GK ’BT Snsslun. The closing scenes were of a. some- what tamer character than usual. by reason probably of the unccrtainty of prorogation. The Senator: desks were still in position in the upper chamber. precluding the usual display of tull- dress attendants in the “ Red †Cham- ber. The ladies who were there. in- cluding the wives of Cabinet Minis- ters, wore street costumes. The Cabl- net Ministers in uniform were Sir Mam kenzie Bowel}, Sir Adolphe Caron and Sir Frank Smith, ofï¬cers of the head- quarters stuff. Lieut.-Col. Lake, Liéllt.‘ Col. Macpherscn and Major Smith, the Governor-General being attended by Capt. Urquhart, A.D.C. Her Excellency the Countess of Ab- erdeen sat at the left of the throne. At the conclusion of the 5.2.23 cere- mony she joined His Excellency at the foot of the dais. and bade farewell to the assembled dignitaxies. _ Later a. formal vice-regal reception was held in the chamber of His Honor the peaker of the Senate. Concluding proceedings in the upper chamber were confined to considera- tion of the Hudson Bay Railway bill. which was amended by striking out the clause extending the time for the com- pletion of the railway to Dec. 31. 1893, leaving it at July, 1896, by which time it must be completed to the Sas- katchewan River. nator Scott moved an amendment to the fourth clause, that neither the whole nor part of the subsidy be paid except upon operation or the line. The motion was lost upon division by 11 carried Meantime the Commoners had been whiiing away the time awaiting His Excellency’s arrival. The talk turned mostly upon military matters. Col. Prior, having suggested the propriety of a. Parliamentary vote to Pte. Hay- hurst of Hamilton to signalize his win- ning of the Queen’s Prize at Bisley. Hon. Mr. Dickey admitted the import- ance of Hayhurst’s victory. The sug- gestion as to a medal, he said. was one for future consideration. Meantime all that could be done was to express Can- :idri‘s gratiï¬cation at the success of Mr. -‘ Young School ‘l'oachot’l we I!“ '- Toronto. Toronto. July 23.-â€"Min Sarah James, daughter of Walton James, a well-to- do L'xbridge farmer, died at 49-30110- Vue‘avonue, this city, yesterday 0' 3 result. the police say, 0! a. \ criminal Operation performed upon her. A col?- ner's warrant has been issued. . M1. James had been teaching school I!) 001" bettou. Grey County, and w“ W" {‘1 by n. young Iamer named AM agmervillehto whom she "I hm ‘ e “trim in this cit two '00 , 31111 has been attendedy by Dr; new hpadina-twmmo, who â€neither“ 1‘“ Insertion; 5c. etch subsequent inlertlon. ’ Smell condensed edvertisslnents. such :- stayed attic, teachers weaned. km! for sale (01 six or eight linen) 31 cash Ior three oglour insertions. I! more than eight. lines an eddmonal proportions“ chum s msda. Liberal discount to merchants for business udverï¬sen meats by the year or for n shorter time. Rates made known on application. Ten cents per line (oolldtypc) mantle]. ï¬rst Insertion; ï¬ve cent- uch sub-equem lineman. wingpoticog ix; 3091001391. 10¢. per line ï¬rst Prorogation of Parliament Fi- nally Takes Place. THE umgmm POST - .w-nm'm a A -- Mr. Francis Fitzgerald. barriSteY'at 1W. Ihmiiton. hns been 813901111193 Jtifzé- of the Judicial District of Thur! er 333-. vice Hamilton. Hon. Maxidte Bowes Dzly.whose term as expired as Lieutenant-Goverhor of lava Scotia, has been reappointed t‘ The bill as previusly amended then WILSON 8 WILSON. Proprietorl. H..'W1LSOS. F. W. meox Grey foamy School Teacher Give: Her Life tor llrr Sinâ€"Dr. McGee, Loc- tnrer In Toronto lznlvenzly. Browne-cl In Hamilton Bay Whine Bulking. Such a preparation is Scottgfrrglglllsiï¬n of ¢€od- liver W1 = A os- hites of Lime ang goda. Â¥he uses of Scott’s Emul- sion are not conï¬ned to wasting diseases, like con- sumption, scrofula or anaemia. They ambrace nearly all those mmor ail- ments associated ‘ with Zossoffleslt. mammals 7 scandal; A preparation. which enriches and puriï¬es the blood and assists nature in repainng wasted tissue must have a wide range of usgfulfléSS. poaking for the Opposition. Whip 21er1and re-echoed these sentiments, i. while the matter was still under :ussion. the message from the Sen- CLYI‘chd with His Bxcellency’s com- m]. and prorogation ensued. olin George Snider, at present judge the County Court of Haldimand, has n appointed senior judge of the Ju- sial District of W’entwortth, with ,dquarters at Hamilton. uhn Macpherson, Hamilton, now ge of the Thunder Bay District. “xunrters at Port Arthur, has been rred to Hamilton in Judge Sni- 'EThER l‘dijzï¬ï¬iï¬l MURDER. E Wide Range, Jrst. Publuhers’ Notice. 50021:: Ramadan. wvxsmnm ,. um. SINSE‘D AND DIED. MW We tau III Toronto, J 1113' 23. â€"- Jake Bar- quis, the Russian Jew, who was recently sent to the Central Prison on a. conviction of forgery, attempted to commit suicide in that institution yes~ terday. While in the prison Barquis re- ceived a ietter from his wife in which she taunted him about an attempt at suicide when he was arrested by Detec- tive McGrath. This worked on his senr sitive nature and induced him to slash his throat with a knife yesterday. The cuts are deep, but not dangerous. Supposed Murder of a "shaman. Montreal. July 23.â€"There was quar- reling heard among some Chinese of Mount Royal-avenue at an early hour this In rning, and shortly after the dead body 011.3. Celestial who had been working for Ching Kee in the same street, was found. The: pre- prietor will not talk, and _ got a cofï¬n preparatory to sending the body to China. but the coroner in- terfered, and the corpse was taken to the morgue, where an inquest will be held; Foul play 1's suspected. Norman Radon: of This Clty Meets wan a Terrible Death. TorontoJuly 23.â€"N. SPddout, 125 Tyn- dall-3%., son of the late Donald llidout, was killed by a railway train at St. Agnes, Quebec. Saturday. Mr. Ridout, who was a cadet in the Royal Military College, Kingston, was one of a survey- ing party who were working about 25 miles from Montreal. He was standing on one track and stepped on to the other to allow a train to pass. He stepped. directly before a train on the latter track, and died 10 minutes after being struck. The funeral will take place this ms Wife's Taunu ‘l‘oo 31inch Bnrqzus. afiernoon at 3 o’clock Took I’m-Is Green. Hamilton, July 23.-â€"Charle3 Taafe, a. resident on the Beach, who has been drinking hard lately, took Paris green yesterday. with the intention of ending his life. His recovery is probable. Railway omen!- In a Smash-Up. Pittsburg July 20.-â€"Two engines and a. baggage car were demolished and a. number or people injured on the Lake Erie road, near McKee’s Rocks, by a coal train attempting to cross‘ over the main track. and the passenger train crashed into the engine 02‘ the coal train; The injured are: Eng}. ,e_A_ “on, A press deaputch says that the New York detectives claim to know nothing about the gang. As a matter of fact the information that led to the arrest first came from New York. Mrs. Heine, whose husband is now in New York, was not long ago in this city, and thode- tectives seized a. valise in her posse-s- sion, which contained incriminating papcrs. A conspicuous city official here is said to be compromised by the evi- deuce. of the United States and Canada. The urrwt o! Jenkins and Hayes is on! the first stop. The Crown ofï¬cials u. do- toctiwa have 0 mm o! incriminating vviduwo, which. it is believed, will In: bare the whole _plot. . A,“ Jenkins is said to have made a. mu L'onfcsaion. which will incriminate many other“. The detectives will not divulge the details of the confession, but state thatJouliiua has giwn importaat infor- mation. Their statement seems to be true, as Jenkins had a private examination in the jail, while on open court exam- ination was given Hayes.“ Montreal, July 22.â€"Dcspite ofliciai statement lrom New York that the de- tectives there knew nothing of the Cana- dian gang of iirebugs, there is good ground [or the belief that the arrest 0! Jenkins and. Hayes in thin city by the Canadian aecmt service will pro- duce evidence 0! a gigantic conspiracy with manufacturers in the [grincipal cities Lucan, 0nt., July 23.â€"The last of Stanley D‘ght’s- grain warehouse were burned at 11 o’clock tie-night. to- gether with three cars of .wheat three cars of oats. Ilhe building was undoubtedly set on fire wilfully by a man who was seen in the neighborhood 0‘ the building a few minutes befone the alarm was given. A McG'rllivx-ay 'iarmer while passing the warehowe about 10.30 on his way home claims to have seen the incendiary touch the match to the west end of the buiiding. Immether tLe flames burst forth into his face and stag- gered him for a. moment. giving the farmer a. good View of his face. He claims he can recognize the firebug and will do so. Warrants are bein'r issued and something sensational is sure to follow, which will probably explain the origin of many previous fires which have taken place “here during the past two years. was u can. -..- -_, __ , neer John ‘eummings. Fireman Frank Johnson, Assistant General Passenger Agent Fonts. Division Passenger Agent R. H. Wallace. General Passenger A8- enc Myron Wood : Chanles B. Leach. ticket agent at Youngstown. .with three men whosepaignesjzere not learn- ue Wu 'l'oo In eo‘uvo. ~- A - - IH-LI. The Man Who Was Respond“ {or â€be In, Recent Fire. In man Ill! Now Bo Lpprehended. c Picked lip. Goderich, Ont. July 23.-On Sunday evening, while the Schooner M. A. Hall of Port Dover was making for Sarah. 8 Storm 8:089. am: In a. short time the wavee had washed. away the deck load and had ï¬lled they-easel with water. Aathmwasnoaaretyontheï¬authe yaw! was mm butjn doing.“ was upset and the oars carried away. Eventuany the boat was righted, and the men got on board, where they re- mained until picked up by the tug Evelyn Monday morning. A Loam-er In Toronto University: 1".“ m We in Hamilton my; ,Toronto. July .22.â€"David Meme, B.A.. lecturer in Orientals at Toronto Uniâ€" Varsity, was drowned w’hile swag in Hamilton Bay this evening. He had gone out fa: a sail with his chum, Wm. Parks. lecturer in mineralogy‘at the game institution. accompanied by the latter’s {onuger brother. Abogt a. mile iron Bur- ington they went in or a swan 3.11nd- Gee was seized with cramps. Parks :11- Inost lost his lilo in trying to rescue him. but his efforta'were irmtlees. the body has not yet‘ been found. McGee was a brilliant scholar and had recently re- ceived tine degree of PhD. at Leipgeg. He lived at 52 Sun-avenue here and was the only non of his widowed mother. gun mower anu ner nemyu' were In attendance when she died. Her remains will be sent to her parents’ hoxie for internment. Clâ€! ms TIIBOA'I‘ A SECOND 'I‘IIIE‘ CLAIMS ro KNOW THE mum. Information Regarding Their PM Came From New York. MK CHIPS WHILE BAWG. HOSTRBAL‘S l-‘IREBIIGS KILLED BY A TRAIN. ï¬n Jake the First Congregational Church. ‘ This house. which is worth probably 38000. is an illustration of Holmes’ business schemes. About four years ago he bought the lot and an old Wooden house. his mother-inflaw furnishing $100 to " make the first (and only) payment on it. ! By plausible representations to dealers in lumber and materials he secured everything necessary to build the pre- sent structure around the original house. The nominal contractor was B. F. Pite- zel, whom. it is charged. Holmes after- wards murdered. It is stated by men who have reason to know that not even ‘ the nails in that house were ever paid for. It is now covered with liens and mortgages. but it is said that they are nearly. if not all. worthless. The gen- eral belief is that Mrs. Holmes and her mother will be able to hold it agi'rmt ‘ all creditors. a | It was learned this evening that Holmes has admitted that Mrs. I. L. ',Conner the Chicago woman who is supâ€" posed to have been another or his vio~ tims. is dead. Nothing is known of what became of Mrs. Connex's 12-year- oid daughter, who is also thought to have been made away with by Holme: at the time he killed her mother. Wilmette. 111., July 22.â€"It seems to be the â€generah _helief of the people of Wilmette that the woman who has lived in their midst for the past five years as the wife of H. H. Holmes, and who is now in Philadelphia. has no guilty knowledge of his deeds of murder. but that his Mndljmg business operations were not unknown to her. and much of the money derived from them found its way into ‘her hands. The re- velations of his crimes have not shaken her devotion to him. and she does not show any feelings of shame or humilia- tion. She is duly seen on.the streets.- and takes an active interest in the yorks of the Episcopal Church. of which she is a member. With her 6-ycawold daughter. her aged mother and a. half- witted brother she lives in the large. handsome double house, _ j_ust south_ of Wemlflhï¬f WE Wm an o! misfortune, but in considered honest in Intention. He Was one of the soldier: in Randall's division of Caxey’e army. innd went “on to Washington." About a yenr ago he had a quarrel with Holmes in Wil- mette, and was had]: beaten. 13¢ ‘ ' appeared the next day and nothxng was heard of him for months; but the ever-ice that he had been {can} dealt With Were not at rest by hi! reappearance in Wil- mette. He in nor a pedd‘ler 0!. Verione war. making tom! through Illinois.“ In- diana and W' returning home after irregular intervals. ‘89 m M in Wilmette seven day ago. . A â€munch n Inn-ml Soc-o ~ Chicago. July -33.-â€"'I‘he police Inspect- ortncharxeottheneatchot the Holmes residence here My found a rope with e rnnmng .nooee. He says he is not yesterday with a. running newer He noiï¬iea. one was “WW1†nun .. m..â€" neapolis by an Episcopal clergyman. 1.1 can as . They have one chi1d. a. girl of ygqn_1_tbnotd¢.mbtodthatnhehgd After being on the rack for two hours Holmes was relieved of. further ex- planattons. The criminal also adhered to his origi- nal story about the disappearance of the boy, Howard Pitezel. This tact alone greatly disappointed his examin- ers, as they anticipated an admission of some kind about the whereabouts of the lad. but Holmes- maintained that he was telling nothing but the truth. and insisted that he had not murdered Howard. There was a noticeable dis- crepancy between the stories of Holmes and his wife about the former’s move. ments in Toronto, especially the time when Holmes claims to have been en- gaged purchasing goods for smuggling into the United States. He persisted in telling ?bout thel mysterious movements of .'the man' Hatch. whom he has accused of doing . away with the Pitezel children. : Holmes’ tale in this respect was not 7 different from that told by him at the I last conference. As is enei'aaly known, the womn in Wiimegteg 153913933311 “Wife†of H. H. ,;,..__ _ â€fr-1n "am- In mu- Holmes was evidently taken by sur- prise. and the little spark of conï¬dence he had managed to retain instantly vanished. That nerve which was Holmes’ chief characteristic was now nowhere to be seen. He plainly dis played his feelings. The district attorney saw his pre- dicament, and so did Mr. Bax-10w. They never lost a. moment in hurling ques- tions at him. which he answered with- some slight variation: from the tales previously spun by Holmes. but In the main his story was may a. repetition of. his nepeated falsehoods. out much effort. For fully two hour! Holmes was persuaded to give a. cor- rected account at his doings from In- dianapolis to Toronto. There were When the notorious criminal was led into the oflice he made a feeble attempt to be bold and indiflerent. He took a seat in a. comfortable chair. and after a. few minutes proceeded to give a re- petition of his previous fabrications concerning his movements in Toronto. Holmes had not progressed very far with his tale when, at a sign from the district at- torney, the criminal's wife was usher- ed into the room. Holmes started convulsively at her entrance, but he was not permitted to offer any greeting. Mrs. Howard look- ed scomrully at the man she ona thought was her husband. and made no attempt to manifest any (elicita- tion over the meeting. Holmes was brought up from Mayo- mensing Prison about 10 o'clock in the morning. He presented g._ picture 01 the utmost misery and discomflture. He was not half. so composed as on former visits to the district attorney's omce. Holmes has lost his deï¬ant mien and his gait was remarkably slovenly. His face showed an ashy whiteness. and Holmes presented such a generally di- lapidated appearance that a confession was looked for. penance o: the Pltezel children. The conference lasted almost three hours. and was about as exciting as anything of a similar character ever held lo the district attorney's oflce. prlses. one to the district attorney and the other to the man who can solve the mystery 0: the Pimei children but will not. Holmes was confronted by Mrs. Holmes, his wire. and the district at- torney was surprised because Holmet Steadfast}? remained as silent as tin Droverbial clam respecting the disap- lo Wu About. cone-s. mam. m: long†mantaâ€"unmet In. “no A.†IceondII‘ wonwuhthelu- deter. Philadelphia, Pa... July '23.â€"The devel- ODments in the Hoimes-Pitezei case to- day were the bringing together 0! Holmes and the woman he married. 80d the conference between the prisonen and District Attorney Graham. This meeting was. productive of two sub ON THE VERBE OF A OGNFESSEOIL WIFE MEETS HUSBAND Mrs. Holmes Confronts the Murderer in Prison. CAcNADIAN 7, POST ansAY. om, FRIDAY, JULY 26. 1895. Dublin. July 22.â€"The neig borhood ot Dunaaxven, County Water: is great- ly excited-over an agrarian outrage which occurred there last night. While the caretaker of a tarm whose tenants had been evicted was sitting in the house with his wife, a number 0: shots were ï¬red at them through the win- dows. The man was fatally and the woman dangerously wounded. The lat- ter. badly hurt as she was, crawled two miles to the nearest house to get assistance. Sovere m Downed. _London, July 21.4w Chronicle pub- plhei 3 despots]: 1m mmmpolis. â€1' mg tint severe lightiBS “lake" ‘ Lt Diana, on the BW’ “h lmntier. The Turkish two}! “ ‘5“ mawenatwwtbddlooo mug-gents Ind Muted with 39" lanes. no lo- ot the W m ulna ban. The citation II axiall- maker of an {rut Faun Funny 550$ munci’aflï¬WyT London, July 23.â€"-0wing do the con- tusion attendant upon breaking. up camp at Blsley, the money prizes won on Saturday were not announced until toâ€"day. The Canadians winging money prizes were : Chamberlain, in two con- tests . Hayhurst. in two contests . Meadows. in one contest. and Mitchell. one contest. The consensus of opinion in the camp was that the Canadian marksmen had contributed most notably to the suc- cas of the meeting.. ~' Preparing Tor Ille next unsou- Berlin, July 21.-The Chinese Govern- ment is placing large contracts for fine: with German tit-ms. China is also negotiating for a. number of large Krupp gun‘s. with a, view at W her heavy British ordnance. .The Chi- nese Emmy has obtained the assent of the War Oflice to engage 160 German other: to drill the â€organised China. army. 0 Guiâ€"60h: in Indlow ah 1808. He was educated at St. John's College, ‘Cam- bridge, and in 1882 was elected to a. proleuorinl fellowship at that college. Hewupwell-known naturalist and had publishes! weer!- “WU?“ ,A L, among them the best known being “A Manual of British Botany." He hadalno contributed many botanical articles to scientiï¬c journals. . Landau, July 23.-Pro!. Charle- C. Babington, proyfeasor of botany at Cam- bridge University, died at Cambridge» (in glut-lea Cardale Raining-ton was a non of the late Rev. Joseph Wu. He ubo MW- According to revised lists. the. elec- t10n returns now show the following results: Conservatives 302; Union- ists. 54: Liberals, 115; McCarthyltea. 5.; Parnemtes, 7. Sir R. 'r. Reed. Attorney-General un- der Lord Rmbery's Administration. has increased his majority in Dum- tries boroughs. T. H. Healy. who re- presented the Nationalists in Louth. also had an increased majority. Four Liberals and two Conservatives show gains over the votes by which they were returned at the previous elections. The British Moos. London. July 22.â€"’rhe polls decinnd to-dsy show a nin of twa seats for the hex-sis snd thnee for the Con- serve ves. Fox-{suture followed the example or the Brits Division 0: Lin. ooinshire by reversing the verdict oi the election in November. 189‘. snd th- ing Martin White, the Libeni undio date. a. msjority or “1. At the Novena. ber election, which was oecssioned by Sir J. Rigby. the then Liberal mem- her for the county, being nude a. Judge. Charles Msule Ramsay. the Conservi- tive csnda‘dste. was returned by a ma- Jority o! 286. Milaroi! was one of 18 prisoners tried at Soï¬a in 1892 for complicity in a num- ber of diflerent plot: which culminated in the murder at the Bulgarian Minin- ter. Beltcheit. Miiaroil. wholiad been one of those concerned in the kidnap- ping of Prince' Alexander. was convict- ed of having conspired with a both tile Governmentâ€"namely. that of Ru!- sinâ€"o: having plotted the murder 0! Prince Ferdinand. and or aming Bul- garian subjects for purpooee of led!- tion and murder. He was condemned to death. and mu executed July 27. The Russian press. otter eommeutmg with tact and dignity upon the unmi- nation of M. sumbuion. speak: con- temptuously or the implacable hostility shown to Russia. by the journals of England. Germany, Austria and Italy In blaming this country for an outrage to which it was quite u stranger. In describing the scene connected with M. Stamhulofl's tuner“. the me Journal any: that educated people were going aboutthe streeuotSonaeemns 0pm the public to cune Stunhulotr'l body for the last time. m mU-h Naomi- gm m. mum-x. July mâ€"m NW Atmp-doortnthe noel-ozone 01th: upper room when Opened disclosed Holmes, sud marked “persona" was found In a. rubbish pile on the second floor. It 1: tron-the mother?! In. Conner, expressing anxiety as to the whereabouts of her (hunter. " . - Mrs. Panel ma In agent in the house‘tod-ay looking tor a vault am has not yet been discovered. low-370 ‘whot use Hobbes or say '0! his accomplices had to: the mpg in the cellar. The thsmy tint the tow- mer druggist attended Minnie wu. nuns and Howard Pituel with it by hanging them down thewlevstor shut the Inspector fdmits as being possibly met. but beyond thst be will not commit himseli. From the knowledge he already possesse- or the wily Holmes sod his schemes. the theory it scarcely tenable. More secret mono and passageways were discovered in the house to-day by newspaper men m 0! rut-m sum A (hum-lace hate-nor Dead. IIIO 50x3 “It-I- The Chinese Govern- large contracts for L ï¬rms. China, is also Eula-r m duo-c heipleu undid, um . friend strongly urged me to try Dr. Willium' Pink Pills. Although I hnd liulo faith “since I begen tourowillwithepeinin my beck, etomech end side. end the emonnt of euï¬ering which it ceueed me cen eoercely be reelized. A: the deye end months penned by 1 begen no grow weeker, end I wee eeldom free item the inteneepeine. At lent I greweo week thetI weeobligedto teke topybed, end even then suffered from the pelne which wete melting my life no mieereble My eppetite feiled me end I feered the: Iweldoomedtobeeninvelid. During tho-e deye Iwunnderthecereofeekil fnl phyeicien. but his medicinee did me no éoéd. Bo aid tint my trouble was neunlgis or rheumtilm of the stomach. It was during those duk dun, an†in their eï¬cecy et the time, I consented to try them. After using e few boxes I began to feel myself growing stronger end'the pains leeving me. I continued using them until I hed used e dozen boxes, end now you cen see for yourself whether I lock like e sick person or not. The peine in my stomech. side snd beck. hsve ceesed to trouble me end I heve not been es well in eight yeers es I feel now. My eppetite which was so poor st one time is now fully restored, end I em conï¬dent thet not only hs¢e Pink Pills cured me‘ but thst they heve “fed me from misery end pein I would here otherwise still be'en enduring " Mr Fournier. who wee present st the inter- view. fully endorsed ell his wife had seid. ' Dr. Williems' Pink Pills melts pure, rich blood, thus reschiux the root of dis- eelo end driving it out of the system, curing when other medicines feil. Most of the ills eï¬icting minkina ere due to en impoverished condition of the blood, or week or shettered nerves, end for ell these Pink Pills ere eepeciï¬c which speedily mm the snï¬erer to heelth. These pills eee never eold in term The gretefnl thenks oi thonsends in ell perts of theDoniinionwhohsvehssn inede well is the host evidence of the sterling ,merit of Dr. Willieins' Pink Pills for Pele People. We suppose there is noteeity. townorvlllege inOensdein whichthegoodreoord oi thishsslth giving medicine is not known, end Pen:- hroke is no exception to the rule. Among those who spsek of Dr. Willielns' Pink Pills in‘tsrms of thehighest preise is Mrs. Fonrnisr, wife of Mr Peter Fenrnier, both of whom ereheldinhigh esteem by thoee who know them. To s reporter who recently visited their home Mrs. Fonrnier geve e plein unternished stetement of her illness end cure. “It is now ehont eight' yeers," she ssid, â€communal-0.. sunply apply “Swmnu's Ont-rm. No Intact-ml medicine maul!“- CW attenocaemltchdlmvwwm mmmm let-mm“!!! asâ€, white 3nd balmy. 10-th- poucuod by Ina Ind continuum In no other â€may.“ M803 10" SWAN. “Dim“ â€233381710 FACTS ABOUIr rm PERCULIAR TROUBLE. STOMACH NEURALGIA. A M57080 my “0 not!“ (or m: Yur- om- uu mum of In man. an Tab low the ohm-u nmmumwwmm action to throw-II. m dun-don. “manhood: bodily functions; WI Pal-manhunt. namndbuu afoot!" upmgnopfllu In m donut! or mklgblynmmendod Wm M AWBVIC“: “luncbhthHouhM m. mmamï¬u m an Scott's Emu: why]: my wife bu. bundle-conï¬dant.†53â€"33% .4 3 Saw .3 9.3 a .230 6558356331683.- gm 325359-05 agaiï¬g-g 36331332333}..qu â€"xum MMWMM mood. date you emulation. mm â€mmdflgnpwherm “£0stthth mummumwm mummuunmm M1MaMMmmwtnudL Mwmmummw-m mmqnflvwï¬onh‘dqm’. 71.813273 8. Inn-ammo! anyocmldhulu 1'1 GAGES-amusw7pcooauwoordluto mute! Im;hwnnbh van-lynx. my on“. muMMucudtyof Mm. 6 TO 6 PER CENT. run“! an oonm m In “flown“ In“ B.J tlEId-LUGELDI. Maï¬a-mm Small lonnntcumtm on Bu «.3. =3 goo-FE «13 So an: up: Daflnloon 00 El... :3 I03. opal :3 non Ion-Ill- I: Coco-5n... Mom T0 LOAN may summon. m- 0‘ 0'“ Vanna-.11 coma mu- m the 0am v. mmmmm.wm 30"“ wmmmmmahm “1“"! ml! or modal to. M nodal-u. LI 1; “OV-Miâ€" U1 [entitlement-nut nh'ma' - â€tantalum-tr. lot-MW [0033.1 K303. anon! lumen manu- ul! Bantu, 91 [at Lmony. U0 Tether tormohuflo Bank. l’onoyu'aloun ammo. 0M.Nq. 6. William-lg. â€an. “WINâ€"25. Thom-ammo“!- 00 In“. Marlo-noncomoo -o coon-o.umam Anon-mined “Minna"... mm umuom.......... m MMMmum-a mm obi-con . fundamental-EIL- cad libel-II. mourn- udmndlnco! h oonmny dead mmunmmwmm. warm. Alum doom Inhervhhm pmflu. lod- mm Four-anhotmlu (1m to policy holdup. rumdmmw MONEY TO LOAN MAW†MEMOMW dmrmumuy.0m. WWII-Isl m.Kut¢. “mm 1‘, D. Icon. J. H. SOOTHERAN, TIMBER FOR SALE. 331 â€Em. mater-u 00!- m:- no.3. 0371023: Nov-It Wu Corner Kent and York m LINDJA . FARMS for SALE. co JACKSON). â€" Burl-um. um. Aux. am. 0690. Winn-d... mm Hm #00111: a atoms (8n Saturn.“ FARMS FOR SALE. Fm FOR SALE am‘ 30.8 n N 0 TBS DISCOUNTED ll"" inner: mm A! m! mm! mm urn. Li. A“ an A†“want-on um Bounty.“ onuppnndlndmxous. MORTGAGE CHARGED. Va term ry ï¬ugong 0mm 10 LEND ON 1193:! 'ONEY T0 LOAN. ONEY LEE '1‘ on Mm. Sugght LIAN S. MACDONELL. mum it unï¬t: “3331.3: 21.700an c ugounmn, New Advamcmgu. P. am. â€313%,99331; H. HOPKIN8._B_‘"1“°£~ “‘22 § FIRE AND LIFE. IMUGIIJI I: mum, J. P. LEMON. Farms for Rent. W. 1'. BROAD. Money to L0â€. Bax-mun. "mum onâ€. ' H. BEAZIN. t. 0- 25m no! Q0: Had-ulna mm 00 II. ,3 norm; Jo. MMQQoWI UM wumgdm Trinity College. mm. and sum. “In“ to Bockwood nylon. Kingston. Grand k8nrgoon. â€mm Ofloeondnddonoo. Boson-IL.“ door m at York“. 0mm9m10.30om..1.80tos p33,; md'ltoiwn. Llnd-y.Apd!§.1891.â€"84-Ly. stein-1r, Emuâ€"0:13: University. Toronto. and Gilda-to o mu» Uninnity Iodia Mt]. mandated numbed“ Lâ€"Llndny-ot" next homo to tho and... Jun. NI. latâ€"18.13. Winds Trinity 11:0 0! 01mm. OHIO L.W.J. DIGBASSI. [.13. L. C. P. 8.. Ont. Su- DR. WHITE: U Oaths-.1306. WhmaaolOme "papa. 13mm 1.1114â€.me “Wm-Mummhmm ' 'aeum""' “m'ï¬dnifï¬m†" Lao c; etc. on“. own nous: nuocx. LINDSA] FRANK BOMB-B.- Dominion ad Ontario [and Surveyor mm II. 08088. L18. DENTIST. LINDSAY. - - on. Gm. (no “Walkway. and dumb}. Crown 5 remnant-mam... nu worm-stat Penn-us Vin-nun II: who mm mm WYHBSW. for m 300‘ can w. W. In. OFFICEâ€"No. 48 Kent-at. Lindsay. (over W. L. We store. nuu â€WIS. M! P. 0- k... ccc Shh! (tilt-i. (l o gznogbra On 03. H'Wflll'l. =0“ '9'!“ an... E all a W... [W Prints and other Fu_ It Love-f R. NEELANDS EXTRACTS tooth “thump-h byGLS.ndVITAUZEDAIB. WhyMnlorlomwmamm Roman gunndor Dr. 0010013. 011%. York. the «lam o! On tor Em M Dr. Gammonxoommm hugivouthepl to 1%.“? person- wtubou'. n accident. Dr. Hool- nndlu-uchodnlt 10¢;le Obtunden. Auctioneer M the County of Victoria. in an 005:1]. mic cod u: SIIII: â€huh. L Bonn. MM". and“ MM UMWyudlquOollq a! Donal 8m OFFICEâ€"No. - mu... “MMMWMW PETER BEG WN. {95 iflï¬ï¬‚fllï¬ï¬‚lï¬ LIGEISEII 10'me 6 wmt.‘ mm 5F was mm at #___. h '8 451.â€. m Beautiful Artiï¬cial Teeth: mutogg and Sungâ€. 807 York Pout-(Mm Mod“ Colinâ€. Mu Univ. Ind My. Victoria Univ-any. Collin .mdSu 0m0_ wmum oppo- Oakwood. Fob. 1. lamâ€"0M1. Lind-y. Aug. 4. 1898.-0-ly. am. am 8th. mopmm. I! Mal. 3'83““ E-“MW-m Had-mm ISLâ€"O. m 031% at Manda-Boyd ’fl- and“ 7002355. ouzwoon P. 0. Id. m to with m III! M column and 4173151; mama-um lumen. Bfln- Kmmt. 0.9L. III-Ion- R» snIPsou.2rÂ¥s10;4N. guan- RS. DEGRASSI OGDEN. ‘R. JEFFEBS, a J. J. BROAD, GRADUATE B. G. S. RYEBSON, ‘EOBGE McHUGH, Welflnghgdmd cana 1:113 43.33?" Residence 8. Km. DENTIST, - Lindsay. IOâ€! DOUGLABS. A UCTIONEEB. 2am 3m, LINDSAY. MONEY TO LOAN: ‘ . sunnows, mm 7 9! mm 3- mm 91"}! °' 9'! I“? 13mm Llano... . (magmas, OAKWOOD- Bums.“ Garth: ‘. InRDY. Com-e491! 3‘ J. SMITH. A 17011 ON HER. m, mum. LINDSA r. E. A. TgTI‘EN. DENTIST. 88 WELLINGTON 81'. “mun .0. ‘8. WWI-IT†mum. [hum m downy. mu. 530nm, cnnmg or m PMICI‘M. Don t1: try. Hotels. J. 06mm, x. 8.. LC 1’ Mains. Ont. (Inc 3! 10 non panda!“ onto [mm and Din-not Womwmrï¬y‘n‘ex- minor-ode.-