PORTER’S Bookstore. The Detroit. Cbxczgo. 011 Denver, 3:. Paul. W muss), Ottawa. 0 Ind. 32. J’shn. 3111“ Pullman uni ‘Wagne: Sleeping C; cured. Tickets to: Chzrlazte. R: All points in Nsw York State V North K137. Steamship Tickets I passages to and item the old. c< B. J. MATCHETT, - Tick EXPRESS UFFXO 23, m: ï¬i‘fmm LIFE Assurance Company, ESTABLISHED, . - 1847 renown In Iona. - - mu. - ' ‘ ' Income) ' Death chum Paid In 1893. -_ 16“! “Jun yuw. v..- _..._V,, _ _ on the even tenor of its way, enlarging the circle of its patrons, dispensing its inesti- mable bane/its and rea: ing its great structure on somul ï¬nhncial principles. The four comer stones- on which the Canada Life has been built up are Economy, Integrity, Liber- ality and Stability. PROPERTY FOR. SALE. signed 03ers for sale on very "cm...“ with {our acres of 11nd “VI. â€LUL L n. V-- ~____ signed 03ers for sale, on very my terms, his residence. with {our acres of 11nd attached. in the Village 01 Oakwood. The house is a beauzitul one. situated in ï¬rst-class locality. suiublo {or a retired farmer. For paniculsru tpply to ROBT. SMALL- WOOD. Olkwood, July 23rd, 1804.â€"-20-t!. "â€3 ï¬mephoneamputim“wk°d dwï¬hehetmeetingawnm. thalino nutbedirect working, OI m9.†MWHW â€Wm" Just as we supposed, The Warder, like all the lesser lights of tory journals, rushes to the defence of the government by abusing Mr. Muiock. That gentleman did right in pointing out, as we did last week, that the responsibility for pleuro- pneumonia in exported cattle rested with the government. The shameful disregard of regulations by the authorities has not yet been denied. nor can it be, and so to attract attention from the criminal neglect, the thries abuse the opposition for discovering and proving it. The Warder even seeks to blame the home government because it is a reform govern- ment, and says the embargo was placed on Canadian cattle to give lrish heme relers' cattle a chance. What silly trash i too ridiculous to be answered. The policy oi the heme government. as every child knows. is to tear down trade restric- tions‘ and as a fact. on each occasion when Mr. Chaplin proposed to remove the embargo. he was waited upon by deputation alter deputation of teries insisting on its retention. It is time enough for the tories to blame others when they deny the truth 0! their criminal neglect. The smell ï¬re on Sundsy last an given the council another wsrning of what msy be expected should a large ï¬re occur. The pressure on the mains was sadly deï¬cient, and in fact was sl- most worse than having no waterworks at all, as in that case some other and better provision would have been made. Lind- say has one of the best waterworks systems of its size in the province, and the pumps used are the very best and capable of maintaining almost any pres- sure all over the system, but through the lack of a prOper alarm system connecting the ï¬re bell, pump house and stand-pipe, the full value of the works cannot be enjoyed. The town council should not hesitate to make the expenditure, which would be small in any case. The town may be visited with a serious oonflngra- tion that will show them the folly of delay, Some of the councillors msintain that it is the duty of the waterworks compeny to put in a portion of the slam system in order to insure the prescribed preunre as called ‘for bythe‘sgreement, mat quation can be very easily settled byreï¬errinsittothetowneolicitor.bu‘ts Garflen Party @112 Manama £06k Lindsay. May 315%. 1884.â€"13. “ 331nm FIRE Pnorxcmozv. LINDSAY. FRIDAY. JULY;27, THE WARDER AND THE CATTLE TRADE- can be had in Grant Variety at for Your H ext Year after year: flze Canada Life keeps *-~'~umA\-‘ 4B9 and cringe. cmcumalt‘ 5:. Pull. wmtpeg. Jul; 1am, ESLâ€"5 '. O. TAYLOR, Agent. gamma. Etc. r. Porter. UFFXO 2‘, £12.85“!- 3. ESLâ€"809- w: Sleeping Car berths se- Chzrlazte. Rachoetex and York State via. Steamer 11:19 Tickets and prepaid Mm the old country. QuebstBoston. Pox:- Max. New York. Phile- Ticket Agent Sundny last hu .31. St. Loam z. Vacauvor. $62,763,000 ' 14.300.000 - 2.509.000 - 700,435 .The under- The Curran bridge revelations at Ottawa, just closed, (have discovered a state of things simply appalling. “They must be had indeed when the Empire is constrained to meet anti square itself with public indignationby describing the “goings-on†as one gigan ‘e fraud. Not far from Ottawa two bridges hsd‘ to be constructed. The opportunity is promptly seized by the party vultures and they pilfer, rob and steal from the public purse under the very eyes of parliament. 'l‘o such an extent is this the case that the minister simulates alarm at the moral degradstion. He is spell? bound at the disclosuresâ€"at least he talks as if he wereâ€"and, in his ï¬t of virtuous indignation points out the sins of others, that such may alone occupy public atten- tion and he and his responsibility escape it. To allay public wrath the govern- ment threatens criminal prosecution, but the actual thieves simply smile with unconcern. Criminal prosecution they know will tell the tale of tory election ‘funds, and that the ministers and their ‘ supporters shared in the swab. The real culprits feel somewhat secure. They re- collect the reply made to his lawyer by the man who robbed the hen roost. The chicken thief felt secure because the jury had eaten the chickens. The departmental substruction was $1f made was $430,325, department has act'ua The departmental estimate for the substruction was $122,000. The charge made was $430,325, of which the same department has actually paid $394,000, or $272,000 more than their own estimate. The highest sum mentioned by any con- tractor for the work was $160,000. The public were charged in one instance with 1,000,000 feet board measure of lumber more than by any possibility could have been used. A portion of the stone work which cost $3,000 was put in to the de- partment as costing $16,715. Labor which cost $4 50 and $3.75 was put in at nun. wâ€".... _ brought by the late Sir J on from Regine, then Mr. Heggett repaired to Ottawa. and he kicked and kicked until old Sir John ï¬nally let him in. Hence his oomndes distinguish him on the kicking minister, or in petlinmenhry etiquette, “the honorable the kickingminiater for South Lanetk.†The greet penonslity of the old Sit-John could outweigh the effect of n" mggm element ii'theeabinet. It '5. Juan mu ofr‘ehip mm†but the v â€"â€"â€"--_, wasps and hornets, break through the web, or rather it was never made to catch them, and herein is the saying of Amoharsis faulty. Mr. Haggsrt kicked himself into' the cabinet. When Mr. Dewdney was better take the advice of Pitta“! and “confer dignltiea upon the virtuom, not upon the wicked." With this tough ele- ment, which ha. its coterie to the right of the speaker, the sin is in being found out, hence the total absence in a Bagged of that nice regard for public honor which moves a Mundane to resign the instant his reputation is concerned, even though honorably acquitted by his aocuaen. The public conscience sooner or later must be quickened. Let us hope the time is now. Canada must look to its people, not to its government, to save it from indelible infamy and everlasting reproach. In Barn-hill, Mass, the 801':an prohibitioniets have hltnpon a. new scheme to root out the whiskey and beer denote. They have gone into business in opposition to the saloon keepers and are selling whiskey at 5c and beer at 2c 3. glass. If that kind of thing continues the population will go up with leaps and bounds. Lord Rosebery’ 3 government has grown stronger during the past two months the ministerial majority having increased to 30 and 35 upon recent divisions. It is being predicted that Joe Chamberlain is growing tired of his tory company and is hopeful of the return of the unionists or dis- sident liberaisto oLord Rosebery' s policy that happens and it is very ll ely the ems“ wn lind deed be in a boneless minor- tories ity. LL“: VIUV-Cvâ€" v- Toronto|has bee 3 protested.a.nd the liberals claim to have abundance 0! pm: of illegal practices. Nearly the whole catalogue of election offences are enumerated, such as: Offering to procure valuable considerations and employment for voters ; providing make them vote contrury_to their wishes and lastly, promising. giving or lending money to lodges, corporations and societies to influence votes. English papers are not enthusiastic over the advantages likely to accrue in the event of the carrying out of the recommenda. tions of the recent intercolonial conference held at Ottawa. They say there are many diï¬iculties in the way. some of them insuoerable. The quiet remark drogred by the Earl of Jersey. England's uno cal representative. that Great Britian s trade whh her colonies amounted to only 15 per cent. of her foreign trade was signiï¬cant. It simply meant that the mother country is not likely to risk 85 per cent. of her trade for the sake of the other 15 per cent. _____â€" advanced rights for their sex at the polls and elsewhere is not calculated to lead The demeanor or the III-Janey an we prominent female agitators who battle for advanced rights tor their sex at the polls men to place a very high value upon their reï¬ning influence in the heat and turmoil of the fray. The other day. at a populist meetinn at Topeka. Kansas.Mrs. Diggs, an eminent litician. referred to Mrs. mane. anotherl ht in the political flrmament. as one of a nd oi infamous traitors who were trying to stab the uliet party to death. Mr. Lease repi by making another charge. whereu n liars. Di “made for" Mrs. Lean. ago nth; in sm tones. "you're a liar. liar. liar!’ and wound v by shaking her list in. the Lease face \ e pity the poor men whose ilreeidcs are pros dcd over by such ' angels.†Aid Lamb. oi the Toronto city council. is agitating for the establishment oi a ï¬re insurance bureau to do the insuring oi city property. in answer to the tire companies companies" demands for better protection. The worthy alderman has looked carefully into the question. and has discovered that a very small capital is needed to carry the millions oi dollars of risks. and that im- mouse nroiils. ranaimr from l0 to 76 r cont . are earned by the com lee in di- tion to maintaining expen ve oinees and an army oi h bl d oilloials. it is estimated that are paid in pro ‘mlums by the city property owners annually. while the losses aggregate about half that amount There seems. no reason why. the city should not do its own ineuranea. and the experiment would be carefully watched by every town in Canada. Montreal Witneasi The government is . ML-_--_J Montreal Witneu: The government in rejoicing over the sole of the Thouennd blends. which. it eppeen. ere going oi! cheep tor cueh. Over three hundred have been sold for the polity Ium of forty thousand dollm. one: one hundred end twenty-ï¬ve dollars eech. The Ontnrio government was not given much time to . h nigger in this wood pile‘ in yet to he discovered. It is not Dominion government would put with such a uni ue and magniï¬cent pork rty mere y to ave â€ï¬‚aw. balm hun thousand nterested ï¬fty or e dollars J ust whnt motive in behind the ion of the government to sell the minds in spite of public 0 on in not evident. Those who Irouge!!! oil the determxuuuwu u. __ _ 7 the islands in spite}? Enhlic opinion is not evident. Those who remember All the Bikert and other timber lnnd Genie, not! w 0 look back over the thirteen yeere’ record of this most corrupt government will look {or revolutions in connection with this matter some day. The election of Dr. Ryerson in East 1 |L~_ -1. thl1 ‘éi'ï¬ Sliced be EDITORIAL NOTES- enthusiastic over the advanced G! “a a no". oflereg 2;; ‘a reasoh for your (eating AbT l F . PLUG cm Hemflton Times: "Her enn nu nu. Mrs 33th Shepherd. 01-31111er 0! the Women‘s P.P. A" than the "Loyal Protestant Women of Cmdn." end who hes been its hononry enmeme president. and who, according m the Mail. "is geld to here done much good tor the omin- tion." ha been ineontinently bounced hon: the Order. The press he: been asked to suite “the: the ofï¬ce of hen. supreme president of L P. W of C. in now dispen- sed with. end the above society: in no waywhetever connected with re. Unr- gnret 1. Shepherd. who 19ml: held that once.†In. Yonmnne. who wee earn! totheteeentruherintexeeunze I. In which Hugues L gave under oath e‘mue sketch 0! her own «rear. 11 now “meme midwnwehetthe romaine! [mu m Tao-ï¬lo». July and It is beyond question an 3 lug: Indor- ity of the people of Ontario are opposed to the' mnlntonnnoe o! ouch ornomentnl et one time en eeecntiel link in the chein of civiliutlon. When men were in e mder or more berberone eteto. when they hed leee reepect (or the right of their ielo lowe end were more given to repine end epolietiou, providence. by e wiee diepenee- tion. neve them en ebject veneretion for their chieie end rnlere. end ell the â€up end diepley with which theee innetioner~ ice were eurronnded. The eelne rule etiil obtelne. The tribee end noel with leeet reepect for the rlghte oi their iellowe ten. der the meet obedience to their chiete end monerche. end through thet obedience they gredueily chenge to more edveneed iorme oi clvilieetion. The dietinctlon an be treecd even in our own poilticel pertiee end in the veried tonee oi the wee. The petty which to elweye needy to condone end epolociee for merenmne reloe on no ienceieee eeveaee end for nninet mtrelnte on individnel righte in eontmerciel end indutriel mettere le meet romeo end even ebJeot in veneretion or rnonel uvthaend ell the dietino one o! eeetowi aotoe port“. 'i‘heleekoi reopeotierthe netn riahteeiindivldnele ie eeeompenied b e veneeetionior ens: which mehee ex tenoe in en edven Ilene oi eivilieetigndreeelhio. Without thie eponteneoneo once to oMoiel en- thori the at ntterudiereugsd ior indivldnel riehte in - - ,,___I‘I ‘l-_.-l .-- 5383...!!- ol .iaéuioltlilaai sill-13.83: data-$1320 iiissgsggsg illâ€"Siaagï¬oomaaluan sac-II. Fla-8 338.... 35:38 333 31. IE... 138.3. 18-6 III-Iv! a..." -w.°m.â€" 116566â€"66w d ' my 55:13.33. In whlch com on tampon. dance ya the {0.419; -,,°‘9" - ._ L-.. LA...“- menu at pn lc upon-Q1 Ibo Oneuio heve leaned In ICC-W meat “simply the deep-1d: o! of their business whit-i: an N non! extended the their ecdve and . bib†en uvnw W" vâ€"v -â€"â€"oâ€" 7--..VY.-. But the people 0! 6mm hove may the noose in which it. in none-nor! o oven-owe than: into ohodionoo by colt-l] (Ii-plus oi oocinl commony. ‘l'ho oociol ovenu u government. home no of no intone-t to nnyono exec t. those who no- and and enjoy them. on! em. son will no t. \he hto oi hio ho: quite on we if ouch won deprived of oilciol "cognition nod onlounoo Bo will pny hio toxe- qnlco no punctual}. nod with n mom “animator! tooling. a he will know thot no fol-“on 1)! hi- contribu- ..-_ a- u.-. m m uni-m m on annual nice with the their best intemu. And it would he un- jut to harden them longer with the maln- temceotomgmenwoppendlgumd W4; ' Oentnl "hon will: and: twin. magma-mxmwmmum mnd,ndvltflv In bukuotnouio 1h. umm.hthhyuuoldn8avulb.h {asthma-slow. W‘demm‘ dune?- amt nil-my undo-wall: mpovinot. “unbounded Mun: mnnmmmwmmmnln “a anyâ€. 8m. W Mm. #â€" Wmhonu. gnu-It" want-50° 60171310131? 80W! chop .II I“ $327556 Mm m JULY 27 1394 I! d a? :9. vau U“..- A Mann. mun. I. Inmates-.0! can! wanna-m "mum ALEX mDONALn. an litâ€"1m eta." W W.Wmm 6 W 'M qr m. “Koaludm. G. E. MARTIN, Proprietor VALUABLE PROPERTY PROPERTY FOR SALE IN I!!! Will 0" â€Mr!" ‘2 Ill-.hlfl.“ FOR SALE- GREAT BARGAINS ii CARTER’S THE BATTIJ m can own DAY. 003330151!“ I! â€PORTANT. 01" WATERLOO human.“ "- mm miththoqulityofD the ma wmwm 1 mcoeuofnhdy‘l comma. Even NympuumnwmmF; MW!“ "£3000. known this. '3 Black Dre. Good: mtbeben the urine! nï¬ords. ‘I‘hchdiuol Grant Brit-in coulidly gckmw Mia pd“ Haley’s“ 'a to Franck. Our ‘ wen batter “1-11,th 8°04“ u . n _, ,,,j , A_-‘_ _ -__--__-‘ :d W. M I Wefflowu mwwma h lathecom'hhthl. Wilma†than channel a..." â€"‘ooaM-â€"‘h a which which a u Wu 1“th:de bee-noodle general Muninduï¬ewminuhuhw. History i hWtthstchmoutof order nadnmongï¬npwpleofï¬ndny,wehflr 09de Thine-aha ecsill amply conï¬ning HUGHAN C0.»v mandoorthMdyAzCo. They! “4me it: 3 h. i mWhingoodz-uning Ragga“. AW correct mm... 1 crder u. J. Carter. cent. until the End of Au gust P31“ fl. [â€"103 mu. Hugh†,RQO; 7EJ is (MW a.†â€0’ We! Priestley’s. 10 and 13 l whom he in silent “1 d 1033 and all st time n 1-45 1.65 it out 3! Ipl," DC I W Tackle, Paris Gm ‘ â€the! and Snutham m flakes and For“. Pokes, Screen Doc notable Window Sate! Green Wire Cloth, A “my Blue. in» Moon. shortly um .flm 5nd cubic or Mr. h. hut. not! Dover. mm. flbhu line. The Alarm wu‘ I“ w Ipeeduy on the rpm w 601.704 In coma; then- “and when the rubber In ‘ .0 mm pun-nu wu uulw I day ocvtco. In W. mound fl '0 woman. con-Wu of | m 0|ch hum». out- w I.“ would. “(It)“: ‘uo “unborn! hoo- you. .5 null hum-co. The are IHMM hon who were pl *0†ï¬ll†00m. omw. 1 hunch C.I.B.A. inw n to Taro-m. NW '. pd. meat m ton “005M! 3. mo.- to 11 Minimum! announced in! LOWEST PRICE V cLsmum I DO In by the nu m ‘N Wulnx tho. Thu-"rm b: hi ail. Md how I“ wanna l E. rm- u'e mm: 501'â€. roll-bis: holiday. Thur: “on the I“ h ronl u 30-. amino â€much! 'fll’ XSN -hmmwlnduunu |†Who: am. no u! ‘hï¬bm Thorn u Ina-um. And the toul Mimi: exceed mm. m . bl at any prmon. m In “t. wry prulucu. I..." and mwufuum Vary Mon: uh boxes kept in an .0! hr [lam Fm 2-me ycLennan "Intnsuon â€But-ville. MW lamination â€the result or [Dr Mm Canadian 4ND mm: Mach FBIDA â€HEX I â€ranch {TON CO “hunt. smb Iota. Mabel Ink-n. Snub Iota. Rota lulu. Arum: 33*. Jud- 8mm MEG icmn Dot dow 8ch ‘e 010th, lrln Gram TEX.