dâ€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"“\ d senbo mucus Resumes. “SHINE AND BURNING ,Boree All Over Ber Body. Summit Endless. Doctor Useless. Cured in 4 Weeks by Cudcuree ' I â€elimination Tussle crezy t I a tn't it, l on seen on did“: go hiseeighborsdidnot Judge thechsrsctsr 6 Wehurriedusddremsdeed meson dthenetive , ‘Seal Brain ,, COEBB d teirs. A teful tofcooking edhls influence. was nonsson â€donut: We. Imam , tux"; helf we?“ We '33:: into the why heshculd not givehisIndieueliqdor thinking.†my. a... .- .n‘m. l g . “beet room".nd set down on thehorss- if he so desired. Be acted ?titis~ . e or s an .18“. Theculyteetthetlstrueisthereoordct heir chairs to wait. We dered not open decision on the efternocnof Nov. the front door to go out, nor enter the end then went to his home for supper. the student's work m u m. The kitchen where she wee, end so we weited The Indiens gloriously drunk end , l I. ll elternetely slipping of end pushing our: then oommen to thirst for blood. In W to 33's.,†â€w“: selves back on the horseheircheirs. Had the crowd were two of the Suchcmish . m is nerve-600W! M it been light enough we might heve locked gee, exceeding 15mg, pasting: m gm". m ",1"; m3: through the family photograph Ilium. 8""1180 for 0 °‘ ° °“ . school a. Connecticut which tor yesrs which occu ied e central position on the men end chiefs on the Snohomish river mahogany ptable. We telked in under- the summer previous. Their resolve wee bed “"0†the 01‘ m 0‘ semi- tone end then only on topics that might made. Ossto’e life would stone for that need examinations preceding motion. s, not offend if overheard. of the chief his wife end friend, John Fortunetely the principsl, who hsd been At last we were invited to enter the Bolsteed, for the other two. They meet strenuous in demsedieg thst this kitchen. Lige had elreedy esten, so es secretly took their guns end went to heetheeieh m should he followed. to get his chores done in time to go with Casto’e house. The curtain of the room was 10110.“ by â€mm '1“, ... us. His time would beours forten hours wherein ell three were seated at the msdeetescherhchdsedhyu-sieine. He after we heard the bone mill whistle up supper table was up, end the breeet. of ensconced three months M8 the tile valley, end that blew et 6 o'clock. Oesto wee inplein view of the essesstns. eseel time for exemiesticn ihet there We hastily bolted our eggs end salt pork, There was no hesitation on thepert of the would he no exeminsticns etthe close of drank the rye ccfl'ee, very week at that, Indians. The ï¬rst shot crashed through an m. thst the 911' from th si and were soon ready to go down to the the window end pierced Oseto in evitel ' ul 9“ oted the ' sever barn to look after our horse. We were spot. Heerosetohisfeet, stsggered end gredeswo “â€9â€â€œ on Judgment told not to “header†Live or he wouldn’t fell upon a lounge. His wife sprengto °‘ the ““5"; the! those "5° were not ' eble to keep up with the clese when get ready to go st 6. We concluded not his essistenee but the rifle spoke egsln . to go to the burn, for fear of “henderins.†end she fell tb the floor. The third shot Mggï¬glrgmm- 334$ our re -t valuable CL’TK’L’M Rmnrrs have dots to l’ittk‘gfl so much good that I feel like us ing is for beneï¬t of those who are troubled . Bhe wee troubled with itching ' th “in munâ€. burning sores. When f took her to the doctor the ï¬rst time, he called it the llslinn itch. and said he would euro her in two weeks. When the two weeks turn up. he called it eczcrnn. end in that time she “Lil worse than before. lie doctoral her for three mouth-,ulld she was so had that we did not know what to do. lie dld net do her any lived. I saw the other. il-rmcnt of (Turn-um Bunnies in the pn -r. and l Neill to my wifu. " l mu [011m to try them.’ Mind wilutl now. she wus so thick with sores that we hull to soak liar clothcn‘to the them off. lit-ill there was no end to it. bhc had it all chr her body, back lowsI erms. in be- tween her ï¬ngers. She did not bllve t on her head. But after telling your Cu'rlCL‘lu hummus: for two weeks the itch stopped, end in four weeks the sores were ell gone. I cnclcsc hcr portrait. I am more than picnscd wllh our Ci‘TiI‘i'LlA Erasmus. es thcy spcolllly cun' my daughter. and if anybody slits me sellout your remedies. I will u Iggggil‘cm wherever l (:0. CHARLES hi. , Conshohocken, hiontgomery County. 1 s. senile-slew tsetse-slew†CHASE 87. SANBORN have been “aided the mammoth 'contract for supplying all the Coflce served inside the World’s Fair Grounds, against the competition of the largest impolï¬n houses in the country g This tribute to the Excellence of the u Seal Brand †proves that it is the best Cofl‘ee grown. â€-Bewerc of substitutes. - by Mott kltowne. d by ell drucglsts 47-6. publishers’ Norice. __ , i’fï¬f To Horsemen. To HOBSEMEN. some but walked out over the dewy ferm end hit Holeteed but not fatelly end the . p... “a,“ h her “1 and m _ Why su‘flel’ one Moment when faraway discussed the situatioil. I Indians, dete'rmined to complete their Jug-estate. Jogging! myâ€; term. This nsuuenusrmnsgmm stem... '“pngeafo‘flhzgi 1“,:‘Tlm0rc. From torturing and disï¬guring akin dlmm. regret tobe obliged to say that we even bloody work, rentc the front door. They plan wee followed. 0! course. due mg...†" “Weller, eeucuncemeut was made to the children. runner. will proceed to a up, (a forthe night. ' considered the expediency of leaving at were met by Holstead. who fought like e huce, looking up a stream for ourselves demon, but at length fell,hisbodystabhed rm 3:, °mmï¬g°r “m and cheat the woman out of her prospeo- in more then twenty pieces. Not content as “oh my “a it wee the record of the live 82, but the thought of poor Lige’s with the slaughter ~elreedy done, the term’s work thst would promote them. nos disappointment was too much for our bloodthirsty wretches drove their knives the ohence results of e good memory and milder hearts and we concluded to go the into the body of Casto’s beautiful wife in 02.90108- Tgmomodgfl :03 o; - - - e teecher e on or n w..ole program a manner most inhuman. Having ï¬nished d I the entire term. At last. full.and clear we heard the their bloody work they left the house whistle up thevalley, and went back to never a moment thinking their lives word "$13,113,823 3.1;???“ :gmfl: the house. nge was ready end had a in danger. In this perticular they made exheusted. There wsa no omission of white birch pole in his hand to which was a. fatal error. lessons because ell exemmetices; the work went quietly on in esch depsrtment or class attached a. green grass line with sheet The shots ï¬red had attracted a Klick- a th 1 th h lead smkers. "You’ll need a. sinker,†he itat Indian named Aleckto the scene. He mg“? Tgffggxfï¬mmnfï¬': said, “where we’re going the water runs was atrue friend to the white man, end change eech neon“ told no: pnpflg to like Jehu;" but I did not put on one for held Caste, his employer, in high regard. come into her room as usual the next all that. It took him but a brief period to oompre- morning. end “I!" "l W“ “0000004 who would be compelled to remein another We were off at last. Oh the exhilara- hand the situation. He concealed himself, . 1 tion of the moment. Out from a gloom end when the brutes came out of the $3.“:ï¬mgzrmï¬g 0:333:31}: and business life worse than we had at house he crept up behind them. One shot am “New". my the flaw 51.; would be home we went into the doubly blessed was enough to end the earthly career of followed. There were tesrs sud protests, roving life beneath God's wide dome of one, but the other took to his heels. but "101W no 'Wlhu The cm!†0! blue that stretched so wide reaching over- Aleck followed him with a hatchet he lied ml mm! â€mm 3... lb" In the: head. Lige began to thaw; and dis- “â€1 in two â€â€˜5 time. T“ grede drawn from his belt and being fleeter of raised coursed learnedly on ï¬sh and ï¬shing. foot, caught up. Then, with one swift ngm229 :31“: 533%." 3: mail; Was this the man who sawed and churned blow the skull of the fleeing Indian was developed between teschers end teachers last night? He apologized in a mock cleft and he fell headlong to the ground; as well ll “"00 teschers end Dunne- shame-faced way for treating us so meanly again the bloody hatchet drank blood What was done in ‘ graded â€3°“ in . New Englend village can be done in s city and for being married. How he come to until the head that but a few minutes get married he didn’t know. She had before had human shape looked like a £33} 1:) 1:1: 11:3,, ‘iï¬Ã©ï¬‚mï¬fï¬fï¬: endently married him and now his cares chopped pumpkin. work, for under this system her work is and labors were taking him to the grave. Out of the killing by Aleck of the two tested by the next ebove h“ sud 00‘ by Would it be wrong for him to run off and Snohomish Indians grow a feud which msrks which “‘1" 1"" no "1“9- heeeuoe the conditions under which they were leave her? he asked, and where could he resulted in the death of Aleck’s son. The a :1 go 10.2 We could give. him no advice, no old man was the one wanted, but he was tescgerffhee 33:."fgf‘ï¬ï¬‚lfhï¬ughff‘l‘: consolation, but toldhtmto drophiscares too quick with the rifle and they never this cese three boys who had been and troubles for the once and haves good got him. He died a few years ago aged irregular in “de00. be well II un- punctusl end indiif‘erenr in the school- time. I am glad he took our advice and nearly ninety years. room end so were not promoted, were mutant. will proceed to 3...... Uncut Pies-mt, noon; theses in u .2 '5 Ounce, for the night. “a TEWDAY. will proceed to Wm, "urn Reebcro, noon; thence to \‘lctcll'. L. " . say. ’where he will remain untl; “’1 evening " ‘ rfln)‘ sY evening, will proceed to )1; Ups, for the nlght. ' " Instant relief in the moat agonizing of itching, burning, scaly, crusted, pimply, anu blotchy skin, scalp end blood diseases, with loss of ham, and point to e speed y, permanent, and economical cure. N£\V, FAST, AND ELECTRIC-LIGHTED. Sold everywhere. Price, Cmccrta. 75c: S‘OAP, , 35c; Rl-zsonvl-zx'r. $1.50. Prepared by tile 20'):- m DRUG AND Cngmcu. Coltrolu'rrox, Boston. @‘Eow to Cure Skin Di=euscs3f 6i 13333.50 illustrations, and testimonials. mailed tree. DAILY FOR ROCHESTER. 0n and after May lst will leave Cobourg at 8:00 a.m., Port Hope at 9:45 u.m.. daily, on arrival of G. T. R. Trains. Except Mon- days at izz3o p. m. and 1:30 p. m., respec- lively. Returning, lcev'cs Charlotte st ":15 p.m.. :rccpt Tuesday at 9:45 e.m., and Saturday at 4:5 p. m.,erriving at Port Hope at 6:30 e.m., (Saturday at 9:00 p.m.) Will cell at Col- bornc on Wednesday and Friday at 4:00 1.11)., and Brighton on Monday and Wednesday at 2:00 e.m. Ask your local agent for Through Tickets to any point on the N. Y. C" i’cnn. R. R., Lchigh Vellcy, West Shore, R. W. 67' 0., D. L. 6.†W., B. R. ér P.. W. N. 6" P., and Have Baggage Checked Through. ii. F. SIEDEBIELEEVE. 0. li. NISHOLSDI. hunger, Gen. Puss. Age, Kingston; Port Hope. .mprietors. ; at F. W. WHFONs i pro an , B. BLTU‘DAY, will proceed to his 0“; “50‘s Kw I a" This route will be continued during it: .11.» dummies ______________â€"â€"- BABY’S Skin and Scalp puriï¬ed and bcautiï¬ed health sud weather permitting. by Ccrxcclu Soar. Absolutely pure. PAlilS Alli] WEAKNESSES b 1 that Of females instantly relieved ' new, elegant, and infallible Antidote to Pain, Inflammation, and “Weakness, the Criticism Anti-Plain Plaster. "BIS: To lNSl'RI foal, Starlight, s15" ' [lid Feb. 13!. 1894. All merce tried illus' ed reguierfly :0 the horse or they wlll be ' b nine “ll t ey wereiu fosl. hierceui w - fore foellng time must pay full lllbllmlllx' f.‘ . ' WS OF THE EEI‘ ' D feel or not, unless rstlsisctory proof l» we I they are not. All accidents st OWncr’s rm. AND FOREIGN ITEMS OF INTEREST. reteenvh 3“ , â€a“ tron 1"" K , Yclverton. nev 5th, lassâ€"50.4. um . .... a ‘ HA1: {STANDARD - BRED T' ninrse exclusion lsw is not to be mo STALLIOh. cod. “ Pm Arthur is bright ‘ c The er - wergï¬t‘dlt the ice is Ill-ill sclid. ' d egis e assembly of hcwfoun . ‘Tgelvot‘odcd;sins: union with L suede. . nde body of e. women was founc ‘ - oh the mouth of the {ï¬ngers rixcr ? ' fee. 50 cents Mares from s distance- will he good pasture st rcesoneble reuse. @7112 Canadian glam. _____.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" LINDSAY. FRIDAY. MAY 26 "M3 The Property of 1'. W. lwsne, Yew-too. 0st. T. W-EV- c: â€In!!!†in presenting the pedigree as follows of m thorough-bred imported stallion, STAllLlGHT, { would beg to cell the attention of farmers end breeders of this class to the superior excellence of this horse, and l extend a cordial inntetion toell interest- ed to cell and inspect him. believing that his rerc individual merit combined with his giltrcdgcd breed- ing. will mtlsfy the most critial. 1 sin, yours truly, Yltu'lcxrox, April, 1893. '1‘. W. Evans. “LIGE.†(Continued from last week. We heard the soft and even cut of a saw back of the house as we drove into the yard. A little further and one of our fears was set at rest. Lige was not dead. He was sewing wood. The saw flew monotonously back and forth, and only a nod from the sawyer denoted that our presence was known. We slowly descend- ed from the wagon and attempted to be jovial, but Lige conï¬ned his advances to a cold “How-rye?†and kept steadily on with his work. To Ben’s inquiry whether WIIIIamson Bros. Back in the old Stand. Williamson Brothers expressing his regret at ‘ hostile demonstr h ‘1 . titute. ‘ m an Eusllshmen. anc , 4 ’ ll. ’Bmurd‘aoliiuthe British army. 00m ber . , itaflgbide in the guard room at thi . DISCIIPTIOI AID minus. STARLlGlI‘I‘ is s bcsutiful light bay, blsck mane and tail, steeds 16$ hands high end weighs 1,350 lbs,; he hue most beautiful head and neck. strong. smooth, oblique shoulders, strong beck end well sprung ribs, stro stille- end the best of feet and legs. He we: bred y Mr. J. Dobbs. Leer Lexington, Kentucky. in we could stay all night, he pointed to the had one day Of respite for WhiCh he paid. â€"â€"â€"'_â€"_â€"â€" roused up to such en extent through “ p .’7 ‘r J , house. Ask her. and then went on “9 ï¬shed t° 0‘" 1193"“ content and The Ancient Forests of Donner-k. mortlucsticn, sswellesemblticu,thst be. he“ bought beck their butchering business who. ‘f‘i'e‘l‘lfm‘wsssbi;{31?mcele333dfe‘3“'e§‘§§ ‘ “ dud“ Tucson-1h†Bidâ€, C, s. 1.; 1 Mr. J. 0- Key. Md '1“! ‘0 In" M 53" Vermont How. he by Bernard Morgen. Sic ' f the gorill'eï¬ie’n C9“ ‘ . . . . fore half the term wee completed with from ï¬lled. . We ate our supper, paid our bills, Th9 Pam“um °f J “F13“ â€35mm“ ‘3 the aid of the manner. they were doing the ins been in business in Ned-u for seven years [old Morgen, he hv Woodbury Morgen, he by Justin gave nge some Cigars, came home, and “felt about two-thu- s of the present esme work so those who hed been they fully underetend the rrquiremen'sof the norm, though we think of him often we never 1“â€de °f.D°nmâ€.k' Though the â€Stem promoted ““1 ‘t the “3‘ promotion “0' “midym game t“diner:'th:Irmcustomeu.‘he wt. Du“!1‘anGolddw‘smn‘b’ummdmn . . . . . . part is fertile and timbered,the rest was an skipped the next nude. once more merch- supply t m“ G' d“ “m 5" Bum “253) vlslt him. Occasionally we see him dnve b k d h‘ h - 3W5!" 0"“ Ind mu! 309'- Fm G.g.dem Arrelineb'lmp Leviethien03'5) by baskets of eggs and a box of butter almost un ro en esert, _w “3 , until re- in“ shoulder to shoulder with their vmflu denyin'em a. by smudge, (2439, he y PM“ (1778, “by in ’the wagon but his wife is alws 'th cently, was covered With dreary dark former 0011195310"- imported Citlscn(504). ' 9 . ya W1 brown heather, or bare sandy downs thh _â€" WILLIAMSON BROS ,STARUGHTS dun 3' I lure. mum. prize- hlm. Once I stood by the Window as he quaggy bogs, These extensive forlorn â€"Blondin till i m ell! . ‘ wlnninz mere of the thoroughbred descent. e neturei went past, I caught his eye and nodded; tracts were only varied at wide intervals With Cole's hired: :nrgtnniedneublood'veere‘l W came home hungry, and with baskets well again with the saw pushing, without a word of greeting or cheer. Such a welcome was paralyzing. We had looked forward to glad surprise and joy on Lige’s part, and warm hospitality as of yore. But we hitched our horse and walked towa'ds the house. We dreaded the task before us but must see it through. The door was open and a tall, the l'nited States for I ~rmnqwbil1°i r bee l .. . -.. sgï¬pooptu, that for c. ’or ‘ â€" - «i m ' [of b2850. snl I.)‘lnhl‘ I . 1 ' blic e'dmceogdu. $33,090,WU; for L bristles ll . ns,85,500.UW- - 7 ..e be! conteinlna c1“. trotter. could trot es s four-year old in better then 230. She was sired by \‘index, e son of Blood's Black flewk. he by Shes-men lorgen. he by Justin (3148) (Tris! 2.27) Is half brother to J eromr 2.16}, who stands st the head of the he: fermet$500e mere 000 was uneertb- ‘ on Wednesday I l l r female of a decidely vinegary i. thought I detected an answering gleam by narrow streaks of We mud“ do“: “8 "n “ Fr“ bu ‘ to â€Pact told us coldly to “come in], We find I still think. that as he flicked er; the few winding water courses and “.10 hold‘, some twee nor-...? aegï¬ggnï¬nts JOSe 31538. new-run. . an Dss Arc. A"‘°"‘°'d the house of â€on learned that we was mm}: to am Imaginary fly from the 01d mm’ the Widely'scmere‘i ““9“, bleak and bare in oncesvoree' toleed in opposite directions. milling lip... bi fl- «$112.31». C31. he no honesty or e. onsets. by m. Gaol-so 5- P‘m†23,5; “.1 mlseriy sewing w “He was a shiftleu motion was a. signal of good will to me these most favored neighborhoods. ‘3',sz '0“ “to: end was carried ixom L’Vd ' l d 0 t, ’ nee-aura: ï¬rm can by Swim... morguszngmp‘ Pest Perry, Out. 1’. bstltn. “31:30:“ yum “c. The follow but she meant to make ‘ over- â€"but I am not quite sure. That such forests once covered J utlsud, m u. [88 an en amen 3 ts... ere es... of the Goldduets that were feet: Will make the search of 1393 as follows: old eschelor. who petty s g . n is indicated b the numerous laces whose -The London Advertiser es - A Johnston bv 601“““(pscen . a w '“ naught by ' he was saw-mg his stent now; he wouldn’t ALBERT anrs. Y P ys. wagon -. Lucllle continuum,g ...... M“ â€0:: _ _ A f the cum: “um" t throu h before8 o’clock neither and names embody such words as tree. forest. trip of 1.100 miles in the sprinlrof the you “my .. .. r) .......... .. ,1 do â€W‘Y- .‘Y '. he e111,...“ my)? â€"m â€mum o [adjusted and the 8° 8 2 . ! Krove. oak, and birch. This belief is cor- verpl parlance no“. .. .. - ......... .. m . w _ w. or noun. ‘ m . In“ new ‘ 6†“on I 0111010 °°°°d s then he had two cows to milk; time was A T robcratod b the oaken cofï¬ns end use - s note essent ex so Mr. end Fred .. .. .. 325 Little smelu. for night. m ï¬xed a mom“ “on. . m me“ money, 81151 it had got to be if they ever ragedy 0f the NOFthGSi- found in mg ancient heather-covered burial J01!!! he say. They arrived wen-Med .. .. .. 5:47 the“: 3135.23,... .3532??? 1‘ 1 ed by m. om“... ,3 “$32.33;: van“. 8°t_ anything 09*- of _the Place, and at mounds. and proved by the numerous In town yes y lnefour-w edcenvee 9:22: I: ( "n .'.' 33:8,; flower, will proceed 'to 7.3:? . oheefletione xeiggma to increase her than time of life. lee, we could stay The death of John Bonsor one of the trunks of birch and pine wood standing on cam“. and bed driven sllthe wsy mm H (mm H 1% Mbâ€. for noon; mm m Edward; c . to-nizhtdanfl ï¬ll-Sims? for a dollar each; earliest pioneers 0f Oregob Sauvie" their roots deep below the bottom of the Wysudotte. Kluule Their V “2 gm “mil†" u .. 227 WoodglleJor night“ Turn? 10c“ directory 0! me CO “mtg“: she coul nt 0 to wait on nobody for , 2 bogs. ' "united with the veriation cf eechsoll V I "e .. .. 3....3... .. 226i m..- All. will p to . speed_ deemed to “rogue ‘ elf no - v and wasn’t goin’ to; the nimble d near Po d, ntly,recallsone But as early as the times of the Valde. between Romeo and Ontario. The mue- , Agre‘e’ilï¬fLZLu ..“2,}L“;:",~,,},‘i;::;ggggg; â€Wighfl: WCwnmrgoxgzor :l-ï¬m'm. gï¬â€˜ Jgeconuress by winch“ “:1! sdxpenoe was worth more to her than the the bloodiest tragedies that ever occurred mars. the renowned Danish king- in the tang ponies ettsched to the rut. though \ \ brsncalmce at lirr'culture. when the right kind of I llehllencefoï¬roczhouse, Sunderrlrs’nci. fame bound tunnel", w (â€we â€19:0. 3;“ng of slow coming â€Pmmisod dollar, and she in Km' 3 county and one which will go fwï¬fzh mid foul-peep? Centuries. lac Jut- huunud’ {1:311:52 .. 'lflh?.°;°t'gnb: 0‘ $0.,†\ ' // K \ bged â€mgiï¬ménl‘mM†“1:323:33 “runner, will prooeedto Seintï¬elli, for $%u,%:n$,:ng; 2,6336 rammed m meant to “B it it 676 time. Yes Li 9 . . an ores swere as luPPCaringt re 1: - won ’ _ lug. t l . ti si . h - ' thence b way oi Greenback w hl~ on 82 . . 0 r lr will °°°m 8° g. g was for m d; g, do“ ... W .. ... M ...... “"9"“ ...... â€â€œ- ‘~“‘P‘°"‘den°° .. ...“s somets°llzs:::.:22:::.‘::.:l::§ . . , err? on}... ... ..:°.:.:....“mâ€'uii’rl“..r...-,::-;,s .... nee... , .. ......gï¬ï¬, . if his time wasn’t worth that we could go the pioneers had of the evrl effect of helium-ate:i "1:51 gulps room I? shrubby e-sr Tileouburk. Out. The! left for “animal {flung 3.13: $333,333.? ‘ 1,3,: mtgï¬â€˜ifggggggï¬ â€œmg m Noses 0%“? chip wmcn “Had from “one. but if we did 0 alone we needn’t giVin Whi'ke ‘70 the India. Th t cops es an n Into. e “9"“. Which for cen- Kenn". alone with thousands of other the stallions petmuised were low riced. chee ones. - , --The , DR ‘1 in its wsy to the , . 8 8 y us. seven 1: 11 d t d . . P v The grand nun: imported cob rm... y_ Norwey M†.0 ï¬sh in their brook unless we paid one . t‘jrles e t on. lspu e away over Jutlende Ceesdlsns. but did not make thiltlllos 0 ho stellions ere cheep which produce under-ind. so†Acme wmwm «amnesia -' ‘ ' â€d 1:“, “had, the m9†dollar for the privilege- that was the {5 :em‘zhmb; fox;1 soothe; â€hang: and that 3000 eqlsere miles. :23. â€â€˜1‘: 1:5“ 00913:“ m“ ('0 ":3": 1 â€1 ml“ for the follow!" mekesot sz‘ety mwgï¬zb’; amâ€. “EA’fll?d “mm the eh‘ozve‘ mud.‘ P“) . my“ igal’tï¬rgnhkney group. on MT! ‘ ; . _ r t at e ug tor of o n nsor the r 0 one. ey wereo ten sy Bicycles: 'ree modems-d out-nemes- . ' â€pm. w m“ “m a . I long and short of it. Lise had been easy. 13' . _ a by storms end ofteuer b well-intendic Itdien net i meta- e 1-. heeuufy your stock and rive you s class of he... “a†ham Baum m "1““ ï¬nd. min: and his friends had ‘bout eat him Wlfe of William Caste and probably the f’Qtrlnec numenlty. persons directing them, serenely. A: and“, H. ...) new " w 'm- 31mm" ample slum bull produce to merket.to . nucumox 9'9 P915“? user-e “sportyâ€?! â€â€œ03 the yarn: . . . . - m ,m. â€M u yequei tosllfermiebor. with salon sufficient . Heron NAPOLEON. Is I 5.00,, hm. m giving as ‘enmg A other instance of the com 1 to mm ‘ p A up [I looked at Ben], and he had took his most beautiful woman in the temtory n . p e tnfec- night: they dent in the woods. toelr misr- . act-Ire. on tell. 8 vol. lease. to drew the buggyor eingoodstyle sea teens trends, we' he 1 150 lbs. fluel - ro We... .11 1 "d the wmp “um“ . _ . . : nice of a human body is reported. t is time hm tethered end their fnithful d on ~e' n.~ve. Bower. rues-e Quit-“II lid end sum, ‘0 mm ‘ - Y i ‘3 . . , .l p l _, mustâ€): sound it ‘3 De. e v m“ m â€I. P“! m myth, but that day was passed. was a victim. . st Carlyle Ill. The remains of John Rue eusro Their worst experience 0.9““. M â€1-00. Moot the but materiel end .... 1",... “ "‘3’“! PM“ '-° “W“? -n ‘Wb dug; £300 :1 L: £ M“ h†(Mun me \ mug ‘ - . . IOUOII. : es ,. - two‘EIdnt happen egaln, not as long as “I don’t take much stock in the hand- tell. who was buried there six years ago whole trip was s cyclonic our. sun Ypsi- 31$. ‘i‘;‘.’.‘;.f:.’.:":2f:.‘ aï¬ï¬rmlgf‘m l unite-mum, -, um Shaman-r, m u“, w “my": '5. “m“ mummy on of 30"â€. P “we 0‘ she lived, she gt] - n were exhumed and were found chau d a; leeti Mich" wee the It lookedee kindsof ole keptonhsndet individually end so to fsmliy. is that character of We VIC'NR NAPOLEON (No :1... yo; i mâ€"Ituhecurious fact that the ma We waited for an interval in her talk 501306 claiming women we reed about, stone the features and form beiuggfeirh. if .‘Keuess cyclone bed followed them , :‘dl-on ï¬fï¬iifl'i‘ci’lï¬l'iï¬oflfwmh‘“, 41:3“...‘3: Wrgnm‘zdj‘fh fling-051.1: dramas†. w“. who ".3 “Ofmiftggogijiduggmn â€d then informed her that we would “a, “i ' . Bagely, “but MR‘ Canto it full , reserved. » The rocess b whi h almost to the els of Uncle Sam-e besutysstblnske his produce eegerly so ht efte Pstchem 58 Lolulhlv I“ ’ ; , ’1, V1 music think! 38‘ us ‘0 show an .Y P P y 6 domains to Rive them e helplniz heed out. '10 S. RIGGS by all earths-ere. “8 r (55). .on g; émhlï¬wmtnp‘fï¬â€œ ‘3‘ ‘Zimiogob, i now ““1?£2§é2“°:‘33.i.... to he“ “teary eon ch on the second rcedln‘ STARLIGB'I‘S Media! is ill thntcoul beddnd, Inn by Membrino Chief (ll). For fl ‘thcr t ‘ Lindsey. April “Fig-M“. 3‘0"- Linda]. being e combination of thoroughbred end one of the cf pedigree see aegister carried lth lluN. nature efl'ects this change is but imperfectl Cc . neiderehle dam e wee don t hei understood “ad could not. Perm?“ w“ outï¬t by this cyclgna hu‘, sftoer regs r: â€I? present 5Ҡ0f kn°W1€d89e be accom- they continued on their way. Mr. Mc- pllshed at wxllbylluman agency. We have Ph lson intends getting somewhere in ere by the chemistry of nature e preeer- M. ddimx. on her terms. nge was told to ï¬nish his placed in Seattle to-day with the face and “stent, Put 0‘“ 0"" h°“° “‘1 then m form as when she came among us in 1864 the cows, but we took care of the horse and '1] ed the cows, thinking that thus would be among the most handsome 31‘0“ “logic-“fill mm etrsidugmnemcly: Golddust rough ‘ omen y as ch lambs-in - " ' Chief. Black Hawk trotting families}. which er: “'M'Muffflim $571 ' mm “mm %:ilv:dmliy acknowledged to be the best in the ' ' States. ""‘mum w M n a that till 0 :1 life much more â€mi: :vill send a new for the flu! “m ions for to we! Irish members luvlut pertv. fâ€" New Advertisements. we would Purchase Liza's time and have women in the city, and I shall never for- cetive process that throw ' 1 th ‘good "no“ and “With him m“ back get the gengaï¬On created in our little . . 'm o . â€"â€"â€"_‘_â€"_ . den . . shade even the wonderful skill of th ! LANTS AND CUT FLO‘VEB . STARLIGBT. besides hei bred t a. M, “in m we R“ v of the barn after 8, but we were (113- settlement when messengers arrived from ancient Egyptians. Some dismsi end an? M P _ S mgr-t elu.ele¢ent a.†and :nhlt. :i mus moralistic. worsen-fl gm "“1 am be “upmégnhleflga . At this sensors or the yen- m the rule "like We" like" proves universally true. he 9P6. no! u â€e plened b†me “me. 6 “ m indlcs'es that the ï¬erce en 1p1 egeinet home re re ï¬n“ at; I: lruduce those high-cis- 0 see w s tiniescommnd teed ' Phone in all cities end towns in Ameflceyflï¬dhlg OB PRINTING 0’ ' which there is now e reptdiv increasing demend for entire-Corona!!! 0m“ at export. as exceedingly high prices, to Eur vs. II "tau“ sumhl‘ft'izw moans ‘ "'7 Pain “is: rtettns'lend you r column-nee to his stick. mm M. ‘ til-unï¬lled n appointed, for just as he finished his last . stick he was invited into the house to 53m“: valley, where the Casto’s moved. humeh semblance diï¬'ering in all instances churn, and we strolled out in the evening Wit-h the news that M“. Casto, her hi1" from all others, ’must be forever lost st ' mists to smoke and ruminate alone, _ band and J ohu Holestead had been killed death. has suggested that bodies be trans- though not before we saw Lige shoot an by Indians and that e friendly Klickitet E03“ ‘0 the “uh P°1° ï¬nd Filed in eppening glance into his wife’s hard face. had slain the murderers. lock! of ice for future reference on judg- healthy philosopher. appalled beceuse the social b0! C0“ t! . b the heir to London is no. “1000de ’these thins!!! HANGING BASKETS need r'eflllier. Venom. the florist. will eta-d to this for on Prion. ht. Lee m'der Hughsn's ewellery 8mg.“ " st ‘0'†xenon. llwel euthorities is to We did not see him again that night, At that time there was no “blue book,†mm" “Y: The petrifaf’ti†9mâ€? “Wild for on our. return to the house our and in fact, women were scarce. It is not be 1:“ “awn“y Tndfmfh" be ‘Pphed “13' {drillingâ€".mfl mm.“ it is drawins u 66““ hostess, taking a brass candlestick and surprising then that the arrival of William :0 “ bl gm“, hep? Si '13 “"h- Th° 0'"! H I .' h“ 00. British “an“; gruiecru, which will ben d' b (1 us f llow d w . . ran a won ' in. coming who the really . h two monste “ in the world. it allow lp, a e o - , an 9 went Costa, 3 man aged thirty-eight ands true great were. If lndlYidunls themselves h .d “I, the larger-t 'er sum “ . up .the old-fashioned staircase after her, representative of the Kentucky type, with any a, in the mu“... m. world would b. If to yourself no matter whether "‘ the fastest. Tney will “I???†w feeling much as we used to when as small his young wife, the daughter of John so pile'd with 01.1 lumber in “,0 0,. mm You Think I he be I . . , . d . terrible end ljoweriul‘.†mg: md a bet boys we werejput to bed. nightly by our Bones: of Se uvie’s island, Columbia river, years that there would be no room left for enylrlna creel-w will do more 'â€"_‘â€"â€" vc cu dealing thh a lrlel‘ 3" . length! 0t OVIEZI‘A“ "m be pm mother’s. We were left wtthacold“good near Portland, should have been e the living. 'wa'm“; outer ctt' Whether you think you ilaVC ' ’ dlbu“ “db â€:6“ “pm‘e of develop! miss: iii“‘§.‘i‘i§'°l§§3..‘“.€i§$§ “:msb‘°:°““°“eelrs.°m° m“. "MW†bulimia? it??? m°’d°“é'z‘â€â€œÂ°â€œâ€˜m“"°“â€e"°h°‘ "°°" 3° 33°th Admâ€: uau no aner c aut â€"oneo Dit Belt . l! .. . w ' to no end decay. Though everything was neat those women to whom ell'appariel adapts So fth ‘ n y - ‘b‘mm‘ Baby Carr-tunes which we ha 09kg . Jewelry‘ .3180 the d ... g :ggretltelzlll be space in serial: cc: and clean, yet all was somehow stamped itself and becomes a part of the 'wearer. out “Te 3m :hï¬rfuxiï¬ nï¬hfm’i"? ï¬tted LIH A. HIE? IN THE? N 1037: large assortment f 8 ‘ Vc JuSt received from Chicago, an. “of the new Cuuerdh f???:: 'm with “mambame funeral appe‘mqe. She was admired by all' and (â€my wor. “we “It; blue “d.“fhm “muffle; 3‘12: Consumption comes. A slight cold, muscle. 0 port W Goods which is now being cxhlbltfld muses. kuazlad Engâ€. 6‘“ “ch 0, Gloomymapdhnvggt '23.: if: :ldlzishlilgnbtd Ehipgedolzy‘ her husband; . In “:11; sptring the old: “mill :hpvc theLhigh clislonid 333,33“ gassem 1n thebscflffnlous ï¬wmï¬'cï¬gmm at our store, 45 Kat-“q Lmdsay. miffelniuipeeeeï¬ dlavirgfaegr a: “an, ' 85 u ‘ ratio In 0 ea 0 walnsco In 0 W l c 0080 e n I caused m M ‘ [INC D f b net's. dark-tinted paper on which were full- Squak valley Iwhere the Tibbetts’ farm genuine tiligng. these bath'roomsnafe 31:: blood, is enou h to fasteny it. If“: m wnmdnm ‘ at‘ï¬gi‘ï¬ei :f 25‘ knot! W’:°1‘};:“ blown roses of dull brown color. Stains now lies. H ere he built a small house, 5““ trP with men?†“1° 9‘1â€" which i‘ you. That is 9. time when n ect FERRth l i n! will M the “rants?“w by of long ago, caused probably by leakage put in a garden and commenced clearing. "“3 "w" P°"“¢.‘"‘"§“°“ ‘1’“ '° 5‘"! 0‘ and dela a full of den eg an an BWB mined °t ‘11 â€as. csgisers ere ‘0 b" of rein through chestnut shingles, appear- in order to create an income for himself t!“ mue'ind"m‘° ““3â€â€ °’ ‘1†Fm“ y re - get. 'I N'flut‘ T int! will com “We 1 ed f ti 1: well Th ‘ ' ' - We- Ti-n pellet costs 31.50 s roll, but like ' C°nsumptlon IS Lun -Scrofula. memos council†mmâ€... requen y on t c . e rising and Wife he opened up a small trading m ,h F h h _ Y . Mum ' walnpid-fll'lnl! R“ wind was stirring the trees outside and a 0st and carried on the, manufacture of - 0 er "we â€â€3" ‘ ° "3““ m °°"‘ on .can. prevent it, an 011 can a“h-hmum-a-......"m-muummmeg “ Mum“ lent-8t. lJNDILY- - of ebductlon . . p elder-ably ler r then the ordlnerv ll f ’ " '5 Imng° â€on ' limb scraped and pounded the house in e hoop poles. The valley wee peculiarly P‘Pef- In 3:1,“, g", balms“)? a? cure It». If on haven t Waited too 5 3 M" Ami! I!» M a. the convent of St. Louis do (your my to lead one into the belief that s adapted to this business, owinzto e dense wningcoï¬ug of'whiu enamelled wood take: long, _ th Y- hem,“ 601d“ med‘ 5 0m aieManhHOdf - as“ .mke-et.,ildonlr°51 9°†St Di terrible gale was blowing. A colored growth of hazel bush, the very article up about half the well. The reminder is “331 “17- That is the most " = J- P. R 10 . :1 tell a under the control of the i i r Mord. It 3990‘“ ‘2‘: .bouéldoge: selfless “gels 1‘33““ pspcr or tiling. The potent blood-cleanser, strength-re- cel mg ls sis pometiuiee with theseme storer and flesh-builds the? P‘P".r ‘2‘: "1:33;. ‘2‘: ‘ hm? 5“ to medical science. Igor “23?; cornice ens ' w “ m‘m cesethathsstobereachedthro print of Napoleon on e white horse look- most desired. White labor was scarce, AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. ed grimly at us from over the gilded but Cesto with en eye to business em- freme of an old-fashioned mirror, from played Indians. For e wonder they the ltop of Watch a roddhouse with blue applied themselves diligently and beceme “I†u†. red It . - l e center ls ' "mm†“ â€mu“ ed "th â€11°" "De" “the“ white tiles, shlremgscmled Ellie, such the blood, like Consumption, or greseheemed cheerfully,esif to reassure Casto had greet influence over his . . . . . . . us. Four prim rush-bottom chairs, the workmen and wee looked up to by them :13" eh}xl°2:r"°‘.f%lrn:mth 9"“ , :cmmB: 8,11,1tzsfomsï¬eiuk ' "a" â€85 $15» thin!» AledicslVorkthet‘renetheCusa, Describes the Meets, v . tothe care of the d gusrdlbll- fethtr and mo /. “child lied “floated, end the one; “OM“ tutor t0 the child. R4 “went well since. end little onl . t ' u crown to be e favorite em s1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIm seats newly peinted white 3 tell, old- seesortof white “tyee†or chief. He - 5 - bed - ~ . ’ . . in white creckled 1 set . . . . - fashioned NOB“! bureau sfour-poet had one fault, which goes hendln hand F lauded V“ - - It“. . â€Vere. lingering 00 it is the = “WW", . y rope bedstead on which, dour; shape, rose the world over-with efseeheertâ€"he loved reeled. utï¬ï¬â€˜h’i‘te 35:; aodpmt only M 3:52;}, If 5‘ g 3"". W W W m M M ’0 w celled. whgogigvf-m the two mired anilcomfortables, ï¬quolrweud nowiepï¬â€˜t‘l’t'en Eirenktoomuch. iegexposed. doeqï¬,‘ beneï¬t .a‘ cum. you h". = e , a“ m M ‘ , ~ :: "'m‘i-‘gf interview was ensem e.. ee gotmt 'to ‘vingittothe ' . . , ‘ -- ‘ 5 "mm - d We maintained a ‘grim renounce, but, Indians in his employ. 81 On several -â€"-_â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€".â€",â€"â€"- . ' ’ I i ,nlohey . E -' \ ' ‘ i d. It tested . locating: m3? thanks to the sweet restores. sleep, we , oooeeionsthetrue Indian nature, nudes ‘ “ A ' ' ‘ E Pai t8 Oils 6, .ehiid â€â€œ0 mm our troubles, unttls thunder- , the influence of stimulants, rceme on 5 " = ’ ~ . 9 ’ 1 W?“ i f . . , I.“ ing knock at the door dispelled ourienditrequisedellhin'euthoritytoe' slnmbsrs and e lln'ng' femsle voieegbloodsheo. mendghhonwho‘eouldbs ennoueced that breekfsst wee neeriyinemheredonï¬b'flmeuict‘boï¬helde, seedy. Wesprsnufrcmoerbedseegeflwith senate ‘ â€was.“ _ '- hqmte Benyerkedupthegsesnpeper togeee‘l‘emed -whtshey' end"