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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT18610913), 24 May 1895, p. 3

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fined Hrs 7/18. L119]. I895 . 105 SON, this tnv'vn might very properly £0119me Barry‘s example and devote some atten- non to the suppression of street and corner looting which has been a long- standing nuisanee. We doubt it Bhopal” court records on show a conviction for the above offense in the last ten 1W3- Constable Short, during his term at office. did abate this nuisanceâ€"loafers waited for no second Invitation to move onâ€"thcy knew itthey did their next mm would be to the lock-up. The evil has become 23 “$133; “we: b12233 3‘33.”sz 8 c p m r the bottom ems cf their windows ”30:3 loafers from roasting 'here. Chief B and Assistant Constable Reeves should but their heads together. select 33“" 0‘ ‘ the want. (I'm-‘1‘.â€" -...1 _____._ .u._1 means busiaéi's. TheI‘ounofl shodd' 55v; take hold of a. curfew bell lay-law.â€" £5?!“th Chronicle ...... The authorities of one violating the law, notices 0‘ warning have been printed and posted. It is also rumored that those young men and lads who still persist in making annoyances °f themselves standing In front of the churches, on Sunday evenings will 13‘" 3 lesson given them not 791'! profitab’fito their put-saw. Boys, take warning. Can- stable orcxnigm; 1313 blood to his 01° “‘1 Well Done, Town Councillors! The Port Perry town council and auzhcrizies have made up their minds that bicycle riding on the sidewalks, Street lounging on the corners, swearing, drunkenness, and all manner or rawd ism must be stopped, and they lnten an example will be made of each and every Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are just as valuable in the case of children, as with adults, and puny little ones would soon thrive and grow fat under this treatmen”, which has no equal for building' up tl e blood and giving renewed strength to brain, body and nerves. Sold by all deal- ers, or sent post-paid at 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2. 50, by addressing the Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville. Ont. See that the trade mark is on the wrapper around every box and do not be persuaded to try something else said to be ‘just as good. ’ l t rm. the Waterloo, Out. Chronicle. Mr. David Thaler is a prosperous well- Li-tlo farmer who lives near Gentreville, on the mainroad from Berlin to Galt. He has a fine farm of 100 acres, and every- thing about his place has an alrJfof neat- ness and prosperity. A representative of the Waterloo Chronicle lately} had occa- sion to call on Mr. Thaler and in the course of conversation came across one of those remarkable curethhroughg the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills that has given this great life-saving medicine a world- wide reputation. Among Mr. Thaler‘s family is a bright rosy-checked boy (f four years, whose winsome lmauner at- tracted the reporter's attention and caused him to remark on his .healthy; appearance. “Yes,” replied the farmer, 5 “the little fellow looksjwell enough now, but two years go he was but a mere,, skeleton and we were sorely; afraid we would lose him, and ._I believe Dr.§Wil- liams’ Pink Pills saved his life.”, izAsked to give the particulars Mr. Thaler said: “He was a strong and healthy child when ' born and continued so until 153months old, when unfortunately a servant gave ‘ him, without our knowledge, foodijuite ; unsuited to an infant. Thezresult {was his stomach became derangedffhe ; began ’ to pine away and no food would remain ' with him but passed off like water. He could not sleep or rest, and cried day and night. He kept going down for six or seven months until the poor {child WEB‘ reduced to skin and bone. He had medi- cal aid but little or no good :was] accom- plished. It was not until the littlejfellt w was in this desperate strait that we de- termined to give him Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and I procured a supply and Its was given them according togthe direc- tions for children. Soon after beginning to give him the Pink Pills: the change was remarkable, and frtm that he became stronger and stronger until he is now the healthy little chap you see before you. As I said be- fore I believe we owe his life, under 'fpro- vidence, to Dr. Williams' PinkfiPills and if you feel that what I have ‘,told you will benefit anyone else you are quite at liberty to publish it.” The :reporter has no doubt that the'fstatement {may point to some other parent theg’road to renewed health for their child, and [gives it as he got it from Mr. Thaler. Hal-l their heads together: flit??? wont. nflnndm. and summon Wm re P. M. McIntyre. rue Mus ram ‘39 an snafu! Imus! Au Ixnaflnoa Wu! I” an“ audits" to tho Rant: at am: Parana. 3‘38 LIFE 0344 BR ’683’913'1'58 59 3’ 84 V39. when: dhcouni to man“ for business amiss- mencq by the ynf or M . ohm-hf time; tum mule known on sppllc‘tlon; Smell condensed atom-numb. such an strayed cattle. teachers verified. (Arms for sale (at six or eight linen) 01 cash (or three ortourlneeruone. I! more the? eight lines an amnion] proportionate chem e We (Bunmlizm gm '1' a cent- per line lolld um: first In???” 1m cent. ”Sagan: {warmth , ._,,_An,~_ l_ I, A ’Reunnk nodes. In lodniééfiiim. 10¢. per line first agenign: 5c._euch _-ub_ooqq_out martian. THE 0AN_AD_1_AN POST. smug“. vntax'rffihmfmba ‘ak cs away the pale, haggard look t.:;:: ccxr es \\ ith General Debility. I: enriches t.‘ M: blood, stimulates 1c appetite, are: {as healthy flesh 1: ‘d brinjs bac’ strength and x- E : nli :y. For Coughs,00lds,$oro Throat. Bronchitis. Weak Lungs. Consumption ard Wasting Diseases of Children. s’ ml 1 ’r a If {mud/at. Mazled FREE. .. "“ ~‘ """‘ "WWI-naught!- with ale or allow complexion, or an egrin from skin eruption or scrofulous blood,will find quick relief in Scott's Emulsiom All of the sta es of Emaciation, and a general ecline of health, are 5pc, 'Cdily cured. S_c_QLt_is HY IN THE HUME. va WILSON a Vinson. Pnuflmn‘ Anamlc Women Publuhan’ Nanci. ADVI‘TmII “TIE. Emulsion Sea “'1 In anon. 1'3._LVL1MQO!( Street cars $7.80, parcels $1.70, in}: 104:. phones 35c, ferries: $144â€"$11.0.9. 'l‘utal $636.64. . Here is another specimen in which 1t it interesting to compare the amount:. expended in actual travel with. the cab bin, porters’ tips and sundrx accounts of the official named: . ; J. B. E. Bedard, two trips: Cabs: Office to house $1, ham to sta- tion $1.50, stations to hotels $2, hotels to stations $1.50, paying accounts in Bmkinzhum $1.25. cation to house $1.75.. Single fares $3.12, parlor cars $14.50. sleepers $41.25, car porters $575â€"$373. Board $175.78, servants $14.95; less charged in 1892-3 $8.85â€"$181.8$. Barber, 27 times, $4.15; 9 baths $3.15, 11 books $4.95, boots 100â€"31285. Papers $2.56, postage $3.02, telegrams $2.32, elevators 41cs$8.22. in discharging the ordinary obligations of the road, but when he has the effron- tery to charge against the Treasury his laundry bill. his barber's bill and the fee of his bootblack, trifling as these items may 'be, it is time to protest. The petty smallness of such a. proceeding is almost as great as the impropriety, and «in astonishim! part of 't ‘ t the superior mucera or the1 me]: W 0 make such charges will consent to initial them. This is a sample among scores of expense accounts put in by civil serv- ants mat the people of Canada. are called upon to pay. . W. R. Billings, 13 trips: Cabs to Ottawa. Station $9.75, sta- tions to hotels $8.10, hotels to sta- tions $6.50, from Ottawa Station $10.50, sundries $14.757$49.60. U fl. There are in the A’uditdr-Generel’s reâ€" port some interesting details, showing how royally the civil servant maintains the dignity of his station at the ex- pense of the overburdened taxpayer, and with what a lavish hand he dispenses the bounty of the country to obequious car porters and others who contribute to his comfort. With the air of a multi- millionaire he showers about him the hard-earned money of the people, and supports a. style that the average man could not even afford to think of. The country would not quarrel with a pub- lic officer for maintaining himself dex cently while traveling on the public business; it does not_require meanness Qulebec Chronicle‘ Adv. Printing . . , Montreal Ln Minerva; Adv. Ottawa» Citizen. Adv. p, Montreal Gazette.‘ Adv. Printing . q A Monoton Timers, Adv. Printing , . Hamilton Specttor,- Adv. Printing. 0 3 o A Charlottetown Herald,» Adv. Printing . . . , Halimx Herald and Mail; Adv. 1458 40 Printing . g 9 q .. 566628 A few examples may be given of the method adopted by the Government to secure the favor of subservient new:- papers. These figures are taken from the Auditor-GeneraL’s report for 1893-4: Charlottetown Examiner, Adv. .5 20805 Printing . . g . 4 1234 30 1890 ... 1891 ... 1892 ... 1893 ... 1894 ... I a. pirflculbl' line «it"poucy, there honed I .. good ground for the sdpicion that “I. I motive in hellish rather than patriotic. _ In the vocabulary of the politician, the -‘ expression, “subsidioed " occupies . a. prominent pines and its use has be- come so hackneyed that in the minds of 3:? we m m: m *2: 2.2; t 1' Inn y o perm as get; ; Auditor-Generate report, it”; moral; a BI rhetorical phrase, incapable oi literal sc- l ceptnnee. That it means inst what the , words 1m ly, is shmrn by the statement . ol‘expen ituros during- the last year. I The advertising and printing account 0' i the Government amounted to the enor- mous sum of $969 796, a large portion of which m distributed amongst the Tory organs of greater and . lesser degree.‘ from one end 0! the cuhntry to the other, _The public is hot emeerhed es in the flight): nitiml vi the spell. es fer as. the Helms i M enumderetieh n} thg venous ”when , em, but it le {Mined m protestml against the urgent]! life M its uwnhmuey in pureima t a never at e earmm per: ‘ limit, or the was: When "it! tigwmuueut , Mirna ever the pan de'u Mm it mum net W at delivery of tint dump. pi the people. but tn their, It requires uf the" pup: fad uumpapurs a subwwitiut sup wt he: «185* {ill circumstances. no mutter w nu: uetnutxc nr- humiliating the service me? e, and the public knows only too Well how faithfuliy the contract is kept. Mr. Foster has mule-sad a. deficit, pre‘ sent and pmspectiw, of $7,500,000; he has increased the taxation to deviate the anticipated shortage of next year, and he has indulged in some talk about pro- ducmg an equilibrium between revenue and expenditure. If he is really in ear- nest in his desire for economy he could not begin at a. better place than the press subsidy fund, but he would no more think of reducing this expenditure to a legitimate basis than he would 0! incur- ring the enmity ol the combines by re- ducing the taxes of the people. In the past five years the Government has spent of the people’s money almost a million and a. quarter of dollars for advertising: and printing, a. large portion 0! which has gone to keep the Tory press up to its work. Here is the record: Advertising. Println . 1390 .. ...$46.701 65 $135375 0 1891 ... 60.21277 215.608 24 1892 ... 46.22019 190.755 01 1893 ... ... ... ... 41.89038 190,049 59 1894 ... ... .. ... 44,69096 224.935 24, (”:3 fl'(ncfl~1mmnm_a_--__- A T independent of the Govenunent oi the day; as the memben of parliament. 0" the private citizen who undermine 6 limilal'n mponalbmty. A; m or ‘8 newspaper may be accused of party}?! and still be entitled to credit for «henn- i-ntemted motives, but who then is a. substantial pecuniary. Lulueement to suppoxfg q. penicular administration and Tom A limo: ud a Cum: Inn on the low ripenâ€"“VII urn-w “Inv- euu hue-m Bxcculn â€" In- umun‘ Beading In an o'erbnrdenod Taxman. Ottawa, May 20.-It is quite an 0093' tin]. that the pm,whic was to dis-1 cuss public album from} a lotty and diD' Interested point of View, should be M SUBSERVIENGY MEANS SUBSIDIZEII Disclosures Mtdo By the Audi- tor-General’s Report. PAP FOR THE PRESS. Grand total .. ... $239,715 95 $957,123 68 .â€".â€"-â€"_ $1,196,859 65 P___â€"- , . 367 75 . 14.175 28 $14,545 04 $1185 15 583 99 821 57 651 68 2289 67 $7124 68 $1442 35 $995 40 $848 30 877 65 305 50 866 40 129 00 68 60 780 70 A Scotch Liberal 3].? Resizin- London. May 21.â€"Dr. Donali Macgre- gor, Liberal member of the Home of Commons for Invernessshire. has accept- ed the stewar' ship of the Chiltern hun- dreds, which :3 tantamount to resigning his seat. His action in retiring from the House is due to his indignation as: the Gover ment’s supposed neglect 0! Pg islation for the benefit of gkuttish Croiters. A _._- L. _-,_ l - Don It .‘llnm hkmluflon? London. May 21.â€"The delay of the departure of the Queen for Balmoral and the return of Lord Roeebery t9 London are associated in th: P1111110 mind with the known differences 81130118 the Ministers on the question of dISBO' lution. A Cabinet Council has been summoned for Thursday. Sir Ughtred Kaye-Shuttleworth. S‘c- retary to the Adm'ra'ty. said that when it was known that a. derelict was afloat in the track of ships it was the practice of the Admiralty to send vessels to serrch for it. The committ'se appointed by th? House in C‘np‘cticn with Lord Cote. r'dge’s srpession to the pcernge. has adopted a *eport affirming the fact that succes'isn to a peerage disaths the successor from beinz eloctei to or sitting or voting in the House of Commons. A rumor was current in the lobbies Of HP Hons» of Commons this evening that Lord Rnsoherv. th') Prime Minister, had "Signed. The report, however, was not credited. Leading members of the Liberal party decIal-e that they are not aware of such action on the part of the Premier . Mr. John C. Macdona asked if the Government was aware that the W ite Star and Cunard Steamship companies had chaztzred a tug to search for deâ€" relizts in the Atlantic, which cught to be the duty of the Admiralty. Sir Edward Grey, Under Foreign Se- cretary, in reply to a. question by Sir George Baden-Powell, said that no ex- planation had yet been received from enezueln. in regard to the hauling down of the British flag and imprisonment of police officers. He said the Government would not allow the matter to drop. THE CANADIAN POST. LINDSAY. ONT» FRIDAY. MAY 24. A New Police Force Which Will Replace the 3mm; London, May 20.â€"In the Han e of Commons 10-day Sidney Buxton. Un- der Colonial Secretary, replying to a question Ly Vice-Admiral Fie d. aid the Legislature of Honduras had made provision for the establishment of a new Civil Police force. whose spheie of duty would be in ‘Belize and the Southern districts. The existing semi- military force, he said, would serve in the northern districts. This arrange- ment would constitute adequate pro- vision. and enable the withdrawal ot‘ the British troops in July. Paris, May 19.â€"La. Lanterne, in an articie on the Japanese situation, ex- presses the hope that France wili decline to support Russia. if that power insists upon having an open port, free fromicc, in Chinese territory. . France Objects to a Bwoâ€"Chlnue "arbor Attempted Sulfide. Hamilton, Ont" May 20.â€"Ensson Ern- est Bishop, 8. young man who was dis- charged from jail Friday, was arrested by Police Constable Zeats Saturday while attempting to hang himself with Thar-e are many trifling amounts in these accounts, but the report is full of such disgraceful charges. which. in the aggregate, make a large sum of money. The subject is one that should cause the taxpayer to reflect. Lie Worh Department, whose headqmrtem are at Winnixm, is credit- ed with $384. of which $14 was for “rent of room at Ottawa for clothes and trunk while away. at $3 a week." In the account of J. B. Laurent, in. is thin item: “Papal-a, shining boots. waiters. porters, sundries (details not given) $16.94.” The account of J. C. Tue-be, engineer. stationed at Rimmi- ski. contains the item : “ Washing $11." The traveling expense accounts of J. W. H. Watts amounted to $384. of which 25 cents went to his harbor and $14.75 to Messrs. S. and H. Box-bridge of 0t- tawn' for a. new vn1‘~e for him. $729 in traveling. and gave away $13.50 in tips to porters. James Howden. su- perintendent of dredging, waa generous to the servants who attended upon him. He gave them $33 of the public's money. Arthur St. Laurth of the Pub- sity is admirable. E. B. Goodwin re- ceived from the Treasury $3.50, which he had to pay for medical attendance. in consequence of a. ,cold contracted while performing his duty at Goderich. In the statement of F. M. Hamel. ex-auistnnt chief engineer 0! the Public Works De- partment. there is an item of $150 “ not accounted {ox-3' Mr. Hamel. who is the person that defaulted in his return of the dues collected on the Du Lieure lock. which he was compelled to pay uphspent A-AA . Mum the bill uf Ugqu 03mm“. NH uuuumm m Nan l'uhim “wk-s Duluth WM. 3! Human that M went #1 tut Pullman our: and mum! the puma" w “in Seuemus mumm at $5.90 m' «ham: ’1 per m». The cuuutry ui 2m cunts lur shaving Mr. Dfuunu. 5 for blackiux his boat: and 6 for thu " wear and tour" of his coat an rust. J. Ewart. Mai-taut tu the chief archiwct 0! tin: Public Works Department, charged the cwutry $11 for a. bag and 133.21) for uawapn‘pera. Chic! Architect Fuller charged thu Trun- aury with $17.65 that he haul given in gratuities to hotel porters and waiters (and 3.10.99 to car portgrshSuqh genero~ rumors 13' BRITISH Hosanna. 'v-uw- nun-lung 1-110on 0 Single unmount- And Montreal. 46 at 03.50. 0101: mndrv. 068.70. Fan-o to New York. finch us And Mun-n. on; to Calumet and Mum. two at 03.10. . . . Pullmnnl. $459; pox-hen. 013.25; I fl. . A . . . I holograms. $15.28; ‘phonon. 01.05: stationery. $1. . _ I . . . Railway to Ohlungu mr pfnmmls. ӣ0" mtrmm tlckeh to .. Vurldn mm m . ; - L .. -vv â€"' v-v-. Boa-d $468.16, telegram- 310.87, phone SOsâ€"$479.88. . . ._ Fur coat, 28 do.” at 50c, :18; umbrel- la. 8255â€"81555. Total 81831.28. The private «rotary o! the Minister 0! Public Worhia Mr. R. C. Dearochefly and. if anybody doubts that he 1- a 1011! 800d. open-handed, 1m and may know, let him read the Ionowing account-z g it. 0. Danube", Prfim Bocuury. '7 r p- : Debsâ€"To Ottawa station. $26.75: Itotlom to hotell. $21.50: bowl! to nations. 818.05; umdry. .54: from 0:91:39)“.an 930.75. . U “155 ‘ Horne hire 857, team, St. Anne to Mur- ray Buy, e_tc., twice at 825-8107. Steamers $87.80, boot hire 85.75, 10:- rle_- 32.60554“ BcsiWIM. human 89: I I 50:3.de 5e, mdrlu, a» mac: ‘5' "I“ 'ro'ui mu. 5 ‘ . ' i It will be obumd mt In the land'- their wild ‘ In: account the conntrx bu pad 018 M Tb for the rental 0! L In: onrmt (or as hon-u Count-mun maxed 00a, and that it bu ad. ! m "i”ofltedt géfmfigu ‘ hm. tum???“ w a V0 u “8 men 0 3' "11% taxpaye- Sono‘g:t l “008‘“ 1d. . e paymter, :- ‘ cm: (mm to house $1836, to om- 53m “‘2 mam 33°”. W337? “335 “ . , estontaonn . ,Iun , $87.75. from om“ muon $50.25- ” “wt ‘ $804.55. m or use Single hues. 0mm and Montreal. ragga 88 at $8.50; tundry $534-$667. Pullmana $90 on: rteu 831.5% not. than 'h $12150. ' p° - J . . “g!!! “.W.W. Widen) (whim nu. pawn, oi um!” ‘ . , "fiilu’limagn. . "I" .1 1|?! (when Mugs Thafonowxnglottar of testimony “'39 MLDongln mm, at W. Ooh. mthatthomtcmsotrhawhm an be ungodly natun'u mm lib- lustmnshmeul’dno‘sColu-yw. This marvellous medicine has nomad andconqnuodwbendlothtrngonta Inga Wfithunveduhwhenmnd mumgimuptodle. No wander thathoumdnmlcndang m gnu. everydny. 28970 Putrxperlencoa tndrenlhhuohulfld up monnulnaotpmobthtthu'IOelu'y Compendium only modlolna M an momdnnhexmm'lnd m mountains». The mul- ot medicine cannotshowtime]!otlllillmflfll9'9"?“> N ‘9 Allseneible end rationed men end wo- men will certainly admit tint there mnet beth and eflieeey in e medicine that curse the meet deepente form at dieeeae, end eaves life after the hum-e- ot physi- cians. The medicine tint ecoompiilhee each magnificent mark in canal, Inn-thy of the Attention of ell sick era entering 6185 17 83 "InJm,1m2,Ihadu m Md The Racking Disease Was Completely Banished by the Great Health-giver. A Terrible Case of Rheumatisml Let Us Reason Together, Reader. When Paine’s Celery Compound Cures the Most Desperate Cases of Disease is it not the Medicine for Your Trouble? Jam Wu“ III MM“ VIII London. lhy DOcâ€"A deal-huh waived hum BMW a}. It in lemma than that China “had up“ tor an alumina a! time in which the former mu to do~ liw‘r the Island 0! Fauna-n. to the Jap- m. J5 n ”tuned to grant the ~- quest. at; us that aha could not b mu any modification in tho I! led o-utv Mfume. ,, mm.» JGR‘Io Oh!” I” 13?“ up!!!” hm Imam] 1» "mum at n mm; mm M dart uwmwmcm um! Mum l9 mm M no an u» 0 12%. "Mi. chum: at!" duylmnk Mum» . In ~n win «I No mm was 0 an hummus. "Jul." 0. WM}. «Hume M Mw. L‘uuum. "Nu.“ am! an N» W M mu «M WM wmun Wm; H MI! ”W mun. "J. Nathan. m Human.‘ It in am unload he want walk mu Mum! the "w and was. drunk by a tmu. Thu body wu badly out up. an Imp-hm example“ at “all“ MUS "claiman- and pmba Max. hat a: much]. bumllnt pol m lam mu ohmmn'o! An Investigation van and. b: a. mu- Ineipu “(hormo- at Florence. who eo- umntod that 8000 hon-u were dun-cod. The‘Onthqdnl Ill Sqntylprl. do! In". 1 At Lam o on... our Mn, no In. thou ham won thrown “on their loundatlom And com tel: wreck- ed. A cad future 01 the tar ot thi- placo won the finding 0! the body at A young mother with" he: Intuit eluped tom her heart. sum "lent?” at- d to flu, but. thine c133. wu crunhod to (both but“ a: falling wall. 0! hot Inn. Arbind Florence's unbu- 0! homes rep .dutrqud adieu potion; Hand. Tho Inhale disturbance in Mt st Luca. Pontodnn And [mommy tbs-ouch- ont W. The centre 01 th- nove- mnt was At Florence, when {or u may nugnothin; dun“ bu ooc At (in-inn, a. «barb o! manna, tho 51:03: was: very violent. Tl): ’extent 0 our movement w udcod from the he: mt a loaded omnibus was overturned. injuring may, eon“: “my. ‘ecenee were at tho mental, when pa lemme. were going on. Amid about. oi “earthquake,” the crowd, mdewild. ruhod ior the exite. Ind with “not, no respect wu ehown lo: the woolen. weak or aged, and in the crush m were badly. hurt. Upon touching the the“: the crowd. iron the theatre. not those who ind fled irom their dwell- ince, and the excitement that ensued made eonimion wore:- confounded. IT BAFFLED THE DOCTORS’ SKILL. ”Idol-M ‘1ntumdhmln4muty. Ind-oh oommeneedtryhcdocmm m MtlmymmmMImm "turned to the hapltsl. My M m min lam. but th- MM mmmmm. I could not ”mmbmymwwm mwmsehnd. “After two month- ! I” "tut-nod homo. Abbadofulnolnm Ban. county. mean. not ”well"?! m'.cahqcmnd. 1|)".than mummuyuhmmm thigh-amount.“ "I’M Simmtbwlulom «them-dunmpm m with. I uh M Mann-all: II to :11 win an m wlh nun:- Ill-n; ”1011.15118er mm "InNmmberIwuou-dodontbod to the Genenl and Maine MN. St. Cuba-Ines. when I received kind sud manhunt. mammalia- Enhance ofdlklnds, bntmw wcru In- steadcf better. them. I was draw. and mod plies-Icon Madame: mun-u mu! owl'- 0W um can-“91am $550833. .mmmwwm “u 4m. '1'. 3. mm. m M. In. “Mom W “but my IM’ I m a “about“ maummmtmm.“ Mu Dim “no to Kim mom I. «all. mum. mu; m- wammmmum manual-mm film W “mum- Om.” No m mail-ho mama. Guru Madmdn-hIMW’dH. on; L. A. sun-H b 00.. Toronto. WILL CURE YOU DON’T DESPAIR Dodd’a Imam. Co mural-ml. mun-nu may. “be... I. H. SOOTHERAN, «mummcnlw month on: Almolonm-ul' lull I... 0...!“th m m. MONEY TO LOAN wwwmmummw ”unwound“. ”Mumm. mmmwwwu m LJ txmmmm. m mum-.7. 6 1‘0 6 PER CENT. man an mm mm MONEY TO LOAN OFFICEâ€"Kn Dominion Bank Building. m 1.. My. In". 1891â€"1084:. All. GAGE-nmqupuonnmw allocate“ :mnnu. on... lacunae-mud my“ LII. mummy! 7" m: M um Won mm to sun borrow. LboIIlll! ammo mtund-wlmon-dvnw-w - uâ€"ummim mu anatomnhobomvor. [mum-hr “mutants-Mulch NOTES DISCOUNTED mm ll'.0.3. OFFICE .° North Wed Corner of Kent and York N. LINDS’AY. mum mum um“ulmm,« amt-domain... HORNAGIB OBLIGID. McLAUGflLm, W. Block. Kant-d... noun a! mu :0 loan Mud arm to sun bottom 8. Baum. scum: Old WI- Doe-am Dykxoflaln'flfim Mm 4.L.Mx‘,q.c_a.‘ l' mum. MOORE JACKSON (Sacco-onto souquUé’Z’Woi. :mwawaw nloou. Aux. 5m. U0 ltdtottorunom-doluk. laugh Iona «Imam. 0M, No. Willi-lard... m “(inputâ€"fl. ‘ v.1. lama. go. . ”ugly. Nov. .1891â€"8‘. WAD? SURGEON. In“ d 00hr! _u. 10!!! um. DONALD I- Am. ONIY 1‘0 LEND ON MORT- to m u Vol“ my Gallop. MM misc.“ 4 In. "NI Wand Ont-I10 Vac-l ennui-mot Lam cm 1'0 LOAN. m v.t.¢'v.o.v an... OI‘ rt... m use low .3." m "Ia-“It‘- m‘. m 5 Mn N I. ”my MMMhumu-unwm OWEE'TEMW Skylab! "av-“www- pm 5. momma: my... 1!. nWIIINtD. m “vi-“Mum '165“ REES-1m J“. TV“ tub' LIN-fl mu WOMAN flag-2.1“" "W.- Bmfawma maxi...“ ANDERSON. [18“!!! WWW“ ' FOR WOMAN iTIMBER FOR SALE. cLAUGHLIN KcDIABMID, gamxg STEERS. (SolicilpII for LlllY’S NERVE PILLS ’K J. P. Linoâ€"N. Voterinry Surgeon and Dentist. om _ SMART, BARBIS- ml LIVERPOOL All) WIDOI no own “mama mun. FARMS for SALE. Veteran r] Sure cont. P. DEVLIN. 313mm. BOLI- Honey to Loin: l'oi an.) 7 Lou Acu- 1}. 802mg. 391““: m. '08 “I AND wow. III OI“! MI I“! I]!!! AND LIFE. W. 1‘. BROAD. Bum-ton. Ito. New Adnrmcnuu. W43! um! .3TABLI. DUI warns-r. Farms for Rent. Ann!" [494.» a 14.99 m. lit 9- may mug looiu': (fléfibi. '. 0. fi‘ 51' fi, H. BRAZIN. VM 0. mafia: 1.". mar-IP01! “an“. . gizligigiisg Licensed Auctioneer for the Coumy of Victoria. IV . nmcxmnm” or dEs. "Ilia:- no: mu! hm km and W hen 00mm tom to non. Dâ€"hâ€"A- -_.| _.|_-_ n޴n A n . -_ _._.. â€""...â€"-. arm“. has“ unn- PETER BROWN . 31 LICENSED IIIGTIOIEERU manor mvnusxas, to on- ADDRESS. OAKWOOD P. O. New Advordaemon ts. mom 5MB”?! "1 «holes ”OLSON, (indul- 0 Toronto University loan Milky, also Guam Trinity Oahu-liq. rm. and “but 0! Or. at Phydohnn and Surgeon . DR. guanows, mam. of ME College. 16. 015:» noun 8 to 10 gnu. noon, 4 to a pm. Telephone oonnocuon. Linduy, July 16. lagâ€"'15 u â€"78-ly 30.0qu Wu min-m um” 0mm. “natural-Ind Dun-by.“ uMMmMWM-um Pullou- hon. ammmamw MM. conesâ€"mm Cut to m; on mama-tun. _._- â€"Wâ€"â€" .. --â€"‘â€". Ir. Nod-ud- continui- ‘to unfit. Ankh) “this? m‘xlohudmu : mind our M, «Ma huh [or on.“- o! pom-without. pull! or Injury. nuns“. .I -_“A_A_| ._A‘L ., mun. mm. LM-y. Aux. c. 1893.â€"63-1y. 9!" I HI. I!- um. may when nun HIMAJ ulna to “am an mm» P“ has 0.” had to lo I: fun In .Bouno EE_“£ .umu EP“!“" IM- and. Ian: ox RP . m- u now «In; IHII. Ob um. nmuon at Dr loud. Int Cl A UCIIONEEB. Baddest“, 8m. LINDSAY. mom TO LOAN Oukwood. Fob. 1. m-M Lem poo-No m m 3 sun ”nan-mac. none: moan, umua um II'INO om?“ . "MM! II “In W. Molly “Mu. Mu mum-nu £3...- wamu mummy. ummfl“§ur )3. G. s. anksox, OOULIBI' and JURIST. N. 63088. LII. 8. I)FZN'1‘1H'1~ alumina-mutate... onus-mu EO'BOYLE, CLERK OF TE! R. J EFFEBS, FRANK L. SOMERVILLE, In... mâ€"nh- “-â€" J. SMITH. 14â€"00-4qu not-n w SIMPSON. PHYSICIAN -A- A. n_l_._n-: n _ . . Architect: aidâ€"8mm Bum“: Cam. A UOI'IONEEB. me. Imam. LINDSA r. .DIGRASSI. PgYfiIOILN, __8UR nun\v m L. ann'mmnq. n, _D.. ,. WHITE. n CHAMBERS, OAKWOOD- .3080! because, 28 WELL I NG TON-ST. ‘umaonl no. a. cums aging aoqnnmn.‘ AAâ€" - _. mm, L. n. 5.. DE N TIST. mnéouu. PMICI‘M. L039), Commâ€"hunt d Dentistry; Eaton. J. NEEUNDS Ooumyol' VM

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