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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 9 Jun 1893, p. 8

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if 173w A dvartisem en ts Begfnr‘um c wager 5c (‘0- flew to get I "Sunlight" Picture. Send 5 “sunlight.” Soap wrappexs (wrapper bends; the words “Why Does a Woman Look Old Sooner Then a Man”) to never Bros. Ltd., 43 Scott-5%.. Toronto.nnd you will receive b 3 pretty piouure, nee Hum no \ “dung. and we went kamlsc. This ls an easy way to doom your haul-e. The scan is the beat 1n the market 1:51: will only cost 10. postage to send in the wrappers, u youleave the ends open. Write 1:11.- :drlress caretnnv. Ganesha mututo Notes. iâ€"Ae tha close 0: the term 15 approaching the students are examining the marks they have obtained oaths monthly examinations to find out who are eligible for medals and prizes. -_- LA‘A tuna an Gum. I. Dru nu. â€"The students are looking forward to a. grand time s: on: excursion to Crowley's Jalend on Semrdey. the 17th met" on the favorite steamer Cxendella. All who extended our excursion lest yen-were so well pleased that they will again join as able you. Come and spend an enjoyable . L.,-_ \__II ”and. In Mlno P. Brown. muCBllvuxu-u .. â€"- _- Assam b!y mu. The Edm- of giving the vale- Wyaddrmisthlayearoontmedonmsl WI W I"; uny -_r,, vThe closing exércises are to be held on Tues- day ev~cing.the 27:11 inst. when some noted mzâ€"M. Oliver. Beederâ€"me‘d CO- for Sadaâ€"W. . 5:33: Connmntion at St. Inn’s. Surlay morning last at 8 o'clock mass St. nun church was filled to the doors by the mteastion that assembled to participate in the ceremonies appropriate to the Feast of Corpus Christi and witness the sacrament of commission being Administered to over one hundred children at both sexes. by his lordship Bishop O'Connor at Peterboro. The girls were prettily attired in white, with veils and wreaths, whilstheboyswereneatly and carefully clad. Bis lordship celebrated mass and assisted in giving holy communion. after which the children renewed their bavtismal vows and 113.: 3-32-3122: Ben‘s. Wantedâ€"W. B. McLean. Twa Leon‘sâ€"A. B Tr'ry. mealâ€"Academy of Music. 853 in the Shadeâ€"R. 8. Porter. Boy Wantedâ€"Bell Islenhcna U0. Harvest Excursionsâ€"C. P. R. Co. Tenders Wantedâ€"J. 11. Southern. Boats torServicaâ€"V'alt-x 1) Rogue) Servant Waxedâ€"Mrs. J. A..Barron. .. v ,_ D‘A-nu impressive one. and could not fail to ed: up gluten and beneficial thoughts 1: the minds or mwholooked down the years wtheirownflm W communion and the manner in which they m fulfilled the prsmlees then made.. ..At the 1130, me... which was celebrated by Rev. rune: Scsnlen. Bishop O‘Connor delivered an obqnenteermon. taking for his tax: the word: 1 in! 83.710“. ‘This is my Indy-take ye and “f" It was powerful defence e! ehe Catholic We of maintenance, W by We: W m m end was ”all” whh the deepest ettentlon....At ,. mendWmthemme "ii-MI- the «am Them:- "mmmwmm “name-adenine.” The mwpeeldgu mine-mm Bum M 1G£3 pairs Eoys’ Knicker Pants, lined VG? glans-es for Boys, washable - 89 Eleuse Suits. blue - - " ngs’ Pleated. Suits " " ésIeâ€"Chaa. O’Lenrg- as well as other amusements. Evans Holiday Season We 11° 1‘“ OW) ts FM§ We ek. :33?” 5 W911 W8 W111 V“ H“ 3"“ """ ARGAIN COUNTER IN all buyers of Clothing to come in and see what well we will sell on Bargain Day. Give V . a: We start off this week - Falt- Last {all Mr. Geo. Brown. laborer. removed to Lindsay from Sutton wiih his! wife and two children.§:and has since made but indium-eat program towards prosperity owing to lack of work and sickness in the family. Last week he obtained work on the G. T. R. at the Missing AL :1. __IA-Alna Gotten-ICU. "v-n vâ€" Link, and on Saturday lest. while unloading steel rails, one of them tell upon hlm.breeking his right leg and cruehins his foot badly. He ’wee taken to the Nicholle hospital. Peternoro. where he now liee. In the mmtlme we under- stand the family are in sore etreite. and some of our cheritably inclined citizens should look them up. auu .Mvn up vâ€"v ___-, -â€"The cheapest end beet excursion o: the season wili be that under the auspices of Ben- verton lodge I. 0. 0. F. on Wednesday. June 213:, from Lind!” via Backwater Junction to Grevenhuret. thence by boat to Windennere. traversing the beeutiiu! Lake Manhole. pausing through the lacks It Port Carling end Indian River into Lake Roneau.thence to Windermere. Spe eiel trein leaves Lindsey at 6.30 n. m. Fexe from Unclear. $1.50; children 75 centsâ€"6L2. â€"Mr. G. A. R1: of Crown um wm no ordained next month to the lncumbency or Cennlngton and Beavenon. â€"Mr. J. F. Cunning! o! Oskwood preached two excellent end motion! sermons on Sunday 13min the Queen-er. Methodist ch ., 7, ~_AL e.-- IIDI u. "v ‘_-__ i” â€"The Rev. G. 8. Relay 0! Bridgman): has pgoepted a can combo: among the Indians of British Columbia. ma goes town with his talented young wits. __ _ um â€"l\a-<vâ€" , -_~,_ -â€"Dr. McGlynn of New York. the well-known advocate of labor reforms. who recently remn- ed t0 the Catholic fold. has gone to Rome to have an interview with the pope. â€"At. the Bay of Quince conference held u Oshawa last week the following probationers belonging to Undue! dietrlct were recommend- ‘edto goto eollege:Meeere. Arthur Allin. A. L. Brown. Hamilton Member, M. E. Smith which masculine 15mm. byhhlordahlp the bishop at Toronto. lthnow an yam unoo Rev. Mr. Anon mun}! emulated. Ind the FORGING In End Luck.‘ Church Nam. ible. so that our Fanehn remov ed '0 m to make things boom in CLOTHING. 8 week with a double head of stea carry on our series of Bargain They will make you buy in spite of yourself. We Big Boom! Fummmtninc homo mun“ of Boot: from Jomvs'rox 8: stsox’s. They nova: aw them so cheap boronâ€"50th :Batnrday evening laet a deputation cempriaina a number of the members or Tm: Poe-r staff waited upon Mr. S. M. Porter. a fellow- empioyee. at his residence. and presented him with a pair of gold inlaid Maeonio cnfl' bottom and watch chain: as a slight token of apprecia- tion of his many good qualities. and of regret at the severance of pleasant relations tint have “tended over a long period. Mr. Porter ham been a compositor on Tm: P081 in: magnet n,,#_‘. Ll- wan .- uvâ€""_---_ . thirteen or fourteen fyem He returned MI mamma- the unlocked-tor gm In I neat speech. â€"-Mondsy next the Fenelon Foils brethm will invade Undesy. as they hold 3n exeunim per Sir. Crandelln. They will receive a worm welcome from the local corps. -.,â€"Su|fl‘-Ceptsins Bonlton snd MoCerdy of Toronto withdrew s tow dsys one from the Salvation Army. and on Seturdoy SM-Goptsin Seaman. editor 0: the We: Cry. sent in his resignation. They all express alumni of Commandant Booth's plan or operstion es the cause of their withdrawals. It is sold the: three more resignations will follow shortly. Y. I. O. A. lotoe. â€"'1'he student’s bible training class hos closed its; sessions for this season. The close hss meta now to: two ycsrs with much wont sod interest- â€"As snnonnoedlnst weektheueocistionwm hold an excursion to Chemona perk on Wednes- dsy. June 28th. The sauAlioe Ethel has been engaged for the trip. without the scow. end the number of tickets wil be linked to 150. This promises to be a. delightful outing. â€"The Saturday evening bible study end payer â€"Auv w..-â€"___ v . . service will be conduc'ud this week by Mr. Albert Hora. The topic in 'fChrlst u I entrant." -,A -A 1 cl â€"The young filial; meeting on Sunday At 4.15 will be addreemd by Mr. John Allen on the subject of “Choice." 111 young men are our (1131]! invited. The Dominion Bank. The earninge otthiebank for the entree! eloeed with April. while not quite eelerge el leet yen’e. were at the rate at 14 16 per cent. on the peid in eepitel, enough to my the dividend often end e bonus of one per cent. to edd $50,000 to Rest end to carry $6.978 forwerd. Not many words ere needed to empheeine to e hueineee menaueh hendeome reenlteee theee. Next yeer will in all likelihood witne- the addition to the Bette! enough to mete thet fund equei to the peid eepltel. en eehievement which the memento! eoy henk me: well be proud of xeeeiiins in twenty-three you! etterperlnc such divideudeee the Dominion Benkhee done. The depoeite now emanate 89.844300. end the ekeuletioo to 81.0214!!!- A - .u, __,n-LI- -â€".b- l- 037.0th â€"_ .. lame proportion votvgduy "mum anal b munmned as usual: thetaâ€"(can. country customers can have the benefit of the oppprtunity on Bargain Day‘ CAN ADIAN POST, LINDSAX. ONTARLU.. rt. Salvation Army ’0‘“- RITCHIE’B OLD STA) 6011M what. we offer on Bargain Day. Give the list a careful perusal, and we make them so that buying on Bargain Day wm 06 an oucuu w mug..-" . ad - 39c § 125 Halifax Suits, all sizes -. - - 25c § 800 Suits from $3.50 down, for - - I75c § 100 dozen Flannelette Shirts - - $1.50 § 200 dozen Four-inLHaml Ties, silk; 5 for KNOCK-ABOUT HATS FOF-‘x’ 250- rmthers. The Woncw The Wonderful Cheap Men, Lindsay and Peterbere. Me Muffler, homutudl In Vex-ulna. attuned not: the "Beehive." about tour mile-tram BOW. wubumod WM night. ‘mnlum Ind occupied the mambo. We hum unable toleu'n 11mm was my bur-nee. â€"Tnetdunishthnm.1.mchou'o own!!! and mum st Ma's won. Burnt Riva- P.0..mtoully cm ”are. naught nmmthoklwhenmtomm.wm wumublue whmthoumuymsmndto sumo ottholr anger. Inn. lupus-{hie to ammo mot the £1“.th quickly 3.5% when mi Won poled up Thug-gag morning. MrJaepthhgon owned â€"- ,_-_7~-V Em tome min mm. The ma ad machinery wmmnrodln the Mamet; to: $1,000.31“! the house an! mum-ta $00 unhoWeoternCo. â€"0nr lectoeee hcye so to Gentlemen code: topieyflmeecoedot eeeriuctieezuemeeehee- The tonowim compone ehe tam-Hemline. noel; W. Recent. mun. React. cover point: Sedier. Eaton end Little. defence field: nu. centre: Elliott. Beale! end chehe. home field; Melecimeon. outside home: Greer. inside home. â€"m visit at the Hadley leer-eeee eeem to Uxbtidge Thunder lest-conned in deteet b! (evacuate none. Severelot curb-t plum werennehietoaeteweyon the: oeeeelu. end thereonltweetheteweekeeedteen nee e ee- ceiied Uxbridse teem comm pieyeu from every point of the compel. It in unworthy ct men!) mean: Inert-men to deecend no such trickery. which lunch max: of Yenkee methods. end it is to he hoped our Uxbridge friend: will mete the bent of thou-own meteriel inhmreendwin hone: renown or mtein e credinbie deteet on their own merit. Electnc Belts. $1.55, $2.65, $3.70 {former prices $5, $7 $10. - Qualty remains the sameâ€"16 dif- ferent styles; dry battery and acid belts _mild or strong current. Less than half the price of any other company and more home testimonials than all the rest to- gether. ‘ Full list free. Mention this â€". .â€" n.~nn LAA “-3--- n... lawmanâ€"In many. on June $11!. the wife of Wm. Mulmoy. of 3 non. O A ‘ SUM OF MONEY. womanly-sweet amped “mung. A madame mom will be B.“ for 1:.ngme RINTING OF“ C W on: M m, In: mm A VDu-NEAB THE BENSON HOUSE» ONEY LOSI.:-I_n 1319313.}! between i'w.’ 1".â€" BER C0.Wmdsor, om. Gena-u Ivonne Noun. Miscellaneous. about!» oldest JIFFY“ We quote below a few of the prices that tell the tale of how and see if what we offer is not unapproachable. 1 Edd in South Wad. Anal: mmoox. Linda-v.1!” 18.1893- MENTION nu: ma 1â€"9..“ mummu In mun-ht: WMNW' O! . mm " mflnl.R II POST. W 0 (wit mammhumuwhoonhnmm am 0‘ Let '0. 8 002- 8. Mullins. m manna York-Inn H mmmunwyoqpymmmmw TENDERS WANTED FIRST OF JULY, 1893, 5m we cam flange our Prices. Undnv. M” 15. 133â€"53 mmmuwwn new atrial-tog“ New Advertisements. ’VO THOROUGHâ€"BRED BOARS (with W) FOR SERVICE. L. Hartley Dun-ford. To a few lines in stock that will interest you. Cook- ing Stoves and Ranges that do their work well, Coal Oil Stoves for summer use, Refrigerators to keep your butter hard during warm weather, Granite- ware, good and cheap, Clothes Briers and a host of articles to be used around your 'tohen that will save time and money. JAMES BOXALL, reéfmihg YOUR ATTENTION YPE-WRITINGuâ€" Type-wn'tins and count (1990 0! m‘ ”m :52” vow once. 16. m on aha-mt nouns. BU! m-wâ€"m done Mr. 22nd. «about!» .II! 1 , N wmbonm fol-sum manned no no to wwwmuumnmm Puma: mu be mule n Wmhmlon Bro... Butcher; J. C. RAY. than”. I“! 21â€"593. PLANTS AND CUT FLOWERS. . Putnam mums Hum‘l «roller! Sm. Augmaaemmwuwuedw! umwummwdvm mmhm Council crumb”, in tho court House, Lindsay, on ORPOR ATION OF THE COUNTY Ol' VICTORIA. ”w Inwm nxsox. mean. April 13. nan-4L Nodoo I. hereby um: am the MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Amman-unofficial”!!! HANGING BASKETS New AW BOZSIL LINDSAY. Bankrupt Stock of G. A. METi 37%0. on the DO" and mowed out n: mm“ Wall Papers, Sheet Violins, tc. All Goods Mum be Sold {on oflllnal Cost is no 0' sfidetnlion. st 31' ‘ "31 mo of Nevada If. um. wux am a: m. Ital" 300' sud summer! ‘ mu m nun cuppa own! .3939.“- Journsll, up, tun... A I‘ll! of Haven!“ " ' rm. It. am- will also 0" m 3.0! m endow", ad '11! mp stun-11991! “‘1 low-m Journal. ‘5‘“ “In “In“. nanny. In! 23. 1893 -59 I!" J. J. WgAQLu/E ”vacuum?” WETHEBUP. l" $1.81 $2.20 7L1 ttle; 15c 25c [359‘ time they a ;_-1_ r W "” fin: Hamburg 3“" vs! .. limmo'sBusl Iimmo’s Busi 10a h n. economical milk sweet. am fer: hsve a large share 0 Good unable‘CIO‘ it 50 cents on “a; a nature 1 ht from us. “" HIGI 11nd”. June 17. -‘ - ‘ m,gnificeut stock _‘.“KB I! 76 and 78 KB? my- my 17. 1°93 4-" one of the grew one would 110$ 13‘ HE HG Do, -v'-, __ , s, Qualities and Pri‘ lines elsewhere, ”c.1027 sud!“ finer mam. cw} For Summ 20c. and '. Jung 1 ifierytbing \Ve haw of goals that

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