5r- if? if?!" M3!“ {M 1“ 9;: Ilahl It tho "mm bud". «mm; a". m VII I-nua own to «In. ‘ cow to â€a TIOI. CDI- ""51?" OOIIIQ . Uh! “in.“ of mu . . , u... nun notlonun h "rid." v“ n .. .ad nzlod Into m. in Q! nit. I..." ngurma MI um NI ‘0- Sunni onyx-i nmwh “and a. â€" we‘l'o To. .9- un‘ :mpg‘ .hnud â€'9'! “.993†rt raw-- mom ma. m H. has on you shout :hm (mm on: .:- .- of buck and anion. M In in .2: .l Mhndfd growth' .znd pow-u A crop 'Moh will whnm mum .150 ThQNIh' ' work In wading and Home: not .n d. on: manl- quin- duly chore In in mm 8150 a: chaï¬ng m- . Qt ton Minol- to an. MP. Ind We . .ECDdo Amman-Thu iii-hum or me Im- â€an. 0! m9"- Inuh: be M» - ea Ion} BOBCA YGBON. Os mss â€"'Iho [an or Mr. WmVentuu, st N uey'n Crook. :- brad, Idiom to: m . x purposes. mdho nun-noxiou- Iln hm! o: cattle. Between the Creek and Limo-m. Ridge. honour. to I in. of Mahfloom had Mainly united her-mam“ Mpkcoflr. v... .m has. in in “molten“, ï¬nd how :0 product It!“ at return) dun In] ootaln from to: a twenty an“ the PENELON FA LLS. In: Swmu Barnum-Tho work on whit mo: ho coiled tho iouudotiou of tho Iwiuu bridge in manila: otoodily. oud uwordo oi thirty moo oro now kept ooz- ohuuv buoy. thoro hoiuz oinhtoou oorpou- toro ond Iixioou muouo. including on. Minors. Mr. Brown oud Mr. Rose. Oi to two ohutmouto ond Iovou piora requir- ol. tho oouth ohutmoui out an! pier oro mouditioootinotodthot i: will into about tou wooho to build tho others. Tho uhutmonto mooouro, roughly making. 50 518 ioot; hut ot tho middlo oi tho rivor, ‘whoro tho wotor in tho doopoot, tho pioro in iucroooo in rim as well on in height. I"! “rooted thso oomo or the iron work will ooou own. 5‘4 the Immune sullen. “0101180 it of which 1513 mm shout tin-nix ieof. will come in p85", b13004 hxoiher, oll ready to upon, tho distance bonnie: to pier. Tho work oo ior its! not ottroctod much ottentiou, but u good Jul at intoroot will be token in tho erection d tho uow blldfle; out! while the component non» of the swing on: pain bolted togeshor no not in 91m. there will probably bol use mm" to the scene 0! spentâ€"ions an «the baton o: menâ€"[Guam a.» mullet: In mm to on whiaaw “a 3:333:13: 3“33::£5:3: m“ hum. “WHO! «31::thqu was: «1%: MM mum luau-I madam“ mm be «an m. Our oonntry’o pride Ind glory now, or man whose youth did not disdain To wield the no or drive the prough. nut let tho farmer know hll wotth. tom and hold his main should be, an will inli M and clou- hio mind. an duty and opinion: iron. flu careful thought nod industry Work woodan with the fertile led. In hm high comm win l'mn man. from eontoionoa om: from God. LOCAL N EWS‘LE’I‘TERS The manly farmer’s homo: toil. Bounding deems the WM: that ulna .A living from the generous soil, It! point bun to can 0 famous names. he dear old term! Its every rod Io taught with memories sweet to me! Each spot techno some bygone hour 0! Joyous childhood, gay and tree. Here Nature seems to sneak hex-self, In hill. and otteem and sunny ï¬eld; In then: 1 and oommnlouship The crowded city cannot yield. Who: are its eheliow joys to me. It. pomp and show. its sordid weomz. Given in exchange for heem’s pure sir, For boundless freedom and rugged health 2 Lethim who loves the sickly elude. Behind the counter scrape and bow: 1'0 me it seems A better thing To feel the sunlight on my brow. And to ' he one who falsely scams kennnnamxm zumaybmoawmmm .. M, 999- 9.! 10!!“th 31w (Iï¬muulimz genâ€"st LINDSAY, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 193 SAN FRANCISCO, CAB. 0013mm. KY. NEW YORK. 11.2 _.BI$L‘:} OTEAM Aunt. at 31:31.}? bottles by all leading draggista. LAny reliable druggist who may not have it on hand' will rocure it gompfly for any one w 0 Wishes try It. Manufactured only by the -EAUFORR!A FIG SYRUP GIL v man excelleitqualitiescommen'dit to 3% and hgveimade it the most 4"!3? {constipation S . p of Figs is the [only remedy o zts kind ever re: ,duced, pleasmg to the taste an 8.0-, beptable to the stomach, ï¬prompt in its action and truly bene cial in its eï¬'ects, pre axed onl ï¬om the most healthyan“ agreeahegubstances, its ffly yet ro‘inpfly on the'Kidneya; ï¬g??? and owels_, cleanses the sys. 391.11 959931151137, dlsnels 00145,.11-gadf as? “can“; it: éénmuéié diet? s: only n a magnum “an? mum bu mm on In mm to Lady» no is“ Tum» 9m emu wanâ€"u é ' " VofFi is taken- it is leased: pnygzgfreshgg to_ .the kite, End acts Both the method and results whet" pbpular remedy known. .Symg of Iii‘gs_-is_for sale in _750 California Fig Syrup (Jo. L88 and fevéfs arid cures hibitual THE OLD 'FARM. commune on amt-non And Ila-noon use A Bar's SAD Dunn â€"A Irownlnn noel- nooolnflod. VII: 8". A. M. Cnmobeu, J. dunno! n v-ry poonunr mtun occurred C. thohflu and P. A. MoLood. Tho lob Than“, toronoon In: n: 11 o‘clock. Two lowing won appointed I commit“. to young hon. Wilfrid Bum â€band“ It. pron-re n prom-mm. toe the oropoud no Funk SHno. 69.9 Quotas. wont. tho cont moo on tho “no of religion on; the corner being 12 nod Ibo mm 11 non old. October meaning of tho Pmbymy. v31: vol-arming Inau- domino «mum nlonl Rev A Mututoy.ooounor:D.McDonud. the wnur-hont nou- tho two of Yard. D Y Ran. me! John Campbell. o‘dsr. Buu’n bloyolo ounokn band. And no In Womvtue. Mwod by Rev. J. mum-n. Inna-m from m. care we tho wow. 100::de by R: v. A. MoAnlny.nnd urn-m, Althonuh »\ noun» of w wrkrnnn won n3 an: m Inu'ï¬ on. non: Abuntoon'bo the non: .nd av tn- nnoldnnt. noon at ,on oil tutor. docket: of bnolnou n: the than nae-.mgmu mm to the noon. roam-r madam o Pro-byteâ€. The or. . In... who only mono. to tho following no 0; oonnnon on and“: orfnoo. The Son- of Baal-ad Monon‘ cohnmoo»: ~32 m vr-‘Iatoo. bloating; notion moniy noon. 100 nul- on]. nod ' Sibb-uh whom. P. A. New; kn: -- than“: 05 dnty th-)‘1tnl-nnd 32mm. m‘p. g R»! -. s- unablflllogl. r. ~ monflwlwllhlnivomlnn'm Nollie . N. B‘lhlll; mm: 0! man». ' - ; . a nun «mama Mon Mn!“ 0 dlnoouno which was mam, commend“. II vs: «mod wool-m1 him to the auto of Knox Conan for tho continuance! his study. Tho following cocaine. on lust-flo- and Ila-non vne .noolncod. VII: 8". A. M. Ounnbeu. .1. 0.606311» and P. A. unlined. The for. loving me npooluwd I commute. to procure o antenna. for the Drama con! man on mun» 01 religion on; tho Gotcha:- Innoung of tho Pmbnuy. v31: Rov_A funny. ooavum- ; D. McDonud. J Mu. MoKinnon, end nnitee in thenke- givlngtoAimlghty God to: the nteeene- tion oihiallie. end joins in the hope thet he myeoon be enebled to return to his home end lebore, in which he hee been no eignellv blessed in the pelt. In the ebunoe oi the convene: on nneneee end gtetletloe the! report wee reed by Mr. McLeod. Moved by Rev. D. Y. Rose, end duly seconded end curled, the: m. Preebyteii‘yendoue the resolution oi the ‘Sebbeth eohoel euooletic'n “king fog Norm! Institute as be held. end pledge annals: 'euppofl. Rev. W. G. Henne geve in e very enoonreging' repoxt on home minions. Rev. J. McMillen teking the ehelr melamine. Routine bulneee we. treneeetedln connection with thie mettet‘ end the Preebyter: edjomed to meetI egeln et two 1). In......In the'eiteen'oon Mr. Sen: Bdch of Beleover who. on the recommendetion o! the oomlnittee on enpervieioneietndente. oertided to Ienete oi the Breebyterien College. Mdntreei. ee e as end proper «enon to etnd: seepel Ininletty. Mr. Willlem MoKey. etndens. now enpplylng Cembtey end Oekweod. In Prison Edwud land, dulru to gym-cu In deep umpathy with him sad SUNDERLAND. Pusan-namâ€"The Proebnery of Lind- on me: oh Sunderlend on Tuudey, the 15m inst" e! 11 e. m. The following minietere were preeent : D. MoDoneld, D. c. John-on, D. Y. Boos, W. G. Renae. J. MoMlllen, A. MoAuley, P. A. McLeod end 11. Carrie ; end olden Comet-on, Irwin end Grehem. Rev. W. G. Home eoted ee modunormun. The minelee oi lee. meeting. held e! Kirkneid on nae 20th end ‘7» oi June ion. were end end eueleined. Commission were received in iovor oi the ioliowim e: nonunion» olden : D. Comma. Bowman; John Genuine". Woodville; Jeane Forte“. UIhvidae: Alex. Lush. Wick ; mil Alex. Mo‘rmm. man. Rev. A. U. Omabeil wee enactm- ed momentum the annulus veer. hut in hie eheeooe MI. lien“ wee continued in the ohm (or this moon“. It wee moved thov. J. mum“. end duly wooded end envied. the! the Pie-byte" elm ite nonunion oi the mama-u. oouvleu. end ability with which the w titles :10de. tho Rev. hi. MoKinnom modded over the manual 0! tho court during the put you. end oordlelly thenh himiov hie veluehlo eerviooe. Moved by Rev. D. Y. Role. eeoondod by Rov. A. No- Auley; end ominously end homily named to. thet thle Preebvzery. heving how! with Mound regret or the eerlone eooident whlohhee Mellon the Rev. Mr. 1 MoKinnon while visiting his netlve home 1 Greer. of Toronto, spent tour or the due in town the beginning of the week. . . .Mr. and Mrs. J as. A. McLeen. of Toronto. spent 3 law due at the Recklnnd Int week. . . . Mr. Nelson Hunt, lrom Weybeck, has returned to hie ennnnl cnmp It the hand of the island. Pansoxmum. and Mrs. J out: Gldley. of Nebraska, who hue not been has for 20 you", are visiting at Mr. Wm. Gldloy’l. . . "Maura. John D. and Thom Mont- Ilomery. of Minneapolis, are home on I mu HARVESTING.â€"The farmers of thin vicinity no pretty well through with their hsmat. and the] report thu «is. pus sud bat-lay Are a very good own, but when is not an avenue crap. of Mount Pleasant. have spent a couple of weeks camping at Birch Point. As the weather was ï¬ne and theflshing verygood they put in a most pleasent time. Although nearly every member oi the party caught one or more lunge. the Rev.A.F. Tully carried off the pain: at ï¬shing, as he ‘ caught several beauties, some of which I would weigh abOut 15 or 16 lbs. The camp broke up on Thursday, 24th lush, and all members of the party started (or their respective homes. Excussroxs.‘â€"There seams to be no end to :xcursious, ss scarcely a day passes that one does not pass through here. On Tues- day last the Cranciella passed through in the morning with azlarsze excursion from Lindsay, and in the atterooon the Colum- i bian passed through from Lakefleld with a large Masonic excursion. On Wednesday the Sabbath schools of this place held a union excursion to Chemong park by the Steamer Colombian. A long programme ‘ 0: sports was carried out and every person scorned well pleased that they had taken 1 in the day’s recreation. : CAMPING Pumaâ€"A party of loathe», conzuung of the Rev. A. F. Tully 3nd funny of Mitchell, Mt. Robortd‘ully. of Petarborouah, Mr. Jon. Thompson. of Mitchell, was McKay, o! Montrenl, Mr. 3nd Mrs. W. Hickm, o! Bobcsmeon, Mina Annie E. Bean and Min ElhThaxton, Com"8xcbasmm-On Wednesdsy lest the curlers here held an excursion to Lskefleld on the obmmodious Steemer Columbia. and as the day was ï¬ne end exoellent music weson board the trip wss enjoyed by over two hundred persons. The best left the lower whorl st 8 e. 111., end returned at 9.30 pant, with the “sxcurters,†well pleased the! they hed token in the dey’s outing. ‘ Ermaâ€"A urge number at tourists srehere st present, most of whom put in s sportive" time ï¬shing. Aseruls they hs've been very successful in taking bus. but lungs ï¬shing dcss not-seem to be their hobby. Other parties who has been csmping on the lakes have tsken some very ï¬ne lungs. whentheuidgeuwopen armam- mentwfllnooneror Intel-hoodlum!“- damage; tar Injunct- loan of libâ€"[W “8m Imam ."â€""Pioboooo.'l oroomoihina like thot, woo the norm aivon by o young Boo Indion who pooood through tho oity by “0031'. R. Fridoy oitomoon. Ho won ; tho tun Indion oootnno. with blonon ond moocooino oomploto. Ho ooniod on invoioo ooyina thot ho bod boon ohipood i'nom North Dokoto to tho Kickonoo Modicino Oompony. Qnoboo. ond ookina on roiirood oilioioio to you him on. Ono oi tho 6.138. polioomon doootibod to on Inqnioitivo omoli boy tho nonnor in which Indiono oooipod ooopio. ond wound up by ammo-lino to tho indlon thou ho ohonm am on exhibition on the boy. The boy Rota ono whoop oi tenor. ond ton for bin iifn. I TORONTO. Imam m MuuoxLâ€"I'ho trolo tron North Boy Ffldoy brought o pony honing from Springvmo, Now York, down from tho Muokoko ammo. ono of thou: Inflor- na oovololy hon tho otfooto o! o ohooslng oooldoht. Tho potty oonolotod or Dr. W- H. Jookoon. Mo wflo. thon- oon Hormonn. ond o blond, Mr. S. E. Snowing. They bod boon holldoylng on tho Scum Mnokoho rim. ond on Wodnoodoy woro out on Hollow loko. Young Jackson woo otopr. ing from ono took toonothor whoa hlo root olippod. hh “no won: at! through tho ‘ ohook, out! the ram m woo ohot In tho ‘ obdomon. Tho pom oomo down oo quickly oo poooiblo. ond woro bound to:- homo. Tho lojurloo no outouo. but not probobly totol. (Tho lodnrod mon to o ootgoont o! E Co. at tho 34th Nouoool Gnu-do of Now I York mu. u won Ihowh upon the drawn In the tulle: from which the look hud been out out. Tho: wm committal for M1! on this Icon. sud wm hodout wuh n the null“. Faun ans Commâ€"0n Frldoy night not Dotocttvo Doris. o! the G. T. 8.. oz- oloted by Conatoblo Horwood. Connlnnton. brought (our men nomad Kelly. Rogers. Thomoo ond Konnodv. down to Whitby jot]. Tho: no opporontly trompo of tho clooo which tote onch choncoo oo canola tholr woy to commit humluloo. ond tho: woro too: In Sundulond on Sotnrdoy mot whoa tho ttotlon thoro woo Ion-ooh- ‘od. Dom troood thou on toOtulto one nohhoa tho wholo potty. Loot hto oooo to: tho 5mm: night not Do om onough ho mm o chom of troowo oo won oo humor, heron '1‘. 11. Quad!!- at“. J. 9.. Bundorlohd. Tho troopooo woo clout: mm tad oooh woo tout do" to! thirty don. 0n tho humor: ohomo two wttnooooo tdoatlaod tho wooam ooh“- tu boon ot Sud-flood ot tho ttmo. out! o lotto tend ta tho aoohot of ono of tho tol- lowo hot! on tho oomo nttohoo ta tto Nodo this “J. N." were on the bridle nnd n Mrs Wnteon who found the rig brought it up to Mr. Nokee for identiflcetion. The halter with which she hnd been tied in the shed WIS in the bunny, so that it wan clou- cue of theft. No tnoe of the thief hue yet been found. The horse wee 3 big boy, known no “Lengthy." end was one of the beat driven in the burn. Veryiittie lym- { pnthy would hove been felt for the thief if he ind been -found beside it It the bot- tom of the pond.â€"[Uxbridge J ournel. ONTARIO COUNTY. Lva. -A lynx he been seversl times on Mr. Robert stie's term, York township. Mr. sties hss ofl‘ered s rewsrd of 85 end the township also offers $5, rushing s not of $10 to the person who on killthe est. Some of the residents own valuable sheep which they do not desire to be made mut- ton of by the lynx. Tm: HORSE WAS A Gemâ€"Tuesday " nlaht week Mr. Jsmes Notes drove s ‘ traveller over to Port Perry. When he went to get his horse to return home it was goneâ€"stolen. Next morning the horse end buggy were discovered in Weir’s pond, Uxbrldge township, and hauled out. The snimsl of eonrse was dead. The ini- men. Mr. end Mn. Creewicke leit to:- Chicago by afternoon express. The pre- sents were very handsome, among them being an elegant Devenporl: b7 the mem- bers oi the poet-ofï¬ce inspector'e etefl', end ehendeome eiiver service hem the mem- bereoi the town council, ecoompnnied by meddreee. Hymanâ€"Barrie town was in a flat- ' tor of pleasurable excitement last week overthemarriageon Monday of his war- ' ship Mayor Oreswlcketo Miss May 11:. F. Spry, eldest daughter of the post-omoe inspector at this district, Mr. Daniel Spry. The happy event took-place in Trinity church. Shortly after 12 o'clock the bride entered the church on the arm ei her father, passingnp the north aisle to the altar to where the bridegroom was waiting. the organ peeling out the notes oi a wedd- ing march. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Canon Raider. The bride was taeteinily but becomlnnly habited in] light cream surah, with bridal veil. There was anntter absence or ostentatious display. and yet the greateet interest was mani- fested. Miss Rainer presided at the organ- The bride is one oi Barrie's most popular young ladies and looked charming. The bridemaid, Miss Ethel Spry, was attired in a pretty pink costume with large hat to correspond. Mr. E. Crease was groom THE CAN ADIAN POST, LLNDSAY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25 1893 lengtou oi Tunnelâ€, the 17th October next, at Us. In. A Pmbymhl canal-once wiflbeheldonthoeunlng arm-um any to which the public are cordlnlly Invited. inï¬rm mlnlltera. B. Johnston; widows 3nd orphsns’lund, 8. Casio ; collagen A. 13.11wa ;:remlh, D; Y. Roan ...... Next muting m appointed to be held at D. Momma ; am sad autumn; A. U. Gumball ; homemade". W. G. Hand: foreign min-Iona, M. MoKlnnon; French P. A. Manon, cloth. I 851d 1â€, druggiau «when. for. an"! It hum have been the medicine for most women, or it couldn’t. be sold 'on any such 'terms. ‘ beneï¬t or money back. onl - It’s a medicine that’s made es- pecially to build up .women’a strength and to cure women’s ail- mentsâ€"an invigorating, restorative tonic, soothing cordial, and bracing nervine; purely vegetable, non- alcoholic, and pertactly harmless. For all the functional 'dei-angc- menta, painful disorders, and chronic weaknesses that aflict womankind, the “ Favorite Prescription†is the VOLWE’S COULD BE mmm, ï¬lled with the mgimpny of women who 'haVe been made well tad strong by Dr. Pierce’s .Faworito Prgqcnptwn.“ _ _’ rIu-on an such terms. Isn’t if {Rely to be the medicino to emcee. He wee a manoilergeiniorrna. r’e tlon on all queationa oi the times, and all t. who knew him held him in high eateem tor i‘ the many traits oi character he poeeuaed. is He wae a man oi poeitive deciaion and un- fo wnerinn integrity to princlpite he wee ‘1' honeetlv convinced tobe true and noble. ‘1 In 1868 the deoeeeed emigrated to America. 3 locating in St. Joeeph. where he engaged I in bnalneee and continued up to 1871. when '. heloceted in DeKelh county. About ten 3 years ago he united with the M. E. ohuuh ‘ anal wee one oi the main eupporte oi the I church at Union Chapel. The pattern who ' aerved the church at thle place aiweye iound BM Lake to he a true irlend. enda l win counselor. For eome weehe heiore ' deathlelelmcd him ior hie victim he made special cil‘orte to eat hle home in order heiore God would take him to tile honee oi many meneiooe. With hie mind entire lv aheorhed in heavenly thinge. he requeet: ed hie paeter to meet him anohteeenow inn iriehde the day heiore he tell to eleeo and edmlnleter to them the atonement oi the Lord'e Supper. Thle duty havlnn heen Mormed he wee periaotly reconciled to peee out oi the houee made with hande lo hie eternal home. iie eeleeted the text ior hie tunnel dieeouree. and we are not at all eurorlted that he eeleeled that nae-en oi mioture which hat eomiorted theheart oi the ohrletiau in all anee oi the world. The eorloturee eeleeted were the neareet theoahte in the unlveree to the eoul oi Bro. Lake. The worde eeleoted were : “Let not your hearte he troubled. Ye he-_ 0 iieve in God. believe aieo in Me. in my ‘ Father'a house are many manelone: ii it werenoteoi would have told you. leoto Moore a place ior you." Themes-yo! Bro. Lanewiii long heeheriehedhyhte neiahhon and iriende who were that intimate with him. In hie death hie oom- a] panion haeloet a true and devoted huhud 1 and m ohiidrenaiovina iather.and the P country a noble oitiaen. loyal to hu- ineti- tutione. with an unwavering integrity that diatinxuiahed hie iaithiuineeae ahove n ‘e “Favorite Preaori tion†is thé ' Y- 1%:st a legitimate medicine tint Rev. M. Jones oi Stevnruviue. utter which the rennin: were kid to roe: in the cemetery near the church. The decemd leaves a wiie sud ï¬ve childrenmith 3 lane number oi routine und blends. to mourn their loss. Mr Lake was born in Cmc'l April 1, 1847. He fully poueeeed the nir- ring gunmen of his native countrymen ‘ and we: naturally u wurm heated, loom comp-Mon Ind friend under All dream. brother or Aux-ed Lske at this town, end nephew of Mrs. Rashes. who lett here some years ego in his young whood The testimony es to his ohsrsoter end stendlhc must be very pleasing to his ‘mwy ralstlves and blends in these puts:-“T. H. Leke, s highly respected citizen of non: Bu ï¬eld. died Mondsy, July 10. or canoe: of the stomach. The towel service wss held st Freemsn's Union Church, slx mlles west or this pleoe. TIEI' day,“ 12 o'clock, end wee Israel: sttended by the neighbors sud friends of the deoess. ed. The tnneul sermon wee punched by World’s Dmpensau: warrantâ€"Tho touowlné cupping from 5 Missouri paper refers to on old 0mm yd, ,’ younger :01: at Mr. Amos Lake, OAK WOOD. [Con-espondence of TE]: POST.) Rx magnumâ€"Mr. Henry Benin, our ; bowler P. S. 1., West Views-1e. who wee called noon e for m ego to mourn the deeth of e beloved wile. he: teken tohun- eel: another punchâ€"this tune on Amedp on ledy. Hansel! end bride, otter taking 1n the Chloego telnurived here on the evening treln tram Toronto, on Wedneedey 1631 met. on their wey to hie churning hame. Linden Veuey. Congretnleuom. thouruermottholunon. errons, (ma than msgood my this you), they upon in glowing m or on: lake on . summer resort. Conanâ€"nae In an: of a concert to be ulna st the Fort school house In old of the repairs fund of St. Thomn' Episcopal church. Bexloy. on Saturday next, me am: last. Visitors, I: well u lootl “lent. expected to take part; ‘ ‘ le timate medicine tint cures. If it doesn’t llmbydimnmrtholm. but my not wwkwithmpflngkmtndin twenty album the body m recanted. Sergt. Guide: and P. C. Puma did every- thing in their power to mandate the M. but atm- wotunfl (or In hour without 57:11:11 hope wu Ibnndoaed. Can-Ida:- nble Inrprxu ml expat-ed It the apathy of the mob“: man. D Mun“ unnu- [C at m Poe-r. Emmaâ€"3:: ï¬shing not no gold :- In BALSAM L4KE. your mos: gumsmun, Shh-to, Collars. Ties, Al-‘l 1 - _ A lu-gednd com‘plot? flock always“ Hell’s Furnishings mufllbll.“ N0. 96, KENT-81, Lindsav. EVERYTHING WILL BE CHEAP all Summer Goods will be sold at prices the m bound to make them go. Clearing Sale Stock. 0! course the 8m can’t expect culinary prices to draw the buying public, Io during the Falrweamer _ am! Company’s Tlnt in, every nrticlo of summer hud- Nothing Kept Back PRICE :5 owns “an... o: l'. unoworrn. mu. Ont FARMERS, i'mmï¬' wuxu aï¬'u "-"or 3 o to She BALSAM 33:22? NERVE Evelthing Must Go Remember the uddnu, dah’ca’ï¬, delfcu'aus henflkfulpomforfiu. D0109 use Cams-u! Fairbank a; 00.. Mantra}! new styles, too, i Fan-wen the: a: Go. â€RIP unc’mfoflhb]. radii; Of "Too Much rl'éhncuf ' ï¬'oru bod cookuflnJfll °.J-Y «mm Mufti u'u'au W01 03'0".“ Maui! N. K. FAIRBANK 00.. ‘1 Wellington and Ann Strum. MONTREAL» igï¬g bâ€"csi' :Shorï¬nâ€"ihg for 29?ng Pick-'0 Bead cookid in Column; is "annexe is'flu' Nerve Beans. MBanmdbg guru-ant 3 o to Shoal: mam Wm Box-u. and c‘ FINE JOB PRINTING " upminch margin all ground so tom .1 box one inch high. Plane Qtfln table and moinwn all the Surface with t brush. Then pour er mndopth of n quamr of an .Pdthe tension of the surfnce of . I’ill came the long side: to . Much other and ‘ndunlly ‘ floating and submerged ring! 9:- †h mom complicated Take I tad-u. Juno 1: maps; WALL PAPEL AND PAM Hanna WANTED TEE Roll Card!!! and EAR BOUND. ' ' M97. " "7â€""7moto wound I EBEECWIE ggiurngcs “'01! WW - - son a mxnrs.w‘§§'.“£fu§ Horsemen should see our rmcv’ CHECK Hons: ELL] A full _line of Knitted Underwea : Ladws’ amd Children’s Hose mZEZchï¬m ï¬nest yamâ€"very low in price. u-vcuwb cured Mr. Smyth‘S â€Stâ€"6m: next H opposite the market, and will be pre my»: Prion to: Cash Q! an the WI!- All’. 16. 1893.41. MA NUFAOTUREgh‘{ WHOLESALE AND BET nu- Lmnsnmwomggym â€ADI! DD YARN. FUNNELS. BUNKER. AND OTHER WMLLEI WM. \ See our WALL PAPERS,'50 choose from a_nd Prices right. 13m -1! “I 1' 0 macaw at THE POST. have sold out Our business in Cambny. arrangements with one of the vew bes HORN 3208., PARIS GR£EN--: Imam-at ammsorunrs mew STORE. JAMES maxi-11' \d/ BO Canadian Post. ,__,// William \ I. Z. Yearâ€"Little 81-1 tam. run one of the very béSt {aaoETés'in' Canada to furnish us other PAINTS, £72111! Mama. V Mag 00. Eon Bro than; Storc. next Handchk's' ï¬ggl and will bc prepued to pay the Rs! â€" 50 Pattem h‘ ‘ First- class 8‘00! chap. ’v “d have mule Little Bn'I We have st. Pot. Nmt‘wo Fauna '1 ï¬n: on the surface of a vessel ldï¬lnwater and it will float m I!!! greater speciï¬c gravity. The experiment an be done with In qmcksilver. globules, platinum dnminum. coins, etc. [@961ng exgerimezxt is also in- "- - nan-MOM Qua Le-rv- w- “‘l’""â€â€™ Int. Tgkeapieoe of smooth ï¬nd but not glossy paper, about ï¬ve or Billion; and three inches wide. m Ammmxu mm". “to how when: no that (In- on can I» raised and mm'wl Inn- of the \INI‘!‘ one. an! in m clean a copper rm: III: who. tho wim to 1m almm NI hell lhick Ind the mug L" or I. in diameter. Lay Um my momma A com um. do .Paiwkh< >|:O<u¢ >52 szobkw UZDO> >Z<h Inn. horizontal {tuition .md ~ UH drops of water ct. In I. few mo: nontsl ~ the line 6'10 water Eanadiau gm. "-v‘s'v --.__‘.-,, ‘ htwo round wooden pencils bed sufllcesmot more than one‘ an inch in_dia.m_eter. Put them iaht o! the Adhering Pencilâ€"Float- - slogâ€"The Soup Yumâ€"Distor- um ERRATIC CORK- FRIDAY. AUGUST 25. 18f3 O 1te|°z2 mum“ as; __ UNLIGHT SOAP. 95k cor; 0f threr- -igl:' ‘as 0' an 3141'“ of an .: m long. ‘mo‘ 5! this inserts. ï¬n. iron “a: main long, withshook FM on; to hoid IL little vino Aim tho «lurk in m SOAP mu. EXPEKIMEN 1'5. â€Boards“! in it. We. and in "B303. redsud unpnbhc tith- macaw. 01m mmmwwa. Chitin! your_ Iauwyou.una «mu Ifllbc ‘_ A;_- ,t Soap. That th inst veil th¢ til HI