We 1: the do We : deliver! Lum' chap Ken] omen Kan Eh: The BOAR boldll Touchl $0101! «and “union Robin: D. St O’Noll F. B: Bum“ H. La Elliott John O'Nofl ducal recon nude: mind 33.35. IE ‘0' Home lamb furl! sldow radnc awn moth last ‘ eight the This 0,18! few who the curl All Dr. SIG men hon m0] w 1'â€" Montreal Witneu: One of the meet on t): public-spirited acts it he: been our ’ M flaunt? to 1.10:9 in conneqtion with the Paulo: Queen’s jubilee rejoicing is the decision [Nan of the St. Jean Baptiste Society homage “own tel" their annual celebntion in tint of the who h: PORTER’S Bookstore. good," is" rejected,†and 38 spoiled. 0: than considered good, 2,414 were marked {or Gnhun nnd 2,397 for W, giving the liberalopuron a nominal majority of 17. 3005‘?“ When a man reflects on the presence of such men as United States Senator Mor- gan in the governing body of s free people, It somewhat lessens his respect for repub- ï¬cnn institution and causes him to ruminate on the mysterious ways of Providence in permitting such a creature to cultivate and perpetuate international jenlousies and hatreds while the good and the great die laboring for brotherhood and LINDSAY BRANCH. Dalt- on sll put! 0! Uuud Sum Ind Omt Brmln bought tad IOU. hmm‘ Nom dlncountod. Highs“ nlo of Interest on dope-m. TEOIAS BBODIE. Acting m". d w The sdvocstes o! Snndsy can in Toron- to sehieved a victory on Ssturdsy last. esrrying the by-lsvv by n msjority of 321. The struggle vvss one of the keenest ever fought in the city, end the vote the lug- as: ever polled. The reform convention for the asst rid- lng of the county of Victoria will be held in Dickson‘s hsll, Fenelon Falls, on Fri- day, 28:11 inst. The object of the con- vention will be the nominstion of 3 candidate to contest the riding for the The inspection of the ballots mat in the North Ontnrio bye-election took plece in the oï¬ce of the clerk of the crown in chsnoery et Ottswe on Sntnrdey. with the following reenlt: 4,811 bellotl wete found Mr Lanna: has 303 3 gm â€La! ton-pattismship ih connection vi Ontuio legislature. The report of the commission appoint- ed to enquire into Kingston penitentiary matters has been presented to parliament, and is an amazing recital of corruption and extravagance. The stores have been plundered, oï¬icials have accepted bribes from overpaid business men, discipline has been unknown, prisoners have been allowed to escape, and, in short, the mis- management has been of the grossest dewrlption. The commission recommends the dismissal or retirement of all the chief oï¬ioers. We purpose giving next week the text of the report submitted. ton-Mp in connection with mili- tary matters in selecting no less than three prominent military members of the opposition to accompany him to England in connection with the jubilee celebration. It is hard to believe that were Sir Charles Tapper in the same position he would have so distinguished himself. Who ever heard of a tory prime minister awarding any favors tn liberals, no matter how deserving ? Wkwaunaiau_£nï¬t. The Quebec liberals claim a collective majority of ubout 5,000 votes. Some of the individual majorities are very lugs. Here are slow selected pxomiscuonaly: Bounce, 800; Babot, 361; Hochelegu, 1,858; Levis, 1,003; Drummond, 371; Beaulnmols, 300 ; Midnquoi, 300; Quebec Each, 957; Quebec (St. Sauveur), 1,461;St. Johns, 387; St. Hyacinthe, 848, Brome, 300; Temiecoueu, 800; Cha- '- Belleclnlle. 400; Mantras! Toronto Telegram: It is very chivalrous, and All that. for the conservative leaders to weep over the woes of the civil servsnts, but their tears make no votes for the party. Until times improve the civil servmts in Ottawa will be much better ofl' than the majority of the people who are helping to pay their salaries. This circumstance has no relationship to the principles of abstract justice, which should be the law of parliament. but it has a good deal to do with practice! politics, and the prsctical truth is that at this time the country is vastly more intereswd in its own hardships than in the grievances of the civil servants. Emmy. mun}. MAY. 21. ONTARIO BANK LINDSAY Biggest Assortment _ wâ€" .. ; Laurie: has not 5 5°04 6‘L’.’.'ï¬xple :6.- EDITORIAL NOTES. R. S. Porter. â€"1N-â€" Balm Notes. â€"'.l'he Grand. Trunk has honed s new anmmerh-eighttu-lflto into am It upflytotheEu-la Hu-on 8.8., I. B. O. R. ,thethErlo 8: Detroit River. the Miohgnn Cantu], the Arnprlor Parry Sonn , the Til-auburn. Lske Ede Scheme dim, and the '1‘. H. a: B. B R. The Elliott Beneï¬t. The very unfavorable weather mllitated somewhat again-t the eucoeee of the bene- fit baseball match last Friday for Geordie Elliott, who lost his left hand in a Huntsville mill on May 7th, and la now in the hospital. About 150 persona wit- nessed the game between the Watchman and Hamlltoa nines, the latter winnlna the aix inninge match by the eooxe of 4 rune to 2. The eam oi 827 wa- realized. A Former Lindseyite Deed Meny or our older citizens will leern with regret 0! the deeth at Peter Mc- Doneld, who yeers ego wes the trusted clerk of John Chisholm. then in the cery end liquor trede. Leter nnâ€"ebcnt fS3â€"he entered into pertnership with Mr. Bioherd Tonchbnrn. our present reeve. in! the some line or business in the urea:- isis now occupied by Blechweil 8:. Go. About eleven eers Mr. MoDcneld went west end oceted Sioux Fells. D:- kots. but e little over eyeer he returned to his mother's home et Fene on Fells, his heeith hevinï¬bccome serious! impeircd. end since on he gredu y became weaker. pessing ewey on Thursdey lest. The tnnerel took piece lest Siturdsy to Riverside cemetery on the errlvel o! the trein from the north end wee ettended bay Messrs J. A. Ellis. Wm. McArthur. E . Connors. Wm. Golden. Geo. Mertin. R. Grehem end other citizens of thet viiiege, es well es by meny of our townspeople. Loon Brenna. â€"Honae on William-ah. near the station. to rent. 86 per month. J. E. Smmmx. â€"17d. 67w-tr. â€"Mr. Fred Taylor. 0! the “ Big 20" re:- taurant: will again not ea caterer on the Crnndeiln this reason. end in addition to managing the reircshmenh booth wi‘l supply menu to the crew. _-‘I‘_ I‘ 40.556111. announces a grand m- man’s demonstration for May mm, with an lnterostlng program of sports and games In oonnecglon. - .. u n... mu __ â€"Fred P. Hartman. eldest son of Mr. C. W. Hartman. banker at Clarkebnrg. and nephew of Rev. C. H. March. of this town. died on Sunday week from lnj urles received by running into a vehicle while bicycle riding. Rev. Mr. Marsh attended the funeral. -'1‘he board of education has arranged that on June 22nd. queen's jubilee day. the public school children will form in procee- eion at the Central echool In the afternoon and march to the Academy 0! Muelc. Rev. J. W. man, of Toronto, recently of Dublin, d, has consented to. deliver a patriotic address. â€"Mr. Geo. Smith, P. L. 8., of Woodville, county en . was in town Tuesday. and left w th Mr. W. F. O’Bayle, clerk of Ops, the completed at hie recent eur- vey of Reabcro v plot. whloh is a most creditable piece of work and invclfï¬ many diï¬icultiee owing to lose oi boundary pate. On Wednesday Mr. Smith, County Commissioner S,_ Fox and Reeve J. Ellis _. LL- __.M--1I n.- mat Wednesday†town, informed us it on Saturday t while Air. and lire. Chas. McKay. ct Eden, Mariposa. were driving homegrm that Wench?!“ W 1:366 . “d m 0 e Mr. McKay ensued nnhurt. but 1va wife tell heavily and' was usmsoious'tor a ~ ‘--. time. Unnâ€" null“! ““55“ pro- nuâ€"--.«A cured It was found that her collar ne had been broken ...... The little ï¬ve-year- old daughter or Mr. Wm. Forest. while riding with her brother on the farm roller. slipped oi! the seat, and the roller passed over her. inflicting painful but not danger- ous injuries. â€"A bill introduced by our member, Mr. Geo. MoHugh, M. P., in the house of com- mons, Ottawa, on Saturday. asked for the inco oration cf B. J. McLaughlin. LindsaV, has. D. Curry. William Fie ding John H. Delamere. William Battle. E C. Young and Michael Brown, Minden ; Geo. W. Stevens. John Austin and Reuben J. Leroy. as the Minden Northwestern Railway Co. The company purposes building a railway from. to crnear Iron- dale J unction, on the Lindsay 8.: Halibut- ton line cf. the G.T.R, to the village of Minden, and thence through the southerly parts of the Muskoka districts to some oint on the Georgian Bay. together with ranch three miles in length from Minden to Mountain lake. The total distance of the proposed road is about 90 miles and 1:1: Better Mail Service Wanted. (To the Editor oi Tue Post] SIB,â€"NOW that we are getting a fast train service. would it not be an opportune time to agitate a more convenient mail service? Our business men should take this up, as it would not cost the do art- uon msflmtooura 3â€â€œ who had been 313" Bin Poer A Correction. [To the Editor 01TH! Post] st,â€"We noticed an item In your dilly of Monday re two cal: 1016.: of export cattle, which you state were ourohssed by Mr. Vonzmt, of Stouflvfllmwhloh Is not correct. 11: were purchased from as by Mass?! lulu-w "I ‘â€" ‘ Mr. McHugmâ€"Yonrs. measures. Not Dead. but Sleeping. [To the Editor 0! TB! Post.) Simâ€"Are we going to have any day of sports in Lindey this summer? It so. it is nearly time to be getting at in. In is now too late to do anything for Ms: 24th. but Jubilee any and Dominion dey ere. either one, appropriate for e celebration. It is otter exonrexon m mum...“ °-__,1 ,, grandma their money In other towns and flea without making 3 enbetumnl efl'orb to counteract this impoverlehlnz tendency. “--- LINDSAY. ZYours. COLVWUNICATIONS. TOWN JOTTINGS. Tmmcmn. THE CANADIAN POST, WY. ONT» FRIDAY. Flourâ€"The flour nuke: It quiet. with prices weaker there being little or no de- Pgwsmuzht rollers are quoted at $3.60 0 . Binâ€"Trade quiet, wlth hm gnoted a $8.50 west, and shorts $9.50 :9 $1 . _ U Wheatâ€"Business quiet, and the feeling weal: owing to lower cables and decline in Chicago. Red winter is quoted at 73c west and white at 74c. No. 1 Manitoba hard He to 75¢ afloat Fort William and 78c to 79¢ Midland. No. 2 hard 76c to 77¢ Midland. butsâ€"The market in quiet. with price- unchanged. Sales of white at 2159c. mid- dle trelghts. Mixed are quoted at 20c welt. Pensâ€"The market is steady. with an iota quoted at 40c north and west. Oatmealâ€"The market is quiet and price! steady at $2.80 to $2.90 to: car lots. 7 Buckwheatâ€"The demand is moderate. with sales outside at 28c to me. ' Barleyâ€"The puke: is quiet. with limit- ed demand. ho. 1 is quoted at 30c. X0. 2 at 26c. and No. 3 extra at 23c. Feed bar- ley sold at 21c to 22¢ west. Coriâ€"Trader: Set. and prices caller. Carl are quoted at“ welt. ny;frnde ulet snd prices my. Cu lots sre sold out 82c east. TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Yesterday was the largest market in can. there beln no less than 102 car‘- oads of 1m- stoc on sale. com sed o! 1900 cattle. 125 calves. 75 sheep. ' s rln: lambs and 1300 hogs. There was a urge number 0! export cattle. but business was dull us Just at present It Is Impossible to get shipping space. It had been taken up onisll the uteqmersgolng oututhls week. “_,, A- _- vâ€" u... . --___-_ Quito-Y nhmber ot'étiti'lc will have to re- main over. J. B. Shlcldn Ihlp ed two can of ex or: cattle. one or whlc conmlncd 18 hot: or the best cattle that have left Toronto ml- u-uon. The following “11 mean of cut- tlc Were made by the GP. L: .1. Father- Iton, 1 car: 31:. Delormc. 1 car; Mr. \‘luccn 2 can: Mr. Montreull. 2 can: J. 3mm. car; W. Lunuou. 1 car: Mr. Mayboe. 1 car. Mr. Halllrnn. 4 unloads. one or which wont to Otmwt. and all the rent to Mont- real. By the G.T.R. the following Ihljnnontl of cattle to Montreal were made: . Enklnl. 4 can: Brown Mulllnl. 4 can; A. 0. James. 2 can; Mr. Qulntnl. 1 car: A. Carey. 1 car: Mr. Hun-II. 2 am of hogs; Mr. llenv nle. 2 can of cattle. BRITISH HARKETS. Liverpool. Mu 18.â€"Sarln§‘whent. 05 3d to 6- 46; red. no stoc ; . o. 1 0:11.. 65 ed to 65 7d: corn. 2: fled; pens, is 8d; rk. 509 0d; lard. 20: Du; bacon. l.c.. heavy. 0d; (10.. light. 25- 6d: 110.. short out. 233 0d,; gnllow, 175 0d: cheese. white and Ediofed'. 5-15. quxsuros-Scukanzmâ€"At the residence or me brlde'a hther. Msy 13m, 1597. by Rev L. S. Hughson B D.. J R. Wellington to Mn. Ella B. Schnedcr. nil of Lindsay. BARR â€" Ron-m â€"At Christ Episcopel church Wood- lewn, Chicago, on the 213: April. 1897. by the Rev. A. S. lellum. rector, Chr. J3me: Bert, M. E . ol Milwnukee Wis , eldest son of Chas. D. Bur, esq . registrar of deeds, county :1 Victorie, to Ethel. third deughter of the late Konrad Roper. eaq , o! Chlago; Ill. MCNEIL. - In Toronto, on Tuesday, Jan Wm. McNeil. aged 74 gens. Powzu.â€"In Emily. on Sundny, my Powers, daughter at Mr. Jun†Pom yet-’9. The Death of Mrs. Chas. Till. The older residents of Lindsay and the oountryiwill regret to learn of the death in Florida last Saturday of Mrs. Charles Ta]. She was the second daughter of the late Hartley Dunstord, who for man gm u- was the registrar of this commai husband was Mr. Theodore ementl, ct Peterhoro. who died several years ago. her second husband being Mr. Charles Till. and he survives her. She was a sister of ï¬r}. Baron. D (0.7-1 will be st. Gunp- bell'u hotel, Kirkfleld, on Wednesday, by 26th, He Gom'l hotel. Woodvlllo. on 27th. Edwdu' hotel, Common, on 28111. Can- tnl house, Lmdnypn m, ' .' .,l, {or the purpose 0! buying - ,. -’ 'rwo omens OFEORSES of In kinds. from 1,1!» to 1 600 lb- . sound and in good oondlnon, 5 to 10 yr! old. W. A. WEESE, hombu er, Lindsay. my 20th. lamâ€"€74 COMMERCIAL NEWS. Mel Sheeting, Blankets. Yam Em. at lowest prices for trading AND ALLOW THE EXTRA PRICE FOR WOOL 1N TRADE. New Advancements. Lindsay Market Prices com mum.“ 10801710 143.331". By exchanging Wool at this MARRIAGES. DEATHS. At Highest Market Prices .AND CARRY A VTuesdty. my 1111:. 1597, “my, 31., 9:11. Minnie June. Powers. I8“ 2‘ At the IpsiQango 0! {tie oxsns WAm'. Crochet!» G a. Iold on Rumba: 18.!!! me an: canoe-Ion of 0p. m Improved. m. hon†Md wood-bod, “to Iran. bunmu flu (or an hone! Ind an 00" . sheep hon-c. hoop“. Ind driving-shod. rub two wolhgcnokmnlnx lamb the turn And hm orchard. School hon-o on tho hm. no nu- lrom Lind-I . Every ï¬nlwmum given by npplytng to DAVID 01.3808. an. Oolbomat; mm»: 86. mun-11.11... o! [tripe-t. being conga“ o! m E§ud South-West matter 0! lot 5 In the 12 con. .. com-nun". one hundnd lad twenty -In mm more or I... d] old-rod and under good’ use at “luv-Non. A lug. 2;!!me hon-iguana!“ bun sad mu. mot: o maul-u . wt. 0 good baring tron. :bm "113.31“! mu‘ m; wont tony rods {mm .M-.-) n Two; "$1351" .33“ {ET}; 'm'Z'shaai; am 3 all from 0.11111an sad 3 all. tron Woodvmc tendon-.5116 thou†mile- !ron lulu. nod Infl- ponlmiom. A m chaos to Ell-chm_§__'2d MUNICIPAL CbUNCIL ot OPS, In the clerk's omen, Auden, o! Italic, on tobacmdeooddasppull mum an unusual“ (or the pm: 2:. The out: both st 19 3.13.. Ind patio intonat- od no limb) notiï¬ed to [own the-oaks: ward- ingly. By order 01 com ail. ARM FOR SALEâ€"In the township oi Kaine“. beingqompoug oi the it}?! PUBLIC NOTICE â€"l’0 THIâ€" Ratepayers of Mariposa. Monday, May 31st. 1897, MONDAY. MAY 3lst- '97 COURT OF REVISION Will commence her regain trio on MONDAY. KAY 17th ad will conunue during me mu. WILL LEAVE Penelon Full u 7 15 I m. and 3 c0 p.n.. Lindny IL... 10 00 um. 3nd 6 15 pm. ARRIVE Penelon Fnllnt 11 45 I In und 3 00 p n Lhdny 13...... 9 00 I In 3nd 5 00 p m. Cd] 1% Blyth um Plat-ll. Point when dzullod.’ Fans to Stumon Pain Plenum Point md Blyth. angle 20c return 25c. melon Full. um. 35:, return 50:. Benton and Funny tickets a l minced nu. WM- SLDLER- WK. m. _J_- rm. uphill Steamer Greyhound. in. none. um . Count Reunion will to hold by a» {or the Torn-bl will be held In an V! c! Impos- oAnGn EOFO OAK ocean-coo GEM RINGS HAVE YOU m OUR RING! _. '7 Oct acquainted BBITI'ON BROS ,PS COURT OF REVISION. is store there is the un-uv-u- -â€"r _._- ,7 too, sad we show wins an nblu settings in .11 than atonu. The price- u-a m modante. SmsloOpuln-om ~ - 3250119 Olmnorsweommmssup Thou Rings m buntlu, the stones are at ï¬ne qudlty. not 11:14th Sunlight Saga; HAVE YOU m OUR RINGS? We've the mettle-t gun rings In town. You should see them. Opslqm they'd“. Iltho'Bh L .4 _ .__ â€"A--- “H. 1t. 10 o‘clock In the (cream Pkuc take nodce um the v'_.__- out “with: no menu con- ï¬ned to with. Taxonobo ma Dhmoqd rings are u; demand SEASON I897. 1' mar. ml: w. r. o'novu'. 1897. Town-NP M‘ ‘. B. WILDOI! Jewellers. Linw- "i‘ï¬ï¬ni'm. Bicycle Suits 8*; 95:86 Bo: 3' Caps at IO Our stock and have them 53y they bought the things We can show «mice a. number of nrticles : ‘alf and quarter less than huflnbsloo pric Lndleo'nnd Children's Glove. from Extra. good ulna: 3t ........ 15. 2 Put Buck Cotton nose .......... Envy Weight Cotton Bose ........ Louie Ecuador! Dye. mod' ...... Donil Reminder! Dyek e Threui ooe .......... Gloves. Hosiery and DUNDAS Punch. regular 81.â€, £0: ............ T. B. Shir: Wants. pzrh'cu 1:: Qt. {£3235 Cuban 3: ............ 10:. me. use LocoCnrtdnnï¬yudolonaper pol: 13¢ LmCurtdngï¬ do do we LlooCurtdno.3 do do to: Decal-ulna} do do 76c LoosCutolnsJi do do 81E) 011ml 11. NURSE, Boys“ madmanâ€: gt ..... .. . iaé'yu'ziueern'od sunset: 8 m. 3135 Youths' 3 piece lulu. ................ $.50 Men's Suits. 3% ........................ 8 50 Men's Suits. :8 ........................ 8 75 Men's Suits. gt ........................ 3.15 am Sp'dnl Suits, worth from woo to 814.“), for .................... 85, .6. 7m Men’sPtnts.» ........ malt-"814!!!†(3116:“ and Curtain- Spechl Mu Bun-min: in Unlon (kl-pet: st ........ 29:. 9°29“ (9° Boyf 2 piece Nswï¬frc}, 5_t_o agent. (Do A-.. UBSCRIBIFOBTHIPOST.â€"Only tampon-turns“ I‘m ____â€"â€"’â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- , New 411701111ng i New Admmmnu. I New Advartiuncnu. '..' ............ ’ ..75c. 3100,3115 Also chapel- grades. Piflllfl, “168MBâ€!!! MAY 21, 1397.: oi MEN'S FURNISHINGS is complete in all lines. and sell them at quick selling prices. Kg Clothing horn 10c 15. so. =§c Men's Clothes ready to wear in all the newest styles and patterns of Tweed and Cloths. We show the largest and best stock of Clothing in Lindsay. Men’s 536: Coat Suits of all Men's Cutaway Coat Suits of Mm‘s all wool Pants at RTER - LINDSAY Vests Week Day Reminders! 15¢. WE SELL GOOD GLOTHING. he things HERE in regula- wny at 1:11! tHe pri¢ nrticleu selling dang here for 3 long time in doo prices. 10: Men's Caps at 2‘ Dude B ob an to had 123 etc: s‘onol u†SEwaizmcg 33 nudes to clear a .............. 53. me BuntihlBinck Lustre- “ 25c. 35c. 400. 50c Black Sicilian u .......... 25c. 35;. 45c. me Shot Lutm u ...................... 39c Bicycle Suiting: n .............. 40c. 50c Black Valera a ........ 33c. “c, 506. me Fae] cmcil tram .................... 24c Ym will ï¬nd cur New Stock made a unduly of “cod. um ue trustworthy 3n Rumble. and our comp‘eu assortment nunm pet-tech numuon and my oelqctlon._ - .n . ,,_ -__ A_I‘- w‘We wall on to know tbs: we making great urchin- In the but line of good: w. ever sold. Come early and we us. Ien’e Furnishing. Woven The ...... 103. orator Sllenoua Pb]. ............ Star Ken'nudBon Unhundendsuru. Speck! Unhandered Shine. Linen .............................. Perfect mfldng Will I! Dru- Sum" See our Imperial Working Shirt ...... mu Summer Shirt- nd Drum†French Elihu-Imp sum and Drew-- TOWNSHIP OF 0P8. Tuesday, May 25th inst, cu ................................ mmmwmm for†: mmumtam'. Fancy Dre-asun- ...... “80c. “c.8100. M8125 Bond App-0mm muwumwu-mctm I mutton was.“ mot Blackmsumm ...... we. so: special Bows at 25c. Straws u 50c, 75c. 81.00. Extn Quality. 89-00 each- Our New Stock M. J. Carter. Stnplel 25c. Pursue Brothers. «um ““†wool Tweed at real ï¬ne Tweeds at and 50¢ ncs. We carry a superior quality of goods Wm our Btu-i mmumw However well intentioned and homes: the clever statements that lead to sales. it must be annoying to curry home the goodu, end tell the neighbors the cost, the price without nunting udvertisements. ï¬ne in the usual course of business at Prints and Cotton Goods Fat Color Prints :11 ..... 5e, 8c. 10;. 12*: Nut design-1n Black and Greys 3L. 12$ Tutu: Beds. “tut sud prettyï¬bc. . . . 10c gammy not: manna. at .......... 7c Linen elect. Cashmere Imperial: .................. Juqnu-dn and Dunn". from ........ Beautiful name of Coloned Duos Orompton end E. '1‘. C. Corsets. per- fect in an. none better. in vanes _ .0 ...... 50c. 65;. 75c. 95c. 31 oo 81 2;) See ourmc electing at ....... 5c Med White Cotton Nighh Gowns. ‘ leoe trimmed end tucked. e: ...... 43c Lediee' White Cotton Cone: Coven teem ................................ 15c: Lediee' White Cotton Chemise from '29: Mee' White Cotton Duvet-e from Tue Cam“ and White Wm Putnam not!» to:- .................. 8.: WMTJQ“ 1""Ze’b'6, â€inâ€; .In x we I Silk ............................. we 8 Spool- Conï¬rm .............. m: 4 Pen-[Bum ........................ 25¢: Ono-ail: ...... mmmm,m a): sauna-um ................ Sauna} FOR SALE. Mamas for m. M new: Item". WMPMM spocul Hats. 82-00 each- Men's Shirts at 50c. and 8|.00. $1.00. $125. $1.50, supleu 85! $7'Sov $10 E sepaVa/c T CAN PICK IT UP" . - - McLENN AN Carriage; Mdms‘" lrtlsts’colors Windsor an Paints and oil: Whiting. Kalsomine, . Painters’ Brush! Spades and Slim Chums, We my. When no tqflm with 3 long load In W position. Why not get. Into tfllnllfl ?r1£8)_9 AT LOWEST P McLemn. ,9 Hardware. Blacksmith Coal, Horse Shoes am Iron I 90051:" ““" 51223!