n'a' Hal" V.' Ina" Emu arguing; Isiah; GOAL B318 A Y“! ‘3‘ here are few readers of the Recorder pare not familiar with the fact that Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People .yareputatiun for excellence. both at; 3 and abroad, not equalled by any r proprietary medicine. That this nation is deserved is amply borne out the evidence of many of the best Ipapers in the country, which have fully investigated the most noteworthy ,9 cures following the use of Pink ., and have given the facts to their 2:3. with a clearness and conciseness ‘ admits of no doubt as to the truth- “ of the reports. Recently a ‘ of the Recorder was informed by Mm A. Barr, the well known ‘ that the particulars of a case making as many that have been [mm s TALE 0F WOE. E INTERESTING NARRAâ€" TIVE OF A GRBNVILLE CO. HAN. Spun Injnzad We Work"; In :3. Foodsâ€"A Long and mum Inu- Movedâ€"Bow Be Rosalind Health Id 8601811 A Bright Lad, it alumina gm. ‘W m. meS Sarsaparilla 8V r9875 of age, but who declines to give his . to the public, makes this authorized, mntlal statement to us: hen I was one Eear old, my mammadled msumption. he doctor said that I, yould soon die and all our neighbors in that even ' I did not die I would be able to walk, because was so and puny. A gathering formed and underm arm. I hurtmynn rand hered an threw out pieces 0 bone. urt myself so as to break the skin. it are to become a runnmfaowe. Ihad :0 lots otchmedlcln;a bu nothing has so mu good WI 83mg.- lï¬lms made mewell and strong. 1, Nomtur, Kaila. n "‘ °9 tinned and a. further be P1118 Procured After the med Its London house, and â€gem“ 1‘“ heard from her ï¬fï¬gmeed almost all her SAY. FRIDAY. MAY 18, 14. :45; Dr. J. C.Ayar a: 00., ioweu, fl; ,3; others, will cure you meld be learned from Mr. rgeant, of Augusta township, an beneï¬tted mzst remarkably Pill treatment. The reporter to interview Mr. Sargeant, ugly drove to his home in out six miles from BrockvilIe. at was found busily engaged logs in the woods near his , although well up in the working with the vigor of a rprime of life, exhibiting no the fact that he had been a 'er. When informed of the ï¬ssion Mr. Sargeant said he 7 too much in favor of Dr.‘ nk Plls, and expressed his? 0 give the facts in connection I l and the piles disappeared, x1e I had taken six boxes I as well as I ever was, and ee, :0 do agood day's work.†: further said that he had i with hernia for fonrwen all which time he was forced russ. To his surprise that mand in April last he threw s and has had no occasion for . Sargeant declares his full lis too was due to the use Of 5’ Pink Pills, but: whether an. or whether his release W is ï¬ne to his prolonged “Mi his other trouble, the h M pretentho sayâ€"h: tar; as r. argean bu,“ .011? thing is certain, Mf- ‘ "“‘ ["3 life are very enthu-i u." Feï¬ts of Dr. W'llliaMS’l w-aczdentally Mrs. Sergeant 1 WW3? of the great beneï¬t “‘1 t‘een to her mater, Mrs. ’ “110 Tives in Essex 00., {d “P0 Was a. sufferer from “â€019 to move hand or foot. acted her stomach to such "t _ahe Was unable to retain ’ Emllllllaxnca alone she owed 9 5°†8 considerable period. It - '33? 13?? PBS" 3 supply _°f station to health. “Two d Mr. Sargeant, “I went fork state to work in the for the winter. One day logs one slipped and rolled gmy spine. The pain was i as I could no longer work back to my home, and was at six months. I suffered and seemed to be growing une badly constipated and ‘ Ies developed which added ‘ The various treatments r to do me any good, and zhbors advised me to try Pink Pills. My wife went ocured a supply, and I had' : them long when I found a stronger and the ' The pills made my bowels 4.79]. been of the blood or I. rn is the secret of mankind. and by Hi rebuilding the ink Pills strike at 3, driving it from mg the Mien: to I.“ “m °f m rs Remedies n Proltrated for >rder. chm' tor ataxit, pipe)», scrotu- i1l'l'ï¬l'empoi'iol: 1139mm. rental para, 20 on: no on written no Inbodoufly and printed l0 nico- lr. lend one on and on until s good know- 1- dz. 0: the provident“! rho 3nd eqoolh' provldontul am of out“: =hrouzhont the '0ng become. so hunk! to up on tho wondofllim . 0! our nation, with which it In: gonna; M do well to do. Eowouh‘luaooo an Should on. awn Ind lead 000†I'll " . m «mm 8n. all on you, m‘immbomm n-0mlp- ï¬lm venom a-v ..___v_ in a moment to whetever he vents in the book. The type is not the eight killing “113' that one feels by do, end dreede It night, but Jorge end clear for day or even- um use. Before seeing this hendeome and proï¬t the people, eeoeeielly the yonnk people. of universal Methodiem; thie book comee neemr tint ides then my other we know. Swvene’ or statue. in the eteod- work in very nimble. illnemted. wee in the right direction, In: is spoiled by clot. “The etety o Methodiem.’_by Hyde, though perhepe too pictoriel, is not I on. lying ' A Velueble Book-"The Story o! Inho- alem,"-8ynev. A. B. Hyde. 8. 1'. D; st. W. H. mun, ln Z ion’e Hereld. Boston, wrltee :-"Hevlng juet hed occe- elon to egeln refer to 'The Story of Methodhm,’ by Rev. A. B. Hyde, D. D.â€" e book whlehI keep neer ee head for reedy reference, end within reech of my children, who ere ettrected to lo by the p'cZuree It oontelne. eround whloh bio lures they can qulekly reed end uncon- rcloualy ebecrb much ‘Methodlet hutoty, thereby becoming more closely. etteehed 1 to their church heceuee lnlormd or her wonderful cereerâ€"It owure to me, though uneeked. to commend it, though I em not no egent tor lt or enythl‘ng else; ‘thle one thing I do,’ end "think every other peetor ehould be e men of one work. but in met one work he oen do good by recommending good booke to the people. A picture or e eblo in toll eell. henglnz on the well of e Vermont term hon le said to heve mede eenore of one her mother of the boys. who bed never eeen en eotuel ehln. Open thle book of 900 pence elmoet enywhere end you dad ple- turee of hletorlo Method!“ ohmotere or. pieces. Ite lull lndexee eneble rm to turn ,g ,-___._ e.- _._..- I‘â€" LL- It the question he asked, why then are these thi ngs done in connection with the colic; a farm? The answer is that already stated -that it is conducted for education- al purposes alone, and so long as that is the case just so long will it be impossible to show satisfactory results in dollars and cents. No doubt it the items mentioned were taken out and charg ed as they have ‘ been on some occasions to education. the farm as at present conducted would show a balance on the r! gh: side. No person c-fl’ering criticism has yet ventured to say that any individual or particular expense could be dispensed with. Mr. Dryden’s ‘ first aim, as he stated in the house, is educational efliciency. That eï¬lciency. as he asserts. should be secured at as lows cost as possible, and he further states without fear of contradiction that the wages given are as low asthe services re- quired can be obtainsd for. â€88. the farm proper to conducted in' bonnet: tion with the college as a part at an edu- cational institution, [I would be utterly impossible to make it pay in donate and come. The institution was not organized for that purpose. Mr. Dryden truly stated that if he deeired a result only in dollars and cente, he wcu‘d not employ a farm superintendent at a cost of 81,200 pert annum with sufï¬cient experience and educational ability to give instruction to the students; neither would he employ an engineer, pert of whose duty is nine to: give instruction in the management , of a farm engine, at say $500; nor would it be ‘ necessary to employ an expert herdsman ‘ at a similar sum; not would he spend from three to ï¬ve hundred dollars annual- ly inadvertiein , etc., in connection with the sale oi surp us stock, which might be disposed of to better advantage in the ordinary way ; nor would he keep at con- siderable expense 23 male animale repre- senting 23 didarent ereedrot cattlegehe - and swine, when one,two or three.aa' the cane might he, would answer the par- poeee of the ordinary farmer; nor would he set apart iorty or ï¬fty acres purely for experimental purpoeee,,btinalnsv no ~ prod: whatever but eniaillmz a considera- ble amount or labor in addition to what would otherwise be expended on the same During the recens session or the legisla- ture one of the: Mom M the deperunent of eurlcnltnre wee the: like minister hed been nneble to show thet :he college term bed been so condnceed es go“ eflcrd e uroflt In Its tremendous. Tothle Mr. Dryden replied In Innocence es tok lowe: His ï¬rst answer wee thet. under existing circumstances In this country, It 15 difï¬cult to meke any term my my con. sldenblo proï¬t. Second. m: tso look is snoum mechanim' be ma n99:- [corner ot‘ths room, nndstonped to: e ‘ moment. Then be brushed his nose with his forelegs, end stated. V .3: was; ï¬rst ribbon in sstety, but as soon es his toreoreepsts struck the opposite or psrsllel niobon, over he went es deed es s tree! messsge. :From the: time an sites-lung; the cheek boys were kept busy brushing the deed insects to the floor. A3 midnight the cordon or defunct bugs stound the table looked like s squsre mode or on old mmâ€"[Donshoe‘s for Ms]. and set this unique mains at death in opentlon, it needed but 3 single cock- roach» arm the dad lino. Gums {snow cane up the you gt thejouthmt Chief operators and All were mun-outed, and little work was done till the Id nnoe guard of the oockrowh army put in on appearance. Now. to cougplotqmo circuit -_J -_‘_ At. . _, , __-- ._v .v â€"â€"-u m am my. He eeid nothing. but when he reported for duty the next night he wee eupplied with e quantity of tin foil end tour or ï¬ve yerde at ï¬ne wire. ’Unmlling the-tin toil end cutting two nurow ribbons from the long eheet, he etretehed them nound the table, teking one to keep them ee nee: together ee poeeible without touching. end ieeteninz them into poeition win: me very ementeeke. Then he connect- ed the ribbon at toil with two heavy betterige, end_ united the result. Silicon and the Men. While in the Weetern Union cflice in Baton, Edi-on. like u greet meny others [on the taught force. wee bothered by the 'wee: ermy of menarche-that eech night r formed e hollow equere. with the overe- tor'a lunch boxee on the inside. The lunches were kept on an unused able. and promptly et 6.30 eech night, or may- has: «flier. the cockroach ieaione would: much upon the old table, eecend the tour ‘ lexe the: upheld in, end gorge themselve- ou eendwiehee, nppie pie. end other entehlas. One night while Edison wee waiting for Wuhiugtcu to emtthenewe- paper emble. he conceived e plnn to en- nihilete the whole cock-roach temily. _ _ Uh -_.lj __4I_l___ L,,‘ Dr. William: nadir-Er; '05.,Bmckvii1a' Ont, or Schenectady, N. Y. “just as g .†Sold by all deders or sent by mil, postpud, at y50 cent: Ibex, 25â€" 63s†for §2.5Q, by addressing the lives of so my women n burden and speedily restore the rich glbw of halt]: to nllow.cheeka. Men broken down by overwork, worry or exeeuee will ï¬nd in Pink Pills a certain cure. Bewareof‘ ' ‘tations and substitute: alleged to be “innit a. "MA †CALI L- -n :-_1__.--_ Luv-u w â€v The rendâ€"1155' {anam- flnt no to complete the am no All of en latex-mmâ€: mm. the ï¬ne! one being; cell for :00 new omeere.’ The whole of the schemes represent $13 ).- ooo.othoh$45,090 :- to be mud u once. In conclndlna. 0°th Boat]: tenantsâ€"'fl'nnkly. I omen to you. a your emulated director. my heart In In m, an the: in because I melt!) II for the driving them! benevethhthlnfl of Methadone! God. medals-greet "SVéhum 3"? spanks of I Sslntlon Army oo-openflu non, fluently mutated In Toronto. and to hr. working successfully. Theron-lugging» fluted. 7~L__-- AL-L .- A- The bountiful week summit tho wall: ma strays. no awfully out-lad on In the Cnildren’l Show, Tomato, h duo u vary deserving bunch of thojnbuoo work; For polluting the amazon in mud getting them In due course ndoplod the any has unique mmuu. This bunch of work u to be dumped. , Scheme 33 la the neweet [tom e Selveflon Army â€endpoint; "A Selveuon Timber Luna." The Army will memetlmbet limit, end and employment fer the un- em loyed on their limit. penning them wl e light, bright, eweee hue! eteerne time. where there will he eteen bear. e pieeeeno reedlng room. good booke end newepepere end “mum ermy eervicee. London. to scheme 15 me... get. o elude! for the "my soldiers to worship lo, oFood and Shelter for poo: men. and o Prison Gate home out wood "rd. when those who hove no money on earn enough to procure food end lodging. Mr. Thomas McCorm-ck subscribes $500 towude the outï¬t of an oloee. There is .130 to ba.u scheme 14 indicate. 3 Food uni Sholior Ind Sdloro’ homo in SI. Johns, Newfoundland. which will provide a. contort-bio. clan. Christin, Solution home, to: my uilor spending 3 few days in tho copitol of Newfoundland; chap sleeping nooommodotioo to: on] poor. bud-pruned mm in the city and chew meals for the poor. camel-fly in View. Scheme. 12. 13, 28. 29, 30. soak at new Rosana homes for all“ women. 3: En]! bx, 8:. J ohm, Newloundhnd, St. John, 19.8.. Esmuoon, 03:31". On this account. the Hum: that". which I. close to "to dock. will be very convenient for the may than“: of anagrams who had .3: Hum: ovary summer. Scheme ll deectibee e new Food end Shelter for men et Hellfex. whieb le to be in full ewintr within e month. In hie It meets respecting this eebeme. Commen- dent Booth etetee : “Geognphieelly, Canede, end not the United States. ie-tbe key to the new world. It ie only e quee- tlon of atom: power end twin propellere. Given the eeme l'eoilitiee between Kellie: and Liverpool that now exiet between Liverpool and New York, end it will be on the soil or have Sootle, tether then in the pom of New Englend, tbet the North Atlantic voyeger will pleat hie ioooon tom llnne. 3. To supply the any in the city with tum produce. 4. To make a proï¬t that will help to sup- port the army'p social lutnuone. 2. To and n henlthy up): for calm regtlna. » , In Seamus 10, 3'5. Snelal Faun, Jun tnkpn near Toronto, lo combed. Ia pur- pqsegnq: - Scheme N o 7. -A Shelter for Women It Toronto, stated this leer. In elreedy dung an excellent work. In three months this neat home has eflmled a. shelter to the cage 9t 89510651113}. ' 1. To ï¬nd honest employmant far my W31!!!“ laborer, , for his clothes, end look-no- ior hii. nin- sblee. He will thus be instslled in his own osstla. end have s snot gin the world he 1con esll his own. Beth rooms. reeding room, etc.. will be snilsole also. Men, e youth will thus be sued from evil in- fluenoes. Newhsrrseksjreheing, or one to be erected no Nunsimo. Victoris. Vsneonver, Toronto. Windsor. Odllin. ernwnll, Brookviile. Bonsviste. ‘Hesn’e Content. CMRII'Y. torture in Pnirie. SI. John. N. B. ; Woodstock. N. B. Rsnovetions no to be enacted in the halls the any shesdy has st Hamilton. Kingston. Montreel. 01m" "!!! Quake; ‘ _ _ Schemes 3 end 4 relate to e development inflow-Wine army at Vulcan. vet end Winnipeg. Rseamnca Ind homes oi e superior aha-um are to be eecebliehed. They ore to mvide . elem, comfortable, heath] lodgings. one Inb- etential board In low ruse. Eeoh inmce gill-line grams §o_hipseif. Maui-nuke < Scheme No. I propose. "the biggest sen-ingot meeting- ever held in the of III: army In Canuds."to take plus to 'Toc‘pzo. Wodnoadny. June 13th. to Thun- dpulune Sb}. Announll the and am- oanin! the..Domlnlon will be present. A amalgam: lecture will be the ooncludlna S'Mnnmur‘Mualcal Fuuul" In the new Muse, hall. 39mm. 0! causes: programâ€"e New Scheme {or Inc]: of the tiny YOII'I. The Meade emulates: et the Selveuqn Army throughout the world ere oelebret- 11131894“:qu yea. mm ner- ogo, Genet-e1 Booth commenced hie life work for God end Immunity: As 1mm, the emulationn palatial. The Wee CrymMu museum I has program of new schemes drum up by Commen- de‘gls‘chozhe‘ tougmng any in 911. ‘ Fun, of course, should be put in neck- ms or boxes by themselves ; e generous ‘ supply of sechets- ehould he not in end shout them. sud the sleeves of in: caste should be ï¬ned with rumpled popes. All furs except seslehin on be folded without fee:- ot their toting on tell-tele crosses; but e scsisklu cost would better be hung on s stretcher with s pope: or cloth hog drown over it end testeued hemeticsl 11 st the top,â€"s prccsution sasinst the due: for moths use not fond cl seslekin. Bzxee containing smell furs should hsve never nested over them under the covers.â€" [Demoreet’e Meg-zine for J one. It furs have ever auflerrd from moths the utmost vigilance is necessary to pre- vent further denredations. The most perfect searcher for these posts is a dress- ing-comb, which is sure to bring to your engeauoe the hidden enemy. Alter h comblng it is well to sprinkle the garment with lavender water or put on it a ievv drops of essential oil of laven- der. Provide en abundance oi small sachets made of cheesecloth and lined with lavender flowers, or with the moth preventive. Cllovwd aground black copper are a so me -preventlves. Renaember. above ell things that nothing so encourages them as dirt; and thu light and air and cleanliness. upon which human beings thrive, discourage them hogolessly. GENERAL BOO TH’S J UBILER. Before being put may for the met, 1an end fur-lined cement: should be hung outdoor: to be well beaten. endured. The Bullion method or cleaning. ton in simple end eï¬leooloue, renown: the for to it's pristine lustre end nuklng it look ob- eolntely new. Pat eye floor In on eerthen upon the stove end our eon-tum! an 3 to no note: Ihehendoen beer. Spread the hot men over the tar to be oleoned, m“ w'mm" 3' an?†M“, to or e e n: on freed from; the flour. R 1 W r levee cave fei- hm. THE CANADIAN POST. LINDSAY. ONTARIO. FRIDAY. MAY 13 1894 E 5 i y Inocu- ll hum-alum: Bntnot .310 com. or Iépcrmnloumnwotwmrcmorm um.uwwuw am â€much tontbooobeutndunmopdcuuwhkhlodl.Imamnchoourm no order if required. 3. mac}! The Bell OmnandPhno. mBeanOmnm Plano. ThoGerhnd.HalntznunPhno. DOES YOUR WIFE Do HER own WASHING? UREA/IS and PIANUS 3g dgiaurndnâ€" ggkagsld.z : l‘i!‘n¢§.§o.§§l§ «0 :‘Ei‘oyztgaocsgahagag LINDSAY FOUNDRY HMâ€. AWE!“ run! rue-x W240. armors-Hm: lam “0th an mmmumumbym. I! mmamomunummmtcm. which“ blood cad ulna-ate. beacon. vet, «I. SWAYNI’B Om may. the 1mm 3nd bleeding, mm. and in menu remove-thema- Atmcbynnn. ban-50mm. Dr. Sumac Son. Phuudelvbu JOHN MAKINS, â€"Itom|mntoollnh nh'tmmu thodun,†lthwhm banter: Mahmud tool Ann Salaman- momma“- u" no...“ trauma. WWW thflflolnov mound my woman. nummm-ndfluootmwm body. In the Sultrolibnryu the Pout-tench incribod the mun: century. I: by ll, h “in puriï¬ed. 'm palm About Hooa'l Sal-pull]: out, boo-m the solid found.“ 0! blood. The Hut from ud "ï¬orvouieu. lo- ?! 7.1009. 1663 a! “noun. sud morn! county an alarm when Hood's mmwm â€2.29:. :‘sxsmma I' I o “durum. mmuammm‘ flu no; at Known Smut-Ill;- m. Wank. Imam. Managua blood Ind omen am much wuhudonotcothmn _ou -H_°°d.‘ Gaga. 5 GUARANTEED medicine that Death m m mum- Io um he will cursive sold Inn-tuned ! otsnau- mama: so... um . walnut! um do. with kidney uonblo on] u an um â€I on not I suffering an Dodd’o mam Pili- - turn-w convinced am an“ m 899:“ Emulqlon In God leg:_ (11% 0!th months. In “3'1! “53;“ij V0 ‘ on†'3 E44â€! PHI- My!!!» «Ia-nus: I pm A w;,, . rm m an 9000'! Kid-0! m am 331'.“ “alumâ€"flu M u rm Ion: nu :0 Gun. Mun; my uni-Fwflnmgn. thl RECORD BREAKERS. A-._ _ 4932!." high m. her. 2-» a._._..... or or mountains. Mint-anon. scent. ox: â€percent. length-9mg! at Manufacturer’s Lowest Prices. APPLICATIONS ATHOBOUGHLY BEIGVES wnzu’“ ms ‘ flEURALGWNSISCW‘IU All) RHEIIIATISM '0! In. I. A. maximum: HM. ï¬gflï¬'ï¬Ã©ï¬â€œ "c“ CURED EVERY TIME D. L. MENTHOL PLASTER' usea Sunlight Soap, J. J. Wetnorup. John Emu. An tI-Dandnztf. V .ALWAYs‘pROMPTLv'u 0' 9mm DAVIs‘ PAIN uKl LLBER. Pain K1119! Pun K111â€. JOHN MAKINS F she dos. see tint the wash is made Easy ind Clan by getting her SUNLIGHT SOAP. which does any with the tartan dwldI-dny. ‘ Equine: will canines lac tint . It PAYS to noun, H OLERA gmoasus Wain--LNox-tb what-mm 13°90'30“!qu mwmmmmmm maul-Manama- “dumm'm MMMWMMMW napkin. mumummm agent don clad: M thaw-ulna; “comm" 'muummtaam an: Muhammad“: â€Museum" 'mthmmflytorcwdmot Moria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for mana- and Children. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Nmotio substance. it is a harmless substitute for Phregoric, Drops. Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. Runes-nut. Inga-mm is thirty yenn'use by Millions ofMothers. Castorbdestroys Worms endang- feverishneu. Gator-is prevents vomiting Sour Curd. cures Dim-rhino and Wind Colic. Custom relieves teething troubles. cures constipation and flatulency. Moi-ism tho food. regulates thestomach all bowels. giving hesithy sud natural sleep. Cal- toria in the Children’s Penmanâ€"tho Mother's Friend. M.Ar' mas-n13... 50mm.flxmymxw!ukatï¬ Castoria. manta-anus. What is 7088 tons. Amati-.31.. lo..- Ion-o M'mmm-u. lam Spools! Bantu in Flows?!†ud Ribbon. Ballot mum trimmed Inm- “quantum-loos. Moon than New 8:!†allow-h,“ Pattern Hats, Pattern Bonnets, l/ntrimmed Hats, Artiï¬cial Flowers; Nave/ties in Trimmings. 1081' UR fllllh'G MAHHOGU. Sum_mqr_ Miflipery J. H. SOOTHERAN, mm‘thnndum“ I om DISCOUNTED Imus-00mm" mm â€Mo-mild. lou- â€mama-am MONEY T0 LOAN KISS O’BRIEN. ,, m. m II. “4141!, m and Home: Dchimy, «lawman-«mm but. “Iâ€. Ina-.41. ~wmuumudm III-1M†mun m 0‘ Mm mummmmm and although I. only has. among our Mm “1|“an memhbm’gmm MudWMsmnnhokm human.“ Pom: zany, mumcms AID BUILDERS, “Mbwwlmwmfl twat-swoon†“was“ IOBNLGIB CHARGED. â€nuance no. FOR LADIES. J. E Soother†Um Boa-rm. an m. Hu- O'Brzon. George Bryan. I. Lml. 0.. 11180. Odom St..lh~oou’n.l.Y. Castoria. H. HULLIGA No wunwtnummcu dOu I. m:.boutanhlml-Lhdny. Anon» alt-hm flu Fitzgerald Farm. msmmawxnmmmc amt outta-of â€baud. um. wings. u... M Le:- mould. nag: Mcn|nrpd;nu o! bymmm occupied amrmuuwulhooddn co Ma Ion-o which man than: the. anal. am I on I»: D-ornD-r next. Good cabling. mm In good odor The Patdol: connor‘c Faun. “ran SALE 0n Easv Terms. Valuable PROPERTIES mum â€"wvâ€"â€"â€"-vwâ€"vâ€"â€"~ Wobnnbmlbiidicllmnflm m" I ' a 5.5m Elohvmu. guru-v3 4:1, mammal-n. nut-Momma rent new»: mu. which M CI. wwmmw hon. Imam a bond We Mn 3 subs hm. month now. which '0 wfllcfll .6 China.†7'“ put (or CM lot s n 11- CW4 1' 'or It n: :1) “minus! ~mrono-nbu MW wlllbcmlflohua. Ann-ll mutant-oil that will homeland.“ Wmmnmonmdwm nine! In“ Contact of Victor“. Dun-Mn um Edibnrm Grain and Stock Farms FARMS FOR SALE. u m Pom, with tumltun, but and †houn- tnclodod. Toms vary ram Apply. lhwboou imam I): Mr. John Renato-dim mhudlonw brick mldonoe and ground; at m “mud on Kant-on, owed“ a. I mand-ldtobomduu“ W in town; duo A summer Residue. All“ â€if!†:5“! Tho Ban noâ€. Hotel. VALUABLE PROPERTY ENEBAL CARRIAGE. WAGON AND BLACKBIH‘BING BMW no: ML! 08 1‘0 RENT. .3! F .39.. Pan Ulla. a...“ 35.88 as: 1.5 3.5 3 :3: on gun: 3153.? Sharp. W? (30. SPIRI‘X. um. luv m laun- Chu‘lm. NI. (Porto! 11.16 IL, .fl’lV. 'Port Hope em wt 7. xoopt SI! ray. MP3“: LII. e u I-vum, luv..4.25p.m.. IrrIVII;Pon Bop. (Put In ounulp whoa-1k when Chaim um «noun. III-MI; Coboux 1p... Miloâ€; In. April at. sumâ€"mu «mm In. 0 I luv-cabana 1 Pun. 'Pon mun-(Panornoomnn “1W pun STR. NORTH KING- Mu with 0.1 Mb- Fullu. nu pot“. to Stan dot, Buokhorn. women: can, 8mm: Em hom In: mum clung a 1mm pain cuhn tpply Io _ Me Andrew Wilm Farm. 11.3 Gunman“... I J. IAN“?! “0:â€. â€$7 TRUE-713mm. the promiss- of.“ TEE EXCURSION STEAMEB New Advancement: FOR SALE. minnoduodoo of c m HI- men has not: add-often my on.» (omen. Pam right 3: III hglc’s Planing Factory. (la-Mimi. Doors, sash, Mouldings and latched lumber and all inside Material; T0 INTENDING BUILDERS. COLUMBIAN. pus». luau Stud. 1891 AK! ONTARIO BA Y 01" QUIET: I summon 00.. um. Vacuum-(43mm Port. Bop. pvory Mara: - - 10. IBOIW 80W - - I. m " " a m “ " - 3-10. Boyhc In your momma. and†your orders for J. H. SOOTHEBANa m INLAND LAKES SEASON 0F l894. SAILING NORTH. )U '1'. I. Gunman: GEORGE INGLE. â€"nl mn- Gem-go Igle. Na vzga tion. C OHITTICK. 371-. 330m an; mm Hum) IY m W. uccuws a 00. Batman... 8181 now tor [Kr CUBS 0N8 In. mu ‘if. "mug W» :â€" Inday. Port Pan;- 3‘ Luke. Bu Lon. nrkP Jnob'o [I II no. ‘n «int, or wt any ' connection to m h of mm: For 1326'- ,t ultimatum thy 4.50 mm. SAILING 30m: monv M c o mtorublo Tï¬iifï¬ 10.00 9.- 8.†gal. 6.86 Q.- 10.00 h-