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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Jun 1894, p. 9

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Lowest. ....... Nut-most day Coldest “ The week. Greatest 10W Adv ”WW. we: "- section of their flour mill in the: town. “ABLE-By the late departmental muons under the administration of to education department. we notice that inter Roy Cockbnrn. of this place, wine in bronze medal and certificate for highest ber of marks In the prlmtry course in else that 17 proficiency certificates the! echolm. This Is a were “able ebovlng for our young tolke. Penn Baum-Mr. A. E. Cemeron, one :1 our popular young men, his been WW8 hlmeel! by winnlog flret for on eeeey recently published in m” .__.°"e3:.: r mamâ€"Mr. W. B. Riddle, of Co- m, on able speaker, will eddreee the min the lateral or Mr. Chlpplo in on June 22nd, at 8 I. Alexandria hell 'ddoek p.111... . .Hon. John Dryden eddreee #9900916“ MAIOIIIBrochin 13:)ng GLENARM. [Companions of Tm; Pas-r.) To OUR CUTOW."\V6 have just ro- oelvcd n coasfgnmezi. c’.‘ 2:2: and white cottons, pflutn, dz‘nlam“. flanneleuzea and age. bocxh; 38 mm puma. Also a o: men’s an: bays' haze. All will be sold It 3 small matgln for cash. Butter find eggs wants a. Muncmsox s: Gchumsr. L-....I “a... ___v, " [Correspondence 01 THE P0312] ~B1cchNe.â€"A number or wheolmsn mm Olim- paid our village s visit on a pleasure trip. ucaossnâ€"The Ch eokor lacrosse club boon reorganized for the coming season lad hove the prospect of s very interesting contest for the district championship. The following is as list of office“: Hon. pres" F. mam; hon. vice-prom, A. Homilton; m, B. Msaiii- vice-prom, D. McMillan; weary. A. E. Cameron; tressurer, E. E. Wutoott- committee of msnsgement, B. ma. é. gcgmgoghfl. S. «95:11:an S. LOO; Ween-nu u. m. om.u.......-..- - club hold a moonlight excursion ening 15th, to Smwberry m |:6'~'W . A. Boss, of this place. and Mr. E. Muir, oi Woodvilie, let: for 1001: site: the ”an this week to “don of their flout mill in that town. 7 ,___ n- .1..- In... Anna-uncut“ Than-31"" ' ‘ ' n, u. b. bsmewu, a. wuxfia l‘15? Egan ...... The Checker . ,L n-1,: - mnnnflcht pxmu'alon ‘u‘vhc Guuuaiuu Run fcl'. on Tom rain-f Notion-C. cmmck. Buoyedâ€"D. B. McNab. The Monâ€"Brim): Bras. Who: You Wan: - Porter. Parrot Lootâ€"Mrs. Roan. For Soloâ€"Alex. McDonald. Won Paperâ€"00c. A. Little. Butlerâ€"Walla :; lllchordaon. Tho Holldoyv Fairwootmr C Notice to tho Public-J. I). Luv Gonna-Cook 3: Whitby‘u Ulrc Property (or Sate â€"Robt. Sm'dh Wig} H7: C. Chit M; 511,0 artisan: en :5 BEAVERTQN. ‘alion :peraturc ‘s 17â€"-Saturday. 3?.2â€"Wodnosaa! 61.3â€"SaturdaY- 31.15 -'rhuraday. L‘ufi. wcod mm. June Emu Week. 1105‘ Mowaz. by electing Mr. Chapple an representatlve for North Qntulo. _; (Special Correspondence or TEE rum.) u. MERCHANT TAILORING.â€"-One day re- cently while passing by the McArthur lock my attention was arrested to its tail plate glass windows, tastefully decorated with an assortment of most fashionable clothes 0! peculiar taste and neatness. Through entering in and making inquiry i was informed that Mr. Robert Tagret. of this place, had opened up a new tailor shop, and was rushing trade rapidly, en- ‘aaginn Mr. S. l‘enhall tor cutter as we ‘ see announced on the cards, but through some diesatisiaction he thought it abso- lu tely necessary to make a change, where- upon Mr. J. J. Townley, of Toronto. has taken the responsibility as manager and '- 4...... 0'! I.n!l I109} ”BOO in ”10 lutely necueuy w um-.. .. -_, __ _ upon Mr. J. J. Townley, of Toronto. hen teten the responsibility en maneger end “utter. anlnu 23 years experience in the roleseion no guerenteee file-1 clue work, and wishes me many euetemwa will eon. tinue to render their petronem. â€"l-i-l. Pusan BY. DULvInL.~-o Sons. of Scotland. Mr. ma section of count! maceantul in securing cnrdldoteu. On Mon l mann'zsuon ot the led um we cm tall better ‘ .ha 10430111130. 91 t‘tls eeetion oi country recently and was mecessinl in secnri a large number of cardldetee. On Mon sy evening next.the organization of the lodge will be completed and we con tell better whet: the strength oi .ha lodge will be. Mr. Nlmmo had the of Lind~ valuable aid at Mr. J. Thorbnrn, say and Mr. Alex. McDonald. of Sonya. In his canvas ....An organizer of that Canadaâ€"the 1’. A.â€"visltod Sonya rrcently, but ieiled in securing even the smallest audience. This speaks well for the common sense end sound religions principles of the people of this neighbour- hood ...... The patrons hsve a branch here in good working order. is not: very large yet, but is of that kind likely to wear well. It the patrons were not such strong perty menâ€"ii they were active farmer politicians and not active farmer’s party menâ€"they would be at; once more just: and more po nlar. Carmenâ€"The Rev. . D. McDonald, of Eldon, preached here on Sabbath evening, the 17th iner. Mr. McDonald is en eloquent "-3 imnmnlva meek" and we shall be “lulu Juuv â€"â€"' 7, Cannonâ€"The Rev. 1). Eldon, preached here On the 17th met. Mr. McDo: end impressive speaker pleased to hear him :04 Rev. Mr.__Poweg,L Lot M 3nd Impmaaxve Ivan-u: m... ..- -n pleased to hear him soon 3min ...... The Rev. Mr. Powar. of Mmllla Methodist hero cn Sabbath even- ing next (1731:). Mr. MncLeod. our own minister. will be at Salem preaching an arm-QR}: Will 'be at anniversary sermon. l his Mull .010 mum". Ir qun'r Han Bun WORSE-0-6 an -- A fllI-n-I- “ll mmttn Ln Here is Where SON YA. 1002200quwa 0! Turn Pos-rl ' .3. W4 :4 FENELON ”$1113“ 9993.] 3 \ Fawn-unndence SALEMâ€"MARIPOSA. - m__ n...â€" = 9;“ I ‘â€" mn 3018311118.WWHB‘EBRIY'S‘SHVHSV. 457191;:93 W gggwg Shippefi to g houge IIOO BOYS’ SUITSâ€"$1.50 to $4.00. Cu in two and you have our Sale Price. 758 BIG BOYS' SUITSâ€"3 pieces 32-50 Cut the price in t“ us to McKenna 8: 'o and you have the exact figu Thompson for this great stoc' 458 YOUNG MEN’S SUITSâ€"This the Very Finest of Fine Goods. Conside when you can get a $10 Suit for $5. >ped to a house in British Columbia half price. The goods are New, Br dealers have ever reached. C01 I eterted at the top. the euth end "one: teklng the platform down. too. Mauro. Gileon end Wells were on the pletionn only 3 iew minutes below. end it was very lucky thing it did not go down then. As it wee the dog was "in the soup.” but was not up by meme 0! e rope. The well is 40 it. deep. Emc'rxoxs.â€"The ceuveesina ie in on quietly but surely in this riding. here in plenty of choice, so three enudidetee me running. The Mownt edminietretion peOP! power. S UN DEE LAND. ' [Correspondence of In: Poet] Dommon Dunâ€"A grend Dominion dey oelebretion will be held el Sonderlend ‘ on Mooney. July 2nd. under the enepicee oi the Meehenice’ institute. A lerge end veried °gi-outetnme for the any hee been erreng . ooneieting of ethletic gemee. horse end bicycle noel. etc, for which hendeome prize. will be ewerded the winner. Plenty of choice mneio will be rendered by the Sundetlend breee bend. which will be in eltendenoe during the dey. A torohiight prcceeeion will teke piece in the evening. end e phonogreoh cancert will be given et 8 oclook. The Leng Bron" ct Acton. Ont.. heve been engaged to render their renowned phono- ‘ greph concert. using the lei-gent end lets-t ‘Edieon improved nhonogreph. Thie conceit ie_ eeid to be one of the meet -4 e___-_e- ‘0 6|.- An. CDDCUKU :- H-Iu -~ -, -7, populu onloruinmentl o! the any. lCorreelK ndenee of Tm: P0512] POLITICAL Mn1'1N0.-Tnes wee e rous- ings meeting held in the town hell on Mondey evening lest. in the interest of Mr. Chepple. the reiorm cendidete. Hon. John Dryden wes the speeker oi the even- Ing. Dr. Binghem occupied the cheir. Mr. Chspple delivered en excellent short speech end mede e good impression on the lerge number of electors present. Dr. Gillespie followed with e rembling cretion in the interest oi Mr. Glendenning. end repeeted the old worn-out cherges so often refuted in the pest. Mr. Dryden on coming iorWerd wee greeted w;th louu sppleuse. end gsve the doctor e dose at physio thet he will not soon iorget, greet- ly to the delight oi the endience. He IhOWEd wherein the government oi Sir OEiver Mowet hsd meintsincd the best interests of the rovlnee, end while using strict economy euexpended lerge sum in turthering ob ects s which ell the prople were bene tted. he celi with e “ad” was oi course brought in by Dr. Gillespie, end wes disposed of in e men- ner quite setlsiectory to the endience by Hon. Mr. Dryden. Two very pretty little girls, Miss Lene Clerk end Miss Hebel McEeehern. presented Mr. Chepple end Mr. Dryden with hendseme bequets, end were duly thenked end kissed by the gentlemen. The meeting wes e success in every ptrflcnler. end use brought to e close et 11.30 with cheers for Mower, Dryden. Chepple end the queen. Seamus ACflDEN‘lLâ€"AI snout-11 o'clock Cene, while working on the eupole oiflr. Thurston's_ rolleerills. user this piece. __. ._--e- Ont nlnhl. Thurston I ruum an"... _-__ -7, , clipped end fell ebon: twenty feet, diabo- lng on the crest of the root of the engine- houee, examining e lactate ct eevenl rlbe. beeldee severe! bruises to the limbo. It in fund there any to interns! injurie- not. epperent as: present. He h under the one of Dr. Grille-pie. [Soeclel to Tar. Post! Carmen Non. -'1'he Prechneflen church eutad eh the mac-mun ct the ml or the Lord’e cuppa: lent Sands! the! 25 new members were cdded to the church emcc the Increment held lee. Pm. end thet 74 new mercha- hevc he. received during his Dulce-etc e! In th- twoyeen. Thumbs-Month.“ ”.3“ wee 117.‘ The n PRICES THAT CANNINGILON, 5â€"3 pieces $2.50 to $8.00. lave the exact figure paid by for this great stock. the cum anthones bia, stopped in transit on account of Bright and Come in an Well Manufacture d ask for our Britis h Columbia Stock, an failure of the B. C. men, bought by uougu Dlua. d. Every line a King. . prices tha â€"This lot consists Of onsider what a snap the chumh The tunuu outta!" Fem-r!» T0004” ““50” In" boon “dunno-$02M chm t l.- th: ed by "'0 B“ ”"1 [and M4 rum u mâ€"v Eon. Jno. D!!- Mr. Patter Miller. ”In". Excuasxox. â€" Lu: sunning . hm. numberot the citizens took the amm- nlty to mu Mada: 1b] the amnion tram Senna. They had 3 on. day 30d report having gnjoycd thomulm. - -n F‘_-_‘ ‘7... mi 'QWI" HIV "‘5 'UJV’ 5v 'Ilv-uvv- . -«- Cumâ€"The fungal o! Edwud Not: wok pluce on Sand” “moon. The man was punched“: mom in the "coma. Swanâ€"Th flannel-rock hutbdl tum gm 3 return much with the town boy! elm long. 4 We wish on: a success. neuron. I”? [mitotic-sci in! Tn: Poe-r.) Pou‘ncsq-Og nggdny o! [at week ._ A- A... hull BOBCA YUKON. Excumous.â€"Excnnlonn If. an order 0! the any. 0:: In: Wednesday I We cxonnlon urhod hen mm .1an b! tho unmet Columbia. ad 3. the day wu an. the lap” excurdoouu open: 3 plans“ "In. vlowlna the “manic new: at this loom”. On Thumb, ”other excursion wly "rived hm tron many. bu: u the a” wu unhvonblo ll wu no: mar. ‘ .. A“, -L, n.__._ I“ Fuuixns‘ PICNICâ€"Th! More or ; Vcruicm held thei: ennui pic-hie on . Sciurdcy the 9:2: inch. cud cc the d” I me .11 due could he came mu m e - lune turn out. The Columbia: cm! the peicce cecw Pam took ihc tiiien o! the coil to Jcccb'e ielend. when they went e very piccunt dey. A long Winn... ccneiciicu oi ihe vcricne picnic sports. u use cinema, ended out. There were large numbers at competim to: etch oi the upon-u. co they were you icicle-ans. It in «tinned the: over cicvcn hundred wc_rc prcccht 3: this mend tic-hie. B- ,_- L- _-n_ o I “An-"Ii ut the price "ESEâ€"EMS tin-"ma 1m wand ‘ the wenthu- nu mt)» 2:13:10 mm In W M we . tn tum.“ ' who were Mummtunk Ind! ‘ look well lot m. m chm d mind- now. 5mc'noxmma.â€"Bom undid“. to: c m ma; non-.0 wqmsw 9‘99! i 393' 33"m 7:36 3 stain of Making. 31:. Thurston. the patron‘- oudldnu. u to mull mo north country this wax. [CORGI 7 : Lovxn On Goxn Ewan-Mn. Men A. Vetcoe. or Zion. oioeed he: mm alluring” onSnndey In . June 8x2; ee thie brief memoi: wee May A. Sendreee. deughterot Mr. Jemee Sendai. at Don- mer township. Inn:- you 1858 ehe wee untried to Mr. John Venue. of tile pleai children e1 end to them were given three . or when euvive her. game head! time pee: ehe bed been in Wilden. but noi up!!! the mgm‘w did he: Uul HUI an... -â€"- â€". aim. which wu 3:: 15788763111: or. “an In power I0 I: to loud Mend: to be Inm- honllve of I speedy «More. Sh. wu ZIONâ€"MAMPOSA. roar mm; Y. 7. phiâ€"wad I. Unw-wu. n ---.,, -7- v, V lPom: Brown. 12:1: can. Andaman. flo- Comy. and may om Mt. Jon-.91: l Manda. [And-u. an. an. toe the Walnut and mum mural. no In. Me- I Eamon £3qu In 113: no: N: In: Mond- “Id "Mom ”tumbled to pay their respects to the memory at the dent-ted and Join In tympani with m a ovlac sad but!) In their” loan or am witcwdumdund “lama LITTLE BRITIAN. [W at In: Port.) Pmonmâ€"l. W. Willa-Id. in beta sounding n to. days with (thud- In Tatum ...... In. Walla bu son to m«.uwln I In In 'nthth ”..m WnBuMu.mhuh0-Hn motor $3.“ month. an m to ma. n. n - _ inothu. l men Pate: F03 worth at T8: Poof.) acumenâ€"Wm! unbuwhonn W o. Bran Plum Eon Gammaâ€"Wm: will an whoa a mu. oaoooo he wont: ml gonna bring. any can" no“ It appears mt . Juno- Gflm n'o boy- wont on tho Mason‘s“ woe: wlth a cow. nod “to: they Ibo mm 0! In. Colblo. her duos m- loond um me! not gonna“. was not r321!- Sh. thou 0 again of tho od hon u m who the boy- wuo tho: M. sod on finding out oh. at too. tho gallon to 8:. Guam ud blond the (or [mm It. Tm n onoo outed It. on she owood I on. did not no the hon meddle with thou. Mr. Gflfloo. who l- mu rowed“. thought II. but to am her any can: nod In" no tom troubEr. She Ids M'. Grind: the gallon. and :t In colon nu. Pcoplo would not bofilowu! to mature at... on the nod. Omr. -- Dull: bu min vhltod our manhood. any!“ ow. tum. tho that you om osoohtor o! r. and an. Chum Heal-tact. . She won ukoo Io OAK WOO U. mm Menace! Tm: Pen. 1 CunnnsuAumoA number an Mend- nan no! thou o! In. lemma: (amount: kwocd .cl clubbod mum and but; be: a new house to room the one burnt down in! nu. ma tho willing helpen" ‘0" Menu. Wilson. Wane". Sachem Dana-n. tho Emu-um. I. Grlpum. fi'g’kely. B. G. Wabash . _‘___- Uu-O-u- â€" v 2!” camdti i3 Intercom. Cnuncn Norm-Bu. ll. Walnut mm M- gdlen amen on Subbnh "cams next, and w. m .1! very my um lm hum: II not. better. Om u u had 1550! uncut; â€". n.,, L-“ __I-I-- K‘â€" ‘3me 3m Bumsâ€"Two but but: unluc- hm manly-Kr. Pew McCcrrey. 12-): co... m Ill-.1100. Bow... town. m hm CI'. m [5"- Cunt Samrma.-Mr. Thou. Bowu' mat mm 0111th tau about to Lun- dop. mun. u not “magnum {enunc- -g_ A“ .__A ”cu-ad m cum to: dry M. 0.11.. In "Legend .330pr boy. P as Nonalco- o. :8 «34- II. on «I. «E... ‘23 on. Cloris-Sana?! Emlyn-08:7. . , L Pounuuâ€" A but ad ultimatum wu had In. a «lamb mild]. “Ignaz at Dr. leggy. Lsm Bum w u nu Wei at the fly. JUNE 15 SBHKN-‘IIT. {Wee oi Tn: Poe-r. Ennne. â€"- Connepondent'e "cxpieue- tion" oi two weeke ego. in your new. concerning the lete romerke on the inth- ‘ or of Sedowe. were eil very fine ineo tee- ee they went. lie ie now trying tctpeee oi! ee e joke whet proved to be euch e greet inconvenience to the teecher. it being the ceuee oi her leevlnz hu- beet-ding houee end of endlcee telk. A joke ie ell right u e Joke. but when it bee become public it becomee no longer e joke but e reflection. We were. however. exceedinz- ‘ ly plintcd to leeen thet he only meent it no ejoke. (but eppeerencee point other- wiet ). end ee euch we intended to kt the metter drop. but on looking over the Wetder oi lent week we were eurorieed to note hie iurihee continuence oi the debt. (though hetriee to blue behind enotbu). end with high end melodione eound- ina edjeotivee. oi which we doubt it the deep-heeded echoiee knowuhe mooning. triee to bring out hie eupeeioe knowledge behind enotbeeâ€"teue to hie elweze eneekieb couree. 0i couree toenn don t oi the eupeeior knowledge end euooriot cheeecter oi thie blue-blooded. due-belted Sedowien wouid be e tremendoue evil. end now we let thet drop. he the Ena- iiebmen'e blood ie u we mey eleo expect to beer oi eome oi ie netive rook end eend going up. Not enough. wee it. lie. Editor. abet yon dieoloeed thie pereou'e meenneee. not slough. wee it. thet he bee become en eye-eoie to the community. but he eaeiu eppeere on the ecene with tedonbled inty through the eueucy oi enoiber new. We hope thet thie will coneiau him to hie netive oblivion. allo- nlonli-omx. «enema. Shine (or imamâ€"n6. Can any man afl‘ord to vote against: government with a re- cord of 22 years clean» honest, economical 3nd capable rule ? “Bangui“. In... â€"bou‘t. m an taboo! excursion. Everything um bu In in ooudxunnâ€"hvonbh “that, contort- Ibbbou. use. crowd. Embed: cone. :1 .munuzmmlxm “41'.th um;pohnulflug. thud“: .l7m10h.:2:0yudl.m1 museum-.390 yards. Junior; 1 Nodal-.2 mundhnogjnml Mum! w; muse. 31mm. “In. ; hauler-00.1%. 3 C. Bitchh; bicycle. 1 Bouzhwu, (watch), 2 R. Imam;sum,c. muhuudonnn, :spanmsmm;m¢h3unp.1mz loam 67h; --nllonoo.lC W : Mummtilln 9%.; “M" an- tonn. Who-n. Won. Mlle. A. mum; ll- !orn. “lauds. Minn. m; “hast-19.1111” 9 a. “In. 2 M00. It. Mihfijn. “nus-Idahoputcpnd Jump. lMflmfflnJMugfl a. 2b.: m “mammal. Mtnhkh. mm“... mmmlwu punk. 1 a. 3 In. smug-no.1 Mint 1.0. 0. mm, CQIKIV.MII.IILOD.;M hon. toq- “humansmsmmmn tsunumw 1m. 1" ”In.“ Wool Wm. Sou mt wool «moot to the main mmmumuonmodnhu n whom-lo nu. Roux 8806.. L Woolln Mi Illâ€"12$. low all "3:12". â€"A book (but will remind 1m» PI not: M's radon or her antenna to the novel «am An Interior“, which on Bmhu'l pnbluh um month. 1:! m m- M 0:07th we that mm m I) wound depict. lo (awfully. In. Cit-l1. lloouonl Wlflmm on 26th of June. Andi: mm “It Denim elections wlil bu the an. thohoovoo all who u M nuu-Iun of Tm; 1’. In In and that mum am they my new XI uln- m know mum-n and MI no «no WW. Remembet.we vi“ Tn Poor tron mt am to Jan. 50m WL‘N.-“ Port 1 J... I”: b, m 80". m m ”W. St. John. a Dan. M Perry. nuns. DAVE-4t manner. on \V m, m. wmun 3.1mm»: to noon W A POPULAR ears of 51100951? old wor d, we are 110“ ducing ACETOQUJ to Oagada. gry “11935 tiam. pins] amp 8111 Nervous Disorders “mu; Mran: ACID CURE” 8‘ information gratis, fwm , nouns $2 ACETOCURA P“: E GREGORY DID mum-1 72 Victoria-st 0011:“ng 07115 Kent and W IMAGES REMED'VIEATi price 3’ fiEEEEfilL and CC, V' y Cages Ka Elephants! red Acts ! : Finest H hrce Ring: Mile F3 5 9-.» J_â€" DOCK E m l 9 E a. O "I ,...c.. e ‘ (b ‘l \l :00 Whi :us, Musew lied with A mun“ MOST SHO “77277151" [jg/22‘ 5 h, “I SS THE SHIRTS showin No. 96 S TEA H bur-Ion: DBU 3 490M. ST} 73M

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