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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Jun 1893, p. 6

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BL- Welland” last. the men’s birthdn, Ju. lamb, In old and vol-known no] out or .0 bunhlp of Yoruba, died suddenly 0! mt discus, from which he Ind boon may: forums tour or five yous. 0 among: 31:. Lamb cut 3 IBII yum: o! w um In the "in!“ M out of some mire mu II III u m stuck ‘and In which n We'd u! not bun mam!!!» no “5:“ the ”1:35;? 2:119!" Ms 0 “can“!!! , milit “magi!!! “3'1!“ I § “”0 Na 0396 £613 a “O Ell-33k“ '..... .On Semdey lat Mr. Thoe. Pouleom, no of our village blacksmith, at the man erothleletthendeo jun- ned wh eddflngeeflp on e whl tree that he he been Idle ever since end mne- Illy will not be ehle to week In leee than a Scam Drum-On the naming of mad». 1-». sh- awl“- wmy’ “I: ,__ _A_ _..L Accmmrs.â€"0n Thursday of Int week ‘2. Arthur E. Smithenm, while : tree on his tether: fun: In Echelon. cut aaooé-eized piece of the ii» of in: left manner end 3 slice of skin of! the middle hm 91 thqaeqcng_gnd__thud_ fingers. yours. The deeeesed gentleman wes very widely known end universelly respeeted. He was a netive of Ireland. end come to We in 132 A Fm: ELx’s Humâ€"There is on exhib- ition in the lane northern window of Gonah Bros., the wonderful cheep men, n meaniflcently mounted elk’e heed, the nly one of its kind in Peterborongh. The heed. which is the vnlueble property of Mr. Jan. A. Tully, head clerk at Messrs. Brae. establishment, has been mounted In. B. Hudson, taxidermist, with elmost lifelike reulity end is much edmired. The heed ie the gilt oi Mr. Tully’s brother, who aptured theelk in the Rocky Mountain district while on e huntin expedition end Int itto Peterborough. t is one of the finest specimens oi its kind ever seen in ash Col-ambit, being surmounted by n superb purer home. The heed is elso of e ‘ fine shepe. the nostrils end noee being per- fieulnriy line, while the neck in beentiiully acted. Mr. Tully prize. the gut most m.â€"[Review. PBTERBORO. $171)an Dmrmâ€"Mr. W. S. $0111“ 0! Pen Perry. aged 73 em, who wee on a visit here to his eon. . J omen Sollltt, meet, was stricken down, end died in - h m: an hour. The body wee removed to Port Perry on the 5.10 G. '1‘. R. expreee. PAssxn Aw.u.â€"Cept. Wallace died at his residence. "Merlno”, Nonh Managua, Tneedeth lest week, at the one or 85 AAAIA_.-_ _-_ _-_ 33 €7re2'i‘éaTSEt' 2551355; hangined'ha Injury. The young men, it would mm, m not to blame for the accidentâ€"(Guido. my, two young men from Cobourg, drove here Sande: in e rig from St. Clair’e livery. They put up 3: the St. Georze’s hotel, end when taking the bridle from the horee’e head. in order to feed it, the animal become {tightened and bolted. It leaped over the embankment in bout of Mr. Venhorn’e blacksmith shop, dashing the buggy to pieces, end, breaking away from its encum- bnnce, it ran down town end come to a stop in the _Ro:al hotel stables. The‘gig A AL A I. __A. _..-e-l_- n.‘ “wot-w v; .- -â€"â€"-v- mm them. They felt the effects or the metric current, but fortunately was not hurt. Many housekeepers. we are inform- ed. found wax]: to dolnuhe cellar during t!"- proaress c! the storm. .. . .. RUNAWAY.â€"Moesn._ Mug‘plgy sud 9°“- I’Ulfl‘ HOI‘E. Tm; S'rom.â€"'Ihe fins rtundar storm 0' the seat-on raged here cn 55mm” site:- nocn luv, and lightning attack several keen and xeiegraph poles around the town. Featunutely to (lemme was done totho fiat at. the electric lsant station. or to the trumente 1n the telegraph or telephone omee. Two popular cmzwa Lromanadina on Dorset-en, narrowly escaped being struck by the limbs of a tree, which ms shuttered by a_§hunderbolt a short distance - -A .L. -a_-;_ -- .L- ”v Ill-I- v-.. .. ....J .â€" AccmENT.-â€"Quua an accident hapuenal 11! Craig Austin's mzil rec-can 1!. Wm. Brown was sculpting shinqla block», and by some means the block flipped and the saw came down on Ms ion. Wi‘mt, Mums: sever- his hand from his arm. We are 3134 to hear that Mr. Brown is getting along as wall as can be enacted.- (Independent. AN ACT or BmvnnY.â€"Abcnt 10.30 Fri- dny morning lust N :cholaon‘s butcher out came damn; flown M ujnvf-t. to CoHege. Ponce Constable Barnard (231) captured the lightened slums}. and in so doing saved 3. numb" or children and pedestrians from injury and possible deaah. In 11!: exer- tions he was Jmnmed ”must. another Vehicle and considenbiy brat-ed. Too much praise cannot be 2173;; La 0325:5518 Bus- ma 151' ms plucky cw‘mrm KI24 MU L'NT. Dunnâ€"On Tam-ad n, 1151': May. W mam Dunbnr’e infant daughter died after a. levers illness. The parents have the sym- uxhy of the whole cemmunizy, as this 15 the am: cam} rye; ham: Imr. . A q,,_._.) LOCAL BEWS-LETTERS “425M (Euamzlian §ast LIND‘SAY, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 13 7: Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aic: 8: (30., Lowe“. .4353. Soldby an Druggiss. Pix 5: ; six 'rcztlca. $5. Guru: others, was: cur-3 you P-impies, Biotches A-nd Carbuncles R-irggworm, Rashes l-mpure Blood Lâ€"anguidness, Dropsy L-iver Vomptaint A-Il cured by E-rysipeias, Catarrh R-heumatism, and Sâ€"crofula Salt-Rheum, Sore Eyes A-bscesses, Tumors Râ€"UI. ning Sores S-curvy, gHumors, Itch Aâ€"nemia, Indigestion Y-Bur best remedy for saréaparééfla IBNBLUN FALLS. YER’S Ayer’a Remedles. avg-2% mnvn‘v'n Sarsaparilia and 1E3 our men! BOBOA YGEON. [Correspondence of THE P0313] Accmmr.â€"The Rev. Mr. Mershell, Beptist minister here met with e tether s serious eooident on Seturdey night lest. He hen driven home from the oountry in his two-wheeled cert, end es it wee pitch derk he slipped end tell just es he Jumped from his rig st his own gete. This osused : his horse to mete s dssh iorwerd but he osught him, end then found out erm wss broken. Dr. Bonnell wsssnlnmoned end set the broken limb. end Mr. Mershell is doing very nicely, es he is sble to be shout every dsy. PERSONALâ€"MIME. A. W. Switssr, W. Grent, R. Peerson end Thos. MoInnis sttended the meeting of the Grsnd Lodge of the True Blues, held in Petsrboro lest week. Tun “COLUMBIAN”.â€"Dl‘. McCsmus hes W the peddlee of his new steemer, the lumbisn, end it is believed thst she will run et shout 13 knots per hour now. Mr. Aleck. Hemilton is employed es esp- tein, end Mr. Belt of Kingston ”engineer. The Dr. is propered to now run exonrsion- ‘ ists to say point on these wetere st were“ retes end in the leeet possible e. Tm: firmâ€"The deep-sounding whistle oi! the Colombian wee hesrd shout 6.30 e. In. es s eignsl for those who purpoeed going on the True Blue excursion to pick up their beekete, etc...end not sboud;hut es the dsy wee very unisvoreble only s smell crogd took Vedvsntege of the_ dsy’e To BE Pumaâ€"We have received o very sorrowful lesser from s young mun of about 30 summers residing near Aginccurt, lak- ing advice. He wants to not worried but is afraid thst his people wculd not consent to such a contact. He is in s deepente condition. In onswer we would in» soy tint it is senor-11y supposed thou drownâ€" ing is the cooler method in which to sui- cide; but ws would fovcr poison, us there is less )ikiihood of being rescued.â€" [Pick- erhig Nam. Tm: OLD S’ronY.â€"Weehbnrn’e circus visited Oshawa. lest week, end we ere told that it we: the most extensive trend eve: perpetrated upon 3 gentle end long eofler- lug public. The advertised ettnetione were not presented in the nlighteet degree. The most objectionable part of the um: wee the prevelence of nut ehell fekire, and many young men, and older ones too, were relieved of their money. One youngteliow wge atripjod of $15: _ ACCIDENr.â€"Wfllie Ccrnell had 0 rather livelv experience Friday evening. While returning (mm the late train the ’bne col- lided with his cart end Will end his bro the: were throw 1: cut, end the 'bne wheel passed over his shoulder. However strange it may appear the shoulder wee n: t injured to my extent. The out was con eiderebly degegeq. ONTARIO COUNTY. NAFROW ESCAPEâ€"A young'chlld of A. Bmvum of Scott had a wonderful escape trom death lee: week. It fell under I aesvy wagon and the wheel passed on: Its head, crushing 1; into the ground, but strange to any the little fellow not only escaped being khlec‘, but soon gave signs of vigorous lite and is now. tor eughs we know, en:ir~1y_reegve_ved. __ _ FIBE.â€" 01 the morning of May 2m: 3 dluanroua flro cccnrrei 0n the grammes of Mr. Geo. Ridge, In the Ssh can. of Mann-rs. Bis saw mill, chooping home and stable were destroyed. The winter’s out of shit- xlea and a vamable driving horse. together wlzh othar vain-.b‘m, mpre but-mad. The'e wm no Insurance. so the loss In heavy. N a cause for the fire 13 known. l ---.....‘-. W. - _-,, plea. men with 3 very eevete eocldem on [the 24:11 In“. Income the: one or his ’notue took high: end be “amused to ezrike him to use him on, but the hone kicked. breaking his an end three of his ribs. He in am very low. Be in attended I by__Dre. Etched, Great end McKey. ”A m_ ..-.a--) - _.â€" flung .v‘. , .‘_- Bloom-Dr. Nasmlth of the mine end Geo, Cut-ti", the veteran tuxtmen.hnveat s urn»: outlay nurcaurd a blood Bullion. Csnsdlan Star. from Crouch Bron, La Fayette. Indians. All who saw the per- rormsnee ot Canedlsn Sun- on the exblbl- tion grounds on Sunday. the 20th Mn, believe him to be possessed of the material to COAL-$8 the records heretJtore common inrthis cough-y: . - -- AA‘I JAN ET VI LLE. Camuondmoe (.1 THE POST.) ROAD Jons.-â€"Caunclilar Evans was In rha vmsge on Monday evening. the 22nd lush. and lot me job or putting in some caivext-r. Mr. Wm. McGill of ths village excursd the contracts. SUGAR Seculaâ€"The sugar social cums ; tr on Monuav evening in the baseman: of mo church. The crowd wansmnller than It rhou‘d have bees; the church member:- fallad to aw: in ma manor: they should hsva. Tce Epwor-h League I'm gin-n the church upwards of $40 during the'c an two ydnts ova: and show: the unification of tha lumvldud membérv, no we think the league: antsrminmam dammed mare enr- p'ort. financially and otherwise man u rec-Wed. u, yew. mm, u.--- â€"_ â€".__, - Fm: CATTLEâ€"We noticed 3 very fine lot oi cattle being driven to market the other day. end on enquirr we found that they beloused to Mr. Doneld Rose. the noted feeder end stock-raiser at North Merino“. They were sold toMr.Thonnon for shipment to Englenc‘. There were 18 heed in ell, and we venture to any the: even Mr. R's: never turned out 3 better lot. They were of the very even, low-net. fleehy typethet ie in such «and demend; end we also might add that this in only e out of what he bee turned out this winter. I! more would follow the exunple 'he hoe given we would beer less or the cry of hard times. Lat them put their shoulder to the wheel end we can ensure them they will «mileâ€"just each n ornile on Mr. Rose wore whzn he returned‘home with hie pockets well lined with the preceede at the ale or his catsle ...... Mr. Wm. McCrimmon else so :3 mo very fine steers. H511 becoming note (1 an a. feeder. no can be seen by n vieit in km farm. Everything in in good order; thai‘rmis well tilled end cl-en from nli naughty weode and truck. Everything in an place and a. piece to: everything ie his mono. - rledendumoloeoloinr old firm Do- woe £210»- 010. end but («the M emotion of the heat. which n believed to have been brought on by be“, m he would ombably have lived to 3 old :n-[Guotn , ___-.â€"â€"â€" TEE GLENâ€"MARIPOSA. (Woe at The Port.) Accmmtgur. George gogg’og 1:29: o! Omnington spent Sande: with Mr. Peter Woodward . . . .The Mleeeeuenhellot Cennlngton peld their uncle. Mr. Thoma Beteeon. a vlelt lee: Sundey ..... Mr. Clue. McPheden, sen. bee been lll during peel: week. Low-Mr. Weelern Thom lost e vela- ehle hone on Sande: but by manual». the. Baumâ€"Rev. Mr. Power wlll be ebeeel next Sebbelh on menu! of confluence. He he beenlnvlled loremunontle clnmll for e third term. Ammanâ€"A omen eeeldelt leek week. lee. A. Glleomeed lllle were drlvlng home me up when V deelelly n- lnlo e eew. were he 1mm: ell “Hot lugging hem no em! Fromm-6n fuly 12:11 the 0mm of this plnoo lntend holding | home do- monauotlon.~ They will hove n in the afternoonanunoa Wood km. and wfllglyoognndoonoofllntho "going. Xianâ€"i; Vieivfihfihu'o engined ’tor the Inning}... ...Mr Ih’d My. D31: WQoglwggd BEndd £1!ch left but week for Pqtt Miami: lint "fan" in hf: decisions. The menu been protected tothe excutlvo. Mr. D. McMillan «wand the 1115an bogus) 3nd jnmg neg. SALEMâ€"MAMOSA. [correspondence oi Tm: Poem Mumâ€"The ennusl Sebheth School snniversery will be held onSundsy. end Mondey, J one 18th end 19th. Services on Sshbsbh st 10 s.m.nnd 2 30mm. on Mon- dsy at 2.30 e plstiorm meeting will he held. W” ”533;“ resgcdentb’mlnis-m Wt 80 ° 9 Saundra. Tee will he served from $3050 7 p. m. In the evening st 8 o’elockscon- cert will be given by the celebrated Csnnington choir. Speeches slso by ministers. Admission to tee and concert 80 cents. TeeonlyZEoonts. Concertonly 15 cents. Fuller pertionlers next week. Tun 24mâ€"Seversl of this community took in Lindsey sports on the 24th. Messrs McMilisn, D. Vercoe end 0. Vercoe represented Salem in the Lindsey teem tint plsyed Oshswe. The some wss alvenoo Oshewsby escoreot 15th The 11min. h "Fur” by nsme wss. Anything bum" in his decis’ionu Vâ€"rwflvâ€" -_ '7‘, on his return had' brought with hiin as trophies some curiosities which he had found there. sun tell more and more obliquely on the surface of the beautiful lake, 9. dark speck was seen coming from the direction 0! the island and the tears of the other visitors were quickly dispelled when they found that the subJect of their anxiety had been enggged in explorgtipns on the island. and ,,|,; i:-L L1_n _., QUEEN‘S BIRTHDAY. â€" The queen's birthday. save for one or two incidents. was an exceedingly quiet day around here. Early in the mormng two of our greatest sportsmen. Squire Currins and Captain Tolmie, set out for the pine hills near Balsam lake. well armed and in fine sgirits. Towards noon they were seen return gas 30d marksmen generally do. brin ’ng eir game with them, which was no ess than a fine. large, bright eyed eagle. Later in the day the shores of Balsam lake were visited by a few admirers from both Islay and Glenarm. One of those from Glenarm being rather a Sportive and adventureous spirit, had gone out for a row before the arrival of the others. and as there was nothing seen of him for many hours. his return was looked for with some little anxiety. But as_the rays of the setting ISLA Y. [Correspondence 0! Tm: P0512] Romaâ€"The Lovely Vine Temperance Lodge intend having their annual picnic on Friday. June 9th; to be held in Mr. Gilchrist 8 beautiful grove. As the adjoin- ing field is in good condition for sports a very lively and enjoyable time is eagerly looked forward to and a large attendance is expected. The union temperance meet- ing to be held in the near future in the interests of this and sister 10d es is watched for with much interest y the members and good results are expected. .. FoorBTLL.â€"Ou€ 33;; Kiwi «tn-tad {00'- bsu once more in Mr. Wm. Maynm'nem as Zion. Cottonseedenoe at The Pose] ' T. O. . '1‘.â€"Onr lodge or. Independent Order or Good Templsrs elected nod u:- enelled rm- the net: quercer the following omen-h: Chief templsr. 8:0. B. 11w; vie:- templsr, Sis. L. Moyne-; R. S . Sm. E. Wm- sler; A. 5.. Bro. M. B.sckhom; F. S.. Ste. J. Johnston; Trees. Bro. J. Mo: nay; Chep . Sin. 5. Woreley; G. Bro. G R'chudso-; Menthol, Bra. 1’. Allin; D. ,M . 8-0. W. Johnson; L D . Em. C. F me); Seu., Bra. E. Woreie); P. C. T., Bm. Elbhs Wcr. sley. Our lodge is still Increeelng In num- ber»; neerly OVci'] lodge nigh; some are unlung with us. We new bed ion:- join our noble order this sum querur end some are expected to oome in mm lodge night. We ere in good working order es present. I: was declded lees lodge night to heve on open lodge the mud week in June. 011 Tnuredey. our lodge night, on the 15a: of June, we give e welcome to ell sister lodges, end to ell temperence worker. We went no see e full house on the; night. es the lodge will eutertein ell visitors wieh music, both vocel end Instrument .1. dia- logee. Reedhm, speeches end eel-eye. Come on a. come ell. who cen spend e pleu- ent evening. .. 81:3an is tether beokwerd here thin sprlcr. Many heve not finished yet. nor will toreweek yet. Same finished three wo_eke ego on high, ileht lend. ‘ . shin. Bro. R. Dawson; Trent. Bro. H. Swltxu; M. Bro. W. Dowm;Guerd. Sis. G. Towne- 'end; Sent. Bro. .G. Townsend; L. D. Bro. Wm. Hour A. 8.. SII. Sarah A. Brunt; D. u. 51.. is. 5mm; P. c. 1., Bra. P. Northoott. Tnmmxce Drsgovnsn.â€"Tha Rev. Mr. MoKumon or Fenelon Falls hue kindly coneented to give no a temponnce oh- oonree on Wednesday, May 31st. In the Methodist church. We were muzh pleased with the thorough unetzcsl temperance Iddreee wl h w! lob he entertained us last winter. Wu untlclpese a large gnu-ecle- tive audience on the occulon. u Mr. Mc- Kinnon is fully alive to the vita! tempu- ence queet!one ot the day. PLEASANT YALLEYâ€"EENELON. I at In Pm. Sllnma.â€" when needy Inked swam-ammo. but ”thatch." nine work he! been cmldmbly Undead. consequently In: spring when nnd more berley end oete have been sown. Fm Glenn-Owing to the exceed- ingly fine grout: of the pun week, crepe heve wont-med finely. Judgmg mm present eppwenoee the hey crop at this nelson win excel the nbnnd-n; crop or I»! user. I. O. G. '1‘. Ixs'rnu'rzox or Ornamâ€" Tbe following members were implied ee officer- for the nun-en: quut:r: C. T.. 8:0. 1'. Lenneford; U. T.. Bto. W. Henry; Chen. M. W. Henry; Sec.. Bro. Wm. Error; 2.8.. Bro. R. Drug-on; Trey. B_u_‘_._H.AS:hxel; Crook. me M the young-m had been «horned. Mr.Vanu-m strong) .0030va ohhll mm. H. loathfl till we" little pain In occa‘lomd the mind. nd the advantages I'edved from tho pm. no gran. Me. Venue“ field a an. omrk 9t 3 ball the out“ du. It mind 2,2(20 THE CANADIA In. A. Gil-on. Md munch: met uwflmnounsu :1: 4.31m Jog; “3's... I.................1.you: ”’33: a. “33:93:. rm roused 'Mh “an“- labour mumlmr thrown on M. BM“ he bone 30 no than will he eonuuu mmmuwm poi-mm“. El. mem‘bm 0! In 0. 931‘ gunmt manlmpom: Wall”. w? mm man. I"? ’MI Sfi mu 7...; 9% \ That- Km I... fl.-L 13-13...-11 A. Jslc CAMERON. :" wilLdo as Snow. be White]? mwafi DRUG” SOAP. Ink Linen to wish iiisil’heldg' uquo: mm .11 «Gamma. Shmywunmng on tholow neat; mmwse_-fl1!9fl thp “she-t.- 1‘2"!!! The totel number or eleven in the Unlted Shae when the emenelpecion proeleme- tion wee ieened wee reckoned ee 4,000,000. The hotel number of drunkerde in the United Stetee elone In ehent 2.500 000, end then ere prohehly 10 .000.000 ache: pen-none hound totheeeb! temilylieeendeherina inehehnrdenottheir enne. Ae e mule oftheeleveeyetemmmienewen mutu- nd hem reelxnl of new to e reelm oi eivilintion. with more edventeaee on the whole even under elevery' then they hed In their netive lend. The eleve wee no: en economic lone; the drunken! le. Airieen eleven! yen limited to e epinpentlvely If you W031“ rm mvâ€" During e recent corflegretion in the her- bor oi Baku. on the went chore oi the Co:- pien. e number of Circeeeien leborcro rueh- ed to the lending end prevenwd on immi- nentexploeion by rolling e lot of heevy nephthe berrele up the eteep slope of the levee with on cue end deepetch u it they were trundling toy hoonl. In leee thou flve minuteo e dozen of theethletic’netivee hed thu- rolled one hundred herrele to e ghee o! reirty-e feet which e eoore o! uecien looaehoremen could heroly hue echieyed in leee then on hour. While they were ehout it the plucky highlander: (who never touch liquor in my form) also send lever-l hundlce oi hidee end Incidentelly refuted the eeeertiou of on America: drug doctor thet “the child- ren of moderete drinkers on e cleee ere more vigor-our then the children of hotel eheteinan.’ The reel secret oi thet wide- Ioreed delueion oen prohehl be iound in the cizoume woe thet e a runny of our Amer-eon teetotelerc hove been cool-ed into reform by the progress oi some diner der due to long-continued hehite oi intern- pmomâ€"[Exoheuge APPOIBMM, 818 mm 30‘? mm: m QUIIR n 0...... SiEiEiixiE-Iffwwa'. mm. B bran: ASoudeneee chlettun whom Professor Hegenbeck (the Germ Bmum) bud bed brought :0 Berlin wu introduced to some repreeenutlve of the Ethnolosueel society. who raked Mn how he wjoyed hle trip. And which at All the wonders of the Germ-n metropolle bed lmprceead him most. “Whu lurprleee me moat.” add the mgen'oue sense, In how you cen move the enormous freight tnlu on you re!!- wey trucks, Ina how you can mange to swallow web. rib e {Mike eo_1d_ _ln your Fairbaz'zk a: 00;. Montreal because they will get “shone!“ grocery binsâ€"for Cottolenc cod! nomcre than lard 1nd goutwicc as farâ€"ooisbut-hxlfuapeuim Dyspeptloa dolfghtln It! . , Physicians ondono It! . - Chef: pralu It! Cooks cxto! it! Houuwivos welcome It! All live Gracera sell‘ltl . fl “Shorter” l’astlw Annmarie ”TAB “Tm " Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK CO., Wellington and Ann Sweets. MONTREAL. and Shorter” Bflls. fl“! Sunlight Soap, I» m» .130“: Cooking (union JHuhnd man: s but of aha) ingredienu go to make I'lp C00- tolene. Lad isn‘t hall”. and is no: always clean. Th?” '1” III: Conolene will be healthict and wealthier than those vho ‘30 lardâ€"Healthier treatise they will WW.” We «cam ‘50" ‘ n ion. Thole 'ho "kmwuthin‘ of MBUNLIGB! aonu “mg ”Chemical-to WHAT sunmnn In “BEWARE “For God. and Home and Native Land.” :AY; ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 2 139a Why, How W. 03. E. a. mmmmm‘ M" "" M m m 0! tout“. "tnfl.m Will lush ch. Ian-on 0! 1898 ulollon: Ion". BAY 8. how“! It“. bl! on ml. and to "Jot noon; “at to LIN. Brlhh. [or mm. "HDA'.wlllmd to WM 0 - mum-mum.» noun. mud-v.0" am "OI-OI)". WNW ho MN '0 but]. (NI . for noon: those. to NM"! hold. Woodv , lot Mt. nun-DAY. will Mb . mm-umuwmmc. ' n um: rm to Dumllh. In M ‘0 no... scum In mt.“ “la’t'flfmmflu”. mmm VICTOR NAPOLEON HAT STANDARD-333D TROT- TING STALLION. Minna-gen CABLEI%§ J. H. SOOTHERAN, their In- The vim of "mutual-nth: wmmmeumd Mammals-m wees reduced bathe very levee! nu. BELL ESTATEbonchtmdeoldon mummwm-mm ammwmmnm “humanism“. I“. uranium “DOW Ospitsl Paid up, - $1,500,000 Surplus, - - $1,400,000 MONEY T0 LOAN mflAY AGEING? crops on record, yielding asrnucb as 100 tons per acre. Our stock 0! garden and field seeds will be found very complete. comprising all the leading varieties: White, Short Vosges, Carrot, Bel- gian White Carrot, Red Clover and Timothy, Turnips, Mangplds, Beets Cabbage, etc. , Our select Imported seed pro,- duces the largest roots and largest SAVINGS DRAW. mmmumamm No We! withdrawn“ WI gunman and Rafe. Safe, lee-3 On Satutday, the 16th inst, my barn in Emily was burnt by blazing shingle from a burning barn on an adjacent farm. On the 2n! liable. my claim for loss on contents was adjusted to my satisfaction, and to: ‘ glax,_the 35th,_ MrLS. Cornell has a cheque for the amount of my‘ dak C igar. Mellow, Ric/z IMPROVED mmm‘mnru uKenIBuoeulm. 008:th- 18th, 1031â€"184". “mash-cg; m In: 3nd glue-y. Ann 11. M "Id". Doe. {Iggyâ€"«4t. N 0 TBS DISCOUNTED DOMINION BANK. MORTGAGES CHANGED. .4 Remarkably Fake I EXTRA lâ€" MAMMOTH E. GREGORY, J. E. Soother”. DominIon Bank. 1118061181190 118. MANGOLD: W3“! '31 1! Soon: Notes. Cabboank 0137 Carriage W arks‘ Thoroughbred and Farm 8m]: Insured at my Low Rates. BOWIOIIIO AID smut. mcxsurma. All kinds 01 noon me to «an. house Mu:- m up water ow. in full. It is hardly necessary to say that I am highly pleased withti fairness of the settlement and the promptness of the insurance camp“ in paying my claim. Farmers will promote their own interests by 0. trusting their insurance business to Mr. Corneil. IE.URANG gnu-MINI; W- ummgw une- SAM-8M F0245! E. Z. YEREZ. LINDSAY FOUNDRY. WALL PAPER AND PAINT: 0". ”2h Afl'll. lamâ€"m. .â€" _'_ _-â€""_. rvvfiv ___-_ final-pumfiumm. ow..iiuiiiupmmngfnu mnâ€"mme-EWEHLp..mmchup. Apply” JOHN' INLALKIIISI’S1 Soc our WALL PAPERS, 50 Patterns to choose from and Prices fight. First-class Stock of Floor and other PAINTS, all guaranteed. “moi-aged!!!“ CLOVEJR SEED r Bud mad. for which the 31032787 I return my most stnoere thanks to the Ladies of mm» and country for their kind response to my invitation to attend my Mu- unery Opening, and am grateful for the orders left wtth me on those day . Those who were unable to call will, I trust, do so before making their purchase of a Spring Hat or Bonnet. My Stockasmau but select, andtssuretoplease. A nice Assortment of Trimming Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Ferthers, Jet Ornaments, etc! mama-took of White nnd'Grey 'Blnn- ingl, lino Guy tunnel: and Yarns 1:: great vmety. A130 Cottonndeo. Knitted Goods. Cotton Shir-tings, Prints and not injured. A new process for dyeingâ€"Black will not fade 0, wash out. Mnnnfecturing, Roll Carding, Spinning and Weaving on shortest notice. Sell to end buy direct from the manufacturers. . We hue idded my immanent: 3111on last seam and are now in I position to please all who favor us w1th their Patron. w age. Asourcummenarethose WhOnae j 001‘ the goods they pthgse, we Lspm no Amfl 18.1mâ€"‘8. THE LADIES: ’ORTARIO MUTUAL LIVE STOCK A. PROMPT SETTLEMENT. PRICE win boPm‘d. G. 2’. Drinkauâ€" Coboconk. “WOOL. I. Z. YenijLtfle Bataan. HORN BROTHERS, June: ReIth. mammal-Mam mu. omen-w" mm urn-humans.- nod“ Boga Brothers. Miss O’Brien. J on}: Marina. 5. Cornell. 1mm Company. “VII-um Smut. manna-mm MISS O’BRIEN. A low Mlmdgonmfia Oobooonk. Awu um. mans. ”zoning ifunxurmn: and umnnnrml anmmmatuufih“ JOHN Lindsay Woollen Mills JAMES mom Wimam-ntLNq G. D. DBINKALL Little Britai Hints on Buttel (mm mm | We AND SHRIMIXH- 9‘» Sâ€"cm 9‘4 minnow my 5" doses ;_ ' mated lcsh ; Mad 1““ P" f“ 00w5t (out: ,_.... a mrrw ” mmendcd ,i - “we w:n' «‘3 “I, I“: sufi'cn-d fr-‘m :1 cc “H Ay "‘ C'm-rr} Pcuur. . " -uncru. l’Iympwn. Iyer’s thrry M by Dr. J. C. Aycr 5 what to act. 8‘ We! Whawm “Mg-quickly ““1 «amt-ken ‘0 d° h‘mfiufly msm it“!!! the hand. a :Eoruhs: mm“ ‘ " II r PM for lung lr‘ ‘9'. i never perm“ w a is most unn! Inch cow’s milk i‘ m immediately wd c .qgi‘kIy .3 one can i h 5. dairy md there in Eanadia ‘fl your finfl'el'o ' but of some 900?“ «120 of your deep m ma the 'ho‘. “idea 3 lifilo with FRIDAY. ‘1’ 0‘ I] Aycr

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