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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 29 May 1896, p. 8

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Mé Central Business College Cor. GM as YONGE-m. ’ U to data in every ptnlcular; modern maxed-I; thorgugh work: low fees. A M will bring you .11 puticulars by return null. Address, 5'." 1.5. Gent!“ 311311935 00119 ‘ flew Advertisemgxtf [Correspondence oi Tun Post]? VISITORâ€"During the pest; week a young lady came to Mr. B. Magih’s. She is going to stay all summerfithough she is trouble- swe at times. MAL-Mr. G. W. Peters, of Argyle, is at home visiting friends ...... Mr. and one last week ...... Miss Min-pi“, of FranklID, is the guest at her sister. Mrs. Mulligan... . . .Mr. John Fos- ter, of Midland, is visiting friends here. L00 AL NEWS-LETTERS $112 (Emmaiau flgufit [Correspondence oi Tun roan QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY.'-lb was unusually quiet: in the village on the 24:11 allthe busineess places being closed and people away on exc arsions, etc. Cannon Normâ€"Rev. A. P. Brace, son at the Rev. A. D. Brace, will occupy the Methodist pulpit. next. Sunday evening. PERSONALâ€"Mr. Sonley was a guest at Mr. R. Barry's! Lindsay ...... Mr. D. . McQueen attended the teachers convention held at Kirkfleld,on Thursday and Friday. ‘ . . .' . .Among those who spent the holiday Pen Pcrry ; Messrs. Gen. Hessard and Geo. Dalury, “Varsity studence." m1 farmers," et-c., on“ John Watscn, our mo successful farmer,” etc. latter wera true I we: to make such an lnvis pulfliclg.“ _ _ “ w ‘w' ..- â€"â€"7 ‘ .Among “1055 in town we ncti a Toronto; Mr. Wm. 25:. Mann, T0? (n‘i': 2m Pd-ry; Mess: Geo. DaJnry, “Varsi 31 Wit-G. Smith. A Lose Pot Centâ€"Britta!) Bros. Babel Chang! -Tho-. Connolly. 619790 and Hosieryâ€"Wm 3 Co. Rodeo 0! lemon! Joesph launder. ° ’ You Hue Honeyâ€"E E W. Kcoafley. U ppor we Fleet - Canadiu: Pwiflc Rsilway. Notice 0! Meetingâ€"The County of Victoria. M's A Bust-lo in Businessâ€"Duds! 8. mulls LINDSAY. FRIDAY. MAY 29. him. “In an“ 5 AUG u-u--_-' ,, V, oompoeed of about thirty one. all bow and trimmers. Auot er epetker was Postmaster Stanton, of Pontypool, irho lauded the toriee in the old sing-song hshlon tron: Sh- John Maodoneld to Top- :net, but Slr Maekonzle Bowen, the betray- ved premier, never was mentioned by either sneaker. Consistency. thou art a jewel. "1‘ t {on or five hundred of a me- once jot In weavers. At the close they ted a committee, composed. we Mentholéolheelers. - ohearthatflr.J.F.Porter humewhotbetteretthetimeotwfltin . W. will: him A speedy recovery to h Osm- We are ve lorry w Mun-e .. ...., death 0! Hector Me een. son of Nell Mc- Lean. cattle buyer. The ycunc men we: I nae. eus'nhotorward young man. All will aym stain with Mr. McLeen and “may in t. let bereavement. Hours For: taxman-Maura. Coven end Thompson have returned (com Eag- lend. where ape; tack e c at Merge;i A n‘AA- A I.“ a [Corrupomlcucc 01 Tu Pom! Pourxcu.V.â€"Our village was graced on Fridaylut I) Mr. '1‘. D. Cruz. cx M P. accompanied y a host at bosscc and ward hula-c. Hc hold a mcctln In the new schoolhouse at: nighc. whlc wu a very Mr. Craig c - dry unfair cud all cno-cldcd. x clued his vote on the Rcmcdhl bill. but ad. to explain hlc wobblln while In They hora- no use. ch» 0 Q r ch» a the lace mo chty 1mm R004 CANNIA GTQN1 MANILLA. L1 FFORQ. BALLYDUIF: me LABD YONGES'E. # 3 every micufsr; modern mh work; sow fees. A you all putticutars by return SON YA. ence of Tm: P081.) mun-db was unusually age on the 24:11 allthe being closed ana DBOPIG 2 12115 Week. 'run Pen.) 'mm [Cure-p0 madame of “iron Smpma. -Sbock shmplnz ghoul here in lively at present ...... . T. Bums 3 hip- ped ytahroe culoMson onTnesday; two of them were for the old ooun markets. Lesl' o Bzwes, Mr. Bowes’ son. charge of themt 0 Liverpool. Common. â€"Please contact Item from here last week. refer: to eat It. should have read Mr harks Thgms, (Correspondence of Tax Post.) FLOPPED. â€"The county real ldent cf fthe Patrons otI Industryhas cpped and now (6K to his once conservative cradle. aturdey lastMr Mme. Manning. who hoes been county president: of the Victoria Patton's of Industry, was whipped righ t. into line by no less a. men than Sam go ‘oee, whose partyand rlnci lea were ercely denounce by " obb gBllJ," and ‘8 now “UPI-2pm Lu. u... â€"-â€"- __ , No doubt Mr. Manning will look back with shame upon the days when he pro- fessedinde ndenoe. The question is new asked, “ as Mr. Manning sincere in his preaching, rr did he spout to hear him- self epeak?’ Things must have felt very blue to him in Cameron on Saturday even- ing last when he tried to explain why he was supporting Sam Hughes. No doubt Mr. Hughes‘ action and course in arm:- ment, together with that glorious, right and honest government whose platform is identical with that of the Patrons, has won his first love. No wonder the_ true, independent electors of Cameron Jeered him off the platform. We predict such will be his reception in all parts. His plea. is that the reform party rejected John - i-“ __,: 1,... fa‘k n iittia sore. Let us 13 man Due 1:1.er .m...J _..,-_ , , Campbell, and he felt a. little sore. Let us review it. In the town of Lindsay the vote was purely divided between the old parties. In Ops Mr. Bryaos received in every polling division 3. larger majority than his predecessor, Mr. Cruese; Dr. McKsy, emuch smaller vote then at the previous elections. Then where did John Campbell's 80 votes come from? Solve this. friend Mannior. In all the other town- ships John Campbell took more reform psiran votes than conservative. Does Mr. Manning understand the Patron platform, or wherein can he name any claim for a was a true one for independence an honest government. The meetin g in confusion, and cheers were a ven or c Laughlin and the queen. a focus; v. a...- -.__7 7 years, and we lntend to for our life should be spared a retain that high standard that It enjoys at the prese 3e}! popular In this 1003] A- -_ , ‘vnonP tn I U 7' guy ........ (Correspondence of In: Post.) Expuxanomâ€"Well, Mr. Editor, some weeks have elapsed since you have had any news from Powles' Corner. We have been years, and we intend to for man more 1 our life should be spared and an Posr retain that high standard of excellence that it enjoys at the present time; it is very popular in this locality, and, Mr. Editor, you may expect to hear from us more frequently, as we desire to keep this lccrlit before the minds of the readers cf THE 051', which is the leading country newspaper. ' THE PRESENT DROUTH.â€"The dry weath- er that we are having at present is going to leave a sting behindâ€"the prospect for a gcod era of hay is very dull at present, the mea ows are dryin up, and pasture also, and any farmer w 0 has hay to sell had better keep it. POLITICALâ€"Never in the history cf Canada. was there ever a general election n ALA _I‘Aa uau vaâ€"v- .._-V POLITICALâ€"Never in the history u Canada was there ever a general election that ccoupied the attention and the minds of the people as the one that we are in the midst of. The agriculturiete or Canada have hadflS years‘ experience of the,N.P. and it failed to satisfy them. Sir John A. Macdonald promised the farm ere that the National Policy would make them rich; since 1878 an enormous number of Cana- dians have left Canada, who are living in the United States tc-day. A resident of the U £13641 DBEUC: mun \Iw n... .__v. 7 , e that: we had a rotten government. 38 And then there has been a great decrease In value or farm lands, and a great many more things, such as the Trent Valley éncleg ODCICS. W. Lu u. warmly supported those op sod to 901 moat wl find out < 23rd tha‘: dishoncs‘ or the country's afl migrated. encles. nu. u. .. ...-__ c, warmly supported in this section, and those op sed to sound and honest govern- ment wi find out on the evening of June 23rd that dishonesty in the management of the country's aflairs will no longer tolerated. PERSONAL-Mlle Susie Wager has arrived home trom the township 0! Cam- vlsitln%nlatives, and dressmaking. Far mumâ€"On Monday. the 18th, about 25 head of fat cattle passed through here for Fenelon Falls. to be shipped next day. Buyers always keep their eye on __ --.. _ man. "1' an ROI- da . Buyers alwn’a aw... ...-._ -, - , th a section.“ they can always rely on get tlng some good beer. tami 3 home was own" 156 "v-.- -.. . - the Pougledm ‘.-Dr. “Vt-00mm" (Tu pet)tin and Geo; Moflugh (L;nrle1)m .5. text“ giant ting awed our local tigers, hence quietness prevailed ...... There was a toot ball match in the mornin . which was kicked out b eLindsey boy. lit the sp'rts proper di not commence until sitar the arrival if the big delegation from Linda: grad 3:» cm boro, accompanied by the ban the letter ee. There were large delegations from e surrounding iarmiag community and long before three o‘clc:k the shed and stable room of the village was ethsted. In the athletic sports there were no former records broken, and it was evident “I“; were no ringers present, as the bulk o h iccel champs. FOWLES’ CAMERQN. _ Mcppslélzlfa my urvâ€"â€" v' I R. (figIEBTFprLON. OMEMEQ. bub _. GUBOCUNK. [Correspondence at '1'!!! P06! 1 Frsnme is the order at the day. As the patient fisherman holds his not for the unwary make: during the silent watches cf the night the marquito hnme a. tune to put him to sleep, then gives him a bite to wake him up. POIJ’HCAL.â€"The political air is alive agein,'and is likela to he kept ethrlng ret well until no 23rd. Mr. Me- an held a successful meeting here is setting some at our wise men to th the house I!” DWI-l uvuw ‘r ... _ , resort, and the tourist who wishes to have a pleasant outing, good flehln , and engoy the beentitnl scenery of this enlthy is- triet, will find that this house furnishes first-class accommodation under the liberal management of Mrs. Pattie and the genial residents, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott. _â€"â€".â€"-â€"- O CAMERON {egg T.‘ Unfit-baa"- [Cox-respondent; oiâ€"Tin P081.) Tan CROPS -The dry weather is partly putting a stop to the has EQ‘QEEIPF' or ,._ -__....a.nv n Hm 3296111215 00111!) eted The farmers on every side 1'06 Harm‘s: vu .. .--_, ______ rain, especially as the seedingis completed and potatoes ready tor planting. SICKNmâ€"Mrs. Joseph Hora is at pres- ent on the sick list. We hope for her sgeed recovery...” .We are glad to hear t at iss Emily Pearn is some better. ...... Mm ‘R. Lee's hand is no better. She is haviv g quite a painful time with it. BETTER 'l‘nxxs.â€"We hear Mr. Wm. Swantonis takln home a new Sylvester binder. Farmers ook out for better times. ...... It is also rumored that there is a new buggy on the Point. What comes nextâ€"the woman. ELECTIONSâ€"Politic“. meetings are all the rage now. The coming election is caus- ing great excitement, especially to the ra- formers, as the are in it this time. The other party wil likely find themselves in the soup. Sam wilibe lett at home, but hurrah for McLajnghlin ! A... v-.. manic 1 ivvunarw..--_-_ Psasorzans.â€"Mrs. W. Elliott. oi Ham- ilton. spent 3 few days at her father's, J as. Biewett.. . . . . .Mr. Blewett has hada severe cold and has been connfled to the house for some time, but we are glad to be able to state that he is recovering ...... Miss L Broad, of Toronto spent a few days with her mo er ...... . and Mrs. McMullen th are pa in a flying visit to Mrs. Sailes.... Mra. Ax). gshton is at Mr. E Z. Yerex'e. Tm: Zrorx TEA was a grand success ; it was well represented by our village. The choir did well. GREAT Sommeâ€"Ibo A. O. U W. open lodge was a great success. The address by the grand organizer, Bro. Milne, was both interesting and instructive, showing the importance of having life insurance and the robsbility that the cost will never exceed $3 or $10 per $1,000. The following were initiated at the close of the open meeting : Thomas Broad, jr. Thomas H. Yerex, William Glenny. William Wooldridge. John. Rodmsr, Richard Hall and Csmley Dayton. There are others who should be- come A.0.U.W. members, and likely will in the near tuture. has ogened a drug store in our village. e im every success, and think when it becomes well known it will 5y dll right. Rumâ€"Farmers tsre all elighted with the flue shower?! Monday evening. Crors tHv-nâ€" - __', are looking well. [To the Editor of Tue Posr | Sueâ€"Please allow me a small space in your valuable aper to inform the public what ha pene in our q)uiet nei hbcrhcod last Fri ay night, the 2nd. W y, air. the Philistines even seized the Methodist church and dedicated it to the servl:e of Bacchus, Sam Eu has being the general and Smithson cha man. I think if the latter had taken the sacred book and read around among the audience, as he used to do on sacrament Sunday a few months ago, they might have learned that they were standing in a lace dedicated to the service of God. ow. sir, there was a meeting held in that church a little while ago to retest against these wcrldlg meet- ings be ng held in the church, an being present at that meeting I opposed it. One member expressed himself something like thisâ€"“He felt almost like crying to see such dirt "' but lo and behold! he could sit there last Friday night clapping his hands,with no tearsin hiseyesatseeingthe excrement from a pound or so. of tobacco spattered all over the floor. Now. sir, I was up to Mr. McLau hlin's meeting some time ago, and I hear e was refused the use of the schoolhouse. and very rc perly too. I think. I need not notify r. Mo- Laughlin, o_r hia‘party, not to apva for I -- â€"an-nA--l (All Al I Lau him. or ms run , uvv .. ..,.,.,, _-_ that once for al tloai purpoeee. for ac a trustee I woul not glve connect to either party uelnglt. I thlnk It a disgrace to the truetee who would accent to euoh meanneee. or for any member of the church. belonging to what branch at the church he may. I would exhort euch to read the 83rd Psalmâ€"Yours. JOHN 0381:» run 53.. a trustee. NB. -As for polltlcei, we have had enough or the National alloy and “great ho e marketa;' Trent Valley canal. Sep- ara school: and all each election jobberv. No reformer need apply (or work on the canal here. [Com-pondence oi 'i'u: Poet] Wu'rnnn is still tine. with no trout and "I! emert ehowere now end min. 2' w MALâ€"A et number of our peo- le took in the . M. O. A. excurelon to mie the 25:1: ...... A grand pio-nio under the nunpicee of the Lndiee' Aid of the Methodist church wee given in Klnmonnt, end ev one enjo ed himseu on hereon lumen: : toot end beeebell were the me ineporte oi! the young men ..... How about the Tiger: at Gelert this {our not hevlng e 25:11 oelehretion nt " oh ng“.... Eucnox ie all the talk now end even- one will heu- Mr. MoLeughlln on the 885): May in Ritchie'e'hell. A rt next week. ....Why doee‘ not John oometo the xeeoue of our-noted wob . Mr. Sun Hughes. end not him out or the eonp with one at Sam's ennui tickete ; quite on eleo~ tlon dodge Sam, but it won'o work with some ...... Let ne heel min motile: voice the t owing eddreee wee one cf the you men t, end ho! Mr. and Mrs. M] ed in very hello; es tones to the good-will existing between eo Following In the text of eddmeee: m“ e To 1'. and Mrs. Kyla: Din Fm:-w° . ,M “.1- mam- In nn-m'l- of van ‘0 ”NIELfiARIPOSA. ‘-_â€" nnâ€"I u“‘-â€" 'Correspgnpencem of Tax PCS-r.) fins-.. [65wdod on but week | “Lb-Jun [Crowdeggafia‘st week ] GLENAIEM. GELERZ'. W. -Eulqtt._ 0! Hum- 7101mm ROAD- W01?" Pelt.) CoxmlAnox.â€"Bh WIMP Bump W O‘Connor. (1 1’0an. wm the (tune: a ct cot Cancun church has on Sun “dwinreoolvoafioflns‘ m u. the d$Y$ Jun. 7‘h' tron: JANBTVILLBT Wu“. 'lUm-n' â€"....‘._ _ According to the new law regaining Ferment Instituteo, ennui meeting- win he held on June 9 h threaghoat the 91'0" inee, end the members or the W ,torln Institute wm meet in the couoil chamber. Lindsay. on thnt dsy. at one pm». to: the purpose or electing .- president end other emcen. noel reportS. and W decide as to winter race so. Hallway Notes. â€"'.l‘he Y. M. C. A. excursion to Barrie Monday m sent out in two toot-lone, Condqu H. Gull 3nd J. Beweon beinB In clause of tho mine. â€"The rellmymen c! this division will run their annual excursion to Much Pork. one of the moot delightful eulnmer resorts on the Boy 0! Quinn. 1 â€"-On Satgrdny morning 1.8.951“ dgu‘l'l u u on grode. one o - ire‘edepontheoo'zoh of the I. 8.81:0. R. R. btoke, consequently nll the . mulls untl exyreu mutter bed to be taken ....... .5. «made- to bonds}; auction" on the "tender. The annual picnic at St. Luke's congre- gation, Downeyville, on Wedneedsy us xt. gives promise oi beinu the most successful fitf”r‘t%”“ ‘°' '3’ ’mw‘rmmp‘“ 0 D, 0 PO!) . 3 rue talent for mama’s; suc efluirv. and he has infused into every committee ea enthusiastic spirit that insures success in every deputment. As will be seen by the posters, an attractive program ci games and sports will nil'ord the athletic young men ti the district an opportunity of testing their skill and sgiiity in msnly exercisea, and those who prefer quieter amusement will find it on the dancing lsticrm. The bicycle competition is prov- ng a great success. We may add that some persons have an impression that the bicytie to be awarded is a second-hand machine. Such is not the caseâ€"the wheel is e high-grade Steurts. valued nt $95, and may be seen at the store cf McLenunn 3:06.. who are the local agents. If a lady 'wins the competition she will receive u lady's bicycle. 0! we hum-w “Haw "u“... ...... with whit. l shady possess. gives me 400' it?” of excellent. Future. I will also in I limited number of Cuttle, showing 5 mm comb minl. n 60¢ per month. Wuter in nbundwce luppllod by the Trent Villev Gaul. 3;. LYTLE. Victoria Mâ€"ISw-L PA STURE. -1 have purchased 3 portion 0! m hidhw Cutie Rmcb. which, together with flat. I tlrudy- pol-:wngivoa me 400 Acres of A- ._ a- . undo-A number Epii‘iié being prepare Wuulmson's Hum-a Shop, 87 Kern-In. when he will be found upto the 20th of June. (or the purpon NOTICE OF RE “OVALâ€"Mr. .I Mnundegylnhe: to intimate w the public -_ A‘ AL- uMml (\I‘QP gold by A. filgtnbotham. mndJaY. The stock 0! the m Juno. Connolly. consisting of Boots. Shooo tad Rubben, 81 019.49, ma Final?" md Lamar rt! wuhcmnd, 8360.34; finch nary sud Punt, $5.36: and Shop lumltun. 877.90; will be told en bloc or "acutely v.0 nut pu . Good- wd Stockjookanbonon It the old mud. Kant-m. mud-u, up to Jones. __-l"'-' 51 If." 'I- , ample end order M; J on. Rigze' Bicycle Depot or It Edvm-ds' Flu-dam Store. Nest, Duet end Waterproof. To fit frame of my blcycle. No “rope to hendle in openlng and cloning. Prloe only 88.25.â€"45 lm-cod. 16 lm-w. PRACTICAL BUILDER and CONTRACTOR. A rend PM And lulu-ta tarnished u Xanadu: Datum lovln Banding- s a my. unma- Work done with mud \oh a 3mm. moon. 5 We!" and! omen“. Dr. W- «ITO commomns. 1306.“!o‘dooknmhk‘ mmmmmmuoa huh mum mm a una- a coca cum Ola, oounw m l uni-y. am my. tauâ€"'1". [F YOU RIDE YOU NEED IT. TUESDAY, Erie 9th, 1899. â€"wl6 2 WEAK WOMEN PALE SIRE New fivertlsements. USINESS CHANCE. BOOTS AND SHOES. mh'icâ€"ibévlwfiféinage Wofl; MONDAY, JUNE, §F_‘.?' John J. Perrin, PRIOE’S 7‘50 lbw gubfl‘ man no TosAc GUREL";...3:§§: WenkJnn id and listless, sufl’or- ing from end palpitation. ner- vousness, stomach trouble. or constipation. should an India: Woman’s Balm. It carol. Run am"?! gutting: 3352156., H'ofmooa to the head. hint fooling. mm k! India: Womgn'g Bum. It'- mturo'l My to: wow quyolo_ Lugs-use £333.”; 9., munâ€"v. _, -v â€"~ THHOS. CONNQLLY, Downey'vule Pic; 19. 1131113sz 01’ mm_ 3194va o Executor; Uxbridge Marble Works 'W'. A. WHITE We Inn for our spring trade a. fine assortment W ”“ °°"""°”" Enlist. Mal. and scotch W “ EQEH [1315, Hans flllfl Flllllismllflfi 31 51188131 H1083, UPPER LAKE FLEET. 8.8. Athxbuu every Monday, 8.8. mm «canin- day. 5.8. Alb-h om 5m, will has 0m Sound tho“ 1 p. In. In: SAUL‘I'fiTl. HARII. m counte- mmmuswuno'usum all Wk. “mm Bouh" h- Dnlllh. PORT ARTHUR std FORT WILLIAMauflnI was“ via an I. 0. “WHEN. - - '1cmm um mm From 10 to 2 o’clock we will give 15 PER EB" [IFF [Ill filflIflllfl ll NEIS’, BflYS’ and YUIITHS’ ciln Come to us for anything you «contain; ii'oulan sod Ma M. n low um. 35c. Flannelettc Shirts for 15 cents chuck full of Bargains. Join MAY iron umanti GOUGH BROS. never do tmngs Dy mm“. m"--- -, Prices will astonish you. We want you to come, and if} can’t save from Twent --five Per Cent. to Fifty Per Cent. Prices those days, don’t bother buying at all. Don’t let want. will be run all ESTABLISH ED 1871. 88 SPECIAL CUTS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. MONUMENTS will remember some of CENTS this chance slip C‘ We make the prices, {WU L3: "m Wonderful Cheap MW” 'IIP mung-lurked ”throw nod. As you all know, Goods-ad employ. Es workmen in the count?- we carry WC and have done through the week, Thursdays there ‘ “An honest tale speeds best_ being plainly told." 1896. Our story is plainly told. l‘ SNIIU. the Plums. "épécial Hot Prices. m uonumwm m» u “dim..." i Ilsa Brushes. Varnish» and General Painters' Supplies. We sell it. Ena' neighbors- 4* NEW GOODS *9" our Country Friends, ,Jc, ounter full of CA'I‘HBO 32: GO- week, and on Tuesdays and there will be omc to us for anything yOu . others have to follow suit. 10c. Sox for 5 cents. We in the grocgssjon and get and Thursda s from re -‘ ‘5' and tell youryfriends g SP RING ! 01.3th .3: pg and Worsted Mm too, and on 30w Adv” J. I}. EllWflBflS 813! (If THE HM. H am’wam M ere/2mm are 'LEIIFJ i731 1896. emphasize thc: and the pl'iCk' priCCS, that's V. such a. rapid rat Fine Ginghams and 20 Organ d6 Dimities. Henley Is :1 sari: None but 1 not at half their act: fidence “'1 Ladies’ 18c, Hosiery As Girls’ Boys That any POINT you 1869, now I: work and 30‘“! gooda. so u to 61 The unecru have inspired t other! who, like III to the wan- om the poor would not be noon go out of b This line monopolv of shading out Cansds know u'hctlwr it u'u artich 80111. I and although hunt to the meet ooxrpetic .ppuanoea, e x honest goods tint we are very best qual' 12c, 15c an 20C. We horn-ix] produce to me. than througlu of I Binder, I and you buy I this, we preaic that they we thou-elven in mks-eds WW8: 1333. ad hm hm done bl I“ with It ‘ data-tactic: .m ltla Munooog: TEE SYLVEJ have

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