’H' iâ€? 9. â€4’91 A. I. #1., m mm minty 1-1310 ‘0â€! ‘I politic-l . plan. llnMezdthhrooghtontmr-l WWhmh-omm‘fqr It is veryodd thstthoproposod bill stringing!“- a. plebiscite on the prohibition qnaï¬onnhonldboopmbithflpo'i' thainviowofthoiruwrolo. It learned u it they had forgotten mt they land “hksnthophdgofluitm Ind were Wmfnminh another “(rightful In: two generd election campaigns when appal- were made to religious prejudices. “Mam prohibition†is lea likely to cetch vote- thnn the Ron-Lynch bible cry; beam the hypocrisy of the Mubar- Meredith prohibition gum is much more flagrant. Everyone an use through it. thst this sudlien disphy of prohibition zed ha been the wont playing for effect ever “tempted by the local opposition, And that it will result inshilnre much more decided than the utempts of the making some political capital influenced the change of base on the part of the opposition leaders? But nomehow that ides spread “greed, end it in nfe to assert The hypocrisy of the Matter move- ment for prohibition taken up by the opposition in the local house was again demonstrated in the debate on the bill to take a plebiscite at the next municipal elections. The sudden zeal for the cause exhibited by Mr. Meredith and several of his followers excited a good deal of suspicion and much more amusement as the debate on the original Matter proposi- tion progressed, and the appearance of such well-known “champions of temper- ance" as Mr. E. F. Clarke, ex-mayor of Toronto, and one of Mr. Meredith’s lieutenants, increased the hilarity and the ‘ suspicion. Why should anyone be so heartless u t4: insinuate tint the hope of ; x I. In. LEAVE 3 85’ a: El TORONTO n no 92 m.‘ ll. 30 D. m. Tum luvo um- 30mm mam 3| Tomato “m Mb ~ â€negated mm mum» to o Ohloungoum “on“ II Toronto lo I" 3 «out: mm. wool nu. mm may“ and «on In! ormuoa tur- Elm Manama gut-t. WORLD’S FAIR Emn'snr. FRIDAY. JUNE 2. was WINDOW PAPER. GREEN: ___ THE MAR TER HYPOCRISY EXPOSED. PORTER’S. Lindsay. Mn! 11. 1893â€"56. us has min to cue-n may. ROUTE ' ' thTuu’ ’ a. 'r. n. 1. Mn 8!. 1m -00. " It F. 0'. Taylor. R. S. Porter. 1'. O. TAYLOE; Double-Fold DRESS GOODS at - - 25c. and 500 Our BRUSSELS CARPETS. . - 900. to $1.25 Our BOY’S SUETS from - - $2.00 to $4.00 (Our Heavy CHENILLE CURTAINS at - $2.00 Our MEN’S SUITS, from - â€" - $5290 to $10.00 ' Our Great Lines of CASHMERE HOSERY, - ' 25a. to 500 Our TAPESTRY CARPETS from - - 250. to 750 .0 Our Magniï¬cent Display of PRINTS. Our Goods are direct from the fountain head,- and are fresher and better in Price than others. PAPER. .WAY DUPLEX-â€" Good as it is though we can only show a few things at a time. We therefore mention our Wonderful Lines of dam “I. â€5- ~ 003). 00.0.0... Mucus .11â€" i .02..) 15â€"..- Iran I, 3m,cw.wa5;m A Ira- mm .140 mm.†x mau95 map; question. “Are you minor of tho immadnte prohibition of mthe importeï¬on, ale end mennhoture of inhoxiuting li- quorl u n bevenge?’ Before the hellot is taken the logo! questions eta-kc will bedecidod,end.‘thepeoploeenvoteon thocon one name without rental to einl, Dominion or mnnicipd questions. The opposition Attempt to make capitol out of the Merter prohibition movement resulted in signal feilure. The adoption of the Merter bill, in View of the uncert- ninty ea to'itneonetitutionelity, wouldheve been unwise in the true interest. of temperenoe. “Be sure you’re right, then go eheed.†is the motto of theprudent legilletor, end Sir Oliver Mont bu noted on this principle. The people will have en opportunity of expressing their viewe‘ in [darken-eight try on the simple} The public accounts and general admin- ‘ istration have stood the test of searching land minute investigation. The critics of the opposition could ï¬nd no case of any kind. Mr. Clancy did indeed discovers. discrepancy of two cents in two sets of accounts in the crown lands department that Ihould hnve bounced, and for I few hours the outlook was very serious.. The goverment were, however. able to overt a crisis; but it would not be surpris- ingjf that two cent question should be one of the leading issues of the next cempnign. Mr. Herdy must brace up for the contest. happy and resourceful in deding with difï¬cult questions. The seuion of the Ontario legislature was brought to a close laat Saturday with ‘the usual lormal ceremonies. The long ‘ list oi useiul measures to which the royal assent was given shows that the session. though a ahort one, was by no means unimportant. The Mowat adminiatration comes out with increased prestige and with stronger claim upon popular con- ï¬dence and approval. Sir Oliver Mowat has led the ministerial forces with remark- able tact and ability, and has given the closeat attention to all kinda of legialation brought before the house. Sir Oliver appeared to have renewed his youth in many ways, 'and has been exceedingly or of giving it pretty full swing end letting it go with en easy rein. Now, en opportunity in in eight for the people to pronounce for or egeinet prohibition, end the earliest, most convenient end least expensive method ie to teke the vote et the municipal election. Mr. Meredith’s endden herking beck, hie weekening ee e prohibitioniet, remind the public of e similar weekening in e recent generel election when he Iterted out on e vigorous enti-Rome end “No-popery" cempelgn, but. like Brother Footer, got e “moment of waekneu" end edmitted thet he would not object to e little popery elter ell. Mr. Meredith end Mr. Olerkc ere lurking, back egeln, end the people heve elreedyi “elzed them up,†juet ee they heve "cleed up†Mr. Mertcr, who ee e temperenoe men le 1. worle lreud then Mr. Foster, though he hee not mede ee much out o! it lne pcllticel u well ee e metcriel lento. lopposing instead of frankly supporting ‘ the proposal. His objection that it will 3 be interjected into the municipal elections, l and that municipal representatives will be elected on that issue instead of purely local issues, is not well taken. People may and tea large extent will vote on the prohibition question without special regard to municipal issues or except in so far as the composition of municipal councils may aï¬'ect the question in connection with the administration of the license laws. This question is very often a leading issue in municipal elections; and in one form or another has been anissue for many years. We mean not the simple question of prohibition, but that‘ of restricting and restraining the traflic, l THE PROVINCIAL 5388! ON. ortrtho Mono your. the tonne: The mt of 38m â€"an 930 was mum. Ind two or 984» chem boarded in: wall. about 3 dozen mound futurist. board d“! L Nd: Mocha-luck nation. A 0 to Include the nodoeolmoflonnnomemwthom~ benhlptoetofuotodaboï¬ W at 81 a“: â€thumb-Irr- ratchet-o one.“ III-ht. A: the opening meeting of the Peta-hon mmwmotmmmmwu I hue Announce. munch tho quack: ct man N! 'm' WAGOO". What. W131“. bth-oocouon .. 70 Eh00§.lplf1ufl. 3:; buphu .... ......3 M IIIMI I2 for “lawman!“ to to duo for 010' I Itnw 'Hnuod Tuned†tuna blend! Inn-k kotwuomyufl7w soâ€. The bulk chum!!! stalling-us. mm. Ill... m. The realm of m on an an“ mum Tun-any we. wanna to tour M of on. which told a a to ‘00. HI: Ind mum-rho manly of My m nu- ud mam-sumo out". w loud- umu at Me In '99 “mom-91.20: mu; an atom 93m TRUJK murmur. I253 Big-iron made in the cointry -end' thin in w at the government peyeâ€"ie it worth nothing 5 buehel in the wey of bounty for the wheet the tumor grown! There never wee A time when he not leee for whet he groducee then new, the remit being.thet is none decline to remein on the turn. I! the country cen Alford to y 82 e ton in bounty (or mekin iron w y on it not pey 10 cent. e bushel or growing wheeti" Dr. P. P. Burrows is being congratula- ted by his many friends upon having been gazetted associate coroner for the county. and some there are who thinkthatitisa tardy acknowledgement of his valuable services to the party in past years. This is not so. howeverâ€"the worthy doctor was proï¬ered the position lon ago. but at the time did not care to accept t. His services to the party entitle him to a position with mgriet. perquisites, and we hope he may 8° The Dundas Banner says: “While bon- uses and bounties are being paid bythe government at Ottawa for shipping and iron making, how is it that nobody thinks ‘ of offering a bonus to the farmers for growing wheat! The country could not live without wheat. yet the iarmer is the last person thought oi, and in the matter oi raising the revenue for carrying on the afl‘airs oi the country he has to shoulder the b end of the burden. If it is worth 82 in e shape at bounty for any ton of nlaJmn ninth: in thn flnflnf." -An thin in All liberals should remember the meet- ing for the appointment 6! delegates to the Ottawa. convention on Saturday next at one o'clock sharp, in Hamilton's hell, Kent-st. THE CANADIAN POST, LINDSAY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 2 1893. DeSIgnea’ Spec/ally to give us Better Light ana’ Better Display Roam. mm W mun. loom mt. EDITORIAL NOTES. Dundee a: {£13. a. Johnston, Lamina, 7o '3“ 063 06,4 SIR GARNET 3RD, m gmggiï¬ nut-ml limimgmzjï¬mï¬d... Men’s All- Wool m: for $3.78. numwnuuqumh-by m on a.ami an, Scotch Shh; haul-unused. Boy" wmm,msmmmmw. dun“. sum for 81. 49. . anâ€, . form-.WMSOC. Ammm MILLINERY.â€"This department is in full blast. Ttimmings. Codewlyandleaveyouruder. WW $5.50 and $5“ M i3? 8!. "gala:- prtces. 31-35 m, 32.50 and 33-00 See our 1‘ 'es, {1111 Widths D, roller and complete, {or 50° Don'tmumcanmadam»:Beauuirumar-vsind TdT-uoulmvr'o. " lbla' mun, wmmlnflnm'u :mmm, ,msmmmmw m sue-'7 :1ng Wow 61‘. ho by mm 602. n be M Pop SM 670, dual" «5. In by m ho lynx 475. In am. 8‘ Kodak Cob 5 be 099 t 1002. b‘m 8L1. Shula 09,â€"... 3:0". Odin b; thou. Black . in Gm. 1492 6y be m “27 by Fl! “1.“ ° n B m hob la bb “Kama. byN Robb Hoot 06 cm 8h]. 70!. (Ian IV. 0. amt. Danaâ€"u. “ulna-gnu“. Shula 65. dun Hol- 83. “IO. M†Pï¬ct'fllo' Mbyflobln Boodd'lo. 'u 1492. m 90p Shot 1m; dun 01km“: Flt-n, who!» , hob 729.!» Vol bobyCh I I a m wxammpm m odolk Cob tum-ck “:23; mm“, 7 We are selling All-Wool Dress Goods, - for 106., worth 150. and 18a gimï¬mmlmiï¬ All-Wool Dress Goods, - - for 156., worth 250. and 27‘ 1'3â€â€œ .mb'fl‘uf‘mmnm mum “ Double-Fold Dress Goods, all shades, for 250., worth 356. and 400 m." m"m will a. mm mm m. “ All-Wool Black Henrietta, - - for 400., worth 55‘ Seeour5c LineofDRESSGOODSâ€"aBonanze. SermotM No.10,inc.H.S.B..vol.1, â€Tl-3‘1â€} â€L8 axon. «1-1me - IN PRINTS we scllafull width. heavy, fast colors, for5o., 7a., rowan-prices, 8a.. 100 â€I?" "I use. ‘ IOIDAY. ml. he will loan his own “No. man. and proud to Benton bowl. Onkwood. to: noon; than. to Jonkln'n hotel. Halo Banks. to: slam. m2. will m to R. Pond for mm mandam- haul. Canon; m: WEDNESDAY will wooed to Edwndn' ham. Wooavuu. for ME, mutt. will M to My ml- noon-r mono. to KoKlnnon'a hotel. Santana. nu- dam to: m‘WmD-mz metallu- n ' 'a m. tot-nicks. IAWAY wfllrnooodtohll u man when in and: unm°3m£=1 In: m mos-ulna. m ram will be Maud during the tuna. hum-mm m m IMPORTED "ALBION Ban-luau. D Outlaw mm. and-Inmate A‘-‘__ _____.-_n_ _ ____A-- - 7,- .7.____,_ “titanium.“- dill a: STEWART. gull-u 1m Intel: lomniï¬wédd g m “mam†mm“ .5 mp _ n . _ A _ ‘ _ VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE III THE TOWNSHIP OF ELDON. â€"bdng Pun! not ï¬nalists“ an m m hm mummmmum menu 116mm Pumas.†llunlnl- ltlnthoommcon an m an: n. nanâ€"an m “011%. ‘xmgpgg anqgnn 70F mi. New Advertisements. ' Thoma Dummy 8’ Flaw/[e 197/05. woman KICKâ€"xi? Em. MUOPHADEN'B OLD 8T0â€, Brother: SUITS-As we have an immense line Clear inside the Did you ever know that we are giving the Best 831331†of any House in the Trade; if not, read the few quotations below. then can and see or yourself that they are bositive facts. MILD-I- â€Maw. "I! â€r M, We give 2 pairs Ladies' Black Hose, fast colors, We give 2 pairs Ladies’ Colored Hose, fast colors, .7†_ _"- â€"wâ€" uâ€" v- â€" v mo LLWU, u BU( the few quotatidï¬s' 6616*?“ en caï¬ and see f3:- yourself'cht Eyed-e positive facts. % MEN’S WEAR unapproachable. TEAS AND OOFFEES of the best brands are strong features our business. We flatter ourselves that those who buy from us or will realize their mistake in not doing so sooner. The bouquet When we say that our stock of General Groceries is FRESH “1 fully assorted in all lines, and that the prices are down to the Iowa Peterborg; notch compatible with a dsdre to pay our honest debts and gain w t0 b 01 the world is said to owe every manâ€"a. flyingâ€"we state a fact that ‘ Po 1‘ be readily believed by those who have traded with us in the past. and E u stand ready to convince doubters. ,. We don’t propose to read you a lecture upon the subject, but 1 do wish to impress upon you the fact than an experience of ï¬fteen yea in the grocery business has taught us that in the long run QUALITY recognized and appreciated by the general public. One great difliculty the progressive merchant has to contend wt is the slowness of buyers to recognize the advantage of buying the goods freshâ€"buying from a stock that is being constantly replenishe Stale and inferior goods are sold over grocery counters as well as in t‘ dry goods business, and the proï¬t upon them is large. Proï¬ts in the Grocery business are small nowadays, and com] tion is keenâ€"more so, perhaps than you are aware of. MARK THIS WE ll HOUSEKEEPERS! P. HoArthur at Go. Spratt a £111.11. e P. MGAnTHun co.l 519356“. 2:91“ SPRATT 81 KILLEN, FA my GR‘ "OW. for 15c. for 25¢. MCI-Cl H l 1“va nth-Wm Indo- an. aw W“ â€a. Boat. 29.192 ‘3. of the Mill 8a: South 81? 8 CAR. [ELEM Gym [Vim C70â€! and D ’7st and D04 Swgs, H 2'7:ch a McLenna‘ Age now busy Cashmere, BLACKS. '1" The largest lot meat It includ‘ which will I muse. 01 Women s A special L Ladies' Pure W cHILDREN'i WOMEN’S b MEN’S begi11 McLennal guaranteed COM. make,