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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT18610913), 23 Aug 1895, p. 1

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ion Lower prises on Thresher’e Supplies, Leather and Rubber Belting, Lace Leather send all kinds Steam Packing, Threshing Mitts. BYUNDER AND MABHINEBY OILS. Posit w 5"N. B.-DO NOT SHOW THIS COUPON UNTIL AFTER YOUR PURCHASE HAS BEEN MADE. F. VanCAME; a: n. EDWARDS 00.. or Toronto Visitors. Handsomely furnished gartmcnt3_ in good private funnies. with mls it (issued. Moder-ta rates. no camp-beds. acrowdxng. separate room. though there may 3 thousands in the city. do for strangers. eing permanently estab ed our services -e more rehable than those who do business u-ing the exhibmon only. To protect our pumtion we must protect you; onice open my evening. Enclose stamp for further par- :uiars. Address. J. A. Envoy. K's/n. mg; no Home 3nd. Boom mm 60., cue-nu Toronto. Pure Manna. Rod Cup sad swung Bruins. .VANCAMP mporters of Iron, Steel, Hard- Ware, Paints. 011$, Etc, itively the Lugosi: Shoe Store in Cu:- ada and twelve you". Whole-310 Experience- VOLUME XXXIII. WHOLE NO. 1876. mmsmm 1855- Agent for the Wilkinson Plow. And Pomtl. 7 BLACK BRSTED SUITS. W G. Biair (25012.3. HO fit this Out}. cont)!“ 0" non 1?. Van Cam p. $3Ess£n,', SHARGOAL FILTERS We are making to order at e exzremely low price of vent-sen dollars a fine black BLAIR SONS, chant Tailors. BINDER TWINE sawst and simplest pattern :1 and we ofl'er this With deuce to those requiriné 3 at at a. low price. V 1 suit, Earlier in the we valued this suit at $20. as the best we could do 817 is the best we can do made of Earthenware :h a. movable plate so, he carbon may be taken washed in cfean water FILTERS Ids Co. .00. largest Country Weekly East at Toronto. $35 POST catalogueS. \AJL. ;uu,v ...... v-..-,..-, ,,,,, class Individual InstrucLiSn Business squectS. ahorthand.etc. Call when in the city, or write for don't have your pleasure spoiled by a. Hendnche' To enjoy everything carry in your purse 3‘ package of the well~known RING-HARRISON Man persons to whom Cod Liver Oil won (1 be of the greatest value positively refuse to take it, under the impression that the taste is so objectionable as to counter- act any benefit it might otherwise be to them. To such we desire ‘ to prove that this is a de- cided error as in our pra- paration “Maltme, with . Cod Liver Oil", not only is t ‘ f‘ i the objectionable taste “ entirely removed, but the 1‘ preparation is really pala- ;= tableâ€"relished alike by 'a old and young. It is the - ideal “builder" and will restore health and color 1 when the system is “run ‘ down”. To any one desir- ing to make a trial or the .‘ . 7:; preparation we will send Sample FREE. Address a Postal Card to the MALTENE MANUFAC- TUBING COMPANY, 34 Wellington~St. East TORONTO. I Messrs. Bereward, Spencer Co. will send a 10 pound Caddy of their Celebrated 40 cent Tea to your nearest Railroad Stan m, freight prepaid and satisfaction guaranteed. i Remember we pay the freight. ONE MINUTE HEDAGHE CURE 100. HEREWARD, SPENCER CO Earls, fiicynies, 3110111112. Gaafls Emacs: 6-3 cum-Ir" war. We have an entrance on both streets. III-l“ YOI'OI-S'l‘. ’ R {hmfmmmfi IT COSTS ONE CENT. Selcphone 18!}7: 631-2 King-6t, Toronto. Of all Drugcists on: If you dc REMEMBER SOME ARE BETTER TH AN OTHERS. We claim to be better than most Because we buy from ,makers for Cash, sell for Cash, have the stock, the assortment, the exper- ience, energy and capital neces- sary to make us better. We say Ramona it and can prove to you that you can bu Good: to better od- vantago how than a nowhere. wm you We us the opportunity during Toronto .xhlbmonr timo._ To Cash Paying Buyers. lulu-vu- Tako Yonxo St. on- nt Union Station and get on’ at corner You 0 and Queen. We are right next: the urn: corner. You‘ll m t. o nnmo. J. Sutcliffe Sons, Fall Dry Goods, Mantles, MilliÂ¥ ‘ nery and Clothing. IS LISB- NIMIO 82 HARRISON, P9111019”!- BUSINESS COLLEGE. You’ll be Sumac-«lam... Are you thinking of visitin Toronto during the Exhibition. you intend to buy People With Poor Eyesight.â€" \‘onge and College, ATorontg. .Ahaolubelyfirst- E I N ew Ylonze Palatial Street roam Store. -VIIB “I" nu. VIII. l0 wuu I- .Pw-lâ€" _;¢un, n,br1ng it with you sad see 1!â€" -wo don't do exactly :3 we navel-unoâ€" -Cutr thia‘udtonylt won’t planet;â€" If you are thinking of buying of any kind when in Toronto, it will pay' you to can To": us, as'we aroutpe THE EXHIBITION at Wholesale Prices. For $4.00 :MXQLKXQ‘: The anfths Q'ycle Corporation 395 Yonge~st17Toronto . Diseases of the Spine. Hip Joint Knee and Ankle Joints, Club Feet. Our TRUSSES have no equal. We wnmnt them to be comfortable to wen. and prove satisfactory in every use. See our null!“ It 1!!de I'm. AUTHORS COX, 15 BLOCK-ST EAST. Tones-to. Comfortable home. suitaole premises for recreation. Thorough grounding in English. Classics and Frencp. (Music if required). Parents are cordially inn:- ed to call when in Toronto ' w. MAORI» Principal. PALMER HOUSE, S.W. comer King and York-35. Rates 82.00 per day. Buck's Flexible Stamps dim-ave. TRUSSES ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. BOARDING SCHOOL for JUNIOR BOYS When in Toronto for the exhibition do not tell to poll end see our Comets mede to meeenre. We shell give special bergeine {or thet time. We here been established over Twenty veers end in spite o! ell opposition still hold the lending posltion in Cenede as mekere of Corsets end Welste to order. Don’t ieil to see us and bring this edvertisement with you as it will entitle you to e discount of fifteen cente 0!! every doller's worth you buy from us. We eleo keep in stock a. lot of ready mede Comte. Welste end Shoulder Braces et low prices. Don't forget the ed- dress Rubber STAMPS Corporation, L’t’d. 3: Yonge-§§., Ibrontp, Ont. Boo them. best thom. and oxunlno them. They are the Highest: Standard of Caz-dim Puno Manufacture. Wmmomu: WIAIJY-Iotcl 8 00.. 158 Venn-It" Toronto. on. When You A re In Toronto LARGEST Importers A AAAAAA The GRIFFTHS GYGLE WHALEY- ROYCE PIANOS; VIBIILYEA m. 00. 2489 Queen-at. West, Toronto. The SOLTH side of Queen-sh, just west of Spr KEN SINGTON HOTEL. oammafig TO THE lADIES. Who“. and Bean. am solo Manufacturer ct North-west corner King and York-eta. or of the above lines ' Catalogues sent free 135 CHURCH-St.. TORONTO. be sure and stop at the 1 11 Kihz-fit_W. Toronto .00 “‘i $19 c. 'w. MACK. $27.50 $39.00 LINDSAY. ONT. FRIDAY AUGUST 23. 1895. mmhmn The next witness was Constable Short. who said that he remembered the l2oh or August and that he accompanied the last witness with Ins ctor O'Leery end Constable Crawto to make the arrests. Mn. Short‘e evidence was nearly the same as the last witness._ go stated that. he use my -u-u- ‘ --_-_- was left in charge of the prisoners while Detective Shore and Constable Crawford made the search of the premises. He was relieved for a few minutes and he saw the detective examine the pants and and the counterfeit coins in the pockets. They found some clippings in a basket on the sideboard in the front room. The witness was with the dgctective when he made his search of the premises last Friday. To Mr. Stone e said that on Friday ey found the piece of metal with the int of a 25c. piece in the embankment oi the house about one inch underground. Mr. Stone said to witness, “I suppose you will share halt the glory it you secure a conviction" and Mr. Short replied that he did not work for glory but for money. MISS ARGO!- Miss Elizabeth Argue was the next witness and she be sworn said that she was employed by . G. H. Fox. in his confectionery store; She said that she knew the accused by sight. She remem- bered that he called at the store some time in July and purchased some candy for which he gave the 25c. piece. He was served by Chas. Mahar who run in the shop. The boy didnot know the combina- tion of the tillandshewasaskedtomake the change. When she got the quarter she noticed that it felt greasy and she told the man_(§|[nrphy) that it waning room. vv .â€" VFâ€" Masons her up In the rotesalon than e was en createdeleug by saying “it would be quite e feather In your cup to secure a conviction." Witness said that they all denied the ownership of the pants. ‘ _ _ . rIn beln reexamined he said that he also toun some clippings In William's never seen a wooden trnme for moulding counterfeit coin. eixniler to the one found there, nor a leddle. He showed Mr. Stone :3 number of coins and cold that he found them in Millbrcok. Omemee and other places. Mr. Stone asked him it he was trying to secure a conviction of the prieonere, so as to be able to be on eqnel footing yith other detectives who are at LL- __-l-_-l_ LL-- 365:1 {a}: Efid‘ifim‘wh‘m he had got. u gnd he gepfled, thug he did not know. thn: M_LA.I__ _L__‘A l‘ - t '1. 111; 113% been in getting change. 5» mid her five cents for the candy and said that it tie quarter was no 2006.110 had ro nee far-1r. She gave it; to Mr. Fax. She :1 .- iiiried the one Dreamed in cans as t .3 cnashelud by amarkahe had mach o“. i: with a knita. Ta Air. Span aha said. that Mr. Fox did 1:1: tell her thatha wanted to retain the c;i:1.$'ao did not know what Mr Fox dial with 1:. Witness was notam that 5*: had ever ssan the prisoner print £91113 my 1219: he paused the money on -Sr 11 nowheing 12.30 the com-f mm until 1 so. When the «our: annual! at M331.” Chan. Malia: was that» anoi- mmm www.11- _ mama(mM) *5: “56.1”. .. ad Hr. $.33“ngth mm mm fifth: mun} mu...” T 12° ve e coin In queetion. He rooeived gnu-Iona moneyztrot: othc ie. eeid nto eve been peeled Allan uph . e then went to the mealstrete end’ewore out e wemut to the edict thet Allen (I (1 mm; $3.233“ “ "" m3: 12th he went. eooom hy tor O'Leery end oountgh tehlee Short end Crawford to ineko e m to the honee oi Jeremie}: Murphyon the honndery line between Menvel'e end Emily neohing there ehortly ether 4 nan. but did not go to an. honee until an: 8 oolooh. They found the eooneed In e room ooonpied the mother, Lillie Morph en Murphy. In the hitched e found e pelt o! pente end in the pocket: found two counterfeit 25o. pi e 10o. piece end some diemond point Pains. He then diepieyed the vents en the oontente in court. They eleo found none motel. Fieoee of nino,e leddie, e wooden treme or moulding the coin end flute: o! perie in egleujerendeleo nehez. The “II-Unw- “â€"v _ -v '7, . The detective made another search of premises on Fri last and found pieces of metal which h been thrown out. one piece, withaprlnt of 250. on it. It was about one inch under ground. Witness held a Plan of the house in his hand in describ ngswhere the thlngs were found. To Mr. tons he said that he had been employed by the Dominion vsrument for 13 years, under the direo on of Com- missioner Sherwood. go said that he had ,,_ 1.. _..-_s.n__ detective on the Dominion tone. He sold gegbfint t2: 4th at A“ It he naked I 0 one pz-ooeed look up a one o! counterfeit: coin. KL Infor- mation did not. ve my men ot ene- ted parties. eoeme to Linden and and thou some materiel! ooln been gamed at the at?“ 0:31:15 95 11 Fox end e pcooeedod ere me was Argue, who received the coin end who eeld ehe would know the men whohed penned It. He sold then he leernod from 11:. Fox , 7--...-) n...‘... _I.- 1 LILLIE DISCHARGED. On thcrcqnutotthomthoprhonm were to be tried ”pm nacho court lmmcdlnuly mm tho Inn-W of the chase hadn't All-n Murphy. when charged withhavlng,lnhhctownot Lindsay. on or IbOIIh the 15m of July offered“ the stunotm.G.B.Fox.ono {malty-ave cent piece known; the tune to he commotion. nu mmhhflm annua- MIIIICOIMIM‘ uâ€"m who M mun wymum. Lou. um 10 o‘clock um lm' lu. mm'hbhwmffltho omluflmmmdth. Hum m.wwlmm “4 m autumn“ 0013. N @0de gmm-od utthodouotthopouu nation- Ag loo'aookmnrhonmmnm Into court by county Wusfionud Curbed. am pm "I“ “11" Murphy. WW m. ‘11“ Murphy. Wm. Murphy. Wilts-play. Richud Murphy. and JmmhhMIfPhV Thoflntuxhsnmmmm unnldmbut thalamwhollthl usher, In lnvorypoothcdthmdwunot phoodundumtultvuknmm the summimmfitm“mm' The with“ mm m theyeleotedtobotrlodhyhlnawbhod mumwujmnndll.nnsm mmtuthoprim.uldmtthoy‘ wuhedaobotmdbnim- It. Mom any: um um Old Man II nuponubh. THE MURPHY CASE nu POBTM 0" 1'” FAN“? OOIXITTBD. CONSTABLE snon'r. witnes- yu Bagel Shore, “Hi: §toue :â€"He could not swear gammy that he not the counterfeit coln m them. The magistrate then committed the prlsoner tor trlal on that charge. mm nannyâ€"mu me. Frederick was then given a hearlu on a second charge. that of having pass coun- tertelt coln on Walter Flemmg. lo the townshlp of Ops. and Walter Flemlng was the first witness who sald that the cm to his nesldence on the 3rd of August to purchase some honey. He pald hlm a 25° plece whlch proved to be countedelt. Mr. snoregot the pleoe._ .L J L _ h, To Mr. Scone he sold that he hnd no other money In his pocket. He could not anyhow long he ken: it. He would nob swear that he got the coin tram Murphy. He did not know how Debecblve Soon knew the: he had a. nonnoexfelt coin. n 830“. Detecflve Shore was min put In the box, and ntter at: his mlulon In Lind- say as given above. he asked Mr. Flem- lng It be had any connotation money had mudmmdthnOhegoc it from Fned MWI'. . , ,__._‘n.;-.1 13...: cumâ€"J.- “M651. also committed Fred Murphy on this chame- As was the case on Monday the court room wee filled with curiosity seekers y morninir at 10 o'clock when the Murphy case was resumed. The first cause wee tint extinct Richerd Empty, charged with ing to Wm. Richesde in the town of dsey. on July 22nd, two 10c. pieces knowing the same to he count- erfeit. and Wm. Bichemds wee pieced In the witness box. end on being sworn seid that he wes’hoetier et Veiich's hotei In Lindsey, that he remsmheasd the eccused ieevina his horse in the etebie at the 4; ._Al_ mdhegevehhnhle change. He at the coin g “I: ”gnu It suspected “mum. nrp y were - eel-fled money. end on the hollow. mg Wedneedey he embed the cm and toundtheepnrlou eoln. Mr. Share. the degeetgge, get. the coins. u ‘ {Holy than the bar-ml am. places n he had 81 mouthpew'._ 1:513; then add that the ma nut boyhoushud mmonuwe tor win: he was mine whowonld net gm [Huh 01W: .. “at- 4-4. “Dementia Show m not on (he stood and an! that he turned that Bianca: Imam momma ooh: and he van: «3 $31.17; Sui Râ€"tfirtio com produced an. Stone did hot examine this wine”. MumforLdlmtI-fl mun: Mun hll mind) M Ind mm.” on ‘ A . _, . _ n.. l-.- ,- W- â€"vâ€"- The We then committed Bbhud Hwy!» stand his am at tho an an and bound Wu Short up Wm. Blalnnh out In th- an at mwumm 35mg: 531.; :33: s§§at=§3 wuwanM m WILL!“ won. MI mrlr. 10: mm. In Undo. mm 0mm Moan: Hon Bazaar-MW tom? of and ”91104 our wan-antandexoonoodloonMonday. Au. 12th. _ . . Tomato Glob. : "rm dooonlod ouno to mama Mum o! lndnnnnn on Bond”. tho 11th any of Loan». but how nndwhonndlnlnbumd thojnry hove no "Mono! to show. We momma an“ onion: nnd to. mum to roguooroo by mama-mum: Snob w m "Idiot random! Monday owning no MM! the mutual: ooln. . sum. the «active. m min lathe vitae-tho: and add M bound mm-pufim- cola hadn‘t??? dual-M 'I more ‘ min-1v In find-n1. dock 0mm Conan: oz It. Jon-9n. The following on tho mum cf the promotion examination: It the convent of ShJoooph: Kobe cost poolecctdeoessed. She d! not know whens: whens he had put- chssed the drug. Deceased was once s very popular business men of Cobooonk. ”on 8?. second tajr. third. M 625â€"0000“. Daddy. «70; Sheila Bart,- um, m3: Martha» O‘Connor. 392: Nellie Barbe. 392; may comm. 370 - Maggi. cm, 365; Annie sum. . From jr. third (0 Sr. Hard. Ton). ailâ€"Lulu Gain. 595: May Powm. 538 ancfithn, 54g“) Annie aux-1.5500; Lizzie mum: ban-flu flavor. 468: Mary Hag ' «7; Katie Chm 428; Two 416: Halo Tutu. 416. Kearney. 377 , Lizzie Frechette. 369; Issue: meg)! gobble Power. 3:51:11"? Bowen. see Ken-rue, 343:; an e 340; Little 8311115334; Katie :Ketle Tugney. 303; Maude Taming» :Mey Mulvnney, 293; Nellie “2M1!“ her at mut- 5mâ€"M. Conlon :Emm MIL-13!; Nemamy, 42?» XL“ Pent-090.385 ; Muscle Jamey. 379 Chrissie MoOrlnnon, 309. Shogun. Toul. (Eliâ€"smalls O'Lenry, 485; Mary Pom. ‘84; Lillian Arohulmboult. 46:2; Ila-y Roach. 455; Man Brady. 436; Minnie Cane. 437; WO‘Csllughw, 397. . From jr. fourth to 37'. fourth. '1‘th Tinâ€"Lorenz: Burke. 530; Mamie Bub. 528' was Connor. 524; Emily O'Lou'y. 6h: Gremlin Connolly. 503: Ron Daddy. £69: MlbelBurke.436;~K.tle M" 650 " ' PM W mummies. Tot-1. ailâ€"any W. 582; Sum Mli- ”O‘Connell. 552 in: nous. Mnxlgw”; Nell. as; we. um. 497. «and: metal dtplouaa. ”Sawfly John‘s. ' WWW“ mmwumm Total W third do” certificates. W “pull. Juli. ,O'Cnlhchln. W W arm “mummynmmm From ar. ”an: to jr. fourth From part II tojr. second. 430â€"stol McGnth. 379: Name 5. 377 ; Lizzie Matte. 369 ;_E_:ch_el From part Itopart II. -l From jr. II to 81'. II. has} MI J” mom. TERMS: $1.00 PER YEAR SIIBSMHIE 10W! m an. Imam m- l'l'o the mm at m Pom} Sm,â€"Ins mulcsflonpubflfludm mmamm mum-m pou' um anon us being usual-W haunt numbers during 0‘10 clue-noon. Now. I didnothtond mu WI“ mutmmmmlwomfl q es qulte “tuned would not of ten feet. however. It Is neoeuery to hsve mwleu or the public would not know whet wet colng on. He pretends to know the low. end seys Mr. Brndshew was eopolnted some three yeers ego by the Domlulon government. Now. the Domlnlon government does not chlm nuy 'urlsdlctlon In the mntter of gums. Mr. budshew wus awed why he dld not reply end said he hed nothing to do with the some. I thlnk correspondent neednctbeeovery h;iftheresneno ducks left In the river for hlm he surely might find some ln Llndsey. but I have been lut by several persons that he wnsone s psrtyof three thetshot out the roost heck of Muskrat Island lust year long before the shooting oeme In, and there wesn't e word about It in the papers. It he meant business he_9ou_ld hays tolld In'wmydutyuolecmpuwcknow Forenmberotyeentheuhu been. “as" themselves the Red end Gun Club. has collected quite nm of money tron lest-abiding emneu o: Hadley fox-dune pun-pone! pronouns "am up .m .mu m. mm m wwm mmmmw w m Mm "1 Fiat but this}. unload i'gun .- an As any my wâ€"uyâ€"v-v _. --._7 me that there mpufiumiklng the law. and It [did notdomydu than!» would have had my to com . . “Ull‘u uuvv â€"- -mvâ€" _- --_'__V,, Thanking you for this some In your val- uable ‘oumul I minimâ€"Yours. E. mason, game and fish warden. flung-E midst. buying salable man m m: m “It. [To the Editor of Tm: Poet.) Smâ€"Perhaps many readers oi THE POST are becoming weary of this early closing question. butwe hope ere long to giveIthe merchants and their customers an opportunity to take the question uptor serious consideration in a public meeting, and then we will settle it immediately. It is n:question that can be viewed from many staudpoints. A number of reasons canbe given why the stores should close early on Saturday night. No satisfactory reason,so£u'aswe know, can he given why they should not. In last week‘s issue “Merchant" states that the merchants expect to serve only the laboring people who are engaged from 7 am. to U pan every day. We suppose by laboring people he means the la men; (or we always understand the w “people as meaning men” when we find it in connection with political questions. Well, those laboring people or laboifi men must surely have housekeepers as the home or the house is woman's sphere. then those housekeepers or women have the right to make the purchases baton: ihe last at the week, and should do so. SJ tar as the laboring men are 00n- oerued wecan only see two difficulties in the way at present. The first is the custom of paying wages on Saturday night. The second dinicuity is the pur- chasing of men's clothing. But the cases are very low in number where a laboring man is kept so busily engaged that he can- not find time to buy his clothes bctore Saturday night. “Merchant" has also mentioned the fact that “There are and tow w their staif on Saturday, those could easily change their pay night.” We believe that the old practice of payingon Saturday night has much to do with the shameful, habit of rush- ? to buy on Saturday night. . The .C.'.l'.U. is heartily in two: of donor; at 9 o'clock or earlier. When we made men- tion of 9 o'clock. we desired that all should he closed at that hour and that all the mum be on the weytotheir vehemee. Weclalmthattheoniy sun and “My AwayJ wagesilng 6 on‘ : “3"" is! W' thel -“Gm.ml' Wad-mess mote-d W ,Ihntallthosorho vcformed. the- [’0 “I “I.” “I M.) delivery wagon w haunt. If they ca: mayo: the atom “jungl- mpg: ij'J lu:3;.lunu_ y.: I up- .- ~ V delivery watyron :vhiie run 15 blunt heavily. If may (:3an 5‘1". are the nom- ...Iopl- gal .. > .nuvofilfi .32 .305 3 $1933...“ difi$t§ 91M"...vzzuufi=u u... $9..ng ~53.- aikzal 838.. ill-0’8- ’r’rrnu n LDVAI‘OI W forum 7 my nlgub un: union w metal, habit of rash- aturday night. _ The 7 In two: of clcuag at When we made men- deaired that all should near an?! that all the a on the way to their We chin that the only any any ofl 4.31m; au- «nastiest of. 3:911 engaged that ham 1 yhis clothes baton “merchant" has 3191 mm. “There an very merchant" has 8180 but “rum are var; r. on Saturday. an 2y change their any :{c'ié’ln’g till 11 Miter It, link! cow 2!! ‘

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