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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Jun 1893, p. 8

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:2 .'. 1" 5‘4! 1.; .. J“ "ET“? Ehé'g'ixi'é {1:6 beginning. I hulls grippe run out once more won’t .hurt; and Was I nlwayn think I am titling some person who is now aufl'eringu I sufl‘ered, ad giving t_hex_n I. clam bill of heglth. 1" II “Certainly,” replied Capt. Mc- Iny. “I have told the storya hundred fines already, but u the frgth nave; h" the partied“: of your illness and adoration to hedth’l", 7 7 recomy was wonderffil, ma we: fight about entirely by the use of Dr. mm Pm P511; would 39:: let me own village and in the adjacent places where he is so well known, that The Free Press thought the matter of sufficient importance to the public. to get a state- m‘ent of the facts from Captain McKay. and accordingly detailed nreporter to interview him with that end inview, when the following facts me into my posses- ion: “I have heard,” said the reporter f‘that grippe, which gradually developed into more serious troubles, until his life was despaired of. It. was with deep regret that his employers and friends saw him sink gradually under a terrible disease, until his death seemed only a question of a few weeks. At this time, when physi- cian could do nothing for him, he was induced to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and by that wonderful medicine was restored to health and strength. Captain McKay's almost miraculous recovery created no little amazement, and as much interestfiwas manifested in it, both in his Iron: the Weymoutb.\' - 8.. Free Press. Probably one of the best known men in Digby County, N. 8., is Captain J ames McKay, of Tiverton. The captain is known among ship owners as a first-class mariner and pilot, has been chiefly engag- ed in the West Indies trade, and has been very fortunate with the vessels under his charge. Some three years ago Captain MoKay bed _a very severe at§a0k_of la Captain James McKay Tells His Story of Buffering and Release-nu Recovery Wu Dexpmad 0: sad no honed tor Deathâ€"“The Duke-t Hour In just a My 0! nopeâ€"Health and 8mm DIGBY COUNTY MIRACLE BEMARKABLE EXPERIENCE OF A WELL-KNOWN SEA. CAP- who @anmfiau gm. New Advertisements This Week. LINDSAY. FRIDAY, JUNE 6. £133 Localâ€"T. A. Middleton. Mexâ€"Dr. L. A Smith. Medicalâ€"Dr. L. A. Smith. A Fine Stockâ€" W. Wards. Royal Armsâ€"T. Mntchett. Double Tripâ€"Sh. Esturion. New Cash Storeâ€"Kerr 3; Co. Money Lostâ€"Capt. Wm. Fee. Farm for Sanâ€"Alex. Brennan. Wire Windowsâ€"J. G. E! vards. Sit Garnet. 3rdâ€"S. C. Johnston. For the Hot Seasonâ€"E. Woods. Confirmation Suitsâ€"Cough Bron You Know how you Feelâ€"Britten Bros. Court of Revisionâ€"Township o! Lampoon. Conmation oi the Co. 01‘ Victoriaâ€"T. Matcheth‘ Three Localsâ€"Seance. Radarâ€"MW“! 8; Co. e m WES I KNIEKERBUGKER PANTS (lined) AT 750. PER PM? These are cart of the 868,000 stock that was scooped in by GOUGH’S of Peterboro and Lindsay, and ie but an index of the Battling Fine ' mun. a "3:: These are part of the $68,000 stock_ thajc building new the blood, enabling the “mom to successfully resist disease, Dr. Williuns’ Pink Pills stand for in advance of any other remedy known to medial science. Pink Pills ere e specific for the a) give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are \n unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus dance, sciatica, neuralgia. rheuma- ism, neg-vans headache. the after effects -f In grippe, Pdpitation pf the heart, sad 'he tired feeling resulti from nervous arostrafion; all diseases spending npm vital hn‘inors inthe blood,such as scrofuh, ‘hmnic eryuio'ehg. ate: €18" ”firefly f‘or Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are manufactured by the Dr. William's VIedicine 00., of Brockville. Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y.. a firm of. unquestion- ed reliability.» Pink Pills are not looked upon as a patent medicine, but rather a Inscription. An analysis of their pro- nerties shows that they contain, in a condensed form, all the clement: necessary me on my feet again, and I went to work after months of enforced idleness, to the great astonishment of my acguaintance, who never expected to see me around again. Since that time I have recom- mended Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills to sev- ral persons who have used them with good results, and I feeliit my duty to advise their use by people who are‘run down or «.ufi'er the effects of any chronic ailment. I believe they saved my life, and you may beiaure I am grateful.” _..- - “u '\ u "11nd,; GAL 05‘1qu ALL nu... I‘vv.‘ -.- ...v_v -v- me. But the darkest hour is just before he dawn. I had become so bad that I hardly cared how soon I slipped my cable. for I was now almost completely paralyzed but at this time the statement of a man down in Cape Breton, whose case had been somewhat similar to mine, came to my notice. He attributed his cure to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and I thought that there might be a chance for me, though I confess I had at that time but very little faith in any medicine. To make a. long story short I began the use of Dr. W illiams’ Pink Pills and soon found that they were helping me, and their continued use put "Seemingly not. They gave advice, sent medicine, and rendered their bills promptly, so that I think they derived the most benefit, for under their treat- ment I did not improve a. bit. At last I got so bad that 1 lost all ambition, I suffered terribly y, was only a. burden to my friends, and actually longed for death, which all thought was soon in store for about three years ago and that tied me up pretty well. I wan’t fit to take charge of a ship, so sailed as far south as the Milk River, Jamaica, as nurse and com- panion for an invalid gentleman. The weather at that season was simply melting, and I used to lie down on the deck at nightl and in my weakened condition got some sort of fever. When 1 reached home I was completely used up and continued to get worse until Icculd hard- ly move about. At times my limbs would become numb with a tickling sensation, as though a thousand needles were being stuck into me. Then my eyesight began to fail. It was difficult for meito distin- guish persons at a distance. aMy face became swollen and drawn, and my eyes almost closed. At times my flesh would assume a greyish color and remain for days in that state, being at the same time cold and 'deathlike.” "?1b611ik1"':'he doctors do nothing for you?_” enguiged the reggrter. Dr. W’illaams’ Pink Pills sire sold only in boxes bearing the firm’s trade,msrk and wrapper. (printed in red ink). Beer in mind that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are never sold in bulk. or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who offers sub- stitutes in this form is tryingto defraud you and should be avoided. The public are also cautioned against other so-colled blood-builders and nerve tonics, put up3 in similar form intended to deceive: They tare all imitstions whose makers hope to reap a pecuniary advantage from the wonderful reputation achieved by Dr. Willinms’ Pink Pills. Ask your dealer for Dr. Williems’ Pink Pills for Polo People, and refuse all imitstions end substitutes. ‘ Dr. Willisms’ Pink Pills msy be bed of all druggists or direct by nail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company from either address at 50 cents a box. or six boxes for $2.50. The price at which these pills are sold mske a course of treatment comm tively inexpensive Is compared with other remedies or medics] treatment. ~. The Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., of Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., a firm of unquestioned reliability. Pink Pills are not looked upon as a patent medicine, but rather as a prescription. An analysis of their properties show that these pills are an unfailing specific for all diseases arising from an impoverished condition of the blood, or from an impairment of the nervous system, such as loss of appetite, depression of spirits, anaemia, chlorosis or green sickness, general muscular weak- ness, dizziness. loss of memory, palpita- tion of the heart, nervous headache, locomotor ataxia, paralysis, sciatica, rheu- matism, St. Vitus’ dance, the after effects of la grippe, all diseases depending upon a vitiated condition of the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system, correcting irregular- ? ities, suppressions and all forms of female weakness, building anew the blood and, restoring the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. These pills are not a purgative medicine. They contain only life-givingpropertiesandnothingthatcould injure the most delicate system. They act directly on the blood, supplying its life-giving qualities, by assisting it to absorb oxygen. that great supporter of all organic life. In this way the blood, be- coming “built up" and being supplied with its lacking constituents, becomes rich and red, nourishes the various organs, stimulating them to activity in the per- formance of their functions and thus eliminate Vdisease_ from_t_he system: _ troubles peculiar to the female system, giving a. rosy, healthy glow to pale or sal- low complexions. In the case of men they effect a. radical cure in all eases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesseg of auy_natuye.__ THE CANADIAN POST, LINDSAE ONTARIO, FRIDAY, .' These Suits are of Proper Material, well made and inexpensive, but while inex- pensive and whole, we start them at 650. per Suit. We mm them up in Finest - Grades of All- Wool Worsteds, Scotch Tweeds, Wool Cheviots and all the latest mites-vials. The Style and Finish is natty and good. It is simply impossible for tailors um.- aocustomed to Boys’ Clothing to make such Suits, and the Prices will be found one- half that of Custom-made Suits. . . . . .. . We can the attention of parents to the fact that we have «In stock a large number of Confirmation and Communion Suits, suitable for Boys. The First Communion or Confirmation is an event in a well-regulated Boy’s life. The Inward Boy must be right, the Outward Boy N eat, Respectable and Creditable. -.RITOHIE’B OLD STAND-”NEAR THE BENSON HOUSE; Gong; The Wonderful Cheap Men, Lindsey and Peterbeee. Brothers. 2 Court..." 1‘5."th ‘Defii'nifihisi sash-n.“ ' Bow 11H In ”use. to. our nylon. r- Boat Exam Bulb 13 Ban. ctr; Mono .901 flock. Ioa'o 3131' muqmm- m me new": Buy: In nook. salon m. m-n low mfg“ - wide by: no cum- __ 0..th r a fall In Bhinl with W 3' mâ€"mivféwlhâ€" ' ' ' lrb’llse‘fl‘. Collnnudcmb. Wane :Ml’u. Jun-I Conan. cm um- karma. «a. Good mu. m “’0 Iofllo. cannon no Wool um nu Line. in lon'. Coctv n. ltd-o “a Hutu-u Wool Unmanbx- lme Nae. In .11 um. Mada Bracesâ€"tho but mm on: shown. eenu’ Kw amp 90kt!!! Buck vim In new; mains-nob“ glaze!!!“ Remember. we headlo- oe genuine reduction! in a'rIFF “(SOFT FELT HATS of Lincoln. Bennett. Chtlltl. Cook-er. Woodrow, "Kg,- esoae." exc.. which :- maiden: mum. at quemy. end will nubile: all the elm-per mun-- nose or these good! wlIh which the who! II flooded. Get the belt and you hue the cheep- ut. We me e math: or nu- ud up. an Ian's rum-mn- N0. 96 Kent-st, Lindsay, Leading Hatters â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" MEN’S F UBNISHEHS FAIRWEATER BU.‘ SILK t'oâ€"n'L You: ”-12:- 37nd. m’ 257,96, 1'»; moumud compute dmrct Fan-wee ther a: Go. YEDDO HAT. .Whomm of (Iranian. Where m: ad cleanliness m «and the! m m. A good hon-chow m - morale-won!" Movflyhmmfl' m Manna!“ MOO!“- mmwmnmmmnflw hmdsmmndflnm; .hmmmm ouch-to: ”Imam Our Prices! are Reasonable. Wire Windows DOOR SCREENS i3 innâ€"110i? 30-8; tau; snowed sad in a meditate of cum"- tion except then: three was. 8 1mm Thom homes. 102 bun sad as e on the property; nho (hm wood walls. Aw In ALEX. BRENISAN. Eat Wad. . mâ€" "3':- 59133166 ”85%.? to? GET»! you. “ranging“? Madame-3.6.. HE CANADIAN POST WILL BE not to 391‘ Idol-cu 11! M 9m“ Urdu-v. Mar 15. Ianâ€"as New Advertmomen a. W flew Advertisements. J. 0. Edwards. To a few lines in stock that will interest you. Cook- ing Stoves and Ranges that do their work well, Coal Oil Stoves for summer use, Refrigerators to keep your butter hard during warm. weather, Granite- ware, good and cheap, Clothes Dryers and a host of articles to be used around your kitchen that will save time and money. JAMES BOXALL, YOUR ATTENTION m C lak’a 06a. nod-1. sun I“. "a...“ . “MoMan-uummm magnum. ML 1“ ALL A- TIMI}, lie. 18“] day of JIM, 1893, dun We! the County uvm mun-thug CORPOR ATION OF THE COUKTY u- vxcronu. a. 18. township of irhpt ll. how we ”anathema: mrflu who mulctonulv removed the nuts [mm and to In “com. round to our pet-on giving worme- nu: M will 00035:. g can, pagan. .L'l the 8th and and at May. A LARGE SUM OF MONEY. common In a bag mass 0! MW ahrune. A handsome reward will be paid tor!“ norm" by nun-um: to THE POST gltuu'rmeéorucng p 0431‘. yyg._l_{m:, _-_a -, --v- â€" w vul- -- vv -- run, Era}. out um. may. my 27:», 1893.â€" will be my for :11 parties Matted to Inc to new. men nooounh nooon u ”tibia. Pam! may be undo st Wlnumaon B-oa . Batch“ 1. C. RAY. Una-u. flu 22.â€"59-3. ONEY LOST. â€"In Lindsay y, between the 8th and find (1 law. A LARGE ONCEâ€"As I an leaving (own it mum {ordinal-ties Matted MUNICIPAL cannon. . \'-ll luau-I. Va! fi'i'm- sod. monmmox WANTEDâ€"The m.- Nonfihmummm Boxall. County can. LINDSAY. 109 KENT-Stu 1 and mop-nod cucume out” Wall Papers, Sheet Musi Violins, tc. PIANOS and ORGAN} unlu- Book and Btulonuy 5'”, at! m hop 3 tail mm)? or .1100 ‘ low. ms. Jam, 14-81513“ at an M “May. mzs.1893-5911. 4 All Goods Must be Sold forCI 0'18!!!“ Cost is no Cor sldcuuion. L m flu «Nannie- “7°" Pru- I}. fun» mu an 00.991 .‘.%:JZ.‘>NErHERUP, Lindsafi 37%0. on the Doll Bankrupt Stock of G. A. METH 650. .4. [[771 J. .7- We max-up; I“ PURCHASED TEE G- A. Little. féOli m ' m equally prepare the newest and n rv was of Girls, filo:- Hats at 13 ccms F .30 cents each; Cheap In these departments w d Gloves and H! ' ° :1 to offer still be Black Cottm my: H0899 Double “01'in other hous stock of Ca8hm£re per cent. less than (â€"lsew ms, and save one 1m Gloves and Mitt ample“ or attractive. mammoth stock, and 01 in the trade for similm first seeing 11 I in mind that WA] 7 f Coats. bargair 193 one of the 81 one would no‘ WARN - II In economi' milk sweet. the thing for heavy, Ld hve an outfit. I! a UMBREL Ladies’ Wa I and pricesâ€"411 Oiled Goat m»: 78 and? \Ve have HRH, FUN?! So that Hmhvsf For Sum Lindsay for arrangcm T/ze ’l'mo 2rd Mr.

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