10 cash ("I ( ibhinese Lantern! 'a/ GROCERY [EEO 87035 ‘0 15 W diam 601’8 I37 by .A. LIT cap“: of L'M d Virinity. ‘. LITTLI, vér aw statiorwry 5" Inge. Kent-“~- ‘1' 31â€"0116 8"“ ‘. within a nil ‘sétcho'b to?!“ n 2110111539†Little Hear. 53 College usm essriC'gLIQge. /' “GEM JARS†anfl m M WAN 0.1:. 7 QNAL “FAMILY JARS†8km SAY- ARCH. CAMPBELL, ousekeepers’ Wants. In addition to a knowledge 0/ the (Zn/ails about batting and sweetening, /IU//-~‘€/t°t’(’p67'8 want a supply 0/ tested air-tight GEJI JARS. Those wlw urv raretess in this matter, and use uh! pie/dc bottles, em, usually find the fruit spoiled upon testing some months army ur else (lee flavor is injured by ,‘,:,.,:,,mz [matings (a stay fermenta- n‘m mused by Me entry 0/ air We have Mesa Gem Jars sin stock, in the dir‘erent shes, and our PRE- SE’R VLVG SUGAR 229 A1. in quality. Lindsay, 0111:. Lâ€"2u >t/zer informa iOBERT Ross, Mam g Hare a totally diferent signiï¬cance, though the latter are sometimes caused by the absence 0/ the former. Since the discovery of the art of canning fruit by a wide-awake Yankee who was poking about the excavated Roman villas in the buried city of Pompeii, described by Bulwyer Lytton, the in- dustry has grown to immense propor- portions, and in cold countries like Canada large quantities of .difl'erent fruits are put down every summer for use in winter. :ed methods oak-keeping. Commercial mnd, Type- , 1’ ‘L 4L--..-- .- rrs roam m3. ï¬xm. EILQLE NO. 1822 'BorANIc BITTERS, Arch. Campbell. 1894 EAR VEST EXOURSIONS! From all Stations in Ontario on the line 01 the Gamma Pacino 3y. Tickets will be sold on AUGUST 14 Good to return until Oct. 14th. 1894. AUGUSTZI " " 2151:, " H “ Nov. 4th. " SEPT. 4 â€-0 a. i To the (allowing point; at ntes med: Delorune, ma. 1m mu: BRITTON BROS. Canadian Paciï¬c Railway T. a. MA TGHETT. 49PM- Lindsay, June 14th, 1894.â€" Roamâ€"ï¬ghjnw. Yam. 830 Ptlnoo AIM m- ' w. Red Door. Wanton. - - $40. For further particnhn apply to my agent of the Compuly. Lindsay. J My 25th, 189‘. Family Grocer. THE No. 52 again-8 00 ““3â€" Our facilities for doing this class of wwk are not equalled elsewhere in the Cmmty. First class 1I orl. as by far £7ch cheapest and most satisfactory. "II'II'IMMA'U'I Sare war time and money, and bring your tzmepieces to us for repair when uho wants to keep his appoint- ments, who wants to be on time, ï¬nds it proï¬table to have his u- atch and clock repairing done at Britton Brothers. : Brutal: Bros. MAN YOU \NANT DONE THGHT 'l|.'l|"lu'hl'lr @hï¬ Qt “Avâ€"v-- â€"-- Ilium - The uniform: produood by these evenn- amonn a. popnlulon or ten million: of people who are strictly Agricultural I. very great. Punting :- the only Industry or Cores. md ushou h then I: name money In circulation, it a very llttlo, 3nd the government in contacting taxes to: its lup- portis toned bakeries. gunman i A long letter from his son, written some time before the Chinese and Jspnnese troops invaded the country. conï¬rms be- yond sll doubt the belief that the most decided toe the people oi the little kingdom have to contend with is stuntion. Hun- dreds us dying daily. Some struggle to msinbnin themselves, but others commit suicide rather than contend egsinst hope- 16†ghgnuï¬u , AA 1.-.-.. I.-- I.--_ L...__I.L While ewimming I new e J epeneee beet lowered, heavily armed which ï¬red into the Kow-Shuna. The éhiueee iired their rifles es the N euiwe, et the swimming men eud nleo er. their own countrymen on buerd with the view thet all should perieh. comma snnvma. Wuhlngton, Aug. 7.-Mr. Ye Sung Soc, Coreen Charge d’Aï¬'eiree. hee recently re- ceived deepehchee from Seoul which re- veel 3 meet elerming end pitiful condition of eflelre emong the people or thet rocky peninsule. Capt. Gnieworthy else declined to do this, as the Chinese troops would not permit him. Then the Naniwe, without euy further wen-hing, dieoherged n torpedo at us and opened ï¬re upon unwith her guns. The Kow-Shuug eenk about thirty minutes utter the togpedo exploded other, Cspt. Gelsworthy, oi the Kow-Shung, declined on the ground the: the Jspsness troops on board the transport would not permit him to do so. The oeptnin than naked for permission to return direos to Tsku, from which or: he hsd eluted in time at peace. The spenese did not reply and hoisted 3 signs! notiiying us in lane the stenmer immedistely. CHINESE PREFERRED DEATH T0 PRISON. They were quite satisï¬ed ihit she wss aBrltleh steamer. but they ordered the :Kow-Stmng to follow the Nenlws to even. , A A Col. Von Homekin has forwarded the following statement at the request of the Iodoanins company ;-The J emcee cruis- or Nooiwo, during the morning of J oly 25, ordered the Kow-Shung to anchor. She obeyed and some J npnneso ofï¬cers boarded he; and examined tho__oh_ip'_o pope“, Referring to the Row-Shun: eiieir The Chronioie seys: "It is not one to no whet else the Japanese eonid here one. Soldier- who will not retreel or surrender Inn-I tske tho ohsnoe of being killed." ENGLAND AND RUSSIA SHOULD STOP THE ‘VARs ‘ The Stenderd meinteins ihet deeplte every excuse dedneihie from inter reports there is nothing that exoneretee Jepen from the ohsrge of brutality end berbnriem toward the Chinese. Not lcng ego. it seys. so incident like the châ€"Shnng efleir would have immediately bmught e British squadron to Tokyo. The Saunderd pro- poses thst Rnssis end Engiond Jointly de- mand that both Chine. end J span withdrew their forces from Cores forthwith end entrust the government of the peninsnle to the internetionei conference. “Felling in this,†The Standard ssye. “we most enticipete e vet: anxious period end no time ehouid be lost in incressing the British sq asdron in the for on t.“ KNEW SHE WAS BRITISH BEFORE FIRING. Th0 London Duly Chronicle n I cum sum. lo good rum: Io but". 3 u m Imus «90qu to h". been tough: on July :21! in identical with tho no duo mm. to («no to an Ana. 1. when m Jnmue were «Id so hue "9003061: «not-a tho Chino-a entrenched a! \ mum and to am mu moulded u all um with he" lou. The ammo count on the ulnar I on a Calm-a gnvouugu._ London. Aug. 6.â€"The Timon an of the confllotlng Imam-o o! the mm“ m Yuk-n : “The two atoms In In shout in direct contrndlouon u they could bu. The J mum. version Ina the mom of am“ tuner dot-Ila. 1m In a m It In g In with. om‘clmnmntmooo.“ Oorea. Since the naval conflict that preceded the declaration 0! war between China and Japan no collision of importance between the opposinu iorces has been reported. but each country is preparing for a ï¬erce struggle. It is not likely that European complications will ensue. um BATTLE ar yearns. Washington. Aug. Lâ€"The Japanese legs. tion received a telegram at 11.30 this morn- ing which inlly conï¬rms yesterday’s telegram with reference to the defeatoi the Chinese forces in Cores. and shows that the engagement referred to was the same as that of Assn or Yashan which telegrams from Shanghai and Tlen-Tsin described as a Chinese victory. and in which it was said 2 000 Japanese soldiers had been killed. The telegram contains the substance of an ofï¬cial bulletin from Gen. Oshima. oom- mauding the Japanese forces in Cores. BOUT or rm: cam was comm At3a.m. on July 29 the Japanese ad- vanced on the Chinese entrenohments at Shsn Yeng, and after several hours' severe 1 ï¬ghting won a decisive victory. The ‘ Chinese entrenchments were captured,and : the whole force or about 3.000 men was out 1 s t to rout with a loss of about 500 killed and wounded. The Japanese loss was Soï¬lcsrs and 70 men killed and wounded. The en- tire camp equipage of Chinese, a great quantity of arms and munitions of war, inciudiua tour cannon and many flags,were °‘ captured. The Chinese troops fled in com- cl Dlete disorder, with the intention. Gen. Oshima thought. of eudeavoriug to esclage by means of Corean boats at Gnusau. s Japanese were in pursuit when the bulletin was forwarded. Gen. Oshims took posses- sion of the Chinese headquarters at Green in or Yashsu. ‘ l'l. WHICH IS THE TRUE STORY FROM YABEAN ' E china. um Jam Hum nur rote. ENGLAND WILL MWMN A STRICT NBUTRALITY. THE WAR IN THE EAST- LINDSAY ONT. FRIDAY AUGUST 10 1894. â€" â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"~â€"â€"_â€" who Ghanaian gust. gv'ghggjumï¬g‘fgwhnlLOCAL lg PROPRIEWRS. I" W. nwm. He «Had Mn. Shepherd’- sauna: to this and m mud â€mm“ the can. whit. damn. Mr. M u at out I!!! 8709- _- V min Mr. thd rounded. this tune mmmauhmdummmm. Thonotuweulooneonmudhtoouh. munglymm lg. knoll mill-Wm. :2; 3101101: giver. Bio-m" can" Moat-i m ’ ' 7 She iold him 5! 01¢me mud and It m wot-3h (any $2,000 I lnonmhnnm, bu: she would 3! M 8790. __ __ Mr. Gldd unmodhtoly want down Into cub boxund produced them. And only. upon much maulenlconmtod Io n_k_o I n_o_ta .- loam-1w. Up in Elmvele there iee gentlemen by the none of Gedd who hunter-la teete- end P. P. A. tendencies, end the Chmiele. which he runs, hoe recently developed into eP.P.A.orzen or something women- to. Some month. ego. when Mrs. Shepherd wee in thet (lieu-lo: delivering e eerie- of end-Catholic lectures, she wee Ihown About by the gellent Mr. Gndd, end during one of theee plenum little outings the ex-nnn rem-tied! to Mr. IGedd the: It. 0031.!“ 2-1990 wzoqnyenuwn , museum“. The: the Shepherd em] retelne ehe power fleecing the eheen Io evident tron en intercom um. story told to the Toronto Sher: ., Sir John wore o otnw in: or chwohito oi oonicoi shone. no cook. I cotton shirt with one suapondor, and notivo ovotdiz. He pulls a good on and fathers hi. which- ou. 8o dunk oonionsiy from 3 stone jug which he kept under the stern out. Senator Snniotd and President Cookbnrn were upon-tin: oboni in ontriggcn and kept flung ofl'unnli um: every time an premier oonahl a ï¬sh. The Mouton 5991!. no solid to: Sir Jamâ€"[Tomato World. slog. Sir John’s tint Du'n Minx. [Specially prevured for The Empire] Gxnvnxnuns'r. July 31. â€" Sir John Thompson won out ï¬shing this morning bright nod euly. He tried ior been with warm: sent up from Toronto. He caught 21' in two hours, weighing in all 46 panndr. As noon on the nah in the inke not to know that the prime minister was out they mode I deod net on his hook end wildly fought for the honor of being token by it. It won touching to see the air of heniiioent mig- nntion thnt oprend over the conuteunnee oi the been no they found themeelvee ynnked up on Sir John’s line no the hook token from their mow by the conservative chief. ‘ Some of them tried to mention the nnme oi Charley Topper in their dying urog- A Inlet.“ leer Gordon. l'i‘otho Mite"! Tm- run.) Simâ€"i new in one oi your peoen lotoly on mount oi the diunooiui louuoon end oooduut oi the momhon oi the bond oi heelth. but. I". they «not hold o audio to tho momhou oi our town oouootl at their loot mootiu. cad oeyooo thot woo mount. with my-oli. ought to fool mud oi our uproooutetivoe. Such diomiul louaumo end octiono on only at ice ouy oi the lowest elumo or brothels. had come oi our eitieeno ought to ho uhomod of their votoo nod ootionl lest Januory. Now. oir. ‘ there ought to he oomcthiog donâ€"we u o body of rote you ohould demom‘. :he miguotion of e council. no the members who not and liltonod to the dhgrutul some were siding ond wetting or ep- proving o! the octiono oi the end councillore turning the meeting into e regular bou- gordou. Mr. Editor. 1 do hope that you nor nay-one else will ever eee ouch o scene egoin in our council wombatâ€"Yours. etc.._ _ 7 1311111337. A118. 701. 1891. brought the troope of Coina and u. What talc“ I’a’ng†pigvlaioue m“- left have been on vadins The Japaneeeiieethaaeioeedthenrinei- port, whiohie really themouthof the and the Chin-e eoldim'a are _ nun-ta at theoapitai, aha-rhandue -' playing and havoc withit. CT. was or a nuvou at can“. San Franaieoo, Aux. {tnâ€"“neon are internal eymptonuin theeoutb of China.†writee a Shanghai corrmpondutt and. date of June 29th, “whiohare Wu inï¬nitely more menacing to the amure than war with J would be. PM aeerateeeu ee wanton; and Kwannee. The rebate have airmadï¬ found their way into hat. The! uponthepeopleto tahe vanteae of the opportunity to rise analnet the Tartar dynaety and reetore the kins!- The authoritiee are certainly V017 much frightened. though they udeavor to conceal the truth. A oonepiraoy ae opuadaethatodtheraipinneiahnownhy well-informed pereona to be only Waiting favorable moment to raiee the ataudard of revolt in China. 1'0 muncm CARGO†FOB YOKOMA. TheJapaneee lemtlon here baa received information leading them to believe the! valuable moo- are now leaving San . Francisco and Vancouver for Chinaon veeeeie which stop ï¬rst at Yokohama. They telegraphed their government Sun- day to intercept them. we: pm as aronoar. Tien Iain. China, Aug. a-M. Julee Dutreuil De Rhine. the eminent French explorer. hen been murdered at Thibet. and bin body thrown into the river. The French envoy to China bae addreaeed a protect to the government demanding the recovery and return of the unfortunate man’a body and and papere. The envoy aiao demanda that the Chineee govern- ment make an apology for the occurrence and provide a proper oompeneation for the family of the murdered man. Gina-r annals xmnan. London. Aug. 7.â€"An extraordinary Gar- ette has been iaeued containing a pro- clamation of the queen declaring Great Britain'e neutrality in the war between China and Japan. There it aleo pnhllahed in the Gustte a letter from the Eerl of Kimberley. the foreinu eecretary. to the lorde oi the admiralty eett iorzh the rulee to be obeerved at e var one British porte and harbon. A belligerent man-ai- war muet leave Britieh watere within 24 honre after ite arrival therrin. unleee the weather or the neoeeeity of taking on coal or provleione prevente. in the event of a Ohineee and a Japaneee voeeal being: in a Britleh port together. an interval of ‘ii houre muet elapee betmrn the departure of the veeeele. U A_-_. COMM UNICA TIONH. 'A WnLL~Wmnn. Peru. Accruxxtâ€"Whiie Mt. Jemee Elliott wee engaged in cutting in with e hinder drewn by three eplri heeeee. en eecident heppened which eeueedhie deem. Heel-inc en unnenel retiieotneehim hiewiieteeiottedoa-oithe hone hinder. Beaming to epotehe toned her hit-bind lying in e poo! of blood which flowed iron am wounde in hie body. The left eel wee completely eeveaed mm the heed. the clown oi which wee lei E E E E g S E : [Warsaw] FOOTBALLâ€"On Sunday In! tho Mutu- boy- wenl on: to Communion to ploy a football much ud Inccoodod In datum the team 0! am plm by ï¬ve cool. to one. In the an! mum Mum- ocotod twice nod lenm coco. And In thoueonflho'ig-Iigo Mann!- cool-ed {33:3 manna-I. no mam hon poy â€Lao-0:.melrml. mount ol loco! any can won only y mud. Tho mull. boy- m madly proud 0! their vlemry and any spook Mah- ly e! um: kind mm: by thoCmnlnx- mboyl, whilhtobohopodwiflooonbo solo to return tho lunch. Tmma. -0;kwood con turn out sham u may mashing multim- to the one u my other town in this vicinity. Mr. G. W. Mot-undue with hlo "Poorlooo." Mr. Ali. Lsko with hi. "View.†and now come. Mauro. E. Blchcdoon sad William Short. 1: will bother amen mo and non go throw down In: cough to hoop up the nu. Various-Prod Yo: oi Buihlo. nod Mlu May York. or clot-borough. m ohowina mm- to old friend- and roloum hon. Both occupy gcol ammon- in their mpoeuyo place- 01 ohode. Wan-r Damianâ€"Mr. John Dune. delivered the an: now an when; Imp]. wglahod 62 lbs pg! yum S'ocuLâ€"A'lum new wiu’ 568cm on the km: a the macho. at Mr. A. 0. Hogs on Edd. even! . 10¢ In“. The Osgwood mm '11: In nunduoo a: "good pmunm been around. Adan-Ion. 20:. Ta will be mad augment-Jug n 6 p. m. A Goon Tull-A wt, 0! about twenty tron lure. Joined m exam-don put: tron Toronto to Summon Point. Lyn 8th. Agpodumojg um. ....Mr. A. J. Helium. at Toronto. tad too Walla. Inn tezn vmuum. . . .11". G. W. Moonilouah sad m. of Pukdde. m .! Mr. W. A. SUmwood‘c. . . .Mlu Bush}- unz u Tmnto. Plun'nu l. u d c 0 ill A â€" o I sum: «Mn. 9: Q'ï¬'u . 13ml“ mi hm pd on!“ pogo- In Ontario u pro-em. Titan You.“ Cottonâ€"A o! the Trout vum Conn! outvo on oro for tho loot throo wootxo. ho) hovo tum tooto lo Boloovu. Tho) no roam: Ilooo horo old thoro In tho towaohlp ot Eldon. It tho, ooo o ootuouout that to Ilholy to hovo o lotol votoo It to oold thoy no oun to no o "no thmh It. oud thuo tho 903“ on uodo outo o! tho ooool hols. u o thou» Tho mm of Tahot [tint on Groo- ltlm to tho moot hvooohto ood tho ohmootâ€"l? amoo hotwoou tho two lohoo to noonrtoo. It I woo hooooo thto wooh I would mhoodon on tho um ot uolooooo thot would hoot tho wotoo ohht um... thoo toot otaht nttoo wootd ho nolohod. I would uoo tho oomo ton on tho (no-o moor oud tho root o! tho othon; I would utvo "on tho oloottoododaoo out uoo ooooouy ood woula hon tho ooool ohout hutohod hr thto tl-o. Tho old .qu do. hoto wooooly IOhotloholuht rot tt hoohod wotoo too ooooo tattoo. A um otoonhoot oould out on tho moot o! It tho around lo oo lovol. It would ho o ohm-t out betwooo tho two rtvou notth from K!!! fluid. Sous o’r'Bcomxnâ€"A lodge o! a» Son olSoolluo um «um hm In: '98 with 2! null... (Wu-co o! In Hon. 1 Noun. -'ru wanna In an. um unnu- bag 0! their hum... â€The can ml: Ihll urinate“ m: “m km tactical-flu. Tho: $18 at" uthlod with win: VICTORIA ROAD. W at m Pan-J B. O. PIC â€C.-BSV. Pm Sm. at Vlotods Band. will hold I†a mam on raw». August ad. (ad not on Anna sun. a manual, mead.) Ammo-m m lulu and. (or a chap execute: ml. ma flfl’uï¬â€˜ï¬guummm mm; “m one; And some would mu. Then Ill! «and tooth.“ much Mm Wotan-l. Bad And Kama. also min. tollo. mung: jngm'gnmng :3? mm. .00. ex dog m o m will ho n cool-II (or a «14.50-«1 can. bum-en Dr. McKoy. ERR. at Woodvllle. uni Dr. Wood. at mama. Two mu band. will be In "Wald canton to: undue! 835. Tho Ben. J. J. Cal-rm. o! loaned Cnsh‘o on‘ot. wlll uddnu lilo people on Wu. Wclcll all. dub. Annual 3394. and come wllh the mwd. WWW â€"-.â€" LIIFORD LOCAL N EWS-LE'ITERS MA NILLA. OAK WOOD. BOLSO V33 BBILBY. Pnéoumâ€"Tbo Bu. 1! I: How. umummhu cache tannin... .1511 norm. ol‘ruPoc-r Map-tmanmmw no!“ 'b. minimum: madman mamumuu. om sum sad Vdooflnmu- 176.1; the M Ll wdiliréi’ Snu .- Nm‘siFEï¬â€"iï¬ Roma. Rama (DAMN I nor- na to thump-gym! QC}!!! (lg-ma. m um- until death and never loch n word. Tho (anon! unto. um held Mumy. the Rev. 3. Hanna calcium Ln 0:0th dhoouru wu dollmdUothollvlnaonuumdu tonne blob. 18a». 14 moo. A udder dun: unnatural] ho Wood. and m. han- uodha hon-mt In. and (arch the m It to: than] - nu ma my . %flp¢d Oman Snuou.â€"- Nut 8: o Tinctures-o m u very diam: one. Tho all an. «emu sud Ill-WI). I! swam am on tho 234 In"... Mr. June- Elltott 0! mm. was cutting I add of m with an coll-Nada. hula: u can um Tho hono- uook Mum and run any. and In m clum- thrown hon the sonâ€"or. .- In men mumâ€"wan axing tumult. boat of a: Nod... :54. been» naught! moan condo. album In sham m be. and neck Iouvmlymhooqlguyoqpnhogr. Ea Onman.â€"Dootb hu own boon but, In our mldot. Two o! Mo vlouno won loot wook bid to not In chl- cemetery. Ooo woo Bum Hobbs. toilet of tho loco Com. mun. who and on Mood†owning. son: on. Show bosom tot-comma. with can duod diam. oonouupflon. Tho (anon! moo Wconudo wuoonduco- od by B». B. Bontoo ot mu Bantu. who who on moon-n “on (row the word. “Tho “to thujow u.‘_' ï¬nch lym- i'vt'lIâ€"ihâ€"ï¬l'tï¬iii'mp vod chum-on bounce-u m g val-y diam“ [Wane-«1‘11: Poor-I LO.G.T.-Tho 1|.va olootod olfloou o! Goo-well Lodz. No. 265..." duly 1|"th on Fad-9 "coin Inc. Tho! no .- tol- lon :â€"Poou Colo! Tony!» 8n. G. Wind- “; cw Tannin. Stu. it. Noble; Woe- ‘louplu. Sta. 3. Bum-on; chaplain Bro. A. B. Dd"; newt-lg. Bro. L. Noble; on». newâ€. Sh. . Panto; {In-no. mu. Bun. 3. Bacon: venom. 81.. A. W; who! Bro. A. Enuv don. malt-l. $10. A. Linn-y; 2W0. Sh. K. Pom; maul. Bro. C. 800; lodge booty. Bio. B._Euo_kgr. _ _ momâ€"rho Mono tum visited Panacea Mu. plums an exhibi- tion mo wtththo homo tan or the town. The} on. such with the Odlllu in 011111. on tho 15th for district chmplon- Ihlp honon. Bulb Excunsxox.â€"Tho bnnd will us I much; emu-.191: on n14†any _. ansONAuI-wu D. Boll. m.- J. Hut â€and Mr. F. Buohmn. at Town» are nu ma hen ...... Mt. um Mu. Ru. Milton. m mending I luv helm†hon. ‘ â€Gum“ Dunn-Tho lid socioty hold Mon only so the miduaof Mr. (1F. Brno. Tao-day "chin M The smudge“ wm nicnl Hammad with Chinese he you: 1min vied with!“ «oh other in entertaining the nuts Md a plum: evening wu spent by .u. The Citizen- hud madman choice nag-lot! mae._ _ __ ___ _ _ [W or Tho Poul Pun-unnamâ€"IIJ. Luau w» on- nlud w“. 0:0“ mm“ '01."! and n 32:23.“ on... L â€u. manger»;- $.23: acct»: u was c valued member. prior to his human tor alum". who" be In- na“ to raid. wmgwtjz._ _ _ _ _ _ Tm- â€"Wo um In! to no our low a and». w! 0 Iron M“ In m u on. yuan LN- you . . .‘l‘ho l ton on MI: pic», at was. Mm....Wom manna-nun Fun M) h to ban a hit ms you. n ï¬nancedâ€. u my one.“ .- veil as a ham canton. Duo Scot-um 33. A luau number 0! Iced homo. no in mm for “one" an duu. 0.00 of Tn: Porn! PMNAL.â€" .nd Ila. A II. Rae and {may a. mall Ital: "0qu n lla- Md. .lum \\ w Ron II VIIIIIM In Tau-I... .It. Will. Doubt. 0! BnIIh’o Fm Incubus. III- mIloa undo: "I. unsalted .lt. boa mm In. to Int-nod from Toronto I: IIuI. II. In In "MI-n clown. a Jet um. and an. 300 I um: MIIuIr u-mu m (03am: PM! pol-I.. .5". II. «mm. II‘ “My. whoionlo hum- :nthu bum II 8t. 3053‘ a. NJ!" dur- W7.“ â€Imam: In era-II. Mr. Into- a upload mwuu. and 0M I. «am ennui now canons-- OIL“! ugly “0:0 Ila}. m with Wan. She also main-ud- um brooch not with rabiu nd pea-in. Ihoaiiioi mm.mm a bun- um not oi whit. mu. The brldsl xii“ m uncut bountiful. Liver the wedding dinner It. and In. Cook left on a trip a flu Thou-uni Nada. and on Inuit um will noni- M. 6 Gwen om- .l’ntwo. of any bra-n tamed. The 'hen "up Mold a m In: upland mono. and L 3|- gum. any nun Io mt. "no can. to m nt- Bctterlu: (or L!!- tle; tor Bethany. are hunting II the I .mm mm Md magma. um umunm Mk mm a. r w a w m w _.W a mu mmmwa mum .uu we†Mm I‘Mâ€"u... . wuâ€" un- mm mu mm ml!!blolnnd....1‘lllllllfl boy mu! 0 mod n «Manly am In «term not to «mm» too clue III 00- or bound by nu qulnunoo with woman,“ Just no tr. at! Hall In (and alumnus“ utter Canaanâ€"Th. mum. gm: mut- MLRMâ€"MARIPOSA. BEA I'ERTUN. PORT PER“ Y. Mum-cu '0' "PAW MIWIMIA-m .A .7.. Sucumn. 67m Impu- nu m 4am. to! Auut :- a mum. Huh!!- lllumood number. Banana. ma. Subt- lu. mun. Mac. and on†(cannabis wound Mum and. plan In an. oxooum muse. The cantons an :â€"“Tho cm 1 My.~uwwmm: "Glow Omaha In MID] 1m gum; "am. on Inna.“ by A. ll- 3. Gordon; "Elk Bum 90 PER lime Bern Cnenus. â€" Oar Cltlzene bend cen heheerd qulte (uqnently o! lete eendlnc forth the eweet etrelne of mnelo heee end there throughout the town. mek- lna the heem ct ell lovere cf mcelc merry. They heye elreed commenced to eetenede our townetclk. e hope the: when you heetthem ole ylnacppcelte your door you will be preoend to preeent them with en well ï¬lled. Recently the hcye â€who. heve neen merino: eevecel eddltlcne to the bend. end they ere eleo mulehlca ue with new. MIN end teklrg muelc night etter nlaht. To he ehle to do theee thmge they meet heye money. Accmm.â€"Mr. June. Doble met with en eooldent on Snndoy morning leec.whloh might hove proud eel-lam. Before du- bteek he em from hie bed end proceeded town-then poeed to be the mutt-yea cote drink 0 wow. It beina dork. by mieteke heepened the door leeding to the colic. end (all down. Bowevet. we ere tried to eey he ie doing nicely end will be ou_¢_ie e io_w den: ..illra. Gvo. Shier. oi Port Perry 1mg of this place. ia apendina a flew éays vi irieode. . . .The Miaaee Clint and Taylor. of Toronw.are viaiuug at Dr. Jardine'a.... Min Ma Fraction. of Toronto. ia mum at Dr. cDrrmou'a....Mr. J. B. Walloo- t no. Mao-cor oi Dobell 8.: Co‘a Bank. and v. 8. Porter. paetor of the Baptist church here. have resumed from their (do to Fredericton. NB . and report having had'a delightful “nonunion Thompaon. oi beridne. ia the acre: or Mie- Flouie Oxirer....Mr. C. W. Barker and non. (f Tamra. are in town....Mr. and Mn. Archer. of Uxbridce. are waiting friend. in town....ur. Jno. Brethour. B.A.. princi- pal 0! Mt. Fol-eat high achool. paid on a abort vial: in! week. . . .Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Reddick. o! Texae are we cue-ta at Mr. J. B. Valieneyne. . . . ev. Mr. Boddlckpreach- ed}: the Bapgigt church on 5119} Drill}: CAxma.-Mr. and Mn. J. H. blendin- nha. In. E. Bsidwln. Mm Vellle Woloh sud 80v. Mr. loKny sod family. are camp- Ell u Baha’- Grove. Baum-eon†.Miu L.A. Mont u unplug with Mend- In Lake Slum (Crowded out In! week.) Pnasosins.-Mn. W. J. Shanon. at Wetland. in visiting her perem- end my turna- in all. vicinity. ;. .The Misses Smith, “Scream. egethe magic 0; Mr. Farrow, . Parry. to â€ending Ml Mien ilthilili mother. ' PmoxAm-Mr. and Mrs. L'. 8. You: hon returned home. situ- Inning amt o ole-nut time with their friend. in Water- town City. N.Y.. . . . Mrs. Smith. of 8.6.. II visiting triendoin Lawn. . . .Mre. Guam and Mr. Mouton. 0! Toronto. sad C. H. Finance. or Math-m. no the gusto of Mr. sud Mn. me....Mr. nod Mn. '1‘. Mom. of Toronto. are visiting Month in §undorl_tnd....§_1r. I}. Brolhour. oi _P9§t -vâ€" v- w 'u-w u-v-u u‘u' IKIIUP‘ In“ Pox-unnamâ€"Wo «no» ulve the exact ham: or our mine. but If It continuo- to n It has done dating the out low week. *0 may In the neu- future b0 two to In. the term. "rm flourishing to" o!_8codu-md.“ Exodléwu. â€" The Muhodm Ssbhuh School M4 5 van unjust». mu m Bu- b... m-.. P‘t’“..-' .- ’ul. on». .0 that: “and plcpgc. 'Wuu or Tm: rant Inn-novrnum-a. - A gnu many of our omnnu m "was“: becoming vow-mod about “no â€pus-no. o! t at town. sud mom", Immnmonu ct vuloul km. a. the «do: at an on. Too much can“ In done In an. aluouou. :- Hanan sud moon-by Inurlubly ton m an" oplu~ “an! m plus 1:39: um aundp‘ int. um III "melon Irma. Tull wll.‘ be 0 my mama“ mo. and cantor airflow lm um In about" omen N am: Ill. taunt an or also won at o cum... "I“. 8m! Inmoo â€"Dc. J. N. {nonunion la mum-t u. no“ buy at our ohnfchm not low. Pan-mun. duh-m: Thornton and No (“no m away spending mou- cum 0! 89m Into. Exec-uncontr'rho Plum-flu church a: "mono. In. In uncommon“ an arm‘- OM shout tho lul not In A nut to Mon- Mngon “(Echelon mm. 8- wn. tn 0 a San Bananaâ€"Root. Bobloooo to now visiting Mo â€undo. having come from Ma homo Io Deadwood to amend tho funeral of gar-notion who and at the advanced on. (o AGRANT.â€"A doputauon wanna noon? on our moo!!!“- aï¬raoctor an anion - (ml park. watch wt to (duo on oooo a! to: (ounzhlp oouogll 090g- 9p. Chums Nannyâ€"aw. Mr. Inch} In doing excellent rock In tho Pmbytorhn church hem. Nocwlthuundm the hot wombat tho church in crowded n each had every mvtoe ...... Qunerly meeting aer- vlou were hold In the Methodist church In! thbnth. Ron. Mes-n. um hud Gu- hnct can vary mun workers ...... Christ'- ohuroh can continue: to become more uni t under the «run Donor. the Rev. . McCain. Magnumâ€"Semi; 1"Hécm. No 5 coupon. 45m autumn. will attend who «gap u to!†Lev!- ggu 03x weeh'oonru. -â€" “Iv-I.-. nun-III“. “ BACK Auntâ€"John Banana. so: ct Bennett of this village. to non. tor 3 MI with his parents um nn nbnoncn at noon: tour you-o. and has been one of ‘ on: man sums-(u! pronoun)". having “and n [only hmnm cum. N. W. 1‘. He went. very uvonbly of the c (- lnnu nnd country. - OFF 10 mummyâ€"No. 41, L. O. I... of My district. Wu: acacia-M In the 13m at Ann» calohruton ct Pom-bore. The 95am. bond 31115109 “and. ,_ , 7 , - _',,,_ v- n-â€" w nâ€" -v “VIII-VII: Bow»! szxroas "Our rm.“ I. q nlec. am quite a tour an unending mou- touchy. hm wzth trieadl. ud an n Inuddvlcm flaking. on. Cull m 7:311:11». Iva-r} kind-aton- nut is on Hahnâ€"196.†D 9:10]: ‘ ,vâ€" â€" â€"â€" was“. â€"u WWI ‘M be mm m ,WE:M “1°th TM haw mute“ Lord‘s KIRKFIEggMI W of . Outpu- Wanna-Bum m a “"°°~uâ€u°.:a°°z.‘°°~m' "n W van a I style on the charts-flown. Thu Mm â€Agugggm. {wxuotma any. 3.33 BUG 8 1‘0 Bl SUNIM'I‘LANJL an: annual“. OMEMZE. urn up: on ma. ï¬loâ€"uâ€" Jon Mann