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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 9 Jun 1893, p. 7

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RS, 50 Patterns to ht. Firstwlass Stool: TS, all guaranteed. Romans, 5:3: WOOL nents since last when uni favor us with their patron- nswmers are those who m 33' PW“: W° “Pm 1% malnp Just as thoroughly ew and entirely freeing; and as we have ad commission men’s u-ing, our advantages over L'e our customers. An im- LEMENT. am in. Emily was burnt by n adjacent farm. On the 21' ed to my satisfaction, and h: c for the amount of my t I am highly pleased with tncss of the insurance co ote their own interests by ‘orncxl. a 'ien. me thanks to the mtry for their kind to attend my Mil- : grateful for the sdays. rill, I trust, do 80 before ing Hat or Bonnet. My 3 sure to please. A nice Foods. Ribbons, Laces, S O’BRIEN. mnumo. A" mas o: and [or um um wmu- “0. ‘ )lnce In mun fur Paul... CHAM‘ .« mnmhod an own. ’37 ismâ€"tings, Frill!!! and. Aoru mh.1m...:.n-s. r309: ads or Cutting and Found)! WIZ' .c.. Saunas up :sxosm “we. ‘ :16 BrltaIn, 'rlrau-z um! lawns!!!” LLI 'rrioge Works! vhich the mat to Paid. :3 we Company. I" I'OI “. 'oboconk. :11. m, unmmu ell-tom M ” JAMES Know; am, so that the fibre is â€"Black will not fade or oSpinning and Weaving lIIDSAY A few Donuts-t “Ben-m3. UAL LIVE 3‘ .y Woollen Mills; gala cheap. Apply to Lufacturers. Ella. a. 1). ”mung! KINS. : 1AM SIRE UNDRY. MAKINS, Little Elm Q‘u’auadian' £051. Suggestion About Sheep. Dun Sm,â€"Owing to the lateness of fig season, we find. many enquiries as to the difference in price of wool if it is numbed. No buyer cares to give more m half price for unwashed wool. The water at the present time is too gold for any person to stand long in it 'ithout endangering his health. Here is ”In by which farmers can wash their mop without getting wet: Take a watertight barrel and sink it full of water in the stream where you are to wash sheep. Have the top edge a few inches above the surrounding Then drive three strong stakes in the bed of the stream close around the barrel, :1: equal distance apart. Secure the barrel to its place by tying wire across the top edge of the barrel from one stake to the other. Then emptygthe barrel by dipping the water out. Lay one or two planks from shore to the barrel and you have it complete. One stands in the empty barrel to do washing while the other passes the sheep back and forth. There is no need of getting wet to place the barrel in posi- tion. It can be done from a boat or by bawing the wagon in and working from it. Tubwashed wool is not so good for shipping. Wool should not be left too long after the sheep are washed, as it soon gets dirty again. Don’t shear on a barn floor unles it is 1 r3- [Nu KGB any, ‘5‘..." Don’t shear on a barn floor nnles it is dean. Roll the fleece inside out and tie vith itself; don’t use twine. Hoping these hints may save some one a cold bath and aching bones, I remain, Yours eto, _ A correspondent writing to a Hallie: plper sayszâ€"In answer to a private letter 'hich I have received, I beg to eey that I did not intend to enter into the vexed question of thoroughbred blood in the hotter when I edvocnted the use of thor- oughbred stallion: in this country. What Iintended to expreee we: the idee thet the most lucrative kind of horse for our (firmer: to breed was the high elm cer- MO and eeddle hone, and that the only '3! by which our farmers could breed M Itock wu by the plentiful infulion 0‘ the beet thoroughbred blood. The . -, _ Restores hm: after fevers. “ Over :yerzr ago I had aseverefever, and When I recovered my hair to fall out. and what little remained xmcd gray. I tried various remedies, bu: without success. till at last I began to use Ayer's Hair Wgor, and now my hair is growing rapidiy and is restored to us angina} color."â€"Mrs. A. Collins. Dighton. Mass. Ayer’LSflailr Viggr " M y hair was rapidly turning gray and falling out; one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor has remedied the trouble, and my hair is now its original color and full- nss."â€"B. Onkrupa, Cleveland, 0. "’ wedbyDt. J. C. AyerkCo..Lowell.Ma.-. Sold by Dznggists and Partners. IM‘ wâ€" v, v..â€" r-v-_.__,, 0‘ the bent thorou hbred blood. The {hand for that kin of bone is increu- in: Ind will conunue to inoreue. Where 0'10 oenon wu noon on horseback in N ew York or Boston five you. ego you no Pauly now. The» are the kind of L L L- L-nn!‘ .“A HUN. .Il‘-v “â€"â€" 50th our tumors ought to brood, md to brood such it in requisite to hove good h100d. nnd it in account-y to hove thor- Mhbred blood somewhere. Therefore. 1‘ n- t‘ur this rouonttkpjonml improve; LL-L “ "II H": “In run-cu, u... .- - Nut of the otook of this country, that I “mooted tho importotion of more thor- Nchbrod otollionr. It hordly porn to M for tho trotting hom morkot at Wronont. {or I could till moo with utrooto from tho current horro prporo on ll. condition of tho trotting horoo morhot. All on oarood thot it in ovororowdod. tho lpply hos oxooodod tho domrnd, but “It thin only oppllro to the poor clolo of hm, Ind thoro in olwoyo o domoud for M onoo. There on o ulo o! trotting ‘Qk in New York tho othor do: at 'hoh the prior. were obrurdly low, but ‘0 must remember thnt the role took 9"“ at o wound-rote mart. All the the, the prioeo oonnot help but strike ‘0. I will juot give tome exom loo: Dorrbella, b. m., by Belmont, dam on Edwin Fem“, clown worn old, L Wight $110; Belmont hu fort; in the ‘m. Pannro. by Phil“, am Memo Mutant, brought Gill, 3185. 1163’ A man. 5. m. 1380 by Mabel" ‘ Wish. dam by Aurel brought $6.; am. m a, by Abdo‘lah Wilku. a-m “'1 mm by Kenmnky Prince. .00 h mmwuku tr by George Writer.“ in.“ in the at». Kentucky Prmo “trimmer; Rotten. Jun «arm MPH“! with there obtain“ by . for his containment. at ' , heme told may in flow “trains hood brie 438. M were I“ «atom-W' and “NI harm. but. at com-Io. m o W 10‘. There to no norm (or poor _‘ 3:! «out. but thoro lo o mark-t. end M “9 I00. tor «dale and honor! math-broader! fine endeavor hunk A. H: E. Basham. Mchmncy, Lexas. Ayerfsfiairy'gor A L __ f__‘_ ears. and my hair is moist, ”I 1y ifd’in-an excellent state of 9°55)“ 1 am fortyyeaxsold.and ve canon. , 5 lo . the flaws for_twenty ve yes. ”1%.!”- chry On. aim “ Mustang 3m. Naémsfle. VVYO- Ayer’s Hair Vigor . 1, _:_ I..-” Â¥n“:nn Ant Wu. mnemugh, my 30m. 189?» Er's HairVigor ,, . 1.-:.. “‘42- am: Mm. fievents hair from turning gray. The Kind cf Horses Wanted. pzavents hair from falling out. «A number of years ago, by rm mdalion 0an friend, I began louse Ayer’s Hair Vzgo: to st9p the hairfrom fining on; and prevent us turning gray. The first effects were most satisfactory. Occasional applications since have nir thick and of :1 natural color.”â€" my h . H. E. Basham. McKmncy, Texas. 3:? us'imahw put on the 111;!!!“ am no MP fitne- to: my pain!" Eliot, luket. A mniejuâ€"m" hid mutt)” “a“ may men nap ‘3 think INN”. In, of the mind- they brood «I ‘ Es [998 E 2 m an Inn. ubhc we. of thin in- anything?“ i. um then on ' zyfinmalg 99‘ on Atho luck"! is AGRICULTURAL. Remedies 091' hapeq might brighten, but Americans Will not eat horse meat.” And agein: “Meny of these men have corals-sly bred, heping to get, n chance recer, end failing in that, expected to get a. roadster. Such hphum breeding does not pey, end Ihonld never pay. There is no chance whetever of such e breeder ever being able eble to completein supplying either the field for racers orrondsters.” ‘It is, therefore, important for our farmers to remember that to get good prices for their ooltn they must start out with a clear, definite idea on to whet purpoee they are breeding, and not just take the chance a to whether the colt will turn out a. drought horse, '3 trotter, or a high stepping mrsmsrme STORY or A LADY WILL KNOWN 119 THE CITY. um No You! «rtâ€"8mm She Ell mm“:odflgr4£ulth.mdm From the 3mm: Critic. Camille Flammarion, the great French astronomer, in his new story “Omega; or The last days of the world,” which is now being published in the Cosmopolitan ‘ 9, gives the press of the future a very hard hit. Whether or not the great astronomer may be right inhis view of the press of the 24th century, one thing is certain, the world of to-day is more largely indebted to the press for efforts to promote the highest civilization, than to any other human agency. Great discoveries in all branches of scientific re- search are chronicled with a faithfulness that enables the multitudes to enjoy to the greatest extent the benefits acccruing therefrom. The newspapers of our land have for many months past contained accounts of miraculous cures effected through the agency of that marvellous medicine known to the world as Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. A large number of these stories have been published in the columns of The Critic, and have no doubt been read by the majority of our readers with full assur- ance of the truthfulness thereof, and yet ‘we imagine there have been a few who ‘ have doubted, and who have not been so We do not kno' wht they much interested in the experiences of people miles away from Nova Scotia as in those of their own province. Now, how- ever, the Critic can give an account if a. perfect cure, the facts of which we can guarantee as being true in every particu- us One day some time ago some members of the Critic’s staff were discussing in the editorial sanctum the merits of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, of which so much is being heard nowadays, when one of the company said, “By the way, did you ever hear of a cure anyway approaching the miraculous being efl'ected by Pink Pills in Halifax?" “No," confessed the others, “we never did. Of course there have many cases in which the medicine has un- doubtedly been very beneficial, but hardly miraculous.” "Well,” said the first speaker, “you know Robert Ainslie of this city, do you not? His wife was one of the sickest women in Halifax at one time, and is now hale and hearty and gives all the credit to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Keeping this conyersation in mind, one of _ IILL‘- I’d-“m limo *“Vrufls ---- ~ "7 , our reporters having a. little leisure time one afternoon last week, called upon Mrs. Robert Ainslie at her home, 26 Blowers street, and after making known his errand, was invited into the comfortable sitting room and was cordially welcomed byMrs. ‘Ainslie, who said she was only too happy to mske known to others the wonderful properties of the medicine which had done her so much good. --- I! s3m_1:‘qo) acne HUI av muvu av-..» "How long were you ill, Mrs. Ainslie?" asked the re rter. “I was en with I severe 3th _of “I we: teken with e severe Btucx ox pneumonia! some two yeerel o,” eeid the ledy,"“whiohleeted for about t reemonthe end left me a wreck of my former eelf. J uet eevente‘en weeks from the time I was first proatreted until I could put my foot on the floor, end even efter I wee eble to Well: ebout I wee but e shadow of the women I hed been. “Deeth of the nervee,” wee the neme the dootore geve the dieeeee from which I wee then eufl‘er- ing, end indeed it eeemed et one time thet I would not be long for thie world. Pele. thin, week end emecieted, l wee but en object of pity to ell who eew me end e eourco of much enxiety to m iemil end iriende. While in thin con ition tre- velled throughout the province. hopin thereby to regein m heelth. I vieita the Spe Spring: et iddleton, drenl: the minerel wetere end took the bethe, but ell to no effect. Finelly I wee edvieed by e friend. who henel! hed been greetly bene- fitted by Dr. Willieme’ Pink Pine. to try thie uonderiul remedy. Although I oun- ieee. I hed little ieith in thin or eny other ' medicine, I uroheeed e box of the cele- breted Pink lle end begen teklng them eccording to directinne. end took box eiter boa, um“ I hed teken eight. when I found I wee becomln fet, end no I wee then in excellent heel: I took no more, end heve elnce then been welldend‘etronqt” ‘ ‘ Ilnca Duuu uwuu "u. m... __ -, Mn. Anllla’l Ital-y. lithouih ghen {n her own wordn, oonvoyn but a hint Ida of the faith Ih. Inn in Dr. wmlum' Pfink Pills. to whfich rho fool- Iho own: hu- frewnt excellent. Ihulth. Mn. Alamo nformed the 0mm re mohemva um she hsd mmmonded P at Pm- 00 mm “engrave or thirty of her Mend. throughoue the provtnee, (in which uho ha n “and“ mammal»). sad in manual had unhnaad «vent ban: of the plush fill a for peoplo living In country “0|. “1 an oqu. Mm Alnglg. ““3. 20:: Booth. ad 070: tux-the! any." Thin «minus I one In which "mum; has! mun." might have been I. M‘ ' “LN- nun- mu In W ‘, hm WWLM “I!“ “I n" v hunt to prov. sluts 15¢. mum; Pink have n power to «at.» modiola .th on: no good In that: «0. Mn not. Agent “mum Abe lo: im- kind- thobou va M1000 Wings 33ku Mug: 3h. modiciggL "in“ mm A HALIFAX MIRACLE. “I nuns.“ Hand, Mn Alamo. that 9 mm)! mmufmun 3 medicine "In In Am: mt 0mm r» no son- customers of ‘the wonderful beneficial results of the treatment. , ‘ The Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Palej People are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., of Brockville. Out, and Schenectady, N. Y., a firm of unquestioned reliability. Pink Pills are not looked upon as a patent medicine, but rather as a prescription. An analysis of their properties show that these pills are an unfailing specific for all diseases arising from an impoverished condition of the blood, or from an impairment of the nervous system, such as loss of appetite, depression of spirits, anaemia, ohlorosis or green sickness, general muscular weakw ness, dizziness, loss of memory. palpitan tion of the heart, nervous headache, locomotor ataxia. paralysis, sciatica, rheua matism, St. Vitus’ dance. the after effects of la grippe, all diseases depending upon a vitiated condition of the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system, correcting irregular- ities, suppressions and all forms of female weakness, building anew the blood and restoring the glow of health to paleland sallow cheeks. In the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry. overwork, or excesses of any nature. These pills are not a purgstive medicine. They contain only life-givingpropertiesandnothingthatcould injure the most delicate system. They act directly on the blood, supplying its life-giving qualities, by assisting it to absorb oxygen. that great supporter of all organic life. In this way the blood, be- ,coming “built up" and being supplied with its lacking constituents, becomes rich and red, nourishes the various organs, stimulating them to activity in the per- formance of their functions and thus ‘ eliminate disease from the system. 1 Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold only ‘in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrap er. (printed in red ink). Bear in mind t at Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are m, "v“.â€" snre.‘ Mr. ngrféid he rememberoa ' coming tohimwhenshehadmken half a. dozen boxes sud testifying pot]: by. hf! mind: â€"v _â€"-v_.' . amply to ntiify my 33096“! one- Among there-done! theCritin. who,noc‘heing acquainted with 13ka lady, might 5°91 tint _.1_* W , they yquld may: â€" w ,, -_:.I I. the Mementapmie by Mrs. Am but nun uu-xéfiv-‘ ‘r___c,e in mind at Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who offers sub- stitutes in this form in tryingto defraud you and shouldbe avoided. The public are also cautioned against all other so-called blood-builders and nerve tonice, put up in similar form intended to deceive. They are all imitations who_se makers. hope to , LL- reap a pecuniary advantage from the wonderful reputation achieved by Dr. Williame’ Pink Pills. Ask your dealer for Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, and refuse all imitations and substitutes. Dr. Willinms’ Pink Pills my be had of all druggiste or direct by mail from Dr. Williems’ Medicine Company from either address at 50 cents a box. or six boxes for $2.50. The price at which these pills are sold make a course of treatment compaw tively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment. Spmodic Admins. We sli recognize thst es between the fellow who works by “fits and stern" and the chap who plods dong end keeps st it steadily. the plodder gets there every time. The speemodio fellow msy crests on ooossionsi imprwsion. but the results of his iitini labors ere dissimted in the intervsls. The ocoesionsl dicplsy of. lire. works only serves the purpose ot preventing him tram being forgotten sltoaether: while the men who works. end keeps working. eonszsnti) improves his position end prospects. So is it with sdvsrtisinp. it is the repented “ed”'snd the sustsined effort thst tells. We don't men the "ad" thst is never chsnced. but the one thst is ever ohsnglnc but never omit. ted. The wire sdvertiser beeps siwsys beiore the people to whom he desires to sell his worse. When you went to quit doing business stop ed- vertisina. or nannies only “ones in s while." Pnper ha been mode 0! Iron. â€""10 thln hot annual: for you? In 3 dry question: but It you moon o nun who oomph!“ or outrun: tron the no“. In so one you um : m A) car'- nm. on Inquiry. tho: he do“ no huotnnon Mn ”mu no (no mo Bantu!!! blood mm 1mm!“ nmon. Tho U. 8. 1802 who» crop m 510,000,000 bullion- When Baby was sick. w umber Custom. F Wm In. wu . caua. m cued tor Cum-m. When tho bocuno mm. the clung to (En-mods m “chum.“pnm cum-u. 1- loot: u on {Tu-m Ono-um It. may ho wall ‘0 IN. .30"? Emulsion mu m 5 food .0 well II u an?" no. hmldln up tho ward unwound mm: port-o: no tn not wanting (one. I'D-â€" - â€"vâ€"- _--__7_ , Grummanâ€"Iowan. Innu- “0th “a uulu. men n nth. m by watching. It mud n» can“. mum form. which can. M and aim“. Mb. my son. "mum‘s 0mm“ mu m lulu an 3mm“. hull mutual no In men an. m A luv loo-II. hm» mm. -: In. 3mm: WIN nu c w mm In ”I! mum m to loll nu mm m: roam m «In» cm l in. nu. um I now- Minimum mm lug-nut my “and “and. of CHM I“ In." :2: 1.21m; 29:: 335 m hunt“: MII- "ION" N" 5°"! Mung. Wu II II ! «mama m M an all “MM gm mu 0 u md «mail ""0““ W'“ "a?" 'b v“ m:"'ah'::~ “I. find I ‘ 33;“ " :-. m 33%,,“ :23 v" ID! I "$.05 0“.“ ‘I In: “mutual wunw CANADIAN POST, LINDSAY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MW" blmhâ€"Eunounud. mm mm: mat-c It}!!! Kansans. .2 ha .353: 5‘ £255 £155... an: .898 congaâ€"33936.. .8383: \ll til ‘I wuwm‘“m°‘m‘ gran: Wlmyuoognm Bah-am ,_n_.__ L-_l__ L..- trou no fans: unwind“. ham boon through duo-t every phase of tho lumbar bums-uncou- mars wheel-boy be M ontwmmohndnuots unlocks. In. supplemented with nbnndut mum-um by Du: Bead. who visited the Mom-n 111me camp: in mldwllmr for m Manama nod undo these akemhes from me. Among unbor- dourp-pm (whlohwmlso-teumot nu m.__.._n- A.â€" an» ”7â€"- . _ combs month!) Ernest E. Thompson“ can. allusion to Mambo: ”the um um wc gig." u noteworthy. Among the chm manned mlolcc In the number 1: Robert Blum'c curd cad concluding paper mm M. {more-cloc- of Japan. with 3 very rich ”loom. tram h1- wccderfnl sketche- ct Jcpcnccc me. The nation In this lane 13 abundnt Ind un- unclly attractive. The cumbcr Includes poem. .h. .. ”1.-..-- u- a Illa-u; uwâ€"v... __ by E. 0. Banner. Eilth M. Thoma, E. a, PROGRESS IN CHINA. no Whoa. nova (July In tho Dunn'- “Son :tâ€"vfluven" in enjoying n tnin minhtnxe uni-0M! out. unsound to him by the French undiouo ct omit-mt: who wish to get woman to: buudinz niiwm In Chins. they will wonder nt in steam engine; and the nix thou-and electric lizhu. which are now ban: intmduoad into the holiest of Chinese sanctuaries. unno: but turn their eyes to our oiviiintion. It will no: he ions: are n motorist advmoemon: will be made in the Icionoo 0: medicine, which hu to:- no moor counties rtmainod I blot upon their oivi'ulian. Wmé'é“ “33.13%” 1T4: w , a we y o m v0 00 :0. They recodmend fauna-d remodlu which ‘ ~ truth“ in America kâ€"-_ a-â€"-_hl. lizards. em. mpuvu u- .....- n, They recommend mn‘éim remodlee which have long been nvornbly known in America Inch an uninterrupted Inocu- in the United Shun. end number! he cares by the tens of thou-nae. Tale in I. point used to: the future venue of use Dmomen moire. Mum mmlqumyuhn m Miscellaneous. Ii MARK THIS WE L L ml mam L‘L‘v1vusu-. v-v -. __r ,, tee! of S. 8.1%. 18. townehlp of moose. would like to know me tune of the petty or pet-flee who mellowed: removed the nun from crime tie rodeottbeeohool home. meteor A Fine Those who bought their MILLINSRY from us last season don't need any pogntere. We have Don't be named by repo pay as much as any, no rte of pri on e. ep’ot the Latest and Choxceet. cc! of Produce. as we will alwaye “withstanding our good. are all marked cosh beau. <§é§ifimn Thanking our friends for put oonfidoucu, II in the put to deserve vour pntronsgo. Yol yu-‘m M07 23. 1893.49 305- NFORMATI_9N_}V_AI\1:EDâ€"The mu. _ -n ‘1‘...- new main. IIANO FOR SALEâ€"A1} R. _§._ Wow Ad vertueman ta. gooddoctuponthdrwldm“ n, A - A~_-__ vâ€"vâ€"_' ,, malmuqualnwd. Ibupothodnylsnot mwmmwmmm demndmmnb- motmvmwmwm-n mmwwwmwfim morphine. mm“ mm mu down their chm-n. mun-mm: mwmwmmmy 03.1. mm HOUSEKEEPERSI [ss MINNIEqFORBER, Farrier, in ~A-..‘ “9‘54 -cmom 157:;th for eh!!- Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher-'3 prescription for Inflmts and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a. harmless substitute for Paregorie, Drops. Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions “Mothers. Castorindestroys Worms andallays fever-131mm Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd. cures Diarrhoea and. Wind Colic. Castor-in relieves The Conan: Company, '1'! [my Street. New York City. show the Choicth 8mg of DRY GOODS ever A-..“ nun Stock of BOOTS and SHOES as Cheap house in Canadaâ€"quality considered. Castoria March 2!. Imâ€"RUW" W. H. Paella _â€"_..â€"â€"â€"- â€"_ _â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€" “(LOO-0000. 1893. What is 088 tons. A Fine Stock to hand at pxices Little Britain. Capital Paid up, - $1,500,000 Surplus. - - $1,400,000 aiâ€"Jna'L; m..." DIN'DBAY AGENCY SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. lam-110m athletic-team!“ No zone. ot wlmdnwtl MM ROBERT ROSS. tauâ€"Saunas sinceâ€"8383338808533 oaafllouaoossafiuotfimgea Enufiu-uuoflaflntlanaiaoa .30 ~38.- okaa hie 03 .3853 and gg’iéggag 353.8523: Sac... 22.53 iv’gaooflaawahfifloa “mumwellodnptcdmchndmw I recommend itnswpetiorwwpxuu-lpdon mum." eel, we only add thut we will do our pzm Yours truly, POCUE- Una-u. Dogs, 31. 1391.464:- DOMINION BANK. EMORIAL CARDS.â€"A very choice ”locum at m Pot-r Prism one. Dommion Bank. 111 ‘50. Oxford St. Brooklyn. N. Y. Castona. (18 any at 1'0". OFFICE and YARD No. 8 WWI-8!. WNK OOXNEOI'IOI. 7 U995”. N .28. Mâ€"S. U” Vi'otk Street. Linda”. Commuo alf- mea good h' 1am! hire um :3; ”d “‘ BRIAN Gums“. Ll'iut WuiNoasst. 56. 57. Nor-that mfg.” damn. s! Queen-st. A good m- houonv welLdoeur, :ra burn; mom“ dc- troas. Am: y 31? .. J ACKSOV. BM or urethane * .3: O'CONNOR. I ma.- 11 oommmlcn~tz 1'13! Stage! Suva chines ad cones“: me Contact at and 1141mm. .spnlv m Iona Runs. 6 t. (oflloetn Admin Book) 1m. NLâ€"B-ln‘. In. can not: rent.“ We“ at. mpzmamrmmnum R J. LeROY, Cn swarmâ€"hand d Innings “an (of m M . “mm. Avg. ”25412": .â€"u-m. WOOD, LUMBER, swam LATE 53:43 LIME, SN. Hum hand weird-gut Md Goods-Dry Hardwood 1 I I iii v1: an: an a: ms: y satisfied UILDERS, UWENTIORâ€"At in old mum: Mes: yardâ€"ambush.“- In. â€"I have new on brad a large m d CHOICE RED ELK 1’, which call h c: alive: at (1.3;an or w yard ‘ «£th mums; d_:cf.:_::5. 1c: 3031' 299.1% .L’ CATTLEâ€"fining chcutmom a pn- me this reason. I am nrepnmd to like in hm ma ends a: at" 'c‘hmnsz rota barman: Hones. over 01er '1'“. 8!: 11mm your: old. 75c.: Yanrllnga. 505.; Catch, over an” years of age, 750.: (‘2', "1-3. under thus ”an. an. All atocx locked rvf-ier and fluted. AM of w-tnr running: th-omrh thew. JOHN BATExggs. egg-w: mile and: at Arab. WE ram-i c'tmo'. be hem Jou- WAKELIN. Cannery}? Mmhfi.Mâ€"W ASTU RE FOR HORSES AND CATrLE.-_nnzng ghcut 12039:- 11 cu- R. KENNEDY, W883 m9 GOAL 2mm Joe. Kfllnhy whomu on ma m m be“ quality. 0n Ti left a: J. P. KYLE“ unaware Ema wn haprompfly mun. WOOD AND CO_A_L. Orclor Your THE LIVE“: our. AND LONDON AND GJO‘FTC INSURANCE 0011mm! who want PM rum-Janos Company :- tho Worm. Cnn'hfl ................ ......$19.mm Ram and mamlxma a low amour.- mmb‘u rwnqmln The amount o! lo..- promnt and fiber-3. The renames! mad at um: wmpmy Mford thou mam In a. perfect want, :4: aim: Ion LITE ntrARl'm. Autumn rmc-od fish or “than: profit. menu-ac mine. Vow-Man at not» uivon h none} hozdtn. rut xmrdtulmd uto- 1pm” I. 6. 1mm Axum fcr- many and “ammo; firrz'rmuwm ) 1: Ga TEN. Awning 11d TPITEL‘HE MFR!!!“ J. J. Tum“: . a: son. mm Wuamrooffl' o‘u. now: an: wumcom up Hun. beau! - cu. on ma Rubber mm mm. 01910». “All. Mn, Tom... Sam one an Mn 5 of Cnmolnngood Honor Bund o m w SW htJnefi mun-n blush»: mum EuU my duoflpxion m Me to 090.“. all. I! Each-b cud Amm on 051nm. Navy Uni“ m I“. Bum Navy.“ d-llat Gotham duh Boon. 883. and 983i autumn. ransom“. Ham. Inch 1:. 2389,3614”. mm or smug: m 1-11“ sum- l-u nos-IN” M from Now York mu “““m H JO. . many. Am. 25. 1892 mm far sum Pal-II. by 8.1!. 0|?! 0’ ”II. “0 and “and. 01mm Ernmum. mun. ”Bud” wording to “communion and I ANCHOR LINE Po. BRYAN son, ' MITRETBKS MD MI El. b3 Pamrmq of sl}_deludptlon .â€"_-‘__ FARMS FOR SALE. Grain and Stock Farms Ooutlu or fors FOR flanâ€"Four load In EOBJGE DOUGLASS. UNIGAL’S LIVERY_ sugars, GENTS WA} 9-“. may and y r:,:.=~.;u:?r executed st’hli Po- m can Cour t”? omen-and «my! 318!!ng Licensed. Goa. Bryan a Son Cap'm‘......... Aouumufuhr“ ’uud lam-end in Canada. Glugow via. London“!!!- F! R?) A ND LIFE, 361 mama-ranc- III-Io. fl Misceflaneo as. --DIAI¢IB mâ€" R. Kennedy. 3nd Him l Sillâ€"m "CEDâ€"43!! 25kt}: a. 1:11 serge: So an- .tne Gaunt!” d , _ me Oounug ot vm >1 i::v_iqg.\;9u§duy '. O. TAYLOR. Dip-i!

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