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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 26 May 1893, p. 4

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chemists, CARPETS. name a >~t~eum~uitfimm~~~ne~~~wfim~~mm ninja he 1-. an.“ 9-0 Delilah- sl- SEEOIAL LINES IN THE ABOVE DEPARTMENTS- . w- A” now busy ma’kg‘fnénfag #23:. BOYS’ sun‘s-«$2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and CARPETS! CARPETS! Women’s and Childr L. “.113 $4.00 . . . . 7 . Tapestry-«25c. 1:00'll5cbl ago 2329:. tg065c. EBrufitfiflsgq BOYS' H0 . , , -- c. o c. n 1 - - all? YOUTHS’ SUITS---$3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 gfiiflsflifi $1.30. ° _ , , _ g __ C l .V ”r l . l d OllO l“, .l- ‘ and 36'00‘ ’ DRESS GOODS! caShmerriaive?0ev:iy qualit ORDERED SUITS---$5.00, $6.00, $8.00,$9.00, Special Great Iiine of about 2,000 yards Our price is $10.00 and $12.00. - - 500., regular value, 75c. - - BLACKS. Tarts. BRO .. ht ' e 131' est lot ever broug _ . Elliot. 1% includes many clearin ' ‘ be ofl'ered to the which wm â€"â€"Wholesale ' We [20718161217725 Bar/gains 01’ tookth tort fth Ki di Ballot EDITORIAL NOTES' l church.a 33'... “1-300 cartrcfetigsefblworplho accepted a coil to T ubu . From there be " bed with Liberals of South Victoria. don‘t forfet removed to Chatham. where he . to “a~semble yourselves together'on Sat- l socioputuoe for fiv|o you-r. llflt’lo ad :lw If a . . . icero oonusouovan s war. or urda). the .iru June at at one oclcck in two you. “a: loaviuir gum.” be m“ Hamilton 3 hall Lindsay. in um work. are health failed. however. and “mi-lowly mummy. he was oompel'od min to return to the regular ministry. taking charge of the Baptist church m. t. I" . .‘mn‘. "m .1” f‘" aft‘fr'dmner Speech mud” at at Undeay. During too than time he resided Send I "Gnnliaht" Soap wrappers (wrapper Victoria B L. a few days ago. Lleut - . in town he had annealed himself toallolasoco heart-[theme "Whynoes a Woman hook (iovcrnor Dewdney, late minister of the. of the community by hi'i unselfish actions and Oidlooaor Thou . Ian") to hover mm" rant . way interior said: ‘ It is true that. many young 3151:? .33;é‘3l.1“.‘i.".‘..quilm 32.313 unratd'. 4| Inuit-st. Torontuand you will receive by post " I metals. from adverthi . and well Canadians go to the United States. and bl" "9 “'9“le ""W' '9 "‘9 V" “‘ his worth ml. his is auto» way decorate although Canada regrets their going she °3“’2".;ol‘° ’“n'fm‘flu‘il?” .I‘O‘Dfeléih on ‘2: h if}, - , s as core a v e u on poor r knows it is for their own good " What a , malls! of what denomination they miaht'bc. : it all? eeoop b“. m h the market “I highly patriotic utterance from a censor ’Onlv quite recently he assisted In heroine a as i-ativc statesman. Are speeches such as 0'11"! 9‘ 0M9 0‘ N! “militia bill's tim it“ 5, ”65%,70 | {grumpy 1.1-}pr .5. .7 POINTERS for GROCERY BUYERS Mr Ilcwdneys caimlated to check the ' :gg‘ggngfggavé‘mf'lfk‘§§.,$Inbwumfi'é 910m"? tiling into real whsrohis‘glapathliism loin ii Haul Hi 10. Qualty Mullins the shineâ€"ill i“ - errant stylus; ilry buttery aniiaoiil bolts [mm It MN 8800. for “(IL-M a lint-Ola- Douthtry st lull... Beautiful Gold and Financial. Crown blurted . §._Porter:‘ WIN D- k RUFF“ DRABâ€" DUPLEXâ€"â€" WALL PAPER. Pretty Patievns can very Little lousy PORTER’S. ;1l!ol..caaa a £703. fi . Until BIRTHDAY min TO THE PEOPLE OF VICTORIA COUNTY. A special Line of Lad/e . link anteed absolutcl) . . gual' PrlCC lb ((‘i‘... Lsdies' Pure Wool Black Grimmer CHILDREN'S begin .it WOMEN'S begin at MEN'S begin at ______________4 E as e u luliernee or v e. A minim oi the iliinois house of more: with is o riscaels is thifi'l‘sv‘o’r sentativco is respotlsible tor a remarkable “3%.“: :3, fi‘fufifmxmefigwfigfi a. o i Mil collinlriu a raiioai scheme of man tort seal to melanomas». the w H ' g ' set wll iiuiiir is the character got as inc its alumni in aosooiuisiorluge use there was case at is man at 00% ii | I in to 5’ 3 § as 5. . .E 5E a 3 riaéu reform. He hopes to procure the %E unecmwni of a law providing that man: rinse licensee shall he issued only to pcledllri who can read and wri is who are sound lit belly and mind. on who can â€"mllll or status curl-cut. Lora than huli‘ '1‘th um MOD-07' 133- POOkOto the price of any other «autumn and more home testimonials than l to root to- gether. hill list no... Mention this AEâ€" emit; iii/few.” South Side, Kent Street, cam; FOR YOUR Willis it? .. . it” damn i‘ Eloy“ clo‘l'g isratauultew ex: 093 Will” iiiLElllliN ill. 8 CARLOADS ENGLISH Portland Cement arrlvodthlswcck. 33mabarrol. Green lVire Clot/z for I'Vimt'ou': and Doors. lVina’ow: and Doors Ready-made. Springs, Hinge: and Fasteningr. McLen nan 00., Budwuro. Cool “I! Imumhuutl. Lindsay. March 7. 1893 -32 Eli: (Canadian gust. LINDSAY. FRIDAY. MAY 26, THE OTTA WA BALL 1". The liberal convention at Ottawa on the 22nd of J une promises, from all indica- tions, to be one of the grandest afl'airs that has ever taken place. being made by the liberal party to send their representatives, and if the delegation turns out to be what is promised, the population of Ottawa will be so increased as to tax accommodation beyond its limits. It being important that every riding should be fully represented, it is suggested that provision should be made whereby each association may authorize its president or other officer to increase the number of alumina, so that no liberal desiring t'l attend may be prevented from doing so. The following provisions have bten made in regard to railway rates: Each delegate, official or alternate, and all ladies accom- panying them, will be entitled to a return ticket free, on complying with the follow- ing regulations2At the railway office where the ticket to Ottawa is purchased it will be necessary for each person to secure from the railway agent a “Standard Cer- Nicole," and to take it to Ottawa and present it to the secretary of the conven- tion, who will thereupon endorse such certificate to as to entitle the holder there- of (on presentation of such endorsed “Standard Certificate" to the Ottawa railway agent) to a return ticket free. The tickets will be good for three days preceding the 20th of J one, and for three days after the close of the convention. Sundays not included. The convention is expound to last for atloasttwo days. Mr.huriorhaohccufloododwithin- vibb'ous from Ontario to visit marina. dos and deliver addresses. The demands upon him in this respect have been so my tht nothing definite hoahocn or all ho settled until at orattortheOttawa cosy-Itin- Tho lihsmlacf Victorian, expat Hr. Lauder, howwvor, to como en’- .oug that, aid when boon-mite wll recoivo that “it when be“ men. [$3 From the Atlantic to the Pacific preparations are furnish autiutnctorv evidence that they. it males, are outlawed in some honorable employment from which they derive a col 'clcut income to support their wives. The Ottawa Free Preuhrremal‘ks: "From Sarnia comes news that the customs did oiiicials of that port have been seizing smuggled goods and collecting thousands of dollars of revenue from smugglers. How strange it is that Canadians will per~ slut. in violating the law in purchasing goods in the United States and smugglin them into Canada-running the risk 0 having their goods confiscatedâ€"when the restrictiouisi organs insist that anything is cheaper in the Dominion than in the neighboring republic." The Northictoria convention for the sel- ection of delgates to attend the convention. to be held next Fribay,the 2ndJune,in Dick son a hall Fenelon Falls, at one o’clock. All true liberals are earn-ally desired to atiend, as business of a general character will, in all likelihood, be discussed. Mr. Barron and others will address the meeting. We draw the attention of friends in the north, to the article elsewhere in this issue, on the Ottawa. convention. * DEPL ORABL 3 DR 0 WNIN G FA. TALITY. RSV. B. J. “WARE, PASTOR OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH, 1.08” 318 LIFE AT STURGBON Pomr. Late on Thursday night of last week a tele- graph message was received from Fenelon Falls to the effect that the Rev. E. J. Ware. Baptist minister. 'had been drowned at Sturgeon Point. and that the body would be bronchi: up on the Esturiou the following morning. There were no further particulars received. but the meagre intelligence spread so rapidly that long before the time for the Esiurion‘s arrival the wharf was througod with ciizcua cutter to learn the sad particulate and show their sympathy. As the steamer drew near the wharf it could beacon by tho countenance of the passengers that something of an unusual nature had taken phoqand when the gang plank was thrown out and the passengers disombarkod. each was sur- rounded by those anxious to learn the full par- iicnlars cf the sad event. which. on careful enquiry were found to be as foliows:-On Tues- day last Dr. Burrows. Mr. Ware’s medic-ti auvilel' induced him to consent tospono a few days at: Sturgeon Point. as ho was in very poor health, the result of overwork and mental Anxiety occasioned by Mrs. Ware's ill~hcalth. he hwimr boon compelled tosoud her to a private hospital at Toronto for treatment. On Tuesday I lght he was unable to moon. and sum on Wednesday night ho tossed about routinely. in the morning no arose. tolling ur. Burrows he would in also a call on Mr. 0. chain. who resided quite poor by. and left the house only to return .3 a few moments for his overcoat. as the morn- log air was chill . Thst was the last time be was soon alive. ct putting in an appearance during the only. his moods became uneasy about him. and a messenger was decpatohcd to learn if he was still at Mr. Graham's. but on enquiry if. war found he lied not been there at all that do) . la the meantime some boys. among whom was Mr. Woru'o youuz rou.woro out in a canoe. and social: in rmothiu floating near the shore in close proximity to r. Road's wharf. thought it was a cuoulou and paddled over to pick it up. not what was their horror on coming close to it to and that to was the body 11Il m was given and Mr. Putnam!“ hilt. Nectar-do. mounted the body which provod to no that of Rev. Hi. .1. Wars. The distress of his poor-Ion (. lad of it) when he itwashls d g.“ 531°“. lanolin is a model“ Omaha . “valance “m "‘ M’m‘“ ‘° 'm' angle, $0813. ‘f'oi-‘biBSothy had two lords of straw “4 Mo now rr um! tim'mc. “use “about“. How the accident occurred will uovorbe "0' hon-INN!” Wk“ "a. positively known. butt: lsourmisodthatbolug mmxgzzm" ““7!” J G EDWARDS 00 what. 'MtOe w bmooooooac to” n a 70 . ' I ' . wn ring. buoh.. o u o u l “2:“; ”22am ""'" '03 8.? h l . bush.... ..Z‘.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.I'. oo o lo ’ “"mm...... ..........._ .3 333 ”my ”ID SWELF IMRDWM'E “ye. ....... nu... .e..-...n.e.. ‘3..-“ P bush ......... ............. D . 032.35“ per m.. . 1 rt '38 than.” tumâ€"es. Sift?.’:.’lbt‘it..“”m' """'-3.‘£ it; , sumlmtn'frggaa....ll£lfill 3 g :3 NOV Admmonfl. Inns mm. 00.0. 00.... . with???”.°::::.:::.:°:.':: 23 23 A8 T U 8 E FOR Hum AND Muslim..." ..... I. on CA vtoaauoetwoous cae- nay; .... ................ ....,. an ”in motile-cumin to In in... nu: ........................ on loco “6 “0 O" “I. e m "I!“ 3315'. 60000.0”-ocouuontloo ' ' " 9'. hmbmm Buakaccvcuflu ............ .... o 3: I'll. . ' 10-190. . iv." I It... ”tout-o... 0 3p... ”v? we - ml? or : “Jr-M ~â€" - -.-.-...:;:..,*°°'......““..“:::::::::::: c a... u m. w ue. out, a Yak... We.“ 3 o. ha”: . . . , ‘ m “anthem 1;?“ roman ”r. W meiotic alert the suit was . comic Ml was induced attend . interested a crab work. and s new a honored an useful 0 um in the town is wblo he lives. Such work a great coal of It. llo waea .l'ld. and was considered an uco‘llout pointer. an parts of the purview. three sons anu one loss of a most devoted father and husuenn. Au air-vaccine uuwov. Rev. Dr. Theater of James-st. Baptist church. Toronto. made the following reference to tho sad event in his Sunday night sermon:â€" "Ttoro is a molaucholv sadness about our Brother Warc‘a death. No on witnessed i; but God's. It occurred at Sivan Polar, whore he had gone for his health. r believe that in one of bu paroxysms of pain he leaned over the wharf to love his favored brow and lost his balance. Sure we are of this. that if over a man had faith in God and H is great providence. Brother Ware had. and that if the event will bear of any other interpretation than that which I have given it, it was mysterious mechanism of the son! had become suddenly deranged and the hand which hold the mastery had lost 1m power of control. We sincerely mourn his untimely cud. f or we loved He was one of tho bravest. truest. manifest spirits in our Canadian ministry. Ho was transparently sincere. He was a . earnest. exuberant and yet a prof reverent man. He hada personality that was singularly unique and a quality of soul that was uncommon. He was heroic when he stood up in defence of a principle which he loved. and at at the same time tender-hearted us a woman. in Christianity was of the most unconventional and manly sort. There was nothing about him that assumed a superior sanctity. and hi: no one who came close enough to recognize quality could over-doubt the depth and sincerity of his piety. He did not indulge in goody- goodylirms of manner or of speech. but he had a profound love for Jesus Christ. which manifested itself in a devotion to His cause which was all consuming. His ministry was rich in the pathos of a profound personal experience and strong in a well it ed knowledge of the word of God. We she mire hlmfrom our ranks as we would but few even of our choicest spirits. The Lord be very gracious to his bereaved wife and children." ms: mm. On Saturday morning the body was attended tothetralnbya large number of cltizcunaud on its arrival at Toronto was met by the mo- fessors cf MoMuter Hall, the Baptist mini-we of the city and friends of the deceased. and con- veyed to a friend’s house. The funeral too place Saturda afternoon and was very hr: attended. y cly * COMMERCIAL N EWS. OFFICE or Tm: CANADIAN Posy. LmnsAY. May 26. 1823. Toronto let" lurch III-tot. There was a very unsatisfactory market Tuesday morning; all told there was 05 loads came in. a great deal of which was not sold by noon. The export trade was dull. prices are weaker in Britain and the domard hero was light tc-day. Butchere' cattle were steady in price with a fairly moderate local enquiry. We had only sixty sheep and lambs and prices were not materially altered; clipped sheep sold at from Stdo to 85.00; woolod at from Q to 87: enriua lambs were slow at at and 05 each- yearling. sold from so to Oil each. One hundred calves came in. and uood calves are wanted. We had six hundred hogs and all sold nudity; He leaves a widow. ugcesstsady auduu wilhO'lasthotop p 0.. Toronto [trout mm. The receipts of on the street market 'ruoeday were sins :prices steady. Wheat-Steady. too bushels selling at file for fall and Bic for red. Oatsâ€"Steady. 300 bushels selling at s to toe. Possâ€"steady. one load selling at Otto. vu as his collect was. a tall man and he cruxD gestatanoigovult to i hm i l stun church a it became was hie dcllubt. and he not lover of had sold numbers of uloiurco lu dill'uoat dtlll’lhbfll'. who mourn tho “We We To Bib-ER ts Cue Willa”. Out. 5 Il‘l‘l GILLOGLV - la undo- . load .u It. the wire of r. James a nail, of . 3.. a nonunionâ€"Io Lindsay. ca lay me. the wilooflu Arthur ttoblaoou of a doubler. I‘m ”ABK- Gurus -Ou tho will last. by Rev. Newton Hill. at the Queen at Methodist paroou e 838i. Paul-at. Alton W. Hark to Ada G'rll'la. all ct Harman. Haunvâ€"Paioa ~81 l'lcv. W. Burns. at the “dance of Mrs l’odlar Oakwood. on the soul May. 103. Mr. W. if. Hardy to Ill-s lien-tot Juoopbleo Prior. both of Maripooa. cum . humanâ€"la the township of 2r. on Sun- uay. May 2. Timothy Fluulglu. as 70 years. CAII'BILL -lu Uudaay. cu Ilouday. lay a. Windsoruocouo can of Rev. '1‘. I. Campbell. aged 15 years and 5 months. Pym: â€"In Lindsay. on Thursday. May 25th. Mrs. Julia Pync. aged 7i years. ...[ll‘uuoral at 730 Saturday morning to St. Mary's church; thence to tho Roman Catholic cemetery. * neuron, Whether on pleasure bent or business should take on every trip a bottle of Sylu of Figs. as it acts most pleasan ly an effectually on the kidneys. liver and bowels. preventing fevers, heads-hes and other forms of sickness. For sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Macro. AN PIANO, VOCAL MUSIC Ill m6 TUNING. II. 31m HUWII. YOUR GARDEN. “PLAN ET d R.” Construct: Hand mu, mar Hoe, Bake, Cultivator, Plow. m. machine it lows. culti and covers bottom and 3mm: Mnukhiuznigg gull. root Cops and small curacy stock. otc 0011an Horse Hoe and cultivator has mums mt.” all m are J:m2uemu TEAS AND SUGARS. Never in the history of the trade was there such values offered to.purchaiors in those lines at at present. The competition of tho toa~growors of India with those of China has resulted to the advantage of the poor man the world over. and brands that a few yours ago diluted their pleasing aroma only at rich men’s tables are now within the reach of all. We have several special lines that cannot)» approached in value in the County. Try the“. In suoaas we oil'cr exceptional value, because we hld the good luck to purchase two oarloads while the markets were depressed. the wants of hundreds of house/colds in Lindsay and vicinity for many years, and every week have, been striving to ofler better values for less money than could be obtained elsewhere. A constantly increasing patronage is perhaps the best proof of the success ,' of grace endeavors; cer- ‘ tai git has been pleasin _â€" as us and has urged “g on to greater (farts m the public interest. Long avperz’ence Ims tauqkt us how to buy judiciously, and by selling at the lowest possible prices we secure a quick turn-over of stock. . . . l I Our Stock of General Groceries will please the mosf care/a1 searchers after Values. If there is anything lac/c- l ing we have not been made aware of it, and we don’t think there is. We make 3 a specialty of [family Trade, and devote our whole ‘energies to giving satisfac- ’ . empty one. It is unnecessary to ’ enumerate here the camera: hues zncluded under this heading. Every house- i We have been supplying ; l a “33030. cat, CANADA. li ‘ training vi “903 and Sbor.hand -, ‘ _ “A h agaggwly for Send siiedxfliillfd w Going? out: illustrated clrcu r .. A. 15* ‘0 e L. L. 8.. and m 900. . A.. . gunfight! BACCOUDM! of Ontario " m mm”, vb... writinfi “on mummem. ,,. 7 , O “ r Wit (Canadian gull. . ‘ ”airway. FRIDAY, um All; %: naval-Q."- I l keeper knows them, and has only to leave an order and sans/actzon is assured. l ' u so... ‘ cm s . i f thoroug Remarkable Bargains in Our Provision Department a _ Bar“ for... an r w Crockery a Glassware \ wmw‘” T..,,:.......m. m. g ' _ . ethane!“ rooms, are oflered. A crate of - ”’N "1° ”Wmm“ ° ' - ‘ enwonommrnnss fine F... 61...... m '8 we” supp/18W m.§°.evi;vu§§:£§E-n.§a:r opened will be sold at very , Woodstockunugl Ian" v. nine month:o 3:1- ‘ low prices, Bacon, Potted Meats, Potted lurkey, Ulric/{en é: rigging, in: 3.3%.. o... .. . .l K ’17:“ and ion (13, Concentr t a’ enigrormm“ ,, .5 Aline of Handsome Hanging ELâ€"Ea e 8011p 8’ Canned 1mbrl$flfldmflg32§6 :a‘ and Stand Lamps will be sold at special prices jar the next month to clear. See these Goods. _ DINNER AND TEA SETT Some fine lines of tile above'have been reduced Below Cost P - to I for a new stock. Will'bo 831d Below Cost rather than [:3]; “0:51” room Salmon, Lobsters, Sardines and everything else. in this line, all of the best brands. ID have been a; eamoto J , Inciteve Gave peril“ at ll’ll . full by "10 ”'9“ go! the ”a.“ as ohm“ {gogemm cheese believe the -b°'e'°‘m°d m 01" est men. ”a sin bt-f ard. hon N be” agvo suspicion: _ - [SlguodL Juries Gmso. . mu. W 24°. m‘w'l‘ l / Wynn and lag-Macs. 4' article which will attract more than her of blur-1 he Juno hum uni-my mum “1 ‘ mom Emu is a sketch of "103‘ the “““l traits of w mild $000111“ my 0"- the W the articld m.- of IN meithmrolauou to life at the Austria 1,; 4.3.3443 ' it. .. '. . ~ . . - ' . m v : a. $3,421 rd . . "-.-’. ~ .-. , . . . c r , ‘ ‘y r ~ . ’ >V ..,, I ~ « ‘ - ,. ' . . LI» " v ’ ’s , ”V. _ .. .r or era 4., ~~ v y. . .mx . 1. i. w ,. .

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