our t is ced dn’t \half- lirect get UTY mds of 83 not the J. SUTGLIFFE 81’ SONS J. Sutéiiï¬e Suns, LADEES’ WRAPPERS. T2: close out balance of Stock we sell. $1.00 Wrappers for - . . 31-75$1.90 “ (ma IMPoganNs v01. UM] .ZCZ'O both plug and out. The best: oranas o, :3 F28 dcmestic cmd foyeigh. PIPES, brier, 1“,":zcry woods and clay. CIGARETTES of all ‘he leading makes. Fine Ams'récam FINE CUT CHEWING. . . '1’ 1. f? . ~ 3f Dress Goods, Mantles, Millinery, been selected from the best makers France and Germany, and willï¬inte l 611....» v...â€" :tyle, quality and price. :â€" who serves his Grand Trunk R311 wai- IME X7X_X1VL WHOLE NO. 1981 - .. vnm 1 3x4 :NggW AND COMPLETE SISSON is levied and still RIGGS i Vv stock is complete with A Call and See Our Goods. * 1m dizï¬culty in asrvinz you well. We extend greetings to our former will be glad to do business, with them again. gA 13â€". an kinds of FOOTWEAR, TRUNKS AND VALISES. .You will ï¬nd us 1263.: to_Porter’s Bookstore, 60 Kent-32., Lindsay. FORMERLY WARNER CO.’S. 76 and 78 KENT-ST, WBAGGU DUTY This is our motto, and as J. Sntcljflo Sons. RIC-GS TOBACCO STORE. 6, KENT-ST, LINDSAY is custom . m“- matte. and as our Stock is all ers best best servas himseif" SUCH AS Boys’ Blaming Buying and selling strict- ? ly for Cash brings us as near as possible to the actual cost of production and en- ables us to give you perfectly New Goods at Bargain Prices. Boys’ Strong Canadian Tweed Suits for school wear, to ï¬t boys 5 to IO years. Pants, strongly made and well lined, very special, $1.25. FALL l897; LINDSAY. VIillinery, Etc., h.ave : makers in England, will‘{ interest you in is to the front. Pendulum“ nuns-H7001); My“ ...... own-mans“; We sell. The best brands of W A. Whits. 75c 1.25 LABOR DAY, Will sen Return Tickets for Single First 018. Fare good tn go on Sept. 4m. 5th um 6th; good returning until Sept 7th: between all nations in Cmodt. Windsor, Sum Ste Into, For: Williun and Eat. Good to no on August 31. return until October 80; good. to go on September 14, return until Nov, 13: from .11 union: in Onnrio. Ompiuz. Swlt Ste. Marie, Windy! and East For nus, mp0, ï¬lm tables. mphleu. 3nd lull Intonation. upply to any Cmtdim PJc-ï¬: Railway Agent. or write C. E. lcPunsox, 1 King 8mm. Eat, Toronw. T 'c". iiichJ . . mm ER Oflce. 60 Kent-It..L1ndny.__ During the past winter I hm'eated 3 km quantity of ï¬rst-cits: ice. and am now prepu'od to Iuppl customers in :11 parts 0! the town with either 11:30 or small qumtitles. Orders my be left at A.Ctmp- bells grocery store. Terms on tppucstion. Ice house mud residence, Lindsay «c. south-60‘ d-l’mo. ¢ Eamon DKOS I * Notice is hereby given that. two P.) Jaws were pused by the Municipal Council of the Township 0! Shri- po'a, on the 16th Day of August, 1897, one providing for the issue of debenture; to the amount of SXAOO. hr the purpyse of building I School House and other expense:- theretc in U. S. S. No 14, Muipoxa. and Opi, Ind the second providirg (or the issue of debentures to the nmount of 31700. for the purpose of building 3 School House and other expenses thereto in [28 S. ho. 21. Msripau and 099. end that such Bylaws were registezed in the registry ofï¬ce 01 the County OLYictorh, It Linda". on the 23rd Day of August, A. D. 1897. Any motion to qumh or set aside the same or my pert thereof must be made within three months from the due of registra'ion. 3nd mnot be mode thereafter. Dated tne 23rd dny of Augmt. A.D. 1897.] â€"Slr3w. J. B. WELDDX. Clerk. N OTICE. in the Township of Vomlam 1n the County of V1ctor18 bnder :nd by virtue or the pawer of sale contained in I certain mortgm (which mor'gsge will be prod need st. the time of sale), there will be oflered {or sate by public auction on éé’iurday, Oct. 16th, 1897, ind: ' TERMSâ€"Ten per cent. 0! the purchase money will require to be mid n the time o! ssh Ind balance whhin one month thereafter without interest. For further particulars apply to McSWEYN 8; ANDERSON. of the Town rt Lindsny, in the County of Victoria. \‘endors' SolicitorS. DAted at Lindsay this 20th day of Au: , 1897. â€"81-4u'. Situste in the Township of Ops. and being ell tint but of Lot 8, in the 3rd Concession 315% o! the Scugog River. the South half of Lot 8, in the 4th Concession lying South and West or Eat. Cree: Creek. conuinlnz in ell nbout 1-15 acres. This ho sn excellent hm end is situate within 5 miles of Lindsey. ' Tenders will be received by the undersigned (or purchase of the tbove pmporty up to the _ 22nd day of September next. Kw Advertisemen ts Kévesr EXCURSIONS to MANITOBA and The Canadian North~West SEASON 1897. Time-tablemotwoon mm and Pension! Fans, The! n ‘owinz m1. god Mo’doa on Endâ€. July 5th, mtndwm oonflnuduinc m m: UCTIOlN SALE â€"- 0F VALUABLI â€" 'FARM PROPERTY TERMS reasonable. For pammurs sppl) to MOORE JACKSON. Vendor-5' Solicitors, Lind-3y. Auz.23rd. 1397.41-4w. 'ARM FOR S \LE. ICE! IGE! ICE! Steamer Grevhmmn. The LEADING JE WELLERS. Button Bros. That makes this store a good place to trade. We but recite the fact. It is what the people ï¬nd hereâ€"what they have found at this store for years in the past. The evidence is here for you as plainly as for us. Beautiful designs in all lines of JEWELLERY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWAR E. C II I NA and BRIC-A-BRACK. A cordial welcome whether you wish to buy or not. Comparison shows the Prices to be better value than elsewhere. I aspec- tion proves the stock to be unequalled in quality and quantity. â€"FORâ€" JOHN REYNOLDS. LINDSAY. ONT. IN ONTARIO WILDS. Oboe" sum We are lndebtod to the Panthers Bamw tu- tho {allowing mete! at Bishop O'Connor‘a recent trip to tha not-than portions ct hls dqueu: ~ A_ __ 1_|_n.l. wovenâ€"u a. u..- â€"---- Toe tou- ct the bishop but! on J n1: 85!). when, ucampaled by Mr. John O'Bdon. 3 student to: the priesthood, ho ht: Peter- boro tcr Owen Sound. There he took one o! the C.P.R. gunmen end lulled through beautiful Georgina Bey toe-n1: Sze nude. end thence along kae Sanction the Aflontlc c! the great lobes. to Port Anhu. The scenery along this greet bite I: WILD AND nonnrnc. 1110 The canoe was gliding along a long. nar- row like when a bear. black end thin, was mpled swimming towards shore. The Indians' hunting spirit was unused and they started in pursuit. Being without guns the chances of procuring the animal were small, but two of the red men west on shore, procured stones and made wooden spears, while the otherr. .the bishop amongst them. prevented the beer from landing. which was a diiï¬.ult thing as bruin showed ï¬ght, and they could not risk coming too close to his person. The psr:y proceeded on their journey, the l longest and most ted!ous o! the tour. in Indian service the bishop preached in En llsh, his sermon bein trnnslated into 05! way by the priest. he priest always preaches in the Indian tongue though some of the Indians understand and English. but they preter their own tongue. OJe or the Indian missions. that of Rev. Father Specht, is 450 miles in extent, an indication that the missionary's life is one of toil and hardship. Streaking at the honorable trait oi an In inn. his lordship alluded to the tact that Indians trapped in distinct sections of. country end never trespassed on each other‘s grounds. Inusna‘u n -__ in numbers. but were only holding their own. The priest) usually held service eboun every two months at each reserve and the Indians always turn- ed out well. The schools were fairly well attended, and on the whole the Indian mis sions were found in an encouraging condi- 1 tion. As an instance of a missionary‘s life the bishop said that during the winter while the priest was travelling to one o! thelreserves he frequently s‘eft in a bed in the, snow, a blanket being h s only cover log. The English parishes which his lord- shlo visited are situated on the line of the C ER between Sudbury and Fort William and along the Soo branch 80 miles south- ; west of Sodh . None of these places are large. bein on y railroad points. and the priest a u is pastor ever a half a d: see nieces. From Sodbnry west, Coaplean, Cartier and Sehreiber, railway divisional points where the railroad employees reside are the leading stations. In Bailout an y. is found. there being 250 Catholic families The land in these townships is good, an I in Balfour coal was hem found. wusnm um nuzum, two unorganized townshlpl. lath were an and, hub the had 91:0 new churchesâ€"uuuu. m... --..-_ ___ thnlpstu â€" erected during the pun twelve months, 5: well :- two mouths. cgm'ï¬wgwnd!†nation“! b- l! 9 us {um mud-momma?» INDIANS _. Some FRIDAY AUGUST 27. “'AB THE CLUE!- of Th0 Bilbo?" NOT INCREASING Junior lavas; w....-_---__ Unsuccesetul esudidstes tor junior or senior lesving will he snowed to tske the some options n 196 ss previously 3 selected. This privilege is muted only to those who were osudidstes in 1897 or in s previous your for junior or senior iesving crrtiflcstes. Cendidstes tor pertiei mtricuistian will toewnrd then-Junior or senior iesvina oer- tiflcetee to the deosrtment (or endorsstlou :1? the subjects passed in these entails- 00!. Lists 0! the msrks of the nnsuooesslui oudldstes in the various torn emuls- tlons will he torwsrded more September let to the princinsls o! the high school centres end the public school inspectors in the osses o! the other centree. CertiflcstL-s will follow to the sense sddreseee in shout two weeks. Cmdldstes need not. these- tore. sppiy to the education dent-(meat for either Inst-ks or certlncstes. Lv' “m- â€"V___ ., Ununccwtnl osndldsm Ihould comm the prlnclpsl of the school that recolvmg' that: marks balm antics “ nope-ht. In no ere will apps-la b: named by an oducntlon department utter September 'n. mamâ€"c. W. mm. W. Arm". K. Austin. A. L. Clayton. F. F. Campbell. II. J. Cmpbell. M. Connolly M. E. Oun- dol, H. Cutnlnghun. M. fl. Corrie. $1.1 Fee. M. 1!. Footer. F. Gallon. J. F. Guinea. 3'. Jun Gabon Lune Eon wick. A. Harvey. M. Bantu. J. A. Johnson J. A. Junkln. J. H. Moore. W. A. Med-ale, (weed In German gnaw-gong Lott: “morn. J. I. MALI-"mks, :3. 312:. U‘S‘don O'Lsu'y. J. M. Oswold, G. W. Pete“. L. Scull-rd. A. E. Sllverwood E, Smith. W. E. Smnh. M. wuson.A. Kennedy (ceased 111 history one charm-y). A. P. Wetson (mused In Ger- :nno . . Port Perry.â€"B. Bela-d. J. Christie. L. Dxids. E. Kennedy. L. McCaw. J. MeC c1- loch (passed in chemistry and German). I). C. M(Qaeen, F. Paxton. E. Par. 8. E. Parr. E. Sum. A. Wallace. L'ule Weir, ‘ Luau Weir. _ ‘ - -. n.__-‘; 1......11 In 3RD AND 4TH FORM RESULTS blurs "our. Gammaâ€"M. V. Bennett (passed In Lula companion), M. Davlduon, H. W. Mulligan. Lindsay â€"R. li'cuohrm. M. A. m:- Dould. Pm: I.â€"H. Bucky. '1‘. Mat. g. L. Rabson. Sperm subjectsâ€"M. . O'Lsnty (French 3nd Gama}? J. Baker ranch and (Engllsh composition. history. Germ-r). Port Ponyâ€"M. Armstrong. Part Lâ€" F. Harrison. Y. II. C. Liliane. -Footbn11prao‘.lce 0a m: grounds every night thle week against Oakwood. to papers (or match in Little BrlteIn. on Sept. 2 d. A large cash prize 15 oflrred and a good game I: expected. While a. number of young 1.4. were phyla about the gumbo“ wharf on San: y morning Jack Slmpson. the young an I Mr. Goo. Shaman. 10-: his (acting 3nd ten Into the river. Ho wu rescued s few seconds later by Capt. :Ank Cnndoll. me- or 8:1me Papasâ€"A rum Snowing and. by many Cone. though the weather we: all thet could be desired. the boya' mm the enthuelum the: has been displeyed at previous meete. The Citizene' bend was in nSbendnnos and rendered some very choice music, which helped to pass the time between events. The oflieere were: Mum. J. D. Finvelle, W. Steers. and G. 3. Hopkins. judges: Mr. J. 3. Hub. ember: Mr. G. Mathis. reteree; Mr..R. Campbell, timer. Foliowi we give n lieu of she events and names 0 win- f“! - - mm 1 1 Mile 2.50 Classâ€"B. Mutln let, .1. S. anin. 2nd. Time. 256. M. Sylwster also oompatod but: did not ï¬nish owing to a muhsp to his wheel. "7 -- U “-WI'. 1 Mlle Married Men's llamz, Rochester, N.Y.. Tlme. 3 11. Mr. . M but; didn't: ï¬nish. 1 mile open. Pewrboto. 1' A’ F. McPherson. l Mounts. Hush", also comma“!- Rescuod From Drowning- 1897 Tueedny's Bicycle men. A very amen crowd mumbled at the agriculture! park track Tuesday to witness the lace! amateur bicycle races. Al- L men's Race â€"N. MaWL- ', N.Y.. 11:. Dr. Shier 21d. '. J. McAdam: competed nut hostâ€"M. Walker, . L. Pat-kin. L‘ndssy. 2. Penal-bare. 3; mn- 237. ._ Ball tad A. S Putin the mm†of pupil. IV. :3: their cigars tulle?! ms the prlnclon um. Ind WM waters. All. Pyyn: _2. 9. Wnooo. old other Indy m. tho can our Condo. no. Ins-coon. â€outflow Woodmen. On Sex: mania undo 3 thermal! W o! the con- gsy'o [rm hon, sod almond; nun- ot [DPWU cw Ind Immu- monto. At 11 Lumps!†lot: for Coho oonhmdnmeomlocproeeododoouul- «salvo-lowdown oo mama no no Idiom. Lao you eon when Su- Chuloo vlol ï¬nally he woo not mug-loch and thou who Ind the plou- nro ct mootlnz him on Wodneodoy soy he look: tally 10 your: youngu. Bonotmnx About a mans W Donation-.1 Inetltutton. Only thooo who hove e pol-eons] knowl- edge :1 Ceoodien end Amen-loan 0011:" on tully upped-M the pueoot Wt (qul who! the Ontario Ledloo' et hlthy. or tho noon lnetttotton hoe been new den-Ina the eloontloa. o0 domestic economy. One unique :eotnre m tho mulled depot-taunt u o [ergo plpo emu In the new exam ho“ to:- the nee o! emu etudento. ‘ The null: bonding. modelled other coo at i the old â€loud homoo at E moto- .o onthonotth Ryuoon Bowli' onthoeoothhyrnzoolï¬dl. 7 .- m-eâ€" n-Ih-nl No the ' student! 0! the cum-Io w “‘12.? “4 Incas-o . lad m0 onebsflfltoodeowmo I water menu. The Rev. Dru wmfldvfl f“! . m ° °°° uncouth» lawman!“ Plum! to um um Informant: uln- can maximal :3: ii had :3 be M" iv.' L ed. vet we heve ieerned thnt nt n meeting 1 recently held it wee pzopoeed to vote the mnyor $900, with the underetendina shot he would retold 80, the nmount hereto- tore muted the oeeupent of the civic choir. while he woe to bend over to the other member. of the council 850 each for their remunention (or their nrduoue eervioee. This nioe little scheme we well received by n number of thoee preeent; the two membsu [0 well known for denouncing hoodlere end oehi tor e committee of investigation in re ntion to expenditure by the bonrd oi works. erotics in (ever of. end endoreing t e propceitlon. Reeve Tonohburn on Councillor Horn were outspoken inoppoel- ‘ tion to the eoheme. the former outing thet he had no objection to taking $50 for his eeflioee. but it would hove to be voted by council; nil would hove to be done nhove bond. on thnt the retepeyere would know nil nbcut the proceedings. The on or endoreed Reeve Ton~hburn'e view, the matter we: drop ed for the nt. probobly to be revi egnln in some other torn: before the close of the your. no provision. we underetsnd. in mode in the e_s_ti_metee tor the mount proposed V ONTARIO BUSINESS COLLEGE. to be paid." It in easy to detect the “ cloven toot " in the above. Reeve Touchburn coming in for especial mention owing to hie " m-m stand for aboveoboard methods.†That'e good. indeed rich. We can neeure Reeve Touch- hurn the: he would ocquw a much higher 53†in the eeteem an i nacyed‘rubllc had he given evidence of ‘ ench mcr reiorm atan earucreeage in his I chairman cummittee hao been marked by extravcgence and constant iil-ieellnz as a result of his refusal to “do things above board" and take the other members of his committee into his conï¬dence. True. the members oi council have a: various times cnlnaily discussed the quea. ticn oi remuneration. and there are many citizens who feel that could the number ct councillors be re dnccd. and better men ofler for GRAND TRUNK manta. The priests of the diocese of Paternal-o assembled in their tunnel retreat of a week's duration lest Maude evening at the bishop's gm. Peter , under direction of ev. Fethu‘ Schneider. oi Brooklyn. The priests in attendance og-Ie more; Bret emu. awoeyviile: Nolan. Penelon Fails; Sweeney. Victoria Rad; leGulw. Buoebridï¬e; Kelly and Fusion. Trout Creek: Raj; . North Bay; O'Lury, SWIECJI Fain, md tho loco! ole my. IMPROBABLE YARN of Peter‘aoro WM' Aha-tron our town-“19 cummMywpI-ytbfl‘m noon. uwucwi."°w"’°h“ -mmdUm out?" ' minimum Ill-I 0“ 5"â€! I mamm- mud-0 "'W‘m-mmwmw Ill . m the 01 ‘5‘ :1th. (allow- a- b a noun =, Wrwifliï¬ u-g, ; Wlilb VF. 6-2 a“. 5â€"3. 6â€"1. 6â€"1. 6â€"2: doomktndonburdoneotmlmmuu Michaela: Edinuadwom- mad 1311:0330!"meth lum- â€I In hvlnghun “mead baton Col. Deacon. who “1193004511300! nun. cammmdmw‘mm“ “John 31.11.“anme Thu-Ids! 1390 he prlmcd Manual! with whiskey antll he (alt brave n 3 lion, whmnpon he went “gunning" for m shove omen-I. duvet-mined†round then up In tru wum style a: the am oppormnl . While on the Ital-hunch. mound Into the Ban-on house and mud _hl| magnum: thrash. but 4.; A In...) Pd wheels-hm nhnndln that-me MWW, In â€magnum ponlnn hosting Mo 1; Sunday night no 8 o'clock Bun-act n rig south. nlnoe which time he bu not been (â€as LOCAL NEW_S- ETTERS- Umxmâ€"‘l‘uedny night Sir Riven- Wilnon endegmzmpenypeeeedhere In reyel W for Helibnrton. He in going to nuke the Grend matey by shinning out. the Inboxen. but he on the wrong end in towâ€"inland of docking the W on the rod he should that with the 'dent. and «linemanâ€"then hen more need of being thinned out end wound then the poor worki men. end he would ï¬nd it. more proï¬ce e. 01mm“. on! my opinion. given freely. anm.â€"The have“ in belt done with some of on: {met-e. end tnongh it bee been m In vu- -â€"â€"v._, __ _,, ovoryhmkonm.nndthezninhudto saber, it in hoped there won't be I0 much smiled mil.- w thought. Ism- Awashâ€"Mr. Edde King met with e psinful eocident on Monday mo ' by tting shout. u: inch sum of the ore- nger_ of hie left hwd et Creig Auetin’e ' â€â€œ- V-«t are-ed the mung.> ‘ - unmgz: ...'..2. .0. u..- but. it. will be someday: before he will be :51} a: work Lgsin 1'}th ’it.‘ luv w wvn- -°â€"-â€" vv-â€"â€" __v Bluntâ€"0n the 17:1: Aug. the wife of Amoe'l‘ninof been. Thereilagoodmp of eon- thie yeer in this townâ€"ehould men he required 20 yea: hence Kinmonnt won't be behind. , _ L:â€" 3111375 a mural Normâ€"Mr. Hopkins is doing e big businesl in ten berk end ties, three oer loeds going out severe! times e week ...... Mr. Ueusï¬eld is prepering to put up e greet steble, storehouse end greinery, ell under one roof. It would eppeertoenonlooker thet he is not pushing his berk end tie trede es fest es he might ...... Weteonk. Devil ere turning oute snpenor erticlein the steve fectory; the heve orders to ï¬ll thet will keep them usy till the fell whether there be epples or not ..... The cettle trade still oont'muee; the mixed mine of eettle, sheep. pigs. poles. herk, ‘wood end shingles thetpessover thieroed ere beyond counting. Let the reilwey whistle screenâ€"it mekes trede wherever it reeohes ..... There is much need for e policemen here; sometimes on Sundey nights the protectors of the public peeoe ere eo few thet some of the youngmen forget diet it is Sundey end shout end heheve es if the religious portion of the people bed no rights to respect. 81.90 -V‘râ€"â€"_- - [Spedsl correspondence to Tn! Poem] Gunmanâ€"“Gone. but not forgotten.†It becomes our end duty to chronicle the desth of Mrs. Doneld McDonnld, at this neighborhoOd, which sod event took place on the 21st dey of July, 1897. The com- munity loot one of it: oldeet end moot res ted residents. The deceeeed My h heensiling for npwmde of two yea-I. end bore her euï¬'erings with the true christisn petience enzl resignetion with which her whole life was muted. She wee in eve y eenee of the word a. model christinn women. The immedinm cause of her deeth wu e severe stroke of perslysis, which she took on the Fridey previonl to her deeth. All thet medial skill could do wee done by the attending phyeicun end femily to ‘elleviete her entferings, but of no eveilâ€" ? she peacefully passed may on the deer-noon L __ I.--nnlnv MIL SANDRIA‘ Gunâ€"Ewan; KINHOUN T. {con-pow 0' ‘1?! “’5'