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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT18610913), 30 Aug 1895, p. 4

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- a, tram . 233% gmfitfi‘nd roan/"9’ 9m“ - 1 .....'...'.Jpg m (If e 1550 Libemliby Wag “‘5" Comm If Mr. Foster keep: running around looking for a safe constituency he may solve the problem of perpetual motion. @112 4531131111” 2051. Corn is king inthe Uniwd Steteethis year. In the Camdinn Northwest, wheat Is king. In Ontario, the cow is queen. this week in an enlarged and much im- proved form. It: proprietors have aban- doned the four page form previously issued, and adopted the more modern eight pogo sheet now need by so many publishers. The improvement in very marked and will be appreciated by its readers and advertisers. Mr. Grundy, the deputy registrnr of Peterborongh, about whose “revelations” before the public accounts committee of the legislature so much noise was msde in the late election cempaigmis reported to be pastor of a. church at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, and the Mail does not want to have that section of the exodus charged against the tory party. John Morley, being out of politics, Is at work on a history of the union of England and Ireland, using the secret papers in the government archives for the years from 1795 to 1805. Asthis is a. period about which there has been much discussion, the contribution of so noted m investigator as Mr. Morley will be A company has been formed to work the patent known as the Lawrence Pro- cess, by which the illuminating power of of ordinary gas is made much greater, while gas can be produced by a small plant in villages and country houses. The inventor claims that by this process gas will only cost 60 cents in the city or country.â€"[Property, Montreal. Glasgow carpenters threatened to strike against a reduction of their wages below 10d. an hour, and the masters have agre- ed to continue the old scale. This is about $175 a day of nine hours. The average “protected Canadian or Yankee mechanic does not get as much pay, his work is not so steady, he is driven harder and labors longer hours, and his living an investigator as 1\ Mr. Greenway formally denies that he has recived offers of assistance of any kind from the A. P. A.in connection with the Manitoba schools. He is to be congratulated. But, even if he had, Mr. Greenway is too level heded a man to allow a very important legal and national issue to be injured by the slightest association, even in name only, with that unclean thing. Some enemy hath done this work of spread- ing the rumor. The Toronto World takes exception to Rev. C. 0. Johnsten’s advocacy of two weeks’ holidays for every man employed in Canadian factories. It says “the majority of shops and factories in which men ‘ are employed must necessarily remain open and do busines the year round.” For some years put the great question with most employees of Canadian shops and factories has been not how in get off days, but howtoearnhreedand butter. The number of factories in Canada working full time and with full force the year round ha been very small. lost of the men have had more idle time nan-012141. NOTES. ,3 Taylor. TALYOR, sea-mun 14M.“ add: 1847. ontto the world, he told him to get money honestly, if you oould, but get it any way, so the Allendale menweretoget the prizes honestly if they could. but they were to get them any way. This oom- rnnnioation is already too lamb“ I cannot close it without asking tion. Is it correct that while the lacrosse name was being pin the audienoe on 081111011 01086 no leuvâ€"u _. tion. In it correct that whiftiie leoioeae game was being played the audience on the grand sten . composed principally of Allendeie rosin. shouted to their players, kiiLthe “ ev ," and other expressions notflttobepnh in print? It is also said in an wed II!!! Ole-flu sun. [To the Editor oi Tm Poem Sm.â€"At a meeting of the W. C. T. U., held on Monday night, Aug. 19th, we decided to hold a public meeting about the beginning of Sept. tor the purpose of die- oueeing the early closing question. Ger- tnin parties who are interested inthievery inaportant question are out of town, hence the delay is bringing it to an issue. With early closing, as with all other greetre. forms. it is most prudenttomakehaete slowly. Before taking decisive action in 310W}!- mm m CBOIIIVU nun-w .- this matter we desire to get the whole community thinking and talking upon late and early closing. Asamnn reeds heisepttothink. so by the aid ofthe press we hope yet to attain our object. No doubt some or us have occasionally day night, but when we began to think of the injustice we were inflicting upon so many of our fellow citizens we at once COMMUNICATIONS. manyâ€"yo} our fellow citizens we at once resolved not to do so again. If every purchaser in this town would honestly think over reasons wh and why not the stores should be clos early onthe lest day of the week we could very soon hoist the flag of victory. Let us draw a picture of a driver of agroceryri. elsnotatallwealth. Hehsss eandsmsilchildren. Liveys o'clock on “Hum ’He does not feel quite welly bfimfly and faithfully neh handles the goods and drives the rig mu 6 p.m. Wonl not any right- thinking person say he now needs rest. But for him rest is still star oflâ€"one, two, â€"'# -_ _-â€".¢u main-“1". unnecessary expense he must beer for fuel and light. .At least he reaches his home, only toyield for a. timetosseveresttuok of the Is Now, who Is to blnme tor the dfl% hours of toll, expense, sickness and loss of time? Is not the Saturday night purchaser responsible to a great degree 3 %h is true of one driver spplles very closely to many othersâ€"Yours. “all!" ago, under the authority of which the tax collector will startle the ratepayers of this townatewweeks hence with a demand for two-and-one-halt per cent. of the amount of their assessmentâ€"exclusive oi school taxesâ€"unless in the meantime this by-law is repealed or amended by your; selves, or quashed by the court. Italso appears iron the discussion at the council board that in the estimates requiringthis'rate of 25 mills on the s you include $2000 of what you call a “floating debt” of $8,000, some of it float- lng from as‘iar back as 1887. - There are only three weeks’slnce you ashedthe ratepayers oithistown, bya by- ,MIJ umutJiommorud «autumn-u. Gm,â€"A°°°rdm8_ t9 3'9!“ view JVâ€" years, chhh-onclng-not with this you, but with 1896,â€"with Inherent at 5 per cent; andbyavohant 214 no 37 they told you law vote, wlnret-lior or not they would assume the payment of that $81!!) {navel- ageyeuly paymts of shout $400 for 20 7L _’1LL LLI_ *- Zi‘é’mo'éi o-wâ€"n‘ifibé',"5d' banding sidewalks nag-concession lines in the township of beyond your Jurisdiction altogether? Before the vote was taken on your oftheordineryazpemitnrodth'e mt yesr,mroftheiiebiiitieeatthemn po- to'v'm pro- ' "the iftempt. THE OARA‘DLAJ! coun- no We‘ll-l u I”. [To the Editor 0! Tu: Poet] The wearing of mourning hoe nothing to recommend it but antiquity. A: on exeemnlelgn of Internal sorrow, fashion family pride and wealth havedegrededlt, until to-deyluleonlyhoootheneolgnol of remoreetornegleot In life, on eaves-flee- men!) thntwehnveorrlenddeodtor whom every one knowe we had little affection, who perhaps bod but little love - nA--_L vv-u â€"_ ‘ V for us, and who was notoriously deficient in his duty in many walks oi lite. Rachel appeals to convention and our duty to follow the custom of the world in this matter; buthereinliesthe abuse. It is iashion and public opinion which dictate what the family shall wear after a death has occurred amongst them. Why should not public opinion be strong enough to induce the boys and girls of the tamilytoshoweomerespeottotheold _ -“I‘ man-and old womanwhile they are still aliveandwhenitwilldothexnsomeszood‘I Why encase the oldmanina $40 coffin! Hehadnothatl a$4coatperhapstoryears before he died. The trouble is that the practice of wearing mourning is not‘ toundedin goodreaeou and sound sense. Itoomesdowntousirom a hoary anti- quity and is a iece of symbolism which appeals to a sense of propriety and decency which is the sum of a complex group of emotions aroused by the occurrence of death. ' There is no but a returntoa sounder state or min , .and a calm examination of the question. which will throw on' this tyranny of custom. Loveiorthedeadisnot measured the quantity of tears shed, the volume the groans, the lengthot the counten- ance or the color of the dress. True respect lies in the heart and is reflected in the subsequent lite and conduct of the mourners. What better monument to a dead iatherthan a lite she ed atter his good and plousteachin i {Vhat greater ridicule could be of! hismem i! he was a reprohate than the onest day In at hand when father: In shall make It a dying request the!) the gnmglygnnke no tnnereel show, put on no ,7 .-n-_ - _-Ll._-I _-tqul “mu; lam-v uv -wmâ€"-V., ‘,,- , black. but rather fellow a. rational method of lament an event which Is common to all end orthetreason.oellforthe exercise or common sense. Hm Pm. Dmorr, Mich, Aug.26.â€"Much intere- has been manifested here over the recovery of Mr. G. 11. Kent, of Ottawa, from Bright’s by using Dodd’s Kidney Pills, s remedy which is now in universal use, and many people have a. clear recollection of the similar case which occurred in Lon- don, Qumunohrl‘qggjgo.‘ namely. “180 01 A ._ -mgolmn “- Mr. Wm. Len ey, who for sometime was an inmate oi er’s Hospital here and was operated upon without eflect by sev- eralDetrolt ysicisns. It was 0 to this connect on with Detroit and the ong accounts published in the thst so much interest was taken in m and led to such an enormously in sale of the medicine. hood 3:071:18. â€"When the Hallburton train pulled In at the station Friday it brought 3!} was well filled with northern whocamelntosoetheclrcua. â€"-Parb1es wanting wells dug or M“. andpnmps forums. nondln murder“ JAs. Sm 8: 00.. 15 Reamâ€"531m- â€"Cmn;n Sm, U. S. A" San Diego, 0.1., says: "Shiloh’s Comm! Ramsay In the flrstmodlolnol have ever found muwoulddomeanysoodf Price 500. Sold by A. mginhothnm. mt- .3figed to hoop :5 am tow: goods were non He not nnd road the'pevhole’dhy 10138- Noh once upon his footâ€" Bun now he's rushing from mom till I! 8. His nalnooadnnyg-owo; . Hepntnnadln'rn mYPosrâ€" Itbrokehluweotropon E E E E 5.95 :5 5E 9. E 3 5% g: 53 32 E EE 222% iii 33%: £155 38! 3g 3 1 Eli $5 “5:; Eu 5?: {2; A? fir § 5 . 3 A. PARALLEL 'C'ASB. I!" “W“ In I WED BOW)“. ”SIZED 8U Oatmealâ€"Balm quiet. with price- nom- unl 1: about $3.90 on track. Amie.» tuned. pet mm. 81 to $1.75 : do.. dried. lie to 5 1-2c: enponted. 1-24: to To ; pot-toes. new. and: on. to 53¢ perbushzbeambnsh. tnwmunnnb- base. dot. 25c to 80¢; celery. dos. 85c to Baconâ€"Tho Brook W 8° doty’aahowwmboheldeundahndon Oct. lab and 2nd. plan-o Invent: Dodd’t manna m 13.4. arm. '0' MW: ‘3‘m‘i-3x.‘ lIVE MEI _WAUI§_D_-. 88832888128: aHHNO‘HQGI 833888383: 838882883! au”uounufli I 0.0.000... Maximum 01021.... choleo club. on wmmwwwmwwmwmm mummwwwwmmmmn 0,38,:‘!“‘13 .o-noooooo cocoon-cl. coo-o...“- OUMMEROIAL NEWS- u. w- â€". ---â€"-- . 3w »n.8500d;do.. 11““. as“; “How. OST shout thqlnt __of Aggy: ‘on the _.I_nu_ __) New Advermemonti FALL SHOW RBGHTER. WWIMW mafictotm .onlfloor 5001‘ HERAN, DIN!" ho ot'Woodvmo use! DY‘S no am will h m Woodvfllo. or con- lcnul,'oodvmoP.o.- 114 imam»: mummy, thofltldW. 1m 2‘3???ng §5a9a4§§ El £15; PU BLIC «find WWW,» w a gm“ New Eva-annex}: on: PULLAF'TER EATING msunes eooo ngESTION. moms-133mm 03 ”Pm‘m Daddiuedzcxu aa 75c. Unlaundered Shirt for - - W0. - 65c. Laundered Shirt for - - 456. 15c Socks, 3 pairs for - , - - 250. 75c. Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers for - 506. $300 Ladies' Capes for - - . $1.00. SUMMER COATS and VESTS AT'COST. Odd Sizes in MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING at your own price. A full range of Wilkinson Co.’s Celebrated HATS always in stock IARQY. WW‘L ; 1......â€" 3???“ 31.31133: E33413? ' s: akikii‘é ‘0 38 ‘5 “ 1 1 m sm on 1‘9 BENT-r- 15c. Muslin: for - - 10c. Gingham: for - 30¢» 35¢. and 40c. Shirt Fronts for 25¢. Cottonades for - mic. Shirtings for . 5c. Factory for - 7c. Factory for . 25c. Silk Ties, 2 for - White Unlaundercd Shirt for E. E. w. McGAFFEY. % FALL UNDERWEAR. Carpets and Lace Curtains. (AWN Our Velues in Early Fall Dress Goods. Prices Still Declining". .. . . . . Cool breezes will soon be hereâ€"Look at Our It will give you Don’t carry 3 our prim on . You'll benefit by it. “mum Summer Goods. A job lot of Men’s Overalls and Pants to olsposc of ; if you're the last to reach us you’ll be sorry. We are showing a “Fedora Hat,” special at 50c The best Felt Hat in the trade at the price. Yours to Serve, '. E. If. Hchfloz 1.7!. Outer. 1 that warm feeling. your ecommizing too far. Just These are the most convenient wraps for {all use. Styles are single and double Capes, with or without Hood. Prices $3 .50 to $20. 00. See M II our window. Just received from Berlin, Germany, a case of GOLF CAPES Flavelle Bros. Overalls and Pants to dispose 763 Dundu 4: F1. vella Bros. FOR FALL WEAR. 7c. 20c. 1m. 29c. 500. 450. 250.

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