.35. {.1 PL . v I l ‘5" 9'" - 3M ' .15} L“ [pill Mr. Haggart is proving a worthy suc- cessor of Sir Hector Langevin in the art of developing big and costly jobs in canal construction; and some facts are coming out in connection with the Cornwall canal works that promise to throw Sir Hector’s extravagance in the shade. The govern- ment has made an important change in the plans of the Cornwall canal enlarge- ment, which will result in throwing away fully $300,000 for work done, and have let the new work to a favored ï¬rm cf contractors without tender.. The north branch of the St. Lawrence at Sheik’s island is by the construction of dams to be converted into a pond or basin three miles long and from 600 to 1,500 feet in M" xfly ï¬ned inu W govenmfllt. «mm-.8. 98. E4“ mwmuL? v.8. HONONHO :83? 586.5. 83.3 5.40 E3 8 8.58» 3 8838 RIPGPB.L.GEEQSFB. rx» rrlblir ~31. drill! 3 niahodâ€" on appnoaflon to â€VJDB- 21-. use can aw y. m. Boas-co checked annual: from Lindsay to Chicago and examined at Toronto to save trouble crossing the line. Tickets Issued at lowest rate. Box-gh- aecngod and every information m- o.-, ;_ WORLD’S FAIR “@119 ï¬anafliau Quit. Vâ€" THE WAY THE MONEY GOES. In-J - â€"'â€"‘ . But the mount fawn?“ "’ over-ridden by 3 speed order m council, 194 ___.._.-s .n- 85° in the Shade Vivâ€" wâ€"._ _ uï¬ the governor-general’l mi: in End. This was I. high}; improper ex- PORTER’S. ' Ticket Agent. G. '1‘- {4435113131. 1393-60. ,â€" muwmroumm KEEP COOL Lindsay. June 8. 1893â€"56. Prices from Five Cents to Five . . . Dollars. , . . u: m mm to Chicago Duly- BY GIMG 0X! 0' 033 ROUTE. F. 6'. Taylor. R. S. Porter. FRIDAY, JUNE 9, Double-Fold DRESS GOODS at Our BOY’S SUITS from - Our MEN’S SUITS, from - Our TAPESTRY CARPETS from r. 0' TAYLQRJ’ Our Goods are direct from the fountain head; action Good as it is though we can only show a few things as a very signiï¬cant and remarkable coin- cidence that in the very month this 860,- 000 was improperly paid sixty election protests were lodged by the tory agents, each requiring $1,000, and it is clear there must have been some easy and ex- peditious way of raising the money at the command of the Ottawa leaders. But no one should whisper the suggestion that the immaculate Haggart and Caron would have obtained the funds in this way, at the people’s expense, for the people pay for all this jobbery. Here is a notable illustration of the way the public money is going, or has gone. The electors should bear it in mind. Three or four Dominion miniaters and their retainers have appeared before the public in Cardwell to pave the way for opening that constituency and “locking horns†with Dalton McCarthy. Cardwell is a tory “hive,†good for a majority of a thousand, and it ought to be “safe" be- yond peradventure. Yet the Dominion government have been shivering with apprehension as to the consequences if Mr. R. S. White, the present member, is appointed collector of custom for Mon. treal, and an opportunity offered for a McCarthy candidate to appear in the ï¬eld. Not to open the constituency would be a disastrous confession of weakness, A CHALLENGE IN CARD WELL. and it would appear that the Dominion ministers have decided to make the plunge. They have opened the campaign by studied denunciation of “that man McCarthy.†When their copious vocabu- lary of detraction fails they give the ï¬nishing stroke by comparing him to Sir Richard Cartwright and by describing him as a follower of Mr. Laurier. This ought to be very taking, but the electors receive it with mortifying indifference. They called upon Mr. Foster to give them tarifl‘ reform with Great Britain; they urged him to go back to the system before 1878, when barley fetched $1.40 a bushel as compared with 26 cents now obtained. It was a bad day for the Dominion ï¬nan- cial men, and Mr. Foster must have yearned for the hearty applause that was frequently showered upon him when he spoke as a $10 a night man. Some vague promises of tarifl' changes were made, but they were not even as deï¬nite as Sir John Thompson's promise to lop the mouldering branches away, a promise only to be forgotten. Mr. Foster is an adept in glittering generalitiesâ€"that is part of his stock in tradeâ€"but his plans- ible arguments did not arouse the en- thusiasm of his audience. Too many shared the views frankly expressed in the Richmond Guardian, 3. down-east tor-y paper, which in the course of an article on the_question of the day, said: “Tariff reform is in the air and it is spreading. The rural voters don’t care a Esnap about Mr. McCarthy's inconsistencies, his instability, his weak logic, or his hopelessly bad statistics, â€"heis lead- ing a party that have made up their minds to have tariff reform: whether that policy is a wise one or the reverse they are not disposed to debate;â€"they are feel- ing the pressure of hard times-they cannot tell why the times should be worse for them than for the residents of the cities and towns; nor do they stop to enquire if, indeed, they are worse off than V'- ‘L_†’ 1 their urban neighborsâ€"what they do know is that they are hurl up and they put it down to the tariï¬'. Now it is obvi- ous to us, and it ought to be as phinto the government and its organs, that this conviction, or let no say this delusion, he: got tooï¬rma. hohionthefnrmento be reasoned sway.†Whetever Mr. Footer does will be done in the interests of the red parlor combines. They have tiny. had the inside tnek end they will keep mm ‘1‘“le yuan-v .- â€"-â€"â€"vâ€". _ tothe tuteandto the «mum. mpuble to the stomach sud healthyin its nature and effects Mg than qufliï¬â€œ, «£19131:th My: most geuue dmrotlc known. it. Itis very Important in this‘qgeof mt WM PM L tint snmedybeplemm -- .L- m “div hlv-n Mutual wrecking priveleges have been at. last arranged between the Canadian and American governments. It is now admissable for either Canadian or Ameri- can tugs to gotothe relietofanyvesselin distress. Canada was not forgotten by Mr. G_lad- stone when preparing his list of those entitled to queen's birthday honors. Senator Carling and Chief Justice Strong have been made Knights cf the Grand Cross of. St. Michael and St. George. Hon. James Robert Gowan and Coiling- wood Schreiver,deputy minister of railways and canals. were made companions of the same order. no: 0350‘“ Mr. G. F. Franklin. the well-known Toronto cattle exporter. takes a very gloomy view of the situation, and says that shippers this year will lose from $15 to $20 on each animal. Shippers of hay and eggs have also lost money. and the Ottawa Free Press. in commenting upon the fact, not inopportunelv remarks “what is the matter with the unlimited market of England?" According to the tory poli- ticians, everything that Cinada could produce was to ï¬nd ready sale there at remumerative prices. The Ottawa Free Press sayszâ€"“A meet- ing was held in Montreal on Tuesday evening to protect against Mr. Gladstone's home rule policy. Mr. Clarke Wallace was invited but did not attend. pleading shortness of notice and a previous engage- ment. Some strong resolutions were adopted, but when it came to a question of raising money to pay the rent of the hall in which the meeting was held the enthusiasm petcred out. Only $37 could be raised. whereas the gentlemen who called the meeting were responsible for ï¬fty dollars." his menaceâ€"Rotated to the menacing com- mmecm A communication wee reed tram Mr. F. Knowiecn. sown clot-k. enclosing copy of mcdcnpeesed by metcnwith reterencetc the cutest lamâ€"Received end tymd....llr. Stems reed the report or the flames commit- tee. which mommendcd mm: of accounts amounting to 8155 fliâ€"Adcptcd...l(c. Waters moved. seconded by Mr. Stew-n. the: the chap- Lindsay Bond of “union. A regulnr meeting at the hurdwns held Tnesdsy evening in the council ohsmber. The members present were Chairmen J. R. Mc- Neiliie and Messrs. Stewsrt. Weltera. R. Ken- nedy. J. Kennedy. McLaughlin, Piikie. Mut- thews end Dr. Lynch. The minuteeo! the inst meeting wererend by the clerk. Mr. Snior. end on motion they were conï¬rmed. The rem ot Heedmsster Broderick Rsve 876 ss the number of pupils on the rolls of the nubile schools: nversge nttendsnoe. 73:. Principal Hustone of the Collegiate institute reported 261 puniison the rolls: avenge stteudsnoe. 208. Mr. Esr- stonenisessked thohourdtoxnske provision for the nsnni closing exercises. which would include the east oi printing. the selection of the speaker for the evening and the men: of Ietnodm Confluence cm.- The following changes have been made in the lint at stations of the Bey 0! Quinn confer enoe published in lee: week's Poe'r :â€" Bowmenville Districtâ€"Bowmanville. Celeb Faker. William Jolllfl'e. unmounted: Newcastle end Ornno. R. M. Pope (Newoeetle) : J.R. Real. (Drone). Uxbrldge Dietrichâ€"Lemonville, W. H. Lenora, Shem Blonehu'd. nnpernnnueeed. Cnnnington Dietrichâ€"Woodville. J. W. Wilk- Harland. W. P. Rodgers. under Input-Interment e: Coboeonk. Lindsey Dishiet-Jenetvme. C. Hiram Fuse: Dnnnfotd. Moses Mamet-ell: Gummy. John 0. Ash: Boboeygeon. Thomas Snowdon. Pmper E. Neville, S. Down,uupennnuated. ; Wilden. W. A. Banner; Heiibnrhon. W. G. autism; Wilberioxoe. D. G. E. under me superintendent oi Hellburton; Gooderhun, S. J. Green. under the superintendent at Kinmonnt. Patel-homo Districtâ€"Cam“ W. :8. Cook; Bfldgenorth. Thou. Oleworth. Jae. Became; Wuuw. J. ERobeeon : Harvey. D. Cronter. (Lakehunt). 098/9080, Spec/ally to give : Victor“ Road. Thou. H. McDonald: EDITORIAL NOTES. 25c. and 500 $2.00 to $4.00 3500 to $10.00 250. to 750 South Emily obout two muss north at this mmmdwomnahoulowith port at tho content- dun-010d by ï¬re obout noon ontho‘30th1mt. It «can the an origin- ated [com o twinning on the root. sod BRECHIN. [W at m Posm Pic-quâ€"Tho maul RC. plc-nlc will be held on Tuudsy, tho 20th June. An stir-ct!" mm of spot“ ls In course dpreomtlon. Thooommltmmapulng no pan: to nuke it the event of the Sebbeth School will hold their tunnel excursion to Jacob’- blend on Wednesday. J one 1401:. The steamer Creodelle. which hen been secured to: the occasion, will lave the Linda-yet. whet! M: 8.30 e. m. Mend will ntumetï¬SOnm..aliin¢ at the Point both going end coining. The Mr. Adane being eheent et Omemee his 'wite end little girl did not notice the 11:. until it wee too fer Munoed to put out. but name n‘eidhhore'hnrried to the eye: end and whet theyconld of the furniture, etc. end eleowennted thenneextendingtothe heme end athei- onthnildinge clone by. Mr. Aden'e lose in e net-lone one. u we under- etend there wee only stew hundred dolhre oi inennnoe on the PM (lo-trend. Romance 003 Ownâ€"And no Cenede'e exhibit et Chime is surprising the world. end the: "pretty eoneidereble.†en the Yankee an. Yes. Uncle Sun. we no quite eepehle of holding our own in the indneulnl neldolthenetlone. Thieiee greet country up north. Uncle Sunâ€"it will he meter, end you know it. passed her exeminntlon as protueionnl nune. and lent week received her diplomn from Indy Smiley, petron of the Ottewe hoepitnl. Mill Cornwnli is n netive of this village. end her my friends will be planned to heel of he: Ineeeee. MAGISTRA‘I'E'S Commâ€"Col. Deneon.P.lL wee here leet Setnrdny trying scene under the public health net. It wee egeinut Sunnel end Williun Lmb. butchers. for minimum 1 nnlnnee et their eleughtu- house. There we: eonddenble evidence pro end can end the honing wne Emily ndjanrned until next Seturdey. __._ FRANKLIN. [Comm at Tn Poe-Ll Srmnm Gaow'm.â€"Crapl looking tine. Will and: up totho mount. Good pro-pooh lot 3 huvy trait crop. Tm: G. '5 B.â€"It look. no it the G. '1‘. R. intend opening the nilwny nation And wmhomuhmMuthu inn put in the lace signs! umnphmo sad the titling hero tho an. n st maul“ nation; Patina: my unticipsto 3 future 0. P. R. competition would the Linda-y md Pontypool nanny come this wny. And are papa-inc to sift-ct _p_stronuge_ their way. Omanâ€"Funds Pout o! Conn wu wound to hlo lut mung lat Sob- bsth. The demand. who woo 86 your old. had boon I raid.†of this loonllty for non]: lull s century. and lone- . number of mottled Ions Ind daughters. [Correspondence (It ran Postal Excunsxox:-Tho blend: of the Stleu} SALEMâ€"OPS. UMEMEE. m at m Poet.) at a time. We therefore mention our Dmm’as ‘5‘ Flaw/[e 87/05. Hâ€"A‘ us Better Light seamed. lincmmoflundeorDumm. 08am Mr. Hannibal-Bahama: accepted. Mnnnhtbompudumeoflam sold to Ir. mum. Domvmo alumna! www.mvwgmmduum. mmam Wu mum meoflmm mmm alumina m moved byllr. m.mw.mnmmmm forum» â€bonanza-mm" EmOnhfloDdx-Im'n And-um. mar-um Wan them was not undo-nu. mm m 1m my. nook. Brooklyn. Hr. Cook ocmd 9m to: Not-wood. nan-cum. 05km Ind Orland and Westwood. which they seemed. Hr. cxmwmdammm mums muMMPommhwhoodd. 11h. Mount Plenum Mother 1m totaled. Mr. Clam Morass-16 (odds. which sold. mmwoflmwmmcwm mead. m flak-old tolls-Guzman donut: Innuendo! â€Mouth. Forts-non: m mbou’dod null. m- omentum 3.602 boxes. Tho (alum bun:- wmmt: Mean ammo»: Wflchtar. magnum. Finale. Banal! sad noon. Um- poolwuquotodn it. xx. Run-sumac Why «adamant-mm. Gwyn-canto anamxme. Shannxorth Smith ad would. InCook ma 9; mm. nun-ensues. gr.gookg3 and Kr. Run-ell 9 7-16. Ho selected Wumuuter. Wax-3w. Pm Gmo. mum. Tavern and OntnIBmlth. M13000! 0M9} tuturthar selections. Be .0100th Ids. Ben-tort. Buck- Onset. or Tm: Cmmux POST. I, Lxxnux'. June 9. 1893. m recoun- ct min on the mm oondnumllzwhutmm maths Mum. www.mmouumum tar wmmmmndndmtorm ouâ€"mmmom-amuuwo. Humdmwâ€"Smdy.wlmdutmunhc usxommmrflmothyndfltommm. andstewmdlotmwnuhzuflflwww mmmumumm Dan-ed hop-m m was Mr. but than wu not much Madman!“ "may. memo-o W- Ammumdtheï¬mmm meummmmuon mm “avail-now" .uoo d bum lld all“ The comm oboe-9mm: COMMERCIAL NEWS. ‘3 Mir 05¢ and Better Display Roam. Sir CAI-not M No. 10, in C. E. 8. 8.. voL 1, Ind 3274 in B. E. S. B. VOL 8. Brown. “le887. Bud by W. J. Stone. Elmmm. 310:!de 8m. Gum. 1692; dun. by Robin Hood 676; swam- 1492. alto Pop Shot ma; dun by Prickvluow 614. he by Flu-n Pflckvmow 229, he by Pdckvfllow 607. be bio!“ 01k Manama 522. he by Norfolk Cob 475. by “EBAY. I811. havillluvohil on mblqmuap Mancunian-thud. Ookwood. fox-noon; pm to Jenklo'a howl. umoaummmt. TUESDAY. will moaned to R. Pagoda. for mane: mnmuw- hotel. embroider mmDAY. will proceed mo Edwu'dl' howLWoodvfllqml-m THURSDAY. will mood to Alvis. m: noonnhemtoli‘omnnoo'um Bavarian. not-night..- Pth.wfllMto mummmomnmmhmm natal-Mt. SATURDAY. will tau-on noble. “£11;me mwmm« malnoumonlna. TM- routowmbooouunod during the '11»de S. 0. Johnston, Mamilla, SIR GARNET 3RD, m" mPom-m mama HACKNEY s'rnuon "pa mm m a: samurai: a: STEWAR .onosheundalugod. Duodthozflh duct 11.1.4. .1893. JOHN BERIIINGHAU. my 8. 1853â€"508- Had-3:. K VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ELDON. No unfit-um!) 10°99‘04- mama-mun“! or we put-ohm money the mam-m the â€ammo-mamas“ Walnuts Mamet-Wuhan: Inm- at. Thovenduwmmbobomm naval! mydoodu.ornbmouor otdeednor Marigusmo thumb $me comm andmrk ed on the ouulde "Box-mine Tendon (or draw! 11cm Minol- Inonnl'ohnod momma-ud- TYBE a: STEWART. Thohnu'fllbeuold mud macaw. which animals: subtoottonhuo flux 0 “an“. nu. all†once n-E-T'Woodvmu mus-mom sauna. 111mm “wind wmmm _OST.â€"v0n .1qu 2nd,}; {he vjdnity of XTEN'DED PEDIGREE _OF THE New Advertisements. sac, Jammy. 3333311 137143112. Wonderful Lines of Tnosznmsmm for Boating and Evening THE YEDDO HATS Children’s Sailor HEM Fancy Woollen Tams, All Hats at especially [0' Prices during June. Kent-st, F AIRWEATHER W - “waging Partner. "out“ BEBINNING OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON. McLennan Ce. 8ign qf the Mill Saw, and Doors. Windows and Door: Ready-n ' Spring, Hinge: and Fastening: Green Wire Clot/a for WM? McLENNAN MU McLen nan Fairweather Go.’s are the W- Mme†and mm many. MAMâ€"82 900. to $1.25 $5.00 Futures that a: Go. have an unequalled stodf ‘1 Fine Straw Hats and U9“ Summer Felts in the Law Styles. and a wonderful ‘1" sortment of Outing and [W (at: Cape of approved defl!‘ Wise wxu tale tunity to re themselves. they must b dressed, and The last few day’ sheaf: many citizens from the streets to the pleasant hr of near-by pleasure A in: éanadil mmsnr. FRIDAY There is eve ros ed 05 , longand hothEme: and' TOWN 51:2; wise will take every opp? â€m3 HERE ‘ tunity to relax and r marl-1 themselves. While doing a PORTEB'B they must be appropï¬atï¬ gem-oz..btndt dressed, and it is well them tolmowthat : .. mama-In 0" “American Rheuml hand Neunlziï¬ Mi“ h action upon "10 93"“ mmnnmnï¬n n all Mus. Itremoveelv‘ CARLOADI 250. to 50c South Side Kent LIA/08M W" Peterbm mum man this one! W11“ 7 w. Soot. 231392â€"- sun: Ann-v. rat nope m W 00pm 010.10 5‘: I m lama. human, mus cum 3:: . m the 03:“: lmmodbw" 4 m m beneï¬ts. 75 G I. may. amuletâ€"z _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"‘ Aw 3m“ “d and. 0992““?! €32â€! um Benson h†°°7 â€and: series of m In- In she pram“- ‘Iflmm loos! 91mm3 5 was: Iymm “1° “ m m Inhomhn - m 6 work upon MW â€110‘! busy Cashmere, BLACKS. 'r. W an m It will m Review: -1“ â€m1 hummus-cud Ihh-unho may: 3-hou- h now: “wanton-No: =*h ï¬n provinc- m2 A special [.11 Women’s Ladies‘ Pure Wm MEN’S begin guaranteed 1 via. )lmbrook . .._1 40 p n: ““9 55 am COME and win make,