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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 19 May 1893, p. 8

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For Saleâ€"Paterson 5: Co. .A Ma 3's Wifeâ€"Jae. Boxall. New Cash Storeâ€" Kerr 8:. Co. W'hen it Rainsâ€"Warner 8: Co. Queen’s Birthdayâ€"C. P. R. Co. Fishing Rod Lostâ€"C. ll. Grantham. Wool. Wool. Wool-Horn Brothers. Hats. Caps. E:c.-Fairweathcr 8: (to. Ops Court of Revision-W. F. O'chls. SpecialLlnesâ€"Dundas 8r. il'laveile Bros. Men to take Ordersâ€" Allen Nursery Co. Dry Goods, Clothing. etaâ€"M. J. Carter. Important Auction Saleâ€"Jae. H. Lennon. Summer Millinerv Openingâ€"Miss Mitchell. , -..- claimants gloat. ‘Ehc LINDSAY, FRIDAY, MAY 19. 18% :IZSTV-fiâ€"H-ftt:hifl TOWN JbTTINGS. ‘ Sendaiâ€"scout: Clover. Timothy. Millet, Carrot. Mangolds. Rape. Tares. fresh at Brats BOTliAM'S-55-i. M! Seeds! Seeds! Millet. Marigold. Carrot..Rape. Tares. Clover. Timothy. all fresh at HJGKN Bowman'sâ€"55A. for the Baby use Pond Lily Seep. Mild. pure. healing. 10c cake. three cakes for 25¢. at PERRm's. ___________â€" General sporting loses ~Diablo. an outsider, won the 330.000 Brooklyn handicap at Graveeend’. L. L. Monday. in the presence of 30.0)0 mople. Lamplighter, the favorite. was second. â€"It is said that the famous trotting dog "Doc." 9! Brighton. will be one of the attractions at but utmhua '5... at. ob.» oarwa-rvomn. . . 3.... -..... 3 C........... .-.----â€"-s Mine for his owner 315,000. -Mr. J. J. Daly was in Chicago last week the Horsemen’s attendin a mreting of Assent-lg». his Liends will .be pleased to learn that he was successful in having removed from his pacer Minnie Bell the bar placed upon hunt the Ottawa. races last season. â€"-Mr. J. J. Daly left Tuesday for Brantford with the peerless Blackstone and speecy pacer Both horses will be entered in the races to be he! there on May 23rd, filth and 3th. oils: which. all goes wed. he wi..1_follow upthe other circuit meetings and probauu take nibble Bell. a shy at the big purses'o be hung up aI Port Huron later on in lhe season. A host of friend- wiil 'Izh him good luck aid stacks of shckels. Biahop bowling Gate Home. The Right Rev. Bishop Bowling, of Hamilton. nn‘ived home last Friday night on lhog o'clock train and was met at the station by all the clergy of St. Mary's perish. who had received notice of his arrival only two hours before, the bishop particularly desiring toavctd anything lathe nature of a public reception. Thebrsho was beet mauled by Fa‘her Mclcvay. and be are in sp;c..dldhealth. The holy father was so well pleased with the decennial report of the iloee-e than. hehighly complimented he bishop thereon. and a~ a mutt or his esterm for the dusty was pleased to bestow the following m: The administratorflrv Father How“. 7. 9.. has been appointed aMcaeignor. There me three grades of the Monsignor-ship and lather Keenan has been raised tothe highest wk. which entites hm to the pdvi-egenot any of wealth the purple. but also on special ”elm a the m tre and ripg. peel-urn! mesond m incipient “relate. Thu s w declared Int his was a prime-re ranted novel-y few and only to very uiotlnauis cries s. Father Boston enjoys thedisxincucn or being an.“ atom print who has obtain-d the bone: 11 Archdeacon B rdeau. of Cayuga the lather persisted the titles of Dower of mun, . and mm Anemone. and at the acacia! anageition cf the Cardinal Prefect of ‘m tether Molar. «do: of the dental. has been W use his holiness. I‘d: use log. t 338°" ‘0 all t o Q d all them snorprivtleuee pvetatning to” oaeofw ‘therl oft-sad aocathe . ' asonedf‘thepefihmho'dasofteo no La Vida the holy clt:,.ndof nelnenoeot ..asdstoltsdthe snowman-setups: Ngwjdvertisemezzts This Week. I â€" I am prepared to convey peeple to and from ‘â€"O' P' 3' all trains and boats and to and from private Hurt” “A but '5 On Deck Again. residences at all hours. Cab has been thor- oughly renovatedS alndtevery attentiro: glaring; idt stress. 0 c or: your avp . m up S.-Orders left at E. r‘. WORKMAN.... ..P. be promptly Gregory's Drug Store le attended to.â€"58-‘.’. new to get a "Sunlight" Picture. Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrapper bearing the words “Why Does a Woman Look 01d Sooner Than a Man") to Lever Bros. Ltd. ii Scott-st" Toronto.and you will receive by post a pretty picture. free from advertising. and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your heme. The scan is the best in the market and it will only cost is. postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write yaur address careiullv. salvation Army Rates. â€"On Thursday. May 25th. another of the series of musical meetings will he held in the barracks. â€"Brigt dler Tom Scott of Kingston. who was in charge of the local forces here about six 5 cars 2130 when the police and the soldiers were at va lanes. and endured a brief imprisonment for his coniumacy, will address a public meet- ing in the barracks on Peel-st. on Tuesday evening. May 23rd. Capt. McMillan. his secretary. will accompany him. Asiiver collec- tion will be taken at the door....'i‘he brigadier is in charge of the forecast the eastern district. and a very interesting discourse may be expected. Definer-re vs. Ewing. Judgment has just been given in this case, which was tried before J ustlcs Falccnbridge at the last fall asslzes. The action was brought by Wilmott W. DeGuerre and his three children against the executors of the late Eldridge R“ hub of Woodville. to compel a conveyance to them of a farm at \Vcodville. part of the estate of the deceased. Some time before the‘ death of Mr. irhh. an agreement had been made between Mr. Irish and eGuerre and his wife, who was lrlsh's youngest daughter. by which DeGuerre and his wife were to come and reside with Mr. Irish during the remainder of his life and supply him with such farm products and care and attendance as he required. and in return the property in question was to be left them by will. Sometime afterwardsâ€"there being some little diflerence between themâ€"Mr Irish changed his will, making adifi‘erent disposition of the property. Not lon after this he met with an accident and di and some months afterwards Mrs. DeGuerre andher mother also died. This action is now brought to compel the ex. caters to carry out the agreement made by the deceased and to convey the property in the way in which Mr. Irish had agreed to. leave it by will. Judgment has now been given for the p slutfl’s directing a conveyance in accordance with the terms of the agreement. R. J. Mc- Laughlin and M. H. McLaughlin. counsel for the plaintiii's; Ayeiswcrth. Q. C.. and if. D. Moore. counsel for dEfsndants. , . Newspapers Ind. mam. ' ' â€"A new magazine is being started in Toronto in the interest of aquauceport‘tc be called the Canadian Yachtsman and Cancelst. The first number wtl be issued abett June lot. It will be issued fortnightly and will contain from time to time A. C. A. news. â€"The Canadian Magazine improves with every issue. Among the bestorticlesinthe May number are "Education vs. Cram," by A, R. Morrison: “Tatusmeitour on steel " b' W. 11. Merritt; “The Canadian girl." by W. E: Charleswcrth: "Is cholera nominal” by Dr. Bryce: “Tales of wayside inns.” by Henry Lye; ' Port N elaon and Hudson's Bay." oy D. B Read, QC ‘ The other articles are of good qua ity. the poetry utssrves morcthan‘aeing-e-read- ing. The Canadian Magazine deserves a na~ ~..innal support: _ - . . -â€"“Aiicat for Eternity. or aPilgrim's PEcErass for the 'l‘lmes,’ written by Jams B. Kennedy. BA..- and published by the Methodist Bock Roomof'i'oronto,has n placedon cnrhbler users. Granules , Burst. when we-all know so well. have writtsn'the introd ty w ittetif' has Wand 1 tends to influence to a basta- l‘he book contain. a no and ' handsomely hon-fined war-33a tsunami \ atquisitim to any lihran'. GOUGH BROS. have taken to grow up into more. who have (1. Boys have great heads. haw put on a Sp BOYs’ SUITS. ---All $2.00, YOUTHS’ SUITS.---A11 $3.25. $ _ All $425, $4.50 and $5.00 Suits go for This reduction also applies I contributions amduntedto $13,000. this year they order Here is your Boy's opportunity. No chances, All $2.50, All costs only a trifle. . ...u w I Don't Be Drenchcd. When you can buy a neat umbereila for 753. at ' M. W. Kmxapr 8t Co’s â€"58.2. { Lindsay canoe Club. The annual meeting of the Lindsay Canoe club was held on Monday evening, 82h lost. at the club canoe house. and was very well attend- ed. The ofiicers elected for the ensuing year are: Cap‘alu. Thor. Stewart; mate. 0. ii. Gosssge: cursor. W. H. Chisholm; measurer. W. a. White. Executive committee-cilia s or club and J. D. ii‘iavelle and A. i". i). MacGaohen. Regatta committeeâ€"Messrs. J. G. Edwards. A. 8. Monty. sand 0. E. Pep'cr. Tl e following resolution was also unanimously passed: "That the caretaker be instructed not to allow any resident of the town. not a member-fie use the club house or any member a once during the reason." Several new mem- bers were then elected and the meeting acj curred. Stool: Notes. â€"Tucs5ay last Mr. F. J. Dily, proprietor of the Benson house. sold to his brother Joe. owner of Blackstone and Minnie Bell. his promising cne-and-a-hslf year old filly; dam. Maud Hunter: sire. Onwar l King. son of OsWard; he by George Wilkes. Prior). private. Joe always has an eye open for anything good in the ice of horstiieeh. The filly will be turned out on pasture, and will, if all goes well. receive a little training in the fall. â€"'l'hs London Free Pl ess has a timely article on horse breeding. and endorses Mr. Hendrie's opinion “that all associations and exhibitions should strike out the general purpose stallion irom all prizes. for he is a nurse to Ontario." I! you have a general purpose or thoroughbred mare, go to a thoroughbred and. the produce will be either useful or saleable. We have too many so-oalled trotting stallions. with common heads. ewe necks. light bone and drooping quarters. and these have done immense mis- chief. The farmer cannot ail'ord to breed with a view to getting trotters. as he has not the mare, the capital. or the ability to develop them. and failing in the one point they are useless in every other. Ontario has a name for gentleness. hardiness and soundness. and this makes it the more important to breed up and not down. If we only breed the right stamp the market is good on both sides of the Atlantic for draught. saddle or harnrss horses. At . Grann's late New York auction sale of Cans- cian horses. several half hackneys and half bloodsbrcught from $1,000 to 81.700 such. St. Andrew's w. l”. M. a. At the regular monthly meeting, held Thurs- day of last week. Miss Banks read the report of the general meeting held in London. The report was full and interesting and showed the society to be in a flourishing condition. Mrs. Ewart. who has been president since the society was Seven years ago the organized. presided. annual meeting was held in London; then the exceeds 8.11.000. with a proportionate increase in auxiliaries. mission bands and members. Re ports were read from the different resbyteries and With but few exceptions all s owed pro‘ gross. Mrs. Shortreed in her report mentioned the fact that one sociei y had disconnected lmelf from the parent society. thinking that so long :as they do the Lord's work it matters no where. This is a mistake-we Presbyterian women have put these missionaries in the field and they are looking to us for support. and we should see that they get it befol e assuming new inter are The report of she foreign secretary, Mralinrvey. showed 17 missionaries in lndia. 1211: China 3 in New Hebrides. 9 in Trinidad and a number of schools and missionaries in the N. W territor‘es. and one in British Colum- bia A new school is being built at Birtle. Man. at a-_ccst of 96000. The issue of the 1‘. Leaflet is 11,205. During the car 45 new auxiliaries have been formed an 25 mission bands. total'membership 18.515 Mr. and Mrs W’ilsen‘of‘heesmn ' were bothprasent andaddreaed'thcmeexin . Mrs Wilsonspoke of their workin Indtaau itsmanhdisco n : , meats. One of these la"caate“" ‘W' » .. spokect bringing one poor little girl into h .. school and immediately all theother is. .4 and did. not return-the shadow o the‘low cassegirlmightfallonthtmtan man . . as "m‘-m m lawn” .‘flvk wherein-God. biggest" bh-pi‘ ;1f Tami R 8 great appetites, eclal Sale of Boys’ and to please the boys will, along wt? â€"â€" to all higher grades. we Put Good Money Into the Packet of Every Boy who Buys. A Grand Benefit Gift Sale for Boys, ana’ for Boys (In/y. the Boys under their special care, happy recollesttou of the. .4 [11627452307446 Rmszkzzz [muffler Purse filled @2222 Good C ama- cz’zkm $2.75. $2.90, $3.00. $3.25 Suits 3.50. $3.65, $37 5, $4: Suits go for $3.25, purse and money thrown in. Bring on Boys, ask your pure» 8 COME ALONG, BOYS, AND SEE THESE SUITS- The Wonderful Cheap Men, Lindsay and Peterboro. __â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"RITCHIE’S OLD STAND---NEAR THE BENSON HOUSE. I l'iret-Gla- team at seamen. Beautiful Gold and Porcelain Crowns inserted Teeth painlessly extractedâ€"Olaf. Do You Want a Cart? Read Carts of every maks and design on hand at Krun‘s Carriage Works. Call and see them.â€"56.-3 Patrona' Mooring. Remember the county meeting of the Patrons of Industry tomorrow. May 20th. at Fenelon Fal s. Meeting at 1030a. m. sha . Delegates from all subasscciatious are 033er to be present. R. CAMPBELL. Cc.-aec. Uncle Tom‘s Cabin. Stetson's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co.. saidtobo one of lhl best travelling, appeared in the Academy of Music Tuesday evening to a good house. Truly. it would appear as if the drama- tization of Harriet Beecher Stowc's great wo;k continues to gain in popular esteem. as the companies on the road playing it are more numerous than ever. Some of them put up rank presentations. and this w? true of the company that preceded Blataon's. ut the crowd turned out Just the same, and luckily were rewarded by witnessing a good performance. The drffci'cntvparte were all well taken. and Topsy in partieuar wen the approval of the audience. The events leading up to the death of Eva worked upon the sympathetic feelings of the ladies to an immune degree. andtsars and laughter succeeded each other l.keA rii showers. Should the o- mpany ngaln visit Lad- say a bumper hou- ~ will grant them. _ LIIFORD. [Correspondence of The Post) SAD Accwns'r:â€"Ou Friday evening. as Mr. Henry Hart of Franklin was leading a horse to water, it suddenly kicked him in the stomach. Medical aid was called but without avail, and after great suffering he passed away on Sunday morning. He leaves a widow and nine’children to mourn his death. Pansmranomâ€"Mrs. Thomas Stinson presented a due baby son to her husband one morning lately. ' . Quotaâ€"When will the parties go north again? Also. would‘it bshcalthy for them to do sol . â€".â€"â€" ' BERGENâ€"MANITOBA. ' Correspondence of Tm: Poem Tan sarong-The due wca.her has put in an appearance rt last; at one time it seemed as though winter was going to last all summer. 0 using to the late spring farmers are more than rushing with their seeding. The wind and heat cf the last few days is converting the muddy roads into solid earth once more. , cesiumâ€"Phonic drsshars a‘moet a daily urrsnce ere now; oweser no ~ is sutTcipe'nd. " , danger SMALL POL-The small pcx score is somewhat subaidlng in this vicinity: the people are in quarantine fit; the gloom of . their white tents is still to he seen on the prairie. Mach sympathy is tell for the â€"â€".â€"â€"- . DUNSIORD. Ora-resonance ct Tan Poor. Guruâ€"0:; Wednesday. 10.2: inch. the remains of Henry Thurston. sr.. were interred in the Methodist mean. The f 1 services were ocuducud hr. the Rev. - Saunders. and the church was titled with sympathinieg friend-and rehtiveq who came to theluttrihuteofre-ooettoannprge an honor-abs man an? faithful Christian. . Thurston was one o the early settles! pf Vsrulnm andcutthsurst tram tho-farts new gig! 1:21.11:an by hisson Ham'withwhcm . from as buried or. “If tits xi” a“. of 7 years 1 E A .o I ‘ l7 . ' '0‘,“ . r iii IJ'IEEE.“ , a?” . ' {an ace: 3%.? " allm house. ber wiilt north ill-Wu M' " no ......‘ll?’..:%."l. m"... ., a” . a"... ~ thatChisfwoul‘dtake -‘ . m‘ . â€" -.. "a .. ot- oamwvsp“ ...... . a- -..- '~}gnéothg§u5§5‘xagfl$ Inlaficn- Brown: M . w..- u ‘ mam byllrs MoLaren ‘11.. ’: 'z- . as “ .. ;'.".”'.,r. .w-e ,‘. meethtgdismissedmmectntxtyearinouawa, 1-. . .i;"‘2~, - 17"“ ' ~v great wearing-out-thet‘zr-clothes capacif/gozud . . Youths’ (who after all on only 3 grown. bi er) Clothm , and on th the spanking Value given in every Suit so no guesses, no fakes, but a solid gift for every boy who buys. â€"â€"whal we aficr in Boy's Clothing. $2.10. $2.25 and $2.50 Suits, sold at $2.00, purse and money thrown in. $2.60, $2.75, $2.85 and $3 Suits go for $2.50, purse and money thrown in our boys. ’ XXIII. W'HOLE ILUMEX hand that WARNER 00. i... , , 1/] Coats, Mackintosh bargain and being 0inwa 1m BLACK RUBBER 004 Lindsay for the sale of The Ca Co’s. Goods, and Cu: =.\' Oiled Goats, Jackets, i a” thing for heav , hard out-(loo: work. .. have an outfit. If you have not sm-n t JUEIBRELLAS, all mains». and Ladies’ Waterproof Capes a and pricesâ€"qualities guumnu-l-il, the Lowes .. in 00005 BROS. want the boys their Suits at GOUGHS. GOUGH BROS. for the boys are the men of the future. good time they had, when boys, MW , Great Memomes. ld, hand to the boy WHEN THE SU I M0746} Read below and see ,- . e \c to." cosmos: [shim cfifli‘lfigfigl an equally prepared with an iummm s the newest and nicest shallow J [’5 es of Girls’ Sailor Hats at ha .. Hats at 15 cents each; cheap n1 til», i cents each; cheap at 40c. Threw un- mu go for $2.7 5 purse and money thrown in. LOVES and . z: - departments we always distance Moves and Bose have also}. i... -'on to offer still better ValuesAll;;ilro\'i'i' . .' Black Cotton H088 1‘31"} Illnll‘i‘l ’8 Ease. Double Heels into low. ~‘l'1 ' other houses ask for sin-5w gt. ' 4.213111 111-50 $4.00, purse and money thrown in. Give them a. new Summer Suit, as socially when the Suit to buy your next Suit, and to buy it at 00 HE’S. . of Cashmere Rose in .... cent. 1688 than elsewhere. \Vc In} .. , and save one profit for our L'll.\l'lllil‘l.\. I . 8 and Mitts in Silk, Lisle. piste or attractive. Everything 1w“ Tim .. not]: stock, and our prices are Guards e trade for similar goods. In; in. 11.111 first seeing the Special I ’r‘aces Gloves and 111 3%: [a_ 51 Ba 1311. â€"‘__ ‘ A MAN’S WIFE 1' g f has some ri his under the unwritten laws of our land that 1 her husban cannot ignore, she has the right of insisting g I ll 78 and 78 KENT-8'12: may. Icy 17. 1893 â€"4- w W 'We have sold out our" bust: ,1. arrangements mm Otto ... ...e Canada I." {112'} tits. mums, stilling! who... OOL Wl .i l l u on a Good Stove; she has the right, if she wills. of havin a i Tin and Plumbing Work done promptly, and, well; she ‘ has the right to get such Work done at ‘ JAS. BOXALL. l‘ ' 109 entflt SO that we can sell {littli‘fit \\Vl‘.o â€"â€" cured Mr. Smyth's 5:032:16 opposite the max-act. and ;.. ‘ Lindsay.Mey15.1893._55. High/mt Price in Cash for al â€"Tnssday last. while practising cricket. J. 0'. Edwards. at Woodstock. Mr. Geo. Clarke. managerof the African choir. was struck on the left ankle by the cricket ball. which pained him so severely that he was unable to stand. Es went to the hotel. requesting to -be called at 7.!) next morning. At exactly that hour the porter of the hotel. not being able tear-cuss Mr. Clarke. opened the door and found that he haddied during the night. GIMME ”DAYS. The finest. ccmpletest and latest line of Elec- trical appliancesinthe world. They have never failedtocure. Wearesopositivcof itthatwe willbackourbcllefandsendyouanyElcctrical Appliance now inthemarketandyoucan tryit forTnnnMorrnza. largestlistofteatimonials onearth. Sendforbook aadjournal Free. w.‘l'.naer(:e. “deer.“t. ' ~ ‘ mm Hummâ€"ln Linden. on May 12th. chrJamesHutmofaemt. theon “marina. Bonmscx-Camâ€"Oo the 10th inst. by the Rev. John Power.“ the ruidencs of too ‘i’méi. Mr wfiir' a 'dam t' -North Oriilia. tout-ems Com. m J. J. Werner-up. NOMGAN I ‘ . l Combined Hand Drill, Wheel H08; Bake, Cultivator, Plow: I 75" III-chine hoes. plows, cultivates, ops! and “'3" MOI. easier and six “menisci! than thehandhce in garden and mark‘ “'5‘" "iv "hm onions root crops 0‘ MIWMM J. J. WETHERUP, Lindsay, COMBINED Adamantioe Floor “j J . -Pcsav.â€"o--'rss-aa . . Asgpohaoe'. N" Y“ 5’ ufimfi‘?‘ H H . ”to, Cung‘n P0106 “DC 3.111110. hands 0. y acnetteeiate 0’88 08 and calf/U \ shades. l’lotu “Marksmanrxm. “0.. or thi; city. to NOW Advmmnu, . ,_ ._ - Framinit. ow. °‘ N" ¥°“‘- ' . 031- :l‘i'tnum‘ “"153” Mam-'ifirgifnlni'sufi yarns rants 5200 re 5 ccntl a i mm" maulâ€"On Th of last week, in usually m an my... .11 "recent" 3 51 Ingram-in Madame: 8M3. lay 1:, "BB verbetwoea WNW”. handles 1%,.“ in not the whole W my. Nam: 29.189 .â€" . 7 12”. John Manson. in would”. it: 1 [HO ”Dwain. 3;...” use. of M. durability. chum” . . _ : u . “.mmmhu'wn paid! I .iunseovary. pm My. For sale!!! 17f = ' ' Russe street » r . _ - - .. PS i HUTOREDIT.~OD‘,‘ w anu waivooanmom O nagging” 39% 13513;?” m J. G. EDWARDS Eu, 2:- ~ 7 ”PEEL/fl“ W. {t J mus. n. ”W - M ‘ M... i . .â€"A 00d w‘l‘f‘m‘ ‘ fire ""12.” . ., . brawl-W ...... .. . mm .. ,5 I'- mum”... gimme... «we on use. 13‘ M "‘ 00-h“! Chg-per. Lindon ”54W 110 8H£LF HARDW‘ f so . a GILLOGLY.BSumex~st. Lin 1 W , m ‘0 '-or-â€", " . Inasm- uvn. u'”‘“‘ d h ; . m ad ' . . . , as. ...... m.u‘mg. . may, lay the M11898, Weanuuihmâ€"a. 38,11»: of (:akwoo one“ "'5. m.“ I you! â€"£â€"’, ' 5‘ "”"djnvi . ~ lemuumtzsemgg, .. 'OR sitsâ€"MT “ ""M2ncexw v ‘ REELâ€"An. w .jmum “ “'5. m "o . ‘ . - o ‘ . I“ ._ I I M M" We“ essay. .“AJJV. fir" ...¢ - nwmmfas. v '0 ‘. ‘34 'l” ”1 -"" '..w..:.- 2317."? ‘ .’ €213-14: ... he. of Oak 3' it“ ."~'f-e~‘ ,” y .l I. wfim . . 1~ 3n.

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