who would do more for the Remed'nl Billâ€"who would bring'ins stronger bill thinlhtvo done.†Sir Charles acceptsd the chsflengomdboldlydeckredthsthe vouléreposbitntMonuuL He didlo in: wagâ€"bub m the duty trick. M M he I“. vhytnmhimont Chules .ppeded to the comm of Winnipegâ€"to unpeopleofManitObaâ€" “Why an no ontmdpnti‘nmyphw n Franc]: and Roman Cstholio premier judices. and in ï¬rm endmenlydeclnna mof principle in Mr. hurier’e addres- neineveryreepeciedmireble,enditie WWW ithed a wonderful “baton theeleceorl. Itmtlpeech mwmhsvo t are“ 93°“ mmâ€? m- reed to electors aim mud 0701’! mound every â€H2103- 39 did not, like Sir Chi-£108 Tapper. â€Pad to Winnipeg in onevoleeendtoMontreel in mother voice. Hie exposure of Sir Mï¬ppgg'gmplytohkcheflengebo mummwbwm~ ' Wm. Cameron, D. R. Anderson, pmpoadl fox needed doghhtion, in humorous satire of the questions of Tap. per, in indignant and feuleu denuncia- tion .0! Tuan sppeil: to ralxgldmgire- of meetings at London, Mr. Laurie: has Ind a reception at a. dozen great political gatherings unparalleled in enthusiasm, in attendance, in the applause given to his noble eloquence, and in the efl'ect his utterances appear to have bod upon the electors. His London speech was a masterpiece of politioel oratory. In count-active statemannhip. in sensible No contrast more striking and signiï¬- cant as to political situation and out- look could be furnished than that of the reception accorded to Mr. Laurie: in Western Ontario, and to Sir Charles Tup- per in his nntlve province and in the Dominion capital. Commencing ‘a series undoubtedly mean the saving of millions to the country and the removsl of many burthens now oppressing the farmers. Work ! Work ! Work ! The time remeining is short, but slot of good work can be done in the interval. Remember, if only One conservative vote in each sub-divider: is secured for the party, the election is ours. Take a few half day: from your farm work or busi- ness and give it to Mr. George McHugh â€"it will be time well; invented, for if theliberelpertybeplncedinpower itwill Let every reformer and elector who wishes to see a change from the present extravagant administration of Dominion affairs. and whc desires the success of the liberal party at the polls on the 23rd, work as he has never done before for the accomplishment of that end. If one of our friends knows of an elector who has not openly signiï¬ed how he intends voting, he should see him at once and if possible induce him to promise to cast his vote for the liberal candidate. The usual oonrtzeelee will be extended to the Government candidate. Iocmm. 03m ............ 90m. U><_Um02.m IOCmm . tOOUSâ€"Iâ€"umfz............. : flNZMPOZ fl>rrm ............ .. UO<<2N<<=LIN ............. V. : Eh: @auadiau 2m. . nJOOIOw â€ginâ€"CD: : ............ Z_<.F_mm ME...â€" ........ ><OZOE $4.2; â€Laâ€"a: ><DCDF<m dunâ€"OI .F: as 30A on at 633930 3.35:4.†23 Mr. GEO. MCHUGH Tariff Reform and Good Government. Laurier! Mowat! OOHSERVATIVES AND REFORMERS should use one of our PORTER’S Bookstore. THE POLITICAL SITIUATION. Public meanings in the Interest of Chair taken at 8 o'clock. sharp. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. President. ELECTION RETURN SCORE CARDS. WORK! WORK! dim ', FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1896. Gamma Secretary. l6 I? I7 l7 I3 l5 l5 At: the Windsor meeting M" Lam-la: p11 iwmmoutthempeb. Wu mï¬hemgimmw‘ oftheDominion government. He will‘ Put! only a!!! 0‘“ '1'“ m "in Inn been mine *0 “WWW“ I“ but thildoï¬nite monument will Toronto Stu: The boodling in connec- tion with the Tay can], the Curran bridge 'md n for other coltly enterprises, consti- tute ampugn arguments for thegriu, hencethahorieueem to thinktheil‘rent leey job can be utflizéd for vote-Mug Dominion urea in 1878 : $17,841,988 ; in 1895 : $25,446,198. work, eta, thatthe lune otthe campaign lsdoubttnltomémenda. Hhoampflgfl umothomatmmtm ammo andnouyuummmmmm auctionbyagoodm’jmwmumpl’ “mathemmmendldm clauses andpartlu who ondoruhlmu Some thinkthat because hehaenot been eternally blowing shout hie 9330:1131, _hla class protection, and tries to excuse the dishonesty and fraud that has been carried on in the civil service and public works of the country. Mr. McLauchiin advocates equality of trade privileges to all, no pro- tection toacertain class, and sounds no mistaken note against the present organ- ized system. No thinking man can approve of Mr. Hughes’ course along this line. Never once has his voice been raised against the prevalent extravagance. Morever. he has never had a dollar’s in terest in the constituency. By some 'way that is not straight he has his name on the voters’ list for a piece of property in which he has no interest. He is now making frantic appeals to the Roman Catholics of Garden and Galway to pick him up when the independent Protestant and Orange elements are casting him aside. He has mistaken his men, however, and has been blowing alittle too much about the vote he is going to get in ’these places. These men are against him on principle, and if they change, it will be to cast their ballots for a man who will take a straight course. The people have known Mr. McLaughlin from childhood. He is pro-eminently one of themselves, raised among them and ac ,‘ quainted with their life and labors on the term, inthewoodsandmills. Heisknown to be amanot first-class ability and un- tiring industry, and ii there is a word to be said against his honesty and integrity, it has yet to be said. I! he represents North Victoria, the constituency will have a representative who, in the knowledge of constitutional law, economics, and social questions, will take a high rank inthei house. His opinions will carry weight, andwill necessarily have much influence anon the policy and legislation oithe On the school question Mr. Hughes has been forced to practically admit, both in his paper and on the platform, that he is n Topper men, that he will try to excuse their policy of remedial legislation. The game that he tried to work at ï¬rst of sup- porting the government and hoodwinklng the people of the Orange and Protestant seotlone, has now fallen flat. He had to ohooee, and he chose Tapper. Mr. McLaughlin isplaioiy and deï¬nitely on the other side. Hie policy is to investi- gate and make peace, and he isetrongly against the stubborn policy of coercion. Mr. Hughes supports the old policy in (etc the policy that has given the people the continuous period of hard times for the last ten years, yearly getting worse, and he promises nothing but a continuation of that policy. Mr. Delamerc opposes the school question, advocates the policy The people of North Victoria now have a rare chance to vote as ten-lees, honest men, and no matter what attempt may be made to blind them, and how many excuses may be made, the issue there is a straight .<.¢O.FO_> IFEOZ 2â€" MEDF<A=DZ<O NIP In this trying emergency Sir Charles is kying to bolster up his wavering fortune' by loud imaging and blustering. He boasts that he will sweep every province and that he will have a majority of ï¬fty iu the new parliament. This is too absurd. It is supremely ridiculous. A house divided against itself cannot stand. The conservative party is sick of Topper. It is disgusted with his Tupperonian bombast. The time has come for a change. The country is going to have a change. The Tupperites are on the run. Tupper’s hour of doom. is come. As Lincoln said, you may fool some people all the time, and you may at some time fool all the people, but you cannot fool all the people all the time, and Tapper has been found out by all the people and will be sent into the cold shades on the 23rd of J una. r-vâ€" _ w- sn angry end disgusted sudience etthe constitutive meeting-where the minis- terisl supporters were troublesome slmost beyond (endurance. The greet "1 sm" opened his 'Ontsrio tour st Ottswe, snd oh! my country, whet s isllwss there. Though surrounded by s strong body- gusrd of contractors end jobbers. end with s judiciously peeked audience, the rebellious anti-Topper section of the con- servstive psrty, led by Mr. Tsyler Mo- ’Veitty, controlled the meeting. end no progress wss nude until Mr. MoVeitty was invited to the platform. No wonder the great 'igh commissioner was white with rage. No wonder thst he shivers over the prospect of visiting Esst Toronto. .Vo wonder that he will. speak in spots only in Ontario. No wonder that he does not venture to come to Lindsay and speak for Dr. Vroomen. ,._. “I of Mr. Louie! hula fluhveight'ifll the French of Inmcsnldlubhmld sppedtothoPmtahnUOIOnbdoâ€"Ind thepoopleomeuiomode‘yM' ins him thathoyhuooonï¬daminnr. ,1- __ LL- with the hostility shown hymn! °°n laxative- when Sir Charles Tapper 138k? he mattered bribe- in the dupe of extrin- gmt promise- right md left. He did not due _go to St. John’s, N. B.. and left to poor Fate: the unwebome ml: of facing , AL AL- EHORIAL NOTES Vote tor Much and honest expenditure ofpuhflc moneys; Mammalian-decimals manual: muons ttommuob Panama-non- 'lblo.‘ Grind“! W933: bill! “I"! Orderatnr mamas should ho left “Mom‘s. Ithmprhhghownho‘n pmvmoe""â€"°,"tha£‘thu tum?» ' _ and judginghom r. Cam bull’s as 3 road undu- the up mu II n nntoolm one and will result In a saving â€"Mr. A. W. Campbell, the now ‘ 4 cm highway comm, tome: city engineer of St. Thomas, was mean yan- derad one of the most "m1 banquets ever held In St. Thomas. It was I: the efforts a Mr. Andturm an 3 number at othu: may lntgrastogl _ gm THE CANADIAN} to a mirage'on Wedneede'y, the Cohonrg wharf, lighthouse and waterworks station being; clearly outlined in the sky in double nosit on, the upper view hein Inverted. The Str. North King, two or hour.’ pail out on the lake. nieceppeeredinthe reflection. â€"Enminer:â€" Capt R. The on Friday received the tment timber in- seetortorthe -Peterhoroeeetion theTrent Velley «again. The: in an: men," tamer» m. mm was 13. inspector on division theGnnd’rrnnkSyetem. No doubt hewilliiilthe hm moot utieinotor Miss K333): uniâ€"1' Dereri-ignn, of New York city. Monsignor Lenten: perform- ed the ceremony. â€"Mr. S. Walker, met with n puntul no- oident the other m He was pick- ing up some lumber in a case heio build- ing. and while ieaninglom the skinny loeb hie balance and i, badly marking his hoe and straining his neck. :-Henry Cm, em loysd in Howry's mill~yard at. aneion falls, had both bones of his left leï¬broken shove the ankle .ths otherdsy. e is a married man with four small children, and is in poor circum- stances. â€"St. Mary's church was crowded to the doors on Wednesday by invited guests and others anxious to gitnggs the marriage of â€"M!nden Eaho : â€"Mr. Wm. Petugrew o! Minden township left a sample of wild strawberries at the Hinder: 1: ofï¬ee cn Sztnrde lees which were p cked on Fr!- dey. he can beat this! â€"We are compelled to hold over a large quantity of political and general matter owing to lack of space, and claim the Indulgence of our ocmepcixdentf. , _ by naval ofï¬cer: under direction of the Dominion government, end reports read like stories of Arctic explontion. The celebrated Northwest passage would be of almost as much commercinl value a the Hudson's Bay route.†and subject to delays and dangers from the ice during a part of the remsining three or four months. Repeated voyages were made in an Arctic [(11qu steamer Concerning Sir Charles Tupper’s Hud- cordial endorsation of some tory papers, son Bay Railway scheme, which has the the New York Journal of Commerce says: “One would suppose that the Canadians had loaded themselves up with quite enough transportation routes that are maintained at public expense. but this is not the view of Sir Charles Tupper, who has assumed the premiership with a mag- niï¬cent programme of public improve- ments. He is going to renew the charter of the Chignecto Ship Railway Company and give it, $170,000 a year for twenty years, and he is determined to carry through the Hudson’s Bay Railway scheme. This will only cost $3,200 a mile. if the ï¬gures have not been muti- lated in 'the process of telegraphing. to- gether with $80,000 a year for twenty {Ears for carrying the mails. When anitoba wheat and the mails getto Hud- son Bay they will be worse off than when they started unless steamers are provided to carry them to Europe. The matter has been thoroughly investigated, with results that show it to be the most chim- erical project that ever secured serious support. The navigation of the bay, and particularly the entrance to it, is impcs- sible eight or nine months _of the year, main to like it. For a province only t ) increase its popu~ lation by 3 and a tenth persons perannum is rather a remarkable progress. Yet the New Brunswick papers are pointing out that this is the case in their province. The census shows that between the years 1881 and 1891 the population of New Brunswick showed the extraordinary in. crease of “thirty-one persons!†Between 1871 and 1881 the increase was 35.638, so in ten thousand years it can pick upmhich is a consolation no doubt. But the idea seems to prevail, judging from the pro- vincial papers, that the best remedy is to return a liberal government, which will effect such echange in the national ad- ministration as will prevent an exodus of the people like that evidenced by the census returns referred to. But the N. P. has produced thisnresult down by the One «min-no; the‘l‘nppcveun- binetion in reference to, the Remedial Bill in that it provided no money for Sewege-ohoolpnrpoeegendofeome theiï¬erencotobednnfronthhby the end-Renedinlieb, for whose eon-amp. tionithintendedï¬lthetthebfllevea if p_e_ued could not have mounted to en’- Ill. I‘IV Irv-I vu- --..._._ ten." Thin in quit» right. Mm- Mr. Luurioz aim the roim oi govornmnu in hit hand: and \pprouhu the tub not with violence. and in the “with o! “I‘- neu and conciliation" duh-ed b tho Manitoba government, he will ovi out!) hive the cordial backing otlho Methodist body in hit 080:: to amuse thin vexed (mention without having recourse to the ultimtte oouatitutioml mean- 0! doing Io. Tho Monitobo Methodjm no moro lihonl thin oomo othon ï¬n tho Dominion. They o: but no mucous enough to ox- pmn thomulvu in fovor of such mend- monu of tho provinolol school In by tho proviuom Authorities “u will remove my mun! nrlovunoo. {t ouch oxiotn, which any not upon our Romon Oothollo broch- nn " 'l‘hl- h "uh-n Muht. Afmr Mn m. J. G. nmhntungfmyon the eve of his departure from mini-tori“ life. Atrrentonheinfomedhieheeren thet he bond the Trentleoy and would be of on much beneï¬t to the-eo- tion of country efl‘ected “u the Toy cennl bed been to the town of Perth end his oomtignenoy.’ _Thie In good. The I, . "__A_‘|_ HI- wu-uvuvuv' - _ will not forget thlt W's dim coat them in round ï¬ some $500,000. Its no»: botwoon ,000 und 83,000 per your to mnintnin md in re. venue mount- to some 8100 5 you I In the Trent V5110, and going to be 3 second odition to this 'i Vtrlire New Bruncwicken db not Local Brovlues. T; 6; â€WHEN. - ' cum to Ticket or 0- Pmsox’. “$3.59.;pr Aunt. Toronto. 005m, BIVEB. WAGES. Buns: Junâ€"At. Linda-y, Juno 82d. 1) 39v. 1.. 8 Harmon. 3.0., W. Brynn: to Mon .11 o! Lindny. Pusan-LAmeâ€"At Potuooro on Honda, In; 1m. 1596, by Rev. J. n honor. r. mus-m him, to Miss Gama-Ineibicgmb. both 0! Una-z. BIRTHS. McI-‘ADnuâ€"ln Lladny. on Jun. ah. the wile o! It, Ben landden. o! I am. Hnum In Emily, on June 7th do vflo o! It. Wm. Bombay, lot 14,, con. 12. a! tuna Ionianâ€"In Emily 5. on loom. Juno 1n, the wflequlr. Dnvid Monday, 10!. 17. con. 10,3011]. o! 3 daughter. man-mania“. man-n. w¢¢a‘,.cn........l............ 5 ('13: “km. Lo; 2:- 6d: one... mum. 0d; 40.. colored. 86-. our. Maconâ€"Openluâ€"Wbut 0! coat English country mrxeu on plans. weak. am. mm on can: ulet ud steady. t ma quiet ; futures am It 5| 1;: ton-93mg July. M?" 84: t. Ind Oct. Hangman-m orJ ynnd Ant" 3- 1594 or Sept. 1116 83 1984 for Oct. Flour. 17s. Partsâ€"What; 191 75c for July. ud flour. Ant" 8. 1596 to: 509:. um a- q... u. v-.. Flour. 17s. Pamâ€"What 191 75c to: July. and flour. at ï¬ne for JuLv. Iâ€"Oioooâ€"Spot when study: fu- leerpoo tum dull at 5. 1 d for June. July, Aug. Sept. and Oct. be Gun 1: 3: M for June Ind Aim. 8| oscd for Jnty. 83 156d for Se t. 111d 88 19“ for Oct. Flour. Ts 3d. gondolaâ€"What oi! cont mm and ad low- 01. mm 0!! cont quiet. on passage easy Lindsay Max-hot Prices. [con-on» m1] mnuwmu....-.... ....... .12? 9° 7‘ lielVIJViiim Juue u.â€"'rm-n~ were gum: Wuuu Ind 145 comred cheeu boarded MN toâ€"duyi ' ' a Sales were: 055 “mm a! (ha 695 “use. we: a: «me. 15 a! we. 36 colored It 61140:). 115 colored at c. BRXTXSB MARKETS. buwhï¬im‘ egâ€"Vgeat. 0g 50 at w n I ad $54 no. 5-7 in ' ad: 10 . to 6530;†â€v.8: u-mluw:mmnm; g! II. coal“. _- . - Guzmanâ€"Bushe- quiet. with pm un- lnl at gas on track. Conâ€"ewhtudnnndflouu- maxed. Yellow In quoted It to I. no mum 0‘ cu lads. ha: the prices generally no u. now u to 3" I then low 9 m to 9!“. -4 .-..-... u. toll I‘ to I. vvâ€" â€"- than low 95m 35:33! m an. Bum for export told at o to lo. Iona-u load. of n ma wont t to h to Ion:- mI. The mum! wu slow I- butcneu' stock. but mm In no quotable claim In Moon. The boot Iold u 2‘0 to no In one on. and um mull Ion It a : medium mule mm an arm to am. am Inn-nor n: we. Min-h mm wld u tau to 0-13 rich um luuvr rur «hulm. \‘n‘m wold M $1.56 N mm per lwm! «wording 1o quamy. . Mum and Imulut nrv “may. with hu- ofl'rrt:lk-. Nlm‘p Ink! M 'le w 30 pm‘ HM Mlh \uml un‘. You-Nu :nmlu "may. unulm: M 41' I» “v M I .. HUI \"uol nu“. 81mm lumbn at r..‘ ‘ w .0" par hmul. lux- m numl ammuy. with 12w lwnd and mm: umm‘v. The but mm m s wri hml on‘ can. ’Ihlck m. an (mum at $.30. “or“ M $1.75. now- u! w and mun M $2 CREME. I‘ertmm'. Juno u.-â€"'I‘uer¢ wow 25m â€New lmal‘ded. MINI llw make for We In! uhw mm. 'l‘lu hmdlu wuu ulow. Mount. Hudxmu au erculun «wrung we gunner purl of the board a! W. Abmu tour at J!†unuullvr tuulgrlfu “gun-(‘1‘ :0 - -- .,__..... ... n.- n A": n Bold bynginbothm Drum. IOOI TOURS Grain. Flour and Feed for Sale. USINESS CHANGE. NewAdwm 6000 SEED GRAIN WANTED. has." '4: 1154: port. as on; um. alloy. _17| pd ; bacon. navy. tea dinâ€"‘34....“ '1 murmorm'omn Manny’s. Kant-st. or m tun not M it“ com “Mum's-III... â€mum-mm MONEY TO LOAN Gentlemen wear our new Ventilated Boots N o more hot, discol- ored, sweaty feet. Made in Tans, Black Calf and Dongola Kid. We ask‘special attention to our Dress Goods. Prints, store in town can equal our values in these lines. See our OUR MILLINERYD EPARTMENT, in charge 0 prices are extremely moderate and the work very tastelul a OUR STOCK for the present season is the largest and best assorted ever handled by us, and was purchased in the very best markets. We are in a position to give you remarkable values in every class of SUMMER GOODS, and will do so, as we want money. AuiéiiI-éif'CARTER. Exm Valucin Lace Curtain: et 39:, soc. 750, 850, and $1.00. Boys’ Suite from - - st 25 to $7.50 Men's Suits from - - $3.75 to $15.00. Men's Hats from 50!: Felt; conï¬nes: Fur Fedora “FL- ALI-“l Led ' White and Colored Shirt Fronts 3t - Igc‘ and 25, Men's Pants - 75c, 950, $1.00, $1.25 m 54.: Verylnrge range of Men’s and Boys' Straw Halt; .et exceedingly low prices. Men's Catered Shirts “laundered," (no, :30, $10: end $1.25. ‘ Big job in Men's Neck-wear at 3 {or an. 3 {or 350, end 250. ' U’I .“ --------- A job lot of Boys’ 2 piece Suits wotth from $3.50 to $3.50 for $1.25. - $2.75 to $15.00. Men's Suits from - Felts to ï¬nest Fur Fedora Men's Hats from 50!: and Derby: always in Stock. The third nation thisJesson of the celebnted impo Wilkinson Hats just to bend. "‘ SIS-6mm " mumuw- f. H. Soo'rnnm, “Win-o! HOMAGII mm. New Advqruumoiu. g Grand Trunk Baum Our Ordered C/oz‘flzflg Depam‘mem‘, Opposite the Post Oflice. Has received our special attention, and comprises all the latest novelties to be found in the Canadian, American and Eumpean Markets. UP-TO-DATâ€"Eâ€"SHOES. mum â€a FOR THE LADIES ONLY. Under MR‘A. McKAY. is fully up to the high standard of the past. Johnston a: Sluogh PLEASE BUYERS OF and the work very tastctul and chic. i, DIE“ van cuu uuusuu 1x“; JOHNSTON SISSON, NoxtDoortoDdyE mum. I \ You Will Find Our New st W B- J. UATOHI'I', Agent Band" ‘uul Cont-actor. Fund Dress Muslim st - xoc, 15c, chjCoteon Wash swam - roc, 13c, Prints“ '- - -‘ . 5c,7c,'8{ W Cotton and Msoo Vests at 5c, xoc, . and 50:. Lsdies’ Gloves sad Mitts at - xoc, 15c. 20c, Lsdies’ Bled: sud Colored Kid Gloves at $ the mde. Buck sud Colored Dress Saga. double {old Blsck sad Colored Dress Serges, double P. HeArthur a 0'0. . MGARTHUR 8: CO. ;. Prints, Muslins, Dimitics, Percales, Organdies, etc. No See our New Parasolsâ€"wondcrful value. charge_ of MI_S_S ROSS, is giving full satisfaction. The Mcn’s SHADES OF POLITICS. wetthcr. Travel 3311â€": a A “g“: 0 LARGE 3 PER GENT. Boys’ K001 Koats for su'cltcring IF YOU THINK WE WANT YOUR ORDER I“, ‘59 17C, 20C, 25C, toe! 13C, 15C.17C 20C, 5c. 7c,' 8c, 10c. 12%; at 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, new Suit 10: the 24th. M in tune team In. look at the cloths gut mines. We have a large stock We'll not it. too. It you in: us half - m. ll we're hungry8 for bushla- In I tut†mil: belfor: M: as mat onâ€" odl Ind we further Inquiries. ouble fold. all wool, at . 2 1, double fold, all wool, v: You incur no Expense and run no Bis/I. B‘W‘W’ Button BIOS: 206. 25C. 3°C, 4°C. and 59‘ It $1, guarantccg best 11; W. G. BLAIR. W. 0. Blur. By consulting at Salt! Foot of Kent-st: Hr. "Conn (Kr. “73113.0(ng Mr. \VALI..\:'I., is 3 good hand at it will take him a I few questions wi to him to-nighc. ' (Mr. Hughes) sun flourish of trmulx some wrong doing oolution of this I! M not sueoevd. it is exactly Him night. In it. “UL glut minds ï¬unw we! 1 1n uni gum,†and WM' whom every hm did not write u. did I would nun plimenury rah-r have never found Not on: line of ad in favo: W¢-,.' connection lx‘twa I an heartily in fl county councils which they am as British Parliame A system of local has in Canada, I ed the most. anti I appeal to the II to corroborate In charge of the Hughes) that I In {one with any ll to awry hon, n m. “Nauru: < M he did not. «w “d Em York Conuorvulj Mindividuol l is responsible to and to his own ca alone. I am nc nponsibility, no: North Victoria I m (Mr. Hughe he professes at Opponent of row It mother time night. to promote my, he will ï¬rm will size him u] Will let. it go at :11 “(Ma Huglu thin anonymous been mentioned in the session. out 0" order in If. WALLM'E a dye timo of M“ Whi‘t‘ I [n the the u very glad I cum the (umber he undo it appem of why, in. gentleman 1 Meats, thl piper, that he w: Clbimt, ml th o‘cl‘heuuse he ililnpeudeuee for '3 given him. " (It. Hughes) is I km and canon k." his own p4 k I] had. 1 99° We in LI! ‘9'! exhale ‘m '2. Hughes bell - bl: Inch Ede. icheum «our ummtiu , and l â€and. and Mr. H U6 11 us Wallw: , monalu‘l' I mmhm- ( lr. Chaim W88 “1 'which WALI.A( tint I have not. enmp! mt ALLAcl IOIIIO 0H 5mg Ill