., 13;, ‘ IT 'l.‘ and foolixilf ink, 3nd I advisid'her prankâ€! owmveryuneuya that to try Dr. Wflliams' Pink Pills. Th3 the chenge become I was akin nothing else. I hove taken in 311 seven xeuend I feel u act! now u I did at forty yeers of age. winter I was so bed I could not do my own chm-ea. end now I con do a good dey’e work. My friends congratu- late me on my regained beech end I don't Mute to tell them the: I owe my life to Dr. William’s Pink Pills. Men, other- hembonte hove found eimiler beneï¬t In" 29W my 9i“ 1'". loekine 2-10 xefnin from screaming, and I would tumble about in bed and long for day to come. IfI ettempted to get up and walk Imapttofnll from dizziness. I took medicine from the doctor, but it did not help mesndI was so discouraged that I felt deoth would be tglii'efex-eble to my misery. I did not ink I could live more then a few months when one day I nedin the paper of the cure of a men when symtoms were like mine. I must say I did not heve much faith in the remedy, but felt as though it were a hut chance. Isent ï¬rst for a box and by the time it was helf gone I found that my appetite was getting better, and in other â€pacts I could notice an improvement in my condition. By the time the box is gone there was estill further improve- ment. I continued the use of the found that I could now get a good night’s sleep and that the cramps and pain: which phad formerly made my life miserable had diaap pe.ated The swelling left my limbo}: the dizziness diap pearedand I felt better than I had in four years. I know that it was Pink Pilla_and them only; that bgought about man, and do not hesitate to give the credit to Dr. Willisms’ Pink Pills for saving my life. Ihadthreeattacksoflagaip peand continued to grow worse up to March of this year. At that time I was so reduced In flesh and strength I could hardly stand :lone. I could not eat because I had no appetite. I could not sleep beam my legs and feet became so badly swollen and camped that my wife wouldy have to rub them before I could get rest. The in at times so violent that I could not The case created such a sensation that a reporter of the Ontario, personally acquainted with Mr. Rose, determined to all on him and learn the facts of the asefrom his on lips. Mr. Rose was found a picture of health and activity for one ofhis years, andex preasedhisentire ess to tell his story for the bene- ï¬t of others. “17am,†he said, V“e well rigor. Mr. Rose had scarcely regained his health when he was seized with another attack of this dread disease, worse than the ï¬rst. This had a telling effect upon him and his family feared consumption had claimed him for a victim. A physi- cisnsttended him regularly but seemed unable to give him any relief. However, all that medical skill could do for him was done. but daily Mr. Rose’s condition was so low that hisy family, like himself, had given up hope of his recovery mgthe inst month the general talk about the village and the surrounding country has been the remuksble cure of Mr. Rose hytheuseof Dr. Willisms Pink rim! even in mi charming locality'dineaae ï¬nd- itl way, and when the epidemic of la grippe awept over Canada Redneraville was not apared a viaitation. Among thoae attacked was Mr. George Roae, a life-long reaident of the village who had already reached the allotted apan of life. Hr. Roae had enjoyed remarkable health until he waa taken down with an attack of la qri pe, when grave (ears were en- tertainedp for his recovery. In a few months he recovered sufï¬ciently to again move about, hut not with his accustomed Four milee were of Bellevme, in the county of Prince Ednrd. on the southern store 0! the beautiful end pietumque Bey o! Quinte. 1- “tested the vm e of Rednernvule. e churning place of e u: four hundred po Nation. com aged quite hrzeiy o! retire hrmere. 0 late yeerl the ptetureaque location of the vxllege lea-given it name prominence u Hummer neon, where may be enjoyed the cool hank-(Mug breezee o! .theubey." But. “EOPE 017813 BECOVIRY. It 000". loan 01 nod-«um. Islam a. Inn of In “Emu “a mum «ul'ofll to Won .0 no old It ran}. from the "any Ontario. Hollovmo. .AN OLD MAN'S. STORY HIS lRIEIED§ HAD GIVEN UP 371w Manama £051. LINDSAY. FRIDAY. AUGUST 25. me mm.smr-mxuebmcm mmmnommevm Min-Idem Donottailtocull ad gamma curatock. G. a. 1n. Baker. Asent m, {[1117 2!. 1393â€"39. ' mummKonHt.wv°dumm Home. we hue mnnnuot we now prepared to supply the Citizens of Lindsay with the very best Dry Hardwood in 4ft. or 2ft lengths. Leave orders at the Kent-st. Oï¬ce or Telephone the Mill 0mm. 1mm :0: Ugoâ€"R. 8. Porter. manqueâ€"Johnna 8: Shaun. Bummer Resort to: sue-R. N. Eula. Behring Boa. Quutlonâ€"Jnmoa Bonn. the Sheeting Lumberâ€"R. Kennody. M's Sheenâ€"A, Foster. New Cub Storeâ€"Ken- a: 00. non†Waxedâ€"F. ammo. THE RATHBUN W Y HARDWOOD. HARDWOOD, HARDWOOD NE W AD VER TISEMENLS’. Both Long and Short. The Rathbzzn Co’y- l m: cnosm nucmrnou. ‘ A epeolol oeble to the New York World me :-’1‘he cloeure reeolntion ot which Mr. Gledetoneï¬hn given notice la connection with therepcrt etege e1 thehcne rule bill. wee e foregone canola-Ion. The unlonlete determined not to allow the repoet elsae toba‘ concluded except by deem I'helr enxlety thet lt ehonld he mum. llytermlneted wee qnlte ee been co the: ol the llherele. When I. rumor not shaved WM! thet the ultimate hoped to hang theee debate- tc e canola-Ion by the no of tho month without epnlylnx exam nee-r mm. Chomhnhln WI“! on htenlewtothepreeeln whkh hedoâ€" Mr. Chemberleln, leeder of the libero] unlontete, decleree the: the home I!!! he kept mung until N ovembermheo then"- ermnent will be towed to man: or dimluuon. Mr. Chemberleln has on... doned hle propoeed hip with Mn. Chem. berleln to Amado. In Sepï¬ember In order thathemy beheretoflghtlntheleel ditch. He intend- to move eonettme dor- Ing the fell evote of oueureeod to she!- tense the govemmeut to dleeolve neme- meat. psck stills heels, Mr. GMstono, in sum out many, holds to his nouns mm shad Ind hoops to himsslt whats"! vex- stlon sud misgivings his (unusual two'- lnz causes him. 80 ohm now that!» auslvots on the whole hm shsllbstsksn August 31. New York, Aug. 20.â€"A London ceble: Few Englieh prime mlnieiere hnve en- countered enoh diiflcnltiee emong their politienl iriende ne Mr. Gledetone hee ever- came elnce the home rule bill went into the committee etene. Almoet every pere- nrnph hee been mnde the eubject oi dome:- tic onerrele by the government mejorlty. in the committee etene Mr. Gledetone wee worried dey end night by the noneete. de- mnnde end threete oi t he divided Netion- eiiete. Recently the eituetion oi the gov- ernmmt hee been critieel end only by Mr. Gledetone'e incompnreble tectioel ehlll end deuntleee pmietence hee it been enved ‘ irom going to piecee. U nioniet obetrnctiou he been e ier ieee threetenlng ditlleulty then the innumereble Jeeloueiee end heert- burnlnan in the ilberel renhe. Etch Gled- etoninu nrcnp whoee enppert oi the home rule hill wnnleecured through promieee oi epeciel lenieletionmpened out on the prime minieter ee econ no it ielt thnt the hill wee virtueily through the houee. The Weleh membern went no let on to lend Hr. Gled- etoue e eort oi ultimntnnt to the eirect thnt unieee Weleh dieentnhliehment ehould be the next meeeure propoeed they would lenve home rule end the minietry in the lurch. The Scotch liberei membere mede known their demende in e ieee menecing menner. Now the English rndiceie, under the lenderehip of Mr. Lnbouchere, ineiet thet the perieh Councile bill mutt be penn- ed et the eutumn eeeeion thonth ell other government buoineen should no to the well. The Weleh threeteu meet vigorou- ly end ere mont keenly ienred, en the lone or their thirty votes would leeve Mr. Gled- ntone with e mejority of herdly ten. end would render impoeeible the ; continued existence of the government. Their open revolt hen been deierred ice the time by dieeeneionn nmong themeelvee ee well no by the nppeeling remonntrencee oi the liberei lwhipe. The Scotchmen heve been pleoeted by n letter irom Mr. Glndetone ‘ 1 eteting thnt their demnndn eheil be duly considered. Mr. Gledetone hee nieo prom- iesd privetely to hnve nppoihted n eclect- ptrliementery committee to eoneider the ' dnnneiel reletione oi Scotlehd townrde the rent of the united kingdom. Thin prom- iee wee e trump onrd.ee the Scotohmen oompiein elmoet nnoeeeingiy thnt they pey too much end not toolittie in the netionnl economy. To the proteeting redicnln Mr. Glnd- etone hee eeid merely "Welt.†Thin ed- yioe in not gretetnl to Mr. Lehouehere, end beiore starting to: Merienbed to enjoy e vecetion end tnke the wetere he expressed hie dinpleeeure in e mnniteeto to hie con- etituente. in which he condemn the gov- ernment plan of npplying the oloenre Ieiontieeeiyihiteiinnletngeeotthe home rule bill end theeetimetee.“ edveontee the dropping oi the home rule hili until 1884, in order thet the eutnmn neenionmey be devoted to the Newcnetle nrouremmed 1 l l i i I l l i I i I t l d e I h e n h d Deepite the yelling of the queueleome I It. Gladnozwn mu- - no turnou- mumm- 018mm- Ill Wan-c fsctured by the Dr. Willisms’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Out, and Schen- ectady, N. Y., and are sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred, and the public sre cautioned ' t numerous imitations sold in this shape) at 50 cents 3 box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all ' or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Medi- cine Company from either address. THE HOME RULE STRUGGLE. cases the good work hasbeensccom- plished after eminent physicians had failed, and pronounced the patient beyond the hope of human aid. An analysis shows that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain in a condensed form all ‘ the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and restore shat- tered nerves. They are an unfailing .speciï¬c for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous ‘headache, the after effects of la grippe, ‘ palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow eomplexions, nervous prostration, all diseases depending upon vitsted hnmors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They arealso a speciï¬c for troubles peculiar to females, such as‘ suppressions, irregularities and all forms ‘ of weakness. They build up the blood and restore the glow of health and cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, over- wogk, or_e_:gcesse_s (gyhatever nature. l l Druggutssay tlnt Dr. Willinms’ Pink Pills have an enormous ale, nnd from all quarters come glowing reports of results following their_usg. I_nverymnny 3' multisthet she in nowthe health. You me say that I be without Pink in the ï¬rmly believe they will do chimed for them if they are 3i trial." In fact it up ' that could not any too much forPink u the reporter drove away he mnrked, ‘ ‘do not forget to any that owe my life to Dr. Wulinm' ink Pills." In conversation with several residents of the village the statements made by Mr. were fully corroborate} 8' as: .Ega HEW-‘58. s E†E at ‘E 1mn:-...-! 1):..1. known-um II to which barrel nub. selected u e temple hem]. Then the emu mnnloededettheuexendndoehudthg broker-towhemtheewleemeoulnodmd down men. :eelexpem et the WW!» mdethehenehend select ample. which ere eeattothe-lexeeme.where theymamm enema-mahokoththomeeettwo orthreehudndhnymeothetutherehm hudhhepmttoevmmmgg 1.“: Manhattan!“ thewlee GUM eppleeternareuummeremlehmmnkely tontthepfleeeteunuoryoucooaem 1 new-one em naive in ï¬ne eendltlonln February end Much-ad eeme may vented. Ithlnktherebegreetdeulnm ample-.11»! is!“ comb end not too "an. About tweet! you'- M I think the when pee-edtootlsht. Itwe- smelly done with emwthen.mltlemostlydeeehygm level-enema! thleklnmnylnetenoee not \thn. Thefrultehouldhelolchtthet ‘ltm'uhekee: novel: the hem! until“ set- toltl joumy’eend.eednottl¢hteeensh tobjuethemut. Itl’lnkthet there Ilene e madmlnhem the team right, Amehofldbemedhthth thebexeetudln thehddutheeunend Mayownmflobeetnfloulthhk the: my â€9!. ere unwed onboerdehlp. They should he kept en tu- ewtmnthe engine room-I Double. mmumxnounamm courtesy “Weaken-member “them-mot Woodellt whede e lll'lte bulnenh muugf‘mm Idrenlerlheve § ‘5 E g3 $5 535 (SE? iéEia ' THE CANADIAN POST, LLNDSAY. ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25 1893. buyer but he in simply cheating nun-u: ind hand“ the “1010 â€Die M: Ind crate-.3. Ihonldboukonthntum bun-duo: uniform potetoee nee: hmhejueiiinedup thebenei ‘ with then: end heeded her up. Path.†gm. wu In extreme case, but I on druid the: ‘thete in too much peeking done on much a. «me winane. While 1|! Liverpool int winter I mode inmy bwno-tohnventelkwithe good men! men who were engaged in the Onnndinn epple undo end the! on had the eune ndvioe waive. viz: Whniever you lead to 31.. Liverpool mnrhet hnve it well selected end at uniform qunllty. Putting in e few poor epplu inmemiddleo! nbeneldoeenoiveee them on ntihewioeof zoodnwlenohnm buiihievery‘ likely to trim the soot! nvnlee down to the prioeot thepooronee theepntin to an on. on cm the pocket ienotoheeflng the Liverpool We take the following from the Woodetock Sentinel Review 02 um. Anon-t 17th:- "An the oople oeuoodnwo on. than Internet- ed in thebueioeel will be making prenmuone to: 1:. end on o very lot-go portlon ofyonr numerous render- u'e human Ind mayo! them grown: at Apple. for ï¬le. I though: it mlghube proï¬table toheveeohort MIL-ll: were. on eome of the prlnolpel ohm or our tenures to Be: good wloee In the “vex-pool markets. In them-u phoe thoee whom “Moe should see that they hire responsible. honest. nwlght men to peek the eoplee In the tormen' etohhrdo end home. I head or one .9910 now. whomnlehlnz up the loot hem! etooettolntu-m. found he looked. Moan] no Apple “node. lie-ere. Will kJoneo. Bonnie. N. I. fornieh no. under the dete of Janet lull. with the orotoeete e: the Britieh eoole ereo. eeeeon me. ln‘whieh they eer: "The eerlroromlee oi‘ en ehondent epole ereo hee. no to the oreeent. been reeilled. end ehoold the weether eontinne levorehle within the 'next two monthl. the quentltr will he the lei-gent for men] new. Out or m reoorte we here hed thie yeer 79 ere over "once. m ere "omen. nod oroepeete ere been in the meet lmportent dlmiete. It will he remembered thet the deoreeeien in trede epeiled the merhet completely leet eeeeon. end it moot he ndmltted thet thine new ere not by eny meene to bright no they might be. e etrihe of meet eerieon import being new imminent omens ooiliere. At en: rote. preepeete do not lever extreme orioee. end it ie to he hoped deelere will not he lndnoed to on) too much in the oroherde. ee wee the neon lent eeenen. The preopeete of the crop throughout the United Btnloe from undone than for hoerd Iron: in n light "only. With the report given of the foreign npplo crop turniehod by the boot hen-en in Liverpool. whloh we euhmlt to you. it â€poor-tenth" Oenndlen epolee will and n better mount in tho United Stntee then in Liverpool. Glucow end other heroin porn." ] m elm-m melon. The Suu'e London ceble eeye :â€"1‘he reel :bcue oi the contention between thencvern- ueut end the opposition in the subject of en eutumu eeeeicu. The propceel ie in- teueely uupcpuler with the tel-lee. both ice â€none! end petty reeeene. It will deprive the wetting end erietccretic membeu oi the oppoeitiou ct their hclideye, eiter elx mouths ctexecting periiementerylebcu. end it will enebie the liberele to peel cc:- teiu meeeuree oi reicrmlwhich will much Itreuatheu the poeiticu oi the ninietry in the Britieh ccuetitueueiee. Giedetcue is driven by ineeieteble icrcee to en eutumu ‘ eeeeien. The lighting elemeute in hie pert]. redicel end iebcr membeee demeud it. end ccmpiience ie ebeciuteiy eeeeutiei to the exieteuee oi the government. complete um 02 putt- “: Glut Bdt-lnnndthu snares-trunk wmen- m to: the abolishing of tin house of loads nd the donndingo! the menu-ch: own In» vuflguotpowor. Itutopoot- mmmmmmmmmg bddathommlo. sped-l reeelutlenletuon deemingthe eetlmeheahlee. Hr.Gledatene.whehee greetregerdterh-eedmddehetelnper- mmbtheeeexpedlenteenly uderthe Imperatlvepreunreotdreum- eteneee. Speeklng prlntelyen the tub- rjeetheeeldthetthennlenleulnthelrde- jliretauohetrtmetardeteethomerulehay myendeverymeeneheve dealtthleeee- denehlewettheemeothwerklngoll’er- usmenterylnrtltutlonem‘rhlehheeeee no hope at their completely recovering. Thleeonvietlonlewldelyehued. Theterleeerenowmekingelutdeeper- ete etendter thelr privilege- mum wmotthe people. When the home rule bllllrpeeeedthey wmhecentrentedwlth demende for popular legleletlon, which they wlnreelet lathe lune weyu they hevereeietedhomerule. The belief otthoee who etudy current poutleelnnnzhndlethetwhenthe Irish quatlonuentolthewey therewlllbee cumming» go tom-Id with-them“ Hemlock". mmmmumm nasal-no mumuhomumwm human.“ .mmsm dared M mmmnght tho hm monum- um. mun- tcvbw mod to tantalum you no: mom 0):. Put â€Bu. Wad" m i! 311013389 0! our am and We! tho «mum. m w nu Wmâ€! H “a“..mogaqahmwmm. mama": vu wind by. «In a! m on. but a Bobs-noo- "II. In tho “puma-ammonium...“ â€mmmmmm nonunmnwmmdm A â€"mmmmmmmo¢ tho 8;. Vino-t «Pun! meta. Inn'- 'â€"Abmxoomuuottmmmam Jolncdthocgmpbolmm test. Am assume“... m but. Whoa thou- mun â€#11013:dequ mummmmm manna. mmum (Tau-d“). _xoudnynntwfllbolllnlyduhm momma Blu- ot‘l'cnlhwm-nln h more. “ammonia†mindl- scri- oultumlntk. manhunt “Foamy mmuwmmmmmm Mummmmmumtw me'lmwuhmbmm.“ enjoyable the 'II want. Ablm am WWW oath-Imp Public school mm men Nuna- ol mamm- who have m an public-choc! lam exudation. with taboo! 1 -â€"Southm Pacino locomotive. will mm tormdbucnmmotcoddmtudupmm â€"Bynpcpureeolved vanadium Baa... founu emplouoot 0:00.13. on the Midland ant-10mm. roddontot Pan Rope, mothudeathlnnoomdonmmvm;, ca..lutwo°k. maydhuoldmnduwlu mmemnommmmt. 4r» (3de nuwhudoddod to bundanowhddsomthokhmu mandd Mmmmm unlimitcrmmmcdmondmnh. 1:le bobuutmmmddenduold umwmawmum manning. wmbosdoublomckom budge. Wakwm be commune-d 3: once. mjobwmbom Waumbmohmmmhow. MMâ€:M11:W1L â€"ma.r.n.nmrymummumu ' low to not 3 “Dunn? flown. Send a “sunlight" Soup mpâ€:- (mm Mammal!- "WhyDouoWolnum mmmnnflu') tom mm.‘ 43 Snow-t" “manna you mu "cone o: pcl! I may plant-a. hoe homunculus. um we: wmhhunhl. mununwutodooonu nun-home. nomnhmbaummmu udltwfllonlyooulo. mt†send in the mam “nation. the and. open. Writ. â€mum-may. fol-out nylon; dry buttery tad Mid bolts â€"mild or “rang current. Lou than hnl! the price of my other can g: and more home “ammonia; than If!“ 0 mt to- gether. ‘ Full lint hoe. Kantian this upâ€. w. T. w CO. Wm“. M Eleouib'ï¬eftil' " ' " 01.55, 02.65, 08.70 5 former price. 85, 87 91°» .Queltr â€new?!“ use» 4' - Down [1th gm: Price: For inn and a an. ourâ€. Harm-n m :0th. or Mala. on Won-Cu, Anna M mu. All“ My. asuhwdum an Auto mm. and! inn or wukflnu them. an Syrup 0! Elan. room com Heodochu ond Faun. to clunu the system eflbctudly. yet gently. when oontlvo or bmous, or when the blood is Input. or Ilugghh. to pemonontly euro habit“ eon-“potion. to owokon the kidneys And liver to o hulthy activity. without lrrltot- 'rvtuur. Aw. Ill-By III-m am. mum. hm m and 1mm no Moth. JouPuum. cannot mummlnrim Nonnum- Mnmo’alookud '1th ‘ Tummy. Bun. 9m. - 81 lung Bowel. IWJfluuo [mm Mindo- mu. m m 01 Italian Richard- mmumn.m.7.m8ouum mumddookm Mmmwumwmh tho mm mm“ the Met m baMTum9-tthuumohum.lr. Gummvï¬mddwm.“ thu tho'boud mmmmmme It. Sudm moved that mhurdwm toronowook. mmmuiomt mwnmammmmm «Ammnnomm rumba 9% mmmum wad-mans}. mmuvaum «which Hunk. m Drum-ad mmcï¬mmnwâ€"uu mummâ€"mw.bnsnm mammm' mmmm 4.1mm “Mahmud. mud-0mm nun-mummmmm mammoth-:7â€- mum... pa out. Th0 m 2m hauled the (allowing quail-u: you» ........... -147 FM,........IQ Mmmnmmmu TO WN JO TTINGS. SALE 128018138. “I“! Not... Nomudlhdll Dmm.â€"A‘ an m at "I. mm. In «lo-9h Jub- 1"" “m5“ 1581!. bythoBov.Nomm|l. unchdthobruqi-hud mm. Llano. the an. Jabu D. Due at Ohm. mu. window «at «:2:de my. Edam Wanna-II m 03 AFTER SICKNESS "I U "I Ulvnl‘m m' m‘ luck n he: appetite. phya'idm CAMPBELL’S QUININE WINE. I..." of Iran-clout. Km meansâ€"At tho m at F. 0. matter-stun Wabbit “IF-ILL I co; New Adveglumenta. Lladngtï¬KQIA Q. - may. Au. 2!. nanâ€"n 3. Au. :4. nanâ€"u. Come in at once and secure some of the good things that are going Cheap. Prices within the reach of all, and now is the time to buy. Space will not admit the quotation of prices. - - Our Enormous Stock of seasonable goods is being Slaughtered to make room for fall This is what aarbitrafion does for the country. Now, the question is, what will arbotration do for you. THE BEST GHANGE It may do a great doal of good if you want a good Stove, C'lotlus Wringer, Bird Cage, or anything in the House furnish- ing lime. or if 0% want 9 good gob of ï¬n or Plumbing work done, if you ° only arbitrate mm To our satisfaction and the probalities are that we will haveanother two millions added tomeachequcr. THE BIG GHANGE TH] P08 1â€"15qu Munchkin-gnu THE BEHRING SEA QUESTION l8 SETTLED 70 Buy Dry Goods and clothing Cheap - is now ofered. SIGN 01' THE GOLDEN LION. to toqe up the unapproachable. TEAS AND OOFFEES of the best brands are strong featu: our business. We flatter ourselves that those who buy from us will realize their mistake in not doing so sooner. The bouqn When we say that our stock of General Groceries is FRESH fully assorted in all lines, and that the prices are down to thel notch compatible with a desire to pay our honest debts and gain the world is said to owe every manâ€"a livingâ€"we state a. fact that be readily believed by those who have traded with us in the past. ' stand ready to convince doubters. Domuuon Bah}; We don't propose to read you a lecture upon the subject, but do wish to impress upon you the fact than an experience of ï¬fteen y! lnthegro'oery business has tnughtusthetinthelongrunQUALl’l" recognized and appreciated by the general public. Proï¬ts in the Grooery buslness are small nowadays; and com; tlon 1s keenâ€"more so. perhaps than you are aware of. One great d131culty the progressive merchant has to contend1 is the slowness of buyers to recognize the advantage of buyingt‘ goods freshâ€"buying from a stock that is being constantly replenié Stale and inferior goods are sold over grocery counters as well as in dry goods business. and the proï¬t upon them is large. MARK THIS WE l JAMES BOXALL, AAA .- Canadian Made, American Styles. Elegance and Durability Combined. FOSTER’S SHOES. New Advancements. HOUSEKEEPERSI IRIGES and QUALIT “ Sale of Honor †18K YOUR DEALER F08 Sygt 4: £111.11. (run: aunt.) Bonn. 109 Kent-st, Lindsav. . d. CARTER. SPRATT 81 KILEN, “52%;: FA MIL-Y Gnoom m “lowed a: niche!“ cu d withdrnwal required. EJ. J. WETHERUP. U"? UNIGAL’S LthRYC You aunt. um PIANOS and URGAI J. .7. Women; Gunman $221.3 DOMINION BAN '0 m ï¬tting Lp :1 room slwciully we hope to haw on Ir ’immo Business (Io/leg ’Sâ€"lwlzrthand- infLUME XXXIII. w ported direct from the We and Germany. e CONSISTIN I blow Showing the Cont " of British and Co winippen in. tt-fuw duyu um I , j A We cordially invite Mines and Valu IITBVAN DBLoR A I NE loosen"! mac‘s!“ i‘m""-an 103!“ on iï¬iéf- ALBERT Innon'ron morthand course aupefl CODNO PenmanShip unexcew r“ v 7 ' "Manner ma Nerve ’1“ m 851 “91ҠCW ““1ҠBl“ A..-†New Dress Goods 1 New Velvets, New New Cretonne Cd; New Ulsterings J New Silks and 1 out! i $.14! 35:†â€a :3 disease: arising from â€Don Constitution Pu! up i gm. 60 eta at PERKINS Drug 1 L NYEEO. Pmoi: ‘ ï¬g. 3301915? n ,1--- -‘A ‘ biï¬dron’s Manned and the lament mn' New Goods for ARN Paid up, - $15,004 . $1,400; ,o’sBuszneu 001mg} am... The Great Ban pn tom- II a (but. Cl IBY New Dress Gi: New Tablingw YOUR 8L0 New Boa‘ AGENC' Warner $30.‘ $35. 8311174