of the scalp. cousing her hoir to bsoom very harsh and dry, and to fall so freely tho the scarcely dared to comb it. Ayar‘s Hair Vigor gave her a hsolthy scalp. removed tbs, dandruff. and mode the hair thick and glossy. The telcplmnc continues to enjoy the distinction o furnishing the only place where tall: isn't cheap. When Baby was sick. we gave her Castorla. Who'- .1... it an a child. duo on“: tru- C‘M'owhh- When she became Miss. sho clung to Castor-ls. When she had Milton, she gave them Customs -English Spsviu Liniment removes all Hard. Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blomlshss from horses. Blood Snavics. Curbs. Splints. Sweeney Ring-Bone. Stiiies. Sprains. oiliSwollen Thrusts Coughs, etc. Son 350 by use of one bottle. Warranted by E. Gmoonv. druggistâ€"By. # hoposod Game Law Changes. The ï¬sh and game ccmmissioncrs' report. presented to the Ontario legislature Friday last, recommended the following amendments to the â€Fri ml?â€" hiblti e u use pro ng the killlugaud sale of towns should he struck out. because when taking long or snap shots sportsmen cannot distinguish between a fawn. t‘ as oryoung buck; the law should provide that wood-bares may be killed at sight if found damaging fruit trees or other property; trapping of muskrsts might be permitted during April; a county of 81 a head should be paid for the destruction of full-grown foxes. and 50 cents per head for young ones; the clause of the Game Act providing that no person shall take or kill more than one hundred ducks in o season should be revealed. for the reason that it unnot be enforced; the commissioners should control the issue of permits for the killing of lnsectivorous birds arid collections of eggs for scientiï¬c purposes: the gsmeond ï¬shcrv laws should be consolidated; masked hunters be prohibited: foreign sportsmen should he required to take out a license. no mottsr for what they desire to hunt. and wardens should run he Allowed to issuâ€" not-min,†Sunlight Soap. I “SIIILIEII'I'†PILLIII sky .. .. KO - -: mom-us too rho-I. mum-s. nos tastel- yous-Into ddmwiflflmw is soot-attuned arts-m rill: it ' 3 ill; it; it; ill .llli E 8 l a. a: l é l llii tcdssth. ' . Fatbank a: 00-. Mantra hiillflillllii “ a .' , l .â€" â€". *BUTTOLENE“ .â€" . a .â€" * O-v What is it A. ’- ._. O-r ‘0 0* A. ’â€" a .â€" â€"-. 0-â€" a ’- a ’v r" “a a. .o’ 4-. *â€" p. ’w a 0-“ o-C * a .v .c. 'v 4 .4â€" a. ’v a-I. .v r'. r «O .â€" a with the new shortening“. l *takiug the place of lard _‘ O-‘or cooking butter, . both. Costa less. goos.‘ o-rfsrthcr, and is easily *dlgested by anyone. * A? ALL GROCERS. * Mode only by ll. K. FAIRBANK 8. GE». Wellington sud Ann 8a.. MONTREAL. llllllllllll Miscellaneous. ll i l l llllllllllll Mlllillillll 71 NUTRATNE. TONIC. NERVE RESTORING.’ Irritobility, indigestion. nausea. vomit- ing, and a long train of similar affections are so many symptoms, (called diseases). of an exhaustion of nerve supply. The remedy best designed to correct the cause of all such troubles is the latest triumph. called Celery Iron Pills. Druggists and dealers. or mail. Price 50 cents. six for $4.00..1‘lsc Celery Pill U... Toronto. Ont. =IIIIIIIIIIIlllllhliltlllllmullfllllllllllll‘ - CD a E '5’. CD III-1- CD 2 :as = =" a c: AND HOW TO’ATTAIN n'. A Medical Work that Tells the Causes, Describes the Effects, Points the Remedy. Scientiï¬cnll ' the most valuable, artisticnlh' the oat bcuutifu medical book ever published; or. p: cs, every page bearing shalt-tone illhtmxlou Ls. Subjects uutcd :â€" ' B so Nervous nobility, Impotency’ Sterility, Development, Varicoccle, The Husband, Those Intending Marriage, etc. ry man who would lmow the Grand Truths, .. the Plain F ts, the Old Secretsand Now Discov. - " cries of Me icul Science as applied to Married 3 :Lii'c, who would atone for t follies d: iti'slls, shouldptrlte for atilts: : avoid future : “'ONDERFU LITTLE BOOK. â€" It will bcscn he,undrrscol,whil ti: " alums. Addmahe publishers, . cediuou 3 gems MEDICAL co., Bulfalo,il.Â¥.§ flllllllllIIIIIIIIIIImIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII: ’Bn’mronn Bicmts HAVE A . STANDARD VALUE IlllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIllII"IIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘I E THEY ARE BUILT TO SELL AT THE PRICES OFFERED IAIU'ACYUIID IV The Gould Bicycle Gmltd. Brantford, Ont. Orr-or: i 13 Yowoc 87.. Tortoise Jun â€003. 5.08% â€About! __E._or_omm__ IMPROVED MAMMOTH MANGOLD. Our select imported sccd pro- duces the largest roots and largest crops on record, yielding as much as 100 tons ~per acre. Our stock 0} 'garden and ï¬eld seeds will be fedud very complete. comprising all the leading varieties: White, Short Vosgcs. Carrot, Bei- giail Whit: Carrot. Red Clover and Ruhr {traumas-toasted: of ChoiceFamuy a,“ arias, Teas, ‘ Sugars. Coï¬ees, 0W Goods, Eta. all of which have been Will at very close prices, consequently our customers 3m got the beneï¬t to their purchases. We received mt tweak ONE CABLOAD OF IINE DAIRY AND LAND SALT. also one earload o MIND PLASTER. Farmers will ï¬nd these “met reliable in quality and reasonable in price. This is the season: for selection] REEDR- Sowing of many pariah“... will commence in a few days, so to speak, and it is well to have what am will require in readiness. We have the very best of the diferent portable. of Fteld and Gordon Seeds now on hand, and as we have been in the bust. mas for years farmers and others may depend upon their purity Mid germinating qualities. We have several new kinds we would be pleased to have an opportunity of showing. I SPRATT KILLEN, FA MILY GROCER Lindsay. March 21. 1mâ€"50‘ M ' .s O’Brien. 18 11869118360118. PIANO FOR SALEâ€"An R. S. Wil- liams square piano in good condition ilsr sale cheap. Apply 37 Pool-st. Hudsonâ€"“4f. HY WILL YOU DIEâ€"\Vhen HOT SPRINGS LIXEMKNT is o ours cure for Sore Thrust and Diphtheria. The boot TO THE LADIES: I return my most sincere thanks to the Ladies of Lindsay and country for their kmd "m“ 1'" "‘°°" response to my invitation to attend my Mu- ' Rum" ' u Opening. and am grateful for the new orders leftwith me on those days. Those who were unable to call will, I trust, do so before ring Hat or Bonnet. Ill 3, is sure to please. A nice Goods, Ribbons, Laces, household romcd PHILIP IORG Hie-566. ISS MINNIE FORBER, Farrier, is aowrsod forthosummerssoscutotoks in PLAIN as: INC or DRESS MAKING at home. as Kant-st. cost. two blocks post Ssdlsr. Dundos st Flovclle's grist mill. or will moot making thct’ r purchase of a 8 Stock is small but select, (1 Assortment of Trimming ‘ Fcrthers, Jet Ornaments, etc! MISS O’BRIEN. Anwboorllmofneusonnou bit-M . WM“. um. 38. lm- l-lil. FARMERS, If TEXAS and u! Walrus BALSAM mac...“ PRICE 25 CENTS Add“ 0 I. mswou'rn. W. Ont isrel d uickl: on on hool’ oil lurks. Gaul. W. 7th. 1898.â€"62.~ Sore Should-i. John Malina. kamoudlrcn Founder. is propored to do - W of Implements and Hashim. ctc.. letters. sec. N. B.â€"Two Portable Wotorous Engines. 12 h. p.. tor solo cheap. Apply to JOHN MAKINS. $1,500,000 $1,400,000 lam D-LY AG“ CY SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. int-rest allowed at high-t current rates. Ne lotto. of withdrawal required. ROBERT 8068, Agent Capital Paid up, - surplus, - - Hudsoy. April 18. 1893.48. S. Cornefl. Isl-d". Doc. 31. lmâ€"fl-tfl. J. H. Soothoran. MONEY T0 IE‘OAN " “ï¬mï¬mmswmmm °' 4 PROMPT SETTLEMENT. NOTES DISCOUNTED On Saturday, the 16th inst, my barn in Emily was burnt by or any term not mains twelve months. blazing shingle from a. burning barn on an adjacent farm. On the 215i â€Mum at. am... my claim for loss on contents was adjusted to my satisfaction, and to cossruaurlortossss and m- day, the 25th, Mr. S. Cornell has a. cheque for the amount of my claim in. full. It is hardly ncccssary’to say that I am highly pleased with tilt MORTGAGES GHANGHD. fairness of the settlement and the promptncss of the insm'ancc company Special uivi‘l.†of my“: ll“ «=qu in paying my claim. Farmers will promote their own interests by es- tsscstrsducedtc vorylowsst rota. costisstnolicompm'odtothomvipgsnhctsd. REAL ESTATE bought and sold out Cami-ion. J. H. SooTHERAN, wmmtmmm Olmtmmdsoy. OctoberlSth. lav-tad". McLennan at Go. S. CORNEIL. , trusting their insurance business to Mr. Corneil. JAMES MITCHELL “""°°£........ 3.... pommlou BANK. JOHN MAKINS. ODI- 8th April. 101â€"103. G. T. Drmkallâ€" Coboconk. Cobaconk City Carriage Works. Sign of the Ali/I Saw, South 8ide Kent street. lllLElllllll ï¬ll. Builders’ Hardware. sou. Plain and rut-ed Paper, -Hiw°l.1.ocks. Knobs, m runasrnnn sod unnnnrsm Cheapestpiocsiatown fcs‘Potnm. airman-.0" nominates Wondehorgssmodorsfl '1‘ . “’Zl? * - , . g . ‘3 ., Til-skins my am “mm m p..: {ovu- (“MI/Ar G. D. DBINKA LL; Oat-mar. sun-n ms. tinsâ€"51.x psorntrm‘ Janos Earth. CLOVEIR. SE ED ransom, on... Glow M W for 3““ the 3103581 Mechanics’ Tools. ‘ PM am “on: sum one A“! you I'll ammo lllTlllL LIVE STOCK Insurance W. SPADIB sud SHOVILS, m surruu â€dawned-nit“ m â€undamam I! McLennan 00., m, cool .d has“... Hair Vigor Ayer’s Ha DO naming _ , My 'th the persisting With flich the most astonishing aCCuunts 1 cures ï¬'ec Wfllillenl' Pink Pills for Pale I’enplc ill a†United States. LINDSAY FOUNDRY. William-mt. North zmsvnAmcE v r's Remedies ' a†hur' soft and glossy. “I have used Aycr's Hairflfigor for lfll‘!’ rs. and my hszr is must M 5:3: an CXCCllt'Dl Sirzie of prv-Sr - ' 1 am forty years Old. and hm: w the lains i'oriwcntv (we yearn. Wm- Hegry On, .21ch " Mustang 11:... .w- “nestle, “1V0. . . . .. .. menu“ ‘41: --'< ouA number of ‘ f n falling out: _ Vigor has rcmccivrd i ‘ hair is. now il< original cc. ' nsasJZâ€"B. Onkrups, (,lt‘t‘cl; ., ' tines. Wabv Dr.J.C. A}'(’YCO..II(>WI '.. ï¬eld by Druggista and l‘crfuiiii-n. whim Cure of o W’Timill umâ€"Ihoumoctsm of Ten Years i Permanently 611'“- A 3W†1 rest to all Other Suï¬ercro. l nu o! In“ 6 News. lionnrcai. ‘ hp “'1 bed through the agency of Dr. it all the newspapers of Canada flip. a reporter lul‘ llic Sundly Morning News. to satisfy lllll‘lsenf genera-11y oi the genuinencss ui rip-a.- cures. determined to investigate a use {i r M which had recently been bruuuln‘ ’ . ' where the cure was Cliallln'sl ' ' notice . ‘ :gmtlml): to the ellicacy of this man.- a'ne. Aware that Dr. Williams l‘u... Pint had been tried in the case ii is residing at 7â€â€ Slli'rbrmmu in the city of Montreal. “'lln had been inflicted periudlcally Willi Wm, the reporter set up: «.n‘n ' ‘ V lm'. Lie 'ourney of 1m uu'y to ascertain \\ . ‘ J i . Arriving: at the Home} :esul been of Mt! hanville, the gentleman ruicl‘l‘c‘i; to, he found him apparently Cll‘i'E’Hl; cot health. . . .. “You don’t look as though 5.. t ‘ been suï¬'ering a great deal lately. .lr. Gmï¬lle, said the reporter. accepting thfl invitation of his host in be scaled. “Well. no. 3cm would soared}: suppose from my present appearance anu acuuty that I hid just recovered from :i most acute amok of chi-mic rheumatism. which kept me in bed for over twi) “ï¬nal. You see," continued Mr. brimming. am an habitual suflcrer from X'llCUXllisllslll. 0! at least I have been for tonymrs pang ill! Although I have tried 'Bllllor'. (will! remedy it has only been since recur. 3 “I have found anything to do me gin-d ' about ten years sinci-‘l ..rs Bl Gibi‘isse became afflicted with this polnf couplets loss to u .: It VII in Chicago that I had my hrs niacin, and I remember the circumstance V617 well \Vhile walking uil'illt- sired - ' ' ' d to "To ft knee which continue r m “1,118 ’ id walk no longer. an em til I can . :Il collrl‘pelled to cull a cab and be (ll-us home. Once there I took to my bed 3;} did not leave it (or 1;: twin unable to move my leg ' the most excruciating nothing. I could get 3“ “Did you not have a doctcrf" saliva ll 1’. ‘ ' ~ ' ’ . "l . (in Ii “0h 78!: but he dint Stu1 4:1,,“ uch 00d. He wmppu. {no A . m g lt'CUCliIlll d ye mo some i _ mail? on g 3 llut it was “1 dnease and laid OU’ Weeks, nor have 1 been able1 until in; I I " h'cli Wouli «Von ‘ to obtain anythin, w 1 NW N You Would not be t the van ious patient rcu token both cxwruil l1 that time in hill 1 must have Um me o little. I were to recoup dies which I have. and internally dutiipgfzs btain re re . ~ inundredvormzo-called cures. and iit'Vrr up! ‘ 1 ulls until 1 c benehcxa res I need It ~ ’ :croll ‘Dry. “'illiauis' Pink 1 1 Is. ti 1'] frankly confess that at the 01min:d a ith in the pills. In): fulï¬l; {mediation all to no purpf but I was willing to give them a .i anyway. so 1 sent out to the drug at on the corner and not asupply. ldiuli ed the directions carefully an ‘ a experienced relief. sud bciorc 1 him ] taking the Pink Pills long} was ob get out of the bed. and sltlmug ' ' till the psm had al VII still a little s d. 1 am mm completely disoppeare . - ~ m“ 1; mi islxmil the pint. and s d fflhumore. l tune In . ’1“ some ' 'thout them ill the in intend to be WI . be our relief Ell “Then you «sci!f D3172 \‘i‘iil'uuus “It drugg'ilt ou Bleury street will 'g 2321:: next visited Mr. H m the druggist reign; a; J w bush is at 5.. on d d “- him- with referral