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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 29 May 1896, p. 7

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71.5 ' 321$ frices and It Fore you buy. M! M Id m and o! W "‘ 1.38335?- b.-. ;ED 011'â€" «5 BEST, “I! ECONOlIGfla- nd Led 33% 1331]] rag/gem. FA RA .V'I'E'ED- beds LUMBER Son's arm l :4 y 1‘... "nun".-. -_--. A p.~h71«.In from Mr. Rube. N3 in: and twelve mum) era of O a, inqueaz as am am szcmzor be nppo uted to son with 3:11:13 in canaldeting and deciding the alcemtl-m at said union seoiian. An roplication from Messrs. Willard and \Valzer Cums t xr a loan of $100 for tile drah.age under the provisions of the act relating thereto. Tenders from J as. Thornhlll and Riohard Robinson Ator_§he_ p whose 01 the old gravel Sufnng-xi:lvlivr§é§ v'v‘ltfihfiiivé 'it'ition of sev- an! “ion yer} luteggted t cram. “ -L‘. \Y-..I‘.. 4-3 A 13 (N w.“ road from Mr. J. B. Weldon. clerk 0f .\1 ,ripaan. onclonlo a resolution gumm-r e.pml-xc1ng an a: crater to «a mu: one (mm 0;: in tho mum- of the propo~-:d ulvlslcn or union pm. notion N o. u....,. _ “an. ”n. munch“ n' mun pit. lo: 6 In Block E. Regular Meeting Last Mondayâ€"A Lame Amount of Business Tran- maulâ€"A Deputatxon Talks Cinder Pathu. rumanc to public notice. Op. council met at M It m.. May 18th Inn" bonnie th. mun nppmprlaclone for road- end to {mum-W ‘ other bualneu. The minutes ct hm rcguhu‘ meeting being "ad by the dung, thny wore. on motion by Mr. Hr- mn M-wnded by Mr. Corrine. duly cor.- {on .‘P firmed Mr. Ho kins moved, seconded by Mr. Fox, that as. Mitchell be appointed arbi- trator an behalf of Ops in the matter of m: praposed division of U.P.S. Na. 14, 31 Rims l and. 0ps.â€"C:u'rled. 31:. Hopklna moved, seconded by Mr. Huttcn. that Mr. R. Robinson’s header for the purciuse cf the old gravel pit be accepted.â€"Cmied. Me. Hmkins moved, seconded by Mr. Hutton. the: the applications of W. and W. Cuzis for a 8100 103:1 under the tile drain- age ac: be accepzed, and than the clerk menu-uh; niceseary by-law and deben- Attnfs junc‘ure a committee composed 9:31am. ’1‘. Stewart. W. Fianna, A. F. D. Max} :chm and E. Houghton, entered the ocuzci; chamber and were at once accorded a. hamlet. Mr. T. Stewart said they had ten deputed b7 the Lindsey 352,753 Cin'azo s:ate to the council the: :':e memes: cf the club desire to make clam oaths along some of the leading road,- cf the :cwnship, and wished to have the 2.51211: cf the council beforehand. Although :‘o-ey would not ask or expec‘; pscu:.i;\:y aid from the township, may bopfi :; have 221? good will of all,and the: the igrzuers Moog the route would remove any 0531::(5215 3 in the way, and grade or levelzxuax about tare feet: wide 43 a 3.55.; for the. cinder. As the track will run betvceu 'he watercourse and the rcadr‘neei: will make a clean, dry foot p‘sth fwd m: cm iz-prwe the appearance ct tga ram-s 310:): which it. will pass. Messrs. 2~Ichsche2 smd Flavelle spoke to the same 91133:, saylng that similar paths made last summm in other places were loud :c b: a general conveniencacao mucnspthatsevenlaze now under way it! :uzuouc the province. .-. . .1A__ Tne council thrush: the swat-rack [data a sad 3:12.55 :hu “bike" would not. b3 so apt to sasrc teams. They assured the commixse righ; of way won‘ld be Ivan hem. and were cf opinion that the ann- grs gmnz the route jjrouldgggertqny‘gtadg on. The After the cauncu In committee 0! the Whoie hsd carefully considered the esti- mates far roads, Mr. Cutting moved, geconded by Mr. Fox, that the sum or $110959 appropfiated for current year; thatfiufl be expended west of the river 3nd 6WD east of It; and that said ta 1); suzdlvided as follows, viz: get of Eve}: 3nd scuth o! Oakwood road, $330, J. war and scum or Uaawooa row, noun, a. D' Hamil, commissioner; west of river and north of Okaood road, $300, J33. H. mm»: commissioner; east of river and north of middle line, $525, J no. T. Cnrrins, 99mmissioner; east at river, south of mid- file line. and west cf 75!: con. line: (m'ddie ”36 and can. line included). 8400, D -p.- ’338% Fox. commissioner; Raaboro divi; 31911, ass: of Tab on. line, and south .q. middle line (middle line included), 8420, 3"“ E313, commissioner.â€"Cmieo. “~'~‘-h0ugh Councillors Hopkins and Hut- EOnAcontended that West Ops should have Wu more, or Eist 0;: 31001933, the move said in view of the large urea. eat of the “781' and the inferior condition of some of film“, he considered the proportion a. one, hence his reason for “913°!me the resolution. KELLY-ROBINSON DRAINAGE MATH-3- «Rsierred to by Judge Donn. Mr. Anhur Cunningham, who is waiting in: an outlet, said that nothing had yet been done to allow him to drain his land Esta desired. The council assured Mr. ngghagidth“ it Messrs. 15°01! :32 50'! not soon agree ° anirod draining, they (thoconnoll) WW}! ln.:-..i_ u :AéVEC: be ac' mews ta :_ nil mmâ€"Qamei. ERIKA}? FRIDAY. MAY 29, inatruéi m}; an ear to mks-“an 3W3 thereon. and aggwlutlon was 1339’“ Mcordingl 11mm the time to tha 5’43 d8! 0! J uni next. 8 ‘ . to 1%“ mmplalnt having 1’0“ "$3331: 003- ccunci; that certain form88 on mduflon are on the road allowance’tll 63mg film was passed accordingly ins m clerkto nonif ch 5’ the owners to remove an ““023 forthwith, Bz-lzws Nos. 500 and 501. Perm to the formation or a. new polling “bah!!!” aMitothcac * 2 31213310!!!” Sveetively, tennis ti o d: 8 w ceived the usual readings “‘1 ere duh. n-â€"D ‘ Ask your ms; 025 RAILWAY CROWN“- As no improvement has yet been made at the Fenelon road rallwn m M:- figms moved. seconded 3;! Mr. n“””’ 187 3!: clerk con- sspond with mm‘fg- an: to as I “"93“ i ed. certs n the ‘ , . M mugs council then adj surnad at 5' 26311136 .com of revision!!! (Emma OPS TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. Ala-M9: 80A 1) APPROPRIATIONS. as trouble mduchc. FENCES ON THE ROADS. 35393:: for Aycr’s Iimmlizm gust. C INDEB PATHS SEVERAL BY-LAWS. REOLUTIONS. .\l \lUNICA’NOflS. mhled. r. long time. with :hc. It was usually no- .x-ith severe pain: in the i sickness at the atom. l a good many remedies recommended for this complaint; but it was not until 1 be- h mm taking Pills that I received anything like pcrnm. mm. benefit. A sin- pizxs did the work In my»; a. well mun.” mgr, East Auburn-Mo. Lxl cure of Constipa- :~.. Bilionsness, Nun. LSUl'dCX'S of Stomach, AYEB’S Last Monday- A it h‘ a man as I ever was, and I attribute my cure to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and to nothing else.” Mr. Allen then gave us, in a very: frank maner, the whole story of his sickness, and his cure, the chief points of which we have set erth above. After consultina two physicians and find- ing, no relief, he settled down to the car.- viction that his case was a hopeless one. He lost confidence in medicines, and when it was suggested that he should-give Pink Pills a trial, he at first absolutely refused. However, his friends persisted, and finally he agreed to give them a trial. The effect .Was ‘beyond .his most sanguine expectations, as the Pink Pills have drivens away every trace of his pains and he is able to go about his work as usual. As might be expected, Mr. Allen is loud in his praise of Pink Pills, and was quite willing that the facts of his case should be given publicity, hop- ing thatit might catch the eye of some one who was similarly afflicted. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills act directly upon the blood and nerves, building them anew and thus driving disease from the system. There is no trouble due to‘e'uher of these causes which Pink Pills will not cure, and in hundreds of cases they have restored patients to health after all other‘ remedies had failed. Ask for Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills and take mthing else. The genuine are always enclosed in boxes the wrapper around which bears the full trade mark “Dr. Willisms’ Pink Pills for Pale People." May be had from all dealers or sent best raid on receipt of 50 cuts a box or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr. William Medicine 00. , Brockville, Ont. During tho post luv yous tho Tow lass published my ststsnsuts giving tbs pntioulsrs of ourss from tbs uso‘o! Dr. Willlums‘Pink Plnl. Thsy wore in so wsll sutlu nticutod ss to lssn no doubt us to tholrfoomplsto truthiuluoss, but hsd sny doubt remuinsd its lust mtigs would hsva boonQ (removed by s cm which hos rexn'ly come‘under our personal obser- vution. It is thOZosso of Mr. John Allen, 3 prominent young tumor of the town- ship of Gzeonook. Mr. Allen is so well known in Wolkorton and the vicinity ad joining it, tint a briet uccountof his really remarkable recovery from whut seemed un incurable disease will be of in- terest to our rcnders. During the early part of the summer of 1895. while work- ing in the bush, Mr. Allan ins seized With} what spposred to him to be rheu- matic pains in the back and shoulders. At first be regarded it as but a passing attack, and thought that it would disap- pear in a day or two. 0n the contrary, however, he daily continued to grow worse, and it was not long before he had to give up work altogether. From the back the pains shifted to his right leg and hip where they finally settled, and ID completely helpless did he become that he was unable to do more then well: across the room, and then only with the aid of crutches. Of course he consulted the doctors, but none of them seemed able to do him any good. People in speaking of his case, always spoke pity- ingly, it being generally thought that he had passed from the world of activity, and that he was doomed to live and dies cripple. We are free to ecnfees that this was our own View of the matter, and our surprise, therefore, can be readily in:- agined when some few wreks ago, we saw this self-same J ohr-z Allen driving through the town cn the top of a large load of grain. Great, however, as was our sur- prise at first, it became still greater when on arriving at the grist mill, he proceeded to jump nimbly from the load, and then with the greatest apparent ease began to unload the heavy have of grain. - Curious Dear Editor: Please state In your valued journal that , _ “-141". to know what it was that hai brought this wonderful change, we took the first convenient opportunity to ask him. “Well,” said he in reply, “I am as well {1533c nun-w .ul... ,,,, if any sufferer from Narv‘ods Dobillty, Seminal Weakness, Lack of E: 3nd Ambluon, Loan Manhood; Night asses, ‘“ 'A 7 Anna, I {11115. THI Ambition, men munuuw we... _.--, , etc., will write me ,in confidence, I iill in- term him by sealed lather, free of charge. how to obtain a. perfect cure. I ask ior no I know money. having nobhin to sell. how to sympathize on these sufl‘crerl mint and am only to: glad tohenbleto them. I promise everyone abeoluteseore- end as I do not. :13 course, wish to ex- oy p‘:se myself either, Ldo not give my name. It on desire 1:) get well, send pump and 8d gsimply: P. 0. Box 38, LONDON, Hr.- y. , gym-o4 Io 8.6051? mm ho mo Alma“ I. nupm- Crippleâ€"1a Mun b. t 31- work‘s-you "WTâ€"'â€" l'rou up Winona 10100070. I trauma is speedily banished. just a: encouragtrg 's that when tha dis- ease has taken hold at the 93's , at and aura-l: gilekly‘ ex'rame cases. rel! - . A..- -n nu. mndIMnO. â€"__â€"â€" MAKING UNNEGESSARY ANY PAIN- FUL OPERATION. How South Am move Pain an _ Distress. ' ‘ - It was chronicled in the local press stew e at Toronto’s best-known days ago that on leaving to: shading United physicians W58 , __ .. ,. Lg-.. on ”39mm ovar- there to undergo an cpar- the kidneys. Everyone wll hcpe that. the experiment will ba successful. But: is not preventiqn better than cure. and when tbs first sypzpsoms a: kidney dime: assert them- . L it“. main-(n! mgoifla, Spuph HE WANTS OTHERS TO KNOW. OF A BRUOI envy â€"- --_ ._.___ in Arcade Hail to-night. when the Con- servative Convention for the nomina- tion of candidates for the earning elec- tion took place. The meeting was ex- citing and noisy. President John Milne was in the chair. end On the Plattonn “ere Senator Sanford, Senator Meo- Innes. John H. Tiiden. Alex. Turner. 15. A. Dolley, Major Hendrie. P. N. Kin- son. J. G. Bowee and others. Aid. MdAndrew, Aid. Coiquhoun sud Stuart Livingstone were also nominat- ed. The meeting was noisy and it was evident that the enti-Remcdislists were in the majority. The second bnl- lot geve Rev. Mr. Bovilie the neeesssnr majority, end then the excitement be- gun in earnest. A surprise resulted. when it was found that Mr. Bernuei Berker was eieoted on the third hel- iot. as it was considered tint the Bo- viiie vote would follow Mr. Livingstone. All it is. one candidate (Mr. Bovine) is anti-Remedial. ind the other strut!“ Tuppcrite. I“. I\ loving, Ana-Cum». all It. I...“ lulu. landfill". m I"?! man-us {or humou- An ”noun for Ir. m In Wm Ontario. Onyun. my '20 drug Reform eon- ventlon or the county 01 Kama und Monck met at the Court Hons. um attemoon tor the purpose 0: uloot- In: a candidate to content the county An Opponent flu- llr. um Stoutrvllle. May 20.â€"A Convention 0! LiberaJ-Conservatlvel took place here to-day to nominate a. candidate (or West Ontario. Mr. Wocdcock. barris- ter. Newmarket; Col. N. F. Paterson. barrister, Uxbrtdge; Dr. Hunter, Lem- onvllle; Robert Miller. Brougham; Ar- thur Johnston. Greenwood; William McCormack, of Vivian, and Mr. Pou- cher, or Brougham, were nominated. All retired except Col. Paterson and Mr. McCormack. and the ballot save the last named a large majority. Mr. McCormack, in accepting the nomina- tion. announced himself as opposed to the coercion of Manitoba. Bovine and Barker In Hamilton. Hamilton, May 20.â€"(Speclal)-Four 0: five hundred men were clesely packed Wlll Oppou Dr. Montague m Huldlmand :nd Monok. WAS CHOSEN BY UNANIIWS VOTE Sir Richard cartwngnt anu nu. James Sutherland. the Liberal whip, were both at the Rossln yesterday. At the same time Hon. Dr. Montague, Minister of Agriculture, was in consul- tation at the Queen’s with Mr. J. P. Whitney. leader or the Ontario Opposi- tion, and Mr. Emerson Coatsworth. Dr. Montague left town in the after- 31.011.- “ _ .4-_ 'To Oppose flan. Dr. Monks-e. Cayuga, May 20.â€"A: the Liberal-Con- servative Convention here to-day 1121'. Adam A. Davis was nominated to op- pose Hon. Dr. Montague 1n Haldlmand and Monok. ll:- Robeflson Sllll findeclded. Toronto, May 21. Mr. John Ross Robertson is still un- decided as to accepting the nomina- tion for East Toronto. When seen at ins residence late last evening Mr. Robertson stated that it would be known by toâ€"night who would he the suit-Remedial standard bearer in the riding. Judging from the manner in which he made this remark it may be safely prophesied that he will stand. Toronto continues to be a political headquarters for both or the old par- ties. In the evening Mr. George Taylor. the Conservative whip, arrived in the city and registered at time Walker House. To The World Mr. Taylor stated that he had just left his own constituency, where the prospects for his beating the Liberal arid Patronâ€"- McCarthyite candidates were good. :n the coming election. 'Repreuntl- twee were prceent train every section t1 the county'and the.utmont unanim- iLy prevailed. The preeident.‘ Dr. lhompeon, occupied the chair. Adam A. Davis was made the unanimoue choice 01 the convention by a standing vote. and hi: name was received with "Jenny cheers by the large gathering. Mr. Davis is an old resident 0: thin county. and highly respected. He tor several years was team: 0: the town- ehip o: Seneca. is an ens-warden or the county. and 18 now county treasurer. Asked if the Government would run a candidate in West York against N. Clarke Wallace, the whip seemed in- clined to think not. He had not hear-3 of Dr. On- being a. prospective candl- date there. Mr. Taylor stated that Sir Charles Tapper would probably arrive in To- ronto and start his Ontario campaign about June 10. Brucefleld, May 20.â€"A convention for choosing a. candidate in the Reform in- terests for South Huron was held here to-day. There was a very large turn- out. There were two names before the convention, John McMillan, the late memb:r, and George McEwen of Hensail. Mr. McMillan received a. sub- stantial majority on the first ballot. and his nomination was then made unanimous by a. standing vote. Believille, May 20.â€"'rhe Liberal-Con- servative convention held here this at- ternoon unanimously nominated Mr. Harry Corby, exâ€"M.P., as their candi- date for W'est Hastings. Mr. Corby accepted the nomination. 1. Ir. II. 'I‘. Pom’ Meeting at Tm, In North Bruce, Yesterday. Tara, Ont., May 20.‘â€"-A large and en- thuslastic meeting ‘0: the supporters of Mr. H. T. Potts, independent candi- date of North Bruce, was held here messages, ogvgpemmsnm delegates being present. The utmost harmony prevailed. The following rev solutions were unanimously earned: " That we‘ express unbounded confl- denoe in‘the leaders of the rattan cause throughout Canada." ““That we, the independent electors of’North Bruce. takethis ,opportunlz of expressing our unbounded confiden in D'AJton McCarthy for the noble and patriotic‘ stand he has taken upon the Remedial Bill and his course, uBOn the tax-if: question or this country. “That we :gke this opportunity of Dr. Manual: for South lluron. PATRONS BACK H’OABTKY Mr. Corby In West Bunny. ADAM A. DAVIS “Wu wâ€" Y-" R-uuonn! mulls 9f .- Awful m tunlty °1 at (In a mummy flu-med. the London, May 20-“me and an!» port. and donal details of the massacre of A:- and 3118: menial): 'at Coda mprmnt it as en- a 011 the tirely eclipslnz the hatchery at Sas- soon. It I: estimated that 8000 penan- were killed 1: Corfu. or which number gl Jon- - . onnrebythe'rurks. Itoppcanthu W the um: was deliberately: panned end 0 « wdectedwiththeoonnlvenoootthe new 0 _. m whom‘mmdum Amon; the mottoee whlch were dis- plnyed tn the drill hell st Corleton Pleee. where Hon. Dr. Montuue. non. J. G. Hag-gut and J. P. Whltney. M. L.A., were recelved on Tuesdu'. w thll one, ”No Coercion." This we; tether rough on the Government. whore leading punk In the cen- pelgn la Remedial urination. Another motto wu "Welcome J. P. Whitney, Ontu'lo'e next anler.” The Parties who prepu-ed m. welcome tailed to (Ive the dtte when Mr. Whit- ney was to succeed to the Premier- Ihlp. Propheelee o! n elmllu- chm ter were lndulxed In for many long yarn on behalf or Mr. Mort-duh. but they always talled to matcrlullxc. Mr. Whitney will be wry much older man before the hope held before hlm by his Carleton Place friends to real- Sir Adolphe Caron hu luddeniy de- veloped a. keen desire (or. the success 0! the Government. from which he In: recently ousted. What the consider:- tion is to be hu not been onuounoed. but it is supposed to he the succession to the High Commissicnership. He may also have the hsndiing or a. cam- paign fund, which is ammu- wozk cad pay: weii. The White family alwayn like it: have a representative in Parliament. W. 1.. a can or Richard White. at the Montreal Gazette, in going to oppose Mr. Scriver. tlie Liberal candidnte in Huntingdon. The latter has been a inithtul representative tor many years. and his county is not :oTng hack on him at this important minim. It in not likely there will be a White, at least from that “ally. in the next Parlia- merit. cranial tslled to out! out tho promos msdoinmtclubyslrcwlss‘rnv- pot. Huh John will luv. u sod! opportunity, am it the (lava-amt should be "unusual. 0: min; on: his pledge. tor Wm . ms 1 mm: known to mini his promises? But Hugh John turned I. complete somer- uull on the question or Remedial Legislation. Perhaps he will do tho some will: reference to the Hudson Bay Railway. uni...“ ‘- A Terrible “air a: Tom mums! ’ Com-(wood Venom-Nearly m In. in lefllnlu’n I“, m... Coningwood. my 19.â€"A terrible to- cident happened this morning at. the anxiety of Messrs. W. Tobey Co.. by which en employe. John McKinley, was instantly killed. No person now the accident. but it is auposed he was oiling the line shalt o: the but mm Mr. Boston. ex-M.P., has done I mcetul thing in retiring (mm, the field in South Middicscx. .Col hey! had.on account of percent] matters.“â€" nounced his intention or opposig Mr. Boston.should he be the nominee of tho party. Rather than cause a. division. Mr. Boston withdrew and nominated Mr‘, Mahoim McGuxan of Camdoc. whose nomination wasmmnde unani- incus. no Wan Traveling Without a Ticket I- I Box Car and Wu Killed In an Accident. Oshawa. May 20.â€"Lut night . spe- cial westbound freight tram on the G.T.R. got on the track about four miles east 0! this placg._ Inuone 91.99 “Ii-h.) â€"â€". 'â€" V777 cars was a man. evidently asleep. stealing a. ride and the unfortunate was killed instantly. He was brought to Oshawa. Junction station. Coroner Coburn did not deem an inquest ne- cessary after he had heard the facts. He had on his person 45 cents in cash and a pledge against using intoxicat- xng liquors. signed by James R. or James P. Cook. witnessed by Richard Gentleman and James Spreck. He was evidently a shoemaker by trade and a member at the Knights of Labor. nun-y â€".â€"â€"-___, 5:;va side was broken. 'The left sldeothiscbestwusmshedton jelly Dr. Peters was summoned. but the hnfortunnte nun was beyond on aid. Thedeceuedhtabeenarefl- dent of. COW tor some time. and has home an excellent chancter. He leaves a. wife und runny, "By the constitution we stand or fall.” was one of the mottou display- ed at a. Conservative meeting. We un- derstood. the constitution gives the provinces the night to deal with thei: own educational matters, yet the Gov- ernment seeks to coerce Manitobgcon- trary to the expressed wishes of vast majority or the pcopie. It iooksu if the Government wished to commit suicide. The Winnipeg correspondent ot'l'he Mail professes to believe that the mandement issued by the bishops will help Hugh John in his election. The faith thus displays! is of‘ the heroic kind. wich is able to move mountains. At the same time the correspondent adds ‘It the hierarchy had remained silent, it would be better {or all con- cerned.” We fancy it would certainly have been better tor Hugh John. mangled. His left arm was broken above the wrist and 1.130 above the el- bow and his right arm was bruis- ed. Both feet were torn on Just :bove the guides: gilhejery rib or: ‘ _ 1.15 A report' from British Commlbla. states that the ”aspects for the Liber- al candidates are bright. There seem: to be little doubt that Vancouver Ia- land will go for Mr. Mclnues and Re- Mr. Coatsvmrth. the East Toronto coercionlst, ls becoming alaxmed at the prospect of being leit u home. and Hon. Dr. Montague and Mt. Whitney, Reader or the local Opposition, came up yesterday to consult with him. But East Toronto has ceased to be a. sure Government seat. There has been a. drop in the price or butter. And this in the {ace of n general election. Prof; Robertson should hasten to the rescue. The pdoc must be kept up. even It the country has to pay the difference. form. ”'IIO’S THE DEAD JUAN ? WH I BLED TO DEA TH. 8000 181351433 KILLED. WITH WARN I" OUIID SAFE Cure. -9:xzacl'l Cm u told on I nu- untco. 1: cm W: Cooumpfloo. lunch. but Cousteau. O moon: 3 duo m. 50cm. Ind 81.“). by A. Enthusiasm. PIKE-3.115533352333131“ in em- ployed wltu the nu. brunch! mum u Scm'. E mutton. A and). um nu! “:1!!qu placed upon the nuke. 0! I hula at 'W'. may I. Yam m. Man from overwcrk. poo-lb]: mm“! by n Inherited value-0.1M hula: an. ad m; wd_modlcd twgpuc my: be To. tough! 0! blood In {a udnlt humboay unnec- mu luau-an w why-In poundl. Mu. P. an: “ I: dun but mu pal} and won for two nus. be not like: I Ccmpound lrcn Pin- fu- one month 1nd I- now nu ud strong." 50 dose. (Ct 25 The mutant. 1:» he: I: we, Ird um Mandible xhu .u the 30M in the I‘Ofld wuld ill law I mom twenty (our m and: war. Itlaoment mlutuke to so pm {hot a staple tonic given numb; c only num- ulntea the stomach to renewed sctlon. ’ro Kmpsr: zeal streamh. the blood mouth. purified and enriched. nod this an only he do c. kg such l sundu'd oltentlvu n a Aye: mwms. Gold h yellow oulv by reflected Nd“. I! u look 0! gold. oldlnrlly Int." bitumen. be placed between two plcm 0: glass and :6 up to the ugm, It will be 2m to tumult I brilliant (men “at. ‘flow to can m In: Duel-C. Simply Ipp): “Swn'zu‘e 0mm: No Internal medicine required. Cures cotter. «meme. itch. an exupucne on the we, hands. mee.etc.. leaving the skin clear. white end healthy. 1t.- arest heel- lpg end cunuve power: are poeeeued by no other :emedy. Ask your thumb! hr SWAINI'S 0mg. Lyme. Sons DON’T GO IL_B_|._|_N_|1 I. alrwuwu Uta. wuu u" --~ â€" _- A-Iheeung. Yesâ€"sh! Who'd luppoue! There In a mcment'l duh o! hue Andâ€": 1! tbs went! Ind wheel 3nd ‘ nah" Went down In one tumendou «uh-â€" I helped her cnl . Ho Helped Ber On. I helpad her on. ”leg age. she stood __-,,, Expectant by bu "bike." I wculd Nat be so townie. and e0 1 slradlgd hcrgtd log lit-:53" Lfiii's’ Dari-um L no. 80110 MontrenL WI: 0 can. Pvuv-PEGTQBE IN TH! .ILIO‘HON OF YOUR I n o o Eh)? Pactoral. Suamzht Soap 74813 TI”. For years we have been paying special attention to the Tea and Coffee trade, and twice-a year visit Montrenl to attend the Sales. . We buy largely, we pay spot cash, and in return insist on getting the best brands in the market at the lowest prices cash buyers can command. By so doing we are enabled so ofi'er values and qualities that have made our Teas and Cofi'ecs "household words in hundreds of homes in Victoria County. Could we but impress upon-peOple's minds tnat an neany areas-es wucu Lucy w, inferior Teas and Coffees they can get the best at our'srore for the same money. we would be compelled to enlarge our premises in a short time; however, we are gaini'rg customers steadily. and month by month the praises of our Teas and Coffees are sounded morerloudly than ever. ' Most people feel henefltted .and invigorated after drinking a cup .of Tea. or Coffee... the good kindâ€"hut yet may fail to appreciate the importance making a careful se1ection when purchasing _a supply. The chances are that if apedlar fromlthe city happened along at the time they would put faith-in his statement that his were the choicest lines to be had for the money, and would buy his nasty. adulterated stuff. Compatison is what we invite. We believe we sell the be County , if we did not we would not say so. W. believe we ha that we can prove it to you. in mm TEAS AND BOFFEESC but impress uponpeoplc‘s minds that in nearly achascs when they buy ,,__‘_IJ mu “HUSKY BUN Buy e- um. tad cheaply. w. an!“ fuel. Made by the VACUUM OIL 00. under the Vanna proceu. Keri or ALEX. N170 WIN. mu FOR SALE 03’ T0 RENT. 000 In“ gory: choice had, All clou- ._-L A... mu! mui Wool Wanted at the Lindsay Wool/en Mil/s. FAR. M RS Mn cam tad Worn. VAGUUM ML 00., Mamie-duo M. Oonmmpuonand Ill «Hymn. Wood‘- Mybyhundrodflf)‘ unmanned - wan-Mud been Wbythemonubnwdpm- New Advertisements. Wood's Phosphodln6.â€" The Great English Remedy. ntbomltof was you! Mathew: otcuaswltb when: Mum Cutwohsmdmow‘d the ”Wyudmtd mmwmspmpc and permanent mum-agate! Saul Wily. Abuse or Excess“, Nor-van Walnut. Eat-ism, Man! or Alcoholi: 5M3”. 0.11 o! .3 M RS $333325 Vacuum Auction Pulp. No no 0M. Sell your wool direct to the manufacturerâ€"no no commission to pay. Highest cash price for any quaatity of wool delivered at our {actory. 92 William-st, and 2c extra allowed when traded for goods. We have the largest stock of Woollen Goods to be seen in Victoria County, as well as Ccttons, Shirtings. Cottonades, Shaker Flannels, Underwear, Top Shirts, etc.. which are sold at very low prices. Blankets, $2 per pair, 15 kinds of Union and All Wool Sheetings, 38 varieties ol Yarn, Full Cloth, Tweeds, Hosiery and All Wool Check Shirtings. All goods guaranteed to be just what they are represented to be. «5-56 mm m HORN BROS.. “(-103 u SPRATT KlLLE/I. rename Bran an Iron Founder ls prepared to do all kind: 6 Cutlug and andry Work. R‘pxlring of [m 910 meats and Machinery c:c.. Setting-up Steam Engine: and Bcflcre.‘ JOHN MARIN S c sell the bast Teas and Cakes in Victoria elievc we have exceptional advantages and John “‘51!!! The Wood C". LINDSAY FOUNDRY Born Bros. JOHN MAKINS, Lindsay Woollen Mills. rerun» i063“. M'" 80!“ to wwwmuww “"1”. 50¢: M31. P, a. pm. my. cum New Advertisements; A. NEW DISCOV'iERX Pilkie’s Diphtheline William-at. N ortn FAMILY GROCERIES. maxkct fees. “fl

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