[:3 my numercna customera for 9“ h'.' P! t}; nuns and csnsnrfldm pzace in town for runes, can. and.“ no: In: when and chug“ m Am 18:11. 1893. HAL LIYE STQQK 6.00mpany ' {917339 An . «v ----- '1 n an adjacent farm. On the 213 usted to my satisfaction, and â€I, eque for the amount of my CHI that I am highly pleased with tk mptness of the insurance com 'omote their own interests by“ r. Comeil. 'hich the HIGHEST : Paid. r barn in Emily Wis Purgt by n 3,. -A: ...... r legocozji". @611. TAKIN S JAMES uncanny I “‘1. 5? a.» D. DRINKALL Kinds of Mn: eta, Scams an _ a I V' V,“ yose days. ill will, I trust, (to so before Spring flat or Bonnet. lily {I is sure to please. A nice Goods, Ribbons, Laces, for sale ch‘ OUNDRM [BI-1912. inc-ere thanks to the mmtry for their kind m to attend my Mil- zm grateful for the wnuamgst M lPEBS, 50 Patterns w ‘ Wt. Emma!†amt}; AGRICULTURAL. INTS} all guaranteed. Hints on Jagger-Making. 'EIL. W ihe manufacturers. ' by steam, so tï¬aé theï¬ï¬â€"br: iyeingâ€"Black will not fade M98, Spinning and Weaï¬; Yarns 111 great varie ety. l.;;... as -o . BROTHERS, IG. 518! Wt: 511 mm, o! {61' etc. 111 new an}! ventirelâ€"ym {mm .0 and as we have-no. L commission Men’s facturing, our advantages we, a give our customers. An in. I they purchase, we Spare ; ho- thoroughlâ€" dSBY Woollen I A few Door- East 0! Baum 8. Mâ€" nton Shifting; Pï¬hu :3â€; bv steam. so that Hm mm - nge mom customers. An 1m. been. Apply to ï¬lers. MAKINS, LmnsAv wmlï¬ lag and Foundry W1 up Steam 1:an. 1 Pxopm fibré‘is probably be ready. ' The best time to skim shallow pans is when the milk is over BEGINNING to leper or thicken in the bottom of the penâ€"has just commenced to sour. A little experience will soon teach when this is the case. Then, with a spoon, looeen it all round the edge» (never, never do this with your ï¬nger, as is the disgusting habit of some people), set the pen on the edge of your deep cresm con, tip it 1. little and the whole thick sheet of cream, guided e little with your spoon, will. slip off, quick and clean, taking hardly any milk with it. This is by for the best end quickest way at skimming shallow pans and time is money in a. large dsiry. Never skim two milking: at ï¬le same time. If one in rudyto skim the other isnot, orelseoneiltoo ripe.’ In deep getting, things no different. With plenty ot ice, the cream in mppooed to beau npianhonninanyotthe 200d more now in use, sud no doubt it generally is. As the milk, by this method, is dugout entirely protected from Wi; BE arhnooplieric influences and is held :1: 1 $138,“! . m: Steady temperature, the process in much meant-ecu more uniform and it is possible to In" 18801:! hour- for drawing of the cream, Vithout any fee: of mat-k0 or 10.. This I: "“1 knowing. when†:11 ofI annot imegine anyone who 1:. 3 bit I“ Ian â€I feeling for the females of his home- rs.“ w W (Icing without .- cream, for the U835- kborituminmly surprising. and, to mama- muonnoh‘xhegmd.’ It “My mm‘ wwwnkeoereot one’e wifeflunit rum-I into 1:93 1.â€, > â€Junkies, ithmeyinthehrmer’o vol-00" own Pocket, for more Went! "I! .7 “Manttam‘biaIMI “,4“ laden-helm. «it McKayâ€"«III. J..." 3"“ a mi nun h the and. edit I known it is a. little hard to go to your dairy prepared to skim the milk and get the pans washed up and out of the way and ï¬nd the milk not ready for skimming, but it can’t be helped. Leave it alone Do ndthing of the kind if you want to work to the best advantage, but skim exactly when the milk is ï¬t. Each cow’s milk is strained into the can immediately md cOVered at once, and as quickly as one can is ï¬lled it is taken to the dairy and there strained again. In some places shallow netting is still practised, in which case the pun should be set in a. cool dairy, or in a. cellar that is used for nothing but milk. Keep this place as pure and sweet as possible; in hot weather keep the windows open at night and closed during the day and have wire screen: over them constantly. Now, some people will tell you to skim at the end of 24 or 36 hours, or to skim regularly night and morning. On a bench in the barn should be placed large tin came, with covers, one of them having a large round tin shaped likeasteamer ï¬tted to the top and then the cover placed on that. Of course the bottomotthisisawire strainer. Milking is done as quickly and quietlyas pouible, care beingtaken to do it thomughly and in amoat cleanly manner. Such a thing as wetting the hands or the teat: of the cow: is never permitted; it is a. ï¬lthy habit and is most unnecessary. gtap is to make the ï¬nest quality of butter and then to muket it in the most advantageous manner. Ihave often been asked how I made mh good butter, and my answer is, I don‘t go too much by any given rule. It is not possible to have full control over atmosphere and other surroundings, therefore we must bring judgment and common sense to bear upon the matter. r Having got the very best cow possible: md fed her in the beat manner, the next [Continued from last week] â€KING AND SWINGâ€"SETTING MILK-â€" SHALLO‘J.’ rmsâ€"cmmnnsâ€"snrm- 51w @anadiau goat. Ayer’s cherry Pecteral Wed by Dr. J. C. Aye: Co.. Lowell Mam. prompt to act, sure to cure nos: 6. L‘ylfl‘c way of taking flu: ,, Maud frequent doses. "-1-. andianei: P )1. Sin-rims, Ohio. Manchuâ€. .415 mfg SURE-red from acold not w v ‘ Chm pm: 5mm at:- '-R -mxo, P‘ympton. N. S. ]!m-c rccqmmended it to hundreds. I ï¬nd_ the .. l." n.‘_.__ gL'- ‘_1‘_'_- '_ 2â€" v-V"; , - Kain“; .\. H. .. For the 1:13! 2â€" years I have been taking Ayer's Cher†Pccmrnl or Xung troubks. and am assured M ifs mu has Saved My' Life Egï¬gï¬and néeds to be taken usually in small doses. up,†rcpmted tats in my own family. A er’: W Pccwml has proved itself a. very eï¬zicnt ed? for colds. coughs. and the various dis- $5 of the yproatand lungs.’-â€"-A. W. Bartlett, all similar preparation; It La “sedby leading physicians,is able to “the taste, does not interfere with _ â€all «and: tn kn fabon “ananv “eels erous emergency Am’s â€maggggcroxu is prompt :2: act and A dose taken on the ï¬rst â€to Cure- . _ ptoms of C roup or Bronchms, checks. flex- progress of these complam3s. 1, softens the phlegm. §ooths the m- ed membrane, and Induces sleep. gimmedyfor colds, copghs, loss of - 1;. grippc, pneumonia, and even in its early stages AYER’S cherry Pectoral AT HAND ’, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1898 r W .11"; at noon, when it wi ‘ cm: II n Dumping Ground." It Hsvsno menuncturere or clam w ore to beer the tevoreble orltlclsms or some or the connoisseurs reset-ding the trash tnot is sold In this country of their mum:- ture they would "chuckle" to themselves on the good fortune tbot they bod round on Eldondo in Con-do. It is o well-known end undisputed toot, end no one knows it better than the Ho- vene menuhoturer himself, that Cured: to the dumping ground tor the pooreet quellty of algae modem Cube. The look of bewilderment end surprise on the oountenoneee of the ponies from when our buyer purebneed tobeeoe for our "Le Csdeno" end “Le Flore" clam would hove en'orded s rare subject tor s Mllleie’ tobsoco ?" “flow on you going :oobtoln pdoooto wofltobly work It 1" “Why! only the compost aim on oold in Conodo l" ‘ Thou ond Munoz-expansion woromodo by the sellers. The some elm at toboooo tho: lo and In the brondo we hovo mentioned, it monu- tooturod Inao dam in Homo. would my: double tho prion hora m lo ontolo- y no. Our numerous modolo obtolnod In oom- potluon with the world ot Pull. 1867. Con- . - nn-n L,I._ 1-__-__A_.o- .L-‘ n m mum of our human. Don't ho humhmed; 12 ran want I «- utter-mole u s at: who. Manon mvgngpnr bgsndu; S. Dull Som.llou~ Lk‘L_.A #J- 4â€".â€" Of this ï¬tness or ripeness much he: been said or written, while the truth is that only experience can decide. Twenty- four hours has been ï¬xed as the right time, but it is often more and often less. Stir two or three times 3 dry and watch closely, and you will hardly fail in hitting the right degree of sourneu or ripeness. But before you put it into the churn try it again with the thermometer to insure its being just right, for nothing is a greater source of yention and trouble than churning at a. wrong temperature. If the cream is too hot, the butter is spoiled; if too cold, you may churn in vain for hours and lose your temper end your time. The moment the cream is of right temperature. lift out the can, stir for a few moments longer, cover with a clean towel, and put where it will remain at exactly the same temperature till ï¬t to churn. Have A light wire attached to your thermometer and lower it to the middle of the cream can occasionally. Hold it there a few moments, then take out and wipe quickly, to as to clear the glans. Some people do this by putting the can near the kitchen stove and then the butter is ruined before it goes into the churn. The side next the stove will be ever so much too hot, oily and greasy, while the other aide in too cool and the cream will absorb every odor of cooking and kitchen, to reappear in the butter and tell the tale of ignorance or care- Ileana“. ; Therein but one way to temper cream ‘ properly, and that is in a hot water bath. Have a larger can than the cream can and have ready a long wooden paddle, a common thermometer and a clean towel. Fill the larger can about half full of hot water (but not boiling), then set in the1 cream can and instantly begin stirring constantly with the paddle, so none of the cream next the tin will get over- heated. ' The water must raise as high an the cream does, so all will be equally heated. kWh-g are you going to do with that Now, you may nise it in summer to 60 degrees, in winter to 62 to 65, accord- ing to the temperature of the room you chum in. Stir your can thoroughly down to the bottom twicea. day, or every time fresh cream in added and keep it as cool as you possibly can (but on no account freeze it) till you have auflicient for e churning. dsiry, therich hue of the golden cream end most decidedly to the thick crssm that will hudly ponront on my porridge "mym'mmthstcmhegot lnno otherwoythsnhy shdlow setting, sndIhave msdejustssmuchsndjustss good butter from shsllow setting whm temperature and everything else we: exactly right. But thst “when†tells the whole story. It is simply impouible to control these surroundings and they on not just right more then one-fourth of the time, and, therefore, we wisely take tothecreomer, whlohdoessllthis for us and gives us a. uniform product. Still better is the. centrifugal machine, or separator, as it is called, which separates [themamemdmilkassoon u milking is done and more thoroughly all the year round than can be done in any other way. ‘ This mode saves the washing of msny tins and saves all the ice used for deep setting. The only dissdvontaige seems to be in the hand labor of turning the machine, where no stem power is used, but even this cannot outweigh the my advantages of the separator. When theorem is drawn 0!! you use again at the mercy of the atmosphere and now you must keep your wits about you, for here is where much trouble creeps in. nonna- M ~Mr. Adolphe Chebot or Montreal in the inventor-ole row hoet motor which will lnenre the enperiority at ordlnery row boete over the sliding-sent boete end even eenlle or ehelle. The new invention hee been petented end in the future rowinn will be en eerily done with the loge ee with the erme, thus giving double etrength to the tower end greeter ewittneee tn the beet. Mr. Chebot hee elreedy been offered high prices tor hie invention, but he in- tende workingithimeelt. Thieie e ehel- lenne to ending eeete. end the sporting world willeoonheerotereoe between the new end enoient eyetenie. â€"Roeelie Bnntrock end her lover. Fritz Erbe, who were convicted et legdebnrg (Geminfley leet of the murder at two girle nemed Keeten end Klege, were ete- cnted in thet city Wedneedey oi leet ween. Both were beheeded. Reindeer. the heede- nen. hed cheese at the execution end he wielded the eword. The crimee for which they entered deeih were oeenlierly etro- eione. The women oonteeeed thet the Keeten girl wee lured into e foreet, where Erbe her. He then revered the heed from body. He end the women etripped the rennin- end then hurled them. The lKlegeweeeleolnrd Into the telnet en cent to the murdere! the Keeten girl. The Bnntroeh women med her end Erbe then out her threes. The native eithe eriinee wee robbery. .‘ mop-math hen-ectrwreeenh- tiventeohhle nieSnedeyetterneonleet et the Benton hotel inChieean m- deethweeevidentiyeentellyeleuedend mmhmwa- In. It bllowed At this point a. discussion took piece on the nutter ot desiinn with merchants under contract. Messrs. D. Sonny. G. Brooks end the county pesddent expressed themselves mos: clesrly in stoning that the object o! the sssocistion use not at all con- ï¬ned to on each misrepresentation, as my won] hove it, to deprive the mesh cheat of his lei: proï¬t. The object was to commence with the mnniscinrers when the hm combines existed. On motion the meeting sdjourned to meet. st the cell The following resolution wu moved by R. Gimp bell end seconded by A. N. Comp- beu “Tnot in we interest of our “coch- tion. end for the restoration of our beloved Dominion from emennnuonei none. “(the drink tunic.†I‘ beg leave to piece on record my approve! end entire eympnthy for total prohibition {or the Dominion end the come to become one of the mnny oppreointed pinnke in our plotter-m. end tnuc the «me ebeii oi: the next aeoenl .eeeeibn of the Grend Aeeocletion or Pan-one or Industry demand proper coneideretion. Knowing from time to tune so once advance the nnia‘rneee shown our glorious movement by putty politicians ehribking iron: this meet important question, iebe- hoovee ne evermkeen tne mater before an end prey ytor ice acceptance.†Adopted. Co. Pmidant Kittie, J. P. Pslmer, D. H. Beet A. N. Campbell end e been of omen ‘ indoreed the resolution._ _ _ _ MR. Dumas Scum. county Victotls president. then addressed the meeting end referred to cause in county dues sud other mettere of much importance. The following :esolution wss moved by Jemes P. Palmer. seconded by A. L. Min- thnme. “Where“. we representstives of Victoria County Association Petrons of industry deolsre thet some menu must be secured to obtain free: sctlon on politics! lines. I healeeve to piece on record my spprovel that in the interests of the fun- ers of this country then some step should =stonoe be spplied for in the wsy of co- opeution smougst every former. And that in the future e mess convention be called end tint proper men in sympsthy with pure end simple independence be brought out to contest both Dominion sod provin- clel elections." Unsuimouely sdopted site: some dteouseion. _ A _ > ciation' of I’atrons oi Industry, accom- panied Georze Wrizlcy. editor or the ‘ Canada armer’s Sun. the ofllcial orgsn oi the Patrons oi Incuetry, will address meetings in the county. Ailer caretul con- sider-ouch the following arrangements were concluded: Wednesdsy, June lilh next. a mess meeting will be sddressed by the above gentlemen, assisted by the county ofï¬cers. at Kinmount. at 7.30 n. to. Next day a mammoth excursion and pic nic will be the order at the day. The steamer Crandells will leave Lindsay wharf tor Fenelon Falls and will cm at all points along the river. where a pleasant day will be spent. It in quite possible another ex- curelon steamer will connect with steamer Crandella at the Falls irom Bohcnygeou. The speskera will arrive by train from Kinlnount the same morning. The Pene- lon Fells band is employed tor the day. A general crocession will take niece about 10 a. m. Thousands are expected. The same evening the shove stair will address another meeting in Lindsey at 7.309. m. 1 At this point committees were sppointed to ‘ megs agacgemegte for those meetings. _ l hir. Willinm Kenning. county mt, tookthoohni: end noted theobjectot the meetinc nuidet n lerge numb: at dele- geta. whowerenreeeut from the rem-i eublodnnotth county, togethuwithb hoetot mombereot theeeder. Thecounty eeeretnrythenreedthelnlnuteeoforevioue mgwhiehwmteronblyrecelvedend edopted. otter which the roll of eub-tuo. detioue otthe county wee celled. Iti- plenlins to etete thnt elmoet meteo- cletion0wee premed to reopend to the some. either by delegate or elternete. County Secretory Campbell wenthenonlled toreportthoetendingot the order in the county end work nocompllehed eiuce the lest county mdon, which met in the council chember.Lindeey.en Febrnery 7th :ieet. He eteted the: elnce, ebout three hundred oommunicetione hue been cent- out and noel-1y ever! oommunicetion ocn- eieted of ngood deal at writing. end thet en inereeee o! ebout two hundred end twenty memberehne been the reeult. At prenent there ere nbout 1.200 mombere in good etendlna end nbont three hundred etending with folded emu. who N3 one the errorot their wen. A number the neeocletione. that for n time allowed dork- neee to prevnii in the eeeocletiou hove been rekindled by county omoere' influence end ere now burning lights in thin poweriui ermy. Meeting edjourned to meet et 1 p. In. Meetlng opened It 1 o'clock p. m. Go. Free. MANNING spoke with greet cerneetneee no to e proper end fleet-clue progrexn for the coming event when '1'. O. Currie. vic-greeident of _thc Grnnd Aeso- AM mty'nuflngot Vidal. W Pm of mm mutt Feudal: mn- co nuke Went. for Jmmmflnmdlmumtwinc. prohibition and adm- qm at vim Important». Ailamumqumnad, EVENTS OF THE WEEK. P413018 01' 1312mm m m m m. “m maul-34- I. sent eon 154683.. In 033%? Britain atom United Salte- tar One ’99:. drag Tn Pos'r Unduy. Cum; Celery Pill 00.. romeo, Ont. 301mm. cont. rheumatismmue trunnion:- ludloue not at tone. lmpure blood. canned by when down new: mom. Tho afloat of a memo! cummmmm tum cue- a remarkable. No named] hu ever to promptly given roller. Drunk:- and dealers. HE CHADIAII POST WILL BE out to any «lama In Dumb. emu émhon â€Wm-gun m [ï¬gmmwflhtheeusonwfllht' mmâ€"wmsw _ wifllivoontlflsaatottoodanddowdl. ‘ AuAbontI'lno. Givethehogsplentyotalopa. Aï¬ttlommttaredinthoï¬aldvm givothohogsagoodm Whmmbegintofeedthepigtoht- tanthanmwmgetmore growth at! bdttermuttomsbothsloodone-fonrth bran. three-fourths by weight ofoomo: m ondb pm down a blood would‘ an mashed. humans. his him entirely ha "and m uwdhocvldon out an mma’no r, clothing. how an wound in his not {no {is "WI-tron Balm bk 09min! I he." in“: r In and: g position nut 89': '- a [ “auxâ€"63 «A W- marathons†howl Mine, ï¬ll-w! the ml» â€.30“ andlunlaaomm bloodhflowunou m . tho, minor, ' ï¬ï¬mh W tho In SUGARB we ate: exceptional value, becsuse we had the good luck to purchue two earloade While the markets were depressed. A'ï¬AWMyM haunt-eta! gormimï¬ontestamado bmefmGoï¬dtheWisconsinm lion, ithubeen found that the hailed grainsofï¬mothyaeedneitha-germim nowell net-resin their vitahtyaolong â€moon not ballad: also that timothy “when properlyMisfairlyx-e- liable uptoï¬veyears old. Never in the history of the trade was there such values oï¬'ered to;purchasers in these lines as at present. The competttion of the tea-growers of India with those of Ohlna has resulted to the advantage of the poor man the work} over, and. brands that a few years ago difl‘ued their pleaamg aroma only at rich men’s tables are now within the we have several special lines that cannotjbe reach of all. approached in value in the County. Try these. whwnm I!" Elmmxm I!" TEAS AND SUGARS. Gingnthehogs shut in pens and Stand Lamps 7 ' willbe sold at specialm jar the wt month to clear, See time Goods. are oflered. A crate 0f ï¬ne Fancy Glassware just opened .will be sold at very Sm ï¬ne lines. of flu abooengzaoe been reduced Below Cost Price to make room for a new stock. W510 be sold Below Cost rather than pack away. A ROI- Remarkable Bargains in Crockery § Glassware tibia. Oilr title 0/ “Family Grocers†is no empty onef It isï¬unnecessary to enumerate Iters the various lines included under this heading. Every house- keeper knows them, and has only to leave an order and satisfaction is assured. will please the most careful searchers after Values. If there is anything lack- ing we have not been made aware of it, and we don’t think there is. We make 4 specialty o[_.Fami{;/â€"Trafie,land degofe our whale ‘energiei to giving satisfac- Our Stock of General Groceries on to greater eï¬brts m the public interest. Long experience lms taught us how to buy judiciously, and by selling at the lowest possible prices we secure a quick . . . tum-over of stock. .. . . POINTERS for GROCERY BUYERS Mine of Handsome Hanging OUR WEEKLY BULLETIN Gall at our store and compare values. It will pay you. DINNER AND TEA. SETTS. TO THE PEOPLE 01-" VICTORIA COUNTY. That Means Money in Pocket. -wumwmneeyfor¢hndm°f wmxmmm‘d- [Wm‘h’km‘ (admtwheumothmwmconsiduthorml {motmm “(Immatu- “madmmmmmwmam mmmeirlondonesbyfmw‘m mmmpmmhm moon then-(hm WW mummm" “Wauucmdmntmodldno for ch!!- dxen. Rocha-share Wyeddmdm goodnflectupomhdrchpdm" is well supplied with Cured Hamsl Roll 8a/mon, Lobsters, 8ardines and everything else in this line. all of the best brandg. Bacon, Potted Meiqitglf’otted Turkey. Chicken Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Inmnts and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a. harmless substitute for Parogorie, Drops. Soothing Syrups, and Castor on. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions ofMothers. Castoria destroys Worms and alloys feverishness. Castoria. prevents vomiting Sour Curd. cures Dian-hm. and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatnlenï¬. Castor-in assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas- torin is the Children’s Panaceaâ€"the Motlmr’s Friend. Arch. Campbell. The Centaur Company, '17 Mum: Street, New York City. Iongue, Canceqyatgd Soups, Canned Castoria. Our Provision Department DLJ. F. Exxcnwc. X’s-6.0.0900». What is 088 $0118- Mt.“ We have been supp’yiaq the wants of hundreds of households in Lindsay and vicinity for many years, and every week have been striving to offer better values for less money than could be obtained elsewhere. A co us tan t [3/ increasing patronage is perhaps the best proof of the success of tlzose endeavors; cer- tainly it has been pleasing as us and has urged us II. A. 4mm. 1 0.. 111170. Oxford St... Brooklyn. N. Y. “Our plus-sienna us me children‘s depurr mthzvo spoken his“! a! theirexpai- ace in the? outside practice with Canola. and although we only have among our medialsupplhswmulmonumlu Wyetwouotmomeontmthnmo mamuhummmmm two: upon It." “Wmmlladnpwdtochndmm‘ I recommend “alumna-Au puma-Em may no.“ Um Hos-tux. m Dlmun, Castoria. mutant». WMM'M FARMS FOR SALE. tent. AW and mum Factory Grain and Stock Farms PETERBOBOUGE nonhuman- Firm ‘7’" "cm 7 ' inifli '.0. “non. Awful; god-nod VMO‘ urn Dflm. mm with or without meal-nus. _Faur-nmng 91mg 77 m. um“ immun; soon ' Ram sad uranium-"mum“!!- pmot ma “me â€them â€60%! at this com 1 mm than mm In mo: tyne-halos. mmmmmm- m WWII. Court of Re 310 SM Council win :1an- Revision-.1: the sumo hour 011:5:de Mom mmay.Jm5:aLto tonal-and L: "Egg .7, W- _ -_-'- anNoflceEha-ebygiven :6 3.11, 96.. {ammugovem chem-01m . w. 1?. 0303mm m. an: 17. ms. ran-mam st !0 o'dock in the f to consider an decade Road A . um mum tor current you. MONDAY, May the 29th. 1893, PS COURT OF REVISION AND ROAD APPROPRIATION m Muutcim Comm of the Township at 090 will meet In the Council Chamber, Lindsay, from Janna!†whomuonhandtbom has: cum). Orden lot: a J. P. Rim!!! Mun-98m“! lawman. .1. CATTLE-Hum: about 120 ms of pu- methunouon. Inn premredwmkomhm sad outdo u the («flowing rstu pa:- mouth: Home». on:- three yea-w. $1: Hones. two you- old. 750.; Ymrunza. 50a: Cattle. ova- dun. you: 0! use. 750.: Cattle. under thee you-a, an. All smiuoked arm ud Inked. Autumn». of mm mania: thmugh the pump. JOHN BATEMA N. samba: mile norm of Arch. MI! 2. 1893.â€" 39 IL Order Your Wï¬GD AND 00M. «Sigh ’ Ear-W mm meSbï¬ï¬‚ï¬b‘l. Nonhd South of Qgean-u. A good that we! cellar. 2005 am: moraine-1d as tree. Avnly MK J ACKSON. 8mm. 83 MARGARII‘ O'CONNOR. 89 u“- lay-£41m ' ' £1. commualoc~m so): 82m Bowman.- ohlces and collect la the Cancun WV and Edam-£9... Apply £o Joan}! an.“ um nuxbumn. Apply a: Joan Hour. and gum. (03100 In Adun‘l mock) than. 3!. ESLâ€"813:. station n oestrus; For coins and anus? make of Brick cannot be 03 WAKELIN. (‘aaoh‘rtnn Mamba 1811â€"â€!!!- uhbiiaithy’ éuiiid ---l have now on'ban'd a. have m "a equcx_a_mn smog. yuan I gel! «9; inn-xi EFGQXTV’gx-idt pm 7' W W 7 grï¬wgï¬vi' GU \IGAL’S LIVE RY STABLES, You Scoot, L1nMr.Comtmb‘.o can: "yucca and good home- 00 hire r- mu. use. BRIAN GUNIGAL. PAST U R E FOR HORSES AND CATTLE-Hum: about 120 ms of m- WOOD LED GOAL. Poe-rm: your out: ern nhmnahiv noun!“ \ \élammww 8.4 £133 .zoï¬oazzoo uzommaqna “5.28555: m 62 an 2... nonâ€"ho .:08 In GoodzDry Hardwood WOOD, LUMBER, swam LATE And. LIME, ITO. JOS. mm. mm. Annâ€. 1892.7†, , 7 R. KENNEDY, } EORGE DOUGLASS. mm or muo- noun-n OB Wâ€. 1!":ng jug-6141!. _o'rs FOB. SALEâ€"Four 10a h UILDERS, ATTENTION. â€"At th ’ _ old reliable bxjck xm-Tmumu in I! [E LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND awn msmuxcn (>0qu ....... Po. mums a son, WNAGTBRS AID BUILDEH GENTS WANTEDâ€"On FIRE AND LIFE, w Licwu. J. LeROY, Commâ€"1m. .i Mun-lugs“ psychosis“ to: the m C 69°. 7 Bryan a Son mammmm‘ ERWTWQ- 0‘ “.1 .de-gdpéo- Mtswaaneo us. â€"-nmn llâ€" R. Kennedy.