the fraud 01 the day. See you get Carters, Ask for Carter’s, Insist and demand W Carter? Little Liver ï¬lï¬ Substitution insanely cured'bythese Little Pills. V Theyalsorelieve Distrmsfmm Dyspepsia, lndigsh‘onand Too Hearty Eating. Aper- ï¬d remedy for Dizzimss, Nausm, Drowsiâ€" ucs, BadTastc-inthc LMCoated Tonga. Painin theSidc, TORPID LIVER. They ReguhtetbeBowds. PmdyVegetable. Oman Pill. Small Dose. Small 9"“. ; .~ - Mr. Munro states that there is lot: of gold in the country. but the coat of getting it out is so great that monolâ€" .;.-,a.ll, little proï¬t in 'it. It costs mm a dollar to get a dollar's worth ’01 the gold. out. The same condition 1applies to all living there. A man who 'earns 82 a day here the year round is better off than the man who gets 310 a day for a few months of the year up there. Bonanza and El Dor- ado creeks are about played out but the hydraulic system will be introduc- ed on the other creeks, and is expected to assist greatly in the development, though considerable capital is re- quired as the operations: are very ex- tensin. . ~ mung all the time the party has been out they have had good health generally, except that Mr. Gladmn had an attack of malarial fever which was troublesome. small as it was expectedjo. The cost. of production wastoo great. maygot to Dawson in July They spent. last winter up Lbs omega. The: have a number of claims located and the prospects of these are somewhat un- certain. Many intending miners lose a great deal of time looking around for claims. Owing to the shortness of season the only way now to make a venture pay is_ to purcnase. ‘ Means of. transportation have been very much improved within the last year. The steamer lands the tourists at Skagway. and he can take the rail- way over the White pass. He is de- posited at the dock at Lake Bennett, and can take the steamer up the lake again as far as Bennett. There are really no roads in summer, but in Dawson the roads are good in winter. A bicyclist came out over the ice from Dawson via. White Pass last winter. The boiler that the petty took out from. town for thawing by atmyas the most profitabie investment that they made. It gave excellent results. Mere are many in use in the country now. They are mostly {we or six point affairs. Some use them with engines attached for hoisting the earth. The iron pipe or steam hose used in con- junction are very expensive. the for- mer costing $1 and the latter 85 a posed as when it: left town. Last summer they spent. some time on the Stewart. river but this did. not. p13“ as at the party camped on the Hunher creek, the mouth of which is about ten miles from Dawson. Wrcamp is about ten miles up the creek. All are in good health. Mr. Munro ‘eft. Dawson on June 15th, and came down the river by way of St. Hickman, then by Vancouver and can The Gan-one, on which he mdae passage from St. Michael's to Vancouver. brought down 3919. to Elle vain; of $3,000.15». . 'Mr. Munro is unflécided as to whether he will any 0; reap-n 7F° Dawson. Be is pleased with the prospects of the country up ‘there and states that it he were not a married man he would. never have come down. The parts] is still your A Year’s Experience in the lining Countryâ€"Observations m'Gonu-u- Gold Bard to Gm-Dswaon a Non! [Pmim may Rev-cw, July :7 I Mr. Sam. Munro, of the Clarke-Mun- ro-Neiu party, which left town on March 313t of last year for the Klon- dike, arrived home last evening and granted the Review representative a pleasant interview this afternoon. He looks none the worse of his trip to the Klondike. He left the other members BM “5011} THE KlflflfllKE. LINDSA. , FRIDAY, AUGUST. 4, ‘99. IR. SAM MUNRO, PETERBORO, ' HOME FROM DAWSON CITY E onrl'fla thWï¬â€˜u kenoo Lunnmmpmlufl Eiudons m dangerous. Price. No; L :15: box. Na. 9, 10 degrees stronger.†per box. I or 2, named on receipt of price sud m 0-00.! Ohm Th0 Cook 00mm Windsor OIL r§oa 1 3nd 2 sold and recommendediy all mwmenmggutain Na 1 and No. 2 sold in Lindsay by 3 Gregory, drnszi-L Ia snowman: used monthly’ out .omud‘es. Schumann“. Town. The Weekly Post “themati- thoroughly. on nth-Rumin snort who: or Col-mu SOAP. the most execuve skin purifying not â€well spam: and sweetest for toilet. bat. . and nursery. Dry, anoint freely vim W Oinunont. the gm: skin can and pans: of momenta. Wen-old loves during night. For â€roman. itching. uming mm and puinfni an 3mm: in would I . 33:31. on do» n mumtm'ofld Prom. m “Ib'â€. .Gook's cotton Boot Comm those who have been receiving 81 a day Those whose wages are more than that are not affected At the present time we have 911 the main line some 486 men receiving 81.25 a day. and about 200 receiving 31.20 a day. There are frdm 1,200 to 1,500 men Who are working on the main lines, and why will beneï¬t by increase, whiie the" 6110ka «the nick†ï¬nes numn her from 60060 800.†“I have been authorized to state that the trackmen on the main lines have had their salaries advanced to $1.10 per day. and that is as far as the com- pany isprepared ‘totgo. The reason why no increases have been fant‘ed on the branch lines is that t e coat' of living is much less on those branches. The increase. of course. only affects Mm are we to be Dissatisï¬ed- Brench Line Employees Will Not Be- ceive the Inc rouse. It has now come to a straight issue between the Grand Trunk Railway trackmen and the company whether or not the men will accept the last offer made by the company. The Grand Tirunk. as was stated Wednesday, an; nounces throngh General Superintend- ent McGuyigan that trackmen on the main lines are to receive an advance of ten cents a day, making their wages 81.10 per day. The men who beneï¬t by this are those on the following divisions; From Portland to Sarnia.‘ from Toronto to Hamilton, from Nia- ‘ gara Falls to Sarnia, from Niagara Falls and Fort Erie to Sarnia and Windsor, from Fort Erie to Stratfo:d, and from Rouse’s Point to Montreal. ' 0n the branch lines the trackmen are to receive no advance inp pay and this has caused not a little dissatisfact on among the men. _ Gen‘Eral Superintendent McGuigan was interviewed on Thursday by a Globe reporter, any] sgid: ‘ day on June 30th. at “Lakeriew.†the residence other eon Mr. W. H. Tram. Foxborowh. Mas. Mrs. Tnyee liv- ed in Port Hope for may years, and still retains her bright and cheerful disposition, and in blast with the best of health. At the age of ninety she is able to new and does tb finest work without the aid of wholes. Que has e large oorreepondenée with her sons. daughters and grandchildren, which she conducts personally. and al- together her mu includee seven children, nineteen grandehildren, and seventeen mt'cmdehlmten =31“!!! has said is a dangerous thing. In the m’ddle of the seventeenth century the shop-keepers of "London made known their business viva voce. Emâ€" ployees or proprietors would work be- fore their doors crying out "What d'ye lack. sir! .What d’yo lack. madam!†And then run over the articles they dealt in: and when tired the kaakw assumed by the apprentices. thus mak- ing the citya babel of confused sounds The day for limited shouting has gone by. ï¬lter-e must now be widespread and constant advertising or commer- cial death. A Little idmtising a. Dangemm Thing. well Nomad comet-nix tho health and prosperityot all. During her long life aha has witnessed many notable events and mumâ€: well than cor- onation of the 0mm! of England. A tramp once told a merchant that ifhe would give him ten cents. it would save him a dollar. 0n asking how so small a sum. would. save so much, ’the tramp replied. “I started out thln morning with the full determination to get intoxicated. and I have spent my dollar and it has not. 'qnlto done it. Ten cents' worth of whiskey would just do it. and‘holp me 'to save the dol- lar already expanded." This is like advertising a lxttle. wh‘ch_somo one Mrs. Jane trues. grandmother of Mr. W. FL Trans. editor of tho Port Hope ï¬nes, celebratad her 90th birth- The Trenton ï¬remen won the hose- reel race at the Brockville tournament on Tuesday in 46 Li. beating the Can- adian record for 30 years by 2 1-5 ecc- onds. Eleven companies competed. and the contest was clwe and exciting ..... Here's a notable chance for our Cen- tral Fair men â€" why not donate e lib- eral prize for a contest between the champions and our Lindsay men! Ae an attraction it should prove a. verit- able “corker.†All joking apart. we have good live men in our brigade. who make a name for themeelvee it given a chance by our council. The greatest piece of folly of the nine- teenth century is to sufl'er the tortures of rheumatism when a permanent cure can be obtained by using Dr. Hall’s Rheu- matic Cure. Mr. C. W. Trotter. Cushen- dall, Ont.‘, suffered with Muscular Rheu- matism for three years. One bottle of Dr. Hall‘s Rheumatic Cure completely cured him. He has not had a pain or ache since. This paration 18 used internally. One bottfere contains ten duys’ treatment, price so cents For sale at all drug stores. luuuexy. Gnu was "Elva.- - ._._..- be earnestly solicited. Mr. J. P. Ry- ley, h‘mselt .a manufacturer. thinks the council should exempt the new in- dustry. or at least grant a. ï¬xed ae- sessmen t. Mr. B. R. Reason manager for the Light. Heat . Power 00., is authority for the statement that Lindsay has added still another industry to its al- ready respectable list. The princi- pale in the new’ firm are Messrs. Bell and Steers, who have engaged in the manufacture oi bicycle suits, and have turned out a large number. 'llhe average cost- per suit. so far has been 83.20. but this will probably be re- duced as the firm‘s output becomes larger. The ï¬rm note as a somewhat discouraging circumtanees that while we have a great number of wheelmen' in our midst, some of them display a remarkable coldness towards the new industry. and their patronage hasnto Hr. Munro describes Dawson es a model town. It is very rare that e drunken mm is seen on.t.he streets3 were is gembli . but: it 18 carried on very quietly. never revenue isre- quired tor‘tihe town a raid is made on the gambling places. Prices of goods were high last year. but are coming down Lumber is still 8175 3 thou-. sand. It was in great demand after the ï¬re. There are seven sew-mills in the town. The climate in Daw- son is more temperate than up the creeks. 47 below was the lowest last winter. The traveller had no fault to ï¬nd in this regard. Mr. Munro showed a sample of dust and small nuggets taken from the mines on the Bunker creek, and also a couple of big nuggets from. Bonanza and Eldorado creeks. m Mouton. WWI-nun; w.- .- u.- take. Just before . Munro left he had not men who bed come im by Nat route, and who had Mt. Ioronto and Hamilton over eighteen man 7 ago. My went through terrible Nineteenth Century Folly. A Hint for Our Fair Directors THAT 0 T. R OFFER. man t 091 A Smut Old Lady. Another New Industry Dodd's Kidney Pills up for sale by all Mordflbauntonro, ip‘t priae 0M Mould . Co., Limipted. Toronta. Ont. \ p and cum lust tent sun the Mr. D. so a lot N0. 13 mm ' der the No. 4 cl: prevent as he ha: count 01 the' On mu rity I Calvert. . send the L-â€" Very respectfully yours. 5:2 G LWOWN Catamiahioner of Wiokham Civil Cont“ Re Question as to Pea-manna of Cures by Dodd'e Kidney Pineâ€"1f any war hinted II: is Impossible Row. (TORONTO July 28.-This paper has recently printed several accounts of a. Dodd's Kidney Pills scrap-book. and of letters sent out by the compiler of it, asking for confirmation of the tedi- monials clipped from newspapers and included therein. All who were writ- ten to have replied. A few stated that they are still taking the pills. though rapidly becom'ng well, but the great majority state that they are com- pletely and permanently cured of the disease they were taking Dodd's Kid- ney Pills for. Here is one of the last letters to come in :â€" .Wickham. Queen's 00.. NB. June .2n‘.18€9 Dear Sir, â€"Yours of the 22nd May to hand and contents noted. Dodd’s Kidney Pills in my case have been a wonder and surprise to myself. After over twenty years of suffering with my back.‘ and kidneys I am well. Not the least' painful part of my trouble was the pain, frequency and poor suc- cess experienced in urinating. When I tried to urinate I could make but little at a time, and had to try often; The pain was so severe that I almost at times feared to try. A number of remedies were suggested by fnends,_ but I had read about Dodd'e Kidney Pills and determned to try them. .‘I got a box and used it. and yafterwmrds six other boxes, and am now like young man, the h seventy-six years‘ of age. I enjoyttie natural. comfort- able feel ing- in j the. par- ticulars - above . referred tï¬. I reconnnend Dodd’s Kidney Pills to you or anyone else who is sufferi Ididbecfonelused them. Iha recommended them res of pemb. here and in St. J and they have always done what go? are advertisd; to do. 5"? Another Letter, Strong r than Those Preceeding my. cum deceasedledo‘ hed heeuill for some time. and death. which came this wrung. was not expected. . She was 1 led: moat estimable qualities. and her death willbe since-Wanam- ed by a lame circle of ‘fmdl. no funeral is private. ‘nc‘Bocomi amt: for others.†aid John Gr :33. formerly a. ““7an publisher of Philadol phia, “is the cause of one-half oi tho failures in business.†. Too ottcn. surety-hip bu began p millatooo which has <1! 4396. the busi- noé's nigh down to "ruin. Mach) your friend with such gifts. and accom- modate him with such loans as you can afford. but do not. tail! tun chums of orippling yourself for life, and uk- ngfood aynd shows! from shoals ,tho have a right to the†things of you. by signing a.papor How- ever honorable he may be. circum- stances my throw his load on you. “Be that is surety for 1 am shall wt for it; but hotbthabth mrotyahip is sum.†“My son. it‘thou an becom surety for thy neighbors thou an snared. wj‘th .thozwords-ot thy mm." 80 said the roynl manhunt of Israel, who v.13 “V out than all Other Death of "in Edwards. Petarboro Bum. Saturday: Eriemh will sincerely‘rsqnot to learn of. the death of Mia Elicabeth’ A. Ed= wards. daughter (1 the lute J38. Ed- wards. and sister 9! Mr. E. 3. ‘Ed- wards. town solicitor. and EN J. 6 Edwards. hardware angelic-at. 1an to ï¬nd the ï¬remen out for pnetice and playing two good stream. He comlimented the brigade on being one otthenoetectivebrigadeeinthe province, and decided that m inspec- n‘on next day would be unneceuary. As a majority of the ratepayers in- terested in drain No. 4. preferred do- ing their respective shares of the work under the road commissioner. Mr. lByrna was accordingly appointed to super-intend the work. 4 Stone-Crushing Delayed. Owing to some metal castings lately substituted for the ori inal worn-out : ones. beim incapable o standing the . heavy pressure in the cm hing. Mesa 0 ' Hart and Hickson. the contractors. were reluctantly obliged to quit the work till the crusher gets s pair of new jaws that will be a terror to hard- heads, granite. or other__stong. Uxbridgo Journal: When the Un- derwritera’ Inspector arrived intern on Thursday onnixg. he was pleased praises sounded. St. Thoma Journal. Btessed is the pneuchor who limits the services to an hour on than hot Sunday evenings. :80 shall not have to wait until ho is dead .to ban his find. Paris Review. The kiaaim bus has not yet reached Pun-is. But we ham an arm of girls just waiting for â€nothing of ‘tho As the attention of Mr. Graham. chairm'm of the County Propertyeom- mittee, has been called to the crusher it is to be hoped that it. will be ready to resume work in a few days. W. F. O'BOYLE. Clerk. BondsmmspttobeBondunen. On motion by Means. Currins and Calvert. the clerk was instructed 'to send the necessary requis‘tion to the township engineer. who is to beg‘n a survey of drain No. 1. on August 2nd. prox = - Mr. D. Walker. owner of out half lot No.13. con. 7. also gave notwe. un- der the Drainage Act. to have drain No. 4 cleaned out, when workable. to prevent the recurrence of such aGloee an he has suffered th‘e summer on ac- count of Vh’gl; w_a_ter. _ . _ m d w m- The newt-sol Ops council met put-o snsnt tothe call of the seen on Wed- nesday, July 28th. to considor the cleaning out and enlstging o! "unfai- psl Drain No. 1, and. olso (he clawing out of Municipal Driin No.4. " Drainage Matters. A meeting of the land owners inter- ested in Drain No. 1. had been held on July 20th. where said drain. crosses the Oakwood road. and an important petitition was signed then and them: requesting the council to have the said drain cleaned out. enlarged and otherwise improved by a compe- tenf engineenas soon as gracticsble: CONFIRMATION THE WEEKLY 9961‘: LIN 1234;, ONTAELQ AUGUST Not Way’s Way Shame on the Boys. A Timely Ranch. â€"Mr. W. M. Robson's ï¬ne garden is well worth a visit. Ba has a good average yield of all sorts of truifls with the exception 6! plums. which are a failure in this district His coale- berries are mmrhblo for sionlavor and toxtnnâ€"aqnoially o new variety. lAmer-ions 33'1“.“ the In: hang: alga moo ind thnthon an a very How has. Bis “Crown 80b." an Mich radii. n'rruaIaOtï¬nO mplghntho upon-to ï¬x“: it in liablet to mildaw. while the Ana-icon u no . l as Brandon. Man. He also accompan- ied the government party on the re- cent tour through Algom, and the breezy. well-written articles dolor“?- ing the points visited wave from his facile pen. â€"Mr. M. 0. Hammond. special ro- porter for The Globe. was in town last week. Mr. Hammond had been do- inchrop repolta. and was as far 19¢ â€"Jndge Laxier. Believille, has given a judgement that will largely effect taxable revenue of the city. He decides that the bay bridge between the city and Amlinebum township cannot be amend. '11» city hues- eeeeed the bridge at 820.000. which. at a rate of 25 m’lla on the dollar, re- presents a tax 0! $600. which Belle- ville loses. via’ Co. for exemption of their stave and box factory from tamtiop.. Of course taxpayers ere not interested in such matters. hence they will notbe informed of the arguments pro and con, reporters being excluded. â€"Mr. Geo. KGru. of Goldwater. the champion shot putter. wu married gin Wedneedey of lutweek at Mton.N . Y.. to His Florence ï¬nal-idea. of 'Do- ronto. Kin Sheridan' :5 a graduate of mar-onto University. and popular in social circles. ( Cholly sprang into the saddle. prose- ed a. foot upon the pednl. Then the 'cycle hit the curhetone with a loud resounding crash: From the tire the air vent hissing, and 011011, now is missing From the down town ribbon counter when he used. to holler “Cash 1" â€"’We undentend that the council met in committee on July 27th. to con- cider the request at the yKennedy-De- n's flour mill. about s mile at of Orillia, wss destroyed by fire on Wednesdsy lsst. A flew day s before Mr. 'Dwmson refused It.“ csshsnd a mum tor the]: prop- erty. The insurance was onlynwo. â€"A man named Robertson, hailing from Verulun township. has been con- mittod to goal as a “grunt. fl!» county authorities shouldaonmumcate with Verulun council tad bun him sent tothsBono for the Aged. â€"1rglars entered the store of ‘1‘. J. Ivory 3. Son, Om. the other night and got away with a lot of clothing. boots. and a general unort- ment of groceries. canned. goods and tobacco. The loan in about 8100. â€"Mnrtin Cchill. of 3. Outlining. erstwhile potter at thd Misuse, innixodup inltho We‘ Melon- tion can. wool-ding to newspapor m- ppru. Ho ho been numbed to bail in 4:» body ottbo hto Mn. Brodie was tzken to Bowmvillo July 28th at ‘11 o’clock for interan Rev. J. W. Macmillan eondnntgd a short service at us residence 1t 10.30. â€"Botwoen Sunday "Id Wednesday 009.500 huh“. otgnin were delivered ut the Hidlanddontor by eight ves- sels. N’ {:33- at man had to be to dlo emloy the canoes. -Hood' 3 Pill: m the tum-it. family ethnic. “In sun at 01,0â€. â€"It is "parted that the negotia- tione. which have heen.‘ an mince for some time between the enuinmend (1:06.113. mnacement nre proceed- ing to e stimulatory conclusion. The ten:- ot thc new meat will like- ly he made known in a few deye. ~8ince July 10. what ietnqwn u the slender-d method of train Meshing under the new. rulee has been in oper- etion ion db western Idivieion of the 6.113.. and hes given perfect eatin- tectlon. It will be introduced on the middle or Ontario le.‘ lien in them?“ ole couple of weeks. If!» mition ollhelnen tothenewrulcehuentire- ly die: And. they an anti every outta been. haulin- wi then. ï¬ne clueee at [intimation will heoontinnedeolne t'une longer. , -â€"Grain from tho Midhnd elevator. has been Hashim th I: town All week. an average being in “double- hondor" mine «oh day. (Ruine- on an min line is no ‘briak that it is very difficult to scam 1 sufficient limbs: of can. nab. Whonyonfire tsp-eke! wolves, it in u (mt satisfaction to hear onootthenyulp. You knowthnt the ludgot than. How it Works. Bob. Independent: “Pleaae send me another copy of lad. week's inane. A friend of nine hiked of! with it before I had read it and l haVe be- come no attached. to it I cannot min even one ism." that ia how the Bob. Ind. affects-one people. then again, here in another. “Enclaed find 50: to cover supeription to date. and you can stop the despicable sheet.†Some ayticle had evidently _tou_ched ighe poor chapinatawspot. Itdoes the goodtohanatouowjukup l thug. payticularly (you houndst xi; Don't Tea Downâ€"Build Up. The old-Mined theory of tearing down dieeaee was entirely changed by the advent of Dr. A. W. Cheee‘e Nerve Food. which cures by creating new rich boodend nerve u-ue. T1: In the mediumot the cimulation-and system they strengthen and invigor- ate every organ in the human bocLy. A hornot’a nest small Willie found. Then straightaway did explore Thomtorieu of the curious thing, But ho no'or will do 69 none; The dwellers in that qn-int abode Wen unyth‘ng but slow. And Willie noon tho victim m 01 a thousand me. at woe. It Ippotl'l that the two boys. both under fifteen your: 0! ago. were fool- ing with: gun. when Devitt said. “I’ll pmteggl I‘m 2 lv:~;ln1:l:¢sel'." 1nd point- ing t gun a is amnion. nnlpped the trigger. who can proved to' be loaded. and the full charge entored young Newman's aide. killing him in- stantly. An inquest was considered unnecemry. as the shooting was pure- ly ecoidenul. {may Word Paying V union-3nd did not new a: w m m maple of Bahama and sur- rounding country were shocked Sat- urday evening by the new: that a. young Ind named Bury Newman had been shot by I conpanfon named span- cor Dovitt at tho residence of Wm Dovitt. in North Vomlam. thout ï¬ve miles (tom the vilhze. minim itiï¬â€˜mféfni‘ vouuo LAD and! mo av A OOMPANION Rama, Nous â€"Mn. 8. Really end daughter. was Edith. of Bocheeeer. N. Y.. ere et pm- ' ent guests of Mn. Beulip's sister. ' Mrs. John Kelley. William-at. ! â€"Mre. John Mntthie. mother of Mr. Geo. Matthie. of Edwards a 00.. re- ‘ turned let week from" Dedicates. Iowa. where she went; the last three yeagaewigh 2;: son Fillizmhgrai: dee- jpat rm empozo t Bongo ‘ North-Western R. R. Ber many 1 friends will be pleased to greet her once more. as: 55%: OE-D â€.1 00130} .htvo wood for y will shortly join y. â€"M.n. B. M. Baal and children ï¬nal in Lin beenvisitiw lriondl It Good thopnt weak. The Hr. â€"M.iaa Sarah meon. of mum. N. Y.. ding hat "cation at the home“ of rbmthu. It Charles Jack- son. out mrd. â€"Mr. ’ h Kni ght. nw studom. has ratumd nplemnt holiday spent It Pinon Plus. thoo'l Point. and tl‘oronto. -â€"an. L. H. and Mn. Hughaon left last week for a month'- viait with friends at Montml md Couticothnn. â€"Mn. (Dun) Clnrka And children, who had been visiting friends at Long Brandt, returned 13‘ week. â€"llr. John Cannibal. immune agent. has bean visiting nt his hem. Hartley. (or some much. I m in n terrible mp0 with itching and Meedim piles. I tried seven! of tho but physician: nnd. m burnt nnd lortuod. in various way: by dual: treatments to no nail. bash; m- n mint 0! money to no pnrpoue Soon ecu-in. to Toronto I loan-nod at Dr. Chann- Ointment. I used but one box and have not been troubled with pit. in nny imp. or form since.“ A -â€"Mn. Wm. Parkinson 1nd daugh- ter, 0! Oahood. called on Lindsay lriemh lately. Mr. W. (3. Wall. proprietor Bodega Hotel. 36 Wellington strut. But Io- ronto. an; “While living- in Chic-go Church Notes. â€"Dn.rin¢ tho'lm'thru Sunday: st Oar-him. Methodist church. the singing In: been ably M by I link qurtotto. We! H's-n. J. Burt and 8. Brian“. In“. und Iona. Dr. rotten and E. a Porter. tenors. with Mrs. Koylo on pipe organist. The solo- rondorod Inn boon well receiv- od ind (flatly onjoyed. Hr. Morris Now my" Dodd'n Kidney Pills an crating a nan-titan. A lnrgo nudist are nine than; and exp mu- ' mum-inn Ind :03: at the unit. tom the tint to im- ve." uy; Comliu tactic. of nuby Bayer. who had been given up by (h: doctors. no (not local! tohnvowp rind bin. but it in ï¬rm trng when Dodd‘l Kidney Pm- an 8‘. by M‘- “no! rm- Bernsby River. N. 3.. Am. 14â€"â€" Qujte e eensstionhse been caused here lstely by the introduction of s new medicineâ€"Dadd's Kidney Pills. AJ- moe‘h there had been may deeths in this village and wronndi die- trict from B’ 's Disease other Kidney trachea. et strewn to es, Dodd's Kidney “Pi ls hsd never been tested. Our 9,0095 hsd little hithin pstent medicines. floatation ago-ca u Btu-uh) Riva. I TRIPPED OVIR OELLQR GRATIMO Ala-tn wmmmm Last Friday Stanley Tonahburn. youngest son of Mr. Richard much- bnrn. of the north ward. nut-ï¬led our the cellar zntin; In front of Mr. A. A. J.Souu'uom. and tell on I sharp stone tannin part of the tonn- dnt‘iun of the now gnnolithio walk. A deep undlon; (uh on the thin bong m the result. and adieu] utendsnoo had tobomdwhon tho hoywu axon hone. Dr. â€Alpine put nix stitch-Ail: Haj-“d wound to (law the flesh mug}; in tea: con mm“" . yli “Elma.“ 0‘ I o.N..Y..Mym a. htnyofpncu ed with the an: d: 45: now: ; the i x I: squirm 0' ulna and life-Imiuing mecca. “Iv-salute! {or font 1|." "F id? 'l' W.Elq..ofxo. «suit 8. . to marvel! â€D'Jk'u‘ "I, -Qgrln‘wuextrencnldthctmbk (nu-mun“ a...†“5;; s":- “mkma “a“: no ' “ . {an Inch mun-1?“ One hrk durinttheai “w Spun: uh Taped: bout dated on! under covtfof datum to launch in deadly missile spin“ mm immml. Ifnhehadbeeustmck the would lave vcgooe to the bottom. m and her? Wu it be: big 13-inch gun No it wu her heartburn the (landing whine beam at 1km um uhot «night out likenswotdthmst th lithe darkneu. revealed nag npproschignsnmt. _..- chaï¬ng-1|. J m NEWLY INTRC DUOED. 5 947. KontmL'F. PERSONALS. A. Donn; and Vhii~u§c7eiEju 535:; Berry, 0‘ LN; town. on Sada-day coming for tin or six weeks. «moi with blood: :t Ot- nm by "in invitation. -M.u. J. R. Mark and young 30mm! Kimt. paced through lately on their way back from Hunilton. where they Visit“ minivan. ' â€"Mr. J. hm ct. u recent graduate of the Ontario Busine- College, Belle- ville. in holidayiq at home. -â€"Mr. Arthur (hog-nut 1‘ 1: Damon. of Michigan, in con-in. Ki- Arnott. Fianna Bros. â€"Xin Sadie Hal-shall. of Port Hope. who had been Visiting friend: in town. In: returned hauls. â€"Dr. and In. Kortican, at New York. In at I}. and Mrs. Nee- hnda gt Surgeon Point. -â€" Carew returned home last. Friday. utter mending 3 month with Creemre friends. -Â¥r. A. J. McLean. o! Kirktiold. m in town lately. a guest at. an Duly house. - -M.r. H. A. Hun-is and daughter. at Bobonygoon. were in town on many. -Mi- Monaco IcPhomn, of W, is the and. of friends in Pianos have a rich, full and musical that that appalsu hear them, and are without doubt the ï¬nest Piano in it matket 30-day. Warn: FOR CATALOGUE -m. A. B, Cliflord. of Kirktield. m in town lately on business. Falls, m in town lately. -Mr. W. Duncan. Witt. Perth. is main his holiday: at home. -M.i- Finley bu been visiting rel- aum at m Island. â€"Mr. W. J. McPherson. of Bolaover, m in town lately . â€"liu Iinnio Walters in visiting trienb ut Duvet-too. ARCH. CAMPBELL, â€"Mn. F. C. “MENDELSSGHN†NAME Be that as it may, you'll get no better Pre. serving Sugars anywhere, nor better weights. W have over 30 barrels of the various kinds in our cellar, because we knew that as the good times were here, people would prepare more preserves than usual So we're ready and waiting for you. necessary tor us to describe our Preserving Sugars. they're the good" old brands we've been sellingtothg people of Victoria County for years past. Possibly we'll be able to do better for you in large quantities than heretofore, but we will not promise you, because we've always handled our sugars on a very low margin â€".Ir. 0. W. Burgoyne. 0! Benton OUR FINE DAIRY SALT, in small or larggsacks’ is manufactured expressly {or use by buttermkug and is worth its price ten times over. It doesn't, show up in the butter like hoar frost in winter, bm you’ll know it’s time by the attractive taste. mum -[llnfloil I‘IKDI I’KUI'UJI llUlV.â€"I\SK any butler expert ask any shggper, read any literature relativ the essentials of good butter-making, aud young: that all agree in stating that the use of am coarse grade of salt to presezve the butter is one ol the few serious faults of Canadian makers. There’s a reason for this. Years ago it '95 impossible to secure a ï¬ne grade of salt, and the habit of using the poor kind has “stuck " Man“ woman is losing a cent or two on every pound of butter she makes because she will not spend a {m ing more for a better grade of preservative 110 Adolaldo-st. W., Toronto. Have taken FIRST PLACE wherever exhibited '.. is yiajung he; nigger. 'Kn Preserving. SECOND PROPOSITION.â€"It will not b: FIRST PROPOSI TlON.â€"Ask any FAMILY GROCER Hendohu 11 1, . Area Campbell. FOR I. II x. m. ï¬ll... an... 2: is.“ ï¬nd 180 .3... as is 3 :1. .323â€... 81 in the back of his head. 0n Electric .8110“ Amcrlcu'r 3" Blood and Newe Remedy. .111 Pa“ left him. Be lays this grand mo h what his country needs. All A on known that it cures liver am Icy twine. puriï¬es the blood. In the stomach. strength?†m puts vim, vigor and 119‘ into every muscle. nerve andgt! as body. Hmk. tired or mill Md it. very bottle gnaw!!!“ it cuts. Sold by all druszlsï¬". Spain's Greatest Need lir- R. P. OliVia. o: Barcelon Wilt his winters at Aikex Monk nerves has caused save Sat-Ids": fluke: the m at ï¬turday‘s market 1" mined about the same as last “at There was a. good demand for M butter and eggs, thCh wen d! Insult upbeton noon. The {cum pneu mm poid: Butter. 15c and 1‘93 cog!» no and 18c; 1nd 10¢ per panel} ell-chem. 85c. 50c and 60¢ per put- :reon you. 80 per quart. â€"Mr. D. Cain. general march‘lt. Bobclneol. ms in town last gut Hy. Cain was returning {rum 3 little tnp to Kidhlld and 'Parry Sound. all W Win 8 Very enjoyable M‘- y. WBsrnes, Toronto assist“ weighing inspector of tbr 6.1‘ 3 Menu†in town last week as business. â€"er. E. Zina Pbrkins. of ‘ inglon. D. 0.. W a few day: her interim-lav. In. J. I. [’6‘ recently. -Mu. but. wine of mm H of Powwow. is at. pment the 3‘ of Mrs. Rose. Caroline at. 01 Mrs. Rose. Caroline It. â€"Mr. Walter and His: Birdie In- tyn left 11‘ week to visit M boro and Otmbee friends. â€"l.r. m John. Bobcaygdl. thank! seventy at the Star che- hctory, min town htely on bd- ' P R3716! ‘uds real. ideal (or di mt“ ’altdi any 1’0 It's Ir