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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 29 Jul 1892, p. 2

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‘x. .549»; -« _ :‘r .._. 4‘. . Ah. love. let us be true To one mother 1 For the world which seem: To lie {adore us_ like 319m! of drum «M M ‘ M ouweopt,molel£n H“ u. write?» ad :1! m4 Vay? go a woman,a. proposal very rarely comes expectedly. Not that women, as a' hie, ere given _to _lo_oku§g upon every, hrhushand, as one youn lady declared,“ in be the case with hersilf, but for the hamflmt the majority of men very na- hrslly dread a. refusal, and co uently ne the critical moment, an ' confi- Eence is inspired by a kindly encourage- ' t of the guarded advances they ven- ture to make. It is an open secret that a little diplomacy is often employed to bring a cautious admirerto the point, and nlever is she, who so skilfully manages the Delicate task that the effort isnot too mani- fest. All the world knows how Ruth Ichemed to capture Boaz, and she was a right modest and proper damsel, too; But Ruth was a widow, and she had had e’iperience, and was levelheaded enough beside to see the advan e of standing by her mother-in-law; so er success is hot to be wondered at. Maud Muller tried very much the same d e later on, but it did't work quite so w ; and all the feminine world has been devising other and equally harmless little schemes ever since Ruth’s triumphâ€"end probany beforeâ€"down to the famous French wo- man who revolved before her partner at a hll_a_nd frankly said,â€" “Monsieur, “I desire a husband. Do yop not findpfi beautiftg’l’: .-â€". oo; ' “Mademoiselle, we will be married to. “GROW." Thiswaaabout as direct a ropoealns that ofa prominent man in 9 North- west, whose courtship had been rather long drawn out. “lam mg to the Rocky Mountains,"- he abmptfi; remarked one evening “and ifyoumttogo as my wifebe ready next week." And she was ready. Equafiy matter-of- fact was the follow- ' ' “'blo min in the light of; possible love}; finsband, as one young hdy declared.~ rootohhwife, andinnine moat of ten , 0 will only answer with an un laugh Ind look as wish as if you found yin out i}: e one inexdusoble folly of his Ife; and, as for unmarried men, who III ever known one who would acknow- how many times he had been in- noed to offer himself and his more or pompting prospects in a. matrimonial But besides experience, cultivation is required. To acquire a good style in compositionaland, therefore tothoroughly sppreciate e best writers, it is by no beans snficient to have written a greet deal, experience is not enough there must» the: careful study of the best authors and thisstudywill be a great assistance to be_acquire}_nent of a. sound literary taste. Taste in the power to larceive the beautiful. Experience is needed for this. end. therefore. the formation of taate in not only varied, but dual. No one tould be content to ere to hi: child- hh judgement, for in most cases it would he but an imperfect one. In the ' of youth all is novelty and the estimate 0! every thing in naturally exaggerated. A young mangoeetothe theaterfor the hit time; the actors are by no menna talented, the scenic ammgementaareany thingbut realistic, it is of no consequence, the youth is enchantedâ€"it is anew world do him end he is, therefore, so carried guy that he is absolutely incapable of iorming a mum! 'udgment; it is not that his Wished, ut itianimplynnform- mm {Emmim first. 63' an?“ no bénutiful, so now, 83th m0y_mithg jg)" “cu-101v.-x mwmuc-vâ€"vuâ€"._ 8mg: with coutund alarmsâ€"éiTtrugglé and i3». When ignonnt mah- cluh b \l-Ab night. -â€" A mn‘l‘ BO Ylnuua. av vun......., -- __ ,, 81th mil} wither joy nor love nor light, For attitude, nor ware, nor he‘p nor pain ; And we 91:. berg u on a dukiinx plan. n I‘___A -l â€"b-I‘M.- .ml nmosn mu. JULY 29. mos. an? ' popping the question is a. funny maul. Another queer is that al- pltuny girl will freely co ass, with a My urging the number of proposuls she 730w are 70;? WW9 Yale man on a gilt-edged ade, and a. goodly proportion of sob. :d matron: even, are not averse to re- mting the conquests of their youth. mask a myriad mu how he came topm- Sammy-g » am: )I .w. SCOTT @9333. Benevifle topping the auction. A Chapter on 1‘.th- A Cry [or mm. cluhb night. -313: ow Arnold. vaâ€" mwmding clean to flu nil. Old Tutu mwuting fqhiu Wont u: One glenee .wee guficient for Letty to reelize the whole thing. He bed been “ehenghied” end by the very old Tuker of wbani he and Jim bed been telking e short while before. Tegker wee short bended, could not get men beceuee of hie brute! trauma“ of them, end being all reed, so eeil bed lent. out. e kidnepping petty to fill the veeenepleec.‘ , The Centeinweeofl'for e long mile ehdh. “wee efl'with her, j'net'el belied gotten” ore from twe years of hot nu end herd work. - The whole rebib‘le future pegged like e penoxene or: his mind‘l Fifteen minutes later, ts nest es he could judge, he wss hoisted in the sir; the cover- ing was pulled from his head. the lsshings sround him cut loose and he found himself standing on the deck of 3 00¢! sized berk end confronting a. red-best d, surly look- ing men in I. sort of hslf uniform. On either side of him were s couple of red- shimd men. evidently those who had just hoisted him up from the boot: In {few minutes he bend the step: 0! those carrying him resounding on phnking end he came to the conclusion thnt they were on one of the whence. Then he heard e men uk if they “had him,” end. another ny ‘jyeeg’ but that “he fought, like I a n.) ,,A.L-2,IA , , _,A‘n_! de'vil !” Next, he felt a. rope berng Paced uound his body. luhing his arms tlghtly to his sides, and, en instant: hter, he! less, he was being lowered inito whet he Enew from it: movements must be I. but. Then he could hen the reguhr rise end fall of on: between the thole pins and the no“ running of fisher close behind him._ fi‘hen, kicking sud struggling with might Ind main, he felt, himself picked up bodily, by win“. be judged must. be a couple of men mdAean-ied along at. a. dog trot. "There’s a ood many 0’ the some mind, I tell you! ’ know the Contain 2 Well. nine 0’ her men deserted to-day, couldn’t etmd th’ treatment old Tanker giv’ 'em, end now Ibe’s s‘lyin’ out in th’ bay short handed, all ready to nil, but ain’t got ’nufi' men by three or four to handle her ropes. Serves old Taker right, too, I lay. Never was a. meaner cues in a. captain’s berth.” “Right y’ are there. Jim, right y‘ ere." returned Larry, and the two fell to talking over old times. Where he was going be had not the leut idea. As to who had him, he had even less idea. if that was possible. All he knew was that a. thick covering, which felt like I double gunny sock. was over his head and tho: :5 hand on his mouth prevented his making my outcry. . privilege of using it. The stone in not the uluel mnner,exceptthnte bond ‘ the hendle of a diminutive Mot attached to the fume-work. On other aide of this band is e cup-like unity. 0n the lowerpert of the hoop in e projecting pin pointed with rhodium, 3 metal which never wear: outr-eomowhet like the iridium with which (I pen or. tipped. Now, when the end- ere put in poeition on the hoop, the rhodium taint projects into the cup. The ream whet ecientietl would call u condition of unstable equilibrium. Like the pee blown with e pipe by a school-b0 the diamond in given no rest, with the 315'?- ence that no efl'ort is required to keep it denci . The metal pomt never weer- out. t. Louis Spectator. liven-Anon. J- vv “ in is “Blow me, Jim, but I never ’Ipectod to see y’ ! I just came from th’ Chins ml. What a’ y’ doin’?" “Sum 01’ thingâ€"Coastin “Thet so? Well, I wouldn’t mind tryin’ it m'self, I’m gettin’ tired o’ uheae‘long triptl’I y m A few minutes later Larry Maker hnd left the place and with bent head wu pulh- ing his In along the uneven pavement which borgered upon the wharves. Hie lodgings were at a sailor’s boot-ding house otnt'he ower ‘end of the shipping front. ~ __ AAA, 4__1 He had gone a couple of blocks in this my ,hardly looking around of. all, when sudydenl g something thick we: thrown over his hen and a pair of um: were clasped nbon: his own as he tried to tear the cover- ing from him. Lu-ry Marker, first two deye uhore from elengehy China eruiee, puhed open the door of one of the numerous grog shops nl 0113 the water front and walking up to bar called for a drink. His pocket: were well lined with the “ahinere,’ and he had been having end wee yet. heving e “good time, ” while he saw the town endg some of the kinks out of hu leg: Lorry we: by no menu: 3 reckless fellow, but. he did like to spend money freely when he had it, and this we: one of those occu- The rain been furiously in His tnce end the water got in his eyes and half blinded him. The night was e duh one anyhow And the lamps which lit the pavement. were so few and far between as to be almolt useless. ions. forget or. Happening“be '1 aparyyofyo peoloatanhoeolubh where Drieo '88 3i ' o 301110.009 ‘ of onions. one; andfrom so unallobegmmns an} aqquaintange that in threé mom 7; .._- - ninmdfl “Hello, Larry !" said 3 hesvily bearded nan leaning against. the bur, “where did y’ drgp from} _ gw‘lg‘ng 3’ y’ pew whore 2” ,L,,A l- 0 1 VII ulna-v... ..__ “ ing no muscle of face 0: feature. the ceaseless twinkle of the diamond goe- on, enhancing gently the flashing bounty of the gem. he secret in in'the nettim of the diamond and the methed in a Intent device. The potentee is raping a royelty of fifty dollars apiece from every man- teetering jeweleeto than he tell! the . -L--- l- ..L {- A SAILOR’S ADVENTURE. ”Larry looked at the speaker tn instant and then wrung the hand mhat was put one to him. man-Iago, and p16 long wondered whoâ€" (her the daun on lion-tamer_wou1d hue equal success in taming his mfe. 135,7- 4... Many persona hays been pudod to understand wh the diamond: worn in counting! by 13 'ea nowadays maintain such a ceaseless quivering motion. It make: no difi'erence that the\heod of the u.n A -1- VI uv wearer in in psze-ggfioa\ is even apeethesg, .md nielét Hex: 6m! 113?”? 25. wet the hundredth univemry of 'the fint execution by the guillotine in Plfll.‘ In eny cue the terrible instrument weedee~ fined to be busy during 1798 on the heede of pen-ecu more illuetnoue then the com- mon highweynen nemed Peletier. For this mean some of the Men: eyn ‘ this: en with the Tutoring)“; ' , _ to heve thehloodthirety intention o .celehret- in; the eentenery of the guillotine. would behelinidvtofix the dete not ~their eon- lneenonuye ceremony -u Jun. 21. next. Then an be no MW thet dey, eeit would be the 100th enm'yeneq of the exe- c‘utionofheh‘m all-the epot exerted by the oheliekin the Place de 13 Concorde, ee the epeoioue plot of point-l ouo'e termed the Plece Louie XV., eud' ettetverde thy 21m de la- Bowl-ti ’ie novedeyeknoin. â€"Lond9n Teleerenh’e erie Letter. end sing grimly-hexagram bellede {n £22.01- of the guillotine when in their oupe. Theee people will herdlg, however, so eo fer ee to celebrate the undredth univer- eery of the fires execution in Peril by the inetrumt of deoepitetion which the “Conetituente” edo on the motion 0! Docket Guillotinm o bed eeen the machine et work in Itely. The doctor’e ideerin intro-E ducing the boil de Juetice wee purely philanthropic, for he wented to do ewey with the elow torturee inflicted upon crimi- nele. On Mey 27, 1792, the flat crinind,e highweymn, wee exeeued on the-Piece de Grove, new the ,lee de l‘Hotel de Ville. Thie ie the due given by Leroneee, but other euthoritiee‘etete thet AMondey, 41ml m CANADIAN roe-r; mar, Thew fnetaut hie head broke the weter there was a. yell from out in the river. They had discovered him, he k'new. But they were neuly e hundred feet away end he had not. more then that to cover in order to be safe. wv "Iv- He' went at it arm over em. He he'd never known before how fast he could swim. They gained on him, but. Larry kept it up. When he reached the pier he dived under the stringer piece and his pureuera belted. They couldn’t follow him there. The men in the boat saw him shake his flat at them and then move quickly oily. The eecond mate’s heart queked a he thought of the reception “Old Taker” would give him when he came back empty- handed. And Larry went off to his lodg- ings, well satisfied with the outcome of hu adventure. notwithstanding it had given him the melt un leannt experience of his life of danger nn' herd-hip. The boot eterted aheed elowly endâ€"- Larry thanked his stenâ€"towud shore. For e while the trolled parallel with the water front on! i: had to hang on and hope they would come a. little nearer to the "E” b. red an own 'nin togetveryti . e bed nothingangngep which efi'ordod him my good hold end his fingers were becom- ing initial). The 3"“? ewirled end rushed past hi: head; but i‘ w“ evident the trifling noise it nude was not heard by those nbove him. Presently the boat turned toward Ihore. In 3 minute or I0 he saw the (ink outline of one of the bulkhead: of the piers. He glanced at the water intervening. There was nbont 200 feet. between him and the there. He made np_hi_| mind to fry it._ Once again he sank, hnving taken 3 long breath, and mad. for the shore under water. By and by he lad come to the III!- hogagain. A'couple of minute: htor in. figure appur- ed_c_>_n the wparf. _It mu Lazy. A: be by his pouition was not on any one. bu“ though: he could main i$ for n time. His body :10 ed “tern, entirelv cov- ered by water, no t at only his hood Ind at of his ILoulden, which were conceded y the host’s overhang, were shove the suffice. , , 7 _ “Let her go on there 2" 3 voice growled overhad. end Lorry thrust one em for- ward and down end grasped the keel; the other arm he bent above his heed again» ehe eternnoit t of the ‘eounter to fend himself 03' wit. . As,tho bout. lny “no", not moving. ox. no t‘for s slight. rocking. Ind he ssw than sl looking smy from in. an ides an. to Lu: which and. him silently sink his hosd ow sh. user sgsin snd strike on. nndsr mu:- povsrdkis pgrsuegs: . IAA would com; {ban the WBf the um. he felt something herd over him, and, rmhin We touched the bath baton. \Vith sfiittle mouvetin he moved luck- wu'd end felt his he: rise above an war. He was jun under the counter of the boat. A fun “rake; Edi; {tidied himull w til. very gradmlly. En thin do dud upon hog- .ccuxltglhhg “fads?!“ 3130; u n how' eeeuretely he 1nd judged the d stance between his first poeilion end the host. If he bed gone three feet too little or too much hie centure wee insured. Whet he ventedâ€"what he must doâ€"wel to come up immediately under the Item of the boat. Pgeeently, jolt he he thought his head .Al, . ,A__ :u‘mw. -agtiu‘fi' flimiiokc‘nco in tho “to: and hilm‘bvolmnu would show hiuto than vu- Ipoodily. Swimmin under mu: yum dinunoo m beygnd om um. an )9 way u: quell.“ awimuur. ewey. Derry had teken e long header from the Cuetem’ nil end, when he etruck the water, he went down for ten feet without e etop. Then he struck out horinentelly end, with quick etroke'e nude in the dirw tion he knew the there to he in, ellthe tune kecpmi under weter. At lut, w en he felthejmnt hue fresh air, he let himself rile elowly that his heed mde not the least epheh u it broke the etill water of the hey. Then he took 3 b' dreefiht of fleeh eir end looked eround in. e we! neuly e hundred feet from the Centeire, end he heerd “Old Talker" "veering end bellow- ing-cute cqeaniend: to the beet. 3- AL- J:...-g:-- J .5. w“ "HIV V'IIIâ€"w â€"v vâ€"' _VV ,, Turning hiLhond in the direction of tho Ihore he saw, not twenty (bet distant, tho bont which be judged had been put out 3(- tor him. The men wen lying on warm And the ofliccr In the ttorn m aunding up with his back towud him, manning the bay around him. _. - n . . .‘AA__A-‘ Elf Iluuuu Hun. t was «id»: 8. till-.6 not yei dotocwd him.'1‘he_v were loo 111% in every diroc- tion but :lxo right. one. 111. it won equo 11y "idem 10 Lorry 1h“ he could not. hop. to pun them ond go‘ to “tore. his only plug of refuge. wizhout buing seen. whoa his capture would be only o miter of a than time. _Tl_1¢ night wudo‘rk: but then m 777â€"4â€"-_ ._ ol.‘ JAWQII, Iguayorinhrthov’yigol'ho With an. bound Lucy an! up with him, And Ind knocked him am with I blow tro- tho Ih‘onider. The next imam, befon my of the other: could stop him, he hsd sprung h the nil sad Ind dived held fiat into the m5: of the In . Tight 111::pr his (not. hi! duod by tho blow. , “Ineo tint boat, ’nllo’y'flho round, "ind bring th' cuu buck or drown him 2" There was 5 ml) of half . dozgn of tho nontotho side. The fall! had not jun uhoohd, 5nd _ they 'Inmod don _ Auk gh- meanings were an on Inn. w... .... second mte in the stern than, they pull Murderers sud Exit-purses from the data- erons districts about the Pantheon 3nd ’ere‘ Lsclniu have boon known Moon;- Centaur, at the Gnlllotlno‘ It is not generally known that loss of power is involved in the starting and stopping of an ordinary train of cars. There is required about twice as much Iver to stop a. train as to start one, the ass of power depending upon the mo- mentum. A train goinrv at the rate of sixty miles an hour can. liy means of the \Vestinghouse sirâ€"brake. be stopped within 120 ards from the first applica- tion of the rake. N ow enough power is lost to may this same train fifteen miles over a. plane surface. First, there is the momentum acquired by the tmin flying at this remarkable rate of speed, then the loss of steam in applying the brakes, and lastly, but not least, the extra amount of coal to compensate for all these losses. By computation it has been ascertained that every complete stop involves a. cost of $1.1?.â€"Kansaa City Star. Why do you weep, my sweet. 0 my love, whence comes this glow, like the meet on the snow, Which 3g yogu' face®th show? III-Iv“ v" a.â€" __.-_ ,. ”by do you blush, my queen! Must! speakyour answer, dear! Listen then, and you.will hear Why you sigh and weep and blush, Why e'en now you bid me hulh; Sing,03ing, yebirdsthatbe; Answer, music of the sea; i, . Old Mb *0 melody 3- _‘. In, 13??»- my_on_e lgve lqveth meâ€" ' 1, A-_‘_. {i "' "Wiy’iS‘you sigh, my heel-H heating, wherefore do you weep $â€" "fil the flowers that May winds sheep, When the day hath sunk to sleep, Seem from beads o’ dew to peep ?â€" lm um. u“; 0 Am. â€"â€"â€"-. “.6 .. Wednesda . August 10, the queen of the turf. Suno}. 2:08K. will beshown. audit in condxtion will trot to lower the world’s record. and Thursday. Au- gust 11. Nancy Hunks, the ineo;;3m.1~ gble race mere. will attempt. to nee her own and Sungl‘s record. ,A__A iné 3:5;ffife; amt 9d \‘riolgu 11:93-3- Friday. August 12. is the greatest horse race ever seen on urth. n 810.000 attire nee for stallions, with 16 horses in the nee. Thesehorses are all the etest stallions now living. including llerton, 8:09“: Axwll. 3:12: Pet Don- was; Alfred G.. 9:199“ Nelson. 2:10; arch. 9315‘; McKinney. 2:12)“ Al- vin. 914%: Cheyenne, 2355‘; Sp e Golddust. 2:16“: Charleston. 3:15; hesco. max; Senator Conkling. 8:10“; Bismont. 8:18)“ Incas. 2:10;; Mtino, B:14X.ete. Satanic . August 13, the famous trio teem. Bel e Hamlin. Justine md Globe. that have a record of 3:14. going thnee abreast. will a peer. and either they or Belle Bnml end Globe with e donblcteeln record of 2:13, will got» lower their record. These races will not only be the greatest ever held in Michigan. but the ateet ever held in the country. All chignn railroads will sell round trip tickets for one and one-third fare from .11 stations in» Mlchig-gn to Grand Bap- i3: dull-ii: the week with a con _ ticket of mission to the races attoc tor which the price of admission will be added to the rate. Tickets are Sod“: return on the day following last by 02 the meeting yo! the races. wmsmmsun wavering 153mm Cuedbycmdcunp mrwu unvvum ‘â€"J ' " Shehspeeggthh youth"! W “a when she trot-8 ‘B’timt time. A 11 'nermd Rapids. the W eve trotted in the world anyhow Budapdblenhe kingot aim}!!- the feature thismsonmdiltrfin- mg er for her performance It Grand “‘61.“? Gmpd Rapids HornanOn’l 800' elation has put up 850,000 for the week of noel. Amt 9. 10. n. 12 and 13' "1“ these liberal purses have drawn all the greatesg horses in the wuntfy- we. __-_.__- A. “1..- m a. mtch race to} a. $57000 Pm”. 01' ered by the mention. Arion. the champiox} two-yenr-old colt from 0:11- fornin thh a record of 8:10”. V110 W“ recently bought by J. Malcomb Forbes from Senmr Leland Stanford. of Cd!- fornia, for 8125.900, will also be exhilr teed that day 391113 a. fast agile- -“ -_._ A D u‘”‘ r-Vn--â€"-“ w ’ "7 ' ' winch arefimady filled {if 919 lick of horses 19 eachclus, them hue a specnl attraction for and! d3 . Tuesday. August 9. the first day. . :51 Pointer and Direct, the two champxops Who are after the_ pacing crown. U. -A- #_._- ‘l fen-t of me, why d9 £011 I MW AS BEEF-8m Outlcura Basement lydflroop'our ‘e snow- ‘4 es What it Cool- to Bwpl Tull. bu-ucmgzemecuu. Doth she not, my heart! why do you at h 1 m eyem pp .e as; am WHY ? cm ucn Nara - : .ma-noru‘ Pm. mm and"; mam-sled: Rpm-met 92‘s!- 94 999-9 1892. TIMBER“ 1892. c. consume an mustn‘t. Jun kn. ESTURION‘ ' tor 1an. m m a $8.8.” uaoon'odlflmnnafiwdm “can.“ swam”. mama-Mn, Ind M secondmlniul. Sarawak. mummm_ Bookâ€" (Tom-lidm human-pp}: to ggxnangox 330mm. 7 Romance. xx or I. 0. run-on. m. on. amuse-Immo- mmxowvmmm l-‘or Glasgow via Iiondo-dem van-u- unâ€"..â€"â€" ._ -_-.._ v m return-ed no the flames coifiil‘ Will lave Cobourgnt 8 Am. and Port Hope at 9.4 4.3.. on urivalofG.T. Khan: from orth. East Ind Wat. INGâ€"Leaves Cbulottedntsl I. [5 mm, Tuesday 1: 9.45 9.11. an attu- day :33 P. M. CONNECTS at Rochester with euly trains for all points on New York Central 1nd all diverging lines. CALLS It Brighton on Monday and Wednesdny Morn- ings for Rochester, and Wednesdny Morning and Saturday Evening from Rochester. Col- borne. Wednesdny and Friday at 4.00 Al. Through Tickets and m Chock- from Agents or on board. THE NORTH KING isoneofthe Ingest. swiftest and most powerful steamers on the hkes. Lighted by Electricity and‘ modern throughout. , . C. H. NICHOLSON. Gen. Pass. 1113'th- Act» C. F, GILDERSLEEVE, Port Hope. Gene"! Mme". Kim 488 Lindsay and 306W DAILY - FOR - ROCHESTER LAKE fllflfllflxSTHMBflfl EUHPAIY NORTH KING ANCHOE LINE. a mum: cum Thom all!!!“ A157. 10.1: Magnificent New Steamer LEM VALLEY NAVIGATION OOIPANY. (mlm) l’. O. TAM Annual-g- Navigatton. .wm. nut-II.” nay (Ml-9‘: Just Received-American 8traw Shapes in Hats'and-Bonnetsâ€"wiflt Trimmings to Match. WALL PAPERS m :unm MMofhy’sExmeagont ran-am. to Show am. ”OI-5 ours L ROI-LU? For Spring and Summer. FASHIONABLE - «IJETTIIGIEVBI' A" M flat lone. m min. Hymanâ€"ma. MISS O’BRIEN, GDFHIS. GASKETS AND SHBOUDS ”calm-”mm ALWAYS IN STOCK. “- cmezs manna-I. Oomlwmors. Corners “mu-1m my. mu. 191.4117 No other brand of Tobacco has ever en- brand df Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco. 0110! C8! Tabacco Mach a; Agatha-911. HEM his; O'Brien. HONTREAL. (éLJGJ Jug-00.565 gagslnbnofl agta..;.ia . Mwmhnllcl my. “Ofllhyoflnguf. 18% Norma: TO cannons. Elam day of September. 4189?; STATE 31.."xcxfm' LIIE. } W NEW YORK and GLASGOW ROYAL mm. mm. REDUCTION In BATES. maven sum mum m HUHBEB 841mm no m3 341mm. and the 25170110 841mm. J. RIGGS, Kent-st, Lindsay, may-sumo“. Valuable Farm Properties ”‘1 A” ' ‘W. Bugatti. 0mm... BICYCLES. mmrallthemlinulaflin EMINENCE- NOTICE. 6mm FOUNBRI Mermaid!“- “snowman-unmana- hum Miami.“ M. H. BEBKLEY, Deceased wt to Br 8.. 0. “13903:; 510. Ice- um. July I» 191-7 mflmdmmm mum mm“ mmmmm BHE ESE FACTORY SUPPLIES mmuwmfiohnnuuu. UCTION SALE New A d vertjsemen ta. 8. PORTER, um. '. REDPATE name an m mom Jonah 35m. ~91- - Mum .VICE OF V L1 1‘ “a at! old be! turned w on Lorne. was = m. . n ___..A WHHA I 4" .pvnnuzgc u ”anus-W ”fim "' .1 r L‘ DAY, x. ml W m 01' THE 1 s DEBBIE!- A! In!“ fl“ Sullivan of Fury val-owned at Toronto an old boy named an! fig Lorne. wu r " Iwumfiodfleylgue 17%! at In: week. â€"--~ - ,fio ontbmk of cholera I: ‘M continues to dlmtnls a” were reported Sac udu _‘ powder mill at Acwn‘ no stoma Saturday by w m mamzlyl ,--.__ -o u“.-. " "1‘. Mon 0! Mount “united the grate: um #. u now dmaina in v1 _¢r":und:d; banged“ ve u but l ‘3‘" mil broken out 11 - ,__‘ IA _- mwmnlpeg Indunxrh "a ”may um promi- “Wul one yet he‘d. AL_-_L .. ALA‘n-n In a O i “o f cod 1: 5201 Toronto And 3533‘ men were fllzed g.- In a tunnel in d wPomvme. Pm. ¢ :11” London Times de government W11. ‘ w guy I! a vote or "no confl‘ w;fln. J. Rushlon, lLvIr. m Bldfifovn. '3: “Ltd my ‘7 a mixing Lhrou ”:13” bodies of me mad ~ mm hole}; Kinzsvfl Won Jul: lu-h. ht‘fi _sgg Chg-lea D'. 2k? rote-Iv ovation from' , ‘I m we 'M 011315: week 1:: June- M. Crosble the B- E. ego-bio of Toronto v1 "-â€"‘ -_ â€"I-l ll ‘- ua m"--- - Mam Suntan “hike â€"A large number of the Km Mexico nre confrm vocals. The crepe are q mum-cloaked dream. -At Arkansas City J. J. 1 mt st Bsodvllle, Ark” I Moon nmod Wilcox 3nd R. Wfloox Ind Ace tun Bowl. on sight. â€"'rho daughter of 13- Pm: "muffled It 315d] “method over L-“ .. mummy; a den gm Mommas. -‘thu we never“ cases Guns. In. The dye.” â€"Cbolen to increasing “letter: at“: the dll m the whole ienatt 4 mall's!- â€"A little 3m named Nor: mm m on Pridny kna I'D hon Adina u veloclped ”a in two plates. w “I” experienmd in who“ my, me tLexmome “3 lathe shade. -Babert G. Dsron. Q of the hub ooun. ‘ his residence in Toron‘ ' III. use 0! 74. â€"Ir. John Tsylor. ot the Mk! Hostel: of 310nm d mommy blond,1n m- as. loud” noon whheh â€"At 3 meeting of the S: mum of Montreal on 1 m to spend $13.0"! in C bod 3nd $10,000 on moth: h Chinunen. The p‘ qxunuuned. 5nd I m tear of buy spread â€"W. K. Vaderbllt'e mg: “I yncht Al's wu mu m Dimock on Nontud m naming and punk. 90 Mt were reecmd ma .n. United States sen: m of tho blll page 9th!!!” hm or reprel Whiz lot Minion is»! “I. m o! ennui tolls. canon law tome on August ‘5 hunch just receivq it? “T" ‘3“:32; my to no M In tow sod Mano! -Ir. George Panama“. 'I' union. eceidentdly Mlle Wedneedey night. velvet landed (or ate. bu} A._ _ the, Saigon in d: ha. hull and hi. than u Illa-d under the left a m In the panama 4n- Muldoon o! 1" MM 3 ploxnlc I on the u: wuy :0 tad before he c WWII knockod dew! Nov: his flan: leg. ‘-_ ‘3“. Ito-t «walking all h... noun m oomln‘ “II-cub.» of Talon ~- “.0 ion Milled J u hum old and two an '1 in...“ 1 ”'31:“: fl - ‘ '8th» and 9.13935. was mm I 5‘5 1% .6600 of I 1 .1: “lo. OBI sud uteu 55am: Putt! has 01‘ '39 reoqmd mu No oooceru m in Nov:

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