the at: deliver Lnn chap. Ken omo Eh: K91 The J BOA! holdh Touch Smyfl “tent gestlc The some the c! the pt Flam, Rabi: UN 0) Balm John O‘Nol discu Elliot imam ID sprb the I mot; Com the Tm Tm DIG: tow the CU! D: SW It iv) ‘l'he Only One To Stand “19th Rev. William Copp, whose father was a physician for over ï¬fty years, in New Jersey, and who himself spent many years preparing for the practice of medicine, but subse- quently entered the ministry of the M. E. Church, writes: “I am glad to testify that I have had analyzed all the sarsaparillaprepara- tions known in the trade, but AYER’S No, it isn’t. often that I allow a. letter to him here on my table a whole year before commenting on it and publishing it (it it is interesting) for the general behoof. But 've done it this time, and on purpose. To balance well up 11:33:. stand with our legs â€" _.I.I. nu...â€" and WNW WW "a may. d-wâ€" .._-_ _ fl, .. well apart. So It is with things and events; we went to compare the Inning with the end. “Welt a. year an edey. end see how It comes out," people any of a hasty feel-{1.330. But we may quote our AAAAAAA r_-sl__ MM†aa'n‘- WU] mun-wav- â€"â€"- ..- _7, . , good friend's communication norw safely enough, for there is nothing to change or take back. "For about ï¬fteen years." says the writer, “I have been a great eufl'erer from dehility of the stomach, and the ailments which go with it. My case coverage much time that I can do no more than state the main facts as they are indelibly impressed on my pe‘mory. - . .L Lu_-z L-..__ nâ€"A c‘annv The paying powers of the warring unions gave 3 fair test of capacity. Gm has a reputation fox not keeping “mama, and herbondssellat20 1:021. Turkeyhu oilseeyeu-I greatly Whaï¬mnmnndherhondsun 31:101. Groooahunov gal! gm debt which it wfllhkennny is the only one of fthem that I could recommend as a ' blood-puriï¬er.Ihave given away hundreds of bottles of it, as I consider it the safest as well as the best to be had.â€â€"Wx. Corr, Pastor M. E. Church, Jackson, Minn. U Luv-nus; u u my “At ï¬rst I ielt tired, heavy. and sleepy. I seemed to have lost all my life and energy. Common duties and occurrences became a trouble and a burden to me, and what I really knew to be trifles looked like matters of importance. This I now under- stand was owing to the weak state of my nerves. "My appetite was poor and ï¬ziul, and what little I ate lay like lead upon my stomach. I: was cold and heavy, and gave me no comfort or strength. Present- ly this came to be so bad that after every morsel or food I had a sense of great weight and tightness at the chest. Often a mere drink of water would produce this result. “I was greatly worried and distressed by the action of my heart. esmetimes it would paiplute and flutter as it it must come up into my mouth." [Remarkz This is a common symptom, and very alarming to the subject of it. not infrequently the lips become blue, the iacellvid and anxious and covered with cold perspiration, and the breath short and gasping. It is due to a temporary collection c:;wind in the stomach, causing it to hamper the heart by pressing against it. There is not necessarily any organic disease of the heart ] “My 1 ice," continues our correspondent, “burned like ï¬re. and my nose was swollen and inflamed. I had ahorrible gnawing pain at the pit of the stomach, which never left me night or day. Later I had uent attacks of spasms from which I s ered agonies, sometimes for days to- gether, with but brief intermission. At such times it would end in my being com- pletely prosroted. i would unloose my clothing in the attempt to relieve the sense of weight and pressure upon the body. No treatment or medicine av to help me; and. now better and again worse, I remained in this hopeless and miserable condition. “Finally. Mrs. Wane, a friend of mine living at Great Liniord, told me of the t beneï¬t she had derived from Mother igel‘s Curative Syrup under similar circumstances. I got 3 bottle from Mr. Grant, the grocer in this place. and after taking it for a few days I felt almost like I had a natural appetite, my food fa" me no pain, and I was 1113956 21113115 ucunu. a.uu.-..- --7, , timom permitted to pass to some all doubt. Includmglthe year since the daze â€w“ .135};th Ms we no: re- gard It as wondexful? Saul; all reason- :feâ€"v} doses' put us right. 101: may pm;- 1131': my statement, and I will answer Mrs.) M. A. Savage, er. quulriee. «ijgneGH 89, Middle Street. Ssantogbury, Wolv ton. Bucks, Nov. 14:11, 14. In a case sograve u thiswemywdl hesitate to jump at a conclusion. A Therefore snmdenu €11: Qanadiau £0.51 “gate: nun ULI°UII\- -...._ _ , years. I kept on takina the Syrup and ed health and strength every dsy. All the spasms, gnawing at the stomach. and other symptoms ceased, and I found myself well. Since then, however. I have never been wlthout Mother Seizel's Syrup in the house, and if any ct us all anything a few doses put us right. You may pub- um. mv mmmt. and ,I_ will 'enswer whom!“ When in doubt, ask forAyer’s Pills AFTER A YEAR AND A DAY. Ayer’s Remedies. mnvnmmevw v; D. L. E22; 111.91% 'Sarsaparilla mt. MAY 14. 1897. 36:31:18! marvel] LOCAL NEWS-LETI‘ERS Me an». HIT-Inez. 351?; con 3. Vuulun. Cans: Fgcmng. _â€"0n_ ‘lgougy, pa; vuâ€"p- - â€"v-vâ€"-- inst“ Cap!- Kenned [fl bonghttheflritmud mD Dumtordchme cumin. gum mgning" grill min cheer "3° - ,,,,4_ -L_.__I_ [Special to Tm Pos! 1 SCHOOL Rmm'.-The sanding of the pupils of s. s. No. l, Meriposn, for the month of April is 0; follows: Fourth closes] ohn Lnnne . ldn Downer, Eve Rod- nnn, Merv Ann ills, Ade Wills, Haber Cornish. Fred. \\ estern. Third clou- Chas. Wickett, Lorne Davison, Lewellyn Hall, Wslleoe Dnvison, Zelle Gilson. Sash Stacey, Gnrnet Brown, Edger Wooldridge. Sr. secondâ€"Elem Western, John McDon- old, Ernest Wooldridge, Kitty Ferguson, Connie Ferguson. Jr. secondâ€"Stenley Gil- son, Case§ McDonald. Put IIâ€"Jss. Sillers, Annie ilkinson. Archie Sillers, Vinnie Lnnney, Hottie Brown. Put Iâ€"Mnggie Wilkinson, Violet Durban, Bernie ï¬sll, Violn McDonald, Lily Gilmn, Hownrd Hell, Austin Downer. Culton Dnvison. George Vex-cog. Untold Vsrcoe. _,_ m 13...-- .--..L-- [Speciflto'rthosrl Scsoon Enron'sâ€"Class V.â€"Hannah Lebane. 91; â€â€™6’; O'Brien, 9-1; Daniel Tracygt. Class .â€"Fer2us O‘Brien. 80; Lorrie Parker, 75; James Callahan. 70. Class ILâ€"Jos. Martha, 90; Frank Crow law, 88; Nince Clarke. 71. Historyâ€"Class IV.â€"-L3rrie Parker. 98; Fergus O'Brien, 89; Gertrude O'Brien. 41. Class III.â€" Lorretta Harrington, 105; Michael Fox, 105; Theresa Shine._ 103. Grammarâ€" Class IV.â€" Fergus OBrien. 83; Lorne Parker, 82; J35. Callahan, 81. Class III. â€"Lotretta Harrington. 96 ; Theresa Seine, 90 ; Mlcheel Fox. :9. Bookkeepingâ€"Class V.â€")Iary O'Brien. 76: Daniel Tr , 45. Botany-Mary O‘Brien. 55: Daniel racy, 55. Arithmeticâ€"0135 IV.â€"Fergns O'Bxlen 95; Lorne Parker. 79: J as. Callahan, 43. Class 1L7 Sr.:.\'lng§ glarlgg. 20; Joseph Luna: 1a.. m.†n...... -..___, n , _ Martha, 60. Class II. Jr.-Frsnk Crowley. 60; Timothy Lehsne, 60; Joseph Goscelln, 60. Camposmonâ€"Class IILâ€"Thos. Le- haze, 37; Joseph Lucas, 80; Fred O'Brien, 7?. Class ILâ€"Fanny Owens, 100: Joseph Martha. $3; Gertrude Lucas, 86. Uten- tureâ€"Class II.â€"Joaeph Martha 60; Fanny Owens, 52: Since Clarke. 40. 31': IL. sr. -â€"Charles Lucas. Katle Honllhsn, Albert Lucas. Part I â€"Rose Scully, Charles Clarke, Charles Callahan. Correspondence of m Poetl Cancunâ€"The grim reaper has gather- ed in another from us In the person of Mr. Jae. Hoekin, an, aged 80, who died on 23m 0! April. The funeral on Friday to Pinegrove cemetery was largely attended. Deceased was one of the ï¬rst settlers in Lenten. VISITING.â€" Rev. Mr. Rose, of Grand Rapids, Mich. is at present visiting at his uncle's, Mr. J as. Wakelin, sr. TEE DRIVES -)Ir. Sam. Parkin’s drive is now passing through here. Mr. J. Carew's drive is also ready to run through, being pushed alang rapidly by his foreman, Mr. Andy Mortimer. Runawar.-On Wednesday last a team belonging to Mr. Henry Wicks was fright- ened just opposite the post omce and made a dash up Monk-st. The only dam- done was one of the horses got his foot badly cut. Emuvon Normsâ€"The E. L. or C. E. had a very successful meeting on Friday evening 1353. 1718 wwldants cf [ha diï¬er. ent committees presented papers so show the claims each had on the society. The decision given by the Judges was in favor of the Evangelistic committee ..... Next Friday, May 14th, the Endeavor will give its quarterly temperance program. Cncnca Nom.-The sacrament cf the Lord‘s “supper was dispensed in the ,L c-_‘. anon». by Rev. Lam's supyer WW wanâ€""v _, Methodist church lust Sshbnth Rev. Mr. Green-Ix, oi Canniogton, who eliver- ed on elcquent and interesting address to a large congregation. He was assisted by the pastor, Rev. A. H. Foster. Nonaâ€"Mr. C. G. Cody. erel mans- tor the Massey-Harris .. paid Nor- and friends a flying visit on Thursday at last week. . . Mr. Chris Woodcock, general merchanms doing a hustling business now. ...... I wonder did the young man succeed who started out last Monday to search for a. certain kind :f flawers, “ Roses " ...... Where did the pet porcupine materialize? MAX. [Correspondence of TH: Post] _ FAT CAranâ€"The largest: shipment of cattle ever leaving this place at once was sent from here on Tuesday last, 4th lust... by Thomas Bowee, requiring ten cars to take them, numbering 151 hands. all but six having been fed in Marlpoee. Mr. D1039. Hamilton, was the buyer. Many of the cattle will be shipped to the old coucuy. . PERSONALâ€"Mr. Leslie Bowes is home from Trinity College for the summer vaca- tion. 51>me Worcmâ€"Westher ls very unrav- orable for spring seeding. Fall wheat and clover are likely to be 3 eat failure hers. Catscn Namâ€"Rev. r. Whlttock, of Port Perry, will assist and preach on the occasions of quarterly meeting services here on Sunday next, the 92!: lost. Mr. Whittcck is well remembered here. having travelled these circuits before. BUILDISG.â€".\lre. Rich is having a new house built on the lot she recently purchas- ed from Mrs. Mason. . . . . .Mr. Geo. Fleury is building a new house to replace the one destroyed by ï¬re a few months ago ...... Dr. Chamber: is making considerable im- provements on the roperty he purchased a few months ago by autifying his grounds. The new stable and driving house he is having built, is going to be one of the most convenient and substantial ones in this neighborhood. «1-... c-A4:nn in nnw well nexgnoornuou. . _ Srmxc Wongâ€"Seeding is now well advanced; some of our farmers are through with this part of this season's Work. IILâ€"Mrs. J. P. Cnnnings has been on the sick list for several weeks; she is now some- what improving... . . .Mrs. Bowen, we are sorry to have to say, is still very sick. PUBLIC READING Roomâ€"We ere plesserl to see so much interest being taken in the public library and reading room. Over one hundred m mes have been enrolled as mem- bers. A very choice selection of books are now on hand; the lending (’3in papers are taken, end the committee are sparing no pains to make our reading room attractive and convenient. Emulateâ€"The quarterly services wns held in the _.\‘ church on Sunday Aâ€"L- _-- -nï¬'ï¬' nf cogctry. manor-0““ Pm'm "m mama my: mmmnothlt BRA ULBS-MARLPOSA. DOWNEYVILLE. Hood’g Fm; W. HARDY, teacher. NURLANU. OAK WOQU. THE CANADIAN POST. MUNYDN’S EGOOD WORK 0f Sickness and the Shadow of Graver Things From Thousands of Homes Canada. BEING LIFTED Mr. George York, ex-chie! engineer, OI- goode Hell. and e resident of Toronto for over 30 yeere, nyl: "I we- subject to rhennntiem for A number of you-I. Physi- ciene end remedies did me no good. My leftlimbwneoetiï¬'loonldeoeroel get around, end in uoending the stein no. molly bed to drag myself dong. The pin we: intenee. Two smell Viol: of Mnnyon’e Rheumatism Cure geve me the gmtut relief, end I om now feeling in eplendid health md hove not bed my return of the old trouble.†Manson's Rheumtic Cure seldom to relieve in one to three hours, and in u few dgya; Price 22¢. nan-urn \l-J" ___V Munyoo’a Dyspopiia: bin-e positively cum 311 forms of indigestion wd stomach tron- bleo. Price 23¢._ Munyon’a Cold Cure prevents pneumonit and break: up 3 cold in t few honn. Price m Mnnyon’s Cough Cure sto coughs, night sweets. slinys soreness, nn speedily heel- the lungs. Price 25c. )lunyon’s Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the Deck. loins or groin, end all forms of kidney disease. Price 25c. Munyon’a Nerve Cure â€01?. nervousness end builds up_the_ systegz. rice 25c. J, ,L_ millaggg’aâ€"ï¬aaiéï¬Ã©â€˜Ã©ï¬n stops headache in three minutes. _ Price 25c. -.- .. vv _. __--__ Many on’ a Pile Ointment positively cure. all forms of piles. Price†.5c. 7471' A_A__ -11 lâ€" â€â€˜ï¬Â§n§3.§;a'ï¬f03d Exits endicates all Im- pnggtiea of_th3 blood. Ptico 25c. ,L n__‘j.'-- -n n luv-u. On yu.u..-- v- ._v V Munyon's Femele Remedies are a boon to all women. Mnnyon’s Cstmh Remedies never (nil. The Cemrh Cureâ€"price 25c.â€"ersdieebes the discus from the system, ma the Cet- srrh Tabletsâ€"price 25c.â€"deme end heel the parts. Munyon’s Asthmn Remedies relieve in three minutes end cure permsnently. Price $1. â€" ‘- r - 3 __ Munyon'a Vxnlizcr. grant tonic md re- store: of viul strength to Wesk people. 81. A upcnte cure for each dilouo. A: 311 drggginta, manly 25 cent- ; vid. ï¬4_£ \l _____ l'l u. mean-nu, mwâ€"J _. Personal letter: tgvï¬rot Munyon. 11 Albert Itreet, Toronto, 0nt,_mmeted with free medial advice for my dume. Of One Thing Mr. W. 3. Bennett. the Conservative Standard Bearer in East Simcoe. is Sureâ€"He Boxer-ed iron: Cater-rm Trouble and Found Speedy and Fixed Relief in Dr Ag- new‘s Caren-had. Powder. h mm b election i: will not be settled until t a Vote. ere counted whether Mr. W. H. Bennett, who hes represented the constituency with ability for years. will eeein be the successful cen- didste. One thing Mr. Boone» ie eertein of. whatever turn the election may take: When attending to his duties in Otcsws two sessions a. he wee taken down with catsrrhsl tree 1e in the heed. Be used Dr. Agnew’s Csterrhsl Powder. and over his own signature says the: it worked like a charm, and quickly removed the trouble and made him ï¬tted for his parliamentary duties. old by A. Higinbathsm. Lie cles when the owner has pnrchssea n ti er, and we ought not to be behind these states in Csnnda. Already on the government roads bicycles are free. and this recognition 0! the principle by the powers thnt be ought to have a decisive it fluence on the Late at the bill now before parliament. . , p," â€"Deer-hnnters going north in the fail are allowed. we understand, to carry their dogs free. Has the railway company ever been asked. on the strength of this pre- cedent, to carry horses or much cows tree? The fact is each case must be treated by itself. The bicycle which the wheelman takes with is wholly a piece of personal baggage, neither weighing as much so a trunk nor as exacting on the employees who have to handle it. You have no doubt heard men say that they could regulate their drinking to a moderete amount. but this in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred proves a dismal failure. The liquor habit grows and keeps growing. I! you ï¬nd it growing on cu. now is the time to stop it. It can be one without, interleriug with our business. ANTI-BOOZE is put up in p form and can be taken in oue’s food or drink, an it dis- solves quickly. It builds up the system and makes a healthy man of a broken. nerved drunkard. It has proved success- ful in for advanced cases. We will send a box in sealed plain wrapper on receipt of $1.00. Oriental Chemical 00., 20 St. Alexis St., Montreal. Balance onhmd_.......’............. lemben‘ feel-.............. -.... “he gram..........- .... Municipdgnnh. ........ .. Countygnnz................ .... Sale of periodicals................ . 0thusoures(note-,ccc)....- u-.. Report or the Secretary-Treasurerâ€" Election of Oï¬cers. The postponed annual meeting was held Thursday. May 6th. at 4.30 pm. In the reading room, a fair attendance being present. The president, Mr. F. D. Moore, occupied the chair, and the secretary: treasurer. Mr. E. A. Eardv. presented the annual report. ............ ANNUAL? MEETING OF THE LIND- SAY PUBLIC LIBRARY. TEE BURDEN Bicycle Notes â€"â€"In eleven states at the U nlon railways re not allowed to chm-gem fer carry! 223 cycles when the owner asp VICTORY FOR EAST SIMOOE. A GROWING HABIT. ..........u..â€"-.. Receipts. moo 3 71‘} '5'9 hill N1 L8 :9 57 me “It. Genenl Meunler. who m severely burn- ed during the are st the charity lunar. dled at noon to-dal. Only the bodies now rennin nnldentlm The remazns o: the Duchesse d'AJencon were plsced In a. cofï¬n this afternoon. In the presence of Prince Low Ind Prlna remunnd of Bsrarla. Baron umbert end Colonel de Percival. who thell names on the sesled coma. Doc d- Vendome. son or the accessed Doeh 1721159me . V Ir. and In. Dnenn Gull- 01’ In. “township Lived Over Is. Yen-s. 18 of Which They Spent Together. Benetton. Ont. May 6.â€"With thll ‘ week closes the remarkable longevlu at Mr. and Mrs. Duncnn Graham 0: the township 0: Man. The tamer breath- ln the township Mars. where with the sturdy pln which dander-ind the early Scotch settlers they energeti- cally commenced the struggle for inde- pendence and obtained it as a reward for duty :10ny performed. Mara slwnys honors her pioneers. and attended the last rites in large numbers. showing their respect for the deceased. Mrs. John McCuaSz. sister of Mr. Graham. was interred last week at the age of 92. _.-_....- __â€"_- W Paper: Express .10 Sympathy With the Victimâ€"Dent! of General leaner â€" further Identiï¬cation Paris. my 6.â€"With the exception of the Socialist newspapers. the whole pren u» socintes itsei: with the profound sorrow which has overtaken the upper dance at French society. The papers point out that the question or the responsibility to: the tearful me at the charity haul: in the Rue Jenn Goujon on Tuesday uternoon last. resulting in the death or probebiy about 150 peopie. must be ï¬xed. The: re- proach the pretecture or police tor not ha_\"_iu¢__ta.ken propef precautions. _- ___n,i_..| -II on; “In udtromthehurt. ““11““ M‘ out “dared dug". Ind Man with other medicines. m“ m Ind h“ murmeaamwwm' nun- _-_._ -_J The Only Medicine mu. ,.-,-- , .......... V “1:13.60 enuncnz has ordered :11 me sub shun-d theatre: to be closed until snub a'Avenu, who have succumbed to the In- Jnne- whigh the: Wed while mom; “I Am Convinced That Paine’s Celery Compound Has No Equal.†1: I; stated that uue. de L. (hm not given In mu. :wordlnc to the custom 0! French newspapen).the daughter or 3 well- known coloneLHsIted the Due de Vendome. Ion or the Due d'AJencon. yesterday had n- rted I. conversation she but with the te Dachau d'uencon. who is one o! the victims. Just More the «mu-cone. “I AM NOW A CHANGED MAN.†F3." -v- â€"â€"- --_., , “Idmdherutewmbutml m movement the RM hermit. "getting. '80. no. I will temnln.‘ “Immaoatm‘anduï¬cm â€mummxmcompencdm man. 1:: sum mum-nets. then took a few steps toward-â€hex- gtall. _§e_r get “WARMI $€aÂ¥"‘.:'ds:gnze5; “on; no “mnemtnwother.†The report tint the Counts: Cutemne. ed: um Ann: Gould. was among the I! pure Invention. It m not m «an hinted 1t anywhere la Put: an: the Cutellanes were even 1n the vicinity o! THB PARIS FIRE HORROR- .Jhowuubsmu-I- mgwmnw 01d Gamma.- cine That Produces Positive and Permanent Cures. Lord Byron m . brod;do¢. "sauna," which h buried m the m It Km Abbey. Ayer's Pills m "Encoded 13; lending phyalclme and drugglsts. u a non ramp: and Lmflent remedy for billion- gcss, unmet. continua. Indus-don cf the liver. jundleo. mi slugginhneu sick udnhe- also. to relieve colds. Men. nun-ugh. and rheummsm. HOOD‘S Piusâ€"In the best bully cathartic end liver medicine. Gentle. re- lublo, nu. Thaw-uh“ XJ‘I‘ mim'fld “‘ wwmunao-mm'wuuwkfl. mmmMofntouchuhI-al Sued mm m was“ och-ale. m E. Egg 2 § E 9%. gar; mentapableotouu'nxGOOpeoplo. A b concerthdlbuso ottho amdontheroot enhtobe on: centpmmemdemdmtï¬ duo. Thebnfldinthconm mudutbep mum modsï¬on in Toronto. The promoter- ex- mï¬nmthaetoomwmamdenb. ' t: and amine: who on nov' ï¬rinzhphoaondhonnathotdonot ommmomcdonnh Mthbmoutauubï¬ohmcntwmdo any with may at the old loch-rig lacerhjnpubotthedu. new Bowflthhflcuuutollown: "Inthosptlnzollï¬ï¬lmtraubhd flmswmdohmtyandmm don of tplrlv. During the um um! mmennubccthw.bat recalndnobudtnouthen. About». maxmxmumoo mPMCola-yOoamnd. 1m mmummmum Wham. lama-thud. ummflbï¬hdï¬hmoufl- human-tumultuou- mun-unmat- “lam-Wm:mw câ€"eiuivktbduemu uuon can)? n mama uuv‘ was witnessed e awful teal. “camber; N088“! to n prominent London mum. rm for Ann}; You:- 13 PM EA TEN B I CANNIBALS. VAR 13 1'1â€. 14. lenien- Rea-en Wul Ie “.9“ Will W to mu 0. Que Me With .I’le. ottewe. Olly c-(Spean)â€"1'he proced- inp of the Committee on Agriculture this min; were 0! the no“ intemtinx cher- wtet. €0er Robertson detailed the Government's eminent! to: the shipment of perinhehle goods in cold stab Ice to the Old Country. Arrangements Howry'e. which was :urnt mt Fall. The work of during any the debri~ oi ' the old mill st Echelon Fells was not com- menced until the 9..h of April. and really annex-diner: prowess has been nude. as may of the timbers cf the â€ï¬ns, are siresdy up. sad it is expected t t izhe fuming will he ï¬nished within I twilight item now. The new mill will run east and weet. end will consist oi e mun hody sumo teet. with two wince. etch IN?) .mm b. hummus-Id. fathom: sum to lit up 17 stunning between mmmwunpommwm an appliances. The: we six to Woo. giving 3 weekly service. ï¬ve to Atom-moth. Bristol. tor the west of England. tour for Liverpool. giving need: 1 Weekly lei-rice. end two for snow. Armagnac“: have 1150 been nude :0: similar Icoouuuodauon from St. John 134 mun: for t Bum n Ind (or I monthly service bcxreen 'nnoe Edward hind Ind GM! Britain. The charge by the steamer: l: to be let: aiming; per :99 Ibpygï¬he ordlnnry rah-s. reply to Ir. ucseul. the photos-or the ma chutes (or cup“. Indu- r of. cold storage. mum and everything else. would be about w: 1 cent I pound. would be about the rate (or al; Masses product- handled under the cold storage '1'"!!- , nr. Robertson nut ducdbrx: the nmnm menu nude by the dl‘pnrlmvu: tur l'vn} norm on MW: 3: natural urd min-a mu. m 3mm outpace: on we M and a mm as I need and mum‘s-m. Two men he Britain to look me: The professor then dent-{bed the Lind or mmwhemmnvoulmotbcv tex- shipments. their con. mum: app-ur- anoe And the Menace In the m n~ cured tor god uni poor pa Butter In W: In chimeric; to minus wand be mg or 0-331. :1 night. nwered wt gin-II. lea eggs. 4 Inertia; or shipper: Ind “ted in to the prospects of these shipments and and they womd be able to lend om 83 enticed. In July. 50 mAwmwummrMMc shippers In Wm Onuflo I‘ouu new about a quarter non. “'th RM to (ruin. coeds] when“ z-ad been made to try the experiment or mus. loam ruches mambo tango... rm am be â€when one product: mugged:- and tor. A cold flange hulldnz Iu-l been I: 0M. out. whuch had been w m be m m m Joy and Smiles \5‘ In place of sighs Easy, quick Work- COLD STUBAGL UN SHIPS THC AIES HOLDEN COIPANY. OF Mourning urn. 80h Selling 19¢»qu Canada. with full utock: at .m. Tomato, 8:. John, 1.8., Winnlpcg, Victoria 4 Vancoum, 8.0 mdnometdsdtchcdmdchanmanmtordumbn: and mmam(mawmwcoaanmpu Gulline Metal Stitched Air Collars MIMMWNWRMJQ 80 men pads. The stmnsest. most durable. 1i;‘;.'c»' Measles: and best ï¬tting Home Callus or. (:2, Bowman“ withlï¬s exertion dun With any o’I.- r counts. Suncuretormnecksuxlsbouldm The 511'."- lncum-pmdmeml. Is not matted by moisture, and v.11 notrlp. ABcthomthelighMbmtothehcari-v any. mmAdedthevery beam. andtcawdby '. mmwmmpun. andanaomtad. 562933 Cio thug. Hutu tic $0an! 00 sum-£222 Brn- II Inn Founder II prepared to do a:‘. Mad“: cm Ind Foundry Work. Beam-(n3 :2 1m. menu and Kachlnery etc" Setting-up Steam Em sod Bonus. Wigâ€"£1“ LINDSAY FOUNDRY. 's'vhih s'uapmss SOAP. --Snow white Wash. THE GULLINE STRAW COLLARS JOHN MARIN é i "Ts-FBMF-é‘ï¬'uiiï¬'iciï¬si'baia of p: 11 be e: the F e In a couple of 1 In. end all the machinery will arrive Q? no test a It Is “BM. There are about twenty-nu nen working e: the mills and some at obetn are busy replenking the flame. In older to let the water In a! econ ee possible end meme work in thc box heron end pinning alumni: of which had be be ebnt down eome time 33°- ' There eve eight weter wheels, at: of which ere In good order. but the one pa: in to run tbetblrs bum our In the old mill will to. be needed. The “other so (tr all been very tumble. mat of the rain tbs! bee (wen bevlns came in the night. and if the work cut be acceded with as :1de ee It he- been no It was commenced. It knob-bu the: the mill whl be entirely “bed by the mindle of July. r 9 ‘â€" To Replace the one Belonging to the THE NEW MILL AT THE FALLS annex-dint: prowess has been nude. as any of the timbers cf the â€ï¬ns, are elreedy up. sad it is expected t t izhe fuming will he ï¬nished within 3 toutnitzht item now. The new mill will run out and west. end will consist at e mun hody 571110 teet. with two wings. etch 3w?) tact. on the south side. All three etories high. Ind than! 85 feet tom the ground to the eevee. It will be bonded end bummed end psinted with the brawn mineul pslnt commonl and ten- the outsides of nearly ell be incl except dwelling houses. Lu: Funny Mr. Thomson wns in Peter- horouzh. when he we: joined next day by Mr. Writht. and they left an order with the Willi-sin Hamilton Manufac- turin C). for All the chatting that will N n in the new null. 01: o! the E" JOHN MAKINS. AMT can. ""' "' n III-tom Inc-cm- m-N- M“ ‘ 5 ml It 1! mac. Lunar 3m )“d Dmmdn Hon- ud {Agwufm A FILES New Ad vermnen t1; Lynn. lol- “00-. Whom“. H is" mined tron the spme 13m; SWAYNE’S .. OINTMENT ITCHiNB PILES ‘ 1m Girl's Life for Mb“ 430qu No: and round it. Dunc Build: Restated. m u:- Nuance Bax-rev. xenon-neg: in the in much minty and suti‘erLu eï¬'ocu of this braking u; Moululy among yam, about or 5:. Vitus' d pendent tells of a y-nm. who m badly Hi‘. cze-i v no any! :--“I new: Aw no badly before from 2.. She Val violently 12%;: .11 the time, and o ‘ ‘ land ‘t l“. .khyKZ'JLg : pick up with it '.\' JUL-3 When she wouI-i 2.11:... limb. would this. a;.; often doublinjr do“; W] I heard that aim but doubted 13W- :r:1:i: , and went out in see her. proved quite *- recital of the ft of dm‘age u amilu’ly sulfa! mks them k grated. The Gcnyou, a Lie speak to an to school an at last grow so at hold my pencil. ed most, though through my whc I out so bad {In going to achool growing worse. hands, because drop, and freq: m fllk, I would been oiling for I using Dr. Willi: ting better, so helping him a: good medicine 1 box was done I md after using I month, my heuth 1 It in now more than a continued the use of t‘ not Ind the slightest 1 since. I m attuned 1 Pill: uvod me from a 1 I would strongly "‘3 nervous trouble!- Dr. Wdliam' Pink l‘xlle ere: blood, build up the menu, u: drive disease from the system. duds cfcuesthey have cured : 0M medicines had failed, thus e: ing the chin: tint they as a mongthe triumph- of modern “1.... Th. â€name Pink Pill- in; the chin: thu they are was the triumph- of moder science. The genuina Pink Pi] only in boxel, bearing the full u “Dr. Wilhauu' Pink PAâ€! for [40.†Pocket yourself from b’nfnling my pill thnt doe- tho natured trade mtrk I When Gladys 5;): her when. tlone towards a :r Sun-u uh... ____ When Ghdyï¬ E?“ W Nina mp0}! at on I _‘ I.-- 5‘." nowâ€" -va - " When Gndss sot 11" “' m “' her {‘11, with R melted her ride. W‘ When G1“!!! got ‘1" “' m GM†30: her v Folks couldn't keep their All! song felt. the {a Lwns When Gluiyi got her whe' l'or o, the wind was bold I“: When Guay- t he! “be It Now her over 3'. m Dr. Johnson sot - f°°v .When GM†80‘ h“ “be ; on A SEVERE ATTACH 31'. kus DANCE. w W‘lef'zsc" ‘ no to some one Ilflflllï¬‚ï¬ HEW“ I m satisï¬ed D Williams ‘erm not. infre o for CEYLON W88 much est tra‘ ms done 5‘13! 119 If her W110“ on the fence hu‘ wheel. with grief In whee Ig- eyes 3‘ a need M wheel. whee uk in