Inuit“: circ“ éen l 4. ml BJsinessGM/gge. Wu“-.- v -7 , Highly endorsed and extensively patronized. Best era. Toronto students schoob; best. courses: best. transact business with Scuttord madame. Scores of students placed in positions many. Write {or circulars and mention this paper. rough. In tom. ' ' Luau. - ' ' ' Income. ' ' ' ' mm: mm paid in 1393- Canada’s Greatestiommercial Schools damn-ea Rut ..â€"â€"-‘ . THEEKNADA UFE Assurance Company, ESTABLISHED, - - 184 “ Year after year the Canada Life keeps on the even tenor of its way, enlarging the circle of its patrons, disqzensinq its imsti- mable beneï¬ts and rem ing its great structure on sound ï¬nancial principles. The four comer stones on. which the Canada Life has been built up are Economy, Integrity, Liber- ality and Stability. M Joining the Manny new will â€on" u m: you'- re“ to What. imoén. FRIDAY. AUGUST 17, m4. rm: mam 013s .scaooz. stsmom The very acme variant-(my is reached In the action of Sir John Thompson in traamnlttlng the menmrials of the Catholic clergy on the separate school question to the lieutenantaguvomors of Manitoba and the territories. Nay more. a degree at cowardice is displayed. surprising even in a man, who, to retain power. thinks it necessary to have a Clarke Wallace at the Ontario and of the political balancing pole. The premier asks others to do that which he is too timid to do himself. The memorials of the clergy he sends back to the legislatures, and he asks these bodies to redress the grievances of the Catholics, if such exist, when already these legis- latures have most emphatically passed the legislation now complained against. He; refers back the memorials to the very‘ body whose action is complained of. Herein is the absurdity. In this way Sir John Thompson runs away from respon- sibility. He hedges when he should act, and proves himself a coward in no: out that view, which, in the order-in-conncil, he, in so many words, intimates to the legislatures should be adopted by them. Why does he not act honestly, and do himself, in effect, that which he suggests should be done by others i In taking this course he hopes to please the supporters of separate schools by exhibiting his wishes, and at the same time not offend ultra Protestants by carrying out himself that view which he intimates should prevail. At a time Cor. 1'00! Me Ozin ulizm gm. pun/zany. 1mm“ not even himself. Ina omer-m-oouncu proves thus he duo not do I'M he would do, And discover: whst he would do if he .21 I? at: momoridilu. This would has been the plain, hone“ course. It might hsvo given offence to Protestant: who-e Protutmtilm eï¬â€˜orveocel once I you, but. Inch ofl'ence. u Clarke Wellace could tell him, would quickly enpomte ct the mouucement of s geuenl election. The statesmmlike course would hnve been to set, not to shit-k. Had he allowed Mr. Kenny’s resolution to he proceeded with, he would to-dey htve been attonger in the respect of Protestsnts who no Protestant), end At least would have done that which the Cetholic clergy asked to have done. But he got scared, had Mr. Kenny's :ecolution withdnwn, end then the moment the home pro‘uoguee, performs this little by-pley which docelvec nobody, put counc l0 enxphnicelly marked and pronounced. To any the promo: doe. not see Chi! is to attribute to him want of peupiouity, which is noneencicnl. Know in; the reeulc he temporinee. he wage-u n remeiy which in no remedy. and which he known in no remedy. A: ï¬rst go 011‘ he intended to reepond co the payer of of the clergy were Iddreued to the governor-in-council and not to the lovernl logislntnm. Why, then, should the premlor dilly-duly with the question and «ad the memorial: to than legislature: who» action in condemned. Ho known but on. mule must follow by his refor- onco of the quation luck to Mmltobs rad thd North-Wat. Commonoy alone will provout. . rovorul by than 0! thelr when a matter of grave importance ehonld be promptly dealt with, the premier shirks his duty. The memorial: AL- mmâ€. mm 3m. “St-13- Agent, Tango and Gemâ€"rd 'Iommo. 0“- 01' Lung moon-m for the voyage .Lohua Without adctnonal charge, (naggow f†â€F.0- £811.05; ._ c. TAYLOR, Agent» :7 lat. "Qtyâ€"F6 - LINDSAY. . - $62.7â€.000 . . . 14.30000. . . - 2.500.000 [893. ' 7mlms The order-in-conncn Cor. Market tad Erie. STRATFORD, 0:41“. Go 719493- 1847. tween monopoly and tariï¬' mfom hal sex-minuted at last in a victory for the the forces of the former. The senate bill ‘ has been adopted in its entirety. There‘ is one redeeming feature in the situation. Tae contest and its attendant uncertainty tariff. The uncertainty caused by the long contest was having a most depreuing effect on all kind: of industry, and a general or even partial revival was impossible while the tariff question remained unsettled. - ..V‘_ The forces of monopoly and mgn protection have won this time owing to a peculiar combination of circumstances. Three Democratic senatorsâ€"from motives ‘ from feeling of personal interest or against Clevelandâ€"took advantage of the in the senate to throw bill, framed in and passed by the house of representatives, and to institute there- for a wholly different measure in which the interests of several great monopolies were carefully guarded. This unusual course has taken, it is believed, in the interests of the sugar trust, a gigantic New York combine. and to protect the iron and coal monopolies. Its disloyalty to the pramises upon which the democrats were elected ï¬ve years ago was shown up by President Cleveland a week or two ago in a characteristic letter; But Senators Brice and Smith, the three Democrats referred to, held the key of the situation and practically decided the The resultâ€"with a somewhat similar display in connection with the passage of the silver repeal billâ€"has awakened a deep and general feeling that an organic reform is needed in the con- stitution of the American senate. That body has been as antagonistic to progres- sive reform as the house of lords, and from somewhat similar interested reasons that beneï¬t and enrich the fewâ€"the monopolistsâ€"at the expense of the many. The president and the house was elected two years ago to carry into legislation a deï¬nite and decided measure of tariti‘ reform, and two years after receiving that “~ 1 ALA-«r issue. two years ago to carry into legluuuuu .. deï¬nite and decided measure of tariï¬â€˜ reform, and two years after receiving that mandate from the people they ï¬nd them nelves blocked by three senators who are pmshituting their function. to the aggrmi- (linemen: of trusts and combine. and monopolies. The senate bill is, however. an improve- ment of the McKinley act. and provider for free wood and tree lumber. By these two article: it will furnish the people a practical demonstrative of the advantages and of the necessity of tarltl‘ reduction. and it is probable that. though taritl‘ reform has been checked in its large measure of development. the cause will not weaken, but will go on and conquer. though the contest will be longer and more bitter than two years ago was anticipated. In fact the failure to legis- late has alone done the democratic party lncalculable harm, but the Pyrrhic victory of the sugar trust will no doubt challenge the tariff reformers to renewed energy and zeal in the cause for which they have labored so long. Mr. Wilson, the framer of the Wilson bill, sounded the key note when, in explaining the situation that ‘compelled the house to accept the senate bill, he said “the sugar trust had the people by the throat and it was now a battle between the people and that great monopoly." alum We take from the Globe the subjoined comparative statement of the duties under the respective bills on articles in which Canada is especially interested: The bill, which will probably become law, admits lumber 'of all kinds free of duty; but any country which imposes an export duty upon any of the products of the forest forfeits this beneï¬t. Barley will be 30 per cent., instead of 30 cents per bushel. Thus. when barley is worth 60 cents a bushel it will pay 18 cents, and it must be quoted at $1 before the duty will equal that now collected. On horses the duty will be ‘20 per cent. The McKinley duty is 830 on a horse valued at less than $150, and 30 per cent. on animals of greater Value. Thus, the duty on a 8100 horse will be reduced from $30 to 20, and on a $150 horse from $45 to $30. Moi cam-1m Tn Pos'rmenblhhuflmuomnunu Immig- cat-comb pm Ind cumulus. the am “‘-_.’ Indultxhl. Toronto...'.‘...m.... u" m 3‘" onuE-Vnd WWW-u- you“ “want: nutto-In-I‘.ug§uluu’°mld m Multan............hpound Fm Pork...............!ououud m Bum: ....... . . . . . “Co pound to pound Pmrnd mum...» pound some. Honey .............flolulon 10am Smoked mum...» pound 30 pound Bulay............-.l)cbulh $59.13. an!" unli......l5 no. 35w). Humâ€. ..... 8t ton 03m Hou ..............l50 pound Beyond Onion: ............1chth we huh. Made-am; manta-g; ----- - Pot-ton ......... App‘oo ............ Anal-I. drlod..... Plum. . ............ Hones ...... . ...... Cattle . . . . . . ....... 00:2. bituminous Wool. nw...... {i Lumber" m... L ....... mummmnc. ...... ........ 810 2013.0. bitumincu..750 Fro. .........2omnd ........Iovound ........Iopouud ulliï¬lilluwud o...- no god no m.o.509 o "1‘53ҠWilson .aoponua «pound IKOOI-OOâ€"C 85¢ bulb. 100 bull ~â€"--olu-~ so M. 100 Id 20 pound 25 9.0. and high 8!"! 9'- O mu. 90 ’\°o 86 no. 851.0. 35 9.0- 90 M3. do lb to p o. 18 no. 30 no. ID no. 20 no. 20 no. so v.0. 20 Na. 30 9.0. 20 no. 20 9.0. 30 p o. 10 Na. 20 M. on the ï¬rst. of August, and W111 make the preliminary revision by the ï¬fteenth of 'October, up to which time names may be added by a simple statutory declaration, either by the person claiming to be added, or person, himself an elector, who is ‘1 prepared to vouch for his possession of the required qualiï¬cations. The qualiï¬- cations are those contained in the Domin- ion Franchise Act, and Mar from those for the provincial franchise. Ashtement of them in summary form may be of ser- vice (a) An owner or 1- city $300- in town 01 $150; or in temcy will not bar it wgewu aw..." rent may be payable in money or in kind. Assessment of property at mo in «idea. â€I! in towns. or $150 in other places. to be prime. Me evidence of sumcient rentals; or l.\ 1.. Mnnï¬ï¬‚n nccnmt 0: real 9W 0! of $300 from earnings or investment in mode and has derived such income for 3 you; or is (e) Farmer’s son resident for one year in db trict. and father's property sufï¬cient if divided to give him qualiï¬cation; same it tether dead, Otis - ~-' nun-ow rmidmt (0 Son of owner or real properly may..." with tatherindistrlct for one you. and pro- perty sumcient 11 divided to give him qualiï¬ca- tion: same it dead; or is (g) Fisherman owner of real property and boats. etc.. of actual value of $150: or (1:) Be: an annuity security on real property in Canada by deed of 8100 yearly. A_ -.....--'- can (a; '(c) Iisibonaflde occth value in city $300. town 0 3150, or derlv ‘L -_ .1â€" man m Uanuuu. u; uv‘n- .. ---_ , - Absences of former’s son or owner's son for periods not longer than six months ehsll not disqualify. and time spent at college to count as spent at home. Under one or other of there slmost my young man shove the grade of a pauper can become s registered elector. The income clause is s par- ticularly elastic one. It will be observed thnt the income may be derived elther ln "money or money's worth." c.g.. board. clothes. etc. Not many young men but derive we ln s you In one way or another. They could hardly exlst at all for less. " ' 9 7.4 â€"“‘L:nn- at an Iv: Iran Remember the next. Dominion election- will be taken from this yenr’e roten’ list and it in most important that every name entitled to be placed on the 1m Ihould be mere. Do not procrastinate-auto“ to the matter M; um. m. Honor Judge Dem. h the revising barrister for sum \‘iesoria. and ehher he or No rum-elm- the MI! be tuuud at the ouurt home. lexdaay‘ {mm 10 until 4 u'oluok each «by. Fur North \‘lotom Mr. 1“. D. Moore. in revising barrister and may be found at M: ofï¬ce, Lindsay. prepared to receive the application- 02 than desiring their nuns: placed on the list. The evicted beneEt-s‘ bill wu rejected by the British home of lord: Tueadey by a vote of 249 to 80. This will aoeentuete the rapidly growing teelin against the: ' were. At last the Dominion government not: decided to do something for the overbur- dened North-West settler. All the heavily- timbered lsndsin Manitoba. west of the Red River. are to be set aside for them as permanent timber reserves to supply them with fuel. The change from horse to electric cars in the Northern and Southern States of the Union has seriously militated against the Droï¬ts of ranch owners in the western ter- ritories, but a remedy has. it is said. been discovered. A despatch from Sioux City says that several ï¬rms there are slaughter: ing ranch horses. which are bought for less than cattle can be had for. and converting the flesh into “dried beef." The output in said to be over 1,200 horses daily. The majority of the Pullmen Cer Co. employees ere still on strike, end the com- pany now threatens to turn them out o! the houses they have been occupying rent free since the trouble began. The strikers sey that if this attempted there will be trouble. Attorneyï¬enerel Meloney has ï¬led s bill egeinst the company eiminz to tske ewev its chsrter on the ground that it is conducting e hotel business end e reel estete business et Pullmen comm to the conditions of the ireuchiee conic u nit. The petition is seid to be one o the strongest ever drewn by the ettor- nea-generel in his crusede easinst trusts en monopoly corporetions. Rumors ore rife that n reornenixntion or the Dominion enbinct will tnke niece otter the holidoye. It in nici thnt some oi the mlnlutcn with compuetlvely eleen rec on“ m kicking over having to ueoclete with their “whitewahed†eenheree. but in view oi the voten cut by theee good end true men ouch n rcvnluion oi conecience lo incredible. The story gee! thnt Sir John Continua wont: to go up higher. and norm otter the poet office doziertment. Thole behind the ecenee over I. et Sir Adolphe Caron in on incuhue end his record to em- barrnnee the government that on eifert in to be made to ehelve him. Thnt the work may net end there should he the wish or every true Con Speaking of the Loyal Protestant Women of Canada, the Gait Reformer says: ‘ It would be as well it this rennin-political as. eoeiation was disbanded. and the ladies who compose it would be content with taking their proper places in the house- hold and in those labors of love tor which nature has so well ï¬tted them." And it in their own families they have no stock todarn.orpantsto . or matted h tocomb. there are nndrede notosoor children and eufl'erin women n in: such help as they conl give. Instead of makian little hell for themselves and their neighbors they might do much to make this earth a little more like heaven." at the present time. They EDITORIAL Nous. Bdminlon nzovel'mmm 517w. other we“ mom u§e_. For , thIrty year: we héve been 013' Km ’ the beat Qra es of {co baccomnd _we_ recommend "ll III-f mun. mu. .vâ€"u.‘ 'â€" "â€" w-" . .7 Mo “maul-min»... mun! bulloumuuununuu was. Hull “outflow um um moon Mud! m null mmummvfluw“'° é; inuchod‘l‘nuuywu 810 W ‘ "mumto: mum Minot- !narmnnocboud. Quin a. 170' “m -muum02ow=io var 13- 000“ ‘ofloquflu-fl. Somew- lmâ€"Tmmmlbumhn‘m 1.05013 :.'mupfllb: mm m 1" I?†Wiclnrlgflnm‘ Mills â€" â€"!!'OB-â€"- Quality. 0mm and WOO 0’ 6 dm’enmt_ 'gradea of Flow. can-.. Omc: or Tn: Cumin Poof. LIKDIAY. Au. ml. at Toronto u†I" loll“ “on": an mat“ m It...†Too-dot o! loot we!“ low prion. Ben M wool-'- nocelpto m not". than ball to on hull on «do. The» Inolndoa 1.0m III... no lulu. loo ban and sum 7.1 cum. to: m m «Mod mm". Luau-t II. mm at m wamo out“ rude. .- noon-«d b: If. Volk- or. wowâ€"0mm was: “new ad hub. no: no». to“: «m. mo. A} at noon value-Thu tun Mann-cot h “to flu. N» on. «I. w Mud u Ila! a so on lb. monohhomlndol at mu 6 “to Io per lb. mootehho munch. u M n “to t: sow-om. (hum from m on mm In Calm no vow down-tor. and tho cult!) d m onu- on‘oflu no. at m but. AIM! to w lb vu unpaid m. «don «no am. they ““1450qu w no that m olden «we. manhunt-NA)“ cu lad can. ï¬lm-"Nasoutul on It“ m l. Ecvumasowml on m m Lwoluumumwom: mm um “um CID u! “all nub. LINN nwwumathwmum.m “A _-_“ L_- ___ .m 33%;"; mam†mm? 3 mm. m mmmu mMnm w mummm â€.1 mmmwmm am mum mmwmwmumm “mm m mu? â€mm a “Lung“ lam“ 3mm mm mm -mmfmmm ,MM mm... m. WWEM, “mm“? mm...“ “mm _ mmpnwm H mm m w dWMe mmM m; m “my? comnomn NEWS- Inna. um» emu-manual abs: “Wm “Nah-mud“ wumnlnqumodlumunno do- mmumu-uu-mn my “Ethanol“ an at “out on “a: mmuunu.mzuaooch nan numnuuuumx. human†mum-amino: ma... Glenn. many. 3% m mwuawmflluuluuuwfl WWISIILCOO.ICISG. mm†nu 3332.33.33, mm 9.... wmnwnmuunuumuu an INNWWISIIOCCtlia’ I mm†m m. A -w.-.â€" 'v‘ .â€"r n “mimn_ mwmmmmmmmmméï¬m wwmg â€mmmmmmmumm mmwmwmm ummmmm nun mnmw.mmmm.nmmm§wu. mm m mum mm for mu Imam-t. wwontowoddhumommm I: JnmunwmmuvilOlMflm 3! Ihowod a mu: wane! and u “my!“ louthotolSow-nmd. mum â€microï¬lm «scum. Mm.†whudotbnml‘. no cum-Id an no. mumquumhItIMAuuw-u- cu. nonummmum- mnummctmn will M on- Mom» the mum W. ad the nuns w M Call. with m an manna. Aloud II. bu In". mmummwmwnmmu mumumaowlum which 3353.315 Joan‘sâ€"'50.! £31.... .352...† i 05 34.88 03 £3 01888! ggiagsflafloo .43. .8†8: :88: coat-2.5.38 ~88- ..883 20-8 52.3.5 8.. “urn“ “Mum": D Commune-Imus“... no man-mum llama). Au. u-flm w u m Harman. mo ucun- out... muwammnmuamwuo mm: walnut. M Ion! 2.†M at out. ago Mia! and CROP- MARTIN, Proprietor r O B. Pace 05‘._Oorrn..u.. .............. gigging-:3: goï¬ugmg. ouoo . .- ~IIlsrlrvï¬adï¬ï¬ cc. 9. 0.0... .u.... an o so. canagq 90.439.090.00 .88888852888828888888 . D .0 vODOIIOIooIIIOI on...’ .9 :00. on... .3. 'II- ...... o nnnnnnnn I'D... nnnnnn MONEY TO LOAN M W um s Baht when! um. J. H. SOOTHERAN, ANDERSON ’S F URCE PUMPS g g flour been: Mun Primal. Hautng purchased the right for the Counties of Durham and Wo- toria, we an non pnpaud to supply aald Gauntlet. “dun. ind-I. Mm HORNLGBB CHANGED. DOUBLE ACTING 3. H. Soother-un- u... .. cons-0100....- - A 2.....vooocn. . coo.o-.¢cloa so 0.. o o. ’30... E11 .cAi! no. o.oocnocon nu... coco-.31.! loo outï¬iana-IIO 01.00..- oo-ooa actuate-0.10.... . n... nouoconntvnogk In 'Il-oao so... quota-i. Q¢oni‘on’oaooooi- :888888388883888888' .oooco.gupooo pop-no 2 2 t . . . . 2 : . . . : . .. .. in: 3....l2..ll I. AUGUST 17 1894 Rom Bros. REID BROS, CISTERNS, Spraying Hand Pow“- or Windnm. WELLS nu: frees, hunk“ W4... good .mn Wm. unnumm'uwuko â€mum'umwuumt 00W 1’0 M‘ I I. no. , t w Plan-t . .mfl ;uguzm.m¢.â€"a4. mama J' J EAC m mum w. W“ dun-I'D? Wotan 0.. "I. new 6mm 1A1“)!!! â€DONALD. Juno mum. um. mm mum M J acob’s Island Hotel l. H. woman or 00 KMQLLIGMQ The above PM well Located. Farms to Rent. “iii chit-ad. THE ANDREW WILSOI FARM; HI LIVERPOOL AND WNDON AND awn INIUMNCI 00le Lot 85. ancouioa 11. Opt, 110 ’03 SALE OR New 74d vortuomen ts. THE JAMES Kill HIM. mun 4WD LIFE. ‘1‘0 BENT FORATERM 0F sâ€"connondolwm. “£5.19th cent. until the 3 081' tor. 1‘0 Murdock. which II Moons-c m haw. we prom. doll Wan-I. mom-nu! on (ma. uwmflmumhm mwuuummwuumm. Onrltockcomm I. rainy-nu!“ win-m abut-null! mucus «I u tum (lull who“. i on hunt“ » thuanton u II. Itâ€! om. a: wool. no. you ll. uohoddx. sum» M\mmmum. tmutwONOluhuwumï¬ In...†ANWOIMINIIOONII. 87:11am m4. a! tall. uuu I... .m. m m lanthanum, m I... m I... am. look. and 0mm.“ m anal. mm â€a "W W. UL“. Wool qu‘ HORN 13305.1 led in elmor can. « W n'nms â€" .‘H 1.0 Y I. C. A. Hotel. I u Horn Brag 1‘04 LET. â€"Front room; with: ct M am My. Jl GUNIGAL’S LIVERY STA! York um». um Com'ama â€not! hone- on hue. u an BBIAK GI. NI mnnot. of Toronto university. . ore 390nm holidays or the -____I__ _-o -. n.- Dnl-o ohl. FARM FOR SALEâ€"In SKIP 9‘ Omxmngl ARM FOR SALE.â€" w No, 1. nun. 3m OTICE.â€"â€"GI\'ING 171‘ mu I hereby menace to my mum! putt. owing no neonate. the! 12mg In no om o! the milling bnslnoea in W All oumudlu “count- not 3.1:. mt Aw non will be choc mot}! (or con-cum. h“. ï¬rm, \Voode! lulu. Wooavmo. July 1m. law-Hut Valuable PROPERT Household Farm can: a u- m» or not!" um. “an m. tamâ€"2L1 4 quantity 0! House): tun In arse-class NPR†untenable prices. A 3‘ lot any person “shin: . ham throughout. 2! m maul: good valuo cut I!â€" “VT" 11. 1:7â€qu New Ad vortiumen‘ FOR SAL Karo ONNABIE. 300 upâ€! mum“ . Hot-AW do! um The we: m Tackle, Paris Green scythe: and Smiths, nay Bakes and Forks, â€a Pokes, Screen Doors, â€able Window Screens. Green Wire 010th, en Bole, Axle Grease, We Oil Var Inflow. â€a bone km In «not I 31 [tax um nuns LEMMA" 8: 0 0mm anon It the Font this I no two courts and some ï¬ne ï¬t. at New York “nah: nun:- Iono “moon Int week. lion. of China. who ha been m. left for home on Wecnea- m but Hour, 9 P. E. Mn. 0! Orion. I. (3. mm. Sandy Palm m. mm. m†mom.“ soboir RANTON COAL ladle: alum twenty-ï¬ve bus I m a) It: poumlnonlloudu~ . u Mull! “connot- r. 1 mutant»: bow law A maul mun. not one 1 I. I. 0. A. lot... ï¬n bung mourning mum next week. u H mu! :1 4.15 N If. A‘ Round! HcLennan I Nth. Wald-too l "but. tor . ohm .0 man which a ENNAN C â€In“ M the wharf In No ventral-om and puck» ‘0 luck 5: mo nllwu Mun chance. 1. W "I.“ mauoy u Iron . din-nae hue “Ilium: the but tow dun. I... Mun; Gum Solomon. a .Id Vita. Wlnntpea: h“. 'J-mu.rmw:J.A. ;‘ “Du-Kraut»; n. A. ‘N In. snot-um. Domain: A: In. York; XI- Jun... h"‘m- W: Chalet :5!“ um. nun-ma. raw-9°HV"°1 Free June we 1894.â€"-8f 6. Eanadiun I mind we mvezod to see n’hlhlooh-ntwum. m but who do no: ahead an, â€"â€"â€".- fl. manna WEST PRICES In Pain oouou mot n u â€IMO the mayor 15ml: In: "alumna “tended to It In Mac with Pol: mm not II shunned 1 m council a late mcouna land â€the point. l. M: the hour We nu “.mnnnk MIMI m I'll. 0 (null upturned h I I. provldod mu: alr «at ‘35 but I: won up on H all. to Hall has bout u: hm for m- uom nun FRIDA\ nloa should out n humus-three- “ID-Human canal-linen“. “old“. In". um some M00 "10 term we \Nl) (,‘()|'N'l‘\ TRUNK RAIL WA 2 a for Circul: [sincss and allege in O ay enter nm e a course as. Address BLANCHARD “Id mnvonuol IIJ nun tirculars and Shq Ont now lid“ r, 4" 2:3