// W' E A Gentleman ded In Connecticut, but Bonolulu,writes: “For 20 years past. my wife 77777 I A ......'. Who formerly real no now resides m .u_ - Nations! Con: The time is now on of the nation; the United State THE SEASON’S BATHING sun's. ‘ ‘ Picturesque French Designâ€"How and Serge Are Popnlu- muddl- Early in the season it looked as though 1895, and is to be it might take an entire steamer trunk to: I There are now 17 the transportation or the bathing suit, u’ belonging to the < there was a promise of long skirt: and 3 lents a oonstitnen stm longer trousers, but the :IWOmï¬n- T110039?“ .. A A, , Mmm'il has nassm New York ,4;;_ A..- no formerly resided in Connecticut, but Honoluln,writes: "For I!» now mid» In 20 years past, my wire a ‘ ‘ . Q sud lhavc used Aycr‘s A mm- "lgor, and we “inc Q‘r Sextonâ€"Singular and osmium.“ ..__ the suicide of George Buckley. Thursday morning of last week. Mr. Buckley. who tor the past eight or ten years had lived at ‘ 146 Hallam street. and who was a laborer. '. had been for about a year out of work. and ‘, lately had been much depressed. Thnrs- ‘ day about 1130 o'clock he went uï¬oto Davenport Hill. chased away some ye! who were playing near. and hanged him- I sell in the most deliberate manner. He; was an elderly man between 50 and 60; years of age. and was mutiéd, with a; tamily oi eight children. 1 Snow For: Smauxa APPLES.â€"John A Potter, aged 13.38 Comwal!-st..was rsmov- ‘, ed to the general hospital Sunday evening ; with a slugvlhot in his iorehnzd and ; another in his neck. Timothy Lynch, 3:24 Pane avenue, is behind the bars charged I with shooting at young Patter with intent i to kill. Lynch is an old man, and kaens a . market garden at Pace avenue and Ger- l rard-st.. where he has a small orchard f containing sevual fruit-bearing trees. 1 The boys of the neighborhocd have made ‘ several raids on the fruit trees during the 1 past few days. annoying the old man be- I {load the limits of his patience. Finally? ynoh procured an old musket and loaded 1 it with, slugr. When the lads appeared: yesterday he warned them, but ï¬nding this did not work. disoharged his gun,‘ end Potter. received two of the flying missiles. Tne wounds are not of a serious LOCAL 1‘ jiï¬sl‘t. mug I can recomn need 0! a 1:0 that it Is clnl Bun-op. T0! â€hire. “ucr, wâ€"v â€"__.-, Thoma Graham, merchan', o! Fenolon Foils. The bride was beautifully attired in cram crayon, and was accompanied by he: stator, Annie. 1n creme. bearing a rich bouquet or whm n 10-. The maids of honor were Mil-s Emu... Graham. aiszer of tho groom, and Miss Maud Eula, slate! of the brine. The groom wan ably supported by his cousin, Wm. Graham. bro? her of Dr. GrahunL '_1‘he_Bevt: G. W. Mccill. B.A., I.__.v- -.r‘r thn cala- FENELON FALLS. antennaâ€"A very pretty little wed- ding wok place at Lnkeview, the home or Mr. John A. Ellis. on Wednesday evening. August I“. when his eldest daughter. Agnes, was united in merrieae to Mr. m-..“ (Ir-ham. merchen'. oi Fen-Jon w a“ wan-u, vv um. v~â€"â€"r --_ Gnhun. The Rev. G. W. McC-h, B.D., cfflclned. Shorth arm- the mory {ha “nests so: down to as de which would cower 911: home of Mr with glory in {he (gym 0! 5.1 epicure: ___h -A. a, ILAI. h unnuu. Luca..."- v B.D., cffl used. Shorfly steer the case- mosy {he guests so: down to s dejenner which would cover the home at Mr. Ellis with glory In the we“ or so epicuresn. All the guests. though not at that pecouu school,dld vsllem service In this deput- ment. The presents were numerous out! very costly, some hsving come s11 the wsy trom Winnipeg. The yr uag couple. short- ly sites ten o'clock. let! the coasts to con- flnue their social enj ,y (Dents and drove to their new home on Nbrrh st. We wish them s11 joy sod prosperity in lite. :- on 11'7“. Kiln-I nu Jv; _.... ,_-7,,,, _ LIGHTKING'S Woxx.- bout 630 Wed- nesday morning, durum me storm um was then raging, 3 large barn near me ammo! Mr. Wullem Jorden’e (arm in Fenelon was totally deatroyed by flzn, to- gether with twenty tone at bay snared therein. The property wea not insured. Ur. Jordnn’e grain storehouse near the nflwey station In the village had a narrow . no a twoweu’ old men heifer sund- W Ina within 3 few feet of II was struck dud. the mime) mommy strayed in Item the country, no the owner u: it appena so be unknown.-anene. 5 gear the n'r. W It Mk "I I ï¬nal Ind dltd. . â€"-John maroonâ€"132. 36. con 3,Uxbrlr!ga, butcher. And his â€shunt. were going to kill a bee! and led the nuns! Into tbs when Mr. B'ackbnm daughter home, suddenly turns-L'- hint and called for water and expired in a. tow minus“. Hen: Mun. ao- Thom!†momma .119 wen! 91cm!!! b‘ no to his are. 3|)“me didn't kn†Cudvoll dh in 2h» vlz'pe". 11’ "5' , â€"John 031d well, who resides About 1;; kdulo, Ontario county, w found dead In a pig yet on his pram!- ooé Thom!†morning of 134: week. Eh cm went puns; battles and left: the Alla-I to his are. Renaming alga @3111 â€"Whue Puttick O'Melln, aged (Bayou-r, who lives three miles [tom Eastman, w†horn-nuns on Thuradsy. the horse run mu). worms him from the nke. Ea w «manly injured lazunsliy and shout the had. from the effects of which he died on Sunduy. I'D ll"! cum. ......_-___,, , children $30011!!er didn't know where their hther van. Mn. Cudvon durum-red h'm lying 9n tin pig-per, ha ovidenfly havinq non-a a: feed the luv, tad min: 1012 d w m m It v3 '3! 9.1111311 hid fullen in‘o HIDLAND DIS ’I'RI C 'I’ N O TES. led luxuriant a! recommend this in". ‘V l ()m- murc vmvcl, Huu Hear it In my puss)": Them: urn «11 the Vow And so ends my vowc M \V claimed to H' ‘nnudinu .L vauvcu Singular nn-dwciatermSDed wn .t Gaorgo Buckley, Thursday nut week. Mr. Bucklgg. ghg I'lw V M NL‘ VS-LE TTERS TORONTO: KY. Aum i5 “l [.{N 1 pre: lrâ€"ros â€"Klml§r:urien News. ‘_â€"Antonlo A BPPLES.â€"J0hn Manna remov- mdav even!!!“ torch"! d 09.4 which has ) “115 day. m to all In It 13 an It IS an Alanna. 10 I34 m. ' Early in the season it looked on though it might take an entire steamer trunk for tho transportation of the bathing suit, a there was. promise at long skirts and still longer trousers, but the New York, Sun, which illustmteq some pretty cog. WW“. “‘"9 that with the rise in tempera- ture there has been a (lecidcd rise in skirts until (ivy now touch the line popular (or a r W.†mist. Costumes are more u Tim pt )puln $0 be muhuh‘, does not become so heavy however, is in great {aw variety of colors. The “bluomer, †with trousers gathered mm n represents the latest Fm 'l‘he nrcnrdlun plum 71‘he m-cnrd amung the 1‘91 emit-tire m hut-Mm: CUM twins-L‘- pup hndiuu and mud with r whim is kl] whim is kllutlud h’l‘riuud lluunu] cmuhinmiuus. Muck ham 1; 1mm black 11 with u “v“ STRIPED FLAXNEI. SUIT. . low the belt. A touch of color is added with a large anchor embroidered in red on the front of the waist. Among gorgeous costumes is one with skirt and trousers of real serge and the waist and sleeves of white, striped around with red. It has a wide jabot shoulder cape of white and white belt. , Long stockings are worn, with or with- out sandals, to harmonize with the gen- eral effect of the suit. Outing Hats. Outing hats of whlte felt er and general wear in the ‘ the Homburg shape so popu The soft: crown is iv‘dnntod back, and the r- t w wide for shade in from and is r1 back. Harper’s Bazar says Outing hats of whlte felt râ€: the steam~ er and general wear in the country are in the Homburg shape so popular with men. The soft crown i:: indented from front to back, and the r. r we wide brim projects for shade in from :tnd is rolled 'up in the back. Harper’s Bazar says it mz'ty be slm ply banded with white ribbon, or it may have a thick twist of white crape around the crown, and u blackbird poised on the left side, or else it is ornamented there with a cluster of black coq plumes or of stiï¬ quills. Gray hats simply banded are in the same shape to match the gray trav- eling gown and. perhaps to harmonzie with those of the men of the party. ries, sugar them um these anosher sheet of not than the lower cru oven, cut in squares butter and “1831‘- Rnspben'y Shortcake. Four cups flour; :2 tablespoonfuls butter; 2 cups milk; an egg; half teaspoonful salt; 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, half cup sugar; 3 quart: berries. Mix the salt and baking powder with the flour, rub in the butter and add the milk and beaten egg. Roll this dough into a sheet half an inch thick and spread with it the bottom of a greased baking tin. Cover it with the her- lt‘l‘l! 'Urs »uu.,_,- V :«1 fluuuulsvhru umpluyud in various minus. A whltu uuu stripud with us u. Isl-mud collar and bulb nf white, ducp Krill to the waist. coming be- ' comm. lumuer, †with no skirt, but wltle :ntlwro'l mm a hand at the knee, 1 the latest 1“ much novelty. ~cnnllun plulted skirt appears 0 recvnb designs and ls especially in silk, Nylon 19 much used for mhnmen; The blouse «am; 19 ex: ; maMHMMF ; may .amlui "W‘k: AW MM: Hf Mm 4: mm W duuhlu akiw [RI-INCH COSTUMES .- uuh V._ , ome so heavy as flannel. Serge, in great favor and comes in a has at war: mm raw: akin; uf whim (zualuw ms of 111qu braid. â€mud about; thu waist uuwls mu umplnyml 1 us. A white uuu str pass. bcsuuxnua aw my... than ever. mum-la! of the season moms whlch sheds tho water and mHmm, («spied (mm a : utwhuv gyms tnmnwd Hm mm: Mumps sham: mm! Hw hum lmgwwd smulsmmthnf “Mam: Hm : . A mums muuuvd mamas at mm may ha mm in: m w quE Mw “wk, ls: ak'wn ï¬ntalwd wit-h mu m1 largo nufl‘ sluuwa, mun: w. A [bl'ulatf dawk suit: ut at \‘uatv and ruvurs nu flu: mt Hw 1M9; muï¬wtlmi N A WW“ mm mm MM u : p" wulwâ€˜ï¬ Jaw. ï¬nialwt Imam nut? 51 lahluul‘u, trim- m. A sash 0t Notional Council 0‘ We†The time is now ï¬xed for the conven- on of the national council of women the United States. It is for February, 1895, and is to be held in Washington There are now 17 national associations belonging to the council, which repre- Iente a constituency of about 700,000 Iwomen. The executive committee of the Gorilla] has passed resolutions on the subject of dress reform, favoring patri- otic instruction, divorce reform and on equal standard of morality for men and women. The resolution on divorce re- form roads: ........ I- Rewind. Thltudivomuume iy concerning both sexes. we hold .11 commieslom erected to deal v should be reprelentmive of both. we. an organization of national o comm-icing nbout 700.000 repreeen on. requcnt or the appointing pO‘ state. who wt £13“ atoriui b: that. nil me 1 co m in cm hermit! pointed shall be composed o! be women in equal numbers. That we All the Netional Din league to teko no uteps towerd I} in; law- without conferring with council or womeuot the United 5t its standing committee on divorce 7- -.._ -n-umlfln That w. mun-ac! our commuw reform to at !or I. honing boron Reform louuo at. it. next mouth provide for cooperation between men in round to this measure. I meet- both. That the am step toward the the homo Is to put map und wo: That the 11mm] the homo Is to put makers u; a pogluon That a letter be sent tot flute and territory. asking teuuon of the legislature 1 cernlng divorce luvs. reqt "l;â€" A- me quu I: u. y-. ._.._ V makers in n poeition of legni equnlity. That n letter be sent to the governor of encl: Itnte and territory. asking him to call the at- tention of the legislature to the situation con- cerning divorce luvs. requesting the appoint- ment of n commission to consider the matter. to consist equally of men and women. Women’s Ankh-i In England. Although Miss Johnson has beaten all her male competitors in this year‘s mathematical tripos at Cambridge, the general work of improving the higher education of women appears to he in a bad way, owing mainly. it is stated, to the indifference of those directly con- earned. The Anemiatiunut‘ WunwnLeu- (mm partianiariy is an the romp at hankvnptvy and Will «page tn suntan: has: it: narrow: aiilosflrilm ii vni‘tain anm at iii-luv)"; Tin: anawintiun hm: low“ pawnnimi h: nvinhwntin mm: in any univnh Mn mu intumt in twining: madly vnniahm whun a uni! M wish it: niacin. On t-hu athur hand. wnllwii pun: tiaiana have meaty at funds and “we never inure anti“: than nnw. Many hi3 meetings haw huen huld in Landon and the provincua. which must haw Uualu a ‘lot of money. thu larguut authoring of the serius having takan plane at tit. Janina" hall under the pruaidunuy of tho Countess of Carlislu, who is probably the ablcst woman in public lift: in this country. This activity is duo to the ho- liof in an early general ulmtiun, because there is no immediate need to bring pressure to boai‘ on tho house of con:- mons, this hnpa of introducing a female Buï¬'rage bill at this session having been abandoned. â€"London Queen. A Succeutul Busineu Woman. Mrs. Zulme E. Hearsey of Baton Rouge is one of the most successful business women in her state. Belong- ing both by birth and marriage to dis- tinguished and Wealthy families, she enjoyed the numerous educational and social advantages that were lavished 40 years ago upon southern young women in her station. After the close of the war, her husband being an invalid. Mrs. Hearsey opened a large bookstore, which at once sprung into popular fa- vor and today is the recognized head- quarters for all standard publications as well as the rendezvous of all book lovers and litterateurs. She possesses the conï¬dence of the entire community 1 and has controlled the sale of the New Orleans papers in Baton Rouge for years. ‘ She employs a force of 30 news- boys, and her second son, Gaston Hear- sey, has been her assistant for several years. She also manages a. large flori- l culture trade, and the roses and camel- : lias raised in her gardens are known all over the south. Her florist's business is scamer less proï¬table than her news “a 'hnnkstore.â€"Bt0n Rouge (La) Let- gears. Sim-employs boys, and her second sey, has been_ her in years. ï¬ne msu culture trade, am has raised in her over the south. 1 scamely less pro and bookstore.â€"I ter. “The astronomers of the naval observa- tory at Washington have sought all over the world for spiders’ webs, utilized in tele- scopes for cross lines. Threads of cobwebs are employed for the purpose because they are wonderfully strong for their exceeding ï¬neness and are not affected by moisture or temperature. According to The Opti- cian, specimens were obtained from China by the directors of the observatory, because it was imagined that the large spider of that country would perhaps produce a par- ticularly excellent quality of web. How- ever, it was found 'that the best web is ington. This is another case in which manufacturing in this country excels that of all others. Even the spiders of this great and glorious land are a credit to it, says Railway Engineering. are wonderfully strong for tn ï¬neness and are not affected or temperature. According cian, specimens were obtaine by the directors of the observa 9â€"“: ‘kn‘ okn In' The “‘heelmn‘s Bax-barons Sport. One inhabitant in every ISO in this coun- u'y owns a. bicycle and has lots of fun keep- :ig the otixei; 1_79 dodging for dear life.â€" Nothing Engage, Intelligent people. 'ho reollzn - I.“ the W hm - .L inevizg no-m-I oondnlvn. and novmu I numberof alumna. L‘u‘cd's :3 IN: to can. Sn mm '.'o n.» ‘mpflm b‘w. tho. " -'. m1.- .:_ “I"- m" :hn hlnoc. Honda 3." .;; Enhghpolks Tribune. Maxim Ameutia. His Wifeâ€"Do you wear that. fright of I lat. on the sweets? 7 Lu: nu...“ “Himselfâ€"NO. Pribunn. ‘ Tn“ ll uuv-uv .- â€" ..--_.- , us both some. «0 hold It just um mlom around to deal with divorce uprcuntnflvo of both. To um and mlznuon of national orcunlnï¬onl nbout 700.000 roprounlmlvo wo - or the uppolufllm pow?- m one on “In. 51w: £13“ 31011.1 6: ~1 co m in cm hereafter to be up- nn rm mmmod 0! both men and : tho Notional Divoroo Rotom no utops townrd sin-ring exint- I". contort-inn with the notion! mm or the United Bate-through mmitteo on divorce mform. into! our committee on dit'oroo for 5 having before the Divorce u at. its next meeting in order to operation between men nnd wo- to this mount-o. which «anally The American Spidem woman writers’ dinner in merica was well represented. eney Bigelow is described as gniï¬cent in palest green, set 3 emerald velvet arrangement riders. †Everybody who has Yellow Aster" will be inter- :now that at this dinner the 10 has been christened with my head. â€" Chic!“ ‘. .3†»<-_ _. 7 other case in which is count?! 93°03 â€h“ n the spiders of this md areacnedltto it. the elevation of woman In home- I!" “dorm taught school in Penn, nail. comm» nting to the support at and pursuing studies which ambled hat to graduate from th 3011001 all d. 1878 lb. went to Chicago I? e odiwrid unn- Igement of he on ' App“. to illumud Journal. pnbl d in the in- ’ " "-â€""' “mm Thom â€"v râ€"v_- plâ€..- mammocm ton-um taught school in Penna null. contrib- ol non rantin- lll tho ’1qu no“? completed no combo n tho Chung Hemoopathlc Baltlmoro and opened an 0600 tn; the next qnlred n largo practice (lnr entered into put- tonr you: and then nuruhip with her slutor. Dr. Corn Belle Bum-aster. In 1889 they hogan tho pub- noa'llou of the Bulthuorv many Health Journal. which two yearn hm: was hlo A. on.†changed to The Homuuput 31141 Health Journal and m undo n hospital journal. In W90 01‘. Brewster was uloctul nut-goon and gave clinic: in the new Eomcopathlu huspltnl ln Bal- timore. .Lnst your nlw Unsolved 90mm" ahlp with but Hlntur mul uponod a nut- tarlnm for the medical and “N810!“ treatment of women. which in proving Baltimore butter. The Indy 0! Oovorunf Mm Milan. wife of N Nelson Miles. \vlmwlll In 0. 0. Howard in comma partment of the mat. with an Governor‘s island. it «I very chlrmiug woman, m; at of army society in an will give a life to it Hut fit some time. She is r Unmet-(m. wifn M the Pvnunylvmsin. mm hm: n It The M0 WI" nu ulniflnl im The [My gtrmvorour‘n [abode Mrs. Miles. wife of Major Genet-l Gena-l Nelson Miles. whuwlll m 3. 0. Howard in command of mode. partmeut of the out. w! m Governor‘s island. Very charming woman. 91' Of army society In M vicinity Ibo will give a We to it Hut It has not had (It some time. She In related to Unmet-(m. men n! Hm mmtm‘ from Pvuunyivmsm. and hat: n 1"wa daughlor. The Nu «m m IlnuM make («mum‘s mm a wmtmwm fur mm: m" knew» gummy pmplu Mm MI n.- Im- mm Mp on ma Momma m1 mnwnl m9 Maui warn-mm Woman Mu "tn-v who mm: mm mm UMWO‘WWML-va erk Juuwmt _ yum!» «II W!" fliVn tn (one. ()uu an and â€It make 3 gm strawberri Rural Nrw Y men! with crim l‘mua 5“ vv -.. __ meat with crimson clover. "Don‘t put your whulu hmn into it. but try all much seed us you can aflord to risk and no more. Prom-that it will live through an ova-ago winter as your place. and we will tell you that then you can‘t possibly get too much of it on your farm.†There are few who realize the post!- bilities of even the prom-nt- propurt ion:i of the basin in uomxgble ï¬sh t is. the ï¬sh entirely or oil and e:- tihzer. The low price of whe increased planting of b New York. Some eastern (men. like '1'. B. Terry, have been recommending the sowing of when: utter millet. claiming to get better yields of grain who! this is done. Miss Amyâ€"I wonder how old that man “alleys is anyway? Mr. Scrabbles-Twenty-four. I believe. Miss Amyâ€"Nonsense! “’th makes you think that? Mr. Scrubblesfï¬nnjt §he told me so AIL--- «~41. every year American Wedding; Foreignerâ€"Your young girls on the pictures of health. but why do the married women look so delicate? Americanâ€"0h. they always work them- selves sick getting ready for the wedding. -â€"New York Weekly. J ohnnyâ€"Pop, is a man born 1:: . Pole! His Faberâ€"Ya. my son. Johnnyâ€"Well. then. is a mu: Holland 3 Hole2â€"Truth. .‘ Clover Buokwlu Brings comfmt and improvement end tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many. who live bet- to: than other: and enjoy life more. with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's beet product: to the need: of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pm liquid laxative principlee embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Fign. u â€"_-_._L.2__ AVID-‘1‘}, w; _ r, '_ 7 Its excellence is due to its mounting in the ’orm most acceptable md pleu- ant to the taste, the reï¬uhingmd truly beneï¬cial properties of I» perfect bx- ative ;‘ efl'ectudly cleansing the system, dispelling colds. headache. and {even met with the appmnl of flu medial profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowel: without wak- eningthe a dithperfocflytnthul every obj _ gubio'lumnoo. , __I- x..-“ 2â€"- 6‘ Cl: VuJ‘V'va-uw _â€"__V7 , Syrup of F' is for n10 by d! drug- 'st- in 75c. wen. bntitil mu- actured by the Cdifomip‘Fjg Syrup 4w~u.vâ€". _J -__- , Co. only, whose nuns ispdnhdonever} pnchge, also the mo, Sympof Fist, sndbeing weflinformdyouwmnot accept my sub-tint. if M tar and timothy m unduflu futility “It m utht'l‘ (aka! it out. kwlmat and arimsm ll mind combination Homo- liEee I Ellenâ€"Chicago Trib- Repeated Annually. Dedncuve. Pop, is a man born in Poland I KNOWLEDGE Yorker advises :0 08’9“ u! MN“ Ink-rm “mu! l‘fl'fllu l “qu mm at tumult-W L Iain“?- thow old that 311- lent has led to the beans in wosm sou clove: w!“ an to “lo an t and how! u uxwllwt uh drain: the fun“. a m‘uf CO. THE BATTLE m can own DAY- mm Afull maze of sisal. 34 to 46. NEGLIGE SHIR z; a full range. N E CK WEA R, Newest Styles Collars and Cuï¬. Children’s and Ladies’ \GUAMNTEED‘E‘B‘EE m. A!“ In. Mâ€"u MAMMM FAIRWEATHER GO’Y: Wu lost to NIP dd “rived a few in thought his W and among the people of Lindsey, we neu- ox loan to incorrect timepieces. This can be easily and simply consulting UGHAN 8: Co., Watch: lets. next door to Kennedy Co. They make a and gunmtoe satisfaction. If your time-piece h in 300d 0nd lave it regained. Aha over special wine from Tom: OOLW the delay In L116 alllval . They arrived by the CPR, imoo the week previous, and forwarded until the floods The quality of our JAPANS has never judges are delighted w boquet. been excelled. Good ith their flavor and Jain!!! We are showing a very large and attractive stock of ESLA MEBACK‘w T. ARMSTRONG, MANAGER. The British Columbia Floods r time-piece is in good running crder call at 11 [IUHAD 4: ve it regulated. Absolutely correct time received every mc pecial wire from Toronto. HUGHAN -CO.. Count is: Stylc, Takï¬tl in Patten WM in wine. for “l. I! L- INIINT-II’I â€I‘ll! Napoleon, became “1°. WMFWWTURED EVERY TIME M INEUfllflSM “D. L'IMENTHOL PLASTER ué'u: S T RA W HA T 5, Men's, Boys’, Youths’, z'g/ez‘ Summer Underwear No. 96 KENT-8T» LINDSAY, Nw..- ---_-n, . 3 .V Ir minutes Into. htch was out of order- COLORED CAMBRIC SHIRTS. Aï¬xgggdruzf; 5am of Lindsay. '9 hen ‘ g This an bg 6.891 rfamflcmr WATOEMAKERS and J EWELLERS. nsible for the delay in the arrival 'Teas. They arrived by the CPR, Warrimoo the week previous, and be forwarded until the floods ishoryis silent upon the point, but it â€15.42.521.93: ll‘ of loss and unnoymoe owing 1in and cheaply prevented by Watchmakers and J ewel- make a specinlty of repairing cull ut HUGHAN C935 mural-n MIN“ wunn. surname um. mu- KENNEDY, DA ws as so. O'HOI Paris Green Pm Ketchemalm Fly Pads, lonnadw Nudity. July M 15‘ udthor of these well- uTHE GOLDEN GE ï¬bma’ Tutti Yen" Mask- WilkieCc Ceca-eon. iii» M. 5.5; 33 of Dhmonds. Gear V {loc- Mn erv“e Square's Darling. .-\;.:horI SWO“ Sin. Clwloug mot a Badlcloz. Re .4 _ Mei. " Th. Duchc‘» . Hurt . Double that. ‘ “I II). Hank. Chi"l . and one mapper ??E??? W 'Vflwevn 9 5. Mills â€â€˜le mick“ By CHARLES R \\ “II Magma : YOU! can: .1 Bobcm econ and Fly Pa BILL STU". L!!! and wow BOTHAN NIH†“1.40!“ d‘ 80: Of course the: ' 'on. Mr. P h DOWC‘T {U} the stream 1:] floating in Of the SHE is great anon b Up the h He would ’ing‘e [Mchine Work Hp ‘ elevator. the nearer mash up main To the t a, short mall 18 1‘4 1 bit 0f mid com I: bottom don of emp m the slop Home the w I the water) .' fï¬msAv. mu van a fw Inn]: of the Ell: G nmulizm W. Th n. their w ’I'WO “118 I! the bclt M adju c enougl re pulley Ii: shoal mud an [up-rod by I Cures thor [or the lupure bl ‘ygr'. Sunny "Uh two huh .n In the Ms! M [or â€w pa ‘ycr'o Sunny» of we Unm-d s m In telling w AYER'S Sarsa; AUTOMAT only the Scars With gras I With We: e necessa theappa: at Hal kinds of Y calm “4"“... ml"! flaw ' V \V 991’: Ram 60W! :w cut m.