ST 1 “Poor Bob 1113611011. i1 ho was in]: honour. he was all right." said W. Dr. Stafford. assistant pastor at R. Patrick’s clutch. Washington, is Mound by the New York Herold. The Incuino seems a. little on color. Why iopnachers expound the necessity at him in 1hr.- divinity 01 Lb ï¬viou‘. l! 11): man who honestly disbelievel Pall right 8†And how much argu- ment. resides in din employment 01 his nickname “Bobs" With all his lumen ahortconinss. Cd. Inger- U was 100 much of a gentleman to In“, Henry Ward. Mar. "Hank†B". John Hall “Jackyâ€"Emu†In 01 rabies had denhped. The treatment consists in subjecting the men one to long and “paced sweat- in a bath at a. temperature at 75degreeagnd upward. , . The disraceful disclosure made by witnesses at the Privileges and Eleo- tions Committee Thursday to tho of- ioct that a wry agent had been couch- ing them, and that a purse had. been raised for Mr. Bock, who had mated to mmh time looking after the wit- mas,†will not tail. to have it: enact nbpublic mind. d undoubted standing report many ‘68!!! in which patients have been cured um- ma most alarming nympâ€" 001- Robc. Ingersoll died so and-- 5'“, “N there will be no chance for 9‘ bio“when: to tell stories about u d“th'hed recantation, sub u r†"N were circulated after the th . "WWW u. very oflenaivo. 1;. Nut“ in ridicule rather than _m ML. But he could m and LE“? °°ntroverv with non Ihe exporta from Canada, includim II'II end bullion. fell tram $159,524.- 53 to $154,083,650 in the year ended he mm. but they are still larger 1nd $25,157,930 in 1899. Canada’s (or- 5811 trade was larger last year than ‘t “1! previous period in the history " the Dominion, but the limit. has not Inn reached. With thaaettlemont at h Northwest, we mu soon have '9" [min and meat to send to flu intiah market, while the devélopmflnt " Canadian mines will extend the m market tor food-stuns, as well ' 1°? mnntactnred products. heapitalot the U. 8. We]. Trust, ha been reduced from momma to “WMâ€, buL just as and: my! ‘willbeinvested in it. an» mm or] the New York banks to undemicotho I stock led the promoters to turn the taps mdlet. out a mm at the m. Inn the imports, which increased In; “30,598,006 to $152,021,15:3. m m; collected was 822,157,783 m 1898, W that “Fighting Jo" Martin has minim his title. A: matter of Mat. last accounts; Joe‘s halt was naming: a trifle short. ' . «Abill isto be offered in {:th lgia‘mture to stop pistol carrying. Ken wemayhear otaproposal to Echmen in Ontario are making the wlon duty an exam for leaving Dodging to: charity in their wills. A: “excuse it probably am as well â€any other. mop whitey drinkiw in Kantucky. or to get Ottawa torias to mar at! Mring and lying. 'nohotbam mnidtobeaths- “anthems as a preventive at md. M for hydrophobia. Physicians LINDSAY, FRIDAY. AQGUS'D 4, '99. mu' ample experience‘ with the revival of the antique ordinance the Xi’an limes hag whoa. tho con- Dam is probably no truth in the up that. “01 all the useless city «hoes there in none 30 male:- a widow." The Weekly Post. EDITORIAL NOTES. ua â€nu ,vâ€"- â€"â€" Wee-nturnyouout a god . Sui: for sum :3 you 9:01â€ny maed would cost you no». and for $13.60 the cement: we ob: cannot be duplicated in mug In the broad Dominion. We lave en Immense mascot Coloring: 3: these prices. and mmtee perfect a an and see us when in town. flHI‘IIDfl Pt NI I Ottawa. July'm.â€"Atb-pflng fln' Paciï¬oeahle hill thought]! It. remun- mmfln ion comp-old: banana ‘menlotherflmmont manure-wen edvnnoed . Mend the Heathen went into mpplv. and the m for high an emetic dehuteeroaeqpon.i motion by Mr. Bennett to reducetho. ltenhythe amount of ï¬lm-y M ‘0! Mr. W. T.R.Preaton. The dobeteeoml .flnnedtoalatehour. _ gza.§£§g§asss With his own WM '1 the greatest drubbing C01- Inceraoll was gm ammo, an ablo lam, mummy; to thoChria- 1" “mm but: been an ’ trial. he deeimd to lay for himself and J hie eolieaguea that he had nothing to say in explanation or extenuation of any frauds. alleged or admitted. They did not in the slightest degree condone what is alleged to have taken place in that election. and he desired to be fully understood as not presenting in any sense at all the argument that two blacks 1 make a white, or that any wrongdoing on the part of one condoned wrongdoing ‘ on the part of another. But what he said , was that Mr. Preatcn waa appointed to the service at a time when nothing was known in regard to the West Eigin elec- tion. and Mr. Davin lost control of his imagination when he said that Mr. Pres ton‘s appointment was due to his con- nection with that election, and in so doing showed that the chronology of events has cut of his mind. The question is thereiore not whether the Government was to blame for appointing a man charged with corrupt practica, but for not having dispensed with his eat-vices since. All he could nay was that when anything is proved against Mr- Preston, when it ie ahown that he has been guilty of any impropriety. which renders him unworthy to he in the mice of the Government, then the Gomment will dismiss him. but not until then. The Government was not going to dis- ‘ miss any public se-vant because he hap- would have had he been Premier. ' Dr. W maintai- mum. Then {allowed a long wrangle, I: {u- lnto the morning. between Hughes, Hr. 1%an sad I abou: previous elections. Mr. Fatah: mentiond a number of can. of co ionlntheelectionol’fl.‘ At1.80 nan. Hr. moire-a. bu he would only spak for a 10w mt llr. Ben A: 8.10 the vote on all! the m mandrel Mr. Siiten explained the dutiee of Ir. Preston. and laid he believed him 5 cap- eble men for the position. Referring to she charge- “reins: Mr. Preston in con- neotion with the We» Elgin election Mr. Bennett rend Mr. Meaninh'e dcoln ration the: a large number of person. Were specially sent into Wen Elgin for the expreee purpose of taking part in his behalf in the election. and that be believ- ed that trundnlt nt and corrupt menus were need by some of tboee persons to secure hie election. Mr. Britmn skid he did not appear as an apologise for My. Preston, and did not hold a print {or him. but he wanted to call attention to the fact that Mr. Davin had failed to name a single ï¬ling Mr. Preston had done in West Elgin, and had put forward a telegram lent by Mr. J rrsnon to Mr. .‘Jaonish as the mson for attacking him. Mr. Davin rotorted mu Mr. Britton has fought. and wriggled in many a court of justice, dalendhgcrimmals not half an vile as this Preach. and he wanted to out on record the oninion of the brother of a distinguished Liberal leader In re- gard to Sir. Preston Mr. Davin than quoted from an interview with Mr. Sam Blake. 00., in reference f9 :90 matter. h) 1-011!va A question by Mr Davin. Mr. Sifton stifled that Mr. Preston is allowed his actual outlay go; upgnses. Mr. Davin said Mr. Preston had gone into West mm. and, addressing a Sun- day school, asked them to sing his favor- ite hymn. “My soul is full of sunshine to-day," and afterwards went out to arrange the hugging n'aehine, and with his hands reeking from his crime was appointed by the Minister of the Interior to go and tapes-intend immigration from Europe. Mr. Davin contended theme was no use of Mr. Sifton saying that Mr. Preston was the man of all others ï¬tted for the Work. It was a political appoint- ment. the place was needed for Mr Pres- ton. who was recommended by politici- ans. and he got it. Mr. 311% challenged Mr. Davin to WWII“ he himself knewvabont Ur. Dr. Meringue qneétioned lll'. M's ï¬tness for the position of inspector. u he knew nothing about hnmlgntion )Ir. Preston's Duties. Mr. Clarke asked for put-donut! in reference to the omce of Mr. W. T. 3. Preston. and Mr. Slfton replied that he was inspector of agencies in England 3nd Bumps at 88.000 3 year. Mr. Preston waqur. Sifton said, eminently qualm- ed for the work. the occupation which he had engaged in for many years having eminently titted him for the podflon. There Were nine much: for Mr. Prel- ton to inspect in England. The House then went Into supply on the Intaior Department m Immigration Enamel“ nix-:- anon. :1: reply to new-u quea- tiom. went into considerable 6853!! con- oat-nine the Doukhobors. to:- whom he said nothing hen been done by the Gov- ernment which would no he done fer others. The Government bill from the Son“. to empower loan companies to gain in- oorpotaflon by letters patent, 111M 0! as at present coming to Pun-lumen. wu hkgwisgpused.’ A: the morning lesion woPruno Hin- isterwunos preparedtonooopttbo wording of the pretmthl trade resolu- tion suggested by Ir. McNeil], and promised to suggest n motion In the .130 direction, on which he would confer with Mr. McNeil]. Mr. Fielding’n resolution. which pm- vides than the Government may py mm per cent. subsidy ,, {or encouraging the building of dry dock; up to a mmxnnm sum of $20,000. waspsssad ad . hm introduced based thereon. The Postmaster-Generul's Paciï¬c cable resolmion was put through its and Inca nnd sent up to the Segue. Facile 0-580 Bill PM not. WI. 8 Favorltlun Shown to the Donkhobon â€".Ir. 811:0. Ala-won . NIH-bot 0! Question. Rog-rd!“ II- D.- pursuant-Bennett's hono- Anundnont Votod Don THE IMMIGRATION ESTIMATES The Opposition Made a Strong Attack on Mr. W. T.R. Preston. THE HOUSE SAT LATE. Ir. Sllton. n- . few minutes. on Mr. Bennett's Jul the unend- :br 57 to In. u‘ ‘Dd others Er. Father-ton meteor-rupt- but-51d hating Cleveland. July 31.-;\ou\vizhnmndi':¢ the {m that big crowd.) W810 upun the streets yestcruay, there wm no om- breaks of violence, and appnremiy wry was attention Was paid to the blur con ï¬nd.“ an when run on all lines on â€bedded um. Ianlal law In "51km! of Newport New; Va. July 31 â€"There are 80 canes of “bathhellmel tote genuine yellow fever at the National Soldien‘ Home. neu- Enmpun. .nd three deaths from tne disease “me u:- pcrted yemrday. ’lbe new-i hmcreutrd greet exdten am In Newport Nuws. Uld Pom; end nu: P503- and non): of QIflPtOfl-uuhum. Walker's lo- st Sun-Icy Bum 006 a jam, with an additional 5; 5,0») to be pm! by the Brim}: Governmena. 5mm The Finance Minna: laid the practice was to increase rates all Ionnd it an accident happened anywhere on the coast. Sir Richaul Cart.wn,ht. mid Lord bSratheona was trying so get the rated reduced. Sir Richard Cartwright gave notice of a resaiucion conflnnmx the contract entered into on the 303i) inst. with Pick- ford Black, for an improved mail service between Huiirax and St John and the West Indies and British Guiana. The comract is [or {he yearn. to:- c (0.:- nightiy service, and the unbaldy 13 865,- Alum at the public accounts committee on Mun-day Mr. mcDouRnll (Capo Bre- ton) brought to the attention of the Gov- ernmung the cnmuonablc ram imposed by Emma Insurance companion upon shlpnmg to the Maritime Provinces u 10de win: rates to the Eastern At the puhii: account- committee on Saturday. Mr. Sam Hughee claimed th-t he had ambushed hi: charge of n 90 per cent. rake-on h wing been paid hic- Luughiln. During an examination Mr. Hughes stat-3d nhnt Mr. McLaughlin's statement that he had never canvassed anyone for m Work of prcuim: their claims mahaoiuwiy untrue. Thin ruined quite a scene : .-voml other men were mated by Mr. Hughes' evidence, nnd he was censured by the chairmen for his mode of answering questions Mr. Rutherford given notice that be will inquire ol the Ministry on Monday. “windm- ‘ho Canadian Paciï¬c Runny Compony possesses the power to build branch" line: from 1‘ Inca on the main line to any pornhvmun the â€animal: by depositing a plan of the mo in we Department of Rsilwaya." The House adjourned it 6 until Mom day at 11. The debate was continued by\ mars. main Davin and others. and ï¬nally the item $10,000 for salaries nnd ex- panses 1n connecuun with we “ministri- tlcn for the distric: “us phased. Hon. Mr. 81an could no:â€" “ha‘wuh the leader of the Opposition u to 3 re- duction of the‘royulty, but It mun ho remombezed than the royalty wu not ï¬xed beyond change It could be reduped‘ at any time, but he did no: dunk that the dmo had come for web nductlon Mr. McMahon aid the “mm a Tory .and. Meta-o. nnwonhy of bond in anything which bad 3 political hear- ing. He strongly upheld the Mlnim d the Interior in his dentmlnatlon to mglrmin tho 10 pa- ooot. royalty. A _ Dr. Spoon). mod a lunar from a young man who bod gone: {nom Ontario to the Yukon. and who wrote very strongly “mine: the royalty. and against :ho ofï¬cers mhdminiaaermg affairs In the Yukon ‘Ihe letter won from Mr. Wlmun Nightangale. Yukon Gold Royalty. Sir Charlo- rlnpper- renewed hie pin for n redooflon of we loner-cent. nanny. He did not advocate on eholition o! the royalty. hot n redueuon of the executive rate. which no higher than m ever been known before in the history of gold mining. This runny was pmensintthe invesflnent at British capital. and was tho Mating it: vowed objecto! raising revenue. because it encouraged smuggling to n as: degree. He quoted from’lojor Walsh's report to mow flat the efleot o! the roydty had beexrflooheok development. except in the one of exceed- ingly rich mince. He thought sh» a. lower rote would produce a much kna- revenue. ., l the Cabinet system of government In . Canada as compared with that In Eng- ! had and the United States. ; Mr. Foster naked concerning: the ra- ; dncflon of the number of Cabinet Minia- A: the ates-noon tendon. an Home again ventilate committee“ apply. ï¬nk- lng up the votes on thumb annual! for the govornnent ot the Yukon provldoad district. Kr. Bennett moved that the number of salaried Mining-a he reduced by on. This was dare-tad In commune. only 14 using for m Sh- Rlchud Gui-"night pointed out that redncflon could only be made bytho apnolntmcnt of a number of under sea-o- bihuinkngland. Than Wu eon-iambic dim-Ion on the subject. IWHAT THE LIBERAL POLICY IS. Sir Charles Tapper aid he had tiny! objected to the creation of the Depart.- ment of Trade and Commence, and to the making of 000?on of such import- ant dent-mm u Cumm- nnd Inland Revenue. had never {evened mduction. The large nun! Ceneda we: each thet the dlfler- ent section- dedted and were entitled to Cebinet renuntetlon. A: to the quee- tion of lncreulng the slat-y of the Prime Minister. it that were agreed to. It should only be done in conjunction with the other Ministers. {CABINET SALARIES. Sir Wilfrid Lauder replied that than were murals who hold the View an the number would be reduced, but it had page: been made a party principle: 89 Ottun, July sicâ€"Interest In the PE“ needing: or the House In Imduy Wm among the member. and the attendance at Sonmhy mox-nlnn’s season was small. The retaliation to Increase the lulu-1a at the Cabana-I of Customs and Inland Romano grave run to .1038 discussion on HAROLD WA LK KB KILLED. Mr Wlln'ld Lam-lu- SIyI ThIC Cabin-0 Reductio- Wn. so: - Plank at tho LIN!“ Plutloruâ€"Dlootuflol .- 3!“ Gold Royalty In the Yukonâ€"Inclus- of Communal. Discussion on Resolution Dealing With the Controllers. Yellow van- In the 8! u s. I!†ha- .harll l TEE WEEKLY POST, LINNAY, ONTARIO. AUGUST 4. 1899 IN THIS LOBBIKS. For. nunyytum Owon Sound “In 90.4 out -vmdluo 0‘ mug. For a railway 1mm flumbno l0 Conny Harbor ma iron I: point ‘It or m: County Harbor ctou rows to Guy-bore, N.B.. to make up deï¬ciency Ix} nut-m between points mention!“ lddnuollll mum Io: exceeding 15 miles. For a rauwny tmv-- l‘nr‘ PM: .0 lack- port. N.8.. not exceeding 20 lanes. For a runway tum «- point on the Inter- eolonlnl Rallm at or an: mum to I point on the Centr-ll Pathway In the Count: ot_Lunenbg_rg. no_tt_exceedln; so lanes. 4 a- -L- A..- For a nilwa from ,_ Maine. In the?!» vtnce or Nauebeo. in r. northwester'a dine non to e \In Non-e Dame Del glnmudndon.a Mam-e not exceeding... "" en. N.W.'r., not exceeding 10) mun. For a nllway from name palm In: Ar- thur Station to a point mouth 0! look Mountain. Mnnitopa. m3 oxcgedlnc 60am north of Swan River. N._W.'r., n9; exegedlnx To the General Railway Com of New Brunswick. for an extension from cw- cantlelcou ï¬elds to Gibson. N-B» Mt ex- c'tdlnxum Ellie's. Canfdhn Northern Rallwn Company. to: a railway from 1 Int on 9 when 1an of the Winnipeg tut Northern Iowa. For a rul'wa'y (tom Port Hawkuhnry. on the Strait of Canon. to Cnrlbou Cove 32.8.. a distance of 10 mllen. For a mm, from For; Frances. Ont. westerly to a point at or near the mouth % gagg- River, a distance not exceeding To sauna Shore Ballwu Company. from Sam Junction. along the south shore g; Loltlhlnlere. One" a din-tum not exceeding 11: a. Mnuhklp 1 Valley Railway Con for an exnegaion to Sunstoad Plain. ‘33: no_{ exceeding; :55 nylon. For I mllwa} from the muse of Hall- bnrton. via the ,vmaz e 0! Whitney. toward. 2393:1132 o! Matuwa can. not exceeding ‘ es. For the extension or the fluonbnrg, Lake Erie and Paciï¬c hallway y. from leonbur: to Income]! or Woodstock. Ont.. not ex- ceeding “.5 miles. For a branch line tram the min line of the Ottawa. Ampflor and Parry Sound hallway. to the town or Parry Sound. On, no_t_ exceedlpz avg miles. For a ralhn from Sault Ste. lute. Out" towards lchlpocoton RI"! Ind 1hr- her and to main line or clad!“ heme w}ï¬\vaÂ¥._\hot cxcgedlgg 40 miles. -__'. _ - "F6; a [Inc 0 ' iir'u' mm numb . 02b!" 10.8w ndbm. not “coming m en. . U "Queâ€"M Vii}! Lake 8!. John Railway Com. pun -. tor 12 miles. from end of their line at H Wise-LI all:| the tctlslconzlmlwd’bnnc? lo a n 1.1: one euu mn- ednby chgp. 4._ organ Bay of Qulnie Railway Company. for such i oxu-nulon, not ex cot-ding fawn per mile. (or D mllen. nor exceeding he wholcm - Ottoâ€"Kevan. M ml "'l‘iéwï¬nbiiiy wluch the Ontario and Rainy River Railway Continua)“ entitled to r.-- eelve under chap. . 81 Vic... M1 in.- 56400 per mile. for the 80 mile. provide: for In the aid Act. 7 _ For a runny tron Indiana 03211QO 1 County 8. 8.. lo Sherimnno. 1 distance on 35 mulesâ€"Revolt _ -â€"‘-» â€"-_. . For a nlï¬ny from 1 point on the Con- !nu Railway, County of Luncrburc. N.s.. to 1.1va m 0mm: or to the mum o! Gil can. flu leerpooi. or for 1 pm thereof the whole (nuance not ex 62 mllewâ€"ke-Vou. United Counties. from St. Robert June- tlon to Son-l. w. mile; and from Mount Johnson to 8:. Oregon. nation. 1 am. no: “seeding {)9 Inllgn A _ _A-_A __ AL- n-_ uv _â€".‘ ‘â€" .__--- - l'onmc Picnic Junction Baum Cour puny. for a railway from Aylxner to Bull. 301%, In lien or the nub-lay (tinted by (ll-61. la, chap. t not exccvdlng nlne miles. Port-3e Du l-‘ort and Brutal Franc; .: ll- wny Com ny. for a branch “no t... ..e Pontlnc cmc Junctlon wlwq. u. ...- near the vlllaxe or Quon, town-ct vlllu e or Portage Du Fort. Que" not w.- cecd 15 miles. In llen of the subsidy mm In sum V:c.. club hue-vote. _ uxtom swung: lunwur Lemma). nu a. branch mun thelr nllwu from a point between Lawrencerllle and Batman, to Waterloo. not exceeding 13 miles: 6% null. N-I‘O‘Q. _ _ __ _ _ - .. -‘ vvn‘. Atllntlc 1nd Lake Superior {romeo Copl- to__l‘xgnpgbl_gc. 9319., not exceodnx 89 miles. â€"Fol" a" runway Tum-9e]. MUM fund Bobcmeon. vh many. 011;†not ex- eegdlng 40 391199, 8'; mike: 1-9-3953. ,_A __ n-â€" . vi‘. For a mllwly from the villas! of St. Reml to Sloan-me. or some point on the Delaware a: Hudwn (Hand Trunk). In tho Purinh or St. Van-ulna, not exceedln; 19 amen. of yplch 1:; mile: In“: re-r â€"i-:or a railway from Cross Creek station. on the Camus Eastern 8111.10 8m!†village, N. 15., not exceeding Innaâ€"M vote; For a railway 1mm n point a or an! Brockrord Samoa. 328.. on the Inurcolonm Balm-3R to Bun-me. not exceeding 25 milesâ€" e-vote. , ‘ ltl‘l C. â€Vb cat¢~unn w "ac-â€" â€"â€" . -v- For n railway tron: Windsor. N.8., to Tram. v1: Township of cation. not ex- cw-aling 58 ll]"¢8--R¢ vote. "£51th Villa 3" Riviera dn Long Run way Company. rom Fredericton to I,Wood ltyck. not "en-924mg 59 mllggâ€"Bp-vpte; 7 For' Ii ï¬liway inï¬nil’o'rg Bavkenbury, on the Strait of Cacao. Nm Seoul. to St. Peter’s. notuexcecdux aLEaug-vâ€"Beggu. Sintbroy a; Western Counties Btiiwny. fur a line from Strum-0y. Ontario, vi: Ade- hide and Arkona to either Fore-t. fled- turd or l’nrkhill. not exceeding 24 miles, in ixeu of subsidy granted by 57-58 Victox'ia, chapter}. emit-36.099. _ - _,.. l'ululpsbnrg Railway and Quarry Co - puny, shortage in the extension of the: railway from a polnt on the company's use I: or near the end of the subsidised sec- Non to the Gonrnment Wharf at Phllllps- 3. .rg, Que., not exceeding 8 6-1“) mile-â€" lie-ï¬nd “ inrunéh from their u‘nln‘ilne to Skewene 3m Falls. Quebec. not exceeding 6% mile- ‘35 munâ€"Kept}. Central Ontario Railway Ouaany, tn: 1': extension from a! or near the: CJ um or Rathbun Station on the company's railway. at or near Bancroft. not exceeding 21 mum. in lien 01 the «bald, (ranted Ly 555.3 Victoria, chapter 2â€"Bevote. (that Northern Runway Com , (or .1 ra'lmxy between Montcalm and t. 'n ,. Janet. on on ti-e Low or Laurentlne Railways. Quebec. n9: exceeding 5355 m1iea._and fox 1. That it is expedient to authorize the Governor-ih-Couneli to mat e subsidy oi $3200 per mile town-do the construction oi eech o: undermntlou-d lines or reilwny and exceeding in en: cue. the number at mile: hereinafter respectively hated), which all not cost more on the "erase than 815. per mile. tor the mileage nnheidieed. and towards the construction of each of the aid iinee of nilwuy. not exceeding the alien“ hereinafter stated. which shall cost more on the average than $15.00) per mile to: the nileege subsidised. 1 further muddy beyond the sum of «id 33200 per line oi 50 per cent. t i no much or the avenge coat of mileage subsidized u the“ be In exceu of 315.000 per mile, Inch Inblidy not ex ceedin; on the whole the Inn 0! 26“!) pet mile. i Grovernment Propose: to Spend I $6,540,295 in Development. toroanilwayu and Ounigwiilailtu' . to“! upenditun of 06,540. 295, at . which 01.647.120 in ravota Summind.’ the statement is as follows: Bum-u, 499 ' 1-10 mils at 88.900 Oi. 597.1â€; m votes. 870“ mile. n 88.“. 08,813.â€? Ontario Rainy Rim, 140 mile-uni 00,400. 8893.;000 83. Lawrence budge“ Bi.0(l).000; who: bridge: in Quebec, 8801.485: other bx-idcu in Non floods. $83 750; total, $5,540,995. Bantuâ€"Bail- wayl. 81.597.120; bridges. 050.000. tom. 81.647.120 Ton] new votes. railway: and bridiefl. 04.8%.)“ no Ila-013th.- “ Drum. The toiiovnn; are the proposed resolu- tions: OVOI' a nun.- 3.1! 3 III! Ar. Ion.“- Oouuflons Uldot Which an... Al. Given-Bonus to Sender [wt Senloss to the Wheat- !‘ho Country's Inâ€! Inh- gusrded~ Bridge Ito-s. Otto's, July fl.â€"thtss m wss mode wlth the business of tho Bouts yesterdsy than for com that lust. no man seamst- wen dupossd at with the exception of so tan or two, which were let: open for d usslon should coastal: urine. Toe gust“ of nineteenth! trsde wee sgsln discussed briefly upon Kr. McNeul's resolution. but notion wss de- ferred until the Premlc has bud on op- portunity of oonsldeflng su sandman: suggested by Sir Charles Tuppc. anuwsr svuslmls. The rsllwsy subsidies. ss brought down tn the House last queuing Aby tho lulu}.- THE LINES TO RECEIVE GRANTS. RAILWAY SUBSIDIESï¬'é: §9_ Prune um. :31â€: m thyme“ of on! 1““ ï¬n"! w It“. In hon M h m .10 "m" n Qm_d the mud Onâ€! all: ,m‘zvm waste-r _ Pant;ontinlubmmm m. untanbpriuvmbmw 1:: wwumhwu am hwm‘hwwï¬n 3‘93! â€quantum-Ii“ "‘°"‘ “cram-rm. cnle by (he‘Eompeuy with the Government. which cm: the Government in here- b: empowered to make: an intention nice a ever: met line of nilvn e mu be sub- ect to the mroni o! Governor-in- ouncii. Bun-lag Power- to ONO-r Pump-diet. hookah that the grunting of“ lab- sidiel. an the "calm thereotvby the n- . dummy-met}: llbewbjeatocoo- lion that the vemor-lnfouncu mu It all times provide and secure to other companies running powers. tntflc amuse Fluent: and on other rights a: will am 1 to all aileron connecting with those subu- 'dized returnable and proper facmtiee in xexercising such mam'pom fair and Jeannine mm: amazement: with ma- sunâ€"IO MG “33 .5 3 sea a» CI. 3.- «on 33 have: by a. a Ettorâ€" ncnfloo .ba 6 «‘5 cl. :0 WI: mm mm um at us. â€ohm Mamet-taken. to be euthanized by the report of the am Minister. (2 :mnthmnphdondthmkwbfldhd. to subdue: wm: t to :rhk- It u “been beton cum-w pro- rided. Resolvedflnt the nu! solidi-l rupee- mel mu be Ne out o! the non-all- ht revenue of Cantu by inc-ml. cents. on the emphtlon of each "(1103 u the runway at 1.: leee the: ten mum. nominate toe the nine or the poulan an applet“! _In campy-on yup an} 3‘! 5h, need-c cannula; and ml mime ute- betwe‘en all such mega; nus-tn. and :be ammonia-Council mu have “no .ute control,“ a: tune. on:- tho ate. at ton- to be levied and lmpoud by my 0! the componlu. or upon my 9! the nu- n:- W 'FW. . 4-“- __.. mi cot-hushed to his ulhuctlon their 1b llty to construct and complete the sold rallvuuu reopectlnly; all the llnes tor the mutt-lotion at whleh amule- on grant- ed. “lea the: are already manned. ulmll be commenced within two 1 icon the ï¬rst day or August next. on: com. pleted will“: u mountable time. not w cxreed four years mu the .14 hat of August. to be ï¬xed by oedema-con out mull also be commend acco to dm‘vrl tlon Ind wnamng- n upon noon to be approved by the Governor-ln-Councll. on the report of the lllnlnte: of Bhutan nnd Connie um oped- hed ln up opening-at to be made In each .-L -g_ ‘-A_‘-___L Conneu. be ‘mnted to such companies ro- upevm-ely; me other whom an be mated to such compnuln u mu be up- ..roved‘byuugc ï¬verggr-ln-qul‘. nil-3- [ta-mowed that the ubddlet herein he- tore mentioned .- to be granted to com- panies mad for that no mu. m [ranted to compnnleu named or that pur- pose. guy, _|t granted by the Governor-In- ,A., -_ __An_ A-n-l“_.‘- _ owl-med by u, other count-y: nor than my 0! the nu cowl»! make a tan- me. I for n cornea fund or lot pooling Iu n-.-elpt '1' my onto: mun: con- pnny. nun any such lease. :1»!!an or enamel: shall be Absolutely mm. a. «may In no (u n such men an: ean to trafï¬c or tunnln; nmuencnu which have been approved by the Com- norln-Coundl. , _ _ _ _ Reaolred that the subsidiea fnnted to the Ontario and Rain: River Rn may Coin- pnny. the Cnnndinn Northern mum Company III! the Edmonton. Yukon uni l'acinc Railway ny. nra granted n on the condition. a It received and pa under the authority or lhln ac‘ to the above mentioned oompnnien aw mu be received upon the comm that the mid companion nun not. nor mu any of then. at any time amigunata with any other uiw comma}. or inane its line to nny railway company; nor ahaii any 0.! the aid railwaya be ioaaed to or Abe towards nu: construction or a bridge acron- tbc Lac Rivet. 16 pet cent... upon the mount expended thereon. not exceed- In; $15,090. Also to'inrdc the‘eonstrucuon of a brldxe aeron- the Riviera du Dump. 15 pet mt. upon the mount expended thereon. not exeeedlng 815.000. A_ ï¬â€˜i‘o'ï¬iifldhnd sum: Company, Limit- ed. towards the construcflon or I hr! mom “a: Shuhouudle 15$". 15 per 09:“ mm -m 03MB ï¬lm 03904.“; $33)??- A- ‘ To ihé'Grl-af Northern nanny Comm] towards the conï¬rm-Hun or A bridge term the St. Xauflce River. 15.»: mt. anon mum. run-Inca (m not exeeédlpg 83.4255. A. _ . -5 Toward. the construction of a W arm the Nleolet River. 15 per cent. upon the mount expended thereon. not exceed- lng 315.090, __ Toward.- the construction or A bridge «toss the 8!. Funds Bin-r. 15 per cut. of the amount amended thereon, outï¬t cegdln‘ guano. ‘_ Town-an the' min-ï¬ction hula. over the manual: Blur at am]. 15 .99! cent. upon the amount expe ant exceeding 8351100. res-«3.5.000; To the South Shore 8.11m Coma-y. towards the restoration Ind may“ of ".0 runway bridge orevthe Yam-kn Kl": nt‘rYnngmAQM" â€0000. Rome. Ito-37nd, m u u «peanut to am he (he Governor-:n-Councll to mm the subsidies hereinafter mentioned toward 9. con-(mount: of the runways nbo herein- ettee mentioned. ant II to any: The On- tario and nanny River many may. to: a alive, "on Stnn nation. on the Pen Arthur, Duluth and extent Bauer gum Funds. for": distance or Iâ€I at at W per Ill . not M m; 'wgkomebecwgldae Coupon. 1 mu m‘ ‘ o t u r , the construction of ‘a railway bridge over. the st. Lawrence Rivet at Chuck" Benn. .Ienr Quebec. “mm“ payable to penpem. on monthly pm 1-minute: a rowed by the covenant Eldneen 0 materials delivered In! Work done. , â€"F‘5Fu nllwn: tron Parry Sound plund- Inx northerly tbwards Sudbm, not ex- ceg-dln; [11151an a; scanning . Kingston and hub“. Rainy Con- pnny. for the (on. ructlon of branches from the company's Ink Ina-m (he lul‘mlne 1: Blair polnt. and to the latch nun. in IbrMConnty of Beam. not acceding Rn In v’ uu it» an Detrol am: nan Comp: . for a line of uflwey from . town. t.. to at. Thom 3 Guam not exceeding 14 miles. thin to be per- nble omy In the neat e! 1 ate.†nix-.3 rights over the Cannon Bout em Ballâ€" wny between the two polnu (hove men- tioned not bring granted to the tut-new none-d com"? on terms to be up moved by tlge Bath": ommlttee of the P vy Coun- cu "Eatâ€"i 1' 33371-611; Yr}; i’potn'ï¬ t on the at or near Pembroke Baillie": "my Golden lake. Ontario. towflt at on the 1m. Baa-cum m 0: w- Em: It or near Bancroxr. not exceeding at. Inna. ,, , A - _ _. u â€"'l7‘3'r' I. Inc or runny from Plum-t. Quebec. to Cape. In the aid pmlm. not executing a dlmnce_ of 3? Que..- _ _.._ Coupon]. for on extol-Ion troll won mine:- In I' northwestern 'mrectton I dlo- unumWMn-M.ouunm Ill men-don runny southerly no. tho [wont Iouthern trmhuu to the Central ourto Janette: o! the Comm: Pacino 3.!"an dist-m not act-aim two Inna. t the Int-mentioned it for and two mile- ot nlIw-y null not (mated In our the Balm-J Committee 0! the Privy Council and; that adequate run- ning powm on Mr term «not he or» curd to the mmpnny over that portion 1» the an. or tlm (‘mtfll Onurto mum ho- tween the pmum southerly end of the On- nrto. Belmont nod Northern Railway and, tho Comm: Pldflc Ruin Coupony‘o "no at Control Ontnrtojuctzu, _ -. line “no cuulun. 15“. Ilium buy of vial-10 nanny Connâ€. to! a “union n I wonefly din-c trons Duel-onto tor «nu-nee not 2: 1% Inner: also (or an extend» from In a northerly direction not needing In mun. In all «won all“. Oahu-Io. Belmont and Forum-u Bull": Canaan]. for no utmlon tron lggn For I runny haven-mica 'of‘tu 3!. Fraud. branch or the wall-count; null- w: .tounnoothotthem. ranch Blur. a bum not cut-gaunt thgn- mm. _ _._ - 6:15;; Eaten." "‘i‘uâ€"li;7uwéiupuy. 1M Nelson. KB" to connect with the In“! line Into Chatting. “2‘1. miles. 7_ __ __ Bet! uche nnd Western Runny Com- Plny. In addition to the m Idle: ranted III! In conunnulon town!!! the 8 John “fer. I further distance not exceeding L5 Hillel. n6 tow-nu Campbellton. - «mm or 12 mile-.1]: “er! (tugging y‘puog.‘ hrtletrnunotnnVny tunable-[nth 6301mm. Quay-Mum tour Weston Albert: mm: Company.trom Ipolnt on the United Batu went 0 27. northwesterly tow Al the thedhtrlt (Ammu- Mg3£_ c°_ __ _______ . from South Edmonton. war" 33% towards the Yellow Held Pun. a «mm 5'2! “.0904!!! “-mi‘P-hn, __.._,_ ......, 89mâ€: to the Gov-rrn-M oihu'r'yuii!‘ d_ ntgpeih jaunt Company. 1 ondluou or II. 9-Wl'n. BUTTE. PAPER Inn. .1 Blanca“ Bum July 81.-â€"Fln “and I warehouse location tho 3.0.3. mm,1nwhmhwu mud 5 km qmï¬ty o: hutch ownod unlit than. Lo- on mu. uncommonmuoo. § » 0th“. July Bl.â€"A "imam much not plus have .My W Dr. um at 61:10:10 Ind I". U001!!! d on. not was from this on? Lindon, Jay 81.â€"Tho int-uh of Amati-Mad Ind they In†lit-numb“ Theymha'ypu’" Mdmflllfl‘ M lax-Ike: thdr hm. Streptococ- ny a“ ‘5' 5‘“ :mhnmdmmomm 1896. 8L-M"°" hay, old .nd Impact-6m. mm“ mm W man, Mmmmwhmm bikinis-anew; Hilhodywu nova-ad shout noon 3m “1‘" Nunavut. £ ' Mills!) 81.â€"Tho mac-1m mo: 33‘. ThoColocnoGu“ 3' Ada-pack MAphduod 1|], u. uytng that Oh“ Judo. Chantal. Wad-away mu Mm scammed to ponpono Mn (lop-Mum!) HEWW the Annual: member at mm‘ communion. thmwned to unploy tau Iain-t bun. “Inky. mennmhu‘. Sal-visit Swim while an Unknd Snu- my ï¬nd no deflation WI. umdwmm ‘l‘bo flan. wanton: pmhlbldu tho Wdufloflmï¬whflmm ua-prwM-m 99- IBM 1 um. 141mm Bevin. 8'!" or Unit-am only “not! thou-Nautical mutton and M under m nonmal- do and. non-nth; Tho thu- oonnnflonn denim; Wm: mmummdmdw m‘mmammsMVm- manual Wm not lined by Gunny. Amt-Hm. Chin; Tho am July 8!.â€"Tho Into-union- olooloooonfmmotfor In ï¬nalit- MonSotmusy. Buoo do Stud dam:- odthotmwonoddmthuklna thoro- wooomodm at all foreign moon. Ho udoho'ork oooomplhhod, while not no oomph. u might ho “no." domwb And motto-L Tho you pflnolploooflho oovemokntyot human- :1 Into- ond iota-now condomy. ppomdy'noppodnmhodboon recon- :uod byw “they oomph-had. Hommtmumooooomoinmw- tionowhlohhod Moddoln‘benood domdvonld ho (Jasmin mi Ora-toes; .\ drugs-90.320.68.530. DI: En..- blg 8.5..â€" new?" 135-3253.» FOE-Hun. soiï¬gwnr-Ollg Ea? Slogâ€"VI. Yangonâ€"SE on :5 gang 1â€"53â€"8337!â€" 90...:an «Buggingâ€"«ROD? Danu- b 53 ~39 wonâ€"xi 250883 5: l. 53% Swainâ€"9538893 .6813: 53!».- ng ZOE «38363368.. 3 303E036! guangnngï¬ggg 38 won-- on ES... wig 86a.â€" 3â€". 00":- in! mum; l; r L m “Itâ€! Dollvor“ the tutor.“ A!“ on salad-v. RED PINE ‘SUN' LINIMENT externally To Bum BRONBHITIS slashâ€"33503.33 31.338382 soak-fl. , Jan-9i; 8:18 a... also â€igifluoï¬ags .II I! Big-hissedâ€: [I'lllflmo'o- “anthem Iu-ual at Ionicsâ€"ladle.“ Load!“ 0' ‘0 "- Park. July ll.â€"Tho loho do M Finn ax-Judp mam mutbnnfluanflnm mu. mtarmmwboh‘nl some uni-Scala- uy: “W0 '1“ M Wanda-dug Mutant." mandamus-bu who mklwhogkflfladondwm m an"? Mnbtcur: C cementum tor'mn; In nee; mum end mile ever the portionwoi in line in meet of which it my have received we. nub-My. and whenever required the." in» nieh nail on properly equipped for and nail eervice end such tnnepomilon and mice shall he performs! at .«e nun between the n my be M upon ill-let"- at the department or the Govern- mentioevhicheeheervieeiebeiuul- tiered end the company peflormznx the nine. and in one or «linemen-mt. then et nehnteenmyhee rovedtythe Gang-WI. an] the or We peg-me en charge- Government unmmucnditdbythem may with e an equal to three percent!“- permeatheemountoteubeidyre- eelvedhytheoenpenyuderthieeet. Dr. Harvey's Southern Yahoo. "All Their Wonlth. I..- 8 1-. Hour- mm! W... (now. 860. no new. Draw-0d In tho luau-y. ‘I’II PEACE CO I KISSIOX. Chanson [numeral-nu. by n._xuwd,0oLnnPuydo DBEYFUS’ RETRIAL. um time if'tbonhnfnll outï¬t Pox-hp for d doth: or 0010!! can buy‘jrht you feel the neat“ 365 diplilithb your. The. In my 1% .hhoo- «wing nganiou «atrium Mai-t but tie. goutypnd qhonld Uni-"eve, Ritalin. Gills-dob. It’s not worth the ext: hint and L Italian-I10»; warn-x We mtkentpeidtydcmo Cheese Factory IndDI-II’! ° 8091‘: udwlnt wepellilofflm'el'l"at qu'lity sud qumlhip- T5019.“ need omemeu, Milk Gun Min: PagSmM. MM!“ myplioubefonbnï¬ng run THE moms". JOS. RI G-GS. FOR THE DAIRY... Cleared Out Cheap. ' RIGGS’ ‘ 1899 Bicycle Samples FOR SALE HOLLY LODGE. ALUABLI PROPER“ FOB m-AM-Maflh-nuâ€" FAB! F08 SALE-OB 1'0 m- mmma.mxâ€"nn nun W.O.T.U.â€"M nth m m Moteâ€"d: mung“ Linda}. A131} 3. 1809’ «I'll. St W. W.â€"Inv. J. V. um LINDSAY MIMI GALE)â€. c.3m7mmnï¬d‘ 89.. erln W‘ 9. Gnu-51 mu- .0“- Web- “mulch“. any Mt st 7.â€. tam .uh My nights gt 7‘ New Advortï¬â€˜o‘io’nts sud-v.1.w-a-atl Lulu; at. 10.80. rm "-1 m W'. 0. Wood; TO BE