Mee- 8i.†the at’s up. ItOoot-BSctoHuulu‘ronmomo in Amount-mulch 393mm unmet-too. The Scientific America: says that the question of. good roads is oi even more inmorunee to the farmer than to the wlxcelmen seeing that the con- altlun m. we roach makes a. scrim extreme one way or the other mm: yearly proï¬ts. A: the result. of. amn- qulry mane m 1895 by the United. States thent ot Agrrcultune, re- plleu were. reoelved tron over 1,200 countrles giving the cost of haulmg crops in the venous pants 0! the Unlteu to whet was $3412; while the average cost or. hauling a ton to: a mstance 0! one ml. was 25c. in order to commune road: at thelinitedsmtes wxm those at Europe the bureau through its consuls made careful uh quiry on the subject of cost 01 haul- mg m England, France, Germany, Bel- gnun, 1181) and. Swnzerlnnd. fne w use cost at mm one Lb" one mile was found to be 111 England 10 cunts, m France 10 cents. an uermany B 1-2 tents, in Eclgmm 91-2 ceuta, m luly 71-: cents. and m Switzerland. trumï¬ to 8 euros, and irr Switzerland. LINDSAY, F-BJDAY‘,‘ JULY 4, mmntxon of cost, but that me great. wethmericazsduewour poorly made dirt. roads is proved by the. fact that. whuo over the smart) roads of. Europe a. farm will haul three or Aâ€"_ l. mare gm tour ions at a load, our "I able to haul gnly‘q son or -_A New Books at. the Pnbno Lam-“y The Weekly Post. Lertaimngut; 1235, $101105 0! Dean Mainland, Maxwell Gwyn. 1236, mm ..... JIWMLIW VI- c- ---.-¢v, _ï¬ ker;1249, The Tran 011.110 Sword.‘ Guil- uen. turner; 1250, :When. \‘aimond. Came to runciac, Gilbert Barker-3251, A Romany oi the. Snow's, Gziuert 1‘s:- ker; 125:, The Seas of we Maghty, Gxibert. Barker; 1.153, The 'Irespasser, Gilbert. Burner; 125-1, '13!» mule of the Strong, Gilbert. Parker; 1235.313 Brother’s beeper, C. M, Sheldon; 1256, Cnmahxion 01' Philip Strong, C. M. don;1:.’60, The Twentietn Door, U. m. ï¬heldun; 1261, The Miracle at Markâ€" ham, QM. Sheldon; 1262, Memories of Margaret Uramger, Schoolxmstress, Annie Swan; 1x63, .The Ayres of Studieigh, Annie Swan; 126;, ABitter Debt, Annie Swan; 1265, Elizabeth Glen ALE, Annie Swan; 1266-7, The Der Inge. (2 vols.), Siemkiewnez; 1268,18“) Michael, Sienckiewiez; 1269, With Fire and Sword, sienokiewiez; 1270, Brown V. C.. Mrs. Alexander; 12.71, Dale. Anthony Hope; 127:, Comte de la. Muette. Bernard. ‘ pes; 1273, The Mormon Prophet. Lily Dougull; 1274, Hugh Math, 311th M. Dix 1275, Donnell; 12.17 ,Tghe Forest of Bourg- Marie. Mrs. S. F. Harrison; 1278, The Romance of a. Jesuit Mission, San- fom; 1379, With Edged Tools, 13. S- Merriman; 1230, The Standard Bearer, S. R. Crockett; 1281, The Black Douglas, S. R Crockett; 1282, The Two Standâ€" ards, Dr. Barry ; 1:53, The lmpreguable City, Max I'emberton; 1284, 111†1ron Pirate, Max Pembert' on; 128-1..r Tens, Wilkins. Historyâ€"Hist. of England. from the Accession of Jae. I. {to the Outbreak 0! Civil War, 1603-1632, (_10 vols). g 1‘: _n.A-'fl POOR ROADS ARE 00311.1 READING FOR THE _MASSES- ol Ulvll .WHJ, luv-1"“, \-v 1‘77 ,7 R. Gardiner; 314, AChild’s 1-115er 9f England, Charles Dickens; 315, Amn- ca’s Foreign Policy, T. S qulsey; 316-7. Democracgn in Amerxca, De ll‘omueville; 318,. Upper Gm Sketches. Thos. Conant; 319, Selkirk Settlers in Real 1:39, B: G.1_M.a.cbet-h;_; uooquenue , 01.0,, Vrtv- Sketches. Thos. Conant; 319, Selkirk Settlers in Real Life, R. G. Macbeth; 3.20. The Making of :the ' nW‘egt. R. G.. Macbeth; 3:21, Canada and Its Capital, Sir, James Edgar; 322-3 Ave Rpm Immortales, (2 vols»), F. ' Crawford; 324, Unforeseen Tendencles in Democracy, E. L. Godkin; 325, The United States of Europe, W. '1‘. Steqd; 326, The West Indies and the Spanish Main, James Rndway; 327, The Black Watch. Arichbalgf. 1‘91:wa m. h r W U in Democracy, E. L. Godkin; 325. TN United States of Europe, W. '1‘. Steqd; 326, The West Indies and. the Spamsh‘ Main, James deway; 327, The Black_ Watch. Arichbaldi Forbes. Voyages and mavenâ€"99, Tmh thoFamine Districts of India, Notewo- ther ; 100, Around the Camp-Fire. ‘1 G- D. Roberts; 101, Overland to Cnriboo, M. MCNaughton; 1W, Pathï¬nding on Plainand rairie. John McDonaall; 103. Across Sub-1}:t_ic_s of Canï¬t‘i: across up wvâ€"mv-vu -â€" J. W. Tyre“; 104. Cruisingf'AmDng the Caribbees. C. A. Stoddard: 152.1.ravols Mnxico. F. A. Chet; 105; Through tb Bub-Attic Forest. Wuhan-ton Pike;106. 0n the Consul Off Sladon; 107 Brazil. an Amazon: m the Gout. B. B. ï¬nith. _ .. '.. , . unu...--n u . “I‘ll. Bi fullya-Hl. Int-muot'l‘hom Cuba to his Y at Sister. 0' '1‘ Copeland; 13. W. . Gladstone: m! Glaucoma“ u 3 Mn amt 13‘ W. Jamel 3000: “3‘ The M sand m. 01 paid minuteâ€. “’9‘ ï¬n Emu three or Ld. our farmers pro V THE YUKON CHARGES. Sir Hibbert Tubper Begins a Second Speech Thereon. TAKES A MODIFIED ATTITUDE/THE TAX MAY BEVQUADRUPLED- , oEvofl The Ofleiaia Not So Black as Fol-Inc Paintad- Reasons Why the Ogilvie I vastlgntion la Condemned-E piaymaat o! Motives and- tection oâ€! Witneem - nation for an Enquiry.‘ Ottawa, June 28.â€"Although be" Tupi!†unite for seven ours or more yesterday, he had y at the conclusion or his remarks ed the preliminary part of his former speech some weeks he accused the Yukon 013ch of nu us crimes and misdemeanors, and a no doubt of their guilt. Yesterday he modiï¬ed that attitude. are now that he does not consider the omcials are smolutely guilty of m eaaance and so forth, but that he is nï¬rely making out n prima facie case thit will justify or rather compel the Govhnment to order a judicial inquiry. The) Ogilvie investiga- tion and its results h nsiders worthless (or various reasons. Mr. Ociivie in related by marriage Mr. Sifton. and was, therefore. not a t or proper person to conduct an lnves cation of charge! infecting the oiiicia of Mr. Sittcn'a department. To thl it may be answered that Mr. Ogilvie in the public service years before Hr. S on became Minister of the Interior; that when Major Walsh was appointed adminhtrator of the Yukon the Opposition press “tacked him for not having appointed Mr. Ogilvie, who had. so to speak, discovered the country; that when on Major Walsh’s retirement Mr. Ogilvie was appointed to succeed him the appointment was universally commended. and that when Mr. Ogllvie was given a roval commission to inquire into the miners’ charges it was generally believed on both sides of politics that a better commissioner could not well have been selected. Sir Hibhert ï¬nds fault also with Mr. Ogilvie‘s inquiry on the ground that Mr. Sifton did not supply counsel to thou bringing charges. as he had done in the case of an inquiry involving the reputa- tion of a Government oiï¬cial at New Westminster. In the Xew Westminster case speciï¬c charges had been brought against acertain ofï¬cer. The hearing of the charges. with the determination of his guilt or innocence, was a compara- tively easy matter. Demente- Wore Employ“. In the Yukon case the charges which Mr. Ogilvie had to investigate were not speciï¬ed. but vague and general: no officials were accused by name. It follow- ed that an inquiry, whether undertaken by Mr. Ogilvie or by anyone else. would have to be in the nature of a ï¬shing expedition. As a matter of hot, Mr. in order to discover evidence in support of the charges, and from the beginning of the inquiry to the end carried on an elastic inquisition, and he himself played the part of counsel and inquisitor both. He had been instructed by a telegram from Mr. Sifton that he had a free hand. that he was 3:9 get at the truth and.see that the public service ‘was put on a sound footing. Sir Ribbon objects, further, that the persons summoned helm-e Mr. condo were not told in advance by him that by the terms W'ogmmission they would be panic" y the Crown if they gave eviienee incriminating themselves. Chap- ter 33. 63 Victoria, expressly provides that when'such commisinns as this are issued and inquiry held. no evidence ' A ‘- ‘- m‘h‘mc shall be admissible given by a witness aha against him in any criminal proceedings. Sir Bibbert did not appear to be aware that chapter 114 of the revised statutes of 1886 had been amended in this particu- lar in 1889. The Time Linn. As to Sir Hibbert's point that Mr. Ogilvic did not inquire into any charges of a. later date than August 25, 1898. it should be remembered that the miners petition. which ï¬rst brought the floating accusations to the notice of the Govern- ment in a formal way. Was dated August 25. There Were no other charges before the Government when the commission was issued except newspaper ohm-gee, which Were vague and impaipable enough. Moreover, an inquiry into matters occur- ring after August 25 by Mr. Ogilvie would to apex-minty have been denounced A‘â€" - mmaltlnn for In reply to a. question by Col. Prior, the Minister of Agriaulture said that his attention had been called to newapaper had reports that the bubonic plague reached Honolulu. and instructions had been given by Dr. Montimmbert, director- ‘ general of quarantine, to prevent the landing of any cases in House adjourned 11.45. / 40 Hilllon Bushels Wheat. 28.-â€"F. W. Thompson, the Ogllvie Flour Mills. said yesterdq that his agents all over the rt the outlook as for n )l r. Ogilvlu’n Protection of Witneuon. Don" “Van: dl tho Victim ploolon II for: 'I Invuflfll‘hm July 3.-â€"-On Friday n18“ flock, Mm Dodds. an °1d ‘ at pr...“ mums M“ an EH33. W“ 1'0“" that the . Lm’ The on... wmw Led to flu Exam... the Vqto Power In the CI“ of Pro- Vhoul Logislnflou Explllnod -‘l‘!okot o! Lonvo Systo- to be Introduced Ottawa. Joly 8.â€"-Deapite theneeemry ' action of the Federal Government in dis- allowing the British Columbia legisla- . tion preventing the nil-ingot Chinese and Japanese on contracts ior railways and tnmways working under Provincial charters. and preventing their employ- ment as ï¬shermen and in other trades, ' Sir Wilfrid Lanrier and his colleagues have not been unobservant of the condi- tions surrounding the labor question in the Paciï¬c Province It Will in rememb- 7 ered that the disallowed British Columbia legislation bid fair to give rise to international complications had not the Federal authorities availed them- I selves of the veto power. The Govern- ment or Japan, a friendly and progm- I sive nation. protested to Lord Salisbury I in strong terms and pointed out that ' Japan had neither exclusionary nor dis- I orixninatory laws against British subjects or the people of any other civilized I nation. It seems to be conceded that the . British Columbia Government made a ‘ mistake in placing Chinese and Japaneee in the lame category. The Ottawa Gov- ernment sees no reason for endeavoring to keep the latter people out of the conn- - LI. ..1 TEE TAX 0N CHINESE dc...| Gunrnment Sympathi- / 293 With 8.0. White Labor. Iv -w wv mVâ€"v v..- :- r"r‘- - . try, but the First Minister and hit 001- "n" ““37 1"“ mmâ€. "" W’ league! are equally certain that the er "' to b. Dominion can get along very well with- on‘ Chm... cheep labor 3nd chin“ Trina-M Under Difleultleu. parsimony. that drains the country of the ‘ he want my nanny, and for a money earned by the Mongolian. Act- time it wanted it would be impoï¬lbio in: upon thin belief. the Adminiltrntion to efl'ect a ling. For boun the linhte have decided to ink Parliament to'nnc- or the Ceui and Sta: Wei-e PW, tion a very considerable increase in the | visible. as tlieaeei: pitched and rolled. $50 poll tax paid by eachChinnman entering the Dominion. The amount of preach in though see. The th- M increase is not ï¬nally settled. but it wvmnl piateind her bulwerkl dish“! would not be surprising if it were found. | demented byte heavy bump“! 0‘ “I†when the First Minister makes the en- ! Cauden neither side! when 05 nouncement that the an: has been qund- u Dreyfus mndarod. “10 as N led. vcr rough p "Y... eh- lnntb «me wen X. Vita-'0. Ticket-09 Leave Syntom. After examining cnrcfuliy the system of index-terminate sentences in force in many of the American States and the English ticket-oi-ieare regulations the Minister of Justice has drafted an inter- esting bill on the lines of the British system. It is the opinion of Hon. Duiti Mills who in the com-Io of his multii'nri- ons studies has given considerable atten- tion to criminology that A ticket of-leave system might have a valuable odect in deterring ï¬rst oï¬endara from continuing nearecrof crime. Little Katie .11ch": Drowned in an (In- covered Fire Tank at Goderich on saturdny. Goderlch. 0nt., July 8.â€"Ahout 7 o’clock on Saturday evening Katie Mo- I.ean, aged 9. daughter of Mr. John McLean of this town. was missed from her home. Not having been seen for two hours. and. as there was a large water tank nearby that was being filled up. a neighbor looked in and sew the child's hat floating on the water. As there was I â€â€S‘dm‘flt Wheiexhfld‘ugnpgd'ï¬ the; “Jam UK I: the child was supposed to have fallen in, the steam the engine was taken to the ‘ spot, the water pumpedout, and a few minutes afterwards the little one was found a few inches under the dirt. The body was laid on the road and presented a pitlnbie sight. as it was almost en in mud. Theooroner. Dr. J. W. Hohnes, who was present. decided that an inquest was necessary, and the some will be con- tinued on Monday or Tuesday. The tank is an old one that was used for ï¬re pur- ‘ poses before the town had waterworks. It ‘ was covered with long loge about a foot in diameter. some of which had been re- moved to allow the filling up, and it was through the opening thus made that the little one must have fallen. There were a great many people present when the body Wes found and there was much comment about the opening into the well in ing left unguarded during the ï¬lling- in process. A Toronto Junction “‘onnn Satan"... Banal! “'1“: Cool on and So: I'll-o to Hone". Toronto Junction, July 3â€"1“ awful Way of ending life was thIt adopted by Mrs. Bray, wife of W. H. Bray, a pediat- on Somerset avenue, on Sunday morn- lng. The woman is abom 65 years of ago and has been demented for some by any 6! her relatives. she clothes with coal oil and ti: herself with a mapch. The J~r__ 38° Bl‘u â€DB m â€"-â€"â€"-_V time, frequently giving expredon to the I thought that she wished she Wm out of the way. Yesterday mow-nus. unnoticed by any of her relatives. she «stunned her clothes with coal oil and then set ï¬re to herself with a match. The flemee im- mediately ran up her dress and she rush- ed into the street e living bonï¬re. Mrs. Charlton. who was standing at her gate on the street. was the ï¬rst to not-ice her and rushed across the road to Mr. PLU- lips‘ where she knocked at the door. All was over in about eleven minutes. for the flames speedily did their work and she fell on her back from the deer bur-no ed to death The Deflolt {nr “no Washington. July 3.â€" Contrary to the expectations of the treasury ofï¬cials. the' Government expenditure during the ï¬scal year closed on Friday exceeded the re- ceipts by only 888.875.9311. One month ago the ofï¬cials predicted that the deï¬cit might not exceed $100,000,000. but at no time up to a few day's ago was it expect- ed the amount would be less than 895.- . ,u n._ .L.‘ 10 manâ€.- on we amuuuu "v..-_. .. _ 000,000. . The recelpss for the 12 months ‘ of the ï¬scal year were: Customs. 35:06.. 1 607,819- internal revenue, 273149.490; miscellaneous, $36,566.448. Tom. 3516.4 216,474. The disbursements were: Civil l and miscellaneous. $119,285,698: war. $229,041.0n; navy. 864,784,470: Indians. 3 $12,799,983: pensions. $139,394,745; in- terest. 833896325. Total expenditures. . ‘ l TERRIBLE MODEOF SUICIDE. An Inmm of 03.389J33 for tho Your 1808-90. Ottawa. July 3 â€"-Canada's custom! revenue for the ï¬scal you 1898-9, which closed on Friday. was the large“ in the- lnoal rmrd of the Dominion. amounting go a total inoraue oi cs.3s9.4aa {or the your, noompued vmh iho nu! year 1897-98. Thu totals are: For 1891-98. “1.879.875: 325.868 808 for 1898 99. In- croano for 1898 99. t8.389.488. There are come smouma not wt to band and by the timo all is in the incl-nu will be tho!“ 08,500.10). uxcu: san cusrous unvsxuz JanBD. SAD FATALITY. ‘g .1 Lonvo Systo- be Introduced Into Can-d1. "u I y 888.875.089. WEEKLY Pos'rQDsAY, ONTARIO, JULY Despite the neqomry '3' BALANCE S" BET. Pun rhea! Year for tho Your TO “ME AND WIFE 0%». «Ba 0335 $083. >320 <33... mx=9 Altman the In the 30mm Mulâ€" Dou nu Voygco In the IM ch rot landing Evan-g rowd- and the Bub ugh the Prison Gnu. Dreyfu- ivnl here appeared to be In good h He won a blue can. I gm! 0 ands-oft felt hat. HI! hair is t grey and his hard is of a reddish Ho held himself very are“. 1 The of Wu! at Qulberon was almost otlced. “3‘3“ o'o‘liok (1:: Friday the p n g: to 2:11:66: the anx. which hnd n sightq'l'he nnnsunl hassle nt- tncwo maneople to the hut-bar. but as they making the crowd duvet-nod. The only pun remaining we rho“ who knew to the prisoner In! to ho he went mu my, and for a ti o it walked ls would be impoulblo to efl‘ect a ling. For hour! the lining of the Gang and S"? mphmly - __| _..II..I Vary ruugu 0n the lantz stage were ll. Vlcnlo. the chiet of mam-es: M. Reunion. a commisaary «police. and a m at gendarmes nnpnoeinspecm Finally. as l a.m., a cter. manned by ten man in Charge of mval ofï¬cer. put 0!! {rpm the Canaan arwent. alongside the Stat. Thence the h rowad to the show. where Dreyfusas landed at 1.30 nan. A company ot'ufantry was drawn up at thin landing pa. Dreyfus. \vhqad been broughe uhoro Two mm- mm W...“ ___V,, _, l G. L. Moore. Toronto. 200 "rill. 1: J. Morgan. Hun!‘ on. 1‘:- parér. 2: W. \' “a“ ““3 8mm" 303?“ n 0‘ W I nets. Toronto. .75 _\- mu, 3; .‘.‘onln:. m: rd . C. luwey. more. end a eergean and corporal of md- ‘tor. 160 ya .-. 4: B ames, who foamy handed the prisoner 1-3“ â€rill. 5. 'Ulm‘ “‘3 25- ovor (.0 M. hub. The letter than --â€"--â€" â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€" entered a â€mob Dreytulend two OUT-‘1 - , HAVELOCK. deteczlvos end {or the rem-nod “" .1 Into-u Brian, A station. which the reached without ln- tn- Roll-'3: cident. Dnytusdid not speak a word. “on“: my run.- The d I Ax“;‘gflfl'Â¥- to [mud r...» rum- Amos. . rve bends Bennes ‘ was without indent, owing to the pre- Luminhn Doy w“ “’7 30:3:er cautions taken the prisoner and his .oretaed thxongbout 0mg.†on escort passed modest! in (rent of one I E- D- E- N- Sandman): ‘5‘ 3°" lied es WW no. on Fri: unusual. Worhen reedlng the a there did not no aholr heu‘ls. l 9 en:- m In" who “away as. 1D bgï¬â€˜zazuxsm muff†“.bm‘°‘;d"“ m pxison. the people“ with: d «ginning ‘0 11 Ten moaned 01 yellow: {oven-w themselves to 710th 1 practical Seturde joke. sew a London surf-‘12,“; by gend- ‘zporwdpww 2: swyg‘egln i112; :eve h , - -e_- .e-.l-- IIIL __ oka- n“ -. ,1,_ "In“ 3 angle..- Wane-u 7 The Spent!!! riot- etm continue. . -mymmvkwelly In a mve JUIC. a." .- ....-___, , , _. .“ armes beyond the union: Twin-env'théy gn cried with one v03}: “Th“ 56 19.9 The Ex ubl. Tm“... and .000wa troop- meet the es hurried mahly and mounted g . forward, yelling companving :5 engine. of canon-tings pr The carriage wu driven no rust t it covered the tones in 0 minutes. passing the tranquility to , mica almost dc description. The sud- denneu of the vument stupifled every- body on owe it did the prisoner. whose hoe ad from the quickly has art But beyond the ex- ‘ ninmntlnnn of s mound curiosity there whose hoe an no... ..... ,_.-__, push): out But beyond the cx-l clamnuous of I mood curiosity than prison almost ulthocI'Vod and w“ con- ducted to cell N 880. accompanied by Madame Hunt. 3 The meeting can the long-pureed \ husband and vi can hector be lmoctn- ed than duct! Naturally It was most touching. Bod; Bath! and his wlfc were deeply ï¬nd. They remained long nI-M in othor‘u arms,_ neon und , j___ Collupa of Stun. Dnyflu. Madame 1)"an issued from the prison in a new of collapse. She found her hul- band much used. whh beard and hair whitened, end body shrunk and moped. She said Dreyfus know nouung o! the events of the put two you". The weep- ing wife acknowledged the courtesy with which she had been treated. The gend- arme, who was ordered to be potent as the interview. carried out. instruction: - ,, -_4. AAA...“ nnd kept at n W diam Counter. Lunch. Commmder Comniore untied at once an ï¬mrdny evening and held a hnlt hour's conference with Admiral Ben-urn. In in course of a convention the Admin! laid: .A ,,__-_ I 1.-.! “In-ima- able to Hi" Y°“ “ “In: “Until this atom-noon I had mum the Stu. but now thaw tions tha commander Comneu-o bu landqd I m ‘__ AAA. “‘ “Firstâ€" of h]. Dreyfus ha been in the beat of health dun-{pg the voyage and h- mum l'rl-un Handed Over. WIFE’S REACTION. in Good lctl the syru- an Won I“ ï¬nial-Ioni- ax mound In modiï¬ed ordan 1 letter on touching at Cape Tho orders. which mu m-‘ an in myself. m topmost! m. when the was ham-noted st 9 o‘clock on ‘ho main; 0! The Chad-u an! m gardlhlp looked order: on rum ‘0 aux. and m 008 a» nun. of the F180“ '1“ the news 0! tb- udnl and she immedhtely nor and Allied permu- Ill “not! null“!- few details. ends!- st Brut" h’o Menu-on- ‘l'hoa‘ bu bean “lately aim: â€I'M“- wu adopted. So flan amok! name it â€Parmuont" Court 0! Arbitration. Tho committee .110 pulled the mood "admit of the ï¬rst four uncles ot SI: Jnlhn Paunoetou‘u monon. Flam But at "nu-cu. M July mâ€"A Delay-an from V31- onoh upon-u M Moths born out muons the gnu-ht women on Sum-day. (allowed by net-Ions dlnoréarl. We: wcc‘ancudln the man and an mop- wm culled out undated on womb. Fun-flier dean: m not own-bl- om to the Spank}: unnuhlp. _,_â€"_â€"-â€"â€"- C. \V- A. DICYCLI “KIT. â€"â€"-â€" Sound Anna-l Cloud enceuddly n Guelph on Saturday. Guelph. Jul! pronoun! C. W nought so a I Sum-day nlsht witnessed tho 1 Summary: One mlle o?" nnnxford. 1: I: J. E. sham. To: Halt Jungle sh Summary: On mlle open (unitaryâ€"a... enema. Buntford. 1; u. E. Axto hmnttom, 2; J. 11:. Shank. Toronto. 3. '1‘ no 2.16 4-5. Halt nu: cum £0111th wot Anson McLeod. 1. me ‘4 2-5. On an. mum-om. amountâ€"Thou. "Win. 2.5 2-5. ‘. “L _a... ‘ “Ill â€"-.- -7 Angus McLeod. 1. "Time 1.24 z-o. One mile Mionnip. amateurâ€"Thou. D. Blue: Blenheim. 1. Time 2.33 24. mile cumpiomblp. manual;â€" Five Angus Ileneod. Toronto. 1. '1‘ me 12.34 443. 'lvo nine tandem chompionhhip. unl- ieur. Barnes. mmiiton. and Axmu‘i Bonn: ton]. 1: John Smith. Toronto. 1 Mitchell. Toronto. 2. Tina: 4.“ -- nm -1... Amateurâ€"J. B- One mile. 2.40 cuss. Show. Toronto. 1: 1-; A. 2 :N, Shela. Toronto. 3. Two mile handlcnp Bonke. Toronto. 75 )‘Il‘lil. Stuttord. 125 )1 2: l‘oronto. 2§_ yuan. 3. TI Station-d. 129 311118. .-. u...†-ï¬ roronto. 25 yurdl. 8. Tune £38 1-6. Three mile team nee. Imlsulh-W. (J. and R. trophyâ€"w. \‘enneu. J. B. M S. Shela. Royal (humans. 1: J. Smith. D. Dennison. G. L. Mitchell. Queen City's 2. Time 8.16 1-5. Two Inlle Bell puuo handle“). mun!â€" G. L. Hoore. Toronto. 200 "ran. 1: J. 1‘. Morgan. Brannon. 1;?» uni». 2; W. Von- nels. Ton-om". n75 yu-dx. 3: Koran. sow:- tor. 180 yank. ‘: u. (3. Ill...ey. 'Lol‘tho. 1:» null. 5. 'lee (A! 3-5. l any; .u 7 _ ‘Sho French Academy, died on Sum-day 1 his 7031: you. ‘ Cecil Rhoda lulled for Cape Town on Saturday from London. He received n ‘nry enthusiastic send-oi! from a me number of fflendn. ‘ Wuhln’gton omen!- believe tho: a moans vlvendl establishing o bounds-y une between “and; and Auk: will be agreed upon in a few any; ‘ Bishop John P. Newman of the Methodist Episcopal Chm-ch. who-o :9me mildews in In Son Fund-co. . - o._ I“ .. IJ-MM in mm Ten now can of yellow fever were sported on sword-y, and ï¬ve have boon sported on Sunday at Santiago. Sunday wu Sir Charles Tupper'n twenty-eighth birthday. and he ml unruly coup-stunted on the aeolian mate of his bank. The body of Annie Wilson, 5 wow whammy had been alum-bot mo Toronto Haven. m found mm "mall“ DPI-leâ€"o -,,, :9me mildews in In Ssn Fund-co. uwuullymsthhoomelnSu-nm mod by waiting until 'n mutilation : could be Wanted. ’onn†hound o! W W râ€" ----- Tbe Pitt-burs Pout on Saturday aid “8,000 men st mama»: “'10. wu-v _vâ€" ., Dirt. 8. J. O‘Sulltnn. wifeoftbo vica- preddant o! the us. Fidelity wd Gnu- any Coupny of New York. was no hull: burned in the druoodanouof A- , _.,._n.x.I “I an DUI-Iva â€" ___, _ _ Clo-by Hill at Phlnflold. N.J.. on Satin-Gav. dust she died in the lumen- mno'apial “Mphoe. Iththownt thin also stopped on s M which Ignited hat dual of light mm. Wanna have been and as Peta-halo . - ALâ€"M u‘mk m that m wry“- '- â€" dau- of 118‘“ mhl. mad at W T'wfk. ’btcycle W “' a «10:9»nt clots hereon !bt- About 8.500 P009“ urn-ran urn! ,uluu u... ---, _ “w- u a dunner {mom may. London. Ont. Eel-now It at th- Clbdel. when he L n a prison» pending I dil- “cum, amateurâ€"J 5' ; 1-; Mitchell. cue-vb. moJC WM; ... urn-u Inn"! "’ .- :touth-W‘""“ - TIL-Ir Am... n "do-loll- :‘l‘rl lull-L" 53â€"- w-. Fanatical-AIL . 1; Fred. Dunw. Rule): D"“â€"’ E: «but ascend gnaw 3'8; sumâ€. .h use now!†0. on Friday Ion Sum-day lTROOPS DESPATCHED. A Warning to Kruger That He Is in Imminent Danger. ELECTORAL BILL IDOOMED. Brunt. 3m sud to 30 W to Cleric-l- un-mh- IO II . Doplonblo' Ink-tho luv-gun of the tool- .uouâ€"Klng Wld I.“ ' to In" Boo- Band, to N... Inodon Jul m not to ‘ something “h l din-cubed Go 811' Belch. I. Nov II a non â€Up-v ..... Innâ€"luI-Hou' BtnngthJI‘hQ ' Cleric-I Power. W Tuna obled bk paper Valued-y: “Tho Mlmflly nasal-toting In Brawl: will remind tho World of the Womble on from 006000 voters. wheat an ii England- In Sunbu- 3'm-â€â€œ" "" ““"' $33“: all“ ; not mi 1- July 3 â€"The bum m. in: tho 12:31.1'ngdu‘ 0:. D; at GIN“. Ahmmdumiwmwum1maum~a of order If the Ministry did. ________-_________â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€" iLINDSAY BICYCLE AND we" “mm“ ‘3’ “1° T'm‘m i GENERAL REPAIR WORKS. ‘ n I ESE it [i flour" . 3"" Fm 8.1).. July 8.-â€"'1‘ho and our- anumncdownontheNol-th Mom (um law on Friday. All one- imthmed in tho future will require n residenc- of one gar in the Pram. Prior a; "flail! nddenoe Than has been no N Sum-thy. Commodore Hem-hue coma-co confer with the British commotion. 690170 A. Gland. and the colonial m- ums-Mu mttnc the meat “spam on the trusty coat. The colonhl ministry mum 3 Wind! attitude. and. Whhmhm me‘ke ml canon-lions. no W‘ ‘3 flywhmhod. SERIOUS “BB 1 Seoul-t Divorce Set to Loon of Bulldlufl ' 3-.ko on sum-day- ., view-ed at Ont. July 9;â€" Ic.â€"â€"or same price ‘3 - inferior imam [Do-outrun.» , gâ€"The Socth' 3-0...â€" # .8.†.- ‘H-.zu. -, 0â€",:0â€"35 dOO' C :5 menu. 3,_Fh-o occurred 815 or 90 bulld- which included “my I had- m, N 0'. nornwnu. a: Plato». Wont I9 “ LINDSAY SEMI“! GAIEIIAI. no. xW.‘ ‘ “ht «pluni'lilcolebnbdat3$- SundnyJawna-ats 3.3.33â€.- nt 10.80. Vac. pad W “mums-mix. maniac, pastor. Sum m an“; und‘lp... Man“ at 2.30. «Paya- “in: on Walnu- dny night at 7.80. nub Monday nights at 7.â€. St. Andrew" Minnâ€"Bar. J. W. Hamill-n. pastor. sonic. st 11 gum 79.11:. W school at 3 pm. â€Â£23.03. on Sum-36 New no A few of'm may band! at... New Advance-onto Huey Sucklc. Puma-n. We make a, spew of Cree-Qty, Cheese Factory end Deity Sundial. and whet we all it of .the vet] belt quelity end workmenehip. That in need of Oman. Hilk Gun, [ilk Pm, Strainers, Engita. should get my prices before buying TOBACGOS small can N‘W‘“ "- "" '“ time ï¬mhnfnll outï¬t W condonuor-oyou-U’" “" )onfeelthe needo‘365 4‘†“m†labor- gnu-m W. G. WOleo “can.“