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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 8 Jun 1894, p. 3

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3 30110 Fame: '0 mos; h! 3612: wrance Company- MUTUAL LIVE :, ETC. NGES; you w Wood:- Good Peop‘ NCY '"°“ “In 0:20 side, and Master Edd! 1 PL ”(Mammal aeroneut from Staten ‘ 53‘5- ~ -. had been advertised to make O on,Nzceneion and parachute drov- b.]:oon wee inflsted and cverythlnil mnldlnese. When Han declined col “10 lseeneion on account of the bad er. Amer, who had attended the his mother and sister, slipped "y mm them end, edging his way Rh “‘0 Ottawa, volunteered to go 119. When him not to “temp: is, but at, we determined, and, seizing hold ) in ”name box, celled on the crowd mm “’0“- Some one out the rope-ml “2.3““ "10% no With Alder holding on. "I“! 1.000 feet ebovo the oath “Nicene “‘0 parachute and come The rate lpreed on: end in been worked all my. but Alder. hm“ mode on eeoeneiou borers now how to ought. Ha lmdati “tame om: am. . ghott ele- Knudfi 0! C'ncinnatl 0., loan!!! ‘3 mm mm! stump: to become tn Ben A chn‘ .c was given at Manhat- ”h‘ ‘ raaor: five miles down 111. ”339?” 9169:, and Master Eddy s Carpenter, of Otter lake, Mich" hing s sheep. It kicked, driving not the shears in the trout of his lid the czher just beck or his leit liming an artery. He will not live. Agar Her-.319, a Mess farmer, while a: sheep, was thrown down and tell no sharp points of the sheets, one of ta penetrating about one and a “aches below the heart and the other mower. The woundsare snout an idea, and are quite ugly and danger- l The anima- may possibly weaver. MleaPziem, who for six ears kept hint!) house in Bay -st., New testified betore the state senate sizing committee the other day, Illthetlme he was paying for police 32:. At first he was taxed $20 a _ .u: the amusement was subse quent- mesaed. ills total payments for {Jun w‘r: $4.300. He paid the money, to Ward Detective Geo. Connors. fiery change of police captains the 3m required to psy what was simulation fee, which ranged from 3N. the weri detective, sometimes and sometimes Schmidt. collecting 'mfufll dcupabok a.y.- A r , met-noon otleel: Vite]? 021ch , three of his brother bevld’e one girl and two boys, aged 13, 9 E, and Mrs. Wm. Iogrehem were led vhfla runmng a net. The bodies recovered In about seven feet of. r, where five of the Pierce family drowned a few years ego. ,tenible explosion, followed by e fire red 3:430 o’clock Thnrede morning week In a dXstmery on e ground at adouble tenement house, No. 129, k-zL. New York, resulting in the wt Lizzie Yuan, aged 4 years, end a injury to four others. Twenty I: wanted the building. The m and fire cut them cff from the m. Fifteen children were thrown ‘scper windows. Some of the older ”escaped by creeping on the narrow In! the second story to the window of . house. Carp king 3 of the ‘- \nuuzucu Dav flaws. vvâ€" 'â€" .7 ”Wm. evidently a. chief. m“talcum two solid silver shang- M 0! emulate, crescent shone . mm inches long. On one wee . “M end on the other I dragon. ”th was a. necklace or nearly a?“ m'fldssps, or buckles, end 0:: ' an"!!! suspended what. [and ev - Mfume. Beside the bones were 5, Had I scalplng knife, 3 copper m, ' ailm- brscalet. with silver pen- al, 9 “R as hair-dollars. sod various mm ”has. showing an: in his day the WC: ' inc was a person of some 15““ Dmlig Pontlsc’s cues:- the 'atmh‘d ‘ b10001 discussion our tho: find 1‘ ‘5 “passed this is one of the "be French navy estimates juet ieaued L5: to 277,000,000 francs, an increase of loco fiance over last year. Five mil- mus m allotted for the building and men: of new ships. We Weldt, 22 yeare old. a washer- ”, me found dead in her room in 33:, Thursday evening last. A ed awakerchiei was around her ”55 may)“ one had been strangled Hells Kathlite, another young name, who lives in the same room, :36 on suspicion. Wm. Andrews, 0! Mitchellvme. a figment a. few miles from Bath, N. 1 ' d suicide on Thursday night gym: a dose or paleon. The only men for the commission or the 3:111: net husband went up prayer I!!! "Wu-3m workmen were dinning post ““m “as: ”33.x: "393 mad the a e ono - ““1 "idently a cum. Win: the fin“, _- - u #__ -knnL Instance of the coming or .3. martrlo of triple“ wu “mung“ ‘ranA-___A m_-u_._; ifi? Whitman: Raul-ad; was. according to the Into-l nail- fi', utmllz vote“ In En 15nd and ‘ mums In Scotland, and .061 In .- 6'.- Vs, OF THE WEEK 3 mp FOREIGN James or INTEREST. a hat nigh! mm: her iro- ‘ng he: 3-. home alone. ,clono puud on: I Demon or mund- mo. Mun: banal“: “Utah. nd crop: won Mono]: V Pu/bfzfiers’ Notice. f E mem POST. Ine for making bgcks wss pat- s, but not put mto practical at the middle of the present :w the world consumes 50,006,- r. FRIDAY. JUNE 8. 1394. iunadiau gm. Iron tho Tampa and new... F. W. Wnsox. g u vâ€"‘_. .___-_ -Thlrty allenemwere notureflzed in Greet Brltoln during last month. One of these was a. citizen of the United sates-2. 16 from Russia. 7 from Germnny and from I-tuly. ‘ â€"No recantede has ever been made strong enough to res’=sh the bursting we: of freezing water. Twenty-pound shells bsve been burst asunder as though mede of pottery. were eons to has “none, but he wee not seen again. His bcdy use not been re- canted. Alder was 20 years old. _ When Paine’s Celery C)mponnd ls faithfully used, psln-reoked and suffering mortals ere never dissppomted. The great medicine works surely endeffeotlvely;1b banishes every trouble end leads to freshness or life, robustness of constitution and gives to those who use it perfect "V'M‘ ‘°- the full enjoyment of earth’s “You can: do better than use Paine’s Ceiery Compound.” is the honeet advice or many or our best and sblesh doctors, when men and women consult them regarding rheumatism, neuralgia, nervousness, kidney sud liver troubles, dyspepsia. end mgdown systems. _ _ _ - . Medics! professors snd physicians gener- ally are amazed when they host of; and sea the slmost miraculous cures wrought through the agate] ot Palne's Celery Cognound. _ _ _ All classes of Csnado’s gopulnnon-all sexesâ€"all agesâ€"sally soun the praises o! Paino’a Celety Compound, earth's grmdaat and most wonderful medlosl discovery. i“I FEEL 20 YEARS YOUNGER.” Paine's Celery Compound Makes People Well and Strong. Wonderful Cure in Hamilton. MRS. J ULIANNA SANDBERG. .o! D“; -â€"The Field Colum biau museum, occupy- ing the Au building at the Chicago World's Fair, was dedicated on Saturday. It la the largest. museum in America. â€"Tnera died on Friday at the county poor house. In Glenn-"111e, I. Y.. Sylves- ter Edwards, aged seventy-one years, who for nearly twenty years had been In a um!- eomnolent oondlelon. â€"A peculisr one of suicide is given out by the authorities of the prison et Cheater, ILL, in the death or June: Marley, 3 eon- vien, sentenced from Marion county for lueeny. Murray resorted to all kinds of methods to avoid working. Last Monday he secured 1. lane bu or lye mp. This he ete. end wee et once taken with epeeme. He died e horrible death. â€"During the semi-shuns! sen-deuce oi the See end Fox Indisns. nest the Sec sud Fox sgsney. Guthrie, 0. T.. Thuredsy oi lest week. two young bucks became in- volved in e qusrrel over s Winchester. The fight broke up the dense, sud e melee ensued. in which Chieis Astor. Little Boy, Two Tslls. No Hesd end Wolf Eyes were shot, the first two istslly. The suthorities will tske stops to suppress the deuce here- sitar. â€"Daspstehss from Buluwsvo ssy thst the two British troopers, Dsuiels and Wilson. charged with sppropristiug the sum of £1,000, which the lots King Lobeu- uls sent to the British suthorities es s flexing end es s notification thst he wee willing to submit. hsve been set:- tenced to fourteen yesrs‘ imprisonment. The two troopers ere slso held to be morslly responsible for the mussere of the /Wilson 'psrty, es they suppressed the lets king’s message of submission in order to counsel their eppronristlon of the pesos offering. '13:: Ei'fhiwd Sims unto Sntnrdny last an uneudment putting .11 lumber on the free list was ndopted. us means she is} enema-mum. position In moiety. end else to particles“ in her husbands lsrge estate. ' I doneldeze your medicine the meta: been ever given to the county. end I shell tell every one the greet good is has done me. My earnest wish to that your medicine any be:i (hound tn every house where suffering ex 5 a.” â€"Ti:e Frazer river rose ten inchee et New Westminster, B. C., on Thursdey night of lest week, end the weter wee‘ three inches ebove the highest recorded weter mark. From points further up the river come repeats that the river in nearly two feet higher then ever known. Frazer valley for a hundred miles he! been inun- dated. So greet hee been the deetruetion thet ooeen eteemere peeling in through the etreite of Sen J om de Face encount- cred fleeting wrecks of houses end berne. It in eetimeted thet more then 2,000 tuni- uee ere homeless, end thet evropcrty loee of $3,000,000 hee been suffered. Steemere iron the rivers end Puget Sound ere lull engaged on the work of reeoue. Tho h "I have to thank you for being instru- mental in eeving me from yeere of aud’aring and ill henlth. About three years ago. I had a severe. etnck or “Grippe,” which let: me with my llmba ewelled up and hardly able to walk. end my con- etizntion was very much lmpeired. A friend recommendzd me to try your world renowned Palm’s Celery Compound. I did no end am now walking about es well us ever. the swelling having completely dieeppeered. MY constitution In new in excelleni condition end I feel twenty yeere IQUDRQI'._ _ __ _ __ Mrs.'JnU.snns Smdbery, 49 West-ave.. north. Hamilton, Ont, writes .3 [allows for the benefit or all annex-lug Cundlun: blggeingg. N woman .. .â€"-_ our. The unleanph out of order. Even to 10110" flu nulls man no utterly 1n; domnd. 'l'ho Cn- hu 1.000 mac n wot cod will “on 1 n‘m tho Fan: xiv THE CANADIAN POST. LINDSAY, ONTARIO. FRIDAY. JILXEJ What“. Jul-Ice. Aummn. The tree- huo token of their dotheeendgonetoeleep. lathe mum at a deep wood. thet mlght eppeer sombre but for the filtered nu of the setting on. e hunter me upon the lichen-covered m: o! o lulu: out. At his feet In «role-d, thrown the day's beg-I quirroll Ind rebut. end other pretty donlrene o! the tor-en. now forming e moot pathetic picture o! um um. X“.- And now. from one of the sputum o! it: may hollows. n ma. red 3:11:10! spoon-I. Iu movement. on on! and mono. out! It throw- “. um. body Ind hmh Into pretty wow- ” It “noon. The humor mom not. The pater of tho anyhow! thundered-admin t on the Iona in not hard. Ed momentarily to robe noon on It: hunche- oud look ohout. It om tho gun stock. In . oplrlt o! frolic It “Nana to flu]: through the noel circle an. gum the lock. Tho hunt»!- brotzad bee in thud with the glory of the dying any. Contentment ll written on m- ututnde and In tho ”you“ III-eyes. Kahuna. good A- ‘__ n--- -1--.unl um um All- “WNW V‘ I.- '1â€"- â€"v â€"7~ *7 , -- . Gmhu been plentiful ad the lit 230mg pug delightful. ,. ;._ __ I---- -m-I-nfi Oh mwwuu-nuuâ€" â€"- w- 7-, , _ um, ad the grim finger can-clay In: no menu: (or him. He t u out an pipe, suing the while “Baro ruined chain Wham Into the sweet birds um." Slow! nnd pedestal], he striker . much on his :nuat boot. md 39min 1! to the hugnnt mum of the mellow bun bowl. the clouds or We (noun-o also. £1.31:th though with the golds! nutt- 0: mutant. and diam: mid tho pained ache- ot the mud old tree. .......... -hh-nn- oh- hank! f.“- w v- __- 7.7,, "£33353... Intnuqno. the hunter nu- !mo I reverie. The dud mound: on which the hm also I. honoyeombod with ulna cum I: roam I (.2110th house to: m sad diverse umomtum when. home b the latest, _ , , __ “A u“, . a "I. uvu-F_-___ m took of u- m local man the 9:33:59 oak. the barrel st m Anglo point- ing mund- him. a:- thought. no view . -‘ 4 __n__ 1-..-- -. "oh-w I.” an ”EEK.- cum. 1 . mid the p pa 3: qummmumma ”terminal!” Ana-M In" 31'- n-mmmmuummm.m ”dunno” lot-nae. m an! memmunm-ud not!” â€"On Maude week Bowud. non of hit. Jehn Petey. o Bowing-”me. hed enu- lnw mane mom being drowned. He.in oompeny with none other 1nd: wee ally- iug don the crock south oi the bridge. end w eout onnloa he tell inendwu curried down the ”teem. which wee run- ning veryewm owing no the lute heavy nine. Fetiunntely the maiden: wn- eeen from Mr. M. D. Willinme'tenideuoe, eud MLLuxion wuoheiwmedto hein the found him 6111131113 '0 I stump. nun. only would eoou hove loot hle hold. end not him oul. End nuisance not been to cent et hnnd he would without doub: hen been around. â€"- _â€"â€"nv - , th-o-hnnm flu mid “Em â€"Leet Weaneedey night three more fine took pleee e: Bun-1e. About 12 o'clock emote wee eeen tuning from Un'e bleyele ehoo. end a wee discovered hheteflre hedbeen eluted In the ehed edjolnlng it. It wee quickly quenched. end etont two honre etter enother elem wee given. thle time the are being in e banding In the tee: of Lme’e un-ehop. In the eerly morning e third elem wee given end the hrlgede celled to e are In e eetcle-ehedln the mlcnltneel peek. The demege ln ell three wee 1e very lleht. el- thongh It In as elgnmcene feet the: two 0! the bulldlnge belong to the eeme hereon. Tmmtbomzoommud one! tho molt punk! naked“ I. mull Noumea. Pol-olf- Nevin“ :- 3 call- -hlr. Eddy. who reeidee neer New- eeetle, hee quite e enrioetty on hie piece. Whiieloohinzthro nahepieeeoiwoodehe com: ecroee one oi hie turkey hone eittirg utridg e'e neet (temp cage. while the pertr! go. which had evidently been driven on'. wee locating on e treeebeve. Steins the turkey eronnd the bun. he went “to look It the nee: end found the pertridRe en ein on it. but no econ no the turkey came back it took poeeceeian eaein end tyne partridge had to retire. The hatching or the neat win he ean-yonei wetehed ior. toeee which bird the young once will follow. -John Wllllcm. o! Waterl- Sqmo. Manna: ”wanna let: an non no to b. I wluon the his but? followed 5 marine Ill. patiently. :- vol-av. have new: but: shlotoma ad 0! him “not. Than 1- saw It Osgoodo Bull to: William. bu dun Mmzhowootnomo ly elm bully. Tho court 0:60 a»: he be “united for. I! be In not loud In three month tho none: will toms brother- In New You and allow . â€"Lnn!o Gmw o! Whitby. Ind 88. out on the schoom émhufl. In: lent our- houd wmmvuul um. am 8.34 Bach. Mich. â€"m Intent .1me In tho world-In hot. thmmmmotndn-nu hon-on n Wash-who. when tho ”new to: the We» Sam “no m and by hydraul- ic Down 165 to» to I emu. structure whm uh. uh medal. Rush our 3m to hon 180 mm In- mnu chum on a “may!“ we hung mm n (3:010. tot tho tum! undo: tho Olydo. The ma.» unl- clo- ntor to tho on. lath- Wuhlutoo nonn- Inun. which I. workod by “an. the own bola: rollod upon I drum. n nutc- upln uhtywlmlnnch lacuna. --‘.l'ho mm mwuoh hula: one“ tho Bud-Month. hunt olmtot 011m “Jen-um My man! amp mu. sad but but» am Bum: “Vault: o ' Ln Unmanned. â€"1‘m m “In.“ W Emmdlaa, hWUnludSm-u.‘ munmlnudumnu- mum madam â€"AhouHOW (mum. II I. cum. mtgsnmnfiom Germany.“ than” â€"‘rv'o mhfln vol-cum upland hum Ismail-1M8“. mundan- mu an wmvam. -'1'mty w moth-navel. mamaonmm. MIDLAND D18 1'81 CT NO TEE. an" Unlud 3‘1 5 forum: Hood's nu. no nun-MW!“ mot-own. Boldbyaumac mmrmawmuaam no. Isotao much holp mama» am mmxmmdm m. um um thouooudbomo lulu never [did nyme.” 030.313”.me mmmu.nmuw Wuhan-commlhocfled tore-noth- wan-humans!» ammo-m mmmmmawmmu up. Imlnbodtotuueo men; during“ “XNWWMMMMM It. Godunood'oumuruhumdmm mmtmwuyum ”on“ DERBY PLUG After Taking Hood's Smaparllla HOOD’S As Well as Ever arm New Ad armaments, Smoking Tobacco be sure that the retailer does not induce you_t0 Thttchzo a: Go goat's Smaparula Sarsaparllla When you aslg for a VARIETIBB. “minus: POPULAR 1' 894 own“. Icahn,“ lug “Min. Ordea- and] will mom 9mm ION YTO Annapurna”. Am G. OAVANA, P. LE, tad Dominion mam. WWI”. 1890. mm. mum and mum. Plan tux-aloha to: all cm of work aha motion-wind. Garnet: Ores-anon: wind-um. “Maw. Jon. 2m: 1898.â€" OHNA. BARRON Q. 0 MW But. one. murmm mum memâ€"m-m FRANK L. SOMERVILLE, noun..- mm mm a. I. 111 80389813 a .1me many, do. on“. William-IL. Architect: and Sax-vegan. {cm a STEWART, BARR! I‘ll...“ ;~_--_.!- _ --- A Solicitor NocuyJth. oana over north west mot m and York-u. many mum mutant. Nev. 10 I” OORE J AOKSON Sum-on to Hm I J ACKBU ~35rl‘ld0n. [\I. Burllun. no" WI Block. Kant-It" “.mum. A tantamount“ mom: to but ulom mo! £1:th tom no lull barium-n. many. Scot. u. mâ€" u. HOPKINS CHISHOLM, (uncou- can no HART” I 80mm ml on. OMEG- flw it“ “3.434). who D. Ii. 031311015; A0110 P. DIVLIN BARBIS‘I'ER. SOLI- - 03..an Crown AW autumn mum. on. on»: out mm. a. 1 MM muufafmugnh M ii MOI-lam door to can: a 60'- a do can . 00!. m. lmâ€"I‘I. o mflxm unwed moth. lath. term a” flow when mm “MM“ {than mud. Nohypo- mum undul- ijé omwonmm In ”0.1: b them lam Mot!) Bahama Ru la France. lilo ammu- than“ loam. [It “had- unmanned” man- “A" with and moon-.110 Maxim uh ovu- uvant d: nun. mmmumapfimwm- msmm !\R. BURROWSLm-gdmto‘ pf 3100)}! ’lfliifloon' ’ 7 W DENTIST. LINDSAY. - - o] floBWIYN a ANDERSON. m. It... mm. (Moan ‘Wz’m append: the Duly Jon m. Dump a. mason. nut-7. Btu. ”9.18M. Och-toad. lob ) {._ InBOY. 00m.â€"lmor of 13080! DOUGLASB‘ mm or m: ucusn. @981!wa \B. NOV. 11D. ”-84-”. R. G. S. Rmsox, OOULISI' aid 4 173151, ovum-pun. mom m. A!" “B. 1893.4ch OMMEBCIAL HOUSE, Hatch. LUMAN aousn. mm. on PM?! -Il “VA-vaJ», ”‘WD' “WM Km. «0.. etc. nanny. LIAN S. MACDONELL, Batista, Solicitor Hoary. Etc. omoeo ovor north t max-cilia: Kent md York-u. mmy. L. DIGRLBSI PHYSICIAN. EUR anon. no. I‘m. wanna-n. um J. M. H. McLAUGHLIN L. HERMAN, gt. 0,, x. . CHAMBERS, DENT Barmten. Etc. fgnzcuns. mum. 1g. may} 9.0111831. *. n. moss. Lo.s.( n DKTmram Dental surgeon, LINDSAY amt-5MP! . NEELANDS, in' the Now 9L. Had-aw. (Solicitor and all lines 0/ material for inside finish. Sales pm fly nttandod to. Chm mode: “9. mm: Sept. 28rd. 1893.â€"77-lyr. I}. H. H. Baker, Agent V . MUNICIPALITY OF 0P8. INS“- no]: A0382. “:0. hue and Aouaat. but HONEY To mu. Prints on other Funds int Levon Bum "Genet-.1" floccu' ' Minimum" oi'éAéfiht 016. 011106. OPERA HOUSE 3100K. uxfisar. Doors, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, IISS EUPHEIIIA J. WILLIAMSON. (induct a Mono!“ annual. mm but mien up hornbode In Lindsay and wishes to lam the now: than the II prepared to null. sllouu atone-t Hue node mace“: hum abouts. Card. wul be or: with“ the [adapt ohm ggq-W. J. wuuunm. U. w mum: of cum. Boob o! 5!! kinds written up. Summon. 0 mt mode out. Eunice cheats p Ommmtor wrlumzu hookah,“ wookotnonth. Books opened orbnsinoun. on the but mood so their hm mannu wand: All m at magnum instruction mhdonhh mmmaw 7.7 "ABS-limbo} ukuwwu RESERVE m WWW urge-tum] mum 1m in the world. Putin w and to comp-u Insure vnluvemonoybymmumthh my “warm-untrue ovu- mum old [be com ulna. Andrus. Box W. Nu.18.189râ€"80-fl. Hardwood, Sa/I, Cement, Ellarcaal. MONEY LEFT on Mortgages. Straight loan at Iowa: current nun. Tom. at box-tower. M accoun- wm" ” m 11003! a: ACKSON. Wu“! 1m. WHO osmium: W. Alana mmtdmmanmlmon nan- mum. allot-m; um. Nov. 10. 1888.44. ______.___._______.__â€"â€"â€" ONEY TO LEND ON MORT- u... axmmmm a" mamm- : wt may can. M annual on m at M m. Jon A. moat. OFFICE â€" In Dominican“ Banal-c William-It... Undo”. Jung 2. 1892 -â€"m-l!. Coal and Wood, Press“ Hay and Straw , I hove recently had A con-idem though llmltod, sum of money 9 with me for loaning on tum: st 6} â€" per cent. Ponle‘ wishing to W on those terms should not dehy co nuke oppllootlon. urge unounu at funds ot Illshtly higher roles. - In: no oocurltxieeln most cases solicitor work In donolnmyo Jasmine-peed and modu- man no manure LOAN My. Ma 28:11. 1894 7â€"7379. d ourwlnut'uu 5h pg. ml you r. Iobohndinthom M i. 1893 â€"63-lv nae-y. Au. 1. 1891â€"17 )ROFESSIONAL NURSE. Gonna-Mod! m «the Iowa may. a o Mum a LONG and SHORT HARDWOOD â€"MI nu- 01 m ”and.â€" THE RATHBIIN 00.0 [T 3. ME 3!, Clerk 0! the Mild- umxxo . mu. m At their Office, Kent-st [GREY T0 LOAN. man mun A: m! “1' cm um Una-I on um, M 49. (13ng THE VERY BEST umber, Shingles, Lath, Etc. LEXAN DER DIXON, MLNILLA. 4 U0 I'I ONE ER. R. D. TH EXTON, At their MILL YARD BARTHOLO ME W . F. O'BOYLE. CLERK OF THE mamson, lee Ramona 00'!- Money to Loan 3118111888 Cards 0“ II ‘. mih‘tm Money to Loan. 13â€" D. Thextcn. 6 Per Gen 1:. awe PER GEN 1’. count mu. N S HACDONEIL Bass-data. ow. um 1898â€"83. #_

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