Me Faces hnadian gum be blood, puriï¬es the [res Anaemia, builds ystem. Physicians, the ver, endorse it. deceived ll] Substitutes! Edwina. mm new. anaflon, command ex- ec. baa been formed in a: 6.2::an Brecklnridne. . condemned to death the pic; to assassinate 69 C macs, were shot It morning. x 8.: 00.. Sndbury to wind up the mummy of Algoml. d 19 tor goods sun- the company no the mine is valued in: 1ndnazry la dun 13125 are cxlppllng a Depleted Blood, poor went, everything They are signs of V018. Belfzat, have.) 'usb 12:22 131931. Inn-1:384:J Co. steamer 470 ft. long, to no†19;: in the Atlantic rim“. JU: In the ramp): sud when? Nature. an expert," as the I: in most or me thousa testify. l J aces were sentenc- In tho Wuhlngton my afternoon to r violating the am. has prohlblï¬ng the Bears in the Capitol n Browne were lined I trmmslnz on the i being mother ten Macqnltted on the m: of Cod-liver Oi], ypophosphites, en- who lived About two lungs, and who N [Is trying to ave the ninR bun ï¬ve weeks NADIAN POST. TISIIG 84238. ‘° "idles thickfwA " Well-known om. "th Leg-Mound the “North no days ago 1 0 speed of I tea. $39 13 azwean But! :ext month. =th dame :led on the. icott’s luLSi on working on the :00! 36021 In: Thursday storm came up it and the carpenter o the roof 6111:1118 all yous, md his sister, ave been mud in at murdering their :11 {while he slept, sud 13¢ 6n thii :ly disintetred 3 ‘ed on the farm of inland township. ‘ tncznm in me acmded that there dazed In :11: vicin- y. We: music relations be- : 13 said to be 1m r or the Gmt “North~Weat,†:13 ago on Lake weed of nineteen She is to sum eon anhlo md [ch {adorning : Manchester nauured on- :enal, it says, I newer. The Ion, receiving Ie city and e ï¬ngering the qre {sported in the ma developed 8113 photo- tho Whitsun- u, frequently old, and often czoupo whoa 3y!!! :re. London} planing. Ha a). where he j ournallot, 11 Monday onng mm: 133 beauty lady was street in $5,090,000. â€"Ptof. Forbee' sister. the Countess of Gleegow, wee at the Ottereet house. Niagere,leet week. The counteeele the wife of the counter-general of New Zaeleud, end is en unusually courageous women. On Sunday the water wes 'urued out of the greet tunnel on the United Stetee side, end the counzeee mede the tï¬p of the tunnel, in comneny with her brother. Prof. Fortes, Col. S‘Iew, end Col. Ebetrlcten Elleon'e Gourand, who in European representetive. together with the omen-e ot the Cetereet construction compeny, end e nnmcer of bankers end It took the next] severe! mimooelrel. ' hours to mete the undermnud Journey of 5 mile end end e querter. On Tueedey the counteen, with her brother, Col. Stew, 6, undo tho ‘fln of the and Col. Gouren about tunnel on e re". the weter vlu mwn hm tun entt let in egelu. To mete e â€"Tbe Southern Pacific railroad cam- peny’e bridge to be built over the Mise- es’ppl river at New Orleans, 1.3., will, i is believed. be the Ingest eteel bridge in the world. consular-mg the quentity of metal need in its construction and its length. It will be e double-truck bridge, about 10,50012etlonn. The opproooh spone will vary from twenty-ï¬ve to 150 feet in length, according to the height of the tower. The main river bridge will be built on the conéiiever principle end will be 1,070 feet in length, with spans of 608 feet on either eide. The plot foundetione will extend from e point eighty feet below the bottom of the river, end will be ennk by open dredging. The estimate veinht of metal required in 25,000 tone. or 50,000,- nm mnndm T116 (308: will '10 about â€"Az noon on Monday lest Freak Ellie. son of John Ellie of St. Catherine. 16 years of Int, we: prowling alone the edge of the precipice e: Niagara Felie, end. ‘ discovering what he took to be 3 new peih down to the water. proceeded toinveeti- gate it. He had gone but 3 few etepe. and caught 5 young tree, when suddenly the earth crumbled from under his leer, end he, with the tree, wan: to the bottom of the gorge. When down 60 feet he struck hie heed on e rock. breaking his neck and emeehing his head into n pulp. Then the body rolled over and fell another 30 feet, where it lay a mess of torn flesh and- broken bones, every bone in the body 1 being broken. The body wee hauled to the road way with ropes. â€"A letter received from Albertvilie. in the Gong 0 free state, say s that Captain Jacques Ryrecenu attacked the stronghold of the notorious yAmt: chief, Muhina. who has long raided ths Ugona and Urona districts. Captain Jacques bombarded the chief's stronghold with ï¬eld guns and captured it sits: a bloody engagement. â€"The Dublin Freeman’s Journal an 21:33 Gan. Lord Frederick Rubens. tor- merly commander-1n chief of the army in India, will mecca (1 Gen. Lord Garnet Wolaeley in the autumn as commands: of the forces in Inland. â€"If. in me the: Prince Kapotkin, the celebrated nlhmet, returned to Russia in disguise some time ago. and was â€rented when the Rneehn police threw out their drag nee some three weeks ago. â€"Kst!e Rnpp, who was shot by Alton- bergor at Snake Hm, N. J., died‘ last Thursday mght. Altenberger has made a full cantesslnn. â€"'1‘ha British Museum has now more than 10, 000000 books, and addition: no balm: made at the rate of 50 000 I you. success. Herr Dowe will shortly tarnish [have been drowned. They made the for purposes or testing a smaller and- journey successfully, and shot into the lighter cuimss. ‘rivsr wlth safety. Mrs. WL‘c 3x. dentistâ€"sf of racdmmendlng Pame’a Celery Compsnnd, writes as follows: For a lone period money was spent for medicines and (lactating the: wrought no good results. A grand and happy change was lmmadluely effected when Mrs. Wilcox commenced to use Pelne’e Celery Compound. The VII-toes of the great medicine proved so efï¬cacious in her case as}; haa_1n thousands or others. Mrs. Wflcax for some years suffered terribly and keenly from nervousness and continual sick headmho. Her condition was seriouz and alarming at 81mm. owing to the not that she: was usable: to get sufï¬ciea: ekep to rat a weary and run- dogn body. Mrs.- E'. Wilcox, of Creemore, Ont, is one of the best known ladies in thnt seczio of country. Young and old in and moan Cnemore are acquainted wlth this worthy and honorsd lady and impfloltly reg on no! statement she makes. um rtquucu nu w,vvv .v..- pounds. The cost viii [Paine’s Celery rcompoEdâ€"is Strongly Indorsed f by an Ontario Lady. Three Bottles of the Wonderfu Changeâ€"Nervousness and ’ WITHOUT SOLICITATION. MRS. E. WILCOX. mess and Constant Sick Headache is Sweeter and Betterâ€"General Health Wonderful Compound Effect a. Great :- u.-vâ€".. v-.. __, i; vein to ioist upon the public there, seems to have pewned these jewels st the Monte de Piste, et Peril, when he wee overtaken by ï¬neneisl dieeetsr due to his reckless and insane extreveuenec. He died suddenly end mysteriously ete time when werrents were issued ior his errest on the cherge oi obteinina money under tslse pretencee, etc.. end his lovely young widowâ€"e ledy of plebeien birthâ€"ï¬nding herself end her child utterly without re- sources, and evicted from her epertments st Perle for non-peyment of rent, sold the pewn tickets for e trifle to e Hebrew benker or the ueme oi o erin turnl usly weeithy ° to the enormo eweie end inesmuoh II the letter m3. tonal-sends? thï¬natgnthe toâ€! m cm â€W' l‘mn†who been command which oi 'wood entered the boy’s bend be a the thumb end toredn er end e pmtglom itwee driven up until I lodged elongsids the mein tendon in the wrist. end imbed- ded itself securely under the muscles. The surgeon took from the boy's wrist e piece of wood es lerge es e men's little ggger iartid‘iebgtlzcthtgvo aches in length. 0 non e w no vor entered the only wound on the head. wee Don't Forget Thet to removeeorns. werte. bunione,in e iew deye. ell thet is required is to enply the old end wen-tested corn cureâ€"Put- nem’s Peinless Corn Extrecter. Sure. sets, peinleos. Putnem's Corn Ens-ester melee no tore herd to heel. eete quickly end . on herd end eon At his desrh they osme into possession of his ezdest son, the Duke or Dunes), wheth- er by testamentary bequest or by gift of his mother. the hslt-witted widow Donn; Christine, is not known. Duke Duran]. who will be remembered in the United Ststos in connection with his oollection of spurious old mssters. which he uttempted - - - A 1-.-. .._-_ u... .._t.u- on-“ â€"A letter to the Recorder trom Madrid dated May 3 can : A great scandal 1e on the tapic at Madrid in connection with the magniï¬cent jewels which were torn:- erly the property or the one-eyed Intanta, Don Sebastian, tamed an the ugliest and most erudite Ijoyal personage In Eqropoz â€"The police heve errested three ener- chlats named Gnuch, Gael-in, end Been- lieo, who are believed to be most. promi- nent among the leaders oi the swohlst propsgsnde. Geucb is well born end reared, end is possessed of n fortune of 600.000 fr. In his lodgings the police round 3 will bequeathing to s oomnde nemed Jenn Grove 300,000 it. in the event of his death. The will speciï¬ed that this money should be used for the beneï¬t of Grove snd his comrades in anarchy. The police assert thst Gnuch hes freely sup- nlied the enerchiste will: funds. Gsuoh end Beenllcn ere vented In Belgium, and will probebly be cxtrsdited. â€"Dur1ng a dance In the village or Schutzsn, Austria, aeveral young men qusrrelled about women. than resisted u uendume who interfered to restore order. The genderme drew me revolver and shot reputedly 1n self-defence. Hie bullet. struck and killed four or the young men and 3 girl. The Infutluted crowd then not upon the ofï¬cer and pounded end kicked him to death. â€"Advices: from the: Empress of India ststa the: Miss Imhofl’, s teacher in the Anglo-Japanese school at Yonewszs, went into the temple devoted to the god Useyng on the day devoted by the‘ nstives to the worship or that god end presehed ageinst the woxahlp of greven imsges, sud sneer- ing at the native diety. As the conclusion of the eermon Miss Imhoï¬' wss chssed, knocked down with stones end her eyes put out. â€"Uanaunlly cold gale: prenilod Int week throughout Spsin. At; Sorts, Bur- goa and Avuou on Tuesday there were heavy snowatcrma which caused damage to the crops and interfered with the work- ing of the telegraph and railway lines. â€"In Holland the peasant girls who are swsinleee at fair time hire young men (or the occuion. A hondaome men who in a good dancer hoe a. big value. so much so that sometimes three girls have to club together to hire one strain. â€"-A tree tbs: Imoku bu bosnduoovor- ed in the Japaneze village of Ono. It to sixty feet high. and just after sunset every evbnfng emote issues {tom the top or the tmnk. It 13 called the volcanic tree. â€"Pa.trlck Finnegac. of Ema, Ont; l. carpenter,tan'1ed to get into Bnï¬â€™alo with a kit of tools on the 24 h, but was turned back by Inspector DaBury. "Being one of the earnest settlers In this place, I am known to All the surrounding country. I: feel 1: a ‘dnty to let others know about the medicine that ha: done me so much good. I send this mumontal without any solicitation." “I have tried many medicines 3nd doctor-ed a great deal, but never received a hundredth part of the mine from them than I obtained from Palm's Celery Com- pound. Atter using three bottles I on: sleep wel}. my headaches have ceased. 3nd 1 real healthier and fresher than I have 13293 1'91- yenxr. 7 "For years I have suï¬â€˜ered from nervous- ness and constant nick hesdachc; It times I have been so bad that I have been unable t {glee}; two {1031115 a night for weeks. "I tako this opportunity to express my gratitude for the good that I And my friends have received from your valuable discovery, Paine’s Celery Compound. THE CANADIAN "POST. LINDSAY. ONTARIO. FRIDAY. JUNE ] I â€"Junoo Fox, 3 boy. woo bolting Inlho II the sowmiu n: Victoria Hotbox-on Fri- day week. ond tho lnth flaw book. A piano or wood entered the boy's hnnd “tum the thumb Ind ioniin Ind n pox ion oi itwnl driven up until i lodged alongside thomoin tendon in tho wriot. And imbod- dod iuolt loouroiy undo: the mucus. The onrgoon took from tho boy’- wrm o piece of wood n urge to o mnn'o um. donor sad about two inches in‘ length. The point At which the slim antes“ won the only wound on the hood. â€"John Davies, e former reeident oi Gnvenhnret. lowly cook in John Btophy'e comp neu- Meeeey Station. Algome, WIS supposed to hove been drowned. but he he: been discovered in e deter-ted com ebont ten milee tron: where hed wooden , one: being thirteen den without food. When he ieit Brophy'e oemp hehed only his penis and ehirt on. When found in hierheneted condiflon behed tom 08 ihc leg oi hie vent: to wrep eronnd his feet. He in now being cared for. but it in un- e’eltein the! he will reeovex'. â€"Thomu P. Kenyon. a well-known chenetor in Grovenhunt for men, yearn, while going up Gull lore on Tuoodoy of last week with Hugh Wylie. was drowned. The men ottempted to nil, and the weather being aqunuy. the book was oapo‘zod. Both chum to the boot for 5 long time. Kenyon flnslly had to lot ac, and went down. Alter About two hour: to the boot armed to shore, with Wylie much exhnnalod. â€"Gcome Holland. 3 tumor, living shout four miles south of Madoc. while plough- lng Thundu evening of Int weak wu killed by lightning. I: were 1180 In. turn of ham: And a con. â€"Johenn Meyer. 11 yeers old. one oi the wickedest boys in Vienna. hed been sneaked meny times for running ewey. Finelly, to enable him to metiiy hie desire to eeeepe. lete st night he stole the big door key, sewed the hsndle through, ï¬led the ends ee eherp es s needle point, drew them though the skin of hie weiet, end then hemmered them together. and the key hung from his body like e ring from ‘ the nose or A cause. He wee thus enebled, by standing on echeir, to open the door. end leave the house whenever he liked. This went on io: weeks until he ‘ got in I ï¬ght with other bed boys. end wee hil e heevy blow where the key wee. He wee tekeu senseless to the hoeoitel; end the doctors were unable toremove the key until they hed sewed it in two. The boy’s lite wes in denser to: several den, but now it is expected thet he will live to epenked meny times more. â€"Among the serious cherges Secretsry Herbert is invcstigeting on the ccest de- fence ship Monlcrey, et Sen Frenciseo. is one releting tn the virtuel ruining oi the hydrsulic tunets which contein the big twelve inch rifles oi thet ship's hettery. It ie understood thet on e recent sce cruise 0! the chip. dtrin the prectice ï¬ring o! the guns, I wrs t cash by the c-i‘iicer in chemo thet thxs hydreulio rm cheniem ior ttking up the recoil needed modiï¬cation end one or the mschinisis o! the ship wee ordered to take out the plungers eno reduce their diameter e qusrter to hell en inch. The plungers were reduced onc- ‘ querter. When the guns were ï¬red egein the weter neturslly ruched pact the plun- gars with very little rceistence, end every pipe end joint connected with the some- tns burst, flooding the turrets end neces- siteting repeirs which will consume sever- el weeks. HIDLAND DISTRICT 10238. â€"When the effect! of the Ducheee of Somerses were sold by uuetlan lu Landon some years mo. en extraordinary collee- clou or we~:1ng apparel was brought to light. Among these were 500 lace and other hawker-chiefs. 2,000 palm of alone, 500 Iadlen and other enewle, 600 poll-e ox rilk etocklnga and dresses 01 Ill hlnds of 40 yeure’ toshlcne. The owner at theso bud for 30 more before her death ehu: hex-eel: up ln her house, llvlnp the llle o! a recluse. yet she ordered regulurly from ‘ her dreeemuker on each chnnge of season the dreeeee use would hove worn ll lull mlxlng 1n eonlety. Every three monm ehe dressed In court ooelnme. u ll zolng to o reoepelon. end would welt up end down her own rooms. In lmeglnutlon playing the port ehe no longer “We ‘ â€"When the Chicago. Burlington and Quincy taut mail train wae tour mica east of Kewanee, 111.. Thursday 0: lat week. the nine in the lubricate:- broke, and three quarts of humane. striking the hot boiler- head, were ignited, and the next moment ‘ the whole interior or the cm was in flames. The clothes or the ï¬remen, G. Max-(in, aazuratea with oil. were quickly ablaze. Engineer V. B. Giddinga bro t the train to a standstill. Martin. e the tram atoppcu, jumped from the door. and, with flames screaming from his clothee. rushed to tie water tank and jumped in. extinguishing the ï¬smez. Gidumga toned around in {.10 wet areas. Martin was horribly banned, and Glddinge’ clothea I were burned oif nim. ‘ â€"A special from Mspsmi, Mexico, says: The perry oi America srchaeoiogisse who left here e week ego on on exploring ex- ‘ pedition to the recently discovered silent ‘nnd deserted city in the Sierrs Msdre monnteine have Just returned. They dis- covered another hidden city in the some iooeiity. The leader states the: the second at these cities is very eimiisr to the ï¬rst in sppeerence. end the: they were evident- iy as one time twin cnpitnis of s nest and wesithy empire the: existed long heiore the time or the Aztecs. The two cities ere connected by 5 series of underground memes; hewn out oi the solid rock in the precipitous mountains. ’ Ms W. Vendetbils’e ulna end ‘ grounds e: Aeheville, N. C., have one: him ebon; 85.110100 meedy. end will coat some $5,“ 0,000 more before they ere ready tar occupancy. The auto include. 100.- 000 euros, and right in the amide! o! it. no‘ more than he]! e mile from the meanin- een: menelon. in e mieereble little home ehnnty which George Vendetbili cannot buy, although he is worth untold millions. The place is owed by e, negro numd Joehne Moore. who he: been ofleted $10,- 000 to: hie nine some which ere molly worihebonifl en me. Re say- he hoe no obJ action to Mr. Vanderbilt to: e neigh- â€"B. P. Hutchinson. known en “0 d Hutch,†the femone Chm board or trede open!» end muuonelre; Ed. Cram. euotha operetoz; e hotel clerk nemed ‘ B enoherd ; end Ber-tender Hlxon 1n n rough-endâ€"zumole bet-mom nah: ee McCoy's hotel lee: Wedueedey night. end Hlxon wee stabbed In the thigh by Cm. The querrel grew out or e heened emu- ment, end. ell the eon: beaut- were freely pounded betore outside“ could eeperete them. Exxou'e wounds ete not urloue 9nd mlulouelro Cum was not one-ted. â€"A has containing Salt!!! worth at Manda wu no!†from n Englishman who “and a Path Mondnyotuu not on the express tram cm». Tho anllah. nun wu am when the bag. was open- ed and the diamonds “Olen. -Goor 0 Rm. 5 Iva-melanoma! June: um: at the hand mas de- partment, 0J3", wu mun: by a min on TWA! “Moon 01 In: wook And died from the mj um- mind u but hours max-wads. ~Tho and King Otto. at Bonus. smoke- 100 01mm- : day. In not grunge mu m. (not has gone but on DERBY PLUG "Bow to Can An In: hm.“ Sunw 5m “SWAN: 0mm.†No been? madman“ (gnu mar. oo- Ionn. ton. cum on o boo. hun- nmm Madonnwhlunnd WM? MW..." ‘mmmmm m or . W for Bwnxrs 0mm, â€"’rho nipotsvolsoaons unabat- sllahtnmonn'om be nomad-um“ the poison of Sorofnls the blood. Aids Susannah purines :23 um flag. gush an poisonous snhshnoes supplies 0 meats of we. hum: sad swath. Here’s a Pointer mummmlxnwdnumlnhbndnâ€" name. Bad urinal-What. 41?."qu nae:- may from momma: kind. of mm they mmwxmrwnwmzwz 1 the wmr. hag: Dn'xs' PAm-Kmng I y “to, a lad m cm DImhoouCrunu And Chaim Mum-mm value at ovary mullet should M - homotmmlxmmyhlohho on mu :3†tenable an: acre. ,ï¬c. {a 3 km 0. 0! THE Smoking Tobacco Why does-donkey stuntingâ€"Mum mmmmmpummm “Wmflnmwm Whaahomsmmahdrorm Whanshoboapomlboclmtom Whu kind 0! {beta by- tho Mumâ€"A dad hon. "006’: Pills act wily. yet mommy and efï¬ciently. on the liver and bowels. 25c. to much tbontEood's Succumb. I dun- mtou-yu, and gotshnfl-dounbomes. fourol whichonuplycurodhln." HID-Go‘- LugOshAWAOBW N28. Besmtogetnoodusuapums. be sure that the retailer does not induce you to buy any other in order he may make a larger proï¬t. A Perfect Cum by Hood's m puma. . “ItMmomnchph-motomd Bood'smuh. Xymmmm you pun In the joints. â€comp-med Wm: mmngwmmnoeonummnpm tbbodwithontmwflngonmdsmdknea. I mmmmmnbouthmandhflintm 5 cent plug IO cent plug zocent plug Caused Hood’sWCures Pains New Advertisements. D. h1tcma Co flaw?- BAKE HERB AND 123183. When you ask for a Hood's Synapmua. by Inflammatory Swelling in the Joints POPULAR 1'89; ka BEE “NEE. (1:. of New You-kt, “am .111!†M R. .139?le Mo (03]: In; D mum. o â€:23... wmamm “Minds-In. ma. chino-aha no...» -â€"u» r. count-Ir. mm. m. A“ at. 134m. NOV. 1m. mâ€"Ei}; Oakwood. Garwood. M In. mam "ah"? man. hat, No. a. w: MARTIN BOPKI “at. u “.5. man. on. Kent 1%.. "to to 'I Rock. snout at mac 8. McLAUGHLIN LET at W lad a M. to. A m nu. wen. Undo-7.80". ll. IIIâ€"ll. u 'Ioo. RJ. Iona nu )3. G. s. RYEBSON, OOULIsr and A 08181, ALLAN S. MACDONELL, Buriator, Now .mo. Mouton-thorn: wont moi Kent’s“ You In. my to loan. may uncut. Nev. 1:0; 0.}. W.Q.O. B. WK. PHYSICIAN, Gndu punt. mm. 9.1;.) mica. FRANK L. SOMERVILLE, m 05mm loan, a. x. 0171!. "all!“ and “calm. letmhhodfornnduluot workout: mm Omcx: Ron , magnum-ya Una-v. an. mm: A a. mum, 2.1.8.} and 90an a had attract. had. [on 3nd luv. cam._u. 1)., _q.A 1;. up. Architects and Sirveym noon: .2 ucKsox Sauce-onto Hanan-magnum â€"n-n-huu. nu. do. muchâ€. m [ozm A.’_B_AR§O‘N, Q 0.. (Solicitor 4.- 5,, .omcnaum door to 0.210: C Co‘s 0 on auto. . 06!. an. 181-17. arms OHISHOLllecgm __ A- ...m- A _A_ «much. lthwpllodtotho bathe form n downy. when mm b Imam am ‘ , sen vellum-n. Had PHYSICIAN I’m. L DIGRASSI anon m. 130363 DOUGLASB‘ . CHAMBERS, OMMEBCIAL HOUSE m._nmngsm, sou J_.. 1930!, Caloocanâ€"Inces- of Han-mg; LIME; nun nougn. mm vs. â€"-..u-- _ Ban-atom. its. fluteuna. am, 1.. D. "i Hotels. ,,,,, n. n. Cannon: Dental Sumeon, LINDSAY . NEELANDS, 1‘. WA RI“ VI :l= nix-ii JHTY [I488 [£018. came. cry “I UAWâ€"l V '1':- Pour Villa†on MED! 0d .0 6 1’0 8 PER CENT. man an may mm. MONEY TO LOAN 1 Ian Realm had I con-Menu ' though was sandman, placed with me for loan III oglg T0 Linn: ox nonr- B-utron u wont. accord- “Ilnmld loan. law an» mg OHIY 1‘0 LOAN. 08 MG-“ all WI MONEY LEIT on Mortgngeo. Strught mm a?“ bolus:- ‘ nun. new: 2:! mobs: «151023031. Egan. In: I um. mamâ€"a MM... mutuallwruu RES Uh U. W Loon-mt of Octal-Io. Boob at w written up. summat- 0 mm I“. out. Balance about gal-grad. the E Mum‘s". noun. xiii-Ti.“ Insurance. Loan and Real Estate Agent 0m MICK BANK BUILDING amour. ONT. EMORIAL CARDS. â€"A very chain. Du! Ina-Mod to. h. 800:. 281d. 1898‘ I188 EITHER†J. WILLIAMSâ€. DROFESSIONAL N [7882‘ mm. Au. 1. Ianâ€"1'7 LONG and SHORT HARDWOOD animated! mansion atoms but In . as: Coal and Wood, Fraud Hay and Straw Money to Loan one. In 3. “Mb†UsCuy. Oct. 12m. ism-78. Wu 0A 7/! W84 Wl/VES’. THE Q 6 Per Cent. m Ins-Icy Stun. w Iâ€. Ina-~70. Wines and LiquorE J48. SHANNON, M luau-4M man- you But 3.: a an on mi- lap-hot. In. or In not: mind. cu» n louov, LEXANDER DIXON. mum.“ 1130011811001». EAGLESQH. BABTBOLOME W. III“). M M. IFSâ€"u Money to Loan. (â€MINORS AM . D. THEXTON, 1MRGE BRYAN Blames: Caz-d: 3 WEEK. Clark 013 A UCTIONEER. m . 0mm. 4:. Bum-I. amt. Lager Beer. In Barron Bottled. Salvador lav or, flushed made. Munich Ho]- Bran of exceptional [lam Ind an aunt l‘quon for (mu! 3am“ I t Rho: In H D" O C o n m D! MOMâ€. 3WD. Tbexton. 090139 Bryan . R. saunas. to under