h ow will» www.cmm Jun d nylon mam. 1/! pool. London «9 61W: Royal «1' auummm Bram. America: In- perml 1' m Imumuoa 00’; m hunted u have» Rm. "d “11.3mm.“ totum onus. RAILWAY and STEAMSHIP TICKETS At lawn! mm In almou u: put of mo wotld moo :- moo. . . gamma n... mm.- the Gamma! 9.91"“! “Aâ€. h mm: mm up. - 31.500 000 “rpm. - - $1.400in EINDHAY AGIN‘O' SAVINGi NPARTWX‘I‘. tum-m mom a hiahm cumin mu. Ne m o! wzuuuwal remitted. ROBERT 3038. Untilâ€. Doc. 31. 189Lâ€"98 It. Al“! There is, it would seem from the re- ports, a good deal of trouble and anxiety in the tory camps at Quebec and Ottawa. In the sister province a formidable re- volt has been organized against the man- ner in which the DeBoucberville ministry has been disposing of the otiices; and there again appears in certain tory organs pointed suggestions that the veteran pre- mier should retire and make way for younger men. But Mr. DeBoucherville is sturdy and vigorous and has no desire to give uphis leading position. At Ottawa on the other hand Sir John Abbott is un- fortunately in very poor health and wishes to retire into private life, but his colleagues and supporters, unable to atrree upon a successor,insist that he must retain the premiership with the understanding that he shall be relieved of care and work in every possible way. The succession would naturally comeâ€"and probably will yet comeâ€"to Sir John Thompson,- but the serious objections urged by certain sec- tions of his own party have not been overcome, and the feeling has been rather intensï¬ad. It is proposed that Mr. Mere- dith should go into the cabinet to preserve the balance but why that should be necessary with Ex-Grand Master Bowel] in the cabinet is a mystery, unless this latter’s peculiar virtue as a great Protes~ tent champion has worn out. There is a strong suspicion that such is the case; but what then becomes of Mr. Bowell? What does he represent? It has even been suggested that he should take the premier- ship, but before that idea gains much headway Mr. John Haggart will be heard from. He will be sure to “nip it in the had," even before he sees it “floating in the air.†It has long been the general impression that Sir John Thompson would retire to the supreme court bench when the chief justiceship became vacant but nun 03110.. Mona-aux. NI kind! 0! Amie-I Pouch- inuod‘ -_..-n...- Anni-inn! 23112 (Eanahian afloat. now that. that. prized posxtion ha; been opened by the lamented death of su- Willinm Ritchie it in given out in the organ: that Sir John no longer yearns for it: calmer atmosphere. He has tasted the â€teen of power as the practical head of the abinet, end now is determined to become the some] premier, The sitnotion in full of perplexity for the tory leaders, and there in netunlly s padded of speculation shout its possi- bilities The Tooter" boom for the WWW not only “3 mo- gutï¬wmk m.†baulong-peu that Mush†The nggutboom for the Ontario leadership is solid‘gnd m;sndilboingqnieflyculï¬med.for mthopouibflitiuthut my Kilo) CANADA LIFE, Una-u. Boo. 31. 1891.40 0. DOMINION BANK. mama v, FRIDAY, SEPT. so, we. inn. 1:31. and Aoc‘dom. THE TOR Y L EADERSHIP. ’. C. TAYLOR Anne. In"... om». Mud-tr. b‘oiziipgiag F. a. ruler. BUS. Mm ETMIIIID m1. wvmui'léaaai This". :1 New Ma“ hr "the Batch“ «magmw no and“ mm A“. mm aimâ€"1m may in mm mm» Nation at am can mm W W salt In an mum at m and Mr mun! within tho hound: o! cumm- lon. boomâ€. that It In main: 6 Dank†one" V‘ ‘w-._-_, lotion. There it nothing 61:10an in tuoh n detire. end the “clown ioot" ie pininiy dieeelnod in the Empire'e outlet: to eheive the queetion. end thue new the Abbott government iroin mpontibility in the pre- miue. Our idonl hon eiweye been n uni- iomi Inhooi eyeteln. but the idoei mint not deter n Ju-t eon-idention oi the reelity. no prejudice thought thereon. Remediei ion- ieietion In the federal pnriiemunl in eon-e- quenoo oi e enooeeeiui enpeei to the nom- nor-in~oouneii being ignored in one of the condition“ oi Menitobe'e ontnnoe into coniodention. cm! the exclusive lilht oi thet province to legislate upon matter: oi education wee granted. end in now pooeee eed. with this etetuioi-y condition in full tom end en‘ect. Hence the mitt ll not ebeoliitol: exoiueivo. it ie only to with thin con iiion attached. This condition amp-were oeiiitment to mime the neon- tion of my decision oi tho “Venturin- eaiiaoiiupon an ennui end it in mm en IBM! 90 ailinmoni. the court oi ieet w sort eneh BHEQMAHM the retina and. inenmueu at tho â€inactive “dunes in turn «em from court to noon ice the minority new to «a tomcat“ legislation is out A step thither. end to e tiiii bigger own. in this proioniiod iitifletion. he wrethy throne oi o in: Damioion notion oeeetioneiiy hoe m Monitohn‘ii mime is e and treveetty on i eity. one. coming min those who emit m entintt theio oi oi tho minority. mot-um tho injun oo one to the letter I! not ion greet thnnthoh noon oithe enituoii. bubaeot on 8 section 92 oi tho Moni‘ tout not when the right oi noneti to tho governouenoni‘in-oounoii by it Pmeotont tat-Ramon 0ntholio.sna it would he the only reï¬nementoi nheurdity. ii nothing woven. to any to n united minority oined h tome Ohm-oh oi Eaailend eympn ieere. “ on no endangering ooniodorntion by doing that which the low enyi. you any do.“ Pu oontre. the danger lion in the eil'ort being made to frighten n minority nanlnnt panning conetitntionni methods to the and by e builduinz thxeet oi ignor- ing the result, it not acceptable to the me- jogity. . I- ,;A__LA-_ lâ€" I..- lâ€"J-â€"-â€"L n-IA- tee oi the privy council. Such perenn- ehonid remember thet Judicial ninde heve widely dinered no to the lecellty of the Menitobe leaieieticn. Thet. though the court oi the empire hee unenincueiy up- held the leninieticn oi the Greenwey nov- ernmcnt on being intre vireo, the rnpreno court at Cenede he with; one voice end Juet ee emphetlceiiy declercd it to he ille- gel. In mettere oi creed we Protectente do not accept the doctrine of inieiiihiiity in men. Why. then, it me: he eehed, eheii we force the ecceptence oi thie dogme in mettere ci Jurirprndence. end erronentiy ineiet (ee we regret to dnd ecrne ere doing upon the ebecinteiy inieiilble corrtctneee oi the privy oonncii’e Judgment! The dletinct end positive dimrence in opinion between the two greet ccnrte cenece men to ink. which ie right end which to wrong. end to ehehe conï¬dence in our icgei tribuneie. en incident not de- void oi denner in mettere ct vitei moment. L._-‘ lull I‘m-unvâ€" -â€" ...V“- . MI] madman. Donn-tie â€lulu. aha:- uanluunt, and Wm. wan- dn. should be and Inuit bu “old“! by those who â€Jules. 1! Inch than be. a flu VII- VI vâ€"F“ .â€" m. do“! lo not unrmoooblo. honoo n on only Do m rlonloodor o! o nbblo who wlll don: to Calhoun: lllo Hall: at ooaotl- luuoml ootloo lo the moat ooodllloo o! tillage. modo unomolo out! cqulvoool by as two camellia judamootu. no Eun- plro. hooloa lo Imollm also momma: la in lotonoy. lo oxololmloa won the lay my :2 Colholloo who wool nmodlol lulu. , ;-,l-__I I_ _.__Q_ .nv l "Lozd Mscnmahtou in his ,1 udgmont and: “Tao tennis ot theJoonu-‘ovogsy lu_ ._ . .' a. matter eppereutly of deep interest throughout the Dominion." It is indeed oi deep interest, deeper and in: more reach- ing in its cansequences than his lord- amp sppraoisted when he delivered his judgment. From 3 Dominion standpoint the Manitoba set. if intro vires, will he s legislstive force to drive Catho- lics from within its limits, end it its ex- ample is followed Gstholics will till up and occupv those provinces which enjoy separ- ete schools, lesving Protestants the sole possession of these provinces wherein sep- arate schools do not exist. Cstholic.reil- gion in schools. rightly or wrongly. is a. matter of conscience, Cstholics insist upon edacstion being thoroughly permest- ed with religion 9nd religious‘sspects. Many of us look no further than simply to the law of “cause and effect" for what happens day by day. Catholics attribute direct to God, as the cause and producer of eflect. all that has been and is wrought in science, history philosophy and auxht else. The Rev Mr. haimes. in his work upon Protestdtism and Catholicity in their comparative efl’ect upon civilization, says: “ Individual conscience is the result of “ widely difl’crent causes. It is an error “ to suppose that conscience resides solelv “ in the intelligence. It is also rooted in " the heart. It is a j odment, it is true; “ but we judge of thian in a very dimer 1 “ ent wav according to the manner in " which we feel them. Add to this that " the feelings have an immense influence " on moral ideas and actions; the result is “that conscience is found under the influ- " ence of all the causes which forcibly act “on our hearts.†With conscience so formed the Catholic iamiiy will migrate to and settle in that province wherein his conscientious scruples are respected. What, then, would be the result of this migration in titty or even twenty years from new? Assured] we wou'd have the provinzes oi’ Canada istiuguished on lines of creed as distinctively as is Ulster from the rest of Ireland to-zav; and the danger to Ireland is seen in the opportunity recently given Lord Salisbury to encourage Ulster by in- flammatory hints in resisting by force the Will of the people as expressed at the polls. It the creation of separate schools in the two older p-ovinces had never been recog- niz:d this element of danger would not now beupon the political horizon. But the law has sanctioned separate tchools. No power can disturb them. and taking things as they are. as we must. wears ‘ forced to the conclusion that it is against ‘ the interest of the Dominion that portions of it should be so diversiï¬ed, as the exist- ence of separate schools here and not there would make them. We may be told that the example of New Brunswick weakens our contention. but we think it strengthens it, because there the non-sectarian attempt had to nive way to a policy of conciliation and mutual concession which defies the written law. and leaves a sec'arian system tobe enjoyed practicaliyss it it were the written law oi the province. rNot helpgysrsgd in what is said b be ,,a _,_‘__a L_-__L _‘ the principd sad most patent bunch of can", w. do not momma to attic!†tho judgment at we privy council, but u . hymn we Ipnndtto oua poi!“ wherein If. new to no tbs 111th m m wide of the may, 39d thgzpolnt ls_tho pivot A_- __ A___, déimdrilnt than were denodbtfloml whodgflang thus Osmond! m 9110M Y W 'm school- by Pratt-mu. This Won of. whims. If. in mainland, existed a “In. at tho nn’ou. Th m d A!“- mmm‘mï¬oz. 2.53 2.: 2.85.23 13 53: 3. in. B a»... .908! no '80 and 53’ :85. 133.530: .2. 8 g .33 38:33 no and... on» 34 3333?: :3. in. 48. .3 s it}: llll.|l| It ID’IIII‘II' '41 Kim Tuber I puts a ham been admit“ on all 133an m “open 9! WI “0%): aw. in um am. at man: “MM by 0 mm mama». h «chum In. beam. when» baton m union 0mm money could. am: can at Imago "am It cum In the “nation at the ad. now u MINI. The um was In mm m tho wwmxamwwm uu . a . wgouli did betel-«flap “log. n n A . wuwo II wuss sun-s- "w um“. A. B. lived in Lotus sn pose s cuss. Msnltebs on end since the union. He hss slwsys enjoyed the suns snnusl in- come oi 81.000. He hss nlwsys been 3 Catholic. slwsys sol sside. by means 0! csretnl zesnsaement. the sum oi $50 toe the edncsiion oi his childun. Balers the onion every cent went in the direction oi msintsininc the school oi his conscience. Now. however, the public school so: oi 1890 takes its shsre oi the 850 ï¬rst. lesving me bslsnce only to be expended ss bsiore the union. To the 0160!“ or this ebsre on things not the seam. Bsiors the sct Citbolics hsd the privilege oi subscribing exelnsivdy (or their own schools. blnce the set they hsve not this exclusive privi- lege. Wheeess beiore the union denomi- nsuonsl school supporters psld s single t.x, now they must pay a. double inx. Con say one ssy, then, that this privilege is not sfl'eeted’l These premises no not. denied. end to our isy mind, we would hsve sup- posed would end the matter, but it is end that the “privilege†or right which Oseho- Lcs enjoyed is regnlsted by the word “prsctiee†referred to in the Msnitobs set. ...a an: tha “nu-sauce" is limited by or w-quv nu-w-vâ€" vv v- V ,7- , sad that the “prunes" ls named by or goes no further than the suns of things existing batons the union, hsd such sum of things even been lsgsllzsd at the tins. This 1s s lszsl 9199;). But suppose it be ,, __ -n.-- n_.-.4_â€" n-A a.†- .vâ€"eâ€"- â€"â€"'-_ so. he ste:e oi things then existing, and they been legalized. would not heve oe- mended taxes trozn s denominetionsl school supporter for any other school then the school oi his desire. The public school not oi 1890, however, 01me does this, end thus disturbs the state oi things 1 existing by "practice" st the time oi the union. However, while We bow to the opinions oi the leerned Judgesâ€"o siter ell given simply open the legsl sspect oi the ceeeâ€"we ssh whet wee the intention oi the perties to toe contrsct st the time at the union? Wes it thet it should bees the stetute is, it so, then so be it. But ii it wss not, then by eii thet is decent, honoreble end Just. let it not be eeid oi Msnlioes thet she would tske edvsntsge at e stetntory misteke; thet es s people the Msnitobens would do thet which es individuels they would scorn todo. The Globe iells into the error oi supposing thet the privy council hsve settled the intention. Herein the Globe is wrong. All thet the privy council hes declsred, is whet the meshing end eflect is oi certein stetntory leuguege not by say Inesns whet the inten- tion oi the parties was st the time oi the union. Denny it wss whoeeid thet the res- ponsibility oi s eopie diflered iron: thet oi the individuel. one to be 1ndged in this would the other in the next. Let not this (inference oi tribunel influence e settle- ment oi this guys question otherwise then it the rapousibilityrested with the in- dividuel. It is possible to mention men who here owed greet werdly prosperity to hreeohes oi prints ielth. but we doubt whether it be possible to mention s ststs whiohhesontheWholo beensgeinerbye breech oi public isith. Clive’s mestery over 0miehnnd. in the ert oi deception, mede richer still the men who ierged the heme oi Weieon. but Eoulsnd's word, not her sword, is whet hes extended end now preserves her orients! empire. in Indie ‘ u no oeth whicheupsrstition een devise, no u hostnao however minus. inspires e .. hundredth psrtei 93’s eengdenee whiehis , -D _â€"J l"-â€" " uuumw-u yâ€" .......... u need by the 'Yu. Yu’ m! 'Nay, n .y’ of 3 Bush]: envoy.†Then In tho munuonotmowuutommln ho annulled And afloat sham wha- ever mt any be. We do no: duty mt thoutmubemduovidenoo otwhnt minutiae '53:!“ only In em to haunted by (â€humanism nguutmohmtu Beroa-ROJo-ulhu toldnushu-mrtnutnotboohllm otthohbmdbwuwm nun. unwithsoommuchmnhonmubo «mtg-mg... Douayoudonuth. , AA..- -. A. AI.‘ I‘--l tho doubt I: Wop. anlfl â€011' "r "'qu .a.â€" - . thoroughly “local. †and must duet-ease our um (a order that we may feel jasttï¬ed ta tneurr‘ua to the addtttoaal empeuse necessary. If you already take tt send u to your [Heads at a dtstanoe, or t] your so» or daughter ts uvtny away from home send tt to them. It does not eost much and owes more nerve than you can ï¬t a - an. no. ,_.A_-.All“- "Dual. '1'“ v'vvv letter, and mm 1:553:16 iopomd†in mmwng concerning mm old home. mm your no‘ghbor of mu om THE POST $1.00 to ’94 "F Wu". IV V'vv- v"... -V- and to ma and we make the (30090 tau; rate. We hope to_mapig THE POST more readable and I . _-_J m‘.-‘ lugmnng All. 1““ OUR BIG OFFER. Mitt“. flatâ€"I0. We want to «tongue _our_ mbaoupuon um. WILSON WILSON, Proprietors. 3.. :35; “RL 7] to 1'8! new 'rnu- JOHNSTON SISSOI um-mrrunzrx BOOTS and SHOES "Mr... Bonner a... u: Gimâ€" ' W I". m Woman'- om W9...“ In'om'pnui'lo‘ 1"1'. M13611? mm mm The country is Walling Ug JOHNSTON SISSONJ Web In. Kn "In“: SOAP mlgzmwm Its UNEQUALLEP QUALITY has given it the largest sale In th; world. You min use “ Sunlight " for all put- posa. and in eithet hard or ooh m. Don't use washing pgwden as with oflxer soaps. "Sunlight" ls betterwithont. ié'SunIiuhI mgfldytl’ug‘ulmh -_A_‘ _._ LA... -â€" THESE ADVANTAGES ARE OBTAINED BY wan _ 7., ’. mmm'-mm "' "' "â€"â€" "" ...______ u M" wow-wnmvm lwhofwrMï¬aMk-wm .mmmmam ___'__::T "m...“ W of um. m on: Us 4 04 name 14m WEEK- AN EASY WASH SIMPLE AND CLEAN Without Hot steam and 81ml! Without Washing Powders Without Hard Rubbing Without 8am Hands Johnsiton ' Sisson. Sunlight Sosa ici- ng: "MINING. --' Is not found eqery dag, but can! v~ We have a WWW M or out» “.91â€.an at} lfl-J‘fm ‘ A POT OF MONEY money asked, buffer (nu month Decided 801 at!» about-mam lines. -, Bomb. IL mâ€"n than others. mam: Stock a now mm and «any department a compute. Our We pmu. pursued for yaâ€. with mates. «to to «u at a small march of proï¬t, tmrm‘d sales recouping «3mm and. Byth‘tsmoammavoid ch. dang» ofhavw staunoodacm hand. _A_ -_-â€"‘n- “‘ DAVIITVIJ [AUDI WWW" VJ '"vv-T . - _ BY M GLASSW‘BI M HANGING LAMPS In 0800!! W that ean’t be duplicated eleewhere. WE SELL NO RICKETTY GOODS- Men's Suits. 1W5 Will of» during Pair mth some solid BMW ~ ‘ I the following lms: mum later. 108 1mm urn. nun. Gent's Furnisthgg, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Flannels, Comm, Linens, Tickings. Sheeting Dress Goods. W< TERMS 0.48â€. ruery day, but a patful of mane can be saved handily (1W9 the next month by those in needpf Furniture. FM . . _â€"â€"i†- hairs. ““39°‘?“'A‘:““ré2 lb Dlmng Room and [(1th aï¬iwomgwi Men’s Overcoatg Men’s Odd Pants, er :2: now at work preparing for Me opening, We solid: 4 call if it be only for companion. German Made Mantles, Anderson YW‘ ANDERSON, NUGEN‘I‘ 81 60. ling-Room and Kitchen Chatâ€; .IERings As pm t) 3:135 â€"_â€"â€"â€"_â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"/ “It as you could “i: h 0 cc » ' , An leg di: 1 f I: ounges and Extenmon Tables w! “1ng a‘istmoï¬ci‘? 5%?- Ch 1 d h â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"- Mk8 andalgxs'accfergs. B63 3 fl new patterns. E 0 m 0’ mm “a byâ€; ‘ ' '{St'now we oï¬rrfdextxgoxlgl “A nth-£1 ,Inn‘m m ._ G'Old Rand egg, Special Made Furs, NEIL MCPHADEN, Opposite the Post 0mm. Dress Costumg. ANDERSON. NUGENT 99; Bedroom Settg LinuleumsJ House Furnishing, Nugent Go. Mattrasses and Sprin XcPAadon. fl ARCH. CAMPBELL. 1““! D? 61100“ Boys‘ 8%, B_oys’ Overcoats. Tweeds, LINDSAY. ONT wlu'clz we will an- Tweeds, LAJIPB bow tastes differ, we have for the fall and winter t: HUI goods in such variety that WI appeal irresistibly to the: ‘ tastes. Rome of the prett’est thing Iery. Japanese and Chi , love/ties in Silverware, e8, etc., are at hand and i arriving daily. If quality, variety and beau! Rook-bottom Prices, undeniably ï¬rst-class, I“! our expectation of a season, we shall cert: be the latter. "I ï¬t. roux u'rnnxon to mama: ‘ . 11% newest Styles in Eng “and other Gem Rings, a yaneofour own make of Y â€n‘m 1.,onomn 11- â€I. Inn-v L n. SIM/Ilia Mum“. M“ and Best Bah stock in Town. cLennan mt! AND art-an. no mmoumnn tor Paris and White Li A. BARREL. â€nos, Whiski ,‘5. Porters, Et‘ [gunman at 0°.- .AN TON C0 I CNMD 0!‘ RN IBM or n vausn la. ville ï¬nest goods i tutoomparatively low 1: ft forget :1: when you t"; Remember that we neon/and Iron Marsha ELT- 1101-82. BrxttqnflB ’oa. y I. $392,106.11 m M annua- oa- , opp. Hurley Brad run MILL 9A Ilde of Km! uI. mama 'ON BRO SHANN