L68 mamas eta, 50_cte., $1.00. Sold â€7 A'. EIginbothmâ€"24. rue-z mu: mgr-ID. SYmomsâ€"Molstm‘o; mm m lad stinging, most at night; m by W. Hallmtoconflnuom four, which often Mud and m becoming very sore. Swami! M mustomthoiemng “(189de MiammdlnmoateueQM'u 2:415. Atmnt by 9*“ Dr. Swans a: Bun. “3 ï¬gment. tum m extends over a very large territory. It in- cludes the Counties of Peterboro, Victoria: 'Narthumbarland and Durham, and the districts cf Mnskoka, Parry Sound, Algoma. and the district of Nippiseing west from North Bay. While his lordship Bishop O'Connor has frequently visited the principd parishes, he has made ten Pastoral visitations of the whole dime. There are about 5,000 Catholic Indians in the diocese. He has visited all the Indian m'ssions and travelled for days along the streams and portages, and through woods, Where the sound of the settler’e axe has never been heard. On the Manitoulin islands, on the shores of Lake Superior "it! Like Nepigon, and wherever he has gone, the Citholic Indians have gathered about him. As a pulpit orator Bishop; O'Connor ranks high. His breadth 01‘ COmprehension, exactness of thought, beauty of expression, readiness of com-l â€â€œ503, and aptness of illustration, es- Deflally from the holy scripture, together with s wail-modulated voice, render his discourses not only learned, but practical, illstruc‘jve and eloquent. The great 800d he has accomplished in his various mis- ï¬lms, and especially as bishop, testif! 13° ~KARLs CLovim Roar. the 81‘0“ 3‘“ puriï¬er, gives freshness maelstr- 3°53 to theComplexionandmesmsï¬i- Immediately after his maceration he set to work to enlarge and improve the schools or his .episcopal city. A ,large wing was added to Notre Dame convent, and another storey to the Lone-st. school. In the erection of churches Bishop O’Con- nor has been indefatigable. New churches have been built at Douro. Sndbury, and in fifteen places throughout the district of Algorns. Many new parishes have been constituted, especially in the new districts cf the north. The diocese of Peterhoro Rev. J. V. Clesry, S.T.D., Archbishop of Kingston, in St. Peter’s cathedral, Peter- boro. The diocese of Peterboro had been but lately established. and many diocesan works were still in an incipient stateâ€" such as the St. Joseph's hospital, Peter bore, the corner-stone cf which was laid less than a your previously by Bishop Bowling. Dr. O'Connor entered upon his episcopal duties with renewed zeal and energy, soon bringing all these under- takings to completion. St. Joseph’s hospi- tal is tc-dav not only acreditto the diocese. but also one of the best arranged and best equipped in ths province. After twenty-ï¬ve years of faithful ser- vice in the ministry, he was appointed to the See of Peterbowo, rendered vacant by the translation of Bishop Dowling to Hamilton. On May the 1st, 1889, Bishop O’Connor was consecrated by the Most The limbo Rev. Richard Alphonsus O‘Connor. 0.1).. third Bishop o! Poterboro. the men anniversary oi whose consecra- uau was celebrated on Wednesday. the m a! May. was born in was at Listowoi. County Kerry. Ireland. When he was only three years old his parents emigrated to Canada and settled at Toronto. His early education was obtained in Separate schools or that city. In 1852 he entered St. Michael’s College as one of its ï¬rst students, and took a full course in litera- ture,msthematlcs. classics and philosophy. ‘ with marked distinction. He was attor- wards seat to the Grand Seminary. Mon- ‘ treel, fer the study of theology and holy‘ scriptures. When ordained by Archbishop Lynch, of Toronto, in 1861, he was sent to the Gore of Toronto to begin his ministry. He was afterwards appointed to Manta Falls, and then to the old and popular parish of Adjala, which has since been divided into two parishes. In 1870 Bishop Lynch appointed him Dean of Barrie. There he built a beautiful church, and also a large and oommodious convent for the Sisters of St. Joseph. The mission of Barrie was than more extensive than now, as it included the flourishing parishes of Coliingwood and Staynerr. In the parish of Barrie Dean O'Connor fulï¬lled his duty with unflagging earnestness. Collingwood and Stayner were formed into parishes, andaresidentpriestgiventoeach. A. O‘Connor. 9.0.. Bishop 0! Pombm. knowing than M will lam-cu O hm melon at our radon. -â€"= mdence, za Bbmty. Ion-I «mm lung 0! Mum m. We republish from tho MOI! of SONIC†mo renewing clutch of tho 1m 0: R". R. 337. R. A. O’CONIOR, D. D. Eh: @auadiau gm. LINDSAY, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 16. Aye)â€: Pals!†um and bowels. Ayer’si'ï¬f' Sarsanatilla Admitted st the World’s rm. ’ “No other blood medicine that I have ever used. and I have tried them 311,13 so thorough in its action. and exec-ts so many ,nnanent cures as Ayers Balsamâ€â€" 5:. H. F. meu. Augusta, Me. Statement of 3 Well Known Doctor No Other Medicine 80 THOROUGH A8 POPULAR PRELATE. Aye!" Remedms. aal, energy, and administra- uv-.. -_ -â€" 11 the po§vii5cif swallowing has returned small quantities or warm water m mud: and water, or: coffee, shalt! be Id- mlnlsterad; thaliaaflenb ,keph In bed and 3122p â€gang‘s H. “‘4.A__IL.AAI_AA â€MAL (591131-31 Note on Batuselhafloï¬.â€"Tmt- meat to restore animation should be per- samd In for at least three or m loam "PBmote warmth by the a pniication of hot flannels, bottles. heatedn Mots. ctc., :lplt of stomach, -nrmpits, thighs, and to es of. theicc _ _ r'ythe Hands and feet, and as soon as dry clothing can be procured strip the pa- dent and 1-0-1319:th or cover, Continue friction over clothing or undo: blanket. A dry 166.1535: 'x’r'auon has been matured. ass-7 mien wehqnua. These movements must be repeated care- fully and deliberately about ï¬fteen tunes a minute. and ersevered with until natur- al respiration established, upon which cease to imitate breathing, and proceed to induce elreulethn andiwarmth. â€"A1her natunl breathin has been restor- ed, rub ghe {imbgup _ _ _ 131th ï¬rnpres- -â€", _V 31:35. aging manicmegs, flaynels, 66:; Having held the arms In this position for about two seconds, carry them back to the body, folding them on each side, and- press them ï¬rmly against the sides and front of the chest for about two seconds. Kneellng at patient'a heed, lean forward and grasp the arms below elbows. draw them steadily n wards attull length above and level with e heed. â€Drew? 'bherton'gne forward, and keep it projecting beyond the lips by fastening it in position with piece of a handkerchief or string tied node: _th6_9h_!n- _ ’TS do ibis; turn the Biï¬Ã©nt face down- wards, the head resting on one side of the â€35,5116. wipe the mouth epd gouty-113. 'Ro'plaoe' '" this 'pï¬ieit' 3i? "tie“ _book""_ind place the roll of clothing under the shoulder blades. , U Immediately release All tight clothing round the neck and chest, especially the braces orcoreets, and at once proceed to clear the mouth and throat. If no sign or life can be observed. non-the heart’s notion heard, lay the patient flat on thebaokandplaoe aroll of clothing under the shoulder blades. , , We are in receipt of a private letter lroni Mr. J. George Hodglns, Toronto, secretary cf the Royal Canadian Humane Szciety. in which he calls attention to the society's instru‘stions as to the best methods of rescuing drowning persons. and how to revive the apparently dead. The instruc- tions are illustrated and printed on paper cloth, and sold at 250. each. The town council should provide itself with a num- ber of theta; egos, 1:flflflxh egonldllgoi’postgg upaong e ver on an peas mig be the means of saving lite. Following are tab; dirgdotions for restoring the apparently wn : loyal Gunman nummo Annotation no Trent Gull take. A writer in last week’s issue of the Orillia News-Letter says z-Curioue, isn't it, how much talk there is about the Trent Valley canal 'uet before an election! In lsast wetek's enggttgrtintoticed in the ebrigh regorter’s u go a agoodman men and areas from that place would labor on the canal “when work i: tairl started.†It seems to me that all canal is being taken too seriously alto. ther. It may be ï¬nished in timeâ€"who owe iâ€"but it won’t be in our time. The odd thing about it is that people allow themselves to be carried away by the idea of it just whenever the politicians desire them. And all this talk about it bein the making of Orillia or any otherplace all ‘ moonshine. Aside from the fact that it is a mighty hardjob to ï¬nd a place that has been “made" by a canal. except at termi- nal points, the Trent Valley canal will never amount to much as a highwayot commeme. This was shown years ago. when it was conclusively proven that only ‘ an hour or so would be saved by the canal route in going from the Georgian Bay to Lake Ontario. The reason of this is that while the distance cross lots is only a fraction of the way around by Sarnia and Detroit, the amount or lockage would be so great that a vessel would not make any gain in time. From the Georgian Bay to Lake Ontario would take 82 hours by the canal. When we consider that the nation- al system of canals is to be deepened to 14 feet, with the view of further increasing the depth to 18 or 20 feet eventually to ad- mit of ocean going vessels passing to Lake Superior, we know that the Trent Valley canal is not so much of a commercial scheme as it is something else. m Win-Dot. and Magellan. â€"Archibald Forbe', the well-known English war emesp ndant. will desxibe from personal observation, in the J one number of - McClure's Magazine the meetin s of Napoleon III. with Kin Wil- liam of ssia and Prince Bis , the day after the battle of Sedan, when Na clean at himself at their mercy in or er to so icit for his army better terms of surrender than the Prussians were pro- posing. Pietnres of these meetings, and ot scenes connected with them, several from famous paintings, will ammpmy the article. ‘ At once I and some at my brothers nnd stators oboyod. and followed hhn untll wo come to n dltoh so deep and wldo that I could not lonp It and so tell in. when I still remain. atnok hopolonly in tho mud. As I feel I cannot live much longer I thought I would write tho story or my 111:. and w: PM on your Jacket: 0! rod and gold. ' Wium bu some ï¬nd the am now cold.†hue slung as!“ In my hon. one any. hula; now grown (1qu old. «a: II wu mama). when the WIN! «m. up and um: "Gum Huh; lam. cum om mo madam with no ‘oot right on mo. nohohodboonhoovy oho might have broken myotom, but I did not too] hot- ony moo-o thon tho m. Sho oot um torsion; timo, and I molly thought oho hod gono to sloop, but I woo ooon undo oworo at tho foot that oho out not ooloop, hooonoo. ottor o dood ononoo, oho boson to tolk to o llttlo girl on tho otroot. ond hot ohrm voloo plomod mo “to o cold Jonnory wind. Bho tolled to ho: o long thno, ond thon I hoot-d hor any, In o voloo ovon mm mm than baton: "no onto and moot no tomorrow If you wish to ho turnod Into o bird." Tim I: on oho told; thon oho mountod o n; and rodo owoy. Ialsomatwlthmy adventuiu In my life. mdwmtenyou one at them:â€" I out up thore,undwhen the princess comeouttoeltouthegnea(ulheoome- timeodldflueedtofonhenondhelpedto abode hex-mom thegreotburulngouneo that It would not epollher complexion; oudleloolmprovedthewcrldbylmoklng ltmoxobeauMulï¬otmentollnln; Otcomuollllviugthlugomuot hove food, so mustI, muthlotheweylgot mine. Mymotherï¬hesneetmopletveeon whhhlhvetnokeduphmnthogrcund all the woterondetufl'toeetthotehe could gehondthenahcbroughtltthroughthci stems to all her llttle children (the'leEv’e’o) ;' lnthleway,undwlththerulno,lwu nourished. But hcwwoolto live without breath? Well, I dld not hove to, because I could get It by bmthlnglu thculr through pores orllttle halos in my skin. Aulhsvotold you yotuohout my home ondsppmnncqbot youmuat notthlnkl wu only to look ot,tor, as everything oughttobootmhthhwaltooml, ondthhmmlno: I was a small lent, buufornnthat,1 oonldweuflnedrum. Ihadsnewrobe toreachseuonottheyeu. Forthespdns Ihadaugnem,torthesummer,sdark green, mdtorthaantummaredandmld- [BY Luau! mason, 53. In. cuss, atom wan.) Iwuaunallmpleleatandmsbamon thalimb of slugs tree In theKlng'a TELII’E OF A MAPLE L341â€. CANADA’S EMBLEM. THE CANADIAN POST, LINDSAY, DELFRIDAY. MAY '24. 1895 Internal Revenue Commissioner Mll- ler says that all the money paid in on account or the Income t1: wm b"- re- funded to the payee: by the Treasury Department without delay. It amounts to only $183000 'l‘otal . . . . . . $6,941,000 Strong speeches were also made by Mr. Perry of P.E.I. and Mr. Dawson 01 ‘ Addington. . \ With the concurrence of both sides it was decided to adjourn from Wednesday night until Tues- day of next week on account 3; Ascension Day and the Queen’s Birth- y. . The Supreme Court Declares the Lu. Unconnuutionnl. Washington, May 20.â€" The Supreme Court has declared the Income .Tax law unconstitutional. The Chief Jus- tice announced the following conclu- sions : First, we adhere to the opinion already announced that taxes on real estate being undisputably direct taxes. Second, we are or the opinion that taxes on personal property, or on the income 0.! personal property, are like: wise direct taxes. Third, the tax im- posed by sections 27 to 37. inclusive. of theactoflMsotax-asitimlison the income or real estate andperspnnl property, being a. direct tn: within the meaning of the constitution. nud. 1 therefore. unconstitutional And void. because not apportionedueeordingto repreaenution. 83 those new cor lite WWG.“ "_‘ g “ The Government side was represented by Josiah Wood of Westmorelnnd, NB†He spoke as a. National Policy man out and out, and through his speech ran the inevitable note of apology and regret: which is now never absent from protec- tionist speeches. Mr. McIsanc, the new member for Anti- gonish, made a. strong speech on the condition of the country: and the position of the two parties. In the course of his speech, he en- ‘umernted the various steals, swind- lcs and stupidities which the 307.- ernxnent had been parties to, by means g: which thi mfley of the coundtï¬m en waste , e list consist» ° Underdonk s . . . . . $1,118,000 Toy Canal . a . . . . 476,000' Carnquet Railway . 4 . 224,000 Little Rapids lock 2' . a 184,000 Galops Channel . a . . 600,000 Quebec harbor ‘. . . . . 1,000,000 qunimalt dock . . .- . 207,000 an bridge 0 I l ,. . 270,000 Hard pan claims . . 6 . 272,000 Harris land job . . . . 100,000 Sheik’s Island dam , . .. 125,000 St. Mary’s bridge , . . . 872,000 Langevin block . . . . . 281,000 St. Charles’ branch railway . 1,500,000 Liquor traffic commission . ., 125,000 Labor commission . . . '87,000 also supported a tax-iii for revenue, imposed as much. '35 poaible upou luxuries. Tariff lor revenue wuthe policy of the Liberal party. Th- it was this policy had received :he endom- tion of a. majority of the electorate o! the country, including may who hither- to have voted with the Conservatives. He said it was perfectly clear what was the policy which the farmers of Canada. believed to be necesary to their proo- pcrity. They had come to understand at last that the interests of the mono- polists and combines were not identical with. theirs. . mfttad to Parliament from tho Dominion Grange declaring in favor o! a revenue mm. This was, he said, the expression of the opinion of a. consider- able body of {annex-s. The platform 0! the Patrons of Industry and the repre- sentative body, whose views were those of a; very: large proportionpf the farmers Total ply to Mr. Gampbell. In resuming the Budget debate, Hr. Sample made a speech from the farmer! standpoint and pmeented his case with force and clearnees. He read a. tition at... t!» outset. which. he an!» The cry of nepotism was raised nfluin't Sir Oliver Mowat in the last Ontario campaign by the Conservative leadere. They are silent on that question now that the political storm centre has been transferred tram Toronto to Ot- tawa. With the Tuppere, the Langevim. the Chaplmus and the Ouimete, so atmus' 1y represented in the public service it has been found inconvenient to pursue ‘this particular line of attack. Mr. Mc- ‘ Mullen hand itwo questions on the paper toâ€"dng as :to the remuneration, occupa- tion and relationship to the Minister of Finance, of (hm perm employed in the service, but Mr. Foster {ought shy of the subject at relatiomhip. He did not think ht): x‘zlntiomhipe werel so' im- 1"†“‘11 “3 worthy of a we in the Hanna}. p , 0 Canada’s representation 01 Co- lumbian Exposition post theconntry $243,019. Accounts .to this amount have $beenapprvvedlnd paid, and Dr. Montoa gue doe not expect any further appro- priation will he required. This inlormo- ti‘onAtheSegmmg-vof State gave in xv The mnlitéi kid that tho company'- oaae had been preheated to tho Govern- ment, but no decision had yet how reached. Hr. Footer conï¬rmed 1h. autumn whichhnd untamed in the prom. that on appiicaiian ind. been made by Ir. hand. It?» mm in; director at the minute Marine Rniwuy, tar n 0:- tauuion oi We yearn' than to: tin oom- piï¬ion o! the enterprise. The cubic-ct was breath to the attention 0! the Government b Capt. Well): the nlinut old unit trout riuoo Edward Maud. who {rotated in vixuroun Magnum, again“ he axlnuditura of any more money on the M lway. which he detox-lbw u a wild“; «shame. , Di. fiaidaxaklhrit’ndlrm to b} “'1“ pro :30 use upon a. n “of?" year we 3:11“ ybo able to rui- he 85 per cent.__ Mr. Footer: Even though the National Policy has been in iorce, sad. it in tha opinion of the department that the soon- or we got something for the diachm- oi the mortgage the less iou we wil ultimagelx swim . . ' Mr. Laï¬â€˜rier: What! Under the Na.- flgyal __Po_licy 'I_ “During all thin time," said the Min- ister, “that the Crown but been unable to give 5 title the property has been de- misting.†,, the country is to compromise the claim and discharge the mortgage as speedily as possible. Yesterday he introduced 1: bill to e'nshle the Government to do this. The property has been for many years in such a. position that the Government has been unable to sell it or realise upon it. The mortgage was given in 1858 by the late Hon. George Mark- land. The property wassold in 1862 un- der that mortgage, and the purpose of the bill is to give power to convey the property so sold free from the mortgage upon the payment of about 50 per cent. oi__t_he originnl claim. ’ the Government and to cm I lam ‘ on mien Property n: u can on the Dollar-lune In Ad- journ. From Wednes- dulI-m Tuesday. .0ttnwa, May 21.â€"While the Minister of Fmgnee and the whole Government 101- lowxng have been singing the praieea of the National Policy and denying. among other things, that values have declined under its benificient influence the Pin- ance Department has been worrying it' self about the depreciation of a. block of property in the city of Kingston, upon which there is a. Government mortgu89~ The situation has become IO bad that the Minister of Finance has decided that the only way to prevent further lose _to M ISMG’S mama sumuluu up 5 .0132? $7,000,000 WASTED By Government Steals Swin- dles and Stupiditlas . The'list comm q o A n a a I o l n I .ilwny . . d8 lock I: ' . a 091 o I o o )r u I o n - )ck - I d . e . I l ,. . Lima . . d . job . . . . l dam , . .. ridge , . . . ck . . . . branch railway . c commission . . iasion . . . ‘11:. mt hm. Scrum]: often ohm noel! in only life and lo characterised by "vellum, oboe.- aez, hip dbeeee, etc. Consumption 1o scrotal: of the long. In this clue of dloeooeSoott's Emulsion In unquestionably the most reliable medicine. A Harlot lam in me In. 01 the Newepeemelexneey. Dm'norr, Mich., May zoneâ€"cm drug- giate here report a great number at enquiries with regard to the speciï¬c remedy tor Bright's dieeaee,diahehee and afliarmeoikidney complaint, known†Dodd'a Kidney Pine. A partial Inveeti- 3ation hen enown thahin every eeee the replyotthe drnggiete tetheqneetioneot their customer- have been highly land- atoryof therelnedy and that they have been abieto eioe xnany eeeee from their own perennaiknowiedae were the meet eignalbeneilte havebeenderivedhunite nee. The reenlthaeheen a very marked inereaeeinthennmberotealeemede and several nnnenaliylarge elders have been given. that is the question: : y whether it is better‘ to wear that faded, $13557 dress and endure the soornfnl looks of Ill your well-dread neighbors, or to pun-chosen package of Diamond DY†" and restore it! freshne- kl mother colorâ€" mks . new dress for an “M'- Diamond Dye. m M ‘0' m ‘ use. Ammnnlhflo- Any who Bold turd: . m Ifâ€. ‘icu Bgokmdflmguo tandem Or Not to Dye To Dye mehnmudmmmwm .m,myumckodbyt"omo¢ Ann’s Chan-r] PM It stop- the Malignantzhumotm thrash And lungs. “d MW“ much- ngodod upon. Hundreds ban W to thanmuhblo virtuoso! this PRINT Vlnapr will mm copper. meleufloum-nduuh m WM a main Who am. 9.0 Buchana- u be neat-laced. Albany. N.Y.. May zo.â€"The Court of Appeals has ordered that Dr. Buchan- an be brought before the Court on Mon- day next at 1 p.112. -tor re-sentenoe to be electrocuted. “mmahmnmdnhoubmma "but Axum III-dual. Vienna, May 20.â€"'l‘he heavy rain Which haw prevailed {or the last [cw days can- ed the River Sag-e to rice to a height sufficient to burst the dike near the town of Agmm, which together with a wide tract of territory, in submerged. The flood has totally destroyed the cmps in inundated district» and the damage to other property in very great. Vlnqund ultvmmhonnhnahuk. Florence loco"!- l’n- In Paulo. Florence, May 20.â€"Thc inhabitant: 0! this city have neon-red from the {right caused by the earthquakes Saturday night, there having been no recurrence of the movements. Prim) Minster Criaipi has telegraphed to the Syndic hero. stat- ing that he intends to‘nsk Pgriinment to vote a. credit (or the beneï¬t of the victim. Whmkbywudchmcnmheram mmmummmmc‘m Whenahebeameuhnheclmgwm mmmcnmmmgammc-m Pulmonu-y consumption, In It- only Want Jam 00 Vacate Port Arthur- Loudon. In: 81. -Th Post “at. Pctoraburl do: uh .mï¬aubm" that Run-la. Franco and many haw ro- quuted Japan to flat: tho amount a! many uh croqulm u the equivn‘MDat at her retiring lrum the Lluo’l Penin- aulu. in urJor that tho negotiation- for the “Ithdruwul ol ancuuuo troop: (rum that part 0! the Chino-o territory may he hutcuad. SA TISFA C TOR Y REPLES. .1... lion II Mum mutton Ont, In," 81.â€"A â€:9 took gun In “my A "lot-'- dry good- u. Princess-Intact 0M comuonl mm mm“: Wand "my. Im- noon u‘ tar an upkndon occurred. blowing {In flute-glu- window out o! "no mend 1M. and wmkl "to roar put at tho building. The In wu noon nubduod. The ml: In ruhwd: lot- .1000: win]: {mm-ed; banding owuod by the than twins. and :1an about â€000. but matured. Vanni-no. Incl. May â€PPM-men in this county cmm um nearly wt or their when crop bu been ruined by the hen-tux fly. There will In much rcpt-nun. m M on OI by M. Greenup, 111.. May 20.â€"Gmlng wheat in being much Injured by the beam fly. the cblncb bug. tnd the cut worm. Seven) ï¬eld- are being 1'.- blunted. A Inseam I'll- “Issue! to 60 has Liquid-u... Montreal. May 20.â€"Lightbonnd. Rs.)- ston 8: 00.. one o: the oldest grocery ï¬rms in the east, who hsve been am- cially embarrassed for a your post. have gone into liquidation. The un- ure 0: this ï¬rm. it is claimed. is due to their persistent tight against what is formed a sum trust existing here. Danna claim- to be a rnilmd coco! tractor, and up Uncuo has been 10:†{or some time his totem Re any! tint they both come from New York, where he (Dam) owns comideroble property. He chino tint they were out an 3 pie.- em trip nnd that it was his intention to oend Ungnro to Net York on batm- connected with his property to-dAy. Dnmantenehiestoryinnrntbernn- likely manner, and there in a con-Rbrnble amount of myotery in it. Damn arrived in thin city north after hi. former chum and had u ur- mt ï¬nned 101' Unsm'l m, emu»: him with having stolen 88000 whsch he had entrusted to him. but untoward. retnned to have the warrant executed. stating that he would so him-ell to New York and stop a drdt Io:- 82500111113 cog-titans. put 0! the many “glen. limp-nun avast-wow . mmâ€. Kins!“ flâ€"wmd R. Dunn: dun 1:09:63! together st Outlet 03., and my: new, two 8W Hotel, Won. Inland. lot-.3 low 1:. On Saturday Ungaro came over to Kingston and left shortly dtcmrd- 101' New. Iork He stated to a huhnm who drove himtothemtionthsthe M88000 unï¬mnmwtnwwtd“ com 501' l’lCll‘l‘ 'I'Il mat. Mionexkomhim wicks". 743131738. Gregory’s Drug Store Donotbothumkingnmdlqmï¬tyd mmuh’flhwqmï¬t’h nudunï¬hqnï¬t’. ruining of tho but Madam Very «£1,310.11deth punphht. Pdo.25c.,bymilpodpud, we. _Whynotlnnnbod of your on? We Musnrooms. m0“ at. WATERPROOF G 00 D 8. Tents, Awnings, Sails .nd â€I GM! 37.. WEDGE. †OMAR-IO. cum k Don’t lose sight of the fact that we pride ourselves on the quality of our TEAS and COPPEES. Experience tells :' in the handling of these lines, and if you can appreciate a cup of good Tea or Coffee (there are those who can- not we are sure of your trade. Grafting Wax. LINDSAY- l m m!- um". , When we say that we think we can do better in the line of SUGABS than any other store in the county we have faith in our ability to do so. It rests with the house-keepers of the County to test the statement’s truth. J. J. Turner a Son. SPRATT KILLEN, E. Gregor). mammal-am SUGARS. HURLEY 8: BRADY. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. INTERESTING This is an [opportunity for money-saving that should be taken advantage of by every housekeeper in town and country. As we are going back to our old premises in about two weeks, we will give greater bar- gains than ever in certain lines of goods, as we have decided that nothing but FRESH Goons will go into our store when we move. FAMILY GROOE RS. at â€MEAN/â€8, Leader Chums. Dandy Chums, “ washing Machines. lest Wrium mix-y Supplies. All kinds mum-o. my Patna, Rudy mm Paints. Maine. “Mae. M We. mu Mm VanCamp’s Kennedy, DflYiS SOIL LUm 8W, mm. m 8W". an: ad WOOD. â€"HJCI m m mâ€" All Kinds of LUMBER. GEORGE BRYAN, oommcron and mum Kennedy. Dan: a: Son. 10 “'1‘ P310... mm at Babe-1mm Hurley 4: Brady. F. Va 10,33}: George drag. Swat: 4! £111.11. Hm. V010. AID IMO" mm “Mill!" WIUBIC thocnmhcolhrmvhlohlhw'fl armchai- hue-mu manipuluv-I. Ont-showman. Tho-o dam with! mum-muttwm ‘0 0. OHIHICZ. Ir. J. Parnell Morris. M'USIC. FOBBALEOREJRENT. NURSERY STOCKâ€"Parth- In not a xvnsun' smell. mam-nu. Sun hmuw nun-Imam um LANIHG MILL FOR SALE.â€"-An I laud going out. o! the Plain mu bun... 93.4w Mamâ€"cc. u w mum gr. . mar-â€" New Agvggjrunontl. » RICHIEâ€"Two brick no.6; York-d. LpplytoBuut Gum â€"ls. ERRIN'S TOOTH NERVE KILLER Porrin‘l Drug Store. Icons Tooflnche may, â€"100. ‘Tâ€"