IN veep. ER! RD ROTHSCH] 3 ALT ,,. 1, I, sfatio. zery Greatest for “A t for are associated†13 England. 3nd 0 [.11 1 l W313 )RO bard «>ng . LIT . COB! c, Kantian" {so :52 Business College. 3 INDSAY- “4? AGENCY â€mes DEPARTMENT. M“ h t emu. No “hug“ omen {£11012 Ban; BS /' /“GEM JAWanâ€"d J'WSULLIVAN: INIDN BANK. /Housekeepers’ Wants. a ’4'? and other mforma ’Wress WUME XXXIII. WHOLE No.1824 IN ITS FOBTIETEYEAB, ess College Most advanced methods “ï¬ght in Book-keeping. :‘Wrship, Commercial W â€Short/2am Type- ‘3' 26th. 189L-20. mums s DRUG STORE, Lindsay, i! 101' 25 etc. a. Bottle. but Blood Puriï¬er and 3 an :31“: â€0931.116 mun: :- sou-1’5â€â€œ! 8 t†BREWN’S‘ _BO:1‘ANIC BITTERS, ARCH. CAMPBELL, In addition to a knowledge of (lee Jamil; about boiling and sweetening, lumxtkdvpe'l‘s wrml a supply 0/ tested air-liglzt UEJI JARS. Those who are careless in this matter, and use old pickle bollles, eta, usually ï¬nd the fruit spoiled upon testing some months alter, or else [/18 flavor is injured by repeated boilings to stay fermenta- tion caused by the entry 0/ air We Izare these Gem Jars in stock, in the different sizes, and our PRE- SER I'LVG SUGAR 2's A1. in quality. Lindsay, Ont. ROBERT ROSS. Hate a totally diferent signiï¬cance, though the latter are sometimes caused by the absence 0/ the former. Since the discorery of the art of canning fruit by a wide-awake Yankee who was poking about the eacacated Roman villas in the buried city of Pompeii, described by Bulwyer Lytton, the in- dustry has grown to immense propor- portions, and in cold countries like Canada large quantities of diferent fruits are put down every summer for use in winter. $1,500,000 $1,400,000 Arch. Campbell; From all Sntions 1n Dunno on um tun: u. my Gamma name 8!. Tickets will be sold on AUGUST 14 Good 13? return :mtil Oct. 14th, 1:39: AUGUST 2]. I: 215:, __ “PT. 4 " “ Naming “g To the following pointaatntesnmed: Dolor-mo, Bolton- m w. 1894: RAB VEST EX 0 URSI ON 5! 0711341812 Paciï¬c Railway BRITTON BROS. may, July m, 1801. m ' ' â€a Resins. loo-01 cw. You so Prim. Albert. Gm. 335- 361! Door, manna. - - 94' For further pu‘tlcnllfl IPP‘! ‘0 any ‘83!“ 0! the Company. Lindsay, June 14th. 1894.â€"33. Family Grocer. THE *. a. MA TGEETT. Agent. no. 52 mm. In: as am? on: all smionn in Ontu-io on the line of the Our facilities for doing this class of work are not equalled elsewhere in the County. First class work as by far they cheapest and most satisfactory. WNW _ Save yew time and money, and bring your timepieces to us for repair when who wants to keep his appoint- ments, who wants to be on time, ï¬nds it proï¬table to have his watch and clock repairing done at Britton Brothers. : Bu tton Bros. MAN YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT. "I.'lh'lh'lu'lu'l-I'ln"ln @flqm Qt m oumge, ee erobbery upon th people. (Applause) I believe in equality o! tex- “ion, end thereie this more toheeeid t protection. thet it never hill to engender corruption. Look at whet he: “gen piece in the United Slater. We heve there evidence of e notion brought down from e high poeition by the system 0: promotion. Itthereien noble M in thehietoflof the United Stetee itie the 1mm of thecivilwer. When theeleve- ownere o_! the bouth deeiered wu- upon A;,,_,A___An A- _-_j AL- TARIFF FOR nevnrzcx. I come before you to expoee to you the policy of the liberal party. end the mein pink in the progremme of the liberel perty hes been written on thet well, “Teri! for revenue only." (Apphm) Thie ie the greet line or cleevege et the present time between t‘e government end the opposition. The government believe in protection ; we don't believe in protection. The government believe in protection ; we denounce protection ee e trend upon the people, no e robbery of the meny in fever of the few. hey, moreâ€"I em epeeking‘ here in e menuiecturing cityâ€"I do not hesitate to say, end I egree with the opinion expressed by Mr. Peterson, thet e revenue terifl‘ ie fer more conducive to the beet interests of the menufecturere then in e protective teriï¬â€˜, end there ere meny reeecne for it. SJ long ee weere in the condition thet we ere in to-dey it ie impossible to tell: of free tredeâ€"or think of it-ee it ie practised in Great Britein. It is impoeeible to heve freedom of trede as they hevc it. We muet continue to nice our revenue by e cuetome term, but on icon no we reiee our revenue by e cuetome teriï¬' we raise it upon the cerdinel principle thet ell duties ehell be levied for revenue ï¬rst, end not es he been eteted meuy it time in order to develop certein induetriee, because the experience of the leet ï¬fteen yeere hee ehown thet under the pretence of developing certein induetriee we ere only developing monopoliee end cembinee which eep the beet eubetence of the coun- try. Under e revenue term there ie fer more edventege for the menuieoturer then under protection. for under-e revenue term the mennfecturere elweye get en equel ‘ chence. The teriï¬â€˜ ie eteble. it cennot ‘ much deviete beceuee the neceeeitiee of the I country cennot much deviete. But not eo } with the eyetein of protection. Under the protective eyetem we ere et the mercy of I the few. We heve eeen the government I going from piece to piece in order to meet I their triende, end even being followed to ‘ Ottewe by their friends, end the intereete l of the people torgottten in the intereete of I the few. The eyetem of protection in un- 1 just to the people, ee hee been eeid by Mr. I unlock, end ell we went to equelityâ€" i equelity of civil righte, equality of religion. 1 equeiity of texetion. (Cheere) I do not I went thet enybody ehould be texed in my ] fever; 1 do not went to be texedinfevor ‘ of enybody eiee. I eey thet government t u t t h ii c 9 her no right to teke e cent from me except for the neceeeitiee of revenue. Doee eny- body in this eudience believe to the con- any. thet the government hee e right to teke e cent from meor you in order toput it into the pocket of eomebody elee? I denounce, for my pert. eny euch _eyetem _ee | Mr. hillle, or your worthy roprooontotlvo. Mr. Potoroon. end no men would hovo hod n moro willing odhoront ond follower then X would hovo boon to him. But the hind- neeo oi my iriondo lnoiotod thot l ohould myooli oooumo tho mm. For any rouono. to which I do not llho to olludo ot the orooont moment; l would hove declined the honor. but on It woo thruot upon me 1 determined 1 would nlvo the boot odorto oi my lllo to tho eouoe ontrueted to mo. From thot moment I hove novor oooood to work in dolnn whet i could tor the counâ€" otrlvlns to promote it ilrmly. dotermlnodly end without Illnohlnn. I hod been in thot pooltlon ooout three yooro when the eleetlono were o runs noon on without on notice ot oll. t lo oold in oorlptnre thot deoth will come llho n thlei in the night. Thot lo the woy the government come to to no in the election of 1891. Wo were not prepored tor the electiono. Wo would never hove hod the elootlono ol thot time it we hod hot! n ioir, upright government. beeouoe we nod n liot thnt hod not been revloed ior three yeoro. We ohonld hove o eyotem in thin oounnry by which !t: lloto ere nlwnyo reody tor ouch on emergency. But it we were nnprepored we come olmoet to the point of winning. We did not win. but we were within on nee of it. I don't. know when the next election will come. whether tomorrow or next year. We mny hove nnother eeeeion. end we moy no: hove onother neoelon. but whenever the ellczlone come I hope nnd trust thot the people of Bronttord end of Ontorio will be prepared to do their shore oi the work, no I intend to do my ehnre. (Applause) "We mnet be e United nether-Civil. ne- nuoueend Bueineee Duality leoee- Iery-“m tor Mane Only†the Wetohword oi the Howellâ€"Mn “tincture" Could Hold Their Own Under e. Reciprocity Agreement-«m Protection Suede lonopliee end Cor- ruption. Hon. Wilirid Lender, the telented leed- er oi the oppoeition in the Dominion per- liement. visited Brentierd on Mondey lest. accompenied by eeverel oi hie truety lieu- tenenls. end wee eeeorded a meet enthuei- eetic reception. Be delivered two eloquent eddreeeeeâ€"one in the ieir grounde end the other in the drill ehed in the evening, to en audience oi over three thoueend people. Our epeee being limited, we on only meke room ior the letter. Mr. Leurier eeid :â€" "I come before you, lediee end gentlemen. in my eepecity. ee hee been eeld by Mr. Petereou, ee leeder oi the liberel petty. Thie position oi leeder oi the liberel petty. ee bee been told to you. I never eounht, end when it wee our mieiortune to loee the eervieee oi then eminent men. Mr. Bleke. it would heve been my wiehâ€"not only would it heve been my wieh. but it wee my expreeeion oi wiilâ€"thet we, ehould give the leederebip to tone men connected with the benuer province oi the Dominion. the province oi Ontuio-to iollow the leederehlo oi Slr Rieherd Certwrlsht. oi LAURIER AT BRANTFORD. THE LIBERAL LEADER DZ- LI V3128 TWO TELLING ADDRESSES. B. H. Wmox. 35112 «swam gust. IILSOI am. - PBOPRIETDIS. Emmhmm 4mm r‘ W. Wm. LINDSAY‘ ONT. FRIDAY AUGUST 241894. the home of rrwtrc'lm. Then the con- dition weeenehthet the treeenry E a i E E5 the congreeedol’l‘heyeetnhlhh- edthepeneioniund. {enhancer-e Cuminly weee thing : D" torthehmertceoetoomldetorthoeewho 'G hedbornethehruntolthe bettie;iorthe hen ionahtinthewerwhowerepeneion- ed. Audnowitheecometopeeethet elmoet everyone over50 yeere ot ego who helonge to e certain nerty hee been I km etheebeeudoneinonroonntryi Ieit noteucgendlpntittotheooneervetivee â€m In thin endience. thet the eyetem o! Id 00!" government we here hed in the loot diteen yeere hee developed end: on emonnt of lleed- oorrnptioninthie country thet the neme oi Cenede bee become e word ot eheme II D"- emong civilized netione? Ie it noteteot glut, thet money hee beenepentriithtendleit ’ lieu- without eny pretence at tight. eimply to getridotiti Ieitnotetectthetthe ounce of the Connoliye end theMcGreevye end the St. Louieee ere nemee thntetinh in thenoetrileoieilthehonoetmenin Cenedei (Beer. heer. end oheere.) Thie ie whet I cherge eneinet the eyetem. And. gentlemen. let me tell you thin, thet in meke order to heve en honeet navernment we muet not ellow thet government to tote from thepeople oi Cenede one cent more then ie neceeeerv to curry on the edminietretion. (Beer, heer.) IXTRNSIOR OF TRADE. 5",. But it ie not enifloienttoheve economy tent. in government ; it ie not eulilolent to hove othe eproperiiecelpolloy. We went more; we 1.3.. wenten exteneion oi trede. (Beer. heer. only end oheere) Whet ie it themennieotnrore wee oi Brentiord moet wenti lerhete. ould merhete. merheteâ€"notbing elee. (Ap- oted pleuee.) Thie ie the dret time I heve iion. eppeered in your ieir city. end hed the the opportunity oi meeting your mennieo- p. of torere: but I em eure I epeeh their minde .1". when i eey thet whet they went ie more a“ metkete ior whet they produce. (ileer. a“ beer.) We heve in Oenede e popuietion oi Ind. only momma. but theoonditioee oi modern Iul d reduction ere euch thet the menuieoturer ee to produce not tor e oietioo oi I†0.000.000 but meny millioee. eie obilned e et to reetriet hie prodte to e very oerrow â€d therein. end to Icon for hie return iron en enlereed production. Thereiore. whet the " I menuieoturere weut ere mezlieie tor their I oi produote. end they ere eeehinir them “on ever where; new on the other eideei the orh line it the ieoe oi e hoetlie term. othere in eâ€" the Auetrellen ooloniee. othere in li‘urope. dly Well. eir the icy oi the liberei perty ie bet to exten met eie ever where. but. ebove m. ell thi in Greet ritein end in the my United tetee. (Loud cheere) With Greet I“ Britein whet heve we to do to develop our m, irede‘i We do not ieer hoetile terifle there. to Her merhet ie open to ell the world. Whet not we went to do to eend our produote to "d Greet Britein ie to leeeen the ooet or treat- ne portetioo. But whet we went to do to n. extend our merhetein the United Stolen. .3 we ere. ie u to heve e reciprocity oi trede with them. n. (Beer. hoer.) We heve been told enein end ngein by the ooneervetive government. who do not went ncioroctty with the United Stetee. end it in e not ernnment oi theire. thet our menniectnrere could not compete with the Americen menurecturere. 1e thet the opinion oi the Brenttord menu- ieoturere? ("Na") ho. certeinly not the opinion or thoee mennieoturere who. be- eidee hevina en eetebliebmeni in Brent- iord. hove erected one on the other eide oi the line. (Beer, heer.) Certeiuly not the opinion oi the menniectnrere oi Brentiord. ii I em to believe the etetement of their repreuntetive on the flcor of perliement. thet the Cenedien menuiecturer ie the cone! of the Amerlcen menniectnrer if he hee n ieir ï¬eld and no ievor. (Loud cheer-J In there enyone, be he coneervetive or lib~ erei. who would heve the eudecity to eey thet the Cenedien menntecturcre could not compete with the Americen mennlectnrere upon ieir terme? Is there eny men to eey thet he would not be content to open the Cenedien merket to the Amoricen menu- ieotnrer. it in return he obteined ecoeee to the Amerioen merhet tor hie own productel I think I em meeting by the book when I claim for the Cenediene. not only of Brent. ford. not only of the province oi Outerio. not only of Quebec. but of ell the provincee. thet they ere the eqoele oi eny rece to be oh found on the Ieoeot the globe; thet they :5“: ere eeeble. "maul. ee competent, he in- 0‘ ,0" telliaent. ee eny other rece oi men. (Loud time choore.) It thet ie their oetimetion of I do them-elven. whet. I went to know, ie to Cened prevent them hevinn thet reciprocity oi there I tredei Ooe th us only; the men who oon- I h trol the povernment tc-dey do not went it. ‘3'; ; There'e no other tee-an. They never give 5? i no the reeeon; they never eey the:- do not "I went it. But thet objection. no I heve otten heard it repented by coneervetive oretore. to thee ' ie thet it would not be loyel to Greet Brit- etend I ein to enter into trede reietione with the hem ti United Stetee end to give invor to the con to Amerioene. Well. “I. thin ie tory loyelty; ‘ I heve known it long. It in nothing new u then to me. I heveeeen it et work in my own th g province, where the toriee etoned end our to a. ten-caged Lord Elnin beceuu he would not cone“. enbmit to their dictetion. Tory ioyelty el- :3 to-t weye flouriehoe when it ie an e per with d in my interest. end when tory l:yelty †.na tory intereete cleeh hee not your ex- perienoe elweye been thet up went tory of 10.00 intereet end down went tory loyeity i (Lenghterendchoere) Some or my con- servetive triende mey think this iengnene clue too eevere, but it ie not; it ie eimply tree. °°° . Let me remind them or the lengoeire oi ’nolmandi their own leedere in 1875 when the pretec- :hie ml tive policy wee iiret put upon the etetnte Mr Pei, book. Thorewere men who told thnt it th 'm. wee not ieir to Greet Britein to eet l ° up protective dutiee eneinet e country. end diel e mother country et thet. which edmitted “:3 our goode tree. They eeid it wonid en- t . denger British connection. You remember “a c. the tory enewer to thet. "Well. no much the woree tor Britieh connection.†(Beer. heer end lennhter.) Thereiore I oieim thet Iemnot putting the one too etronniy \whenI eey thet when tory loyeity oieehee ‘ with tory intereet. down gone the one end 313-“ up goee the other. Sir.I heve never hlemed the new the coneervetive perty torheving chopped m theN.P.in18’a‘9Utheythonahtitweeinthe mm heetintereeuotCenedetodo evenitit A m Gum [‘Do an Editor of Tux Pom 1 sunâ€"Vicar“ Lanna! bu Ind «and In on "mm o! M- church a nut-clone: m, winch. It Minn-06m law abouwmwwun mundane. “3““ cf â€Wu mandamus)". new but“. not own “album-mm mm hum-Intenwhumm mud. awn-1mm Cam!!! "I5 “I. “manna-whilst â€would I“ mmumumm and mm mania-dent's! amuse...“ wwmmuumu undo qmtchuhdnooodudod his apnea. Idonocexpecnouv â€0001008 thin.“ cmmzummazn o.â€0000000. but thmmyonnamlnmu humane. who. Ihope. maven-â€Chm. ono of the non nhflmldmomtmomo! unnu- IIlnry kingdom with thorium!†of Gran Baum. Tmuthodnud yum-ow mhzwheolnvlow.mdlwonld hoped hath... ymm on all mu land hythocaue of that! manna (lanthanomemto do «Hymn they mmbdnlttomchthouhlwohnoln \mw. Smuthhumplyhrnchdmm; htheumhlozlnthuouuook to hop“! wthohumohhommhndmouhh country! Anwowhowlduutwumzo growl to: on; in them-Mon to which we mwâ€"dhvl 50:11:09.â€... 5 made: any (anyway. Though!“ note:- poouonnwouuwm: h manual of mannlhonotomhm I â€90931.“ .ouomo baton In any you: older. manicure nothopoucyolmkw man" In. In kupoehlly the yam an o! the dty of Brandon! lot we MWMMude no on . my Maud y m oolhlmlu Io: shown me, and. I manuals». thahdhoJonhdrow- 6191mm _ ‘ , g: E? if E? ,3. mouuls. 1: ï¬at-,3 LOCAL NEWS-LETTERS : Inna: MPH!!!“ thot l 1 ‘â€"°â€" 1 Thin gown odd d“... W‘s? 3511,57 ‘ â€mm w mm ' Poor. II .3: dr.hhom-whoth-ndvhnd CM†0n mmm_g.hnllw I Forooooinmyliiol with Ir. Fun- monolo- i'll tor. LntunluohtoNol. Iiitoom thot W""‘“m"'u W'WN tun Momma hovodoohihniotnr- Mama-mum Wind- ‘° lwhn oothwilii‘ruottoLordBooohnry tolook "' "‘mw- f' rtho nitorthoihmotooiï¬nlunhd. lwilltrnot â€"°"'" i: ohot LardSnlInbuymooocvotivoondtoI-yoohe UPBILL- _. "h â€Whit-9mm.†oi lam. WCCTIIPOIT ' tiou .honr.) Wouidyuunotdomooomti om-"“'°°"'“¢W'°Mbtht thot Don-tmmooomioooou tor on. “fluid-10h- 50hr. «Nth nlooo. who who devolooinaourtrodotolmvotho interooto‘lh.m nno oiEnainhdtothoEnuihhmnmnntiOr “WWNWMOMOWW l'l not. doyoubnliovotbtthomm no- "“0 “Omani-fl Jm't-mm-flm M‘ II“ uu'mmmm â€mm“! 'Ilbhlom byoll. Thooommuhityexoond FM liven overthooenn.ondhnn boon dohodod by 'N' 'm' â€MVNWNMV“ Gr: l oi SirJohnThomnoouhumthoometooitho iomily. to. teen Coundionarimwill be doiendod bny , to t oi Johh'rhompoonbottnrthohbybordliooco BEALEY. Bil nmn beryl Focmynnrtltnhohootookih ooy lOnI'Inmoudoooooi'i‘nnhlo-r niu nmo nhuhthingonthln. Solomouho Boilinh mâ€"mMmurtnnnhonhno Vii ioot novernmontnreootloilodthot we nhouid opoin returned to her oohool. Chiioren too loit loohoihriloLnethoyloohniuhlo. 1.1 nod mmwflndmmoonohothor yto omgjroporedtoroh manhunt onin. tho the nttndStoton womnhovothouuhd Functionâ€"Minn We Brintlloll. oi vyo ldon’t believothot nny innit could ho “III Bloch. hot maln-hohtotooch tin ionnd tho Britinh government. But M She will be minted v muoh iromouroooiolaotherinzo....lir. on. of $3 in theroiomore. The government ‘ 'hio don't wont no to hove ony oommnoniol (All-m. ond Ir. A. new. one on. no. nouieowuhthomont thoy od- traditions-wan with tum-Mn. Ind dow in mit hl‘lot weohonlo hove uomothu. like I!“ MIDI-t. oi Linonoy. on oponding n “a we oxtnnoiouoimukmohdthoyorn willing ‘0' do†with Mond- hou....h young born the tooxiendthoir me to the oolonteooi non in corn-ni- nwlonuomthou Rom ore Anon-nun. I hove no objection to thou. donâ€"wt I’mpothine with him. .9“ tho Pormyportlhovoho ohnctioh thottho -â€"o-â€" mob Conodion uovernmnnt nhooid ohdeovor to FLEET WOOD. iootorour ounihnno tuiottuho withouroiotor oolouinn. ohd ony inaiolotton which moy be mode in thot will hove my ooodioi now. But w y nhouldwnho totho nhtinoden to nhdoomnllmnrhotoiooou lo oi million oi ooulo ond nonloot the t «momma oi nouiouu the other nidel Thnytnliut. “Butthonomonio the onion- ieo nro our iollowooubinoto" l onnwor. ii thoy no Engiiohmon. the men on thoothor aided! the lion ore Englinhmeh too. It in Eultoh mood thot flown in their voino. ’rno mootoot not oi the world to the Bon- llnh root. ohd l om williun. ior my port. to extend our trodo with oil the Euuoh- opeohinn word whmvor it in to ho loond â€"iu Enulohd. ll Anntrollo. or III Auction. lnnhmit now ior your oonoidorotiou thnt Ii therein o intuu lot the Oooodiou nooolo Itiotooiuturooi trode booed ou whet! ilwn not to thohoiioy which in now- mhod by he Iouodioh novoromeot. but on the onomnlnoi tho motherlohd. flaniohd it the country whioh hon lino no the on- omoio lot which we ohonlo otoud. lint our novernmant do not no to IC loud lot on unmolr; tn-y no to the Uni Stout. it they no turn 1.! on nomulo. they do hotiunlholhot. lwouttouothoro int n nouhot on tumor ouonmpio. ii 1 Inn in boot to tho othoot oi loyoity. it hoe ononooid thot it would he moro loyol to trode with Brett Britoiu or tho oolouioo. Thnt moy ho. ovorythinn being . quoi. l om willing to tnodo with Enclonn nod tho oolouioo. But ii thorn in more t on thoothornidooithelinolhonin onion- iot. i will toho tho morhot on tho other oido. lt moy ho very dioioyol. but i toll on inolloohdorthotiilooonot on non- ioh ehiilinc or o Youhoo dollnr. I will ooho the Yonheo doilor on oven amnion. But whot will themauiooturernohd the boot- ‘ ow- non do! Win an! M- m You-- the mum iooon oi r. Burhotdo RoblhoOh. Mull. Billie]: Milan? I “Into 6. Romany.“ 3!":th u . u _ every oonoorvotivo thot nhontn ioynlly wi l 0,â€. w. ml“... lion s‘...£.f;. hi2 do like myooii. (honlonoeJ Bnoioeno i- M. Leo'io, a Town», D. 0...“. “.mu. bo-ioo-n end noun-M i- ndium-'- l m. Maul-o. Donnell», oi Nlonoro Folio 600" Nu." thot oentimont in bum.“ oud Budo‘o, hlloe hicFodyoh. oi Wcolvlilo. ohy morn ihon thnt buoiheoo in oonumont. quxus' Inflowâ€"Mr. “a Doboon Thuntho moiu qnootloh upon which the rounded the ooooioh of the Dominion libetol porty in nuanced in o quonuoh oi H - trode. oi tho torin‘. But there on other :4: whtxï¬wgï¬dgwmam Tueodoy WISH“. “.0. TB“. 1. â€DOWN“! SUCCNFCLâ€"uh. All“ Bruce '“ non tun bathe- We but Im- w omoug u» ouooeooiul condidotoo in tho him. 3 â€PM W5“ I“ 00' “D “I" mot rnovrienlotion enmiuntioor. mutton? 0" olm “d 90'9“. ‘3 my Excunsioxs.â€"Tho ohoioooi four excor- ootiutotion out!" '0 bl MOO'OIOD iron "I" olono to our citizen. ofl‘orod on Wodhoedoy; 'Olllobll â€we“ .w‘o‘ the “MI . mt Cï¬' 'hO dau,_“!m 0! “oh 'm Bun.l°. m‘t Iu‘ nhdion notion. Tho: in the policy which I “'hitoy. Cbomoua ohd Orillio. Tax: ‘ hove advocotod ior mony yeoro poet had i 3“", ogflxa.-rh. bond 5“ . beouti- oooi nt I “II 00' ndvoooting. I “15"“? -thot "1" in: moonlight night for their excnrnioo to I04 Mi 90116! 'NCh 'N “5°09ed "3 “5‘1" 3! ‘5' Szrowoerrv blond on Fridoy evening loot. â€MN coolition oi Gnome Brown nod bir John and "myâ€. 0010106 m. trio. ohoweu Moodohola nhoold hocorried out. lhot w:- G “my, p‘B-ry__A m potty o... moot be ohoold ondoovor '0 “um“ “Id m 3 3' held so: "Duuobin.’ the oummer reoidenon BAR“ 8035" tho 4mm" ““99““ '3'“ 9"" ’ of Mr. D. Chou. loot Fridoy evening. A '0†ROI deuce hoouothortd upon thin cohtiheht. ~p1rudid proarommo '“ rendered “a . when th We hnvo here l-rehchmrn. Eulmmfll good time won or. oyod by oil. “ll"! '1 Seal-ohm “Mm!“ ond Dutchmnh. I. 0. F.â€"Mr. mold Giuoopio won nt owmrc wont to roioe eonioderotion to tho huhoot l’cterhoronoh 1... week. ottohdino m. Pom. .‘ ponnibility to N ottoihod. I “I W04 9’ high court oi Forum in oooolon nt tho! toot to o1 my count". There in no lond under the piece. oaricnln huh o: 'h'ch I .m "on“ m“ m'. "t“. LACRORSLâ€"Tho Chock‘r Mu" cfub m of ‘h CMMK'RB "3 vacuum 0! llvo miiliono. ploy the Orlilin icon: hero on the 22nd ior Monnini lowâ€"too oi Tm: Pond Ooucnnr.- o oouoort hold in the brink ‘9 church uu Woduoodoy. 15th. wotooooot norio ouooooo. The ononromme ooooiotod oi of ti roodiuan. rooimtioon. muoio nod oinoiun. Whu The ledtotionn given by nor toloiliod north people wnrovorywollreudoood. Another then: oimiloroouoortiotoboholdon Wodhoodo . ï¬lth. All on oordloii invitod. on it oxoootod to ho nuooi t moot ouooeooiul yet. Bonanzaâ€"loot oi the iormoro oi thin non oro ooorly through with thoirhorvoot. oonooohovohoouvoryoood. notho iormovo one no roooou ior mmnloinlng. dormantâ€"Ir. A. Flock. while oplittinn wood the othor dny. hove hioioot o vor notewouod. lt woooneootonrnrlnoto 1 who hootd it ooho ooorooly ovormooto with o miohon oi on hind. linoâ€"Mr. . K. Brown in building n lornooiioiortontovoo nort oihiooiuht ooveooi oonowov. Own Oflowoâ€"Ir. W. J. Htoooy. who tooh hto and «tone oortidonio thin mid- oummor. ioit ior ()ttown thin wooh. when he ioloiol toottoud tho Not-moi. “IUOVIIIIILâ€"NI. it'd. Follie' ohild in noovorino from Ito olchoeon. The child hon boon oiling ior oomo time nod in niohoeoo hot oottood it porentn mooh noxioiy. .. ...4â€". [11M I'lliTUN. [Moo oi ‘l'ho Ml Cht'lwu Norah-luv. Dr. Wotoon. oilor o two wooh’o holidoy. rooumod hio dutioo on Sobboth loot. ...Bov. D. L. Dowor. oi hiloo Groin. ooouyiod the pulpit oi Knox ohurnh on Soodoy. hovinx oxohonaod with Rev. M. N. Bothuhn. PMAL-Lm the sunny vioitoro wooooonthoooroomthio week we notion ond otili nronder would I be ii it hnd o ehnm booribl populotiou oi ten million oonln. Still diotrict plan "“913“ 1'3. open would I u it 1‘ m . â€901m BOJJIL‘ )‘GEU. " lo “IV. gator†mililoho. ooit munt hove ot oomo â€saw Wu“ oi Tu: P08“ mood. n..- mun- u“... n. ._ __ .00. Mo- can UNICA TIONS. 15." than: m Ln'vma Townâ€"W0 m BOBCA YGEU. '. Spook! Cmdoooo or Tun: Pos‘r.) Tax LAT: Mas. Taco. Bungâ€"l: u out ood nloforuuu to chronicle Icho dooth or Mot-tho Vlotorlo Blot. wlto of Mr. Thomoo Blot. or Bohooyaooo. on Sotordoy. the llth look. ottot o ohott llloooo or throo wooko. oooood hy Gun'a dlooooe. Tho deoooood hod oodoorod haul! to any by hot loving ood aooocooo oplrlt. her room. oooo to: any stood work.oud hor Cal-lotion lite. our may to ooy on cocoons!“ word. Sho woo on oorooot Shad-y ochoot wotkor. ood woo much bolovod by hot ocholoro. whom oho took moot palm to bottom to tho woy of oterool Mo. Shun loovoo hoalod hot o moot-o of tolthtol looor In tho Moot-fl oouoo. Damn: hot ole!- nooo oho could look ot dooth with that cola: ohd trootlu conï¬dence In God whloh nooo hot thooo coo. who hon the-Ir lootohod with tho pnpu-otlon of tho pon- pol o! poooo. woman to: the Mutu- to ‘ ooy “Como op hlxhot." Tho doy hetero ho: dooth oho ooloctod hot poll-hooter- lram thooo who woro hol- oomooolonolo hot youth. Sho oloo ooloctod tho tor. too hot tooorol moo (ton tho am: chop- toe of 2nd Col-lothloho ond nut moo: "Fol- wo know thotltou oorthly hoou of thlo tohotooolo woto dlooolvcd. we hon o holldlhaot God. o home not nodowlth hohdo. otorool In tho hoovooo.†ohowtm thotoho know lawhom ohotrootod ood woo with Wmhdoooo no!“ to ma hot roword. Sho woo o klod ohdlovlng wuoi‘ohd o moot oll'couohoto mocha. Sho voo o hoohood ood throo chlldron to moon hor loonood uooo to nootthroo ohudno who hovouooo hoton. hovlna dlod yous. Tho toooul oorvlooo won hold In tho lothodlot ohoaoh. ood woro ooodoctodhythoBov.S.Sln¢. whozovoo lot-noun ood lootrootlyo ducoono. ooo thot will not ho tot-gotta: tor oono duo by thooowho llotoood to tho hooottlol Woo honovoot tho tohot- ooolotowhlohwolln.tho ooI-thl honor. ood tho ooouoot hotwooo It on! hoov- ooly ...... In. Blot“. mom wooo [old to root to tho Vauon oo-oowy. loch Gum“ Puntâ€"A pm My wu hood u “Dombla.†tho commu- uniden- ol Mr. D. Guan. In: Edd-y “ulna. A “plrudld prom-mm wu mama And a good do. W on and by All. I. O. iiiâ€"Ir. Md Glut-oh wu n: Pcmmh Inc rook. candles 1!» :‘Ixh cannot Fat-mm m u that m. Burn Danna-Thoma Ind n baud- fo! mooollahc alum tor their oxcmioa to Sit-'08?! (alum on Friday "on!“ Int. and} "-1-on9 oojnnq III. (do. Excumouu.â€"Tu choice 0! (nor 0801!!" don. an antenna. cloud on wanna“ Ibo doom-won o! ouch m Bufldo‘ Wynâ€. guano-a god 0mm. alumna? Imamâ€"In. Alex Dob-on resound the nation at the Dominion Illulon' Amalgam In Toronto Tao-coy â€I. WMIIOOdI' 9110ch 7 Pmau-Am tho «any 7mm cementum-til- wok In some. m hauls! he. at I. Bun-undo Robin-on. C. Boom-or. Jnck Bimini-d. Mr. Fault. G. Dam. W. livenâ€. lig- Sonon-on. Mm BEA VERTUN. IN.» a “h. m: Clvwn Nounâ€"Ru. Dr. Wanton. Mar a two root'- with}. run-nod nu dam on 3mm. D. L. Down. or All-- Gala. my!“ tho â€who! Knox church on Sudâ€. hula; «chum with Rog. M. N. Mm “ovum-«PHI. £6.1'dlio'ohlld :- menu“ m- Iu statua- ‘l'u ohm ha been dim tor can. an. an In Mun m can“ 1. mt. much am On to Drawn-Ir. w. J. Nancy. who not In 8.6 «in. unldau m- and. all-nu. an M man out. wool. when to page!“ am the Normal. VI Io building I K. “It. I wt 0! MO out! 1'. b or». Atmnur.â€"Ir. A. Flock. will. upmuu wood m mu an. an. mm a na- oon m“. It In. on“! llll'pfll. to I who M It out. My one m with . gunâ€! on) It“. Batmanâ€"Inc of m (“on at thin gluo- n. can!) Ohm“ UM mum». homolonhunmmd. lo the tog-m a“. qg apt! for malolnlog. duflumhhhwd on Wounds. to». All an col-dull hum. u I: am to In on at: no» noon-tn! 10.!- _ lemma“: Poo-r. Gum-u no ooroodduy Inasmuch tho doomotJoho Sour. occlu- phoo. who um um at. Monday. Aug. 13%. I'm no oooomooo loo oootouloonovonoo wool. community. so Joho'o m too- vu bolovod by w. Tumuuyexuooa :23} um: um, to tho boroovod o y. 8m Puss-Bush aro- continue in am Mom dung mu dunno to tenant. The circular-om: to ho punish-d. :- um :- not. Jamil an. or the eu- touts": Inch. BAul Bananaâ€"D Sunday night . mwhnrnflflodwuh any-gm: 70 ton â€"wubnnnd. It's-mommy crux. mm.dahhuom Althea. nu aboundnobush : i E g TERMQJLQO PER Hopm.â€"Gmohoppon have done sad at. mm coconut: unco- mm the lamps. am, on. in un- out. M to nuke the manor "unemp- ao In din Indeed. lmomsr Cnvncmâ€"rhe mun mlIv M “on will be numbed In an noun! chum in thin alum: on Sands! can by tho B». W. R. Baker, charm of nu «ma. stou- which an and mu:- Inu will be bold. szxALâ€"Miu Mandy Ewen. daugh- iuoi Mn. John Eplott. nu been v owing Mond- u mefldae. Whiin than one bud n m tall which resulted in a diamond wrist. from which the in now 0|!qu muly.....m Charm and Min- Cim. son and doubler oi the Ms Dr. Butler. of thin glue. who have been uniting hon tho at iew weeka. returned Loghdr home 0‘: carbon; on Friday. nae. pér Batu. .c ma DRUG 8208!, My. lumenâ€"We hue new another medl- cel manorâ€"e Dr. Boydâ€"amount up, who. we on and to no]. he. elreeay ned e lot of oeueols, end judzlna the: he 19 clever by whet we hove heard. we true: he will mane m: prectloe.....The arm of Bowie Thomson. phyeleuue, evidently one elven enceced at their new ‘ mu- eo_d oooehlungeoome In Fry-re blcok. A. putt!" cm tar may, Cholera lawns,“ CW“. mp5 and Pawns. PUBLIC Baum.â€" We thank we cm furl] nun um. our village In unduly tree 1m cont-alou- (eun, which hue so troubled our madam the pester out o! Ibo patent you. outlet (an: huh 3 men mum» Dragon. way; Extract of Blackberry m FALL Snow-A etI-ona novunent ie on foot to eecnre the holding of en ennne! nationltnrel ehow in tme vnzege. A meet. Inn at the townehip utepeyen wee held in Mennina'ehnllon Wedneedey leet. when enheotiben were enrolled. e eubecrlptlon iiet opened.theh et the meeting amounted to hexanMWIenéi. 8400. end adieu-e ep- nein . v. . . Snepperd cemetery. with Ir. A. W. Petereon ee treeenrer. end W. D. Levering. eeq.. nreeident. A cepitel ï¬eld ie cloned elonnelde the tremwey to: holding the ehew around, end the ekuing rink for the exhibition oi inane, roote. etc. By the eon-it evinced hy the tel-mm oi the townehlne o! Medente, letchedeh end Toy. no doubt e dne ehow will teke piece in October. (the melee one not being yet axed). eeeond to none in the coutty. with an!» Immgemente in _the next you. ' Havanaâ€"Tho humou- costly overâ€" wou not Ilaâ€"and excopuua 0‘“, we ï¬eld when thmmu comet on oruml-u to I): “III! cud-ham. who“ hung about: u "3mm grop- Tu: Wurann.â€"Tno we. her bu been cool a Maï¬a. but 'll'm In the day “me. and hat week we bad a thunder-mm. Wu down on the ground 5 good show 0! min. whlch no you!» will be of 3"...“ beneï¬t angst». .na toot crops. -.“ COLD w A TIER. [Con-macaw or Tm: I own] Mus-r Haw: Goon Bonus â€"m. town- chio council loicly porch“. . 1m Lino! con ’rcnd mochioo nude or. Emilia... it bu. “no. in urinl. bun doing some good no“ work by clarion on‘ .u unlovel 90r- uono nod rounding m highway Dial] to tho dim Thou now only sequin-co n good lnycrcl the acne! co bond: to our village. no he plocod cannon. nod conic-l condo will ho nool-ina. If n good man anchor won purchased it would be on in- volnoolo machine to use. It 1. to be hop“ thy Inga lobar in rdoomod. r.r.A1m.-A new“ of m. REA. wu hold a Bot-our Sunday night tor an 9mm at swung a loan. They got tow mambon. Earn-Sou. aloha-u «am the poo- phluu. I". D. Munro M- ho I hid no not for con. «mg. _u. to not .blo Uo walk. n‘ m--|.-~ . . . .‘l‘ho “iii?“ ï¬ne sud tum IN nearly mm with nu- mrvoot. Numb“ lï¬-umc. -luut rock on. of Mr. Jun» Show. non. .1qu you. old. In our†till-a. A hou- m our hum. coma: hlu ho. vol-y had! no bruising In. m â€haw?†Ku- log. k nun:- n. 0 mm a u u on o om. P-I' «moo-on at 1m: Parr.) Cam bout-Two 'M- no can. [an all: com run any noun Inn'- . and no won. or than on: bologna. A.) “formula can will In!» to an m. M! M Bot-our. mu In much}: u- . vl .4l‘ ' portion or a. 0mm broke and alarmed mun-nu. Mr. Ken wont to their and to qulct than. who am suddenly In any. The point of tho plough. u M ouc- oouod. “not him In (In Maul. br-gklu 00-9 db and mm Int-rugby “Jill" M- ...... "It um ho hum-d w'th III» m «honed nun-or u! Thanh. r. J gun locum um with o norma- mac-o um not In hula. ofl‘ . ma of mu: um ulna-a in a. bun. Sou-Ion mm to um who :- («Manure-c. OUBUGUJVK. [Snead cacao! Tn Paar] Ems-r Youuo unzâ€"Huo'c that. been . are» tnpmnmonv In the coo-moon ol Buly â€"â€" My? What to tho uuon o'. It? Second young lody.â€"Why he no down .3 Paula.) Faun one any hot week and hard everybody “than of [41. We. in mule-room" dotting st Rom. 1mm. no he Joined tho prawn den and Menu 3 say. And mm "It nigh- haâ€" lnl. -- â€" Viola Piano. “Mal? ' Bonus .____. '-vv - I l of Ta: Pour] :ï¬mcuun Pnomonoua-Eamoo to 000001: San Hmkooo, L 2210 Allan. mambo of Ti: Pm.) HARM Hon: haunt. â€"'rno Pub]- brun- ot Canon, lama homing flute ring?! an?! be.» gguvillon the over- ag In .y,Sopt.. . crumb]! 103206. Adan-don. 25:; caudm. 159. â€WWIIâ€. 'j â€0L8!" ’JI.‘ REA BORO‘ 1031:! ~11†town- l-h A" GB at. It It». was» good if! E3!