0011103: The week. wanes: Wumoa; um, 1:93. new Ad a: 311'. u. n - ........,_., - by nanny for the ï¬rst time, And his solo brought wee rectiï¬ed. Hie tort: lend spoinusc, and he next 3010 tanner on .' n the evening was equally well rendered; M‘es'ee Winters. Bnmmeu Welter: end Pat'yaon song a. qmtette very sweetly. Mrs. Piixicz sale was rendered in her usual good style, end she received on encore. m. Hut and Lamont song 5 duet: entitled " The second chem me Army and Navy. "greatly enjoyed, it being e ï¬ne and difï¬cult end much practice must have been end wee well executed. I]. Silver sang a. solo. "Twickenhem Ferry." moweetiy. end was recalled. A chorus or menu: girlennder NLRB. Robert’edirec- flu: gave “The Magnet and the Churn." in moral m style and were The trio .mm'm by â€as MeSweymCork- 'cyndwniten, wee exceedinllywellglven. fl ole-Ink piece wee e dialogue,"Netione.†gm: w memxnï¬otï¬aymlndiu- mnemmnmmnmmmm at). mmmmm will meet at L: :9 store. at the money munâ€"10 The local 2: me sorvlu church. w bang mule; mt little men 2323mm Y. M. C. A. generous. Tb programme Was a cburus 0 Infection of Mr. W. 11. 00 mm. deserves credit for in shun. Mr. J. Smith, mended to an encore. Wm rendered a piano 6 I!!! Kira gave one of he: sud WIS camyellel :3 r: have been SW03 DY ‘1 don this seas my on End-y, 2 concerts have been a a mam was base saved me was m) m In the Radiati- ".91de so chairm. r. in, a, W. Mums“. my many for tyo ï¬rst m 'Mr For Sale-I Wantedâ€"1 Bender-Fm! halosâ€"A. )1 mm. mm Loonâ€"Dr. Inna Tab]: Out.» a BI A Inn’s H Render --W I‘mmï¬aJ “a Any flue Talk» Greased f len fell 0' Total rain- Four Loci nun lot 8: nude: 4" my» uca‘ ‘uunm \Vr I'M. in W! mu DEA 1‘0 be c‘ bod ’3‘» ~ I :7 ' ‘3’ (v _ .-, I ~ '2‘ . X. 3 ‘1 7‘ V 3 Y.M. C. A. Concert. vanâ€"lea 0! concerts which #2 Young Men’s Christin on. was held in the Ace- er 3th. Each oi their success. but the one given ad expectationsâ€"every re- :an and e goodly number 2.1:. John A. Barron. Q. 0-. z, and in opening made 5 23:11:13 on the work 0: :he a The ï¬rst number on the urns at 35 voices under the £1. Coomho who, with the {it for the way in which it mith,jr.. cove 3 sons and more. Misses Boston and lane duett very nicely, and 5 ATE“. 5: tier pleasing momma! 7.; respond to an angers. of Patel-hora. was hang-d :1 Monday night at nine 3 Sunday at 4.15. Geo. ;: address. : at the station at 9.30 mm. an be secured at Porter's I. C. A. rooms and may 01mg man heve kindly sch baskets return empty. have them full to start _ '.a purchase refreshments so. esjemple provieien Ia 1'. “a Vents This Week. n in Inches. in one day, 0.67- 333' 3011 Paula. as u: England will attend waning next at 3:. Panl’a sermon will be delivered. I. Marsh. The members sum. over Blackwell 8: 56 Clâ€! 3!. KERR 8c Co.â€"9. 5. notes. acting Monday at three Du wrc. . .72. ] '8“!!qu . . 31.7â€"Snturdw. . ca-x-Sunday. ‘. Isaâ€"Wednesday. I'JNGS Oioda worth double here‘s your ODDOI' MA Y IR, um day night. Ma! 1c. Cunningham. T. BEALL All A nnxnmcont We 02 Printed Creponnettea, Fancy Mullins. wide Sateen: and tinted Lawns. now being cleared at 10¢. a yard at M. W. KENNEEY 8; Co.’a.â€"10-2. Genml Sporting Nam. -Sendow. the strong men. is musing a wrestling match with Co]. Boone's his lion Commodore in the arena at the Midwinter Fair. Sm Francisco. The lion will be securely mnzzled and his claws will be clipped. Smdow wultrytothroworcontrol him by main strength. .. A J-_Ae_ -- wen u; so“..- v_,,-, â€"Exoeselve training has led to the death of another orllllont athlete. On Wednesday oven- lng of lost week Walter 0. Damn. of Princeton unlverelty. one or the {outset runners end hurdle morale the States. died at Denver. Col. or pnlmonnry trouble brought on by over-training. “ma-y'- flukot. . There wna 5 un- nttondnnoo at :ho musket on Saturday last. The day being nno â€35m“ Chi: voopio :0 come to town. Ail business la n: being done outside the bulldlnu. Em Ind butter no st mount. the able! Ind Import“: Inlolol ofl‘orod for we. Em mm Inning a. from 90m) 100‘ pa: damn: bum: from no. to no. pox-lb: potatoes 800. n bnnhol. 0mm um now begInnlnn to come la: :11qu by the bunch wu Ionlnu (or 09.: mm. nnd lmn onion. mu duo altered and sold. I!» II um no “mo. W 5nd .5 I ton. Onion-n Indoevor lot“. w0n asturdey morning isst the executive committee of the county union or 0. 1:. met in the Y. M. O.A.roeuu. Lindsey. The preside». Mr. E. A. Hardy. B. A" woo in the choir. Lot- ters were received from some 0! the members rearettina their unavoidable obseooe. ~lioports were seeeived item the members of the com- mitteo who hnd in charge the various deport. manta 0! county work. Mr. A. E. Bryson was appointed to look otter the ornnniution o! new societies. The secretary reports thirty-ton: societies new in the county. It was decided that no excursion shall he held this your. The meeting was adjourned to meet enin at the cell or the president. - A. A __1___.t,. nun-ah can in wt: y.vu-â€"-â€"_ -'i‘he lecture-room of St. Andrew’s church was crowded on Monday evening last with young people who had come together to spend a social evening. The occasion was an “at home" given by the membereof the Christian Endeavor society. Representatives of the sister societies in the town were Welcomed by the Presbtnerian young people. After a time had been spent in conversation Rev. it. John- ston announced the ï¬rst piece on the program, which was a duett by the Misses Mch-oyn and King. The next was a recitation by Miss Laura McMillan. After a few minutes’ intermission the audience was favored with a selection by Messrs. Robinson. Morgan. McGribbon and McCrimmon. This was followed byarecitation by Miss Davidson. Mr. F. A. Robinson then sxng a solo. Mr, W. J. King. who is at present home from Virginia. spoke n few words about the south. The last number on the programme was a. selection by the male quertette. Just at this time refreshments were served. After a pleasant time was spent enjoying the cake and ooifee. s pharaphrase was sung and prayer oflered, which closed this pleasantly. and. it is trusted. proï¬tably spent evening. I'lu UAUIULw- â€"_ -7, , omoelts going. "The thtle Lame Pig†and “The Little Red Man" verify this; so do Mrs Archibald’s pretty Arbor Dsy my. which comes 1:: "A Dozen Good Times,†Greta B yu’a "What They [.63de in the Woods."in “Nuns Powell's Glam." :3 well as Wmon H. Fuoh'a "Fish That F11.†Clinton Boollud'a ‘Whiaoerersf mu Wlltae’a handful "Huh any verses 3nd "Decon- tlon Du" :hymes. mum too. new and good. No child should be without the May km of Our Little Man and Women Pdaa.’ $1 nun; 10 cent. 3 number. Alvin Publishing 00-. Boston. ~ walle â€"’1‘he Stouffville Free Press made lie intro- ductory scheme to the intelligent public this week. It is e neatly printed and new sheet. -Our Little Men and Women, for May: comes to ue e harbinger“ the month, a: well es an issue for which the publishers mu justly eieim greet credit. Indeed its publishers seem New-papers and Magazines. â€"Hsmlln Garland has written for the June number of MoClure‘s magazine impressions of a visit to the great Carnegie steel mills at Homestead, showing how the work and life there strike the eye of a strenuous and humane realist. Many pictures made tram lite draw- ings will illustrate the articles. â€"Babyiand for May. (The Babies' Own Magazine). opens with a irontiepiece of a boy and a dog and a hand-organ. and the story that comes after tells all about What they did May day. The babies will like it. They will like the verses that follow: they will like the pieznres, no, and the other stories and verses. In fact the babies will like everything in this May issue. So will the mammas. For the Bebies‘ own magszineis made for mamma as well as baby. and the beautiful Slumber-Song will appeal to every mother’s heart. Price. 50 cents a yearz5 cents a copy. Specimen back number for a 2 cent stomv. Alpha Publishing 00.. Boston. â€" â€" ,,_ __-.1- n- s-a.¢ Take TEAS and COFFEES, for instance. years ago would have sold for 500. per 1b., and we a BLACK INDIAN TEA at 300. that is better qu article sold for 600. not many years ago, While in ' ~ SUGARS, too, we are Wool Honor“! on“. Some handsome llnee or memorial cud- now in stock at reasonable prion for One end two dozen Iota. Cell end exemlne or write to: samples to this emoe. mu m"; The steamer Won will lave Bobcnnoon at 8 o’clock. striving st Lindsay “10.30: leaving Lindsay at 3 o'clock and arriving at Bobougoon st 5 o’clock: M. Luvs. Master; -806-:i. Ops council met pnrenent to edienrnmem on Monday. Me: 14th. '3: 10.30 e. m. Betcre pro« ceeding wiih oiher business it wee decided thet all members of the council inspect the Perkin gravel pit. north oi the town. before closing the meement made by the reevee end Mr. Perkin re perch-sin: the some. On return of the council the minutes of 1m meeting were read end conï¬rmed. A communiceticn wee reed from the Trent Veliey Cone] promoters - ._ ‘ _ , _____ . ot Petorhoro, onnonnoina thot o lot-3o ond‘ influentiol dopntotion woo oboot to loovo thot ; horn on M97 15th in: Ottowo in odvooul‘ :1 or the oohotno. Although tho tot-o woo taunt- inaly low Opt oonnoll woe not outfloiontly intereototl to load o representative. oo tho invitotion wot tiettlinodI ..... From an. notch. on. county trounror. in roiotonoo to o oortoin out lot north oi the town. which and boon oloood on tho ton-ooh iiot. Tho roovoo ototod thot thoy woold withdrew the lot trotn tho oolo iiot dot-inn tho Juno too-ton......soyotoi rotopoyoro proton were now hootd. Noodle. tor ma menu. John Doyoil..ir.. ooid thot ’MolCoy'o hill. on tho rooolon hoonoory. woo ooorooly ooooohlo owing to the reed-bod hoina out owey by wotot ilowintt onto It trout tho olaoo. whloh ore hiahot then tho toodwoy thou-o bola: no ditohoo to convoy the voter oil'. The oonnoil ottd they would oonolder it in tho ottunotoo nod ollow o onitoolo grant. provided Feoolon town- ohip [two I like tum ...... [Pronolo Cot-lit: oold ‘ he hed oomo to give the cout oil tho inot worn- iog to oomplote hlo root! end that even o onit his low. The oounoll oooured him they would deal tolrly in the mntter..-..uoooro. Geo. - -, __--_._-A ...... s‘ e Ina-u.- v... â€"._ ship gave a use sum -__, he had come to give the com oil the last warn- ing to complete his road and thus avert a suit at law. The council assured him they would deal fairly in the matter.. ....hlessre. are. met. Bhuttlewortb. ct 'i‘crcntc. lest we“ made acaretnl analyelsoisamplceciwatsflur nished by various cities and towns. and as Undssy wee Included the result will Mrs Robinson and John Lee were heard in reference I especially interesting to our citizens in View 0! to Lee's hill on 8th con.. lot 8. which is steep , the constant and rugged. They suggested buying a roadway around it. the cost oi which would he small compare with thato! making the hill passable. ...Mr Euis mov . seconded by Mr. Robertson; that Dep.-reeve Walker see Mr. Bennett. owner of lot 3. as toithe cost at said roadway, and re- port at next mecting.â€"Carrledn....Mr. Thor: Adams addressed the council at some length as to the rights at all taxpayers to roads. the necessity of good leading roads. the risk of lite and limb in driving over the Shannon-hill road. and the necessity of making a liberal grant to the Manyers road leading directly to Lindsay; and thus avoid Shannon's hill ...... The council said they were Tanxioue to make the ilith concession good to Manvers, extension south of the ï¬rst quarter line wee really more beneï¬cial to Manvcxs than to Ops they were of opinion that Mauver’s council should aid liberally in making a good road..â€" Mr. Hugh O’Leary addressed the council in behalf of Mrs. Fitzsimmons, asking that his client be paid a balance due her for gravel taken from the Fitnimmcns pit. . ...Mr Robert- son moved. sewnded by Mr. Byrne. that the claim of Mrs. Fitzsimmons be considered and reported at next meeting.â€"Carried....Deputy- reeve Walker reported a small case or vandal- . ism lately perpetrated in removing the guard railing posts or a bridge on 7th con. line. lot 15, and suggested that the council ofl’er sreward or ï¬ve dollars to have the guilty party brought , LL- 1 1 asset the quality resent scrubbed by the waterworks company. Prof. Shuttleworth found colonies a bacteria perenbie centimetreoi waterasrciiowe: Builhlct l30: Barrie. 16': 8t. Gather-inc. res; Enniltcl. 455: Peterboro. 5U: Rochester. one: New York. 685; Beiisville: 705; Ottawa. 710; Toronto. 970: Guelph. toss. Quebec 1055; comm London. 1820: Montreal. 1895; St. Thomas. mo. Collins: wood. ass; Waikervllle, â€at; Windsor. sun: mndsay. 3m; Susticrd. 3570: Godnich. use. Detroit. 5510. He states that the W testisnot infallible. Watsrthat shows a large number of colonies of bacteria is not necessarily impumfcrwhenitcomss to the germ test the bacteriamsyprovetobeinnceueus. Berepori the number ct germs per cubic oentimetmss tollows: Barrie. St. Thomas. Calm Hamilton. 2; Ottawa. 3; Rochester. tendon. i: Peterhoro. Toronto. Belleville. Budalc. 5: Guelph Quebec. St. Oathsrinee. cherich. 6: lentil. 12; New York. 13; Btrattord. ii; Lindsay. 1 Berlin, 5i; Walkersille. 57: Windsor. 71: and Datmtt.152. Itwillheeseni‘romtbeahevethnt Lindsaywaterisprettylivelymndtbatwemand very closeitothe bottom of the list. rotate 01m IN continually comm d lb. euutydtbemnppuedthemyetthey only tum avers-mete the cubic seam whilenndssicanshowls. The thoughtis not very mashing. m- n..- tha m2 to justiceâ€"“After carefully considerinz the estimates ionroads and bridges for the current year. Mr. Ellie moved. seconded by Mr. Byrne. that two thousand dollars be appropriated for roads and bridges tor the present year. exclusive of present expenditure, undithat no further special grantsbe made except in case of most urgent neoeaeity. Bolero putting the motion the reeve said he would not assent to web expenditure. and deemed sixteen hundred or seventeen hundred at mm, rumoient. The other members contended thrt after deducting the unavoidable expenditure. such as the Miller road. E.C.C. bridge, Carlin road. balance on MoAsaey bridge. etc.. from the 82,000, the remainder would barely suflloe o ma~e the many other improvements needed. The motion was then Noted and carried. Deputy- reeve Walker. Councillors Ellis. Robertson and Byrne. voting "yea" and R: eve Bryans voting "nay"....hdr. Robt. Louie asked the council to permit him to do all his statute labor for the present year on the 6th one. line (beat fl). as no grants have lately been made on it. The oounoil complied with his request....Peter Murphy also requested that he be p-rmitted to do his road work on the by-roed leadi- R to his farm. The council permitted him to do the work assigned to N. W. pt. 0! lotli and s. E. pt. of lot 12 on said by-road. under the super- vision of the overseen or beat No 25....ur. Ellis moved. seconded by Mr. Robertson. that Mr. ~Wm. Kenny. V. 8.. be paid t-vr motessional examination at diseased beefbead (board of health), 84; A. Jewett, livery charges (or the some, 83.50; N. Brady. for work and mosirs EGO. bridge. 89.50; John Hill for .or-u villi). .n bound“? of Wm. 81 6.3; John Dwamj for buryiegadesdhorsecnlo 29.eond.81;A' W. Parkintoroeraceof «travel in In N W mammalianâ€. 1375 Carrie}, ....connen adjourned a: 6 are. till Sunday, In my» Inf-I. . - «mu m ‘ THEOANADIIAN POST OD! Council. », LINDSAY. wok“ clubmonldmhko u prominent plus In the wow add. '11:. mm m M otncon to: the “2-800: Mt. Boo. John Dom: pro-Ideal. Lt. Col. Down. 9.1: vloo molds“. mm Flood; sou-m. Gm,mauni. locum. vans. m ud'Pomt. mum N am- '° " conclusion! on the am. obnnod by «or: mutant In «ch that tho mm may be pram: mum at! to mun cm 00cm“!!! W mac-co touch!“ upon mm at new law coma to bond. udwompnno trouble In mum. the wall by computing wuh lama not In pom»- wail mm mm.- dï¬mmmoï¬uudo wan-um. am no on will mu a. Mo: “allâ€!!! ‘0 mm.“ It. Who Owns the WM 1 [To the Rm: 0! Ta: POST.) Mn. Emmaâ€"Eu 3 member at the town council my right or while“ to m on public or prints mum beyond an: at n! othar nap-yer! It hchuucdahnchccohls onyx-emu c mm and chin madman. ho hum loll rial“ to dc to on the public domdc. to loop 3 many or encumber public mum to the abduct-cc of tho community. I ulludc to the w“ In which Is. mwteutomaoluwmohhumm ones m not um the om fl rubbish removed. A! than n no m at unanncnndeucbonldbompmufln wood-â€rd somewhat she; be In all“ I unborn. gun. m.mm.mt. Geo. Canaan ha min mud. s woodoyud of the piece of around us: tum-ls we. pnrchllodfottwhlfl by the hon mad]. Thu “No 910%. which should be have I: 3 01m and dahuIcondmonurpnbuo cannulaâ€"ocu- now unis almost covered with pile-of dunno bennodutneltorul lunatic“. and Inna-d of hum Inch 5 wood-ind “mam-loo mmlhowhunhoflnuflyowmuthorkmm keopthophoo for his own lamb. Rpm]: am, he ha noun!!! cum the Wm tothewhu-t matadtothotown by Sam HoDoanell withnndahtl! pilot 01m lying scattered mnndlnmo vhmnutolunn impoulblototsMorstumuom swine! barommmmwohmwmm At meant clown-rifled! ls muted with on Maud mbhllh MI MIR thou-ho. nun Into unannou- nude table “but. Ind which numb. cum removed In no a two hour- 501mm 0: mutual-.cm ammo. would Inn has gunman. Themnmuwhummmwmt thewkflm'hloh lawman-to calm. sud num- Manna-Um†;, per 1b., and We offer it that is better quality and has a more fragrant boquet than the ears ago, While in COFFEES we sell the best Brazil and Mexican RS too we are selling exceptionally low. It will pay Lvexy- Sunflw mm. omm snub. mun" Wsm luv!!- calâ€"31m" 'm' M WIâ€: ‘l‘o mun-40"!- It†lull. d mam: 031m: Tasmanâ€"0n anal-nan. In 181:. can» mm.wm¢m.mxm.ud â€to“. 1mmâ€. Sendï¬'ï¬unuxhc'sowmm(mm 'FrLâ€"ï¬lwmmnhhhb “Amos rm,m18tb.flw’.fl. M M w Bum to: We can stay In. “can“ mudmmmuoulgâ€"u. 20' per cent. Discount. â€"M a. mu... Wuhan Wtd‘ mt. an: n his mun. tho Bu I To clear the ba1ancc of our Spring Jackets and \Vraps, we begin a sale of them this morning at 20 per cent. discount. Every Garment is New and of the Latest Style and Cut. DUNDAS 8L FLAVELLE BROS. #77 WANTS}; . _ Jaâ€"giiets 30? Room! Wand Wraps c.N.““ MC WROCERS. The Great Double Track Highway to R. 3. atom. Agent. nuns outâ€. mm. young. lam. nosâ€"u THE FAME or WI Wall Papets 5N wn cu m. oooos‘ as men. ' W. A. Goodwm w. A. GOOD“. R. J. Matcbott. 3m '09.. jum- â€COM“ PnutLox- _ Hon tron]. Priestley’s Dress Gq 3’08! dmlsmpdmmwmd‘l Waugoodmhviul. mm ;;gynanymfutwhnis deucm'w‘ amp-mamas. lawman}: dcsmmbyu'enwm‘ ,mqhnwmdncdtogewdï¬va. L mummy hum m1 The! mmm. “handmade! I i! g I l 1 a; :2 a? ‘52.: I. ’E‘ £3. E! IOIDLY, TOWN Court A TBOROUGHN -BRI to unit no m “taxman†0“ latâ€"10400 flint-u) in n “to! In yum?" w m we 1110'“ "#9:.“ lbw : no (‘69 A AA~u-..I‘- 'h Lam; "munâ€"TWO - 99‘. “I'HE STORY OF M old! nnn D ' , obserred a and successful artist Mte 0/ success." ' art, but m business, ' ' y and enter - y directed mean Unfortunately men they do _ the requisite quali- content to follow ta"? Straw Goods u, noel, forks, Sprayers I has and Bushes, Etc. I Le_a____d__, ] Lrs Follow. I m". Bottom Prices. â€"mL BELIâ€" mun Ticket- mï¬ï¬ï¬‚’ 23“ "I“ 1‘3".“ _ 4A.._., ’W m. I! In ‘OIIIOE. 91 "If I M. 181“. .21 d lulu-rm Bony Goods n. .0. sign u the A“ CATCHETT, Agent. nkadumd not al- W' 5 “air business are Edwards Go. Oil the pretailina Mg, and Prices Specialties. “QILDREN’S HEEN’S 3TH D A Y .. J‘J‘fx . ' Moved by Den "urOduC‘ by Ccun. Staph- . town nroperty 82166888 ngacmme 1nd work of the to tlze large . Several of l f of skin T8 and :zaot‘lecigd to mg XXXIII. WHOLE} 1‘]! â€MINE YEAR GARDEN, THER 00’): KHATTERS. Pol... carpet «Sweep m Stains. Paints P461110 83 11 WA, the! J: 00 MOWERS LPS a; 0mm imam-o in â€Irma Y1 ma non, mad-.4 I d- “ Bottle. iOTAN 1C LAWN rem. prey! Den. «on C1 bunny-tn â€I!" 'cnc m7. '0! Conn. Kn-ru any malty I tho “you won flatten In M. c; Conn. 'Ioml that If my we moved to preae a. Methodist would have t the annd lodge o! 150 or 200 Gun-d. In the Oct-menu M h Into the In order who held lec Conn. Euuxl aubmh a bum confluent-0|“ church content“ town and the! the n: prone Conn. Tor ( 31 can If my mot moved to place (In Iolhoam would luv. led Eng-:49“, “a“ puma: I society I user I: name. 8. Dobe'on. m a Jan. Ben. street Gu company .4 BITTE “I. ’kl 0. ll. Wlm a; In: A mum wu held in I'OQVQ we! IILSOI 8:. LOC LINDS 0011" I 1’8““