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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 25 May 1894, p. 3

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mycuu cu".-- unguded as a is mt at n «were on c! protecticn km; 112:: £123.:th protec. "ec ‘ 3 can KC Cl: 5'513‘3 to R ' Rh. Archdschess El’ Cxown Princess E cf the smallest tie do: can rest c the hand. I is I fix me thtee-qu at: stcu': hzlt a : G..r,, am dist: R0 3 Russian lad of mi skofl‘, who drunk too k i 3 wedding rent. entered uid curried 03 the wax on- ": conformed tti‘the Slbahn Vera months tar camped. “mkldventuren, he reached the - Betnended b I. tamer. BF”! “ID 5533111011: My: damaged “‘3" Makes London from Roach Mmmending In its essenthl ““3 these at the hero at “Les With it cloeeiy resembles. Mt ygm . Inn D . t H. but mild of Mr. E. Vester, uvmg lwuu mot Blenheim. has been seriously I me time. He: disease baffled the 391% the means} men, until a. few days a: cause of the :ronbie was disccv- ° ' mm; me: she had eaten some attain, which had obtained lodg- ~ her stomach, taken root. and exec ,. in time. The corn has been the1 ‘ but there are grave fem thst m , the fibrous roots stiil remain end mu ‘ ‘ injury. I Chicago fast newsssper train of ever ... out North-Western railroad, oont {Ssh pmsenuori. got out. of Buriey, :riday afternoon just in time to that being dashed into by a runaway wit! :1 string of eight csre, heavily '1!!! iron cre, got lease from the â€". Aurora mine and made a rush lug ~~ nuriey a: the rate of eighty miles Cop! The trsizmen telegraphed the mfiuriey for the Chicago express are at o! the way. The runewsy bgee “hr-ted um; another fining,“ Hnr- __ ‘ no one: u and the en no wexe ' “nieces. 3:; "Jim profeas-es to have 619607.” Tim ‘Wm of the manufacture of Ben the - moor cast. He declares of t] .‘ of s Krupp steel PM: ”gum; stuffing to deaden . fed. a d, myhuiiet. Such I» Du“: it ‘ mm m»: the most Immoved i ,ilv-‘Mt riflep. Herr Dove -‘ e: athtbis alleged discover! 0! h“ ‘ In my in reply, he ”'9 33 h“! ”Hz"- Tre distinguished tailor tnirI {lien t0 London in orderto exhibp unol dthan in s music hall. On the t It ii ”an df'Dstcies from London I" a Q malady. wtois an expert with the “fl". has accident-ll! 315' d9" is gem of Ben- Dowo. In In! '“1 in: fixed at nightly, nt 3 ”0:3.“ clothed in n so-csll“ s mtg: finches London from Russia. .. mm(intruding: In its assent-ill . . .. ,, those a: the hero of “Let “a”: “1011 it closely resemble!- I Years sec 3 Russian ind Of my": Dskofl‘, who drunk too .. .. O It 2. wedding reset. entexed “d «tried of? this in! ma. -3? a §§E§§E 35 LE m 3,000 spades of fishes, one- whlch inhabit fresh water. hum-e of a New Zadund concert mmic Irish song rung by 3 Mar! I‘m! Eeam of Cod-liver Oil ‘Hypqphosphitesmot only H6 the Cough but to give r system real strength. um. the world over, made boats Cashing md Stilet- ufly stole into Newport hlrbor by night without being detected mdo station smell-light. The In retarded as a rcmarknble naval grunts BATIB- ,3 um (and m)mn-rd1-IMI In loud columns. 100. Del $31; so. each subsequent In- ”mar Griffiths has reached Lon- mmnmnnd the world m the mm was nude in 64 days 11 :di‘minutea, beating Nellie Bl”: rod mm um}, accompanied by the Pflnoe and the Duke of Cambridge, Jderahct last week, and witness- .mw of twelve thennnd troops. my: story regarding goosebu- ”narrower at Aahburton, New _m 91'chqu some measuring ,; I--Ll_.. 1.1.- 7 is a need mo need ‘ , Sco . s ‘_ mulsmn sure sign of weakness. re than a tonic. BANADIAN POST. AND 90351014 ITE [NTEBEST- M8 or 10M 'nned States has n rbnnd people than {fishery Notice; mco COMB: ‘V inctesa El’zabeth, daughter Princess Stephanie, la the e smallest dog In the world. I can rest comfortably in the and. I Is about five inches :16 :hree-quaner inches long, cu: half a pound. thunderstorm passed over . and district early Friday doing great damage. The ed up during the day, but at the afternoon another fierce acmmcankd by a heavy fall : éid immense damage to and crops In the neighbor- deceived by Substitutes! mama. mm 60c. ‘81- You cough? £111 31 r a severe commentary on protection :9 3 benefit to :2 that the Yankee miners ted 73 cents a ton should strike to get 70 cents Iton mum 10108119! W5“- Ht];â€" aB'dâ€"icokfng nk'é :Tl‘flE WEEK E. Vester, living shout aim. has been seriously Be: finesse baffled the I met), until a. few days :3 :ronble was discov- 2 she had esten some ch 12nd obtdned lodg- ach, taken root. and r. The com has bean a are grave fem am a rcozs sun remain at! adiau £05k many in Phundolphia he lives of football 3 to have disco"!!- anufacture of Ben rat. He a {tuna steel p15“. stuffing to 4091163 EAY 25. 14- ' 513â€"1273} Hui- he engine wen lower pot- any other -â€"The Vieomte de Dual-Bren, who has just died in Ftance, was noted for having in his posseseion the heart at Vol- taire which he had inherited from his uncle, the venerable Bishop of Monlins. It is a queer relic to be in the possession of a Catholic nobleman or prelate, in view or Voltaire’s famous deelaretion desire to see the last noble in France hang with a rope mode of the hide of th priest. :iesmng, swimming, both naked no 1:: full armour. â€"'1‘he supreme com: has dccided tho. every dollar mm for liquor that is sold contrary to low may be xecovcrod from the person or firm to whom it is paid: this under the luv the money I: received with tho: express understanding. â€"Six families or Eeqnimanx, compris- ing sixteen persons, have arrived from Copenhagen. They are under contrset to the government at the United States, and are bound for Ainslie, where they are to breed and train reindeer for three years. â€"A despatch from Rio de Jene‘iro says that the anillien government forces. under command of Genersls Juca end Tigro, heve been defeated in a battle with the insurgents near Iguasn, on the river of thet name, which divides the states of See Rnsnlo and Rio Grand do Sol. The redersls had 140 men killed in the enme- meat. â€"The London Times or saturanwggg- description or the Anglo-Canaan msfl service, in connec- tion with thorium line. The dimensions of the (on: Atlantic v beam. and depth of mm! 42 lenflth. 62 1°“ LA .4». . dnmht 0! 39 £093. .9932.“ 0 enter: .. 6:3de or the stunner! is fixed a 500 tons ouch, annuity at 3,000 tom. . Each 800° . 200 wound-aw. mmw‘“e£%mil ”an!!! and I,” I“ W mm for. 11! annulm- In 9! .21.. 7 {zone-pawn, ”d the! fluid." 3‘... V; Bela n . mad at 20 , .3!!!“ 0'41”}! maths...» , " -...~- -lun. that: tried him when a. boy. Before leu- lng the prizon where he in now confined. he in to receiveze severe flogging of tcxty or fifty leaner. â€"'1‘he drill of the Roman addict m exceedingly severe. It comprised not only the mg of weapons, but runnlnR. jumping, ._ I._LI_ _-L-A -â€" â€"Becent emanates show England spends annually about £140,000,0(0 to: drink Ind £6,000,000 for books: this shows the difference between drinking 3nd thinking. It would be a. difficult mutter to find one hundred people in the progressive city or Winnipeg who do not know popular Contain Dogging: - . u .n ,xnu- n- "635:7 Dougl'ai'ié an enthusiastic believer in the efficacy of Palm’s Celery Compound. Her daily geconlmendgr it to his fellow , d1-.- .- L___I_I-_ citizens: wifen ureféémplain or troubles such I: rheumatism, weakness, nervous- ness, aleeplesaneu, dyapepalp. liver and vâ€"yuâ€"oâ€" -v‘ -_-. '1'he genial and whole-nonled Captain is the proprietor of the famous Leland house, amongst the beat appointed 0! Canada’a modern hotels. The weary and duet-stained traveller, who has once experienced the comforts of the “Leland,” and the klnd attentions of its worthy proprietor, invariably qoea back to the popular houee when business or pleasure leads him again to theprgirieyitg. He Says: “Paine’s Celery Compound Knocks Out the Medical Practitioner.” THE CAPTAIN’S" REMARKABLE STATEMENT. Encouraging Testimony From a Papular iWinnineg Resident -â€"Between 1 end 2 o'clock Setudey morning the report of e revolver wee heerd 1n Creig-et.. Monmel. Wetohmen Burns end Emery found e men lying in a. pool of blood with e revolver beside him. The men wee Thomee MrKfernen', e eon of the lete "Joe Beef.” When the embol- wee found the: the men wee enoe ceme it deed. He hed sent e bullet through hie breln. mâ€"uâ€" â€" Hszelton. Ps.. dsspstoh ssvs : After 0 sspsntlon for two yous, two sin! lovu-s met st Honey Brook the other dsy 3nd enmsd m mores! combat. A week 3:3 Bouts Farcuno arrivod hm from Inly. he stated work in the Last Mondoy in Honey Brook. Almost the __ â€"-Williem remooofiS. wen run over by a height trein Selurdey morning at Hemilton. While influenced by liquor he tried to bond the tnio. fell under the wheels end 1nd one flog token ofl'. He eennot recover. fi‘It gives me very greet bleeeure to any a. word in favor of your excellent preparation known as Pelne’e Celery Compound. we: troubled for some time with g digestion and dyspeoele end 5 gene feeling or lsssitnde, all of which hove been “â€"UIJUII. ernucv. u-u .- yvr.-- -_ _. It a. record that can be traced to 7:22 A. D. is 122 feet high end 45 feet in circumference st the hose. WWWâ€"1 - A "’<~~ --â€"â€" â€"Siight shocks or esrthquske were exnerIeuoed in the Annnndsle sud Esk- dele hilie, nenr Dnmiries. Fridsy morn- ing. The vibrstions trovelied northwsrd.l WM" â€"Emperor Williem oi Germsny is hon- orary eolonel-in-chiei tot 27 regiments of soldiers; holding thet rank in most of the European smies. His military werdrobe is of enormous size. ., I; 'â€"Jsmee Worthsm, s farmer living nesr Senora, Ky" 15 puzzling the physioisns. Bright blue spots cover his body It por- iodicol intervsle. When the spot appeal; a knot the size of n welnut presents itse u. AL- -..-e.. a- n-nvgfinh -IIIVII Iâ€"u -Iâ€"v -â€" :nd¢remslnn until file spots [:0 uny. kidney troubles and impure blood. The Captain has thoroughly teeted Paine’a Celery Compound for his own troubles in the pat, and eaye without hesitation that the great medicine “knocks out the medical practitioner." It was through the Captain’s influence and etrong recom- mendations that Mr. G. Swain, the well known C.P.R. etation master of Winnipeg. need Paine’e Celery Coppound and iound -AIâ€" -â€" uu‘u a. ”v u V'I“, a cure, when th "(lâ€"03mm ihd other medicines ho}; failed to batch hlq rheum- .‘ 8“» otlam. mu . I mw-Wn Captain Douglu. in order to encourage and benefit Conodhm, gulps “@992"ij --"erv~ Sarah Earnhardt has earned 3nd spent more money than any other living net- rean. In the past twenty you: she bu earned_ fully $2,000,000 nnd emulated It 7A A- -l - “Jun..- azâ€"Dootorsâ€"in anoé got in me bills as soon as possible 31th a patient dies. The law decrees than their bills are the first to He paid. "--. W , â€":A heevlerneeoweterm than any during the last winter prevailed at Merkeeon, Why. Ft!dey.fiM1chlgen also had 3 bliz- cornea tun, w,uw,vvv ..... --_-_ , with the oxmvazsnce of a princess. Dijon. France. In: a poplar tree with - .. . L, A----.1 a... '70!) A n7 It THE CANADIAN POST. LINDSAY. ONTARIO, CAPTAIN DOUGLAS. â€"One of the meet ehoekinn eii‘eire thet heve heppened in Hemilton ior yeere took pleee net 3 little while before l2 o'clock Setnr y leet. For eome time put work- men heve been engeged edding to end rebuilding the old Gotdon bnudinge c~n Hue-33.. end emong the men em eyed wee Mr. David Dow. of the firm Dow 8:05.. pie-term end cents-eaten. Set- nrdey morning Mr. Dow wee wetting on themrpert oi the thitd em otthe building, doing eome planing. There were only Mr. Gordon end e couple of other men et work, owing to the bed weethet. end in“ how or why Mr. Dow got out of the window in the license pert oi the accident. It ie lumieed, however. thet. it being nee: 12 o’clock, he leened out of the window teeeothetimehy the â€"Soturday of lost week Mamie Shoo- huu, mod 12, o pupil of Window-It. public achoo , Clnolnuuu, plum u: moon. jumped a rope 600 times w! out stopping. Non nigh: she booomo unconscious out! In at duth’o door. He: phyllchn ous- pocu o rupture of 3 blood vessel upon the â€"The details of the English eyndieeae'e contact for the Itelien eleoholmonopoly hue become known. The eyndiate he: 50,000,000 lire unite! end will my the government 46 000,000 lire nnnnnlly. Ten million lire will be devalued end bondl representing 60,000,0001ire will be altimete- ly taken-up by the syndieete u gun-nae“. â€"1‘here were msuy expressions of won- dy persons who chsnced to be out in e rainstorm nt Pocetello. Ideho. The rein hsd s peculiar whiteness end left white spots on the clothing, like mud. 1:3 were exemlued end found to be the - duum oi ssit wster. â€"At en suction nee: Nesheming Fells. Ps.,> emoo numerous other art! es put under the unmet, were twenty-five hive: of bees. A boy sccidentsn disturbed one oi the hives end shout cum bees st once rushed out end osused 200 men to scstter in :11 directions. â€"Tho Cuphn m in the lowest body of mm: In the world. For novel-31 centuries it has been gndntlly sinking. ' Lathe Duke of Cumbrldgo, commas!- ln-chlot of the British “my. stained MI 75th bkthdny a tow dun .80. from hooking the body to tacos. The men were rivals for the hon o! the same woman in tho old countty. sen:â€" "Yon know well whet I think of Pdne'e Celery Compound. II is s most vnlnsble medicine end I on truly beer testimony of its excellent restorative end invigorating qualities; in not, it knocks out the median! prechltloner. A person he only to use it to know as wortnjo the_hnmen (ninth. ‘A IIIâ€"A A ._ -â€" II II- "van- -- .â€"v â€"â€"'_. 77 Du -HV _ Through its use I now feel like e boy end mey Pelne’e Celery Compound long live to go on with its good work. I m pleeeed to lend my name to the gum! work of extending a knowledge of this veluehle Compound end eon never any too much in ise fever, and you may boeure I ehnll never cease to sing its ureieee. bunched otter using your Compound. I can recommend it rm: confidence to 311 who need not} 9 nimble 349nm: "‘1'; TEQToi-ur reg-flinch“ Inocu- with nature's heath-mm. the Captain FRIDAY. MAY 25 1894. bung!“ hay luchtnd Annual. neck mound truho '3"? in“ lama the dun m u m M . waif-um“ cone to: on: w lull-I ad‘mgny unnu- be without I591" W"""""di'fi"t§ .17.; as m a. mean. but gluon om anchor along an bottom In; 10.3qu 309309. onifin at; W- â€"'1'he oldeet newer In Ceylon 1e deed. eeyetheJe Pace. Rem-are“ " wee e beby the tencuee benched Ceylon. The recently deceeeed weee m- tcflee tuned in hie . hem been [nought to Ceylon by the utch previoue bathe cepture of the Mend by the British. The eulmel. which bed eeeu uumemue neuentloue come end Ito. et lest euccumted to the edveuceot clywntlcu. Owing to come myths dock opereucue going on where it wee teheu cere ct. It wee remov- edtoenotherplece. end the cheuue ct food t on e tormetluduceuoa. v3.31: were driven eehore within the city limits oi Uhicego. Out 0! their orewe ten men ere mown to oe drowned. end in every inetenee boet end eel-no ere nuerly loet. One eehooenn the Myrtle, wee wrecked jnet onteide the government pier. within heli e mileol Michigan hon- leverd. end eix of her crew went down to deeth in plein view at the hundrede .‘oi‘ people who lined the bonieverd welke or wetched the ewi‘nl etortn tram the win- dowe oi the blahotelewhiehoveriookthe herbonr. The wreeke extended from Gleneoe in the north. where the Lincoln- dele went to nieoee. to South Chieeno. e dietenoe oi40milee. Thewreeheeier ee knownzet ten o'clock et night ere the eehooner Lincolndele. 116 tone ; Jeck Thompeon. 199 tone; Myrtle. 197 tone Evening Ster. 203 tone : Mercury. 218 tone; J. Locmie MeLeren. 372 tone;Beinhow. 243 zone; C. J. Mixer, 279 tone ; unknown eehooner eehoee neer South Chicano. â€"A Johneton City. Tenn" deepeteh mmueeweeeottnxe mee ite ep- peerenee yeeterdey in the veiley below in e very etertling m. While eoene colored women were weehins eiothee on thehrinkoie emeil etreeln. itewooped down upon them end eeieina epiekenin- ny. which wee honed he eterted to eerry it ewey. eheir ell. in wee eo heevy. however. thet thuei‘hir 'e night wee elow ES 65 i; 5%. ii 23:: â€"Ammmmm d Yuck-u... Emu. hula. XII www-mnwm" â€"'l‘ho following wldvun an woo undo ot the Ohio mu min-luv. An «ulnar! m with o now three-Inch are. won 1 with two long sooner 4.48) pounds ond tho drought woo mono witho d - mom. On on ordinary an]: . In good ooodluoo nod M. the drought won 254 pounds. On I gnu field It won 468 pggndn. 7 _9n newly ploughed Inn! is A - AL- ‘--â€"-I-. sunâ€".- A. head It) twomomltuuudtho both!!! Noumea. while actor that out it loco mt: It at in 10“.: 7 1-A Chicago (lo-pad: ny- :â€"Tho um which "not Inks Michigan PM” In! the most din-trou- ot recent 193:; Right â€"wmhuur,wmonb. an Mega Hood's W a». Moe: m. ~aLnooda0o..unn.m: J ”Madman-blood. I ”out? Wel utlo keep m o mom. ewa-yhmmckl mwmmhow ____ ”P I an: need 1nd .SLGoorgeJi “out. m an purely unable. “a: gamma!!!”- 8014b! 0:11 No Strength, No Ambltlon umuwmmm-“MLW mocha-HM. soon .8293â€" 5 3868 ‘3”: .8 9580 shaman-mm M muo- mâ€"Yww “I" to can Elna Duo-u.“ Sim W "Mum‘s W.“ No mum-Id m u: Bwnxl‘s One-nan. Hood’s‘fifi" Cures V AOOORDIONS ' m "III. PlOOOI-OS. MD OTHER HUNG“. INSTRUMENTS We send them everywhere. We mann- teepdculowerthan mylocddealercan giveâ€"(Violins from $1.00 each up). We them with privilege of exammation at", yin; {or them. Send your same end our wholesale 'ce list of Musical 1::- stmments. Ad DERBY PLUG mmmflnmum mum-mmwmm mummmmwm mummmmmm Here’s a Pointer MWMMWMWM arm New Ad [armamen ts. TIE SUPPLY 00.. Human Fm. Mme Hood’a San-apart"; 5 cent plug IO cent plug zocent plug b. zutchm a: Go. When you ask‘ for a Irma!“ oondnuci to mean (VI-Ill at Al!) um: his usual success. He mum It uhwnmdli for our Nancy-ll: nan. QM mamm- ou_ _ou_-Ng_ryw_ now W m MIDI M teeth. It 1. applied totho In the form of a tie spray. when mm: I: produced and a tooth emtod. schna- donnlc needle I- required to piano them In In use. It 1: the Invention of Dr. 8m a line [Ant-um MM. It In popular “390(th depth" 19 Chicago. “17;? " "Anthems-00! U ll every . ”PM mun: crowns and WWII. Wally dqne. ~ “‘1 lug “WU. III-“iv ”autumnal-Wuhan lend cud mam. ‘ mullâ€"lost door :0 m t 00'. mucus-um mm.0onm.zm-u. fiéggf at “N um: I. Vim. a" W. Mmhmmm'mu mthmhout. 11:93.!me Bnudot Ha nor-and any“. and rota-hum and MM E Clan. amqu hon! lafrnnvo mum Architec t5 and Surveymjg A. mama-mat. ”Ansel-mucus. 0'!”an land. WWW!” y‘- 7" "'ér'ffiéli '7 ' immofinm m . MONEYJA'O AN u 0 DC ”to m7 V , ‘7."th flit-Em E mmummm’tl. mnnaummmm. ngtmwmwwmamu con Moo-Wad . nr WWW-ct. Una-u. ”lbw“ 1“â€" .y. ,7 d tor Domlxkugn Bunk. mama!" m 8.5 mm 0 mm m Jun-a. Ianâ€"1084:. “ ' 7 .l HUBBPETB JACKBUNLâ€"m U W l. 0. Anti. 3mm. Du}. WYM.Q- C. mm STEWART, BARRIS- T338. swam Nmflel. m. do. Mouton-no Bank. man. My. LLAN S. MACDONELL, Barium. Solicitor. Nouvy. Etc. om over north west corner of Kent and York 3m. . mum mum Nev. 0. R J. M. a. McLAUGELIN, 0 mm. M. MI". Block. m.» Una-y. cum-to. A Women: or m to c Iowa: um ot inset-at ud “ to tau: u out ban-Mun. undo-y. Soot. ll. nutâ€"u. OPKINS CHISHOL Inn to MARTIN a 30 WI on Ofloo. No. 6. WE Ontâ€"884:. ”I!!!“ D. H. Camou;_ Rowe, 7 '7 'im 7 Ken“! u. ”I" I“! ox u..- moo Why. No. I! Wellington-ct" one a?“ of In 16th. ”Wu-m m" ' 3W31“: alMarguan 5.8.5 .09 .g rIJSSnfl-oafiio iguanaâ€".00 Rd. D3. BREWER. am of New ”‘33- ao moor-ac. mm mm. wghvm - mu 0' m. H.“ mm. our. 3mm: L. sounnwnm, [cams ANDERSON. Ian-mun. In. many. WW1 W the 0510 House. ’5“ and. Jon loam. Dorm B. m. may. 8m. ”92.1mm mun. mm. mm. Am Oakwood. Outwood. Fey. ht. “fitâ€"954;!- N". 11th. ”4"”' OMMERCIAL aovsn, cm: A. BARRON, Q: 0.491191»: 'ochIsr dud 4 03181. EORGE DOUGLASS‘ u. summon. EHYSIOIAN. m- OORE JACKSON Quay-9n to G: OQVAANA, P1L§.,_nnd Wu R. JEIW'ERSl lam giOnkwoodLPg -___- B.DnGRA881, PHYSICIAN,SUR- 9m. no. no. Wanna-mum n. sumowsLmuu‘ «mm Human ‘ [Joan-cg, P. nynm._unngsm. sou- Death» . L. D. 8.. L. alumna. u. 1),, . CHAMBERS, G. s. Rnuoxl Barnum". ltc. finxczana. Ho tau. ofl. moss. Lac; Dental Surgeon, LINDSAY I. 90 ‘1. ’IQA‘IP . NEELANDS, '1'. STEWART. 0"!"

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