atter. whether you 1' with a friend ‘3 .Lc you have bed 'n or poor, to 9‘ m. also the Chicago, and a†being exhibdd is :7. blood bav. M’ h, ï¬nely proportion“ j with am good 8 Mt ny horse; has 339 m hz. abimy antenna†my»): (No 3143) Va; 1. merlczm Trotting Belf- IL’IJTF; dam bv W >01eun was go: by You mn). .z. sire aunt! m. Fu' {L The? and! arried an horse. 1 Jewellers, itzing. fled cob horse Y1 I: executed y ord-xa and J attention. innnm tad you 3 33 2% .a' 10:11, View: Napalm-.3 AND P313168“ he will leave his on d \‘e, for noon; than 'ght. teed to Oakwnod. for - der home, Lmdmy, lord I prwecd to Tamblvn’lM I; thence to Edwardil of 8. GR Perry, Ont. ’oceed to ‘ nmgeun, for night. rd to Derryvillo. {or I at. Sunderland. for a“. )ceed to Snintfleld, h- :reenbank to his and [hall brother to J ero-ï¬ â€˜3: the head of the I“ I 35% a mare 'NAPOLE oi ï¬nned during the Tcl‘arlsneo 'mpzmy Victor Napol- ARD~ BRED Woceed to hll on "m...†...._._ 3'.“ nnunuod dug-1“ mmwx. n fwd Shrug?!“ . untou mod ml!“ kg. 1 u? the" will b. C 1 Ion. 383m all m mu Humane. vi. Ifwlofy pfuu‘ LI ml mu a: nwnor’l rink. Q- m It dlnttuco ‘11! 5; ~ 510 “tax. m of 1:03 as follows: Lee of is the m' ng all the it (Show; ;t Importing ‘een â€Va-Ida 1(3L'LIf‘L‘; u, 1015 AND FOREIGN ITEMS or INTEREST. EVANS. m0?“ Iron the taxman ud L w Insomni- ‘RED ’1' 4m, Chinese exclusion MW in not to be arsed. -rhe weather at Port Arthur I: bright ‘ L- .-_. I- -nll amid- ~le wumun â€". ---- ___V, V m! mm, on: thelce is null soud. -The Iaglshtlve assembly at Newfound- md 1m and spins: union with Cmds. -The nude body of s woman was found flosdnk a: the mouth of the Nissan the: hands}. ~â€"Tne 'rlnce of Wsles has sent 5 letter but. (:Yadstone expressing his regret st a. recent boatlle demonstntlon 1n the Imperial institute. -Bambrdler Hull,en Ennllshmsn, end .11 ex.memher o: the Brxtish srmy. com- mitted suicide in the gnu-d room st Que- bec citadel Tuesday. â€"-At5:. Paul, Minn" Frldsy, C. S. Ro- gets, preeident o! the Northwestern Cord- .ge Cc., jumped from the high bridge into the river, 123 feet below. No reason to: the so: is known. -â€"The liquor bill of the United States for one V25: was $550,000,000; thst for tobac- co, $010,003.00): [or brew. $505,000,000; for mum: educates. $85,000,000; for Chmtinn â€"The local directory 0! the unlumnrau Exhioiiion have decided to abrogate their contra: with congress by which they hound themselves to close the fair on Sen- day in : insideration or an appropriation of $1500.00. The money will beretnrued to the goverment and hereafter the fair will be open on Sunday, â€"’l‘he Viking ship. which sailed from Retain. Norway, May 1, on its way to the Wei-id’s fair, passed Fair island, the most northerly oi the Orkney group. on May 11. Advices from Ber-gin state that vessels ar- ming :here report heavy southwest winds and high seas as prevailing on the North Atlanta, and it is endowed the temp astuous weather hm driven the Viking bank in the direction oi Norway. â€"It is a curious fact that the Prinee of Wales. who was reoently quoted as saying impolitlc things against the Gladstonisns, is now taking obvious pains to show the contrary sentiments. his presence to hear Gladstone’s speech on the second reading was thought to be signiï¬cant of this. but itls much more striking to ï¬nd that this year tor the ï¬rst time he will send a num- ber of Irish members invltations in: t5: End'ldfl m A._e_M_‘.â€"_rAAIIIIF-‘F.fls men are pleased all the same, action indicates that the fleroe and. pro- longed. social boycott agoinst home rule in London is no: supported by the heir to the crown, whose rule over these things is slmou absolute. -â€"Inior:nation received by United States naval authorities is to the sifect that the British admiralty is drawing up designs to: two monster cruisers. which will benot only the largest war ships in the world, but the fastest. Tney will be known as the ‘I‘crribie and Powuinl. Each ship will have a length or over 500 test and a beam 3 a! sheet 70 icet. Engines will be placed i 1.30000 horse~power. A speed of 25 knots: per hour is aimed at. With these engines ‘ the two ships will be space in engine capa- city 0: the LOW Cunard greyhounds Cam- nsnls an". ananis. Their length will be less than the Cunard ships. but each of the crals-rrs will possess displacement greater than an her or the llners. Save for torpedo beats the speed or 25 knots per hour aimed at will place the Terrible and Powerful ahead or all speeds now attained by any vessel afloat. The cruisers are to have an armor protection end will carry large and powerful rapid-tiring gun batteries. - .Lx_-n-_ mm.- "Juanaâ€, V, 77.--,“ ,_ â€"â€"A hzx containing $10,000 was unearth- eda: D35 Arc. Arkansas, on Wednesday by D:. George E. Petty under the house 0: sales P. Cazlzn, an eccentric and miner-1y old bachezar, who died ten yeara ago. The house was bmght by Petty. â€"The propellers o! the Cunard steamer Cmpania have been readjusted and the ed by the onicere In accordance with their observadous on the Ahgmeward voyage. ~- Iâ€" sue an han- UNA VB~AVJJ vâ€" ___ Tnechmgz-s are expected to W) VW"! “VH'V' ’ pnmg Educ-u on. $8 Mona, $3 500, 000. Felt? {alumina 3:05: g WIMIN. ,- 595.\ Y . “FRIDAY. rku.-. ._,-- - -A strange story or ebdueslon comes 1mm the convent of St. Louis do Gouzsgue 01 Shorbrooke-et.,Montrenl, near SLDanio, which is under the control of the Good: Shepherd. It appears the! about tour years like a. young girl of ï¬ve veers old we. con- ï¬ded to the one of the Slater: by her uncle “d guardian. The (other and mother of the child bed separated, nod the uncle hnd been oppoimed tutor to the child. Ever!- mna went. well since. end mac Reed!!! 1W1 crown to be a favorite nmong he: classmates. Her parents came very union: to see her. I: wee nearly n yen: since her mother had called, when one sowed ct the convent the other morning end noted to lo“ Roselle. The latex-flew m grunt- od. I: lasted 3 long time and eppenrodjo Mm election»; A! lost an mother mud to go out end the child followed her bthedoor. Then. “is end. Ch I: “I. soda cï¬eas of Pure Cod_ Liver Oil with avahqsphltes of Lime and 5033, .\0 other preparation .Jpcts such cures. Persons afflicted With these or throat or lung troubles as? , .‘nnmd resort to that m 01? ‘3‘ HEW RANADW POST. Chronic l0."."â€"Beware of substitutes. waxed by Scott. .2 Bonus. Mid by 111le A “I: W vim 5di198dâ€84 V L at the Coanlglpg r. w. Wnrgox. WEEK fdéreas'e her â€"1’hnBuIdmcm!lc-Vmakhuhm wrecked oflthaoout 0! Corn. Allen MMII'OIL -:°:.:..T- Wm "=25“:ng con 1: vs: “no a - ford. Ind.. Mom!†morning. â€"Hon. Edward Bhn will spend the Whitman recen- tn Seotlad. speaking at Aha-dean. hm manna... Islamoaod,u|buothlidohllm o! the but an]: in Nnuonal Goran, tint JmuB.Kunehu$1,500,.0mwlmr methanol flu Israelite mm. um! um ubgmï¬uldhudcmurmï¬ldtmne am of “max in the hends of her seven-yeer-oid son. _-Quring the ten months ended April 30 403.9081mmigrsnte mind et the ports oi the United States. .l'he number striving during the corresponding period 0! the pneeding yes: wee 351.825. â€"-’1‘he court has granted sn order for the winding up oi the Commerciei bsnk oi Australia. which suspended April 4 with deposits of over £121!†000. or which £500,- 000 were lodged in London. -â€"Eeriy Toeedsy morning Mrs. 'Jecob Brinkley. living in Quincy township, comâ€" mitted suicide by setnrsting her clothing with kerosene end setting them on ï¬re. ? She wee somewhat demented. -an. Gspe, wfle of Rev. Wï¬nun Gm of Sun: Grove, nut Jamestown, N. Y. yaqmbtbly mph! upon): tpo 3961(1qu éArrocox-d ha been mmo It Clinton, norm of Terra 891120, I_n_d... "EF‘E‘LI’EEE HUI.“ Ul- Lwlv nu.- -â€"â€". born twins to an'nd Mk: Wiéhird. the further 77 you: and the We 6?. years of age. The twins and mother so doing wall. -â€"John L. Snmnn w» "rented It Bun- gor, Mu, last Tneaduy night and uken to tho county jgtl on a warm sworn out In Btddotord, to: nnnlt upon M. L. hexane, s lawyer at Blddotord. while on the truth Sands! night. wannaâ€"g â€"-...â€" v. â€"M. Monohleoun. the Panning liqui- dntor. has begun m uctlon Igdnnt M. Imbert, the “plunge? 35.352“ Rein- Dan-un- 1min v, I: -uuu'â€"â€"vvâ€" -_ 7 , ech’e'ior‘i‘ne to recover 9.000.000 hence, which in ie eheged the: Reinecn received iron the oompeny. â€"While removing eome boerde from in front of e circuler new in Cerd’n eewmili e: Kleinburg. Tueedey. John Knnz. e promipepe tamer. slipped and tell on the 4.4. i- -1“.-. subs-- nnv null-l. prommuu- lulwcn‘ m. ,-_ our. bolus out to plec'a’n b05388); mm. moo could be rendered. -A. _ _ ‘v â€"Mn. R. Iiflolvmo Pony of St. John. N. conuguou- Ina-nu up". â€"â€"_ -..- _-_ -_, ï¬re. The clothe. were banned from in. be 1 ad from the body of the woman, who narrowly camped with her 1110. . -,,_-_ LL- nun.v 'v '4 - -â€"Whilo wctklna it a 15th muhino in the Pence Ooh sawmill u Murmur. Fridny, Willi-m Southworth. 3 boy fourteen yo 0! age. wu uruck by 3 piece 0! tin, p o- duclng internal injuries, from which he died within twenty-tour noun. 7 h -L-_- â€"Tho Ramon wot ofï¬ce in taking ltepo for the (ll-momma of the Improve rifles newly monouomrod for the Run-ton army. an: to the troops of the western um: corps, who would but the tmmodhta brunt of o conflict: in the event. of 3 foreign â€"A tie-patch from Porto Novo ny- tint King Beauzm has placed himseli at the head or Ibo remains at his “my. and tux-enema to Mike the ofl'onsivo. Conno- quently Col. Lsmbinot will not out in Sppiembor with tum-ll expedition tocmsh Home -The wife of Prof. Koch of Berlin, the celebrated beeterlologiez. recently pro- cured a divorce from her husband, and the protease: hse now been ordered by the court to pay her one-fourth at his income. It is announced the: Prof. Koch will merry a. young echoes. ‘ â€"â€"While Lindsey Morgm, a young term- er 0! Oanebruck Genet-e, wee engaged cut- ting above wood with a circular new, the buried itself in the unfortunate man s head. killing him instantly. Morgan was highly respected. and leaves a young wife to mourn h a loss. â€"’l'he Daily News correspondent at Chicago asserts that a buildina oontrator told him that more than 1.000 persens were killed in the construction of the Fair buil- dings and hotels in the neighbourhood, chiefly owing to the carelessness anu reckless haste in building. it was impos- sible to obtain authentic returns as the fatalities were often kept quiet. â€"-A new unkase has been issued bv the czar expelling the Jews from the Asiatic provinces of the Russian empire. The enforcement of this ukase will cause wide- spread suifering. es the decree includes within its scope thousands of Jewish , refugees from Shah J eth Alis' persecutions, who had entered Russian territory under a guarantee that they would be protected ‘ in the enjoyment of religious freedom. â€"The White Star line has given an or- der to Harland 8t Wolff, the shipbuilders. for the construction of a steamer 800 feet long. which the ï¬rm is conï¬dent will beat anything afloat. The only dimouity for such a gigantic vessel will be the shallow water at the Mersey bar, but the White Star company is arranging to have large tenders meet the great ship farther out. The ï¬rm is at present hurrying the com- pletion of the Gothic, 500 feet long and of 8,000 tons. The Gothic is being built on a new principle as to the engines and steer- ing gear, and it is expected to equal the creed of the Campsnia and her sister steamer, as yet unlaunched, the Lucanis. The Gothic will be launched about the end of June. A __ . A- Mn “nlll- A“..- 0L 0 unv- â€"â€"Bsrnum 8c Bsiiey'e $5,000 gorilla creatâ€" ed oonsidersble excitement at Binghemp- ton,N.Y., Monday lest. While the work- men were so dinner the brute forced the door or his csge from the hinges end jumping out he made for the dressing rooms, which were occupied by twolsdiee. ‘ The irightened women rsn screaming irom the ten and the big monkey eecsped into the open air. The people neutered in every direction. The growling bees: flnslly " took hie steed nesr e barn, where several of the oeuvne men tried to capture him but were bsdly injured. His Portuguese keeper ï¬nally arrived and Liver hugging and kissing him with joy, the gorilla readily secompmied him to his esge. He would not enser,however,uniii en elephuut, or which he stands in mortni tent, wpr brought in. -- n ~__ule.-_-.I an DWUKHu nu. â€"â€"Pusenger train No. 6. northbound on the Mobile and Ohio rollroed, was held up by four treln robbers nee! Lsketon, thir- teen miles south of Csko, Ill., one night lest week. The exptele on was In ehnge ot Messenger S. H. Rey end e helper mm. ed Pontoon. When the treln stopped at e water tent, one mile south or kaeton. Messenger Bey honed e mun ollmb upon the platform end pounding on the door or. deudhlm to open 1,8. The muoenger re- *‘---J â€" nth-Iv n! blew out e penel: The robber then entered the nu. Be hed e red hmdkerohlet tied eoroee his face, completely hiding hie tee- turee. One of his mmplloee etood ‘ on the pletfortn with e ehot gun. end two other confederetee kept the treln crew et e dbtenoe. The men who entered the oer went dlreotly to the eefe. whloh was un- locked. end rifled 1t of ell peekeme' end en- velooee. In the meentlue Helper Peel-um, hid, “I up I†yvvw-vâ€" ,,, o! the on. After securing I11 he could conveniently our: the robber ordered Ray md Pemon to rennin 1n the care:- he 39730 33'†3‘? the unforlqnste man’s â€"It looks on though tho Tmro uwu Mining Co. had discovered Kins: Solomon’s for-tuned mines ot Caribou. Lat Thun- do] a brick weighim'fmosomswoont. at which w“ obtained icon 4 tons of qnn'z. Tho whole crushing only oconnr- iog 50 hours, the loot pm oi the crushina. two units each. done xi 110 ozs. The bar io on exhibition st A. Smith's Crown building._ond in vo‘lm or. $15,000. - â€"- flatl- A â€"The onormouu power developed by the engines 0! the Com pooh is brought to mind by n alone. on the record of be: cool consumption. She took on board or L‘verpool for her recent trip to New You 3400 tom. and 8.100 before tho lots New York on the return Journey. Enormous II the oonsum tlon hero Indie-ted in. in la in reality a lor In oomonuon with the compeny’e eteemere iorty yeere ego. Then e eteemer. like the Pereie. con- enmed over eix tone of coel to am one ton oi eerzo from Liverpool to New York, e much greeter pro rete coneumption then the Cempenie'e. â€"At the ecquerium in Berlin there ie e big gorille whoee hebite ere ehoot no cor- rect ee those oi most of hie dietent rele- tivee. He note on et 8 in the morning. tekee e bath. end neee eoep without heeite- tion. When hie toilet ie completed he tekee e enp oi milk. eiter which he eete two icevee of breed. Frenhinret eene ee end smoked Hembnrs heei. eiioi w ch he moietene with e glee. oi weiee beer. At 1 p. m. he tekee e bowl of soon. with rice end otetoen, end e wing oi e chicken. 8e neee ie knife end iork end hie nephin; but when he ihinhe thet hie keepeflere not observing him he diecerde the impedi- menu of elvilizeticn end plunge: hie nozzle into the bowl. as it to give evidence oi the meienchoiy tect thet even e porilie on: be e hog. -'1‘he British ehip Lord Templelown. commended by Capt. Eewthorn, which eeiied from London for Phiiedeiphie. with , Bombey an e {hither deeticetioo. on April .- _-_-e-â€"n l‘eitln' lent. THE CANADIAN 1 Hominy no I uu nun. -w..__-.-_, , _ 12, errived et Queenstown. Fridey lest. eiter the loss of e number of the crew in e hurricene. The voyeue so our to heve gone well until the 1st of ey. when the vessel wee in lot. 45 north, long. 45 west. The hurricane broke so severely on the vessel that eixieon men were sent eloft to shorten eeil. The tru-s broke. endl the ysrd tell to the deck. Eight of those who had none eloit were hurled into theses end drowned; one wee killed by the tell at the yerd. sud seven were severely injured. Among these who lost their lives were the stove in the mein hatch. end the veser lost sells end yerds in the storm. The ship rsn before the wind until the hurricene ‘ ebeted. when the survivors insisted upon the ceptein mekinr the nemat port, end the vessel eceordingly come to Queenstown es test as possible in her crippled condi- tioo. â€"At 8.50 o’clock Friday eiternoon Pitts- burg and vicinity wee visited by the most violent hailstorm ever known there. The eï¬â€˜ect wee most disestrcue, both to lite end property. Hesvy block clouds suddenly lobscured the light of the sun, while the sir become aggressively hot. Following e terriï¬c electric flesh came the crash end rout of thunder, shaking the very eerth. Before men or beset could seek e cover the deluge of ice csme in ell its intensity. end for five minutes there wes e wer of the elements most terrifying. Telephones end telegreph wires were prostreted in every direction; electric end cable cars were stopped br broken wires or debris choking the couduitr. end for e time trafï¬c was suspended. In the eest end of Pittsbnra end upper wsrds of A legheny City nearly every window glass on the south side of the buildings was shsttered, while ell over both the cities skyliubtemreenhouees, _-_ -ng--"-.h"ï¬l '8" Eiï¬msvbs sï¬s‘l‘ over uuuu um mu“. â€". .V._" s private and park conservetories were 1 shettered and iolisge ruined. In the 1 Phipps conservatory in Sahenected£perk 900 lights of glass were broken. .an' telnments were in progress st oil the theetres. At the open end Bijou theatre serious panics were narrowly averted, end several women tainted from fright. The stinging pellets oi the hell caused e num- ber o! serious accidents by frightening horses. thst broke own from their drivers. The loss will be over $500,000. -â€"The New York Sun correspondent, de- serlolng the reception st the Imperial! institute. ssys:â€" "The procession wes e ,L_ L-) --IA muuuuo. way-- _he _ striking spectacle. and men who hnd paid their gainers to qualify them as iellews oi the institute felt more thou compensated for the outlay. The Prince of Wales, the Duke oi York, and other princes were in evening dress. but they wore the sashes and stare oi their orders. The princesses, among them the betrothed Princess May, were also in evening dress, and spsrkling with jewels; and immediately behind the England royalties walked three Indian princes, in state costumes inexpreseible gorgeous. Mr. Gladstone, looking very l paleand weary. walked about twenty yards in the rear oi the royal party, leaning upon ‘ the em oi Earl Spencer. He was undeni- ably bored. and perhaps the sycophants who constituted ihree-iourthe or the “at mob detected and resented the feet. When, by dint of much shoving and shouting on the part oi the policeman, the procenelon had reached one oi the beautiful galleries, along which are ranzed gloss oaees. con- taining specimens oi colonial products. A bejeweiled ofï¬cer. whose neme unfor- tnnetely could not be ascertained. called out. loudly. pointing to the premier:- "There’e the traitor." That was the one. and, whether preoarranced or accidental. it wee eagerly followed. The cheering which had marked the princes’ progress became _______ A kl-..- nnfl In non “III-cu “w y..."_ varied with arcane and hinges, nod in mother moment Mr. Giwatone was injhe midst of o howling mob. The royal patty by this time was too for ahead to notice what was going on behind them. um! 33 - matter of hot. the Prince of Wales did not Ion-n until holi on hour later how vilely his hospitality had been diam-Iced. Mr. Glodotono’s on: flcshod are, but other '1†ba romoinod perfectly unmoved. Em Sponge: 1:30de on Enough he would like to non: Luv-w .o -â€" - _ _- a v o , -, 1:! shout hlm with u “out luck, bu: managed to control himself. N rsr the and or the gallery a rack of mrllng our: surged upon the prime mini-tor. In though no subject him to personal violence, 3nd in tho Immortal: which occurred ht this point several of the glun com were smuhed and the contents dam ed. The demouamtlon no not make by tho: crowning altar-Lee. however. dunks on the arm of some gentlemen properly so- collod. who, almonzh .- likely enough torlea themulvu,showod theirdeopdmmat n the hehtvlonr o! the unmnnnerly hm!" nomad them by loudly nod alum-my W “(Lama ; And My†Margaux-.6! mama-Ian - . ,.....g.. -1..- -M.h Inn-.1†POS'I Gold â€"A young ltd nIuTod cum tel! 08. what 3: Ban†we may and was dron- â€"'rhe Cobourz ï¬reman nu bed I burning building sun m 3 5M Deanna upon 1: In two and a lull minute. that the slum 1n- glnn. . â€"Meure. M. Batty Soul ot Welland have been unwed the canine! by the de- pusmont at public works to! building the «edge to: the Dominion mummy to: use on the luck wagon. The dredge will cost $6,000, um In to be commend by the ï¬rst at July. h I)» been ordered to work on the magnum channel have“ L380- neld 3nd Baum Ina declining in mods. Tan 1. . stretch at 75711111“. gm -â€" â€" ~-----_ _ â€"A yeer ego 1...} tell e men nemed Wm. Fortune 0! Pezeeboxo, who wee engeged in lumbering et Petere’ comm wee dtown- ed on North nke oowmhlp o! S - nlerly known ee’ï¬en‘y Lu'e lege. afl- ler. ï¬le body wee never recovered. end the 7th. while Mr. Myere wee es work nee! the leke, he found we rememe at e bony elong the river bed, which wee elm-wen!- ldenuned ee thet o! the men who wee drowned needy two Jeep ego. - .te -Abont oloveu o'clock Mondny night ï¬re broke out In the Waldo ukaung nnk n the 1000 or Manna, 0mm. A luau norm wind was blowing u the tune. The ham doing any are“ dam-go m .6onan Mandingo, mm she exception 0! Mr. F. . Donner- boat-banding uubmhnum. which wu mm: dun-0nd. The ï¬re 1- luppoud to Mn boon tho work at u: in- oonalury. Thole-I1- sham 82.000. Bosh building: were put!) Vin-mod. -From pment Indie-none Bellevme is likely to be In the not! future eased wtth n breach ot prnmleo eonuuon. Some for months ego e young end Weuvkuoun Bone- ville ledy wen: to Toronto to ma: (Honda. and while there become lnhtneted with 1 young end pronporoun routed tumor. The young manna .‘oro wu animated. end everything went along on merry no u m:- Hugo hen until the young leoy Round nex- eolt in on auburn-Ina gnu-moo. Toe to “red lumen then booked on; und relunod yiku- can-v ,uâ€"n ...7,, 09 item]: nhe mlegel he promised no men: or. â€"A terrible eccldcnt heppened Tneldey “turnout: of Int week In Bellevllle, by which Sidney {doom the twelve-nu , LI- -_M-_ old son 0! Chou. Moore. morblo cum. lost his life. The natal-tonne youth nod “some: boy about the mo ago nunod Hues were on their way to the Gnu-9t. school. A: we Gnnd Trunk cream the ban .1093de few minutes a: the come- . A‘ _n_ n--n O--D--|AA Dove vauuu u now u. u... .. -r gnsrd. The boys not their ice: tntened between the slets. when the whistle or the 2 45 express iron: the vest wee been! in the distsoce. Bayou wee able to extricete his toot without difï¬culty. By this time the engine hed rounded the turn some 400 yerde up the track end wee testing down the areas et e high rete of speed. to get his iriend loose from the deeth tree in which he rue securely testened. young Reyes tried to nntie the hoy’e shoe strings. but they Were too securely tied to be 1008- ened in e moment. He tugged heroioelly en the strings. Another second. “other despot-eta. useless tna end .Wiiile Boyce wee forced to less eside in time to see the engine shoot his iriend into eternity. -For some years n smell band of semi. ontlews. known es “the Besides." here msdo their home, or rather retreet. in e ravine user the 803's BJCk, e mountein ridge running irom Brunswick north, end out of the Pigeon creek valley in the town- ships oi Menvers end Emily. This bend hes been noted for their utter distenrd of ‘1 truth end common honesty, end meny ere the depredsticne end sets of violence chemeebie to them. Theieeder oi the gens , 4_ 4 sâ€"wlâ€"n Cuulnw-v-u -â€" .._-__ , in e men 0! method ehllty end impoeina enee end wee eeuzht red-headed in on ‘ not of grace inJuauee (:0 put it mildly) during the peat week. and a crowd of en- {aged citizens proceeded to edminieter jn-uce, not in accord-ace with the eriminnl code, but by means or e rope, one end of which was used ne e necktie end wee nome- whet becamlng to the Beegle leader. The other end wee thrown over it projection. while willing hands proceeded to elevete the enbj act. fled it not been for the timely errivel of e proteeeionnl gentlemen from Bethnny it is feared thet the gum would heve been minus their lender. However, throth this timely errivel. his life wee loved. nod e promise exacted from him to retormjnd ‘em - but!" "it. Let us hope California {1‘10}de meww-- “fl 43mg )5 ag- , '"m a", ...A. ygun‘ “PI-ma; iflâ€"mï¬ï¬‚ e ' on... ..-. v v - “-nnouon-uvé. 015m ENJOYS ia n: $1111.92. “on“. . " W Physicians Failed, Hood’s Sumatran Perfectly Cured. Great {ncntal gggnyji :11de .by “We think Hood’s Samparllln is the most valuable medicine on the market for blood and akln diseases. Our two children altered tem- bly with the nts who see th‘eir‘ehildren suï¬'erin' m diseases aused by impure blood, an forwhich there seems no cure. .This is turned to joy when Hood‘s Sarsaparilla is resorted to. for it the foul humor: from the blood. an restores the dis- ased skin to fresh. healthy brightness. Read the following from grateful parents: “ To C. 1. Hood 00.. Lowe“. Mum Worst Form of Eczema for two years. We had three physicians in that time. but neither of them succeeded In curmg them or even m [ih'lu' them a. little rehel. At. hut we tried [om 's Sarsaxmmla and In a month both children were per» (only cured. We recommend â€Hooo'a PILLS cure llvor mu. commmum‘ bmomou. nuance. lick headache. indigo-Mn. u A standard family medicine. ind wouxd not be without it." Mn. and Mn». M. M. BoLuzu, 1412 2nd Avenue. Alumna. Pu. tiut. am will be . proï¬table vault“ In other. who show . dl-posltlon to run to and In the tune way.â€"[.nmbcook R;- Both Had Eczema Hood’s Sarsapari_l_la ' ...... â€"!r. Wm. Thomuon b: am. “I0 mm- nor of an humans: cuflodty on Mondoy. In 3 rrmukab‘e wâ€. 039 of his clan. 1n the may. n anucra bad jun 0pm?! 5 â€A, -n-_1 .- Ila I..- 5“. IIIâ€. In mu;uv--â€" â€"-_ about. of a». 0nd an rururlud lo and im- uldo. won-anon opium pouch Ind pips. The undo hid been much mod. Mid mo om: ovldontly had mnmd it on the as ch.» which Ind been cloned up bolero n V» alooovued. â€"Fr£d-y ultmaoon o! In: weak I nun-ow «up. from drowning h-ppeoed on the river n Lukeflo'd. It. “‘me two man from Poterboro numad Freshen: 3nd Duke won cm ailing. and were just colon ln'o tho len nun-ant n the auto!" opposite Hume's Point when the on in they bow turned around and landed the other nome- thing. and In to coin: up»: tho hon. The men mugged to «can u hold on the -u AL-.- ..I.- In. mun mun-nun w sum... - r“- V cones. ond hung on until their cries for help brought ushtuce. It wu only jun In time. no one of mem wn on the 001m. of letting go whom «dunno. uflvod. "Bow 1» Caro I“ am Din-sol." Simply apply d1 awnxrs OIXTIIRST. Xe intend medicine required. Cure- umer. ocu- nn. itch. Iii 0:19qu on the two. hands. nose. , -_A L¢_Ihï¬- my. gnu, â€". v. ,_-v__ etc. mm the nth all». um» um mam. In amt lat-ding nod . urntlvo woven m pop. mod br no other remedy. Au: your mm: (or Bwn'sx's nix-run“. Lymm. Son 3: 00.. Manual. wholme anamâ€"éz-fl. â€"Roboou Wilma». of Brown-tuna. m. an: “I When: In: cum-sod commenta- three yum from Vorvonlnm Wanna- o! the atom-oh. Dympols and Indiaaucn. and! my , A__.n__ .â€" we: won gone. I Ind teen doom?!“ coo- Imuy with no toilet. I bonghcooo home of South Auction Nona». which done me more madman»: 850me of doctorlnz Iemdld in my lib. I would name om: woolly perm to an thlc mum. “d Iovoly remedy: o tow bottle. 0! h hsvn enrod ma mmnletely. I oonfldn it the u nod-N mvdlclne In th ‘ wot‘d.†A MAI bottle will convince sou. - Wumwd by B. (inmost. Worm-.mnrsnnsonc Hannah Farmers and Builders THE BATHBUN flfl’Y Hill Yard at Lindsay Hood’s 881!ng Bill Timber, Lumber, Slinglesglalll Cement, Plaster at Paris all Charcoallnhulk, Ell, Etc. OUR 8 FEET HEMLOGK LUMBER I: not!!! NI mu m u: .m mm "I this Chasm“ tad But in the MRI“: Coll And no It. Alto 3: our onion. Kent-at. ovpoclee the M House. we (mo mu Mn:- 0! L mi W In: pow-v.- _ --7, Bdtdnor the United Sata for One you. WTnPoa‘rUnd-u.cnl Scientiï¬c. gawk“ many. 0o:- 81- win-2 Your. a an an Viva“- '0 A-r'rnn'r'rxont- The Réthbun 90’!- In Its Worst Form MAY 26 1893. unutm‘nhdr Wn â€PP; warning on , ‘- .__- l- caveats. TRADE anus. nzslou urn-1’s. corvmcu'rt. 4‘ 7 mama: â€11):“sz us now m w m to loan on good â€cums both l'rlvnbe Md" comp“ fund: a m. lowest current ram ‘ way-â€Â£8.18†MONEY T0 LOAN. â€was! mm A: 7:3! mm? mm um ramble on mum in nu borrower. All: Mammoth-Immunity» on adv: . n unokmn. ONEY T0 LEND ON Munr- GAGESâ€"u tron: 5 m 7 per cent. moon:- [:1th of Ian: Interest parable you], n my adios. ‘Ilmy aavnood on mum: of Jon A. WON. OFFICE - flow DumlnIouBnnk Banding. WHEN-II» um. Juno I. 1893 â€"ms [1. 0357003 If; Wham vaginal.“ an u 953.13. I‘ 03‘ â€walnutâ€"E Mon 53.05.» muons v2.95 â€5 inâ€: in? 8.5 00b“- ALLAN B. MACDONELL. Bat-Hm. etc" (o'er Kendra om). Kcm In. Unduy. hu commend walnuts mu: moneyed humu- Uou sud private culmin- In Town». Peter- L-â€"- __.I ll-A-‘I ‘nd 1- now mom '0 mun unv-w wy--â€"-â€"_ _ 7-, , , been and andâ€. ad 1- now pupa-m to mm â€mm to: low: In [use or urn-u manna. and on ml or venom»! maria. The 391 M mm. rho most “va0 tern». A hm mount 01 Prints Fund- ud Tm". Fund- lo Lona in tum: and! or large to sun borrower. Eu sud convenient mm or re- mmt. 5 to per cent. “at!!! ITRWAIV‘. Feb. 2.1893 â€"¢3. Mm, Lxsosn'. fanny TO LOAN 6 1'0 6 PER CENT. emu: m count! roam. Good turn and Iona man u above am. who to uncut ad murky. and! mm u «mum. lam-admin! macho «odd a0 on. W modnau. sue- m m was mm. B. J. k. I. R. McLAUGflIJN. W. to†Bnker'a Block. [Jada-r. Sept. u. mixâ€"23. oi ‘ EA .bua .EE'Z %- Cid =l 18>: as we, 0.1 .â€" EU °.H 033.68? .I .h KEG .0 ch tho-o utm- Ibon'd not delay on nuke â€puma. Lure amonom of «and: at slightly higher rates. Icons-dim: no murky. In man one- 00:1de woxk is done in may once. muting Ipood sad ammo ex- M ALLAN 8. HACDOVELL Montana Unduy 0 ~35: "mu.†“WE‘RE um.) on _â€".__â€". smLin-I s vmmzaa. 7 _ A â€"__u_- I‘L-Ohnnnm mnflh_m“ .V W F. O‘BOYLE, CLERK OF THE . maximum“ or 093. peon- AICI mu! nu. m. m Acdnut. . XOIIY T0 LOAN. but comm Prlnte and other Fundl n bowel! Runes. Gongs! Awm'. mum mums. once. OPERA _§_OUEE BDOCK. LINDSAY. wflm no. Snuniuni of n-l-_.. - 5â€"" an“. on m but when no their human. mu wanted. 411 und- 0 wean-unnamed. mutilation Riven In double on M when desired. wwm tbolUTUAL RESERVE Fund wo- Ammmmwml gamma: llfo mom, antenna. Meow o Inwnd w W wmgsve may by insuring In an. . ., _,-A- __ nun- A.â€" " than. 07.13. ONEY TO LOAN. 3"“...“3†tho been wane a min: ijgï¬-th a: ONEY '1‘0 LOAN. Money to Loan I DLNN 3 fl Vetegmarz Money to Loan. LO H'SACATAR R H EAGLESON, 3. mm. 01.;15 of the Man!- , Â¥I -_ “_.A-‘ 1, luvp jogng'y nu I can: mug. u..- -0 _.. -uu n‘nn {123515 Emma: mm of money moon with In: fogloougpg on lama st 5Q pot ._- .- I....u.... nu Huang" Cards Radical. 6 Per .0 F. 33°â€. "REMEDY. ' ha I can: mom mm at monetvqueï¬ Suggeons. mum of mm. Gen 1:. EL 54‘ All Manchu of drama-r. Much: u- ho-ntmxl cud durable ennui! Br on wax and the Porcelain mung Mm." WV: Mr. am An amorous-I «mutton-slow Parana-M mm :11ququ tree '1». mm ,__ â€HIM“ " A D- _ _ __ _._-._ ain't? ovn Knuth“ am Ova-1‘ Ola â€Myra-001mm mm H. 09.088. L118. DENTIST. LINDSAY. - - om. J. NEELANDS. II III. panama-um clu- dead-c7. Baum Gold and Porcelain atom . J. Nnuxms studied me Go. vmma Ah. under Dr. Cotton 0! New York. the mm or m for examine mom. who Irma In. Nmmne am up to Jung-t he an given an an to 177.523 WM“ In at m “cm: at. Nmmpfl bu given this an aunt forever 26 na- to my thou-wt! m withontulnorinjmmumg math ex mum tooth W from Store 866. for“ nape: or under not. Many pan-cu up won-Inn heath undo by Mr. K was to: over I! you without. 10M Per-om n-om 3 distance vm please no. u an: baton comma. omoo upon-m 81mm Spin-ï¬g" ' DR. BURROWS, gndum of mi) Magentaâ€. Olloo ham 8 to m s. In. noon: I go_8_p._ QA‘qupphgu m noon: IV) 8 3mm Tale ha Undu'.1ulÂ¥1 "a. IUBWW. v. wâ€"wâ€"w Beacon Home. Undo-y. on Sun: .1. m at we Gmnd Cannot. â€when. l «1. Anti; 1- no. :. 1m.â€"sz-ny. m was Ofloo n_ Ind Lind-um. ton an inhh’ cornu- “Bu-r v0 D-V.Uu~uuwâ€"wv- v~Wâ€"'__ 7- , War-1m 140mb?! 0ng PW A... nu‘--_ sad 5 con. uni-m): mu u re» um...â€" [leaping New You. Otherâ€"Woodvfllo. m~ um. oodvflla. May )9. lastâ€"5041!. snd madame wanna. [1m doc: can at. omoehoumtrom 8 wmun.‘ W at mum .so_p.m. and unawa- Mnhtunép: I†at University of Trinity 00!â€. Tomato; Member at College 0! Pay-low and Surgeons. Duane; [no Physician to mum mlmn. Kingston Gnnd Twp]: 6% “ads†Dhmca once and residence. 8 9L.uooond aw west of York-ct once ma. 9 (010.80 “mun to! p.m:ud'lmap.n undoâ€. Apr“ 8. [ahâ€"£8 l) r‘ out-homunculus. Goodmblel mam hoauen. J mm 12:}. lawâ€"53.â€. ______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" \J n. van-mm. Promoter. I lave leued this Commodxouo Hotel a Lindsay-u. Ind refurbished and reflux-ed the promine- throushont. The But will be M with Ben Brand or Liquors um Cm al.- nubnnz sud “mauve bonnet-I. BEE 1119.}: w a;- a... '.Vâ€"_â€" _ v r do It. Bax-bun. 850.. Baker'- Block. Kant-n. [And-â€,00w'lo. Amesmunmot mu loan n lowest also of lawn» ad will a nun bou'owou. undo-y. Sept. 14. m-n. M Dominion Burk bumwun‘nï¬- June 2. maxâ€"mu Kine-3m 0n' mm 3131 iam'una-y. n. J. mamas. Q. o. 1'. 3mm GRANT. â€1 1)., U. M... u. U. I. g 8.9,: argugorpt‘x‘wwn and Ton-Io n _- .3 {IL-4““: omims CHISHOLM, (mou- non no MARTIN a. HOPKINS) mul- Benetton m. once. No. 6. Wuhan-n. Ontâ€"3H,]. G. a. homgms. D a. Cnmnonl. ‘R. 373. McKENZIE, 14 Bloor-ot. Wn Tomqt9._mu pagan-mug.“ tho â€"_ __ -_ an. m‘yW 3. WM. Klihlf'l‘, 0. IL. MEDICAL - -, 7____ ,- n.â€" 0mm T1803: L. 0.635881, ’95 yswxm, sun- QEON. m. m. WWW GRANT. M. D._, BMMERCIAL jigUsEf. ,. n s; WILSQE». 1393!. 01.30:- momrz ï¬fm STEWéMB ’. gum no. “4% P. Dumasmnggn. 8014' '7 Pnyuczang; v --- sustain-rift ucxw‘mâ€"Bm an. etc- m WMIZ‘: W... Barns tags; W E ELIE 5.. HONEY TO LOU. nun-inu- v. v". v.-__7 , 05min; 123:9 at P;:' and!“ m_A._nI- m- Dentistry Hotels. 11 McLAUGgLnI. EACKSOE (§“°1°"°"_‘9 Ema" DENTIST. loontJm £16.3- 7W m. k" v . H 'H ’4