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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 26 Aug 1892, p. 3

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lQLâ€"IT. va rtzsamenf {ION BANK ‘DSAY. ONT. lvz‘ga t1 on . "vista or will be sent “‘W ,c. ya! box). by mares“ WILL]. LKS’ _.YIE!)._.(_,'aA OR TO gum: HI] mu location 01 Rb. tn $30. Mecme. 320. [ms 1‘1‘h'm. $453116 up.“ in, $30. Steer-age, s”, bios: Current an... . n l "he: inhrmtion apply” l'iISlLs ‘ 1’. uwziug Green. 3.2 ‘A. ALLAN. Noam-LC v. Cux'xzc‘rs at KW - at play amZbWednesday I!” r, and Wednesday M enit g from ROChester. ay and Priday at 4.00 new and 3883820 '83201' e DME W. .>F 35251.3. 5.4 -.4 ”FEED. an E 3 RV “#5; R6 5' 7 5.460265%. um 3.5.an Roam. 5393b. mango. all" "a? 7.0 05â€"0 ODIN!- wmnmwag On. '01:; ROCHESTER ant New Steamer lagcr, Kingston. new -173- 59W: lLLEY NAVIGA Loan and Ron :te Agent. ALLAN m STsAMSEIPS. 11. NXCHOLsQN. I.‘\L .Wu VIH'V" '8 .: powerful steamers 0‘ by Electricity and W 5. Mail Steam-up. r You: every m r via Londondem >2 Saioon Passage ' gout. $53) and up“ rg at S A.M., and Port H098 arrival of G. T. R. In. and \Vest. _ _, E335?! :5 arty. every Farm :9 pwsrds. Seconded-I. as snow rues. Jen. bx sis. and Flgt' LEEVE "(G Bm'wm m (um-run) Juu v v sax. v Leaves Charlotte :1 "J; lay a: 9.45 2.31. and Sam- A 0-1.5.“ HE TE R, [11311ng STEAMBUAT Cflfll’lll £530me H KING mUmAY. 1m in» STEAMER and GLASGOW shun} 1 take; theser '1 W111 cure th. . ukuis, and sarcasm“ Supply in? 833‘. llorm the sub- form gbe Sn “‘ tum y needed“ Flack: the 3100.16; 1-1 d=seases coma. gram POOR and W ik‘z' Bme an? s'rnmd tgk. h TncSe Pm Iin I ' u. . 'BLoon ’Toxzc mm ‘ STRFCTOR. Uh 9% "11d trike :95: energy,“ (‘Ifld take h- m1 9‘“? “1 III.- Brockviugb.‘ BUILD!“ may -A Leicb. Scofland, bont~builder is the Nantes or a host which he claims is un- lnhbie and uncaosizsble. Hitherto he hwustrucred them of steel and he claims that owing :0 the manner in which the tore “1 Mt aesfiom. which are conical in “‘09. Ire Drrmsnently and hermatically lilac. the costs we randeted unaiukable, “all! filled with water, as the water runs Wk in‘o Yb! 3"; through tie opening in (h m cut-smut! casing. The cmlalnfl M’he 193.3011: to build will not be 0! 11.07am- f u: of an slumlnlnm allov- Thejnem 1a m “hue 3-: silver, and pos- I9 instant wan enveloped in film”. Malabar-a ran to here assistance and auc- utdad lu ex icgutshlug the blaze, but she hdiahaue': so much otzhe fire and was ”Why Ir-jnred externnlly that she died ton: hours anal-wards. “'9' 5 bm‘kinz attain of shanty-tour 53191119 Euro inch. It In unaffeqteq uy Water. The yacht, which instead 0: Mn: Dainted will be poliehed, will be $333!:. long and S it. htoad, and will In "Divided with a roomy cabin panelled ilk. and acommodious torecaetle. The a“ “mule. as well as a centte-bou'd “a”! wlllch will accompany the yacht. flumadu ol the name white metal. I! hi] exlmriment should turn out eucceee- h, " new departure in yacht construe "“1 ““088 may be expected. ‘The new steamer Colombian of the Milan Ontario Navigation Go. ran Wdin the Cedar rapida Wednesday nmhlle on her way from Kingston mum. There were about 200 excur- u °“ 1’0er, but these were landed h: on “0". and nothing very serious M ‘3‘ the accident. The trouble came 3. 91:93.93!“ Rear, which hmke down, mum is: L; .;.lvaw use. -'l‘he mea cauflrm the renal-t that they an: nrquiiatlng with the Southamp- ton aunhxiues wzzh a. view to makinc Southsmpw'. :tsi: terminus, Instead of leerpacl. 'i‘xu oxf;r ot the cm' in to dredge the harbour a: ecoet. of £70,0G0, to nuances :m fee: at water a: low rise, if the Inmsne. an: p:omire to remain there ten years. Tue Iomms will thus avoid the Mmey 1m, always amensce to safety Md 3 source of delay. The change 13 Expected to Lake place In March. -A shockirgsccldent occurred in Los- flmlangandq mam. which resulted in medeunor me “year-old daughter ‘of George Hzlghm, junk dealer, Hamilton 533d. Tbe unfortunate girl was eeeiotlng In. Tayxor. a. neighbor, to prepare tea. mowheu In m: .ac: or removing a. ketfle fromtbe stave her apron caught fire. In thigh: she ran out. into_th9 yagd, and -â€"Ehv£.;,: . ~axed full control of the fed- ml minigtn the binder twine monomlists m enduriuring to prevent the Ontario governmem from manufacturing twine in metentni prhhu. They med to pruxnt Boa. Mr. Gits‘on from obtaining the ma- chinery :zqzind to enable convicts to make bind: r mine. But tortnnhtely there bone government 1:: Canada the: is not domfnsced b3 cymblnaeterb. â€"A Brush“: denpetch says that three French l :t'mu r4, two of whom were ac- companiea L; their wives, were arrested as: Seissa on Thursday lost on the mplc'on mar. may Were spies. Two at macmcers had sketches of the country ImrcnndJn-z Is' -isee and Ga 2. They said any were rumng a pleasure trip through eastern 0:: u; fly, and drew the landscapes v “a...“ [car "new HIV-v 00"“ “I 'm‘. became uncontrolleble end h umnnd in the swift cartel". one" 5. little alarm and excitement among “was". Fortunately the channel deal: in the rental. "Id 311° de' hunkglen of all rocks until W“ ' smell islands below the 1111580 ‘cdflmm The captain, who had not loot M the during the excitement, 860138 ‘ Iteumer’e heed was pointed ‘°" “Whit-again ell speed end ran her g. I to the any slant of the slim H“ 5:. swung down into the avid- be' Wneneee would heve been 89' pee-omen were neat ashore “a. mwmm' "a % cu W in tion. 3 tofu: :- I"! I -A lamentable cos-a of drowning occur- nd at Godrrlch on \Vedneaday evening. James am; 115), youngest sons of Rev. J. LHoweH, were drowned in the lake. It ”pears they were out boating north of the river mouth, and the young brother fell overbuan‘. The other brother jumped in have him, bur. both were drowned before misuse» CJuld be rendered. ..An Irrmvt was held at Keswick on WedncsC-a) night. on the bodies or Mrs. F. Wilson 331-‘1 her little deaf and dumb dmahmnamwned in Maskinonge river, Slmcce Ccuzzfj. on Sunday week, by the upsetting of a. boat, and :he coroner's jury u:um:c a. manic! 0t msnalaughzar, imp!!- uunsz Frank Wilson, husband of the dc.- m “‘0. "Ina proposal 15 man nxntanxps connected by a. telegraph cable be station- ed at :nzermls of 200 miles across the Atlantic. -ms. Kata Steamer, the handsome wife of n Cmcinnad, Uhlo, firemen, tell moss-Linus on the stree: Wednesday last, ”wage-“y from overheat. Phyblclans ma that he: illness was caused by pola- mg by a hair dye which she bad habit- any mad. Ste 13 it. a precarious cond'- wand. -Tne temrns in connection with the men! prohioluon vote in Manitoba have been publisher), and show that prohibition untsd by :hree to one in every ccn- gamete? m the province. â€"Tha fem: :x-s in Manitoba. are besiegtng theiumY-K? 25-33 offices in Winnipeg whh .pplicaticaw for help for the harvesting. Hiah «Mm are offered, but the supply of 1500mm ‘5 not nan-1v equal to the do. -139 French Transatlantic Co. has men 1;; again the proicc relative to am: 15435:, which was dropped a. few ago. The proposal is than lightahIps music-i by a. telegtfgph cable be smugg- IW‘“" ’ mdgowned. -Mr. G‘adatone says the zcvemment has recrnuy come into office to make a “amylespzemm In_ November next. to ”5519;553:103 affecung :he one-mu one. "w queszzcc. 7â€"51: Charles Russell will waive his pr:- "tax law pumice while a member 0! the ,bmer. -The steamer Grigorleuw was wrecked .3 yum-Novgorod Thursday during a m, Thirty o: the passengers and crew -The labor market in_ Great Britain Is in ,n unfavorabda candman. -51: Charles Russell will waive his prf. -.n!aw pumice while a member 0! the 903"" new the tantrum and I:- n‘h nu ao- 101E um roman 12218 or INTBREBT. sum condensed advoflhmn such" W": l:gmme, teaches mud. mm: form ”’1; or eight 111106) 81.00 caah for three“:- gm ”gums. Irmore than eight “nun Mucus} 91’0me Ohm 1! undo. my,“ cmannt to merchant: for lamina. ”Bremen: by the year or to: a shorter we 0.5 tea made known on smug“ WILSON 6: WILSON, Pronrhtou. ‘szn-nsma runs. Runner’s No tics. A ,ERLDAY, AUGUST 26. m 5 OF THE WEEK. CANADIAN POST. F. WL WILSON. ehlvered like a ship in en nndunung see. In Huerta-d west the rumbling end the rocking motion wee Mound: heard end felt, end hundrede or people. awakened from sleep, rushed out Into the street in their nigh! clotbee wnhont wetthm to dreee. In all threeehocks were felt. The day M! the ehock and been extreme- ly eultry (or the: section, so nee: the breesee of the Irish eee. and e dull, heevy med ominous 01 something un- heoo eee none]. The night wee elmmt ee Impres- the shock she no the afternoon, end 'uhen V come men] of the people were‘ouc in {not 7 d shin: or mm col-teen eEIuvs-eaâ€"iheâ€"Jrieetbt Meier on e cause 01 meneleughzer. â€"A London cable eeyezâ€"The shock of earthquake Wedneedey night enueed eon- eternetion 1n Pembrokeehlre. the extreme eonthâ€"weetern county of Wake. People were asleep when 5 low rumbling noise was heard, end the houses rockednnd ,.e__ A-â€" â€"-Herrivon Heeeler. an cqnerry to the Prince Regent of Bavarin, was tatelly mangled Friday in Munich by two great mama's belonging to a builder named Meier. The equerry was walking along the Blutenburzer Straeee and encountered the two dogs, which enified at him in a suspicious way. Heeeler tapped one of them with a short riding whip he had in his hand. whereupon the animals leaped upon him and began tearing him in the moat ferocious manner. People ran to savage brutee. Before the dogs ware com- polled to alve up the attack they had torn Heeeler eo_t_erribly that he died after being 3, -_l__J_ -. Ann- Luvs-w- u u,.-v are suspected of being infected with the disease, and the slaughter of every animal that is known to be snfl‘erlng with it. Every horse in the city is being strictly watched. The public drinking troughs have been closed to prevent the ( :Intsgion spreading by this means. A prominent veterinary surgeon has written a letter to the Times protesting against this action in the hottest season of the year. He declares that the closing of the troughs is a calam- ity which will have for worse results upon the snimsls than any that would result from leaving them open. The disesse has been prevalent for some little time past, and the decision to close the troughs was put into efl'ect a week ago. , .L, â€"G‘mnders is so prevalent in London that the authorities have issued special: In- structions to the inspectors. They recom- mend the compleye‘tsplaupq of hymen that. ,,.AI. AL- â€"One of the most brutal outrages that has occurred in Ingereoll for years was per petrated one day last week on a young lady in a delicate condition unable to defend herself. The brute in human form is known as “Tim Carroll,” who has been boarding with the mother of the young lady upon whom the assault wee mode. A few days ago. while the girl’s mother was away from home, Cmoll assaulted her. and then kept her locked in the house. As soon on she received her liberty ehe swore out a warrant for tile arrest. but up to the present he has eluded the police, although not i'orlonnr, es the authorities have been notified all over. The young lady is still in a. precarious condition. â€"Mrs. Michael K. Mills, wife of ‘Prloce’ Mike, former ruler cf the Flylng Roll colony, but who is now In J oekeon priwn, was granted a divorce by Judge Brevoost of Detroit last Monday. "he divorce was granted on the ground that her husband had been convlcted o! 3 felony and son tenced to more than three years imprison- ment. There may be some queetlon no to the velidizy at {Me divorce. It was no: granted on any allegation in Mrs. Mlllb’ original blll, but on a ennplemencery blll died a. few days ago, which was practically a new affair, and the law rrqulree that four months must intervene between the filing or the blll and the grentlng of the decree. -â€"Mscdonsld and Hill. accomplices of Bidwell in the great bank iorgeries of 187 3, have been released on condition that they leave the country. They have both sten- ed for Amerlcn. Hill is e snowy-haired 1.110: as a result at his long confinement. Mecdonnld, except that he is aged. looks well. He says the prison system is calcul- ated to make men mad or brutee. He was cfi‘ered ten years cfl’ his sentence if he would divulge the method of splitting bank notes. He says he refused because he did not know ,the method. The bank authorities, however, persist in believmg he did it. Wages are good throughout the country, as high as $45 per month and board being (fined; but. even with this inducement men are no: to be hsd. -â€"A Winnipetz deepetch says: All of the Immigration offices in the city are u: re- ceipt. o! telegrams duly from farmers ask- mg for help during the harvest and thresh- ing. The supply does not nearly equal the demand, and In}: a smell proponmu of the Equeets meet win} the {mun-cf! response. 3:: Whgch thesteemerwsstheyawed out ren er mums. mung mg. 1 acre 03 in skin's. b, â€"'1‘he Roman Cstholics of Winnipeg hove decided to carry on their sepnrete schools by privste subscription â€"Nstnrnl gss was struck at Csledonis I lost Sstnraey at s depth 0: 400 test. The flow is a. very strong one tor thedepth drilled. â€"A firemen one British stenmer iron: g Hamburg died st the hospitsl e: Grange- month, England, from what is pronounced Asiatic cholera. â€"Fsrmers throughout West Eigin state than the wbest yield will be much better than at first snticipsted. and will average trom23t030 bosheisperscre. â€"Willism Boyd, s prisoner in the gsol - st Ssrnis. sent there from Petrolee on isil- ing to find suretiee to keep the pence, mode his escape from thst piece lset Satur- dsy eiternoon. He was working in the kitchen, and while the turnkey had his beck turned made 3 dash ior liberty. â€"An old lady 1n Woodstock, who had been putting by he: savings for years In a otocmng. tound the other day that she had 840 thus “salted," but me bills were value- lesa, being or the Royal Canadian Bank, long since defunct. She was not aware or this fact, however, until aha “hemmed to pass one or them, and then it. dawned upon her that her savmga would have been safer in a. chartered bank or the Dominion say- ings bank. â€"The Oriliia papers announce that Mr. J. Ross Robertson oi! Toronto is negotiat- ing the purchase of the old asylum proper- ty in that town for a branch or his magni- ficent charityâ€"the Sick Children's Luke- side Home. Mr. Robertson is one or the few wealthy Journalists in Canada, and one or whom the profession may be proud. â€"'1‘he Japanese government has arrang- ed to send to the United States 2,000 Japanese 0! the middle class, who are to attend the World’s fair, and afterwards to make a tour to the principal cities or the country. Tne J aps will be transported by the C. P. R. steamship line to Vsucounr, thence by rail to the Pork city by the C. P. R. and connections. â€"On Saturday President Harrison issued a proclamation imposing a tell at twenty cents a ton on Canadian vessels using the Sault Canal. This is in conse quence of our discrimination against American parts by the rebate system. The president’s action is taken under the authority recently given him by congress at his own request. â€"While Mrs. Henry Orchard and her mother. Mrs. Johnston, mother of the Rev. Hugh Johnston 0: Toronto, were driving over the creasing on the M. C. 13., near Shedden village, Sunday, the train struck the rig, killing the horae and breaking MraOrchard’s ltg, the elder lady being un- injured. v Wan-vol -â€"â€"â€" _- V The qquprg'gfi blends 3t one: â€"The St. Louis and San Francisco rail road passenger train which left Whichita, Kansas. Saturday night, was held up and the Wells, Fargo express car robbed by four masked men hear Augusta about midnight, and before nine o’clock Saturday morning the outlaws were captured with a part of their booty. As the train slowed up at the Ssnta Fe crossing, about a mile east of Augusta. two muhed men mounted the locomotive from either aide and cover- ing the engineer and fireman with guns ordered them to stop the train. The train came to a stand atiu andtwo members of the rabbers’ gang who were hiding started to uncouple the express car. As soon as this was done the engineer was compelled to pull out with the car a mile distant from the train. and while two of the highway- men watched the locomotive crew the others went to the express car door and de- manded admittance, and by way of em- phasising their demands commenced to shoot through the sides of the csr in which were Express Messenger sum and a bag- gage man. The imprisoned men soon gave 3 in. The Wells, Fargo Company had just : taxsn hold of the Frisco lines, and their men have not yet received their arms. so the express messenger had nothing with which to protect the car but a small revol- ver. Shim was forced to open thesale and the robbers ransacked everythina. Rotting between 15 and 20 packages of money. The whole thing was ever in about 30 minutes, and then the robbers left the locomotive after firing a tow shots. The outlaws did not attempt to rob the passengers and the latter knew nothing of the robbery until all was over. The amount of money secured cannot be ascertained, but it will probably noteneed mono. Therobbsry was com- â€"The Gloucester schooner Helen F. ' Whiten leit Gloucester seven weeks ago and went to Western Bank, and after ob- taing bait went to Portland, Me., and landed it. She there baited. and two weeks ago went to Lehave bank. Tuesday morning tour of the crew left the vessel in doriee to set trawls. The dory occupied by the first two had a compass but no sail, while theZiatter had a said but no compass. A thick 10;: prevailed and when the work was done they could neither find the ves- sel nor each other. At three o’clock in the afternoon the fog lifted a few minutes and the two dorles sighted each other long enough to get together, but the ion again settled densely. and the men decided to row for land. They pulled all night and the next day. On the second night, as they were becoming exhausted, they abandoned . one dory and retained the one with the sail. With briei rests they stuck to their cars until eleven o'clock Thursday morn- ing. when the steamer Lunenberg picked them up, fliteen miles ofl’ Sambro, and took them to‘Luuenberg, then back to Halifax. Their hands were in a terrible condition from rowing and their feet swollen from wearing rubber boote. They rowed about 250 miles, and during all that time had but one biscuit and little water. to the men removed him from ha mojeety'e presence. He was handed over to a. oonsteble and lodged in jail. There to no doubt that he is insane. â€"1‘he Globe last Saturday reports an it:- cident that occurred Saturday to the queen while she was driving near 0.- oorne house. Isle of Wight. As the royal carriage was proceeding along the road a man making violent gestures advanced to ward it. The carriage was stopped and the man approached the queen. He told her that he was a foreign count, and that he and many others had sworn that if the queen did not resign they would kill her. Her Maj eety listened iny silence to the wild harangue, never once betraying any nervousness. She and her attendants at Once saw that the man was menlatiy un- balanced, and. though she did not know but what he would attempt to suit his actions to his words, she retained her presence of mind and gazed calmly at him, never uttering a wad. One of her at- tendants dismounted, and_ quietly talking was our on Monday. just three months from the date of sowingâ€"May 16th. Our Informant ssys seventy blnders Were 1n me when: fields in the Cal-berry district on Tuesday and the yield promises to be heavier than for years past. â€"The Winnipeg Free Press says: Faun- ers in many diatncns oi the province are now busy with the wheat harvest. The hot weather or the past few days has hastened the ripening of the wheat beyond expect.- tion and by next week tax-Venting will be general. A gentleman iron: Caz-berry last night (Thursday) brought into the Free Press office an excellent sample of wheat which was cut on Tuesday, August 16th. It is of the Colorado rainy and has a. plump berry; Ten sores o_i this when. â€"The board of trustees of the villsae of Csrthage have authorized the purchase oi a novel fire slnrm for use on this village hall. It consists simply of a. common steel tire five feet in diameter, such as are used on the drive wheels oi locomotives. It will make a noise like that of a huge triangle and can be heard distinctly a. distance of two miles. Unlike the sound of church bells and steam whistles, it will be readily distinguishable from other signals when it is desirable to call out the department. The steel lire alarm is in use in many lo- calities, and its utility was illustrated and explained in a recent issue or the Scientific American. ~11 the Thornbury Standard in to be credited the Frees 8c Wood binder must be a wonder. A team attached to one or these machmee ran away in a field of grain last week. The driver (Mr. Carefoot) tell on the table or the machine, was curled along the canvas and deposited upon the around bound with two bands at twine. Tue horses then bolted for the heme and when stopped It was found that the rails were done no In handles the ezze ot sheavea of wheat. No eexione damage wan done to the machine. â€"Chlcego thieves have adopted e new plan of operating. It was encceeetudy 1n- rroduced the other day, when 3 good look- ing end accomplished burglar rode up no the reeideuce‘ o! J ecob H. Cohen, South Park avenue, on a bio) cle, and, utter flour- ishing a revolver, caused a. servant girl to taint, ransacked Mrs. Cohen’o jewel case, end made his escape wish $1,503 worzh 0! diamonds. The rhlel wee chased for more than a mile on Indian: and Michigan-area. by a petrol wagon, bun woe to emf; for his pureuers. Eton out-of-tâ€"li'dr‘bedb -â€"A bowed Cal!“ wu crushed to (lath at units Mondsy by being caught In the wheel at a wagon. â€"1'ho finslond or now what wubroughb Into St. Tnomu on Saturday In» to John Campbell, mum, tram N all McLean.Sont.h- wold. I: wu o: the Clean: ":10”. “d "urged 60 lbs. to the bushel. Prize gold was 40.2., wand. â€"Onr sheep trade with Great British has been a failure this season. Shippers have made heavy losses. and are now dropping out of the market altogether. so that the season is practically over. The shinnments to date are 14,773 sheep against 20.739 tor the same period 135‘ year. News was received tc-day than the steamship Gerona has arrived at Newcastle, 28 oi her sheep having died on the passage. and the rest were landed in bad condition. â€"1‘he suffering among the laboring clue of the Mexican popnletmn on hozh sides at the Rio Grnnde ie eppnuina'. May tem- iliee hue been living for den on cactus pleats. Many children have died of fever. The relief oommmee issues tour pounds of corn to each pereon 3 week. hueiy enough to keep them slive. Ciozhing is badly needed. In some cases whole temiliee ere neerly dead, end when cold northern come the enfi‘ering wall be great. hndexplodod. Dalmatian the truth they Mod the argon. may were THE CANADIAN POST, wouldhsnlmndslu-p Thomas at «gnaw-n. m. â€" â€"Wflud other maul-lo mm From m" m”! '5: 'an'n'n' A '1“ m. mntfln in mh‘um'm nu mill). .Dr- 891/9 “2°03! in not cum me much flmowumemomed go DmLQSgn‘rng C19,, to 0” tn oron : GENTS â€"Pleno ship us yet G. T. 8., might uremia. three (8) green more or you And- Dendmfl. Thiemekeeelx croc- or 86! bottle- nurohued from you since January lath 1891. I little more than two months. The éomnd uduewthemefluotthe mmn . I! our customer- to whom we hen sold It . We and It not only move. the dudmfl en court but I: u u: elm: WW3”! the hut. Glaneouumd In. An WW 00". It 1' “0:013:11. wthotth “1:1." (1 age: in mo 0 e are e r so remnant. Wham unmanned mum “extended-do. orgasm. thwkkw -On Sunday laet Master Harry Bell, youngeat son of Mr. J smee Bell orSelwyn, drank a small quantity oi washing fluid, mistaking it for raspberry wine. Fortun- ately for him hie mother, who happened to be near him at the time. quickly adminia- tered a dose of oil. which caueed him to vomit. and in a ahorz time he was com- pietely out of danger. â€"On Tuesday morning last Mr. Albert Douala", junr., oi Chillicoue, Ohio. letu Buckhorn to no to Burielgh in company wnh hie wite and guide. While pausing through Little Backhorn rapids he hooked an enormous maskznonge and after much hard work he succeeded in [letting it on shore. The fish weighed 23 pounds, and an eight ounce rod was the weapon 0! cadture. ,# Wheanrmsichwogflewc‘m WheashewuaChߢnhocflodfOPm mmmmmmwm mmmmnamwpvemm â€"Mr. J at. McKee, agent of the Singer Sewing Machine Company. at Barrie, was struck by the mail train from Toronto, while driving across the railroad creasing about a mile south of Allandnle on ledny. He was brought to Barrie. bub died shortly after the arrival of the train. Hie horse was killed instantly. â€"On Wednesday morning, Wm. Lew, en, a pioneer settler oi Cnefl‘cy, nude 0. determined and nearly euccepeiui attempt. at suicide by cutting with a. razor the vain: of his: ht arm at. the elbow joint, Dr. Howlnn we; eummoned and carefully at- tended the men. Tae heat of the pert iew den had eti'ecued his btien. -Mr. H. Palmer. an accountant at Csmpballtord, Oak, accxdemally anon him- self \Vedneaaay as Kemp’s trout pond, near Codrington. He was placing his sun In a boat when it went 01!. The charge entered his side, penetrated the bean and caused almost instant death. He leaves a wife and four children. â€"Port Party will raise $9707 this year for municipal purposes, neceualmliogn rate of 2.40. The town is paying 00' some 0:!)- enzures, which will reduce It: lumen; nccaunu naxz year by $600. â€"A travelling tramp cut his throat from our toe»: one day last week. a: Ballantne, a small Manon near Prlnce Albert; mommy to secure work no doubt had something t3 do mun hlm commlmng the rash act. â€"An Immense drive of logs passed over the dam at Lnkefleld during the first part. of last week belonging to the Messrs. Gk- mour of Trenton and Rathbun ot Deser- omo. The drives were compased of 60.00 and 80 0001036 respectively. A large num be: or men were employed on them. â€"Toronto Teiezram: "When Hon. W!!- llam Mackugz 6 wulku along King-4:. alter the trolley poles are up the resemblance tzhween that onco palatial thoroughfare and the swamps at his own native Kirk- fleld will make him homeslck.” -â€"A mineral spring has been diicavered at Chemona park, near Patel-bore. which is said to ban health giving proprietien, one lady inning been cured of rheumatism by using the water. The l'berel-coueervazlvee will meet in convartion at. Cennlagton on Tnuradey y, September 8 11,10: the purpose of eelectlng a candidate for the 10ml leglnleture. "P3010815 will cure um com. "Plc'ronu has no eons]. "PIOIORIA" loosen: the ohm. “PlO'l‘OBIA' put up in 250. Donia “le315" the people! tomcatâ€"17- A. 8161880139“. Afloat. Linnea. Ont Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs 18 taken; it is pleasant and refreshng to the taste, and acts ently yet romlitlyon theKidneys, iver and owe s, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy 0 its kind ever ro- duced, pleasmg to the taste an ac- ceptable to the Stomach,fipron1pt in its action and truly bene cial in its effects, pre and 0:11?7 from the most healthy an agreeab esubstances, its man excellentqualitiescommendit to 1 and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of F lgs is for sale in "(Se bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will rocure it promptly for any one w 10 wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the MIDLAND DISTRICT NOTES. CAlIFURNiA HG SW"? Ell, LINDSAY, own, Mayan“ 26, 1892. ONE ENJOYS HERE AND PEER... Syrup Off“: 00. SAN rm 31300, (- ¢ 5. Mmhmm AN PIANO. VOCAL H0810 n0 0% mm. WILLIAM DUFFUS. Manama: 1‘... wt subunit! mm ¢ood man on ramble a: tune ”when. bum 31: Iron premises. J d- rosd. other out 1 and Apply no 18. Ianâ€"mu. to w. .1an enema F3113. on RXY. a: the FARM am RENEâ€"The west half of lot 1510 6th Mon 9! Pegging. gong-lu- _-. 1‘ The subscriber offers for 5310.0:- to rent the south on: quarter or Lot 4. con 8. Mariya“. All under animation; dwelling: tabla: never- tsmng well: trul!.otc. Pom to wow um hmeol; full possession 15th Much next. Title perfect: norms in one of ale to unit p . ADD!) to WILLIAM JEWELL. Port. Perry.â€" Farms 2m- 5819 or to Ben t.- ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT‘ The subscriber axe-11191- 3312.0:- to_ r Architects and Surveyor: S. DAVIS SONS Montreal. Largest and Highest Grade Cigar Manufacturers in Canada. for useln an "aunt". . For Inst! m 3:352: Wawr. Dial}; ecungynnd ahumgam In“. Aancquuszopounda sum m- 30‘- 1: WO-“u' . .wâ€"_, w- ,..... - On theee premioee are erected two new trnme dwellings with suitable ehede end out buildings and nleo n ireme dwelling and shop at preeon: used on o dwelling end tailor ehop n1: ; these houses are occupied by good tennnte. T5831: :â€"15 per cent. at the time or sale. 25 per cent. in thirty days thereafter and the bel- nnoe to be secured by e lire: mortgege on the premleee with inner-est et 7 per cent halt yearly. principal peynbEe in three years. The purchaser :0 have the option of pnyina gosh. Iv Ar-v u "v vyâ€"'_ vâ€" -_, ‘. Further udcnlsrs 33' mutation to Mum. MACLA N. MACDONALD. MERBIT SHEPLEY, 28 and 30 Toronto Street. Toronto. Vendor's solicitors. Toronto. J My 25th. 1891â€"17 5. THE Reggnized Standard Brands “Mango," “Kicker," “Dab/e." fiu‘fl'efi'o‘oWBiiEEu‘Béiiéi ‘w’fm' ' wanna meet domain tony seven toot more or lea- to 019 9.1909 0’ beams: __--.-. ._- _-_ ..-.... v.1 vwâ€"u‘. _'___‘-, 7, All end Singnler thet certain percel or tract oi lend end remieee situate. lying end heinzin the town of new, in the Ccunty of Victoria. being ecmpoeed 0! part of Let number five eounh or Peel etrett. many. and being fully oeecribed ee iollowxzâ€"Commeneing in the northern limit of said Lot at e point tenteet westerly from the north eset mle oi eeid Int: thence weeterly eiong eeid northern limit to William street: thence southerly along Wmiem street tort! seven teet; thence easterly nereliel with the northern limit of esid Lot toe point ten met distant irpm_the eagerly limit at aid I‘L ("An-l- __ by George Mcfiugh. IuotLoEeer. the following Under-ndby virtueotmepowotuuoooa- mined In I cox-tun mmm.‘ whloh will be produced at the time 02.09.01” will!» cfl'arodtoualob: PnbhcAuouonon SATURDAY, Septtmber 10th, 1892, It the hour of 12 o'clock. noon. n the Benson House, in the Town of Lindsay, ORTGAGE SALE â€"01-_ Valuable Freehold Property. 'AMES DIOKSON, r. I. W. | 6: 04pm, P;L.§.,-a.nd Dominion PUREST, srnfi;ga§f.i3_T-;§i§ 1:: TH] POM‘B WEDDING WW4 01's FOR SALEâ€"Four )5»; i1! Sold byfiAll GM?! and MI. New Advertisements: Universally acknowledged to be superior in every respect to any other brands in the market. Always reliable, as has been fully demonstrated by the millions that are sold annually and the increasing demand for them, notwith- standing an increased com- petition of war One Hundml aml Twenty-fire Factories. This fact sptaks volumes. We are not cheap Cigar manufacturers. H 1151c, and Surveyor. ARTISTS GOODBquochlty. HEADQUARTERS ummm I... ma III Plt‘l‘m “All w. A. aéonwnrs Glam. Ribbons. Luci. Oun- fimfwu vely: gum}: Omanâ€"Willi“: ”290% north. {xiâ€" Sktwh' mall to ’imprh t1!“ (lode: Chm-32 or n um and” JIM. July, Layman may gummy. gang“ 9g 9;; “if; Mmm 01:11:11 by? ' m;vpny_steendodgby _dn 3% um 01 Ontario Vent-$11317 muffin: autumn! thedomcogumucs: sunfish the beast scientific and mom Qfloo._ MoKlzgnqn' _s arm KHZ»! fl. 93.4. o o.w..Qn-bab80u. a .. . Flo 4383.53. no?“ H.388. 22.3 Ban. | an 90 Orr opalâ€"Fa. K!» E >385? OBS-an 3.52.8. Ear. or.» 2 3098.5 avg En. v5.8.5? U o cnmered Accountant of Dunno. Booke oi all kinds written up. Statements of account mode out. Balance sheets prepared. Contacts made for writing a books by the week or month. Books opened or busineee men on the best suited to their business. Partners p accounts adjusted. All kinds of accounts audited. Instruction uivec in double entry bookkeeping when deal: ed. Aleoegent for the MUTU AL RESERVE Fund Life Aesocintion.the lergeet natural remium lite oompeny in the world. Parties w o intend to insure will save money by issuringnin this company “their rates are little over it those charged by old line companies. Address. Box 35L undo". Nov. 18. 1,391 â€"80-28. J. GILLESPIE, Clerk of the 7th . 0 Division Court. Commlulionerlnfl R. Conveyance: Vdnator. Money to loan or most flavor-.1310 te'mz.md law sum to anti borrowers. Givens: can. .denoo. mm: we. Co. Datumâ€"min A large amount of Pr!- vate Funds and Trust Funds to Loan in sums small or large to suit bor- rower. Easy and conven- ient terms of re-payment. Sta 6 percent. 9a n3 om.-_-_w:. no you 109mg V «puny of Min, Atherley venom. Kong)“: lemon farm and town property I: amountâ€"TIM!- Panto. wm bu met any time 3nd place to .00 Properties and mnnza has. No Fool. Inclo-o sumo. U0! mgaggooduvauoonnum. est. 513303. AN. Payment: $130 on the 8mm Fund System from two totwenty Amount luredwrepuy nloan ol__31. _ in 10 non. II midi-£3.20: 20 ' are 33 ' Int-tau. no omen»... mam. J. O. GHJCERIST. P. M.. Weadflllc J. 0 611083.18? 1. 3100 Agent (or seven! Issuance! Counmm. and to: mam all the lendinc Newport. Glygilm a call. U1 GAGES 4: from 5 to 7 per cent. accord- tantamount of low: Interest payable you-1y “my omen Money minced on locum: of minor: notes JOHN A. BARON. OFFICE - New Domlnlon Bank Building Wuhan-at. Lind-y. June 2. 1892 â€"lm Iv .IL ”nasal-cont. scoot“ to amount-o- nlrod and mount! olfcrod. wrest you-2y. we“ to borrower or mine on In: sum at any time withon: notice. Ofloe In law's Block. corner; Kent Ind You-km . Aug. 28. 1:89:34, STRAIGHT mm A! “In! mm: m turns. with outs-m- to sunburn-wet. Also; hmmmtammmmxm on adm- accou- tenn. A a. B 39PM; A PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN u 5i, bimepox-cont. Aocorflngto amount-o- ”flu“. [And-u Sent. 6. 1389.435 Hg”. Nov. 19. mamâ€":1" ‘ “mean :3 l m vacuum 3 And . w my a: my. mm. Nov. 1g. :31. Vetezmggy Surgeons. HEAP MONEY TO LOAN IN SUME PER GENEâ€"MONEY T0 LOAN AT SIXPECENT ongoodrl‘nqg Pro- BRITISH-AIM“ MIC 00’?» ONEY T0 LEND 0N MORT- EAGLESQN. R, McPHAEE, 010:]; of the Hip!- MCINIYRE STEWART. W. A. Goodyurm. W. P. BROAD. lemma-am ta 6 per Cent Busmess~ Cards Emcellaneous. Money to Loan. AID flLEMllNG. Joycn,_ v. _s. â€" g9». H. B. DEAN. Barrister. L18 DSAY BILâ€"“WWW""W 1i max-m. 8 :38 ca. £3818 «cl-lad 8038 “also. 8538 noonâ€"3318.34 6.385.834 iii .‘Ba DE I’ll 0:5 0" Edi him W ii. m ,- "yIlIiiiiX'lifiéioilnC ’LEABY O’LELBY, BARRIE- TERS. Am a 1". scum In mm.mmmmmxum '3? .01 E in $3 P {County Crown 'm. nods-y. on. once on: Hm "W "m'fi 7 Km #5:. ARTHUB O'LIABY. HUGH cum. 0-C- Oh‘oaSFfdufiaS musk? rind-5;“ mama: ac. 1mm. G H. HOPKINS, (successor to MAB- ma: HOPKINS 3m. Solicitor. etc. onloss. William-at... dealingâ€"24711L “an”. m 36:; ET ism-Josh. OJ 7:0: Dominion Book. o'flloe him Now Dominion Back bulldmg. “nun-ct. Undo-y: mum OVEBEND. Proglxtor. Tuscan-shy heaved hotel. neu- tho t 0mm. has lard: chmged hands. and Mr. Oval-end. the new pastor. has given “1°me a comp la mutullng and rum: throughout. The Savanna pub‘ic will find everything first-clue. The best quads of liquors and cigars kept constantly on hand. Good stamina and ana- uve hustler. Lindsay. May '27. 1891. â€"5541. Lindsey. Gm. Cum. proprietor. Envâ€" lng purchased the good wit! and furnishing. d ihfsubomu-known how‘grow. Ngm. ve no expenee as ve- mwte where neoeaery. an ‘- trevenen wlfimnnd everything first-clue Beet brands at liquor: end cigars. Good nobles and on mauve hoetler. A good one done:- per as: house. Undeey. Dec. 16. lam-St. onmmuxiioddéh.’ U ate at Unlvordty of Trinity calm Toronto: Membero‘.‘ Cozy] egeotPhy 31mm surgeons. Ontario; late I‘h; cidsnw Bmxwood Lay-um. Klmtou Grand Trunk Bu Undue; District 01110:: end residence. R “second coo: west of York-st. Dace beam. 9 £010.30 em..1.30 mos p.m;end7m89.m. [Andes-LAW 8. 1891.â€"48 [er - Referee to aha Stands“! Insurance Oom- puy Surgeon to the Grand Trunk Railway. Omc’e .md residence Rhianna... first door «a of laminar-at. omoehours tram 8 to w;:::.‘ wanna w_23p_p.m. and 79099411. Telephou INDSOR HOTEL, Linduy,T. J. OVEBEND. Proprietor. This coon-my U Royal Infirmary. Edinbumh. Scoflsnd. Over ten years' experience of cum :acdco in his prolesdpn. Office And rcsidenee. ogmer 0: Ram“ ana {Away-ate. Lindsay Luv. 13. 1891.427 151'. OMMERCIAL HOTEL, MANILLA, Ont. This hotel has been remodeled and renovated and newly tarnished. L‘o pain: will be spared to mike guests oomlotuble. The Bar and Dinlng Room will elven be mm well supplied. Good Commercial Room: Hut-clamp Enabling and an Inventive Beetle: Bus no mains. Give meeeell W. H. PARK Fromm. Mums. May 11. 189Lâ€"53-lvr. I '63 name at VV . asaxg. 011106 and residence. 0mi- brlda'e-at" Linden oppomo awn-z church. Unclear. 111229 16â€"96- U u 8. 0 ; Graduate of View“: and Tarzan Universities. Member or College or and Sur' eons. Ontula; Inc of Post. Guam Houptm. New York. omenâ€"Woodvflle. 0n- udo. “'oodvme. May 19. 1889.â€"50-Ur. D WM TERRY, Prom-tron Bestbtande oi liquors and cigars. Lox-go and dry“! ample rooms. Commercial men oonveyeawdl point: on shortest noucc Good stables 5:111de homers. June 12th. 1889. â€"53- -.ly hotel has lately Idea-gone a. morough overhaul: ins.wdcannowbewenutedusthebesthoto. In the village. Excellent accommodation. Bo! always supplied with the best brands of llqucu 99:! 91395; 0qu cabling. smuve bootleg- R. BURROWS, graduate of McGill College. 1866‘ 0150a hour: 8 to 10 a. In. noon; 4 w 6 n. 111. Telephone connecdm. Utdsar, July lath. 1892â€"15 lyr. Miy 371838.43?!» Is the placed): first clue dentist-y. Beauntul Gold end Porcehin crowns inserted. J. Names studied the Gee. VluLzed Air. under 11:. Canton of New York, the minus: cf m for emctinc teeth. who writes m Nunmns that up to July let he had given the use to $7.523 pom-J ta without an ucdde at. Ma. NEELANDS has given this can uninmmmedl! for over 25 scan to many thousand perm without pain or injury. hm in: teeth 9 Artificial booth Inserted from Slow $65. to:- on none: or under sec. Many persons are wearing teeth made by MR Ramps for eve: 20 you: without rennin. Penscne from a distance will moose pend u glam before coming. omce opposite Simpson onion. Audrey. Amman 2nd. 1891â€"17. WAVERLEY HOUSE, Kent-st. east, Lindsay. Gm. CARR. propdotor. Envâ€" J. NEELANDS. All bunch:- of dentistry. Nadine an beautiful and dunble Crownund 8:- ago Wat. and. the Pox-coma mung 8m moccasin!!! onctked by Mr. 0min. An apparel-undercut of goat! teeth for 810 00. Puts a- un! Vial!“ um: painless mutation. 1m Chan max-m moth as "$1126. Over THIRTY YEARS. expel-lace. .oxs ovm Knxxsnw‘s Emu. orpoot‘e the Dominion Bank. KM Lindsay. May 16th. 1891â€"!08. ORTBERN HOTEL, KINMOUNT, Ontario. W. 8. SCOTT. Mem- Th!- W DENTIST. LINDSAY. - - ONTO Jam: MoSwnx. Dorm.» R minnow. QLUMAN _I_:IOUSE, MINDEN.â€" E W. H. 69033, L I). 8. n RN’I‘TQ'I‘. OHN A. VBARBOTS, Q; 0., (spuqipor 00123 a; JACKSON CHARGES xonmfl [Jada-y. Much 31. 1832â€"99. 'ame g smvym; 3m 'oswnm a; mugsqx, 83rd! gym. KEMET, 9.2911, MEDIQAL u. SIMP§0N. Buyslgux, Grgdn- R. DzGRAssx, PHYSICIAN, SUR- QEON. ETC. m. Woummw R; E, _s: WILSON, 1m rofr an P. npfim,_mgngsmn, 150m. J; Mcyqum, W1. Soli- ggAlgT,_nL 11,3. 154., M_._C. P. B. DEAN, _B_AR§_.IS_TER_, 891.101- I:- .HERP-EDEAN, M. D... u. q. P- 1mm 1'0 LOAD. HART, L. D. s., Barmters. Etc. flyuczm. Ea tels. Den :13 try Mil“.

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