rholesale b sooner i or? in‘ {w what in store e price inferior gained. Linda†0U. llPIlS. g1: air. it. #1 â€CS- the ANGTHEE the Finance Dunner h a Million! and a Quhrter Shortâ€"111'. Laurler t'bn- uuuu Bis Trinmpha; Tour of Western Ontario-omen- (ampatgn lift!!!- Eh} Q‘anndiauflgnst. scours Emul- You W ant If you 21515 your drug. ? $32: . t for 1t and get itâ€"you‘ E13: trust that man. But 1f he offers yqy “something just as good, he W111 do the same when yopr. dOCtdr ' ‘ a prescnptmn for ' he wants to get a special effect â€"â€" play the - me of life and death for sake of a penny or two re proï¬t. You can’t 7: [but man. Get What ask for, and pa for Whether it is Scott’s 111-, gion or anything else. a gown. Bellevflle. Out. 506 and CI.“ 05 {he Mum t‘hecrrd a: none In" and H manor lute-May. \VJldsux‘. June 5.â€"The attention 0! ma u.u1;.\'11'.11 uulhoruleu m “felt-0m «mum .3 “lied to thc fact that 1“ s‘leS, : “1.5 412;! villages under their Jung-gun“ Lhcl‘c 15 not to be round I- yum“ \x' 414‘ olhcr kind of a. build.- 11:; mum.- of accommodgtlnz_gï¬qp}9 n.“ [qu n m LIVER \Y FRIDAY. JUNE 12, .\l who \\ a; ,Thc mum was to have appeared m m“ Upru lluuse here tic-night. but l?“ :h. “u out or the question, and If“ mmiihg was taken to an open “Nara Whyl'c there was room_ to: A great wave 01' Liberal ' “-15 swam over this end 0! VIP-CC, and the appearance 0: din among the people has 1113" Darn-L1 aiditional force to it. A'i‘ BELLE RIVER. .311 Lauriur, accompanied by Mr. “m. MCGregor and Hon. Jas. Young. “'35 F122: an the station at Belle River “1 me arrival of the Grand Trunk maï¬a)“ cxprcss by an immense crowd 9r. M0103»; who cheered the; visitons "‘r-~, "MU wavy-bu run-- ._._,_, , With much enthusiasm. A huge pro- 90mm; uf LhOSe in the assemblage "Ere Frenchâ€"Canadians, who led‘ m the demonstration to their distingmsh- "1 COmDamOL A procession.- headed by the Belle Rive: band. escorted the laid? to Stover’s Grove, wheretilgnder â€9 ranching and my elms, peo- Ne gathered to get Liberal doctrine 1mm its most eloquent exponent. ' The meeting was opened with tbs “38mg of .. The Maple Lee: Forever by the Laurie:- Male Quartet of Lon- don. The tame o: the Quartette has â€â€œ3" abroad. and x: is much in de- Hand 101- the meetings yet to be held. ’ The Chairman was a-Warden Bon- “Mer, who extended a. very cordial “come to the Liberal Chieftain m MP; McGregor. who has during ted Pmmentary weer well Rpm the people 02 North Essa. was ï¬ve“ ‘ Spirited reception by his constitu- ‘Fm- Among them were many con- “Iva-“Va. who are in thil am {Wed within the rank: 9; the Liberal u __.-gn§ the ï¬scal“ system of the WW womd enable the farmers of CM :3 buy in the cheapest mark“ m â€a th‘e_ dearest. ‘huu W551; Mr. Gaspard mud. 6' M.P.P.. o: Wlndsor. had made It “I" “118 speech In the French MW â€ï¬f- {. D. A. Dede). Rgeve 91W“ “L w. -v-..‘ u; m u...â€" Préseuteafto,m. ,m 91 1- 191'. m AN POST 1. rPublished ".vi'. \ T‘w Iubscripuonpoo si. 00 1331; 13m. The 'M' ‘zV-kslâ€"Wo ammo: undomko to In ply um nor to make good minions cause: by What-5’ Notice. .. of this month, will be in .JUI‘hOOd of $1,330,000, not- .7' .LHJJg that Mr. Foster pro- . 1 surplus_ or at all even:s ; z urliament that the equiliâ€" r rcvenue and expendiâ€" z: maintaimd. Th: net the year \aiii have 11-. _. tinee millon and a. half 1,16;ng an increase for the ~ 0: about eleven million V1.3; Department. and the r11: uppn it that the very 1- »1;<;-'.'»1:15' has been made , L‘. :-.n;-; thkxt the countxy ;. gum: vi a genera-1 elec~ 1‘. nth the organs or.the h \'.I 12.! _jL;LjZ.LLn;; over the .y d. LUX‘IWXLA whux the ï¬g? -v- . “c"w rim-L»: known, but , ‘ vr .‘xhy. which has Just .I‘ ‘ 1c; \Ln- Finance Depart- ‘. ;. <1-.~7‘~}‘3 whatever â€xv w». mxt-wpm ‘1 m that Im hr uus u. drop In. the if‘ m 4?.M-I.-M [nr Ma.y.1895.to 4'- 1W Mubaxxzau. The principal . ' mt: in «xvi». 'l‘hm‘e was an r‘r‘ In tho mpndilure tor the 3"“.511’45 v-Imparcd with Million Dollars in Two Years. -n h always has to renew two win no on your wnpper cxpku in order to rrruprcd service J! K. .w may commence with my lune. I [U see inn: -lt taken two week: to chance »,â€" _\.»ur subscription is renewed. The :pcr indioetos when your peper will :icw promptly renewed. ADI-Russ ~Aiweys give both your old mldrcm when you all: us to change ‘ tlm name 0! the town nnd the note or {we in should niwnye follow your own mm: wthis mice We cannot readily n- nl‘. our books unless this is done, on uld be “dressed : Iwmi’hxrn fr'x' th«‘ NEW“- :zdimr Mar Inrlt was 333.596" 1-: MIKIIIQSS‘J for the me H: May. Isa. up a saying 0! I‘m-â€" would only have 33.351o‘ .\.\‘.~\DIA.\‘ POST Printing House. Lindsay. Ont. June 5.â€"T‘he deï¬cit for 5231 year, which ends Fl tho hmw): oandï¬urm :uamn durluwumm 0nd H‘ 1-.nzuxu. xx ADVAXCI. uuld always be made in ‘ho afoot ‘mmnnd o! the "miner. Poof. omen )vy Ordem unto “my: sue mam nu risk. Roglstor your 10mm when EH‘JIT THES YEAR u [title's TOUR. and hear Hon: Wuï¬'id 5cott’s Emul- 522115329.- iiéévé Duiel"ét"noM'â€"""T "ifâ€?ai read by Mr.- Blather. THE LEADER? 8PM Mr. Lem-let. who was given an ova- tion, ï¬rst spoke to the people in the French languue. Soon they were cheering wildly. and their enthueiaem became more intense as the leader proceeded. He also spoke in English. paying particular attention to the Men- itoba. gehool question. Rf’ve‘rf Reeve" Com " _'â€"â€"m" “-93"; Reeve Del-ache 01 Sandwich W5“. med “_A__ “-_l_| A- -__g, . Mr. Young was most eflectlve 1n the brief gddreag tha_.t he_ denveredt Amid much cheering"the meeting was brought to a conclusion. and then‘ the people formed into a. line 0: march and scocmpsniedv Mr. Laurler to .the station. He was sped on his way by a. volley of. tarewell cheers. ' ‘ WINDSOR'S WELCOME. Hisv welcome in Windsor could not haVe been more enthusiastic than it was. Everybody was out to see him and to cheer ‘hixn. Men. women and children. Grits and Tories. came to participate in the demonstrstlon. When mutual greetings had been exchanged between the distinguished visitor and prominent local Liberals a. procession was formed. with the 21st Fusiller band at its hesd and a. host of people in its train. In the est-rinses that were in line were Mr. Laurier. Mr. Mr- Gregor. Mr. Mole Clem. President 0: the North Essex Liberal Associa- tion. and the other ofï¬cers of that or- ganizstlon. The streets of Windsor were lined by an enthusiastic crowd. who received the_ leader with thunder- ___ _ _-__. -_A_ ‘vuv -- ous cheers 0! welcome. Arrangements had been made to hold the meeting In the Opera House. and. large as the building is. it was totally Inadequate t _ac 0 date the vast thron that “9-3" 6531 hvpfgegrm-angm A -_-.â€"-l- ‘A‘ I‘â€" Wu ucectwwuu .v â€W..- ,ï¬, - _ of Canaan. Liberalism enunciated by their most. eminent advocate. A plat- !orm wu hastily hammered together on Ouellette Square. and when the time‘urlved tor the Opening 0! the meetlnx a. bigger crowd was collected there than ever betore had been got together in Windsor. President Clem was In the chm. and he prpved mm- -L- vvâ€"u ..- yâ€"u . â€"_ â€"v - eel! to be the man for the place. The meeting was agreeably and appropri- ately opened with an excellent render tax 0: Alex. Muir’s put-lotto sons. u__- A‘ .- ligion are resorted to by the Govern- ment and their supporters in order to influence public opinion. and the epiâ€" thet that is daily hurled at my head is that I am a traitor to my race and a traitor to my religion. I have only this to say: I am true to Canada, and. being true to Canada, I am true to my race. I do not admit that the race to which I belong has any distinct in- terest from any other race in this country. I am a. Canadian ï¬rst, last and all the time. It is upon this ground that I am engaging in this con- test. and upon this grOund I shall win or fall forever.†Mr. Laurier direct- ed his speech mainly to the presenta- tion of the Manitoba. school question. He exposed the halting, vacillating, two-faced course of the Tupper Gov- ernment, and obtained every manifesâ€" tation from the audience of. satisfac- tion with his own policy of concilia- tion. , ‘ \Vhile the leader was speaking rain began to fall and it was moved to ad- journ to the Opera House, and a. rush was made for that building. When as many people as could get in had gain- ed admittance the meeting was renum- ed. and. amid enthusiasm. Mr. Laurie: concluded his speech. Mr. McGresor was the nut to ad- dress the humense nudlence. and he spoke most eflecttvely. Hon. Mr. Young was next introduced. and a. :ew mlnutes sumced for him to present an able and convincing argu- ment in support or the revenue tum pollcy or the abet-Bl party. MR. LAURIEB. The about was raised again when the Chairman presented Mr. Laurler as the coming Premier of the Dominion of. Canada. _ _ ,‘_.__..‘ U‘ “M“UGQ Speaking 0! the prospects in Ontario and Quebec he said: " It is stated that the creat-banr~~ :rovlnce 0: Ontario is tJ'Eï¬ie to'EIi’e‘Libez-al cause a. sweep- ing majority this year. But you are told also by Our friends or the Con- servative persuasion, publicly and privately, with still more glee. that in Quebec the Liberal party are to be swept out of existence. Let me tell "on this, that it there is to be any sweeping in the province of Quebec during these present elections, Ibeg to say. and to repeat. that the handle 01 the broom will be in the hands of the Liberal party. I make no boast, but I speak whereof I know. I know, also. and you know. too. from the echoesot the contests that come to me from far and near. that the Government and their supporters are getting desperate, and they are resorting to desperate means in order to influence public opinion. The prejudices of race and re- ,u L; e.-- LLA finernrn- Toxonto, June b.-â€"Enst night a. meet.- lng to kplaCe in the Auditorium in the Interest of Mr. Lount. the Liberal candidate for Centro 'I‘omusto. There “as a. large attendwce. John S. Ktns After rem-ark: to Dr. and Mr. George . flatten. the can- dldnto who called upon. Mr. Lount met with an enthurlutle reception. the ndlcted a treat amep o: victory for urier on the 23m 0: June. and that the elootoro would proclaim the death knell or lendllng and. corruptldn and or the m h Priest or Corruption. He had not t 0 advantage or Phrllnmeutary expor- lence. but u' elected he would câ€?- out hiatupledm without any "wo hard times. was lt not equhlly m: under similar circumntaucee to-any to turn out the present Government in the hope that the change would be a. portion . rier‘s speech. thereby wilfully inte- represe ting him as saying that he was a. e trader. With Sir Oliver Mora-t assodsted with Mr. Laurier, they would have a. Conservative Liberal Government, tor though Liberal at heart Sir Oliver was Conservative in action. With these two assoeiated. they had every prosâ€" pect of freeing this country tram the thraldom or extravagance and corrug- tion. (Cheers) In order to meet the an- nual requirements at the country for 3-1.4» n'hor-O‘M thO momsduty mus-E ~-'_f, ' ‘ “mm CANADIAN m!.ImDSA-Xp ON ALL Fï¬R ' LAURiEK" ‘ tense or his eloquence. crux. in North Middlesex. end St. W; in South Perth. two constituencies that must surely be redeemed to mberslism on election «m. were the stoppinc places 0! the ohiettsin. who was the chief sttrsctlon o: the demon- strstion. At both the populu enthu- sinsm wss absolutely without limit. The greatest political nthering in the his- tory of. these places tookplsoe to-ds-y. ‘snd it they do not make their ‘mnrk upon the ballots all the present indict- .tious are misleading. The unbroken record of successes thnt has crowned I the effortsot the lender to convert the people or western Ontario to the Lib- ,eral view of public questions promises ;to yield good results. In no constitu- ; enciee are the prospects brighter than in North Mlddlesex and South Perth. a. great many'ot the prominent Liber- ‘als of the district, all of whom were enthusiastic over their determination to do everything possible to secure by fair means the election or Mr. Valen- Itine Rats. the popular Liberal candi- date in North Middlesex. Upon a." roads leading talk-use. Cnaig there was The Leader In North Middle- sox and South Perth. TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE TURN OIIT 'l‘o vaccine no ecu-Inc flue- to III linguistâ€"Gm! Do- muou Of Inn-slu- .l mama. an. and ‘ . It. Half!- an. Mary’s. June aJ-rrhe monq week or Mr. Lumen-’3 (mus-lo tour opened suspiciously to-day with two manl- acent meetings. which combined. brought more gun 10.000 We within “fli- A crowd of citizens awaited the am- rival of the leader at Allan. Ora-18 station and raised a shout of welcome when he appeared before them. Mr. Lam-lex- was escorted to the Queen's Hotel. over the doorway of which was the motto. “Welcome. Canada's oom- Ing Premier." Here Mr. {Aux-lex- met "A an-.. an uninterrupted procession of conveY- ances laden with the good people or the whole countryside. From the gest came a special train bringing a t on- and more people from Sarnin. Forest. Camiachle, Thcdtord and Parkhill, with the Excelsior Band of Forest. Business at Forest was entirely sus- pended. the Mayor, Mr. Isaac Picker- ing, having issued a proclamation de- claring a halt ‘lidny that the citizens might have an opportunity of hear. in: the address of the Liberal leader and participating in the demonstration in his honor. One member of the For- est Liberal Ciub marched under a huge sunshade bearing the legend. “Laurier. Lister, Fraser and victory." A monster procession in honor or the leader was one of the teatures or the demonstration. There were in line many hundred people, while the gully decorated streets through which they passed were thronged. A crowd or 5000 people surrounded the platform that had been erected in the agricultural groundsand in thun- derous tones cheered the leader.. his principles and 99 candidate, Mnmtz. princuucn uuu u... ____- , When Mr. Laurie:- kissed pretty little Mildred Giles in acknowledgment of the dainty bouquet that she presented to him. the cheers began,a.nd continu- ed at intervals throughout the whole meeting. The chairman was Mr. Collins. who is the most worthy President or the North Middlesex Liberal Association, and on the plattorm beside the distin- guished visitors were many well- known citizens. , The cheering was simply tremendous when the chairman mentioned the name of the leader in his capital in- troductory speech. Mr. Hyman led off in the speaking. and his effort was an able one. Mr. Ratz, who as a citizen, enjoys the nepect and conï¬dence of all who know him, was given a reception char- acterized by’genuine enthusiasm. Mr. Ratz, in the speech that he made. showed an extensive acquaintance with public questions.and a. thorough appreciation of the present needs of the people. _ ,,,.|_‘ A- --_..A-- nâ€" It would be impossible to convey an adequate idea. of the ovation that was accorded the Liberal leader when he was presented to the great see of hu- manity before him. MnLaurier began his speech in this way: I wish that umbrella could be spread all over Canada. so as to keep the Toriee in the shade for some ï¬ve years or more. These ringing cheer. with which you have been kind enough to greet me here. thie Va and numerous ettendence. this no upturned reoee in evidence that here. as elsewhere in this wutern penineuie of. Ontario, the people ere determined that on June 83 the Gnu-e of reform. the ‘ooule or progress. the ceuee or peace and harmony cum triumph. Let me tell you thinâ€"I think 1 con eey it with more truth then many pen- hepe in Centaur-that though it me.) eeem somewhat pretentious in me to my 00. I believe there in not a. men in (Ruled; who can mask with motor authority then myeei! on thin matter. beenuu it he: been my privilege dur- ing the int three or tour were. to cover elmoet every inch 0! ground 0! our common country.‘ and the reports trom ell notions give the _u.m_o “R'E'iï¬â€˜hï¬â€˜tuï¬ peopie o! Cnnada. are determined to have s chance. It is manifest to every one who wants to see in the eastern part or the province. It is the same thing in Manitoba. and the North- west Territories and British Columbia. It is the same thing in the Maritime Provinces. It is also the same thin in Quehec. the good old province 0! rue- bec. Let me tell you this. my fellow- countrymen: On the 28rd of June Que- bec will not be far behind you. if it is at all behind you. We, know that the Government and their supporters are becoming desperate. They have re- sorted to all the means and all the methods whereby they. hope to influ- ence the electors o! my native pro- vince. 'They have appealed to the cries of race and creed, and the epi- thets hurled at my head by the sup- porters ot the Government that Mr. Hutchins is supporting in this province is that I' am a. traitor to m race and religion. (Cries of “New . never-3') I am’ true to Canada» and it true to Canada I am true to myself and to all races. (cheer-s.) I do not claim for that race any Special privilegesâ€"equal rights, equal Justice for all. that is the method upon which we shall triumph in this country. (Cheers) 30- Laurie? devoted his speech to an mm and condemnation of the scandals which n. , -_- Ag- ï¬nnmwnthe Ad- tux-ax conclusion, but the people womd not hear of it. (“Go on: go on.†they cried. “we don’t mind the rain") The rain came pouring down more heavily every minute and Mr. Laurie;- closed amid great cheering. The other speakers were'Mr. W. C. Moscrip or St. Mary's. Mr. M. Y. 3! Lean. ELLA" South Huron, andJlr. George C. Gibbons or London. ‘ . LUCAN AN’D srr. MARY’S. A crowd was at the stsuon st Luann to seethe leader and to give him a. cheer. The train Just stopped long enough to enable him to exchsnse greetings irith a, M of theth citizens 013.31 lace. ' ’ ‘m-_ L‘nn 3'2.“ med 8:. M! in this couuuy. “any“... ___V ,, devoted his speech to an exposure and condemnation of the scandals which have d the Conservative Ad- mansmuen VAP$~$2 unmauup: sac-am at In! otschsmteraohecrtiuton Mr. Lam-tar teal ‘aL-onoe 0:93.110 It. Erb end remind the audience nve him its undivided end up tive ntten a- Mr. Belnntyne now the tour of Mr. Lturier in the west with the {If moue cunpnixn of Ir. Gladstone in Midlothiun. end he predicted n like successful result. The preeentntion 0! hit. meter to the audience produced such an out- burst of enthusium u amt lifted the root tram the building. Finally Mr. writer w dble to make himeeir heard. Though much fatigued by the lebon of the put tew dun. the lender discussed the one lub- Ject that he took up. the Menitobe school question. with characteristic ability. The meeting was brought to en end by the km! of enthueiuun thnt must be regarded as the preense of victory. I’It lip in Won Toronto-[In Ion 50!! In the ï¬eld. ' Toronto. June 9.â€"A meeting of Mo- Carthy‘ltes was held in the Auditorium last night. The ottendnnoe was luv and there wu no lock 0! enthusiasm. The result was the nominttion 0: Rev. Elliott Rowe and Mr. A; '1‘. Hunter as candidates (or West Toronto. so that now there m an “plantain that constituency. lib-n] um at Och-w; Oshawa, June 8.â€"'i‘he large Music hall of this town was crowded thin evening with an enthusiastic audience to welcome the Liberal candidate. Mr. Leonard Burnet and Mr. William Pat- eraon, exâ€"M.P., o! Branttord. Mr. F. L. Fowke. President or the Young Liberal C!ub.occupied the chair. and on the platform were some 0! the leading manufacturers of the town. Mr. Burnett explained his position on the various questions now agitating the electors. and declared himself against the coercion of Manitoba. no matter by whom or what party it was introduced. This statement met with much aplause. - - .,,,, L-____ I â€"'-â€"__ -. "fir. Paterson spoke for two hours. during the course of which he explain- ed the trqdq p911cy_ _9! ghe‘ Liberal , "1- p-.. (Xx-thyltes two cu bony wâ€".. , party. and declared it was tariff for revenue only and equal rlghts and Jus- tice to all. to the manufacturer. tarm- er and the worklngman The meeting concluded with the usual cheers. llahew Emu lute pluw. uvnv--_, WV they were too late ‘1: to the stable Fmer wu cont nuuiiy. st Terry’s store. and in bed oompeny. with a man named Htrry Hex-permho is now in Jail serving a term for lur- ceny. On the night Martin was 1.:- atayed tor the res lett early in the morning and did not say where he had been the night he- tt Plymouth . man; an F “users were 8h- erculen Manon. Governor of Cape Colony and Britt!h Rich (tombstone: in South mm was recently summoned to Landon by 3069911 Chamberlain. Secretary at Sun: for the Colonies. 3nd St: Grub-In John .Bower. Impernl W- 1.: Cape 'l‘own. who return tor turther instruc- tions from the government in mud to the South Ari-icon M Then birthday on." Consequently in mind (at! him in some co on. John Fleming, 84 St. David-amt. had a conversation with Fruer an: the Mn assault. Fraser ma mg to had also-dd that London. June 7.â€"’1‘he British steamer Tax-m, m Table BU. etc... “1118C at Ptymouth . Among her pu- gngers wen Sir emula- mm mun-winc- 11' mn- Colony m Brit‘s mm o! W President Kramer'- Elotr. who will W again-t Dr. June-on I _ .,_u_â€"--A|- oilegn who summ- II New . at. John'; 1416-, June 6.9300“! 00“ HUBDEB 01’ JOE MARTIN. rvro no.4 â€an!†mer Arrested u al Am" Before the Fuzz. ed that he knew Mama and had In one time nuc- lt would pay to hold bun - In only about 21 you: or or alight smut-9 3nd do“ _.,n.‘.--l Toronto. June 0- Sonora m nun 0! In “on to ma old union-m low- Fu- Ottawa- Ottun. June -(BpeclnL)â€"Gen. Gu- ootgne hos returned to the city utter a visit or inspection or permwent corps nt Toronto nnd London. The General. speaking to your correspond- em to-day. and he wu :th pleased with everything he hn neen on m- Western trip. The much at Lon- don were the best that he had seen in the country and the arrangements were most excellent. He was delight- ed with the state 0! emciency in which the corps at Toronto are and with the care which â€em: to be taken by the commanding ofï¬cers. The Military Tournament was remulnbly good. and to one coming out straight irom Eng- land and tamiliar with the tournaments which have been given It lslington for some year: the Toronto authori- ties had no reason to be ashamed of their eiforts. The General goes to Kingston on June 28 to attend the cloa- lng exercise: or the Rayal Military College. and at the some time will in- spect the peannnent corps there. A squall. accompanied by terriilc lightning and a heavy downpour 0! rain, struck the vicinity of Quyon on the Ottawa. RiVer Saturday evening. Fifty men were at work on the boom in the river. Two were killed by light- ning and live seriously injured. The dead are: Frank Perrier. Ottawa. and Nat McNeil, Bristol. Que. The Fisheries Department has been advised that mackerel in large quanti- ties are schooling within the three- mile limit and that the Nova Scotia ï¬shermen are melting great catches. There is a big fleet of United States vessels ten mitts oi! the Nova Scotln ccnst and seemingly luck has been against them. an the ilsh are not plen- tiful beyond the territorial waters 0! Canada. It is expected that one at the ï¬rst things Parliament will be asked to do nmwmiï¬umm.mmu MWWGLBMOWMM um uvvl “-0 “I '- Hood’s Pills mmywm It â€Uluuls V; w â€"....___ of exercise. éen. Gascvelvéxie 'uld {0- day that he had every hope that the comm would be held an. year u in pX‘CVluua J ‘-u a. The Government cruiser Dolphin bu seized three large trap net; in Long Bay and Pickerel River on the. Gm gun Bey. The depnrtment in dem- mined to put down mega uniting. Peter Menu-d sud wire were fined $100 and coats for “Hint liquor without a license. mach. June 1.â€"-The mum: at Ian-downeï¬ccreury or Bate tor War. hu received I tele‘run “ted Akuhe Juno 7. wenlnc. tron: Blr Herbert ltchenerï¬lrdu or the Env- tu-n army. shying: "We aurprtu-d the enemy at dswu st “rut. .Thcy re. stated faintly. holding the hull und the Him. but were completely do- tohted 3nd their retreat cut on'. We cuptured their camp and ti! their cun- eb. harm 3nd provmonr. Our cumu- tlu won flight. The troop. behsved He: wore Illnt. The troop; ocu-vw oxceuonuy.†New York. June 1.â€"A London upo- ciul says: There are nor!» to-dny or I ï¬erce outbreak of t choleruc alumna in the Frgpch pilluq1wnp at Chu- ,L _.__‘|.. u, and Balloon. Bright‘s Disease. DW um Paralysis, and all forms 0! Blood Foaming.‘ UU‘RWFlflâ€"GIENI V'OmLUNTEERST Sarsaparilla Kidney MWBD I'll 8N8". Pills. BaalESIalflllflflflllIallfl'SflM ï¬ctnnaluan savings [in N 0110i 0? REMOVAL. M “- noun-ulna AL, __ Till LIVERPOOL AND LONDOI urn about We: comm. would lhe Tonlhlp o! O Yawn-.0! who! 12m» Ind 18 ypo It twoo' iobl ocx 1.1a trainee-IAN! PanelNo. 1-1.0" nun a subdivision 01101 allot No 28 Sn pa. In and Ion nunbm 2! and the Tong-hip o! 08“. . ball. match can meountyd m 0| In. ‘lel-our v- - __ ________ don on. plan 01th. sold mass-Mon. which nid pluwnndoud Ii odb) Edward H:yoock.C.E, sod duly lid lathe intrycmoe for the aid County dViccovh. Thmlou m litunod in Lind-y on the not. aid. 0! William“. 3nd one considered molt desirable propofly. PoroolNo Sâ€"Tbo nonhpu‘tol iotNa. 5 on Ibo north tide of Glenda-on. in mid Towuo! Lioduy. On “1': purer! is meted 3 ï¬ne (tune homo (brick veneered). 86 x u. with good Mo and outbuildings. Panel No. P-The south cl lot No. b on the north side of Glenek 5L. in udwoodchod show 1- will-Alba cloud than will u row" on wool. unlu'l‘on cont. unpurchue down 5: tho time uh. twenty per cent. non nihiflydnyssndthownnoo rennin on mono m (or In you! n six per cent. For further r- dcuhn sud condition- al n10 Ipply to T. ‘1‘. BABES, Vendor'- Solicitor, Port Borg.†I I â€"' u “UM":M W ‘ '0‘ â€mud-m â€(yeah-MM!!- mt on m Km W. New and bymmï¬â€˜h no Om. Am» _ JOHNIAGWOODLW J 0. RAY .ISSU . uomï¬. 0m RJ. WY. 0 bloom Au. um. â€"10 1!?- GIOBGI DOUG M 08100. mum's mock. unw- ’03 TWENTY-81X {3138. Dunn's Baking Powder. ï¬zoï¬oï¬s’as‘srmsnn - ___-_n - an ï¬A-‘M. *IOBGI DOUGLABS. mm 0' “Illâ€"LO. m- ' 0. an Jesus}: or manor . uomï¬. mumâ€"u. Money to Loan 3 to 6 PER CENT. ‘ hahmuu." Vanna": THEY LElTon Mow , loan a my: rug 9: OI COMMISSION. FIRE Aï¬D LIFE. H.“ II? in: IN “1“â€: 713mm J. 1330?, Commâ€"hum o! mummmmvdm F. BROAD. honor to ban. . CHITTICK. W. “a â€M. M iii; to innit an mm. '00“ ‘ J‘cw. S â€â€œ0111. if Mm -â€"Kr. Jon. smut My. “Inâ€"8S “ABBONJBTEEBS,( (swoon: “amt-mum J.LMQ.O.:9. "In 5370:830me ' Had-7' . 0mm at Trinity Unlvoni Tomato. uh. mam-Wm We! was t. OFMOE-flmeâ€"Lâ€"P. mmmuud 8m DB. E. A. TgTPEN. GM a! 13qu U‘nul ‘:nd Boy-l Cong uh I 0! Dana! Sutton. 037103280. â€" In: 1.. room tot-ml: occupied}, Mono (Anâ€"um. OHM.- ' . 'u " am am Kmmaw mâ€" 1n. % E a laumdotmodonu pflou. Plate and poet-I c baton chaining. 0m hourly oppodutbo sm- Home, Lind-v3 D- 3,- WO- com W ti M all! give you an banal: o ’ Includingjho stun. mace-It Allbnnchuolbenflnry. MWMWOII prepared to m,_‘ _-....|-| _.._-6“A Pomhln Crowning Ir '2} Ir. Gross in m.†' 8 tho the but loul yumm- lor killing pun Gnu numbed by "Free no". RememberGLou. the nu tblo Dentist. over Kgmody's non. Kenut. _-_V-, ' “ Uflcwon. 1866; one. hours 8 no 10 um. noon ‘ to 0 pm. Towphono connection. Linda-y, July 10 1891â€"15 1y, [on ma. DOIALD I; mason DB. F. A. VIMJERS. DENTIST. w 1;, man“, ll» an. as“ Kit. 0000 3nd Incidence. :1 Linda-y .fyppodu Baptist church. Li l "hum Ummudeiow a: runny loam 00M: lumber o1 Conan at Phyfldm sud Sagan. Gaul-lo. Gnuâ€"Medial [1:11.00me Beautiful Artiï¬cial Teeth. â€â€33: I ‘0 0mm mgwxomqapwwnn-I‘ ;uop,;' :Mophouo MW“. 3.“. rum. 0. l. MEDICAL Montague W {Pounce- Comm ‘1: _.... A.“ g M. o! Unlnnlg o! Nutty com? W labor 0! Coll Ph u: Bum Onuflo; la. %n Redwood Asylum. Km. Crud 3 Samoa. mm own. on». ad Woo. awn-n... wound door m cl York-I. Oflm bonus. 9 to 10.00 In. 1.80 to! p In: and 7 to 8 an. Lind-y. April 8. nanâ€"sou. 0233003me ï¬rm]; 330w. nun-Mu. ¢. notâ€"any. )3. G. s. Ransom. OOULIM' and 4173131. A A UOIIONDEB. W W maammr. unma- .m_ m Roy-191.04...“ 'dm 7‘ muggy. oLAUGHLIN HODIARMID. DENTIST, - Lindsay. 6:04YUAP-Ie-Q-m41h-hl- MB. GROSS, DENTIST. LINDSAY Member of Royal 00110:? M‘ IKW. W, 80}!- B. J EFFEBS, 36mm moan. u NEELANDS EXTRACTS act‘s 3131511859,!“- BURROWS 5:06th of mam B utmost 28 WELLINGTON -ST. mutton I0. ‘3. Phrucun; Dentistry. WAY. m1 7.. Ontario â€ii-3:33“ 7 , _..._'_5._ um. 01TH] ,J in. 1.-