$15 Chairman ox Ina Duoau .. -_--,,, out and reliable Aunmnce Company. The “A LLIANCEï¬ and with him are undated some of the load- ing men In Enzlnnd and Canada. cum: “a 3mm. 34210110 coo. oflara mole security. ï¬nd those desiring sum and economical insurance should. plAaoe their risks :11 ï¬Ã© Greatest Financws -â€"I.\' THE WORLD 15â€"â€" LORD ROTHSCHILD, - ‘u an": A? Director! at th; -___..'_â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€" THE DREAM LIFE Polio!“ In force, . . â€do. - - . . Income. - - . . new: cunn- pad in x393. “ Year after year the Canada 141/6 Me,» on the run tenor of its way, enlarging the circle of its patrons, (lispewwinq its inesti- mable beneï¬ts and rem i ng its great structure on sound ï¬nancial pmwiples. The four corner stones on which the Canada Life has been built "pare Economy, Integrity, Liber- ality and Stability. 2., ' :. â€HEâ€. _ :3 no“ Joining the Gummy now will 33:“. u [all you'- pront to Womb". â€" .- mnvfnn Aer-ï¬t. 1.236931 Mvâ€"i 7 LINDSAY, FRIDAY. AUGUST 1)n August; lat instant. “19 work of revising the Dominion voters’ list began. Let up ween nu: reform friends to be up and doing. In nine cases we of ten the eleeelons are lost; or won by the work tlpnh these lists which are new hetero us. Tee I’m‘t‘ desires every men‘s mum to be pieced open the list. if entitled le e vote. he he friend or lee. Our opponents will nos add reform voice. so that we mun: depend solely on the energy and attention of our friend: to use to it that every legal reform vote in pleeed upon the list. The result. of the next. election to North and South 77A-_I.. n- mun w- "nu“. energy and attention of our friends to see to it that every legal reform vote in pleeed upon the list. The result of the next election to North and South Victoriaâ€"whether we shall be properly or improperly represented in the parliament of Canadaâ€"depends upon the earnest and united work of the liberal party. SRO-sin. Mu: matuzuliuu Emit. Just how much conï¬dence is to be placed in Sir John Thowson is to be seen by his once hollow boast that the sword of justice would fall alike on all hoodlers, be they high or low. It was‘ absolutely necessary at the time that the 1 premier should say something of the kind. His supporters were becoming alarmed at the state of public opinion. The tory‘ party at Ottawa was becoming known as a “party of boodlers†and excitement had 1 to be allayed. So it was that Sir John‘ Thompson, in a sort of “wait a while, see what I will do,†state of mind, promised pursuit to the death of all the boodlers who at Ottawa were like ants round sugar. Whether or not he knew at the moment of this outburst of virtue that the chief boodlers were within his own camp, it is hard to say. but his sub- sequently shielding and protecting them must convince the public that his boast was the hypocritical boast of simulated virtue. Once upon a time his admirers were wont to point to Sir John Thompson with some degree of pride, as if at last they had found a man who would in the course of government look neither to the right not to the left, and Mr and wide use heralded his boast “death to beedlers‘, a beast new prover: to he as empty as Cleopatra’s virtue. The downfall of John Charles Rykm was lhstbhfldï¬httheï¬ â€œI that Under. My Slat.188£.â€"13. Agent, 0,. Glasgow for SIR Anom' 1v. mu. -!6 3,538.21: 2’10» treat to Lon dander? ALLAï¬ um; '. O. TAYLOR, ‘10“. WOMPB ON. UP AND DOING. LINDSAY. i. CORNEIL, wmumâ€"rttu madam the Canada Life keeps its itayhenlarging the dispewmnq its inesti- :7 ing 5 ts great structure , _, , Financier 93- $62,763.00!) 14.300000 - 2.500.000 - 700.435 r tho "I“. no: In anvil.- 0 Liverpool. rru, Bel/act $15.00. ‘9 which had tho lead- 1847. 3, 1894. than highplsoes. Tostsmpitont, ssonce wss promised by Sir John Thompson, means so my of deserters ss rots lesve s ship, and so the premier, timid of disaster to his psrty. blinds himself to his surroundings snd ssoriï¬oes his politicsl honor snd virtue rsther then endsnger the life of the psrty within whose bgodling not he hss been csught, and new ‘ n-msins s not unwilling victim. It he been the fashion with some of his own psrty to justify their chsnge of front towards the Ottsws government by the so called spostsev of Sir John Thompson. With such line of attack we hsve no sympathy and no psrt. The mstter h between him sud his God. We yield to no man in the matter of religion, snd it is because of this that we shell never justify nor excuse sny attempt to detmt from the premier in a mutter so sscred ss fsith. But it isgiven us to notice thst rules of comparison between professions of virtue and their practice are more sensitive towards the new Sir John because of his conversion. Sir John Thompson. Lady Lfloulpauu and family are holidaying in Muskoka. They received a very hearty reception at Port Carling on their arrival there Monday evening. ______â€" The time for tyling a petition against the return of the Hon. John Dryden expired on Tuesday at noon. As the teries found they had no just grounds upon which to attempt to unseat the popular minister of agriculture, the matter was allowed to go by default. Semis. Observer: â€"Editors Sam. Hughes. of the Lindsay Warder and W. F. Mac- Lean, of the Toronto World. stalwart tory members of the house of commons, have agreed that the Patrons of Industry leaders played a most disreputable game in the provincial elections; while the P. P. A.’s are credited with loyalty to Mr. Meredith. _____â€"â€" The Dominion government has adopted a new patent ballot. which it is almost impossible to spoil in marking. A white “â€"4 â€"â€"....... a! ant-h lmpuualum uv or-.. _ 7 , circle is placed opposite the name of each candidate, the surrounding being black. on which a. pencil mark will not show. so that the cross can hardly be placed in a doubtful position. The inventor gets 82 500 from the government for his patent. London last week, Major Saunderson repudiated the charge that Britfah Orange- men were revolutionary. and then went on to explain the circumstances under which they would consider themselves instilled In reeletinfl' established go ernment. The minaret p n for uni ng any woullt: up ear to be to cull she other fe lollrowebe rebe he are they got time to hurl th e heppellutive at; hlm. Prof. Sanders. direntor of the Dcmhflon government experimental terms. has junb returned from a View to the experimenm Mundane in the Nerth-wess. At the 1m» den farm the profane: found at head of «awe on: 9! SH 9319ng Wu}; tuberoulosle. m... â€.s -5 an â€CH-HP Bun B: I" mi<( v‘ \. and as Indian Head 18 animal! on of 88 proved to ba diseased. 16 will now be in order to:- the Emplra to claim that the celebrated pro-election "cult with the cough" at. the Guelph experiment-.1 farm is responsible for the outbreak. Col. Denison. at Toronto. is now in l England. and as usual is indulging in a lot of nonsensical talk upon the subject at maintaining the unity of the empire. Ata meeting of the imperial federation league in London, he said Canada would submit to any sacriï¬ce to maintain connection with the mother country. and then went on to say that. the majority of the inhabit- ants of the United States hated England. and would try to gobble up Canada but for fear of the English navy and ï¬ve millions of Canadians. Such silly chatter as that is not calculated to promote good _ ..n.. 5...“. A great production of babies is going on among the Cherokee Indians in the United States. Uncle Sam agreed to give the nation $7,000,000 for the “Cherokee Strip.†1 and the act of congress provided that every Cherokee man. woman or infant, living on March lst, 1891, should receive his or her portion of the seven millions, the infant's part going to the parents as trustees. As a direct result. or a remark- able coincidence ot this provision. it is estimated that more than 3,000 babies have been born in the ei hteen months preceding last March. whic gives a birth to about every married couple in the nation. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Toronto Mainâ€"Along the proposed route of the Trent Valley canal great things are expected from the undertaking. One of these is the employment it will afford to the men of the locality through which it . ,I__.__j as ï¬nal; ls non cmcu feehng between the on: quu v- peeses. At Peterboro already it is declared that should any foreigners be employed there wlll be a strike at the ballot unmet coneen atlve members on the next occulon. This revival of lntereet la the canal lee sure lndlcetloa thet the lltlelnne are geggrlng foraeenereleleeto n. It seems assumed that the unvoernment has determined to push the Work tone camel et tlnn but the commencementmed e mm: last seamen sully wl beer th at eon struetlon. \ hat; Mr. agent sold me that some lurtrfe er wag“ We Tgmezgï¬â€˜te “e mnlte lemgmm eecly on new! ea. In In evldentli eve nmeut R“ 31: MM law v ew: no: me! not: me 3? etween eupperlek on a_n____d ,a. e‘i 5mm 6. Imoflu local. =flo Cum“ Wlmlm'l mun I" In: em mm mum. TIMI! lam. a! Tana". MI mm M 0 Much ta I much at am a m um um mm: a a» mu um u mm "mm. fmdmutpmmpmmmo. At the great «ww- "v- ,-.-m Wu In“. a Walsh-Ia. m. flu BMW and m (um: an au- om MM OI I Maintain“. damn. laud. In tho phonon-01 um o! an 0-6. M h! mun -WIIn-Wu do Maul“ M. with mu loll-o duo to m «and! Jam-lack!" u mu. Wilton-Wall. by Jimâ€. than cummi- m- an who Muc- Mn «6qu a m o Mun m -W. l. Cum“. m Ton-to m. who'd u “and all.“ mom-ammun- du In til-cw! I N no!“ slow- on land: "WI noon! and. an In Wanna. Inn. â€.1â€me um 401-. W]. I Now You nu. mama!“ (lg-I mung-Immun- -‘ __ _ _5“I l-nl‘nn' Orange demonstration in 'eek, Major Saunderson two countries. Lady Thompson m: in Muskoka. physicisn. snd spolom ss hsina ohsraoshls to ths chuiiy innd oi ths canini chum «mamaâ€"sum that "ho unstained whisksy. not ss s medians. hos ss s bod." This is news indeed i Whiskey s iood i Ssloons no rssliy nstsnrsnis! This viii be nsws to umporsnos psoois ss ostsbiishod by shigh sud distinguish od suthority. When I sasin see Dr. Mc- Aipino in the neighborhood oi s drug store 1 will know inst ho is looking for s ‘ $0: msn sunning in m strut it is tom ovuvsiaht o! nondshmsnt. Clam- mon. why sisndor king sinoholl 'rsln- persnoo people. whv invsigio usinst. uipplinni Whv rob the wiio sndohiid at am Abra-building. noun-union ioodi ‘ L- -â€"â€"â€"- n.- nnnr thi- M O! “10' man. why slander king who“ Tom- pounoo pooch. whv mum. “dust. 0 Why rob tho wuo 33(10th 0! I199!“ tbfs aha-banding. noun-Mo! toad! Why cake from the poor thin as! or like! I. luv u..- .â€"_--, Mn. Bottomâ€"There nppem to be some surprise. not only existing in the mind of the public generally. but of the bond 0! health puticnluly, why some work in not undo to unblinh I avenge mum in WWI“ Large and influential committees oi citizens. the board of health, board of trade. end or the previous town council. had the subject under consideration. snd siter careiul enquiry. due deliberation. and the expenditure of much money, de- cided that a system or sewerage should be established us soon as possible. The great public did expect our town council to act in the matter. but the mayor says he can- not get them to do anything. Why I In the ï¬rst place. it you will take stock or the personnel of the council. you need not wonder. There is a. minority oi the coun- cll who would willing push this greet public necessity to some beneï¬cial results. . .r .- -1...us-..I hw thn nnbuc 333.1111! Lindâ€. Au‘ ’u-e- u-g--â€".... -7 H, upon them by Dominion teal-lotion. Thee. they ere enxloue Io nboluh. no the people of Mennobo hove done. not thet the people of tho North-Wen ere bison. hue uhelre lo I epueeiy lemon oountu end It to more than the people ere nbio to do to eunpoxt two zohoole elde by side when there or. not ohudren enough to an. or rntepeyou enough to ode quetely support one. , AL m-_n _‘_6 vuv-Bâ€" -v â€"_V 1 ,, Whet the people oi the North-Welt went ie liberty to menege their own educetionei ethire. end reeiiy to ebolieh theee eeoerete echoole end eeteblieh e eyetem oi public eohoole euiteble to the requiremente oi the Terfltorier. Mr. McCuthy'e motion wee designed to bring thie ebout. It wee inci- ieneive in ite terms, end hie edvocecy oi it wee courtesy end eelculnted to win ell thoee who hed the eduoetionel intereete oi the North-Woes at heert. Ioeteeu oi euoportinz Mr. McCerthy'e motion, Mr. Bughee wee e moat determined opponent. There might heve been eome meniineee in hie couree bed he oppoeed giving theee eopie their deeired liberty ltiolflht, but ueteed oieo doing. end in order to let himeeii down light end give himeeli e text to "gull" the people oi hie oonetituency. he brought in hie meeniunieee motionâ€" meeningleee beceuee it wee e mere etete- moot oi generel princioiee. end it did- not repeel or do ewey with the eireedy eeteb- liehed eyetem oi eeperete echooie, but ite onl eflect would be to prevent iurthee log aietion with reepeot thereto; by the Territoriee, while it ieit the periiement oi Cenede iree to continue to iorce the eye- tem oi double echooie upon the neon e. Mr. Honhee pretende to think thet the novemmeet’e poeitiou ie better then Ir. Moon-titre. Ir. MeOerth deeiree to elva the territoriee. immedle ei eitee the next election. liberty to ehoile eepeeete eehooie ii they eo deem. Now. when _.e..-l‘ l-.â€" nun-AI- MOUII'IIIJ In â€"-u ....v nlu the mum manual-fol um "to am election. â€but, to shell- “pom. schools It "In no duln. Now. when there an oomwrlul luv n ma whom. and Inn mm a “1!“ II nu. m. can In "“1" (9:10. In 330m- , _- A AA-LI-HA Sent. 23". 05‘" :géaiirtiiuzel to“. wagm'r: .31.": gagging: .sgé E2. 'E'E‘. :‘aam' .z’. ':':":.E':.!:,;:': mEflaIï¬ .II..°.“8‘ .:.E.' â€13:... a... min in“ 'uqu. .93» gang's.“ a: It‘hvé um um. I: I. an“, g'j'gmm..,:... "REE-â€1‘9“â€... â€3.3.53“.- "rt-ilflullbly 3:; â€" I“.- -A‘“ -- -_- can mmunoms. T0" 30.1“ nuns. â€Badman. “all. “out. 'DLUO CUT has become3 the :tandard 0"IOI 0' Tu' 0"‘9‘ I m ‘ Mum“. Mu. 3:4. and} Hound lam Issuable†IL-WW In human. 5 mount to 0 loos! neon: tom minted the lumen m 0! when u 10.0mm to 11.00am bunch. lull-r "pull to the um am in leorpool has to um aunt would“ tho domud to! you on (MA mun. but due to In. very mm now“ an volume at but“ u t u not touched my um!" promu- on. m mom: alum mm. with who munmw. Tod†3 Id. wt: and. u too. In m Whatxmlm.75c:whm!€u2hua. no.†no: corn. duty M 55:. to 56:; you. w 68th mm. Tau-to 78 a: “8.00!†It». “go. to “a: no. No. 2. to 53:: both]. more. food. 45.). to 46:: hula}. mum “to. to 526. Tom“ “I. Int-k Int-cu. Fun-dam load! of llnnookmnodnd um noon-.33 mummum: 19 an». “mm 1.3“) In.†uptown†‘~ AA ,4 ..‘u 011110. "and“ 1.350 11â€.. to. pct 11:: 18 0.1110. annual 1.380 “II-.3310 w on. Int-35:21 c.1110. um 1.3mm. â€unknown. "and“ m: In... 818 each; :1 male. Inn.- m 1.1011». 838 nob: :1 m. natal. 110311... '33 not; um. um 1.0mm. 8c. not lb Ind .11 m: :1 audio. “mum 1.670111... .36 0 “on: 11 0.1110. autumn It... not; 10 mild c.1110. "end-I 1.100 In. . 0 «on: 17 not w. “ms-31,150.“. alkwmï¬lm w an u do“ I lane a Mr: A hugged-m,- new Iowa! on I? no Ito. wen lot out: 0. out a u... m I M {mam-mo 1'.) in m M on A M m." «nu-odd .1 "".'.‘.“.‘. ' “3%. Nana‘s-$1....†Eton s ‘0 7‘ u. : m h 0| 0| a. m ; 93* E Wanton-0- â€"_f _ 1.5.: stat COMM! BU -».13=â€"~ Lu. NEW 8. Bidâ€"Miran um “41.0!"th ' . o ï¬xzzzr w 00-...- . 0000- I" Otaouuooaoo â€OOOIO~MOOIO‘ an... M man In. 19% flour.htuipam.m.r Barb]. ugh-M II . . .'.. cc". MLW Clom:flduuu...... mwuuuu. .au Sula-tu- "1'6.“ . ICC mJfl'w'w. “not.“ ...... ...... m.w..fl‘.llll 0.]... "“100 .‘I .O'.wm -- Inc... 97.26:“ w'. am.†u’fllï¬'wu Era. m at Hun. “:0... â€if: rgu, Inc-unlo- 5nd I “.4553. u, we and Wisteria Flour Mills â€"rouâ€" Quality, campuses and mm 0! 6W M «f_ m- â€":a» Hail_____J_ G. E.:MARTIN, Proprietor Goutts’ Acetocura. ABETDGURA B. GREGORY, Drum! blind-l, M $ 1.6» MOI-Km W «at. - mun. Gout}! Son: m.’ 7 "be mum] LEIâ€"Front room; '1“! M Amy m- om mm. .my sin. ARM sun _________*â€" FARM FOR BALI. -'l‘ho welt half of uniï¬ed. lath. “law of the mow-rm. cunt-Ina mount. 36 mum.“ M {unha- mm" ".352" to 1 ll. PWH’ERTY vxguo: THE â€" can as use ‘0.“- M an Wot-WI nu In cue-no u» M luulwtuflnl Oman! WV“ VALUABLE PROPERTY cola. 0! 9! HE I". w M w my I new“. m.............."anatomy â€""'" ’ *cio'iuu. m....................slo.ooo.ooo mam mm..." 80,500,000 M†$3.33: I. '3‘ ' Hunsalmlfl Furnitura A "um: or Ion-cull hm- uu u ducal-u "put-M uh u nut cum. I. ll. WM. 0" “ll. â€LU“ “I. Farms to Rent. Tho than Farm are well Locmd. "W" ’rm'“ aim - I'D. â€WW um. oux no M u. on ca-xozuitmu. 11.12“-» nod-ml" 10th. "ï¬t-4 New Advertuements. UNIGAL’S _L1YKL{Y‘_ STABLE. - ... .....- LI- ._- IIIE “DREW WILSOI FRI.- 3' m is out mambo! w u wt. and nu number melted by O" Lot 18. Mount“ 1:. Opt. no Q‘é‘i'ï¬ï¬u um" ' ’T' 'commbb N no. and good horn-on bin at was BRIAN «puma. FOR SALE. HIE JAMES Kill HIM. per cent. until the FIRE Airâ€"D LIFE. Summer Residence MEG}!!! â€EWING MACHINE 111 at that.“ FOB sunfï¬mm TOWN- I. I. “500â€", run an! 11‘ 11.1.? I unnuuw. vvâ€"v- Amino End of August Central Business 0011 Canada’s Greatest Commerciala' tun-a Mutu- wlu: Stn‘ nudonh pm In 90'1““ dream and much this I Can an 3153M Mt. m0 balm. It. Int. 'III‘DIl. “and. mu. 0...... I It“. It. Joli. Influx. low mm no. Paula-- I“ Wan“ 5m ‘7" and. mm m Gnu-lotto. nod .umu a New 1mm“ New Inn. 8mm mu “ (unnu- momma mom M The Double Track way to MONEY T0 L anvil-cu or mums!" ' M to aux-mere sud own! and: names. and 51"“ M to the very 10"" u unmoved to the uvil‘ nu. mgr: bought and Gonna-don. I i! '5 Inï¬ll-um 01 u. ‘- hm :w WIUII “VIII unv- . J. MATCHETT, - Ticket new: OFFICE. Lu: m upon Wrrc “gunmen: uuui flu put of the ex work on bnn‘ mm. mm F. C. Tarzan _â€"â€"-:_________‘._.= Grand Trunk ï¬ll/n Yonco and Gomrd Towm. 0M". may , mum. IR HOBTGLGBS CHAN 3. H. 800 there a. 1:491!sz “AW a “will": VII m Modded 5 him not be mum coho non. (LN ANx All!!!†8: lnm loruu. our Mr. Dundu. wrm .Ooll m o! hum x‘ur‘ Good- .“ Trimmlh I: which: moo. an“ I“ from tho mum-u. flu In» new ma- 0! the 'um m M! who. them mum: I. TM am mlpmom w b u m 0mm;- K m. 1' I .: u.- 7.7 Human flu but kom In no m Tackle, Paris Gr â€the. and 8mm, my Baku and forks, ll. rakes, Screen D jumble Window 8c:- Green Wire 010th, M Rose, Axle Greg Machine Oil I. “upon ofl HIM!» but - m lighted with Ind an elect wu eh. “I!!!“ In a travel“ x. Baron In â€one water nu. an. Trix: man with < Its-mama“: Handlebar “bum. OWEST PRICES Immund the I no u: III-Ida. m ‘h 0.15 "do for 'l h when me how I In» friend: or ED naval RAIL WA] mum; humor] I no pamu In: d you valuublc m It. Job “0. I! P m'.’ RANTON COA ENNAN @anadian â€I me “Me AND ()(H TNT} â€"-.â€"-â€" nfll AND 7833 .m. 8311‘ Ix}! IL'I Ix]! the .1 word In In 3