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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 24 Jun 1892, p. 1

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use we do Mir-priced munch: to his that he will visit nd those .19 notch. BEST! XGHINE 011., NE OILS, form of am- Good; «to wun. In, and are of the ad tor this season's that the 1r Goods We’ll ,, to show of value 80 com“ {NDS’ Cost; O CERS reduc- deposit EN, THURSDAY, JUNE 23. TORONTO. allthe TY THINGS TO REMEMBERâ€"That this is the Biggest Bargain List on earth and not a. trashy line on it. That mime we advertise we have in stock. That you should call early for some lines are sure to be sold out quickly. That our Stoxe closes at Six 0 ’clockâ€"Saturdays excepted. Read this List, figure it out, see what you can save, and make a rush for THE GOLDEN LION and secure the above Big Bargains. HOTICE is hereby given that I- hnve trans- I”ed or dllivered to the persona mentioned tau 5 and s or The 0mm Votere' List Act. 1.4110 copies required by said actions to be 'hnmmed or the 113: made pntemtto and n“ “1 Persona appearing by the be: revised l-nenz relief the said Municipality to be ”M to vote In the add Municipality I» “one for membere ot the neat-ht!” AO- nbiy m! 3: Municipal elections: and the: the ”an“ W35 first poeted up at m? cane.“ ’03 Wednesday, the 1521: (by of Jun 0 u'ltd remains there for inspection. Ettore ere called 1: the said porn to examine fur“! any omieeicne or other errors ere .h3eslig to um immediate: ”000311;? errors corrected . WS‘UMSM. this 23rd day at June, 1892. ~n-x J. O’LEARY. Â¥ Cinrk of Maniacs?!” of ODO- OPS VOTERS’ LISTS. We are Selling Men’s and Boy’s CLOTHING at 500. on the Dollar. - - Every Boy is Presented with a. BASE-BALL and BAT Free. 7 v , 869 llow far 0IIE DOLLAR will go at .gééflJâ€"EECAR TER ’5. F' sangâ€", izl'ds. Cambnc Dress Linings for . 16 Yds. Fancy Ooyton Dress Delainee for - . 5 Inrge White Linen Finished Handkerchiefs, (Big Bargain) for - . . . . 100 fdg, White Lawn Embroidery for . 20 Pair White Cotton Ribbed Hone for - - 29 Pair Men’s Heavy Cotton Socks for - . 12 Yds. Heavy Grass Linen for . . - 15 Yds. All-Linen .Heav'y Roller. Tovelling for 4Men’s Cotton Shirts for - . - . 5 pair Men’s Elastic Web Braces for - - 4 Men’s Fancy Flannelette Shirts for - . 8 Men’s Iron Frame 4-ply Linen Collars for - 4.; Ida. All-Wool Henriettaâ€"ell shadesâ€"for 11') Pair Men’s All-Wool Socks for - . 4 Pair Ladies’ Co rton Drawers (lace trimmed) for 4 Meg Cotton Chemise (lace trimmed) for - 11 Ladies’ Lisle Thread Under Vesta for - - V 6 “1,, Table Linen, very strong, for - ”Linen Glass Toyell, fancy pattern, for . 12* Yda. Feather :l‘xpking for - . - go‘ydg. Check Shmmg, (fut colors), for - 12 Ids. Fancy pheck Cottonxde for - n __L_- h...- ‘I’:-.:-... t... @087. J tum 2. 1892. W xxxm. WHOLE NO. 1711. New Advertisement}; Lindsay. June 9. 1892â€"109. vJ‘b W *Preitbwé‘“ Patent Braided Barbi-9°. m '. r .Manutactured by HOLLOW GAE-E M'F'a co? mmsg':wul 6‘ ""I 'l “No-“mm. tanâ€"m. Dress Shirts, Collars. All the newest English and American Styles. A most Complete Stoc YOUTHS’ HA. T8. the very best quality, VARSITY and range of LADIES" T0 ty of CAMPING HATS kept in stock. Bil shape and colors. Also YACHTING CAPS. A full k of MEN’S, BOY’S and k, st'lfi and soft Felt in URIST HATS. and also Full Stock of GE II 7' LE ME fl ’8 F URN/SHINGS BTRA W HA TSâ€". (natural wool and Balbriggan), also a full range of CAMPING SHIRTS. GENT’S KID GLOVES, Colored and Black. Marrfacturinr Furriers rt LINDSAY and PETEBBUBU, HAVE OPENED OUT A ‘ A Most Complete Range of Straw Goods. See them. THos. ARMSTRONG, Manager. a- maul-11nd hr next M anoma- PBICI PAID '03 SAW runs. 3d wards. F. {.170. private imng. Sittingmoom and. be - «2:41;th POST an» mam. FARMTO RENI‘ â€"' not 1513mm! -Lfl -h.‘ 0 ll: Bromine.- WANTED.â€"A I to ".0“ 1:: F99): (AM. vvmu-u.-_. _. . ANTED. ~Roomu, ‘ win“ raw-gm CONSISTING OF Ties. Soarfs. Hosiery. Gent’s Underclothm. New Advertmements. Fan-weather a: 00. LTED â€"A good general servant work In hose). App ”MRS W. H. Commogolai Hotel. nunâ€"10496. AI; J. Carter. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 @1312 * wwwafaim‘i mm. _ a- CARTER, Th6 welt holfJgf 4 Pair Heavy Comte for - - - - :3 Table Oiloloth, 5-4 wide, for - - - Yda. Black Lace for - 4 Pair Ladiea’ Fast Black Lisle Thread Hose, 25 Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs for - - 1 Good White Quilt, Great Value, for - 2 Pair Men’ 5 W001 Pants and 1 Pair Braces for 4 Yds. All-Wool Open Flannel, (all eludes), for 17 Ydl. Heevy Shsker Flannel for - 11 Yda. Soft Flnuh Cretonne for - - 20Lmen Table Napkins for - - - - - 11 Yda. Steu- Carpet for 5 Ycla. Hendeogne Ceylon Flannel (just the for Blouses :0: . 3 Linen Trey Covers nn,ged for 13 Linen _'1‘a_bl_e Doylee, Fringed for 2 La_dlqg’_V_[hit_e 'Coitop flight-Gowns and 1 Indie’nUndervest, for "- 2 Salt. or 4 pieces Gent: Summer Underdothlng 1 Bunch New Brunswick Cotton Yu-n, for 81:13, ARTWOOIVNunfs V_elli_ng, Afar - 10 Pain of our Wonder Socks, for - 10 Pairs Fast Black Ladlea’ Cotton Hose, for Jun 9 28. 1892 GoodmretumnnmAUGUS‘rZfi JULY 18 anQ19.__1_892 Good to return until August 8:11 To the {allowing point. at null mod: 39m» 23.00 ace-$32? 301m PRINCE ALBERT CALGARY 3 5. 0 0 mnemox 40.00 CALGARY muu EDMONTON 40 00 ”1'? tan! and ham 1:23.13:th ho noun.) mam melanin. AM July 181: Ind Mn been fixed tape am 02mins” m I) Attend the Exhlfltlm. “Auction 831:" at Camila?“ gun-n mu win be bold mum on.) "I It, mm ”Mt-auto of Am W Imfiu mm part we form $595... ”W mmskwa'm m... All 813110113111 Ontario C’anadmn Pagflc Railway Tickets will be sold to: Excursion um TORONTO 11 pan. on 0H m ms 0" '1'“ $1.00 In the following week, 'however. your mum found side issues proseming them-elves. one c! which n- tint the bill Ihouid ho no amended on to fix the "open!" proportion. to be void by each county. mad 0! uubmming tho: question to nrbltncion under the revision: of the municipal not. I pNVidod in tho b Another on it in: one! flouting bridge should bo inclu nnd null. mbjoee to Joint. mintennnco by no two counties ramming upon thin o lune-Lion no anon out btho who! for We“ Pourborough, who “I out o! Uhc opposition, thnt the men at the two counties Ihonld moot nnd ondcvoor to «M mum “.42.,me 5”“ ““0qu one on _ moonlit to n coast-9:400 Ind mm Ito Inch“ with m 0 vincry count”- 3 m "I“ fill? nndentnnding thnmigmbo come tovonldbnvo the pnctlcol concurrence a! flu ecnndl. but inu- noted the the question at minnow ct eho Kin- Inount bridg- nhould be inclndod in on, dhoulon hmnlndllpntgh m m chm should be n bopndnry mflencnt. Your commit“. tho more rudnynocededtoehnmggoflon bean-colt)» WeatheptoflWucnm whom-chir- m o! the print. ~bilh' and who continued to“. In oodvo but.“ in find“: he holdingthnoit Wilde-i580 w the pro Ihonid ho agreed upon Ind flxld by tho thus molding um um! WV. education. Aunbmncoquu-nnd In- hold at tho m Koo-o. Toronto. on no”!!! Inch. Alan. 9. muihemmlm triad-onto Nomi-t inbothodhcn-ion £10de WWW--mwufim .»,!:'.t‘."..‘.‘.'£: 1...." ’."‘.. nun-w. The logiehtlve usemhly met on the 11th February and in due coum the petition of the council. {3"531‘ bod‘o‘ m‘rzwwwm e on 0 pm t, were introduced to thinfionu. The bill was considered by the printe hm:l com- mittee on 10th Much. Your committee were preeent ct the meeting. end the county was nino mud hyChnfleeloee, eeq.. Q. 0.. uni I". D. loom, eeq. countv solicitor. The repmntttivee o! the council 0! the county at Peterhorouah sought to mblhh tint when the origins] hill no More the print. bme' committee in 1879 the county 9! Vlctorh vne represented. end consented to the Insulation detach. in; 3 portion at tho township 0! end cttnchinz itto the township of Verulnm. with e underwent!- ing that the whole mpondhility for the future mintencnce ot- the gobcnygeon bridge- vonld hi1 J- 1-- .L- an“: the hgmnm,wm m0 min" trough: iuwmdhcn-iou u Inn-mot 5.1:; bomuah'l reproummm, it n- onl! N that tho Eamon“ buds. Dd Wu “'5'“... whlch um boondnrymnhould ”a M mmmo h cot-mm” am “we! 0h- tholatmwo «:3? 010M” ”4 our. nun-no. W "as:“" cog-m Ana. out: o! W of II. _.-‘L.‘.â€"Ch“ out-Inn m. con 01 munâ€"III- v- â€"â€" ____,,,_ We. m Drape-luau no and ww‘th‘? o! the coal-nus no um mam tour-11m:- at m..munwa 0‘ IN a but um:- dnr. in... 5. “w.” nun .- u' You“ i d It”. mfiwsnhl waI‘MblH Your conuntttee were ted ct the honor, lesion to aid in procuring Initiation coughs ior in regud to the unendnient o! theBnrveyect. the purpose 0' the unendment being to piece the Bob. avgeoo bridges min under the Joint control can maintenance of the council: or the countiee oi Peterhoro h end Victorie. u they were prior to the posting of t c act in the year 1879. The first step tuken we: to Iecure en interview with the ettornoy-genenl, and this wu W tor by Dr. John Hokey, H. P. P.. end took piece on the 9th February lest. Belicia the ettcrney-gencnl the pronncinl eecretury end the count-toner 01 crown loads were preeent on och-i! at the govern- ment, end with your committee were Dr. John Kelby end John Fen. enquire, I. P. P.'I. The object o! yourcoxmnlttee wu to giveintmnetioumd cell the cttcntion of the executive to the greet Nuance whichhedheendone to the county 01 Victoria on 3 result of iezieletion, which no not intended to have Iuchnnefleet.eod themetterwuluid hdorethe member: oi the government with the clenrneee end force which the reuomhlece- Ind strength of our memuÂ¥wernnte¢ hominid eecretery inti- mtcd twainourhrorthetitwuhy iezieletion thet the wrong complained oi had been inflicted. whilst the cttorneymenl aim l informed‘ your committee thet we would hue to t out the Question hetero the printe hilie' committee at the eu oriented 113' other inn. wu prom um I dec tion was undo 5,? the Alli-tent clerk end W, who hed been t of every muo- tion oi the council during a peribd covered by the incidents of the injuriou- mien whotever hed been taken by thin ceunoil in mm. or prior thereto. in or oppodna pudnsot the original-gt. “endowment-were printed end. with copies at the petition end plea oi the district. were cireuhted snow the members. Your committee were ebleeieo to PM in the M «Sr. Icky. who hedoinll'ol them-even! documents written bv the worded o! Peterborongh in 1879, museum: to the pains of the Hervey Act. which ehowed oonclueivel could hue been no under-enacting II to the then future msintcmnce oi the Bobuygeon bridge; "a noon heme eppereni. to your committee the: Iupport which nur opponent: hid been ehle to nil] on the printe hilh’ committee could not he held in the bee oi the bets, end opposition to the principle of thehmjeil ewey “mm E? :E 3 9. upon this county. The mmanu mode for the purpose 0! roducing such on impreuion upon the minds of members of the committee were evidently not. ocoepted. md upon the whole nmnnent. sud judging from the View: excreted by member: 0! the committee. me chim of mi: county (or reliol no ambushed beyond All doubt. nevertheless when the voto m token it was {one there no one only or o mnjomy for reporting the bill. This, however, ensured in being kept. beforo the homo. Your committee Ind reason to foot. from the non nppmoch to equhllty in the vote, tut the bill might oventunfly ho ion in the hoooe._ond megetoro dons eventunly ho lot: in the house. sud mentors dour mined to put huh ovety odor: tin: could properly be mdotoinlomthomembonol ”to house an to use Memo! tho cue. Ammo! thojoun Mag- 01 the two counties in W building ad mun-nos o! the Baht-noon hm up to ad including the you 1879. m comma mason. Ink. n: am sad 3 -..mIAm-nOM hr nth-I- M 11!: 00300085 BRIDGE. On motion of Mr. HAM, eeeonded by Mr. WILSON. n Inmate!!! emu wu outed to compleue the mulpond bridge 5: oboeonk. eubjeot to the nopronl o! the name; and bridge committee. mom or run umsunvx commas. On motion the report of the 1 ye committee was received nod m . mum of the whole. Mr. Lawn-Drona]: 1n the chm, nnd ndopted no follow-:â€" brown} Liaison. K1110. emu-a, Dr. Count-ll And the move: tad manda- were appointed . committee “when. (qt 1891. to eq‘uu" the communion!”- Wodnoufl'I Mll- Conncll rammed Wodnudny morning wording to adjournment, on tho when being mount exoo_ol Mr: Mean. Wm. Cameron, Eu}. filed his mane». umvo o! Woodvmomd tookhhmui I member 0! the council. The minute- ot the previous city's most- lng were mud and confirmed. m om IDCK-UP. Moved by Dr. CORNWALL. wounded by Mr. Wanna. that I am: at 8150 be nude to the mainland!!! of Gamma to mm In nbnudlng the look-up. petition to be u- toned to the sanding committee on an- moo and ”augment-Cantu. The manhu- d tho Vidal: county 1301111011111»th manna-any. 14a; m.pnnunt ”tho-undue rubs. The mumDr-A-E-mepm mmmmmmmmmt with the cxoopdond Men-n. 3.11.1. Bot- tum 3nd Crude". After the minute!“ the lat duo! tho Jnmmhlflpogntudthcqn- firmed the find“ briefly “around the madlmdhmuhubh o numbed Council men ndjourned until 11 u. n. Wednesday. __â€"â€"â€"- mmnu‘comr comma. momzma W On motion at Mr. lcmcmu,.|ooondod , ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1892. mmommmm m am with hon. J. M. 01MB, provlnehlooo- mafia the tollowiw um: “The mot-hon o! the ,,___...-- ......o.. M vmph who m. III “IV lvukuu‘ â€".__. ___V 7 u n oommltm, county of Victoria, who u m Mt. Irvin tho lntorvio- kindly gamed by "governmm hit man, have rammed to d”, md u bn {Ira tunber confidential: to the qumio .7. non Pouxborom nod “dons. ey ulnnnu the Wash cannula... mun noflondto unit the discussion to we Bobaygaon «Wand the Mount Boning brim. And In u connection malaria ban pmpoood: 1. To Inn the .- outdone! tho pmpoxfim to be borne by thoro- ntpocflvo eonnflo- mum when 01 Ibo "3:53 nomwbo chosen by ouch commitmnd the an be chocon by me the No nomimud. or I. To "lave the dooiuion of the me pain. to u The Waugh mum” have refused Io nonopt neither propo‘l. I beg now mum to lnlonn .. um um. out commune. than may 1qu my "19‘ unuxw nuâ€" mâ€"M --...- -7. , , , W for ”about. But on ‘hh amnion the Pmrborough commune would consent. to nothing but ubitnflou that coming!» the podIJon which Ind boon provided had which we had ponbunuy tun-ted wu the com one. “though “pro-Inca willingne- tomato: Moment. which to u- nicht up mmblo M‘Jufl u_ .1) Mics oonoornod. in u 1 .LA‘ ‘L- __._4‘_ ‘Ln-I'I. I80 "weanw mo dubs-l .mzmvw nods P" 71-0 0! Mame. on» 0! 80m "bridges and Pombomzh 8-10, and um Pour. borough moved a: madman tor the o! myxwu yumâ€".â€" _. _._.-fi ,, fi 7 non: n- amed to by n donnumunouvou. Inflated: moved amendment. to; “to comma o! “ex-borough end | - - 1“ -L‘ A--. _. h-Jâ€"n end. m breughl. in. but mother cheese or hue we: nude hy the Pewrborouzh committee on Whoee he. nut the includon of the fleeting bridge was preend (or. A new point. wee refined on behu! of Peter- borough. um. u. the tune or the arbitration tn 1330 ‘he eounty ol Wharton formed put 0! uhelr county, end the: hem: new uprated the Bobaygeon wereo! lee-commune“ then er. um am. We were eble to never the: the county 0! mum had been set six yet“ More the «mention wokphee. omen-ruched elem-alto! ehe imam. At the rcqueet o! the member! for Penthoreuch "net. the Pemborough comma seem an the Iona-Incas] (or mother eflon “meat, ore: wwwmthenunelo! member-oldie heue to whom the queeuon 0! pro runn- on the Boboey- tho countle- ol Feterborough end Vlctom enouw mutating-rec to eundon the M mantbeir won! any for its Moe-b cceee. 'nm Amendment nedetceted by I arrow nejoity. The un wee reed e tblrdtlneudpe-edontbentbot April. end w ueenled to eedbcoemelewcntbe mm at April. The fleet «chow leto plenum-the ccuntlee o! teterborougb end Victor-h 10mm tbe nelntenenceendnpeh'lcl tbe tbreebridgeeet Bobuyueon. mm ot the burden reetlng upon the county 0! Victoria elone. u bu been the ceec einoe the 00me into tom 0! the Hervey ectiu Inch 10. end to plucc upon the two counties the melaton- moe end re ' ol hgeon creek fleeting bridge. 3 bridge whi , u in under-toad, wee centmoted over twenty yeere ego by the county end town at Peterborouxb. but mud- memo! which the county at Vlctorh In: contributed u'om time to time dun-1w tbe put mm yeue. Province le nude tor ubitntlon in the event of duqmmcnt ee to the rtlcn to be contributed by nub county. The contest with out opponent of the county 0! Pcurborouxh wee b0 hr u Juuoc end right were concerned one sided. bcaueu on tbehctetbeceeo we! ours from the outeet. end yet the dotemhetlo: “on at 1379, nod tho HEEL»- oon'émor the mon- “on 0! our fight: oondudod in April. m the time continual-mun wand-mud our! hm bola: mocha injutouly mks loci! "on y _....a... M In. a count. no umflgqn at AVO'I’I or mans. Moved by Dr. Couwm m4“! 5' unnerrumthfilmuw“ °‘ thank- udnnfumemru-Ig; borough cove not-Ice in committee he would move on amendment. um Peter-borough pay one- touth on the Bobmyceon budge- end one he]! on woman; budge. ‘l‘hle pmpodtion we conned it “cut... to oppoee mutton-Iv and mentor! went. to Tomato not: on the tollowtnc Tue-dew. 6th Apti to make repunuon tor the coundenttoo o! the on in comm nee ln whlch it won dellv expmd It. would be token up. We tau bond Iner- Smuon and would the member- (or mwom very desirou- oletettlemmdtbepmponlongondumembend the grommet". end otbet lending momben o! the house odvieed thot thle should be elected l! pee-lbw, we emeented no e¢ein meet the Pent-box. ugh com- lnlthe. The, “rived to Toronto on Wedneodny night, end ot. the edjonrnmont. o! the Home ot mid- nlght the two commlmee were granted on tntervlew with the government. the mrney genenl. the provincial my. the commissioner ot crown and. And the minute! of agriculture being pro-ant. All the member- ol our committee could not “tend. The whole ground woe pronto-ll, zone over spin. 3mm being still urged by minimal. II we.- um um the Pigeon creek non thenomedon our lngbdozeehouldbe leflout tn accordance with the 3 52:41“; ass; Egg??? g; g 333 $5325: éai 3:38 33;; at??? Eiégas: 23%;”; 55323.1 3‘. “"figfijiéiéig? 3% 3%“; gig gig-333% é {8:25;}; £323.? 3%.; agfiaggiigg éfiéasgfiésééééi’ :53: .g iiiéfi W1 ma :gsgggg 31;.33 3133 womldhnfickuponfln Mt“ bang-vendmod homily Moon- tan-oo. but expect-to be home for next Subbah. son: um. We mm tint .thu mom-t 1m 99': I!!!“ to. h? a!“ FRANKLIN. nun-y- 81-h“ Noe. 651 conveying e nation of molt. to The networks Co: No. 652, mum the dog tux; end No. 653, denu- ing the rule. end hour- ior betting were put mt the acne! routine, the latter two receiving e third median. Mr. Mcwmiem use area been! We toepernil to: e building he is shout to erect on g’eel-Itn utter which the council Rifleâ€"r. {rho u. been new but dowly. We up mar-don noon. $3er of. h: Eluhrd’iuflorod from a noun stuck at l. Ind bud new ' u diam: was cfltlod.-[Bu1¢w. A Rm Bunâ€"A maiden: of Autumn. hum account! quit. a frank mom: a latching o! yam ducks. In no Chip. at. duck with two had- nnd ton: toot. om he outta-u! m Mood by n ma m. .mwmm mm“ ”mmwnmmmm.m PMBRBOBO Slalom! ILL-Hr. Goo. mum-d, ax- M.l’.. Ma {nond- wnl foam: to loan. 1: you ”0901131 nnd hula lite In slum-t de- Hill...) ._-.__.I l..â€" n TORONTO. Ax mun Hymnâ€"Maud” nom- A I" CULVIB'I‘. On motion 0! Oman. Contour. seconded by Conn. LACK, Mr. P. G. Pnklo was given the contract to: the Nadine of count: on Pool-u. for the sum 0: $90. vom “mm A MY. On motion 0! Con. Cancun wounded by Dom-nu. Wmns. In membeu of mound-mum's” cumin-d” '31:!me In the at their duties; 9. Onmodou De weave Cmnm. cascaded by‘ gnu). a}. town pro- é“ him: _"ltiui:i.g3utlioflua to moo’ , A_I.-_ --__A __j 'v-u' m- w- "to ad binomiaâ€" 26561». com um lock-up. -â€"-â€" V' -v _.v -_- enew walk below on the wee: eide of Victoria evenne co Peel-33....Meyot BAY took emu exception Lheee two iteme. 1: me well known he no oopoeed to then. end had no known lhey were to be die- onoeed o: the meeti of committee on Seton-day evening cell to let tender. .tor culvem, he would have left his em and bueineee to opooee :hern . . . .On I vote being token the report woe loomed. LOCAL N EWS-LETTE RS ""..__ _ __ ,7 wimuunaâ€""min ' u to. Gm” W11- shouldn‘t. max-o! 3m itsâ€"Bohr!“ to names cud m commune. 8m automat- hom the cam of the an mm and Cute! Boll were alerted tothoflusndnmmdpouoooommlm anom- 01: ran muses comma. Don-mu Win-rm. chm. rad the report. which recommended payment of 3 number at nonun- manning amen.â€" l‘ho upon wu «looted. steam or run 313m um same: cox- Jetted h greeting $40 a e ioen. From g. Blaelow. C. D. Ben. E. Woode, E. Fowler. G. A. Little. end J. Mom. outing tor tile for millennium-Belem to etreet end bridge committee. From G. A. Giteae, with regerd to e dreie on Albumen-Beloved to etreet and bridge committee. From the GoeiitheiioeStooeCo.“ Ingenoil. in Monaco to the construction of wokeâ€"Resend to street end bridge committee. From John Bieokweil end «even! other-I. with record to e ditch on Kent-It. woof..â€" Reten'ed to street no bridge committee. Apetitiou from A. O’Leery end othere V.“ M em “I“ 91“?” 3‘8”}..99 31mm Conn. Roman. chum», red the report. which recommended tab the olde- wnlk oppoggtqfiqboon’o block bombed sud .. 4g, ,,,__- _-J_ -- N38 w. M. «238. 8893 Egan's-Minis 835â€"83. . glfioifiggifig 8398338883 E: gonna 3 W. mat-VINE 8 Eo- 883â€"88. M33). QE. ‘5- 3338 8 «.3 invoke-H8 8 ~09 00801.5 8 :5 £883.... .873 ...... SPORE 1-. 38233. E ma..â€" .SE‘I ta. mm.MWWummcm out. and. Ind. Mm. Cancunmnlqand‘ronchm 11:. we. or the lat mun sud Mjmmmundndamv- “Lind m 0" BY-MW'I. Ammamwnm "mud-ymhmcoudl MD“? TOWN COUNCE. GORPOBLI'IOI' noun-ammo. A mm 0! BYLAWS. OAKWOOP. CAMERA Y. at mm.) At PBRRII’S Drug Store. musicianâ€"rm: rm! Wmnma Bum-A very glee-not unity of ebonz tony persons trcm Port Hope, Khan-e Fella. Benetton and other point- metot thereeldeooe of our genie! fellow- eown'e men. Mr. W. Gondfle. on Wednee- day loot. 15th lost" the ocooelon holes the mum of Bone Manned“. the only Genuine! of Mr. and Mrs. Gendrle. to M. Smith Thompeon. drown. Beeveml. The ceremony wee performed by the Rev. G. H. Beyley, Method!» minister. The edde looked lovely erreyed In eoownol lune-11k. eerrylnaeboqnetotereemroeu. Shown-loud hyulu Florence Whuo. Patel-hero. Mr. Davidson. Benetton.“- elned the groom. The bride! pueeenm wove nnmeme, omemente‘l. neotnl end nin- eble. ehowlnz conclusively the high mid tnwhlohthebfldewuheldhyhcee- quelntenoee. The heavy eonole went north to eoend their honeymoon emld the hen- Ilee of the Hutch leku. emu chow. of rice end diaper-e, eccompenled hy the good wlehee o! ell peeeem toe many of domeeblc hepploeee. in which Tn oer the person of Willism Greenwey. The de- eeeeed wee born in Cox-oven. Englend, end emigreted to Censde shoes nay-three Been I80. first settling in the township at niinmn, where he remeined but two a three yeers end then moved to Meripom, settling on the homestead. where he hes resided for the met any yesrs. Be wee 3 men of sterling integrity. quiet end hot- iensive in his habits, end wee esteemed vcy highly emongsc his neighbors. He the firm trust a»: he hes gone so Christian's reward. Slowiyonehyoue lendmerhinthepersonot cure-rheu- tlers ere being removed. Mr. Green, hedreechedtheripesgeoinyeers. BEA VERTON. [Oomeeponaenoe of The Poet.) Non-rs Ox‘unm Bur-om: Communal.â€" A convention of me maroon 0! float Onuflo will be held in McIntm‘e lull here on Wodnoed oy, J one 290:. 1892, he the puepoee ot oelecung e modulate 1- tie retoun interest to content the riding n: in next eleouon. end Other Important bul- neee. Hon. A. S. Rudy. comm of nndothenon m Muddeoedtnthelook-nv. tone-re Nobel. [Menominee o! The Poet] Cannon OPnan. -'l‘he re-ooeningent nine: of the Methodist church ei Little Britnin will he held on Sand-y and Hon- dny. June 26nd 27th. Rev. E. Rehea- o! Cobnrg will occupy the onlpit Snndny morning end eyenlnz. On Mood-ye platform meellnz will he held commending “2309,13,,“anme“13 Rev. Mr. Roberta oi Cohoanewey Snnderlnnd, Elder Henry 0! Little Britein end others. Tu will heeerved from 4.30 till7p. n1. Same choice uncle in helm: moored by the choir. Come one. came all and bring your friends. Wmnmo.-â€"_Oa Wedneodey, J one 15. hr the Bev.Ben Grutrix at the ”olden“ ot thehcide'e {others Mr. SJ. Salami-em. oi Fenelon to Mien Loniu. delights“ Mr. Henry Anti: oi um .-Aa.r.n.uunwâ€"Jawu . wu- om not: amnurgflgum Int m. ILL LDillmnwdl-m “H. ER. dropped dud whllo M h m. “8QO” Wu PM] Osmiumâ€"Doom has mu: noted m on' one or our pioneer settler: the net-Ion o! Wangm Gmnwgy._'1‘u_e 8‘s? 15v? dumber: ii" Page. N. mum; at mlusmd In the decision being {smirk to Mr. Ferguson. Ho _dld not deny the tumour: osth here of being 3 subject "by mu." consequently to sm- putuottho Wsrder sud hue Wales” pus uuoulloq got. us _Mr. _F. Is 93' but!“ Camila who wu Who spout In July. but who did not thaw up. though he onghttolnndonouo.“ hot-bound to lave untamed the Wings. urn: or summon, u. a.â€"u|e an dar.P.A..F moon(mnotchhphoe) ya. Nigholgoa. thug wu "(lunged In the him fon’thg dishing! chin. The mint hi; GLANDOI‘NB. [Ga-Imam m Poet. Umou PICNIC.â€"A unlen eohoo plank otS.S.No.4,0pa. end S.S.No. Meu' mwmhehcldlnm. REuzleeen'I grove nee: Glendlne on cinema July let. Gene- ot ell nude emote" the ehlldeen. end the Velenth tom hell teem will pleyem meteh wth theGleadlne been. Thle mean will undoubtedly be well econ-ted. en a“ new In the bend of “methane” they were when they not his expected the: e hue hell much will he edduflnatheetmhecweeusm Lindsey collegiate lineman. Em- , welcome; come. g Y E pl: .0 bod {magnesia-cool. Rom Kudzuâ€"Ir. 8. Snow Bondy Polno had A alum. hou- lut week. 1: sad the cow-min momma“: In «mo-ea son. at amounted". mantaâ€"Mnnyuootmm bun till-week Murat wull _ 7 ummmumm E51 6. E! a”. ho mu ‘wut molar”, a, ”mutual-flfl M um hon-III fa Dt.m.Dr.m Mediumtcumn «ranch cum n mommwha land-numb- GLENARM. [W at Tn Pond _0_gra_ on; Muses. U. S_.â€"_1{M pug zmrs at THE m rnrm 1. mm "fi'éifitfixam n05 YES.“ LITTLE BRITAIN. CENTRE NARA. BRECHIN. menace of The PdJ EDEN.

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