they may secure, and it they fail to come the grant not to be paidâ€"said grant to be sICO.-â€"C.xrried. VALUATORS or: nut. Pnorna'rr. Moved by Dr. WOOD, seconded by Dr. Conxwmï¬hnt the standing committee on dnanee and assessment be instructed to take into consideration and report on the advisability of appointing vainetors ac- cording to section 269 of the Consolidated Municipal Act, for the purpose of valuat- ing real property in the oounty.-Cerried. VICTORIA PLOUGHMAN’S ASSOCIATION. Reeve Lownsbrough Introduced a. depu- tation in the interest oi the Victoria. I’ioughmnn's association, viz., Richard Rlch, president, John Gibson and Robert Bryens. They askedï¬or a grant of $100 to enable them to give prizes and otherwise sustain the association. Moved by Mr. Swrrzxn, seconded by Dr. Conxwmthat the standing committee on finance and assessment be instructed to take into consideration and report on the advisability of granting $100 to the Plow- ng Match Association 0! the County of Victoria in bringing about a plowing match this year, on condition that the government or Art AssociatiOn make a liberal grantâ€"Carried. TEE RIFLE ASSOCIATION. Moved by Mr. Ems, seconded by Mr. Ian. that the standing committee on ï¬nance and assessment consider the advisability of makinga grant of $25 to the Victoria Rifle Association towards paying expenses or keeping the rifle range in order and paying mantaâ€"Carried ..... Adeputation tram the Rifle Association was heard on the above matter. Moved by Mr. Fax, seconded by Mr. 21:25, that the standing committee on ï¬nance and assessment be instructed to take into consideration and report on the advisability of removing the restrictions attached to the grant made to the Victoria Rifle Association in January lashâ€"Carried. mom or THE EQUALIZATION comm. 02 motion the council went: into com- miztzee of the whole to hear the report 01 the special commiswe on the equalization of the assessment for 1894, Dr. Cornwall increase in -va.luation, and moved that it remain the same as last year, but the report was sustained. Dr. W009 moved that 1,000 acres be Struck 011‘ the acreage of the township of Eldon, as the land has been taken by the 3Wernment for the Trent Valley canal. in the chair. In the report the town of Lindsay was raised from $1.000.000 *0 $1.200L03. axial society to 8.55155 them in the expense of the opening or this fair by Premier Mackenzie Bowel}, or any othcrjperson The motion elecwd considerable discus- 5‘03. in which Lownshroush. Diem Camden. Ellis and Lithgow took part. but the general concenens of the remarks was favorable, and the motion carried 0a motion of Mr. Lowxsnmuea, the Valuation at land in the township of Eldon “'33 advanced from 816% to $16.30 per acreâ€"Carried. Mr. Dickson got $10,“.‘0 struck of the a>sessment valuation of the village of Fmelon Falls. The committee then arose. , Liloved by Dr. Woo», mitedchIOg: mid-T“, that the report ‘ mm 9n mus-112mm: be referred back to the commlm o! the whole to be “ended so as toread that the equaliza- ti011 c! the township of Eldon be $16.05 N! senâ€"Lost. agriculturfl society. Moved by Mr. 0343mm. seconded by Mr. Fox, that the standing committee on ï¬nance ‘02: instracted to take into considera- tion and repom en the advisability cf mank- '33 a grams to the South Riding awricul. 0f 88 From W. Thurston, president E. V. Farmer; Institute, requesting grant. :om Chas. Fairbairn, M.P.,rcsp:ctlng the unsafe condition of Little Bob bridge. Referred to the proper ccmmittees. sown 3mm; AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. 31:. lsbt. Bryans was heard in support at getting 2. grant or the Sauth Riding COMMUNICATIONS. The Warden submitted the report of the inspector of schools for West Victoria. Moved by Mr. KYLIE, mild by Clint. Cmnam, that the report “the committee on equalization be M Ma: themammltteotthewlwlolï¬lf'ihe NW of reducing the assessed Vflfl‘ than of Lmdsay to asthmaâ€"Leak . Minutes of the previous meeting read and conï¬rmed. Thur-dur- P30060013... Council met at 10 um" members all present. the Men In pha chair.‘ _ Moved by Dr. CORNWALL, «comb! DhWoonJhstthe report ottho special committee appointed to cqmliza t1†"lumen: of the municipalities in tho WttuIctux-ia tot-the nu: ma, be my REEVES 41w DEPUTY- REE vss ASSEMBLB ‘1?â€" LINDSAY. 51w G‘auuaiau gust UNDSAY. FRlDAY. JUNE 3!. 1895. {'01 'N TY LEGISLATURE. __,, mus-Amt! an. 1. c. ma ; co.. mm. my}: one bottle of Ayer’a Hair V! r m hair was restored to its £1331“ color and ceased falling out. An occasions; application has since ke t the hau- m good condition."â€" H. F. FENWICK, Digby, N. s. “I have used Ayers Hair Vigor for three) gears. and it has restored my, Wm}? was fas‘t becominng, __AA-A.__ _-‘A_ II “an. n ....1. back :0 its. H â€"‘ _"1‘ ‘vvvâ€" msmnorr?g’taft?rm§'? Mmstan ,3...» pm. «we can um». Kylie and Crandell opposed the Minutes of previous meeting were read, and on motion were conï¬rmed. A van: or THANKS. Moved by Mr. Ransom seconded by Mr. Ceupnm, that a unanimous vote of thanks be tendered to Capt. Crandeli by this county council for the very generous invitation extended to all its members to accept a tribute of his regard by oflering a free trip to Sturgeon Point and back, and in particular all parties that availed themselves of the enjoyable trip desire to add their testimonial to the excellent equipment of the Str. Crondeila, the order and comfortable arrangement that pre- vailed, and was so conducive to making it a pleasant evening’s excursion. Your committee beg leave to introduced a by-lnw to provide {or the levy of certain sums of money to form part of the public school fund of the county. REPLENISHING THE TREASURY. A by-law to raise asum or money to form port of the public school fund at the coun- ty Victoria for the year 1895 was then passed, after which the council adjourned um 10 o’clock Friday. MW! mm Council resumed at 10 8.111., the Warden In the chair, and. membsxs all present. _- .â€" r__v, The Mutton €33 assented to bv a standing vote. REPORT or m FINANCE AND , Assass- m'r comm-rm. , On motion the council went into oom- mlttee on the reth of flnanqusnd assess- ment, with Mr. Lownsbrough in the chair. The report was so amended as to read that a grant cf 3250 be made to the municipal- ity cf Lindsay towards the building or an isolation hospital, after which it. was adopted as follows : The report of the enditors on the We Ic- connts for 1894,with statements In detail 0! :11 reeelpu. expenditures “db-knees. heve been enmined end your committee recommend the: the gene be adopted. Your committee lave considered the estimates for theyeer 1895 showing the requirements, including the deï¬cit which existed on ht Jennery Bet. to be - Au.-- Your committee cennot recommend that 1 type- writing machine be purchssed tor the use of the in- spector 0! schools for East Victorls. Your committee have dulv considered the petition of Mr. James E Thurston end other ratepayers of the township of Fenelon, tppclling, under the provisions oi the 82nd section of the Public Schools Act, egnlnst the notion of the council of the township 0! Fenelon in refusing to form a. new school suction composed of lots from lot number 23 to BalsIm Lake, in the fourth, em: and sixth concessions of the township oi Fenelon. Your committee haveslso considered the petitions of a lsrge number oi ntepayers 0! school sections Numbers 5, 8 and 9, in the said township, op: posing the said sppefl. and have hesrd the parties who appeared to support end oppose the appeal. Your committee recommend that the appeal be not entertained. There has been laid beiore your commitwe an ap- pesl signed by Messrs. W. A, McCutcheon and M. Kehoe, trustees of school section No. 6, in the town- shio oi Dalton, appealing. under the provisions of the 82nd section 01 the Public Schools Act, ngninst the action of the council of the township of Dalton in regard to the boundaries and existence of the said school section. In the absence of any information in the appeal as to the question at issue, and no one having sppesred to supply such iniormation, your committee recom- mend thst any action that might be taken thereon be deterred. $25,024 03, ‘Your committee W m to provide for the expenditure. 0! the you md to still further reduce the deï¬cit, s nee be levied o! are sad one qmmn- on an den“ 0! $10,861,656, the oqufllzod value at the county, which (um! mount the:nmol881.flomthe proportion o! the Wt! WW’I-hrytobow 501‘" ton “mud-ï¬mouldrdmthomolmfl. ' Your committee have read and considered the re- ports of the inspectors of schools for 3:31: sud West Victoria. respectively, and beg to recommend tint the reports be adopted and printed in the journsl of the proceedings of the council. yo-ur committee recommend tho: the account of Messrs. Wilson a; Wilson for printing {or inspectors, amounting to 88. be mid. Warden CHAMBERS, move 0! Fenelon, replied, and showed that .the school sec- tions from which the new one was to be taken were very weak, and any property taken from them would destro.v their pros- pects altogether. Several of the members took part in the discussion. and it was ï¬nally decided to not entertain the ap- pea]. REPORT or ran COMMITTEE ON Emma. 'rION. On motion of Dr. Woon, seconded by Mr. MCDONALD, the report of the standing oommittee on education was read and adopted without amendments as follows}: Mr. John Daniela, of Fenelon. addressed the tunnel]. In the course cf his remarks ltwas learned that: he had come to the council to ask that arbitrators be appolnt- ed with avlew of forming a-new school section in the township of. Pension. The council of the latter township had refused to act in this matter, end this was his only recourse to appeal to the county. He ad- dressed the council at considerable length, and made a. very favorable impression. To name 1.1mm“. The Wumnx rend n pope: [rem the clerk oi the county or Simeoe. enclceinc memoriol to the governor-genera in council coking thnt the low be changed on to action (or demeacc (rem oooldonte hop- pening on public highmmâ€"Beeelved. A LOCK-UP u- xmxmnw. Moved by Dr. Wcon. seconded by Mr. Kmr. thnt the ctnnding committee on ï¬nance be inltrcoted to tnkc into ooneider- nticn and report on the odvicnbllity ct building It leek-up at the villngc of Kirk- flold.â€"Roiorrod to flnnncc committee. ABOUT A nnw scnoor. norms. The council went into committee at the whole. with Mr. Dickson in the choir, to consider the report o! the committee on eencntion. nut-WI Menu. The council mumad n 2 p.m.. mambo" all meant. Your oolnmmn hon oompllod n nhodnio embody- ing tho donn- oi the nan-mont- ior tho you 1894 nnd oi the iament oqudiniion. and beg to “1me: the amounputoi thionpott. . mu wm. noun! a! noouuam. At. this stage of the preceding: Capt. Cmden invited th‘e mombon oi the conn- oil to tho moonlight excursion which icon: the what! at 7.30 this owning. The invitation wu anointed. Council then odjonrnod am 8 pm. You; commute. bog in mm um tin w mm“ of the county u oqudhod 1. 010,841 656. 8 Tim. the equalization ulu dun town 0! Lindsay be mind can 01,000,000 to 01mm. 7 Thu the tau-sod Nation 0! Pension Mb. reduced tron 8161.0†to name. o m: m'ovumwm ottho towunhIp o! Mnbonducdmfl‘onw. 6 mt momdwo tomhlp am he reduced 1:0me um um- uni that the nlmuon be ruled tron umoaumuo per Into. 3 mm m onho wmhlp 01W 10! thempurpoubnuudm 38.000 ‘0 8.181 “x"iuim; m o: .u tho awn-hm. not» than Mum:- montlonoc. b. 010 III a an m, {or 0:0 pun-poo. cl mutilation. a 11m 010mm tho township“ mm: to: the m purpoubo Maud mm â€.M. ‘0 â€.100 from“; and and the nut tintâ€"Outed. Tho report wu than uiopcod u innov- : Your npocm oonmnm ha" exmlnod m an.- mnu on an munlclpdmu m the nu- mmd beg to Manama u lollom : tho mgodmtowishlpolcmlntor purponbo mud M36100 ‘0 33.873 Moved by Mr. JAOOB, seconded by Mr. LAIDLAW. that the standing committee on roads and bridges be instructed to take into consideration and report on the ad- visability of granting a sufï¬cient sum to repair the approaches on the Talbot river bridge on the Viotorin road between the townships at Garden and Badenâ€"Carried. .n. -A râ€" ~i "(3n motion the council adjourned till 10 o’clock Saturday. Suns-W's mm Council resumed at 10 e.m., the Warden in the chair and members all present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and conï¬rmed. , momma names: “mums. Moved by Mr. Bmv, seconded by Mr. ereow, that the standing committee on roads and bridges be instructed to take into consideration end report on the ed- visebility of appointing Thom-e Bell a caretaker of Net-lend bridgeâ€"Curried. 332031- or nouns um male com Onmotion the council went into com- mitteeot thewhoieontheeepottoi reeds nod bridges. Mr. Lithgow in the our. The council arose and reported the reed- ing otmeeeputwlthont mm and it wee dented II renews :â€" ’ Anm, that the memorial to his excellency the governor-moral of the Dominion of Canada in council in reference to claims at parties for damages for accidents being tried by arbitration. be received and road. â€"Carried. The memorial was ordered to be for- warded. Moved by Mr. Lowxsaxovan, seconded by Mr. SHAVER, that By-law No. â€", being a by-lew to authorize and provide for the levying and collecting of certain rates and assessments for county and otherpurpoees in the county of Victoria In the you 1895, be now read a. ï¬rst timeâ€"Carried. Mariposa...... ...... ............ 8 5.369 00 Ops................. -............. 8,307 00 Emily ............................ 3.304 00 Eldon-.............. ............ 2.287 on I-‘enelon ........................ 1.87100 Verulm............ . 1.88000 Somen'ille ....................... 701 00 Bexley.............. ...... 32800 Laxton,etc........ .............. 232 00 Carden........ ......... 301 no Delton ........................ 157 00 Lindsay-82.7w.00.1¢:es $81.00 pro- portion county policegnszistntee' Moved by Mr. LAIDLAW, secondedby Mr. Home, that the standing committee on roadsnnd bridges be Instructed to take into consideration. end report on the ad- visability of granting $50 to repair the Cameron road south of Co‘mconh- Carried. unmnox 231mm. Moved by Mr. Snevnn, seconded by Mr. You; committee momï¬ond that. no mt: be made to the incorpontod village: (or the purpose: of chatty, Your committee recommend that. the union] clerkbeau‘horizodtoobhin such nuisance :- he ï¬nds to be new during the sessions of the council. Your committee her: leave to introduce a provide for levying nnd collecting county I Reports have been suhmitted from municipnlitios and associations ‘0 which grunts hevo been made. :r on behalf 0! which grants have been applied (or. u follows :â€" From the incorporzsed villages of Omance. Bobcey- goon. Fenelon Fells md Woodville, 0! expenditures for charity; from the Mochznics’ Institute: 01 Fanc- lon Fells, Lindsay, Woodville. Bobceygeon. mailin- Little Britain and Kirkaeld; and (mm the North Riding Agricultural Society. 5. That the proposal of the Cur-well Co. to supply copies of the Ontuio autumn. etc" be not enter- tuned. Your committee monuhend payment 0! accounts nslollows 2-Sc. Joseph's hospital. Pemboro. unin- 4. That the teaoluuon o! the Cunning!†district meeting a! the Methodiet ehumh. endorling the par poet! of the Prieonen' Aid Alodnuon to mnonllxe the council to uke Itepe towude the erection 01 en industrial home for the poor at the county)» respect- fully eekno‘ lodged, end tint the district meeting be informed the: the council cennot u: preeent under- !eke to establish e house of retuze. 7. '1'th no delegate be Ippointod to the Pun- American congress 01 religion and education. 8. That no action be take- towuds memorializing the legislative mummy rehtivo to local option in motion,†requested by the Single Tu Association. temce of Bryan Martha, $58 00; Andrew Jtckson. railway fare dischuged lumtic. $1.16. ‘rbooounw manopmnubunnm tum ohhooomoouwtomfldobymm‘uw whhhM-mnhodmï¬nbm mm m vammmuaduondpnhb um county mmhubunooulm. ' ambulannldpafluuw m can†.- Mud bymuwmohulymd My M Your mum have [Ivan ouch! Won l‘oflnmlutlouaolooundl Instruct!“ than to ro- poflupouthovudomwun mud to, nu! us to man!!! u toner- :â€" 6. That the sum of $10.00 be mud to the Prison ers’ Aid Association of Toronto. a. That we Inn 0! mm uh be mum w tho nut and Wu: Vlaoth Mon†lawman. 3. Thu. Hr. Junc- Thom be nonlmud :- coun- ty It udant n the Provinchl Agricultun! Com I. Tim s Immoral to an IOVOIIot-Mfl'll In oounell be introduood to tho council phyla! um tho In buouuondod um alum for dam-cu All-Inc from txldonu occurring on mm- and high“,- Ilull be Maud to arbitration. Your mum†have (My oouldond the con. anionic» Mom! to than nd by w "coma :- {enou- :â€" . 7. mm mm b. 3|:th “do: a» provi- donn of mum no of tho Con-ow Xunlolpd Aouo «In. tho ml propony mm the noun†(or an purpou o! lomlu u bul- ot quunuon. but an an nonlnflon 99M Manon And on Intro- ducuon o! . bv-hw to man um manna! and deï¬ne an Mun ho ho follovnd by mom be do mm unul u» a.“ union 0! the council. m conn- W clot-k In tho Intirlm â€ohm: .11 Ivnlhblo lucr- muon from om: oouuflu In tho provlnoo :- to ox- pcnnu lncumd sad the method- punuod In any!" out provhlou o! the mum. 6. V “mi-um. lmdflombomhd “mommi- c1pamy ol tendon M W tho top-Ir at an. look-up hon-I In thus vmuc. a. Mumsamwbo mm to an vnnll olpdlty of many tom the building at n hob non ‘8. Th“ themthOOn-do to tho VIM Rm. Anocuuon st mummy salon be annual. md tum-mot 80.00 be now mud to the man. 8. Mthomol 8280.00 bummed to the mmdpuuCyolndonIon-mm m acct-Ion oi: look- mphouu ntmvinlnolxlrkflold. 1. mtmmasmoobomnmoommw. lummmmuouty o! View-II to mmmctboholdlnxdammmm. ty \lmnmmmumfluon. haunt. am thonmmtorqlloultunl and m- mutton we 3 um (nut. 4.. Thunomnhumntbo undo to the Riding “Human! toasty. bonuï¬bompdnuflWWI-m nnmmpwmmmdmm cum do- mm-uamwmmmmm Mgmpuon d m «unsun- when they mm:- on In April. 186. Fenolon Flush"-.. .... Bobcsygeon.......... Woodvfllo... ......‘__.... nnoOncoodhaam .nnnunoo o..-u.- .1... “up 0mmoo.... Woodvulo....-.. Fenalon.... .... Way-.. ...... ...... Ops ...... TO REPAIR THE CAM IRON ROAD. TALBOT RIVER BRIDGE. Dunn. .u..-..£ snoo- rt...- - cu... auto-no sun's..- â€"........o|.....u .52....3: .. ....l.... CAN ADIAN, iPOST, LINDSAY. THE COUNTY BATE. RAILWAY M11 ...o . 0-- ..$ 2.152. (I) - 21 oo .. 1354 00 ._ 817 00 .. 917 00 .. 108 W .. 481W 88,188 00 35.7% 00 2,619 00 247 00 117 00 . lay-15v to ad other South Ronni months....................-.... “cwflsmoctdcmhtCkahWMHm um Vlctorh 21mm» 00.. 1|th “be: one. 4monthl.............._.......... 418 Your comma. "cornmeal um tho county curl: belnstrumdtohnthoeloctflcuzm mm a the acne-t podblo M. , Your committee be: to recommend an: the toll».- lnz account: he p.306, may :â€" John Haney, wood. Conn Hom....â€"....819 60 Joseph launder.vood.comï¬onn......... 91 9 June Katmai-nod" -..-.... .......... 8 fl .1. Bflxnmoll. ale-nine m............-.. 1 00 Bobeanin,vorkoorod.OonflBonn...... 8N JmCoomquflbï¬nt m. 030-..... I oo J.J.'1‘umr00., ranking ï¬ll............ 5†June-Smithk 00.."de m 1190.... 6 II Victoris Elma-lo “11:00.. own: man; .ppmnqmm..-............ 814 VictomxlmchghtCo..hnpo.counionu 170 Victoria Me um 00.. luau com Your committee have conï¬dant! flu munch uonkonthooonntym toque-ting an: In- provcmubomadohhhoM-nd bqto noon- mendwmoxpendlmbomdotormwrpau. buttluttho :11me 0! thin mm. b nuthofludtolusototmounolthoeonmym :nddutoltbomundthomw pollen and»- hawthoroonsofla‘dhmronbloekuumpl unw, wv Iwuu vuuw _ -_â€" _ --. -_- _. , oi 885 pot nnnnxn nonhuman, providod the chnngo on be undo without mailing the payment or more than one qua-ton rent of the room- a patent occupied with notice of invention to mu than. the county to but the expense 0! moving the do. A bunnyboukonmun m, but running the right to the county to gin up pout-ion on giving nix months' notice. nun-n. Moved by Mr. Cmnm, seconded by Mr. Ransom. that the report 0! the etnndlng committee on county property be received mi read a ï¬rst time-Carded. The council went Into committee of the whole. with Mr. Reid In the chslr. To: report we: edOpted without amendments minnows:â€" 7'16 Tim 30.3011!» nppolnud mm on» Norhndbruge,tho-hrywbe pdd to be 85p: mum REPORT OF m com PROPS!" COX- 15 that nowdonboukmonthomm tmmthomhryoltheaoodm When We the mum that M 18 m themycrolunpoudon o! 8:. LC Gnhmmdothmloruumprhdqn to Improve the chtomBo-doppodulot 26. in the ht cone-I don of tho township d Faction. and!» 16. lament): cones-lone!!!" township. Manta-laud. 10 m m m mum curle- WI. P.. at! meant-u dun countybfldgegmdthemhunponmdo “your commitmbytheomuwmwoulyhm condition or the ma. Bob. Midge. the clerk be mmwmmmdmdmmnntyol Pam-bom,mdthu¢hnnmnplnbomw thooymunoonuunybopmflabhtodooo withthoooncurmcodtho council or bud:- ocu- mm of discount, 01 Pmrbmngh. 11. mwowmdw Wudonln counting onbobafloltheeoucfltotbomolu W pioruthoPigooncmfloulng Dada-aw mthenwndwoonglnmdmowuty 0! Pour bomngh. be upmvod. douquC.E..tnnnmin¢copluol hi: data-on mo import-lit subject «mam bone-trod. 9 That mpoctingtho manic-alum!“ McIntyre Stewart objecting. on be“! cf ch. council of the townshipot “maths payment otoonuinmouoysgnnmtoucholtho municipal!- tiunonhoitho noond nngo,the oplulon oltho county solicitoru lo the loamy o! the grunt: In question-nu the communion!†(mm the county mum nolldtonotthocoundlonhc m. uhipol unripe-suing!» would not pay tho nld mut- unlenmocounty council should am Mn: modulo-(m the eonwondcnoe bud been sub- mtï¬mmdmmbowd Ind ‘mthAznnuinquo-uoubomnd. 8 mmutowmomummm clerk of tho town-Npo! Eldon momma donguomoondluondmmdmmon theboundny between the monthly o! Eldon no Thanh, tho wden having tamarind the new at Eldon to join with the comm»: of me can“, 0! Outerioinmungnootmrepdmmw: beimtmcudto myth-hereon!» contains-h repair: [or which this county is respondble on the order of the were otEldon. Ind Mtbeuflood the nrdenbenpprored. “nitunotoeountybonodmbfldnnhbmv bloom mpoulhuny not!" upon It; but. on thethn¢fllt lo- 003un mm. tho county at Pawboro I: eqully mu. with Victor“. “You will hue the goodne- to bring the m to the “nation 0! your column.m "moat-council». Mm dmlpp‘l'l Iobouhllwuunbfldpboatm which in u «mmmm bumm- could“. mumwomnuchuhrldpummflq should jointly bulldud ninth. dog “no againgoï¬lJzéu oneâ€... .o bulimia SEE-.31.. 385 €33.33 .5 5:. aamsgrabsooafl. I v: u. to tutu-n you um « connouocmoomyuvmm. um: 30"“ In. macaw-um now-mm“ m mm: ounu mam“. "m Hm u 811130“ngme â€our numuwt‘hyouutombdl ad tho W' mum-um gonna avmoru «a mum ummwmm mmwmmmmmpdmmw lac llama» and... u» my and»: be 1mm. In mountain anon but»; mm bymwvnahlpollommohhmomdbym flu o! the joint mum: at on. county with tho 00““:deon Macmillan-mot www.cxmdummcdmmw clerk» a» clan dmwuv “Mahmud: umuuocmmmw.mhm 29mm: _- 7 Minnâ€"huntomw M the dcknndndudï¬om‘ydmmlnd mmthoumm-n. luv-on OM sum-mummvdwu wummmmummfl" udmbr’ohtuuuvlu no um «(W-5° u: putting Band that w... on up mum Mmuohwwpdmwlmh‘m murmur. 5 Mucxwdltmdflwwmmh "puking MOW" "“an ham moo,“ .pprond. Wuhan Inn bu- mm iï¬nmmzuudo to mail: mm mmammk. 'Tï¬gm"‘.‘m and. «Manama mummbm-Wmlw Blur a. mnmummmmm math-turnâ€?- mw-o-¢:ococvcuï¬goï¬ununm In. M. unle- W W John Mummiesâ€! LOWW Juan J. Pour, mm om, mg, JUNE, 21,1896 1748 no! â€"Tho mustâ€"BulaKm an. the nonun- tlon of the county of Vlcwrn 3: 29,754. â€"Lamh¢huhoouulnnoodln who u tho 10ml yuan. all M 5 «mm alumna: 1,000 It. will ho and. nor do- Gm _¢_ “Id Ops I!“ m A very plenum aces-noon m spent In the me! Mr. D. 8. Ben lchcdnco- day. tho 12:1: Inst, belng the occulon c! the Sunday â€heal and day school chzlc ccmblncd. The watcha- m ova-Ems that could be desired. 3nd early the atmoonchcchudnnmd other: nocked In crowds to the grove. Numbers from the city and surroundlnzmm who no at Mt visiting Mend: 3nd tnjaylng thq bantltnl count:- scenery cook ulna:- otflnocuslo: musplcmnt. Sung for them cnd limo toms. E E E g E E 53 Cloak. bm..-....__........ Emu: ch Saw. .......... nmdmoanuun saw BWMQW lawn"... am“. nmmamï¬m madedoublaflgmta'nndlu. mum up 14; In thosooond â€magnum.“ W the 13mm. with 16. cut mt flour both “much-nudSuth Myulntheknmsl In mum WI. b Wood _...... o v-ag banning-mum- m1»: 0%.... ...... .. . THERE ARE DOGTORS WHO MAINTAIN â€"Thoamto (m-.. 51?, [ï¬nc-cu Saw ... u The consumption of Tea and Coï¬â€™ee is increasing at a tremendous rate every year, and the public taste for the article is becoming cultivated-at any rate, most between the good and the poor article when it is people can recognise the difl'ereace brewed. That's an encouraging sign to those who have tried to cultivate the public tasteâ€"it's encouraging to ourselves. We have now been in the Tea trade for many years in Lindsay, and our large and steadily growing business proves to us that prices and qualities must have been alike satisfactory. We are offering now a Those who fancy a. nice cup of Black Tee should try our SPECIAL BLEND. Our Tea are wefully selected from the youngest end most suc< blended in the most perfect manner. so as to yield e rich and mellow liquor. The theory may be all right, but it's a deep question, and we prefer to leave it for other: to wrestle with. We have no desire to prejudice people against the mild species of exhileration contained in a cup of good Tea. Good Tea! Ah, there's the rub lâ€"where to get a reliable article. That there is a. kind of Ten lpebrlntionâ€"that there are people who indulge in tea drinking to the sane extent a some people gntily their taste for alcoholic stim ulnnts, and that the effects on the constitution are equally marked. We prtdc ourselves upon tin cmuence of our Coins. c Wood 5 V.- M Brand of Tea at 250. a Pound that is Without a Rival. XI“ SPRA’I‘T 85 KILLED £13533ng WISE-BE E’E punt. '0 cusp-I11: can-In! EPPS’SEGOBOA 3.48.353 .hlIhIOO '83 a {633.800.6853.â€" ‘33:! 33 3.0 .‘ K1 «.3 ii 30 lot.â€" d-l guauntatolvnoisafli .83 WOOD’S PLLOSPHODINB The Gm! Euclid: Benedr. - 9-1.... ".1 A a-- 0m. 0"““19‘5Ԡbut Igttsa: ofthem fat: “RUB ROY." 1'03 TWENTY-I'm th. GRATEFUWMFOBTIXG. Rob THEC W28 ESTFRIEND LARGICT L! m CANADA. Tbs) cost 5:. :‘s no beausc' 'm Scotch but 'ou canna make a better Sim than New Adver.;‘aenon ts. mamrummw-u. BREAEEmâ€"SUPPER. (I’ll! voucco 90.. IOI‘I’OIM' :Einptrgqbgcco Go._ Cook’s O’o tton Rm; :1 Mun rhnl lm- rm- Spun a £111.11. Q (In; Jugtpuf on Na? Baniaher of Sachem; 4 â€MM Puma FAMILY GRO CERS. ‘l bu M 19 my huh I nunbcgd Whom manner-all. (in mm. «Tux. emu-1m outrun-mu. A Choice Selection of Plants. EDWARD MAISON; FARMS FOR SALE: Tan-"LINDSAY GREEN novel. telephone 102. Mic human «this kind. mild Andalu- uve. muptbo hm, gins tum.» mud in All and Who. dylpoplh Ind con-awn. Prion. Bosch. 11 you require a: hing aw, honor in" your damn prescribe or you. than bring his Mon to on. We will uke the m pun: 0» pm It up uoyou will motive the M M: podblo. iï¬o my mamaâ€"mm mil! M Wiï¬i Ponmnunio'noa. cu nan-om , GBEGUBY’S Bran Store. Lindsag‘. Mil/c ((1573 Dawn Pans, Xv erything in Mwaca Cheap at Vancamp’ s Wdro Fencing. Galvaniz ed. Oiled__ and An- 5‘03 SALE OR TO RENT. Builders’ Hardware. Dry_aud Tarred Building _, mauled Fence Wt", Barbed and Plain Twisted Wire. -Pap¢ru Milk Cami. “my, and! m. luv-N. ‘ONIRACT ADVERTISERS, w ru- J um dance 0! advent-much, I!!! plan: land thou copy the ovoqinx [saviou- m but. ï¬'mucr ADVERTISERS, our SPECIAL CEYLON : ud most succulent leaves, F. VanCAMP. New A dvertisemen g EMORIAL CARDS.â€"Avu_7_ ohogog Wain lam, Emuâ€"A GOOD HOUSE 4ND AGIC HOUSEHOLD P0 but-Mn: mun, Used In «or! Mina Rum-I. Fol-h. Spoons. 3|": mum who mwm Wk [Jud-v. AGENTS WANTED M (or In. mph F. V8; Campi E. Gregor}. '. CHITTICK. NW w