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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 8 Sep 1893, p. 8

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‘H. IF h 3-; 1: .-_.-+'- 3.” ”'21. of an! 1' Fund-an, where the river is deeper than any other street thou um point Be- low Funds-st. then m tow residence- In the vicinity of the river. At Lindsay-gt. Mane two newer outlet: In addition to tummy-t. outlet. Theme from tho mth will convey but very ume'uwgg. to: Moment-.1: least. The current of thorlvustthu point will he suflidmtto mo :11 new immediately, but Inh- med outlet- Ihonld he Idoptod It this points: wonuurnndnt. No othu outlet- wln be ranked tor-cane yous. Rivcr Pollutiomâ€"Fm the cdcnhtlm: Hr. cum has made. ho finds that the gamut! dam to be (ll-chm Into someotthe aouth- 3° W empties "10 river.m'ethe m mmdmwnmih. IND W” m mm. 'mohuotqnut‘M‘ “mm” am An the mmmowater In permlunun- my» dual-h than: might: wam shove Ia WWI)! mthintho mother! Aha dim. mum, uawenu thennnlu «mum-cumulus openculv “93:00de plan. The 19813.0. Connemara,“ need-covar- naval” Mmemndniudhchumngutho M‘ Mm ma m be extended into .49 water. Thomuknmlywubdnclctand- ”I nhutatufluwn “them" .- tutrady. OnthowhfithI-m mm mhwmhmm magnum humane-11mm. thatmnnbudthohufl.“ docu- MbMMdW. Whiskâ€"Mr. Chlpman says to prevent nyleeel nuisances arising at the outlets dtheeewersnwmbenecesury to die- chargetheeemebelowthesurheeorthe utter, end the nearer to mldetreun the better. The mean outlet I heve lceeted st In this connection he an the present Kent-3t. newer is not low enough to take mama from tho cellu- and recom- mdamtitbeuudtor suhoe damage only. lag callers. and recommends, 13:, that m use: he got rid of by cleaning out 3nd improving the present creeks and dining and by constructing proper channel: and culvert: on the streets. 2nd, tint name only be admitted to thesewers, end 3rd, thuoeilmbe dninedby porous drain tile ma at the proper depth. now requiring sewers. The eestslde of the five: is sub-divided Into two dreinege uses by e line drawn at sight eagles to the rivergtront, the point where it intersects Kent-st. All northwest of this line can be dreined Into the river below the locks. The portion south or the line dose not now require sewerage. Mr. Chipmsn then describes at length the peanut creeks and drains, the various systems a' sewets, the best meme of drun- The fourth Area. is along the westerly bank of the river, varying In width from 700 to 1,500 feet, and extending from the south limit of the town to a. point near the north and o: Huron-at. It is described ee minnow: and u hsvlng few streets Wunun-au. with the Intuacctzona at Durham and Cambridge-5m, 2.: i then pro- ceeding southerly to the southu 2y boundary of the town. This- area. drain: mto the brewery creek, which has a animate are; of about 1,200 acresfaboutjoz: L .L- -- “which lies outside the town. The third area 1103 between tags and and 4th and contains about 200 act-es, its natur- .1 outlet being down Lindsay‘sr. The second is the largest and most im- potent. and la separated from :f:.a third by a line joining :he Intersection at Kent and 31w Gum slim £905 LINDSAY, FRIDAY, SE.:;. 8. 1893 MR. CHIPMAN’S RE; "01% T 0N LINBSA: S;â€" 3-73 ‘ GE: Denflat-Neohnda. Codâ€"Joe. Mounds: Monacoâ€"M. J. Carter. 3 Sew Bookzwl'omz'e. :rlé‘s F-i:<C. P. E. Lecalâ€"Nfrxmo Harrison! Farm to Rant-C. T. Flynn. A Toronto â€"Horn Bros. This Weekâ€"J ' 8: 813502. Wanted to Rent-E. Fennefly. Don I. be Deceivodâ€"Jae. Bow. Dress Motoringâ€"P. McAr¢un For Sale or to Rentâ€"L. Guam; Property for 8313â€" John Sherldaz. Toronto Exhibitionâ€"F. C. To: Be: ran Fashionsâ€"E. E. W. Mcamw. Form to Bentâ€"McIntyre 8r 8:517:13. Success Acmovedâ€"Nimmo S; liculacn. NE 'W AD'VEB TI 5 EH”: :' Z S. {From Continental Markets. Spa 2:29;}. value in double width Dress Goods at 50c. Special value in Silks at 250., 75c. and $1.00. 53:33; 5: value in Ladies’ Mantles at $3.50, $4, $4.50. Special value in Men’s Extra Tweed Waterproof Coats at $7 .50, all sewn seams. , Our Mr. Flavelle’s object in personally visiting the great markets of the world is to secure greater variety, better styles; more reliable quality at prices otherwise unobtainable to observing customers. The present season’s purchases will show his to a greater degree than ever, and we confidently assert that for style, variety and value nothing equals our stock. â€"'V'ERY LARGE ARBI VAJLS OF , , Ne” 1’ [Di/es: Goods, SzZés, Mel/wee)! 617462] Mezm‘les, Carpets med HousefM/mkémérs Tweed: elm! C/oz‘és, ez’zeeez‘ flow z‘ée Egg/2M, Gem/25274 med Fremcfl maréez‘s. :3 dnlnsg: the prom “war m.” m Mmt aewaceotthe aouth- '33 M mm the riverabovethe 11‘ mmdmwnmiho IN‘ W” m mm. whlohllofqnutiofl- than”!!! nan An the mmmowater In permlunnn- Allyn-1m than might water: shove a WWII! mthintho Aha dim. mum» uzwenu mother! theflnnllr .wmboeuunnymmbemn mm, mmdmm vhn- The hams. 9"“m"'°_";"°‘_'9". w. '°°"', ‘ Isolation mm; renal: Mn: 3 suitable wuvmodudnoummme “1”” “1“ effect upontheconnofl anal” 53mm townit “WWW thembotorethom. “update! flaw. ear meF‘w desiredtheboardtomupou A well ettended meeting of the board of. health took place last Frldny evening. Rem from the unitary Inspector and medloal health ofiloerrepreeentedthe townln eheelthml er .a‘ 1goodeenltery oondltion. Oneeeaeotdlphthe n was reported whlehwee likely the reeu‘ ‘: poor hannedrelnlng.whlehhaebeen rep' ‘ ° One case of typhoid lever wee else report fiat the pertiee came hexe hem Petal-box '1'; medical health oflloer urged upon the l '°' “3° neoenltyoteeelngthet theeewenge M h: mhedtoeeuceeatnl lune. lntlma’ 'wthfihe had team the: the model Bowen: ‘4“ would not give the matter that ' '° WE: thelmportenoeotthetrnetdexnr ‘9‘.“ _ _ - V'uuâ€"Iw ....................... _ - Population provided for ...... - . . System recommended ......... ....... a Storm water to be removed by natural water courses. by the present Kent- et. drain and by Wellingtowet. __ _ fitorm Sewer. Emption .......... - Payments.â€"It to recommended that the greeterpart of the coat or the sewers be raised by a frontage assessment. A uni- form frontage rate being adopted, every owner paying the same rate, a reasonable exemption being allowed on corner lote. This frontage rate should equal the average cost of the minimum elze of sewer eon- etructed, the increased cost of main and outlets being borne by the town. The rate ‘ recommended 15 60¢. per foot frontage, no 1 property being exempt. This will amount to less than five cents per year per foot. assuming the debentnree to run for 20 Estimate of Coshâ€"Mr. Chlpnnn'a est!- mste c! the coat of the system now neces- sary, some 6 mileage: 309001111103! {feet 0! sewzr. is as follows. ' ‘ Francis at Outlet........ .. 100 feet 300 Ml!!! Seven... 250 s wmmnst. " ..., 900 n 2,300 Wellington-at. " 825 "3300. Cambrian-at. “ .... 980 “ 2.000 Kent-st. W. " $0 " 1.7â€"00s 10100 'Linda‘sy at. South Outlet" 50 u 150 ' l MainSewer. .12) " 2.450 Catch-basins and manholeeu'vw Present Kent-at. Sewer“ .. 700 Tom for Maine. Ontiem'. etc. 13,500 Lateral Sewers ............ 39.000 42,500 Total ......... . .. .. ........ $000 $56,000 or this amount, $31,000 at least can be taxed as local improvement by frontage assessment, leaving $25,000 to be raised by the corporation. Kent'flta WI Linda‘s: at. South Outlet .. Main Sewer Lindsay-at. North Outlet .. mu m u .1220 u 50 (I xx deemed desirable to make on ovexflow for the creek at Wellington-st. the newer on that street could be enlarged to a 2x3 egg-shaped brick sewer with an overflow for storm water only continued on Welling ton-st. to the river. I William, then along William to Welling- ‘ ton. thence along Wellington to Cambridge, thence along Cambridge to Kent, thence along Kent to Sussex-stu not exceeding fifteen inches in diameter. 0:: Sussex-eh. south of Kent. the main should be twelve inches in diameter. A second main will be required on Lindsay-st. from the river southerly to Glenelg-et. No large sewer will be required on the east side of the river- the river will bear such a small proportion to the quantity of water in the river that no nuisance will, in his opinion, be created, but it at any time the discharge should become objectionable, an intercepting sewer can be consign, “ ’ “few: the bank .-_‘ of thc' liver to the north “boundary of 311° town and the sewage purified before being discharged into the river. He does not apprehend that this condition will arise 1 beioze 20 or 30 years at least. Main Sac-ers.â€"A main sewer is proposed from the river at Francis-st. westerly to Board. 018mm Sum mdry. \ _THE, CANAQIAN P0817, mNDSA! ONTARIO._ FRIDAY) SEPTEMBER 82 1893. . )hthe fl” ly the society carrying the large use. asu‘ ' (dangerous weapons. for the carrying o! which apv “ fl the low eatsblisheun penalty.) and also another -‘lr°d‘ whose members were provided with sword! “W and were dressed in blue with Orange stripes ‘°‘ Th" ontheir nnltorms. olmoet o dozen of whom )ou'd ihe were in o euohomte otdmnkonneu u to Who l'l'- Oh. twain an "ma-I nloht and (In 'I‘n-n. 100 lood'ul’m-mounouko. only button udmolnolroot. lacuna: box. themselvel Oregonian," but it is e eingulnr thing the: the True Blnee ere inminbly connected with almost every demcuununn held,endmnnyhold offices in connection with botheocietiee. Thieintheiinttime wehnve heard of the True Blue: being repudieoed by the Ozone nooiety. has never omeieuy. We had no inteniion of “acting the Ounce locumâ€"mn- man: at the unu- wee more to ehow up then-penthracheeot order-ed decency exhibited by the eoeietiee M: g: manymlondeyofleet weekzendwedo any the: any society permitting enrh fictions conduct by it- menben in melts in meet Wire-kendeennotbetnetedto‘ebvm the motel. umm‘nen or canyons aimâ€"En. PM.) T" the Editor 0}” Tm: CANADIAN Post: 8m.â€" In looking over your paper of Sam. M. in your locount or the amoem rowdylsm 01 Demo 0! the exam-sienna at Monday. 28th August, "1‘0 came from Toronto. you no pleased to canneot the Cranes society with the responsi- bu!” °t the to wdyiun. Just how or why I am ““mhhmr perhaps you can oxploln oz "18 0381129 In‘nhhv hn- nnthlno M '0‘- (dangerous weapons. for the carrying of which the law establishes e penalty.) and also another whose members were provided with sworde end were dressed in blue with Orange stripes onthelr millet-ms. almost a dozen of whom were in a suohastate otdmnkennees an to mlnthetnlnonmonday niahtand oo'ruse- day,whenonthelrway to the station. stole a washerwoman'e umbrella and only relinquiahed it when compelled to by Constable Wilson. It maybeverywelltoer. Winters totryand saddle the whole blame on the Derry hon end shieldtheothereooietleemutitwinnotdo. and many otour townspeople can teetiry tome elmost equal culpability o! the other eooietiea. Wo might hnvobeenwrouln mm revressnted 1n the procession had members who took part in me disgraceful disorder. particula- Tonox'ro. Sept. 2nd. 1893. Dear Sir and Brother,-In reterenoe to your enquiry re band. they have no connection with the Orange institution whatever. They went with the True Blue excursion from here,nnd you will do right in putting the responsibility ir-r such rowdyiem where it properly belong! and clearing the Orange institution of hnving anything to do with the excursion or those who went with itâ€"Yong. mummy, "m .3011 91033611133“: this. weather with my m, atmqulry and thareplyotonoot Tomato’l ”9 5 respected citizens. who know: whom! he w Ah, andobllse. yours. J. L. Wmms. [The above my be perfectly true. but tho miscreants woman: all mengbem ot the Derry J. S. WILLIAMS. eeq. Dear Sir and Bremenâ€"Will you kindly let me know it the bend calling themselves the Derry Band of Toronto. have any connection with the Orange institution in your city? I think a more disgraceful lot or rcwdiee never entered our town than they proved themeeivee to be onMonday of this week, that being your olvio holiday. The Orange institution. or course; is credited with the whole transaction. and I want to state plainly through the press that the Orange institution had no connection what- ever with the excursion or these who came 1 with it.-Youre. J. L. Wxxrm, l We would ask the author oi Tm: Pas-r was when he again writes a letter for dogma to give the true details of the can; and tint ., copy of this motion be sent to the Victor“ Warden the Orange Sentineh. the True Blue Herald, the Lindsay Watchman, and T11}: CARL nun POST to: publication . WM. Scorn W.M. A‘ GRAHAM. Secretary. draw tne attention or our city fathers to me At theregular meeting of Haekett True Blue I: ity and advisability of ting . lodge No. 38. on Monday evening last. it was Moved by an, my Brown, seconded b, suitable place to isolate cases of infections 1 Bro. Thee. Graham. and resolved: dim which no likely to spread tron That this lodge 'coudemn the article headed one to another. and lhlving no hometoge "A Disgraoeful Visit," published in Tax: Caxa- to. are unwelcome guests at hotels or maxPos'ronSeptemberlst. 1893.1'egardingthfl boarding houses; in fact they mm b. True Blue excursionfrom Toronto onAug. 28th I properly standed to 13 Inch 913°“. m This lodge deems theexoursienon the above I necessarily mm. ' my. m which ‘ date. under the auspices or the Toronto Tra- 1 Blues. was properly conducted as tsrasthe True the dim” may 59"“ to an alarming “- blue order was concerned. In the said article it stated that "ladies were seen with sashes on. trailing through the mud in a drunken condition." leading the public to believe that the some were members of the order. which this lodge utterly denies as an unfounded falsehood; and further. that there was not a ladyâ€"(a girl as THE POST put it)â€" wearing a sashon the streets of this town on that date. The article also mentioned about young men not being able to keep their feet in the procession. We defy the editor of THE. POST. or the author of the article. to prove one. of his statements true regarding either the lad, members or the male members of the True Pun. tent. There are times also when a disease breaks out in some family where it is im- possible to give that isolation which com- mon humanity demands for the safety of the well oues,jas well aslthe community in general. Iain sureallaresatiailed that 311011 A place should be provided. As a Infltt’ar oi fact an attempt was made at one flute to secure such a place, but uniortun- I‘aely the house that was purchased for the purpose is too near other dwellings and consequently cannot be utilizedior that purpose. The town has secured a beauti- fnl And -A" .Itn-agsl an--- -._. -I-a .- The True Blue lxcunion. To whom it may concern: '» ' not had they anything to do with it * Iva-tam...” more flan 1nd THE .N Posr PRINTING 00.. or the m In COMM UNICA T10 NS. J. S. WILLIAMS. LINDSAY. Sept. 5th. 1893. LINDSAY. SOD?- llt. 1893. District master. Lindsay. m.mmun. Widen! 1m maummmmwm Broadband]. 80 mm an ad “mmmh Annabell-u ammonium. -m.E.Hvaom bun M alumni-It an. an m‘m “Vacuum. Lehman“. Inn. 09 ulphll'ldm.“ a din-Mottl- hi nod“ In "I. n- m"- “adv-Whmm l mummmmm-md MbmthnmmndlnafiwS- 1mm.“ mmmmmmm. â€"Thetdhwin¢mmmflumz MID“. mm: 1“}. a“: tan” Wilkes. 2.065. EMILIO“. wm Kn. an. 18.15.18}. mmummmm scan-mum â€"In|nuul‘onckmum mm: BMW-Nam usunmmchmmmm room-d held la u M Wilma-1 man. The has! but II M"!!! ”the Methinks-I. â€"F.A.Foou at Bank: mute Amou- mmmneuadoMonmhnm mmmnsmamaom. â€"Nlohclann.tbe MIA-mum. mus bop-wonder. H. was mo wont-d no. u 3mm.mmham Toronto horn-om eunuch-1.4 “to 3» nwunm-tomtmo. WWII»... -T. Realms. the colon-Med mud the Holy-om Lyoeum. New You. an 3 much 4nl7i/5me. An non-t 03a. It you haw «huh and would like to be cured wlmut risk of loving your money. all sad so: I Germiddolnhnor without- oent d minadnnoo. mm hand": tum: “7 _-_.._- -p‘v nu .n-v the markét and will on] Save-{10. e 5 We send in the wnpfin. you leave the ends open. Write your dress carefully. Send 25 “Sunlight" Soap mapper: (wrapper bearing the words “Why Does a Woman Look Old Sooner Than a. Man") to Lever 81-03.. Ltd. H Sgcott-sttEyTog-finto. 52:12:31: 31m roqeive b‘yi poo onto me are. e v .nn well worth framing. This 311 m” to decorate your borne. The soqus the heat in AL- ._.__I__. __2 _‘n A Y. n. c. A. Notes. â€"“Abner’o advice to the Soldiers" to the Inb- jootzRev. J. C. Symon, o! monum- Unl- varsity, will speak on next Sunday. Son. mm,“ 4.15. in the Y. M. O. A. moms. Young men especial: Invited to bent-econ:- nut-clu- Donn-try. Mr. Nooluds. Dentist. has been using the so- oollod Hypodermlo Noodle (called by doom the Bypodermlo Syringe) to: on: tour your. for extracting teemâ€"nu. The Bypodonnlo Need”. a: used by Mr. Gross. denuut, km. pun Detach ly in tooth enacting. and the people ”prod.“ iuâ€"70-tf. lend. end all tint in required now in to die- poee oi the present uneuitnble premises end with the proceeds erect e building on the newly purcheeed lend thet would euewer nreeent emetgenciee without piec- ing edditionel burdens on the people. In View of the importence oi the work. end the neer epproech i winter, end no extre taxation. I hope an e or ell oi the council will teke thin mutter up in eerneet end ‘ give us 5 place of retnge eo much needed. ‘ I mate you I feel the importance of this very much, hence my urgency. general. I am sure all are satisfied that “Oh \ place should be provided. As a with: ot (set on sttemnt wss mode at one :1!!! .e to secure such a plaoe, but unfortun- ‘aely the house that was purchased for the purpose ls too near other dwelunge and consequently cannot be utlnxedlor that purpose. The town has secured a beauti- ful and well situated fitteen sore plot or W. L. Hummus, M. H. 0, Lindsay. Sept 6th. i893. [re the Editor of Tax Poem] Sag-Allow me through your paper to drew the attention oiour city tether- flo we necessity end edviubiiity ot erecting I suitable place to ieolete cue. of infection- low to G“ I "Sunlight" Hm. DUN‘DAS FLAVELLE BROTHERS. Duds) a: manna Bmthgn. ‘, Imam. Producedtromthelsnflvemdnutdtm Jmaacmmummmmm medicinal mama known coho ga§§8;.§£§ .5 a: U 8:: .5 a4 a! £88.. .313 .38.»!33u4lg gnu-diam: can.» it 3 a8 .82. {It in {838.33.53.58ng i330- .tlmlaansaoauéialdg .3 338-8 .23..- 8 lo alga _u at. {nag-g chm. Sam-i; xiii m. daughter «the I“. Cousin Juno-l anmkmtmnuIIMcm | rm. Aw an. mâ€"z Lind-y. Au. 3L Isa-55. FOR INVALIDS 1‘ DON’T BE DEGEIVEI . . J attended to. One of our STOVES or KANGES will supply every requirement, and inspection will convince you that they are THE BEST. I have a full line of Bird Cages, VVringers, Brooms, Churns, Lanterns, Granite \Vare, Cutlery, and a full line of Housefurnishing Goods. Eavetroughing, Plumbing and Repairing promptly The winter is coming and you will require something to 'dg year. heatigg_§13c_1_c_ooking._ JAMES BOXALL, 109 Kent St, Lindsay. --II-.LJ ' J. WETHERUP, Lindsay ‘ Dommlon Bank- DOMINION BANK. fully assorted in all lines and that the prices are down to the! notch compatible with a. desire to pay our honest debts and gain the world is said to owe every manâ€"a. livingâ€"we state a. fact that be readily believed by those who have traded with us in the past, and stand ready to convince doubters. '1'!on Al?“ “hummus no LI_- 1,, . . .- .4.- We don‘t propose to read you a. lecture upon the subject, but ! do wish to impress upon you the fact than an experience of fifteen Y“ in the grocery business has taught us that in the long run QUALITY recognized and appreciated by the general public. One great diflculty the progressive merchant has to contend wi is the slowness of buyers to recognize the advantage of buying fll goods freshâ€"buying from a stock that is being constantly replenish! Stale and inferior goods are sold over grocery counters as well as in Q dry goods business, and the profit upon them is large. Profits in the Grocery business are small nowadays, and co: tion is keenâ€"more so, perhaps than you are aware of. MARK THIS WELLWWE Thu Bountiful Summer. 3... known a “SANDY pom; 1“. MM PROPERTIES 1:23 SALE. GUNIGAL’B LIVERY STABLE, You an... Lind-v. WM. 1â€". New A d venison”: ts. HOUSEKEEPERS! >3 SALEâ€"Four duh-ably loathed P‘ZP‘PJNQ 501's “ mm ‘hA-- - §pratt a: Ewen. 30x31]. SPRATT KILLEN. FAMILY can-noon!!! 2n. no 4n. mum! $6.5m TOM ,, 4.... h-«z m m mom or an!” LI 140'”? rum gucellaneoug; Jon. Mandy; SEPT. I5 and I6 mac: LAX: AND WES‘ an the Leading Styles Ladws’, Misses’ amt '6 solicit a continuance me that we are now i‘ ever to afar 96" M08 and MW 76 and 78 KENT‘J m. Sept. 18“}. 1893â€"39- _____/_.â€"â€"â€"Iâ€"lâ€"â€"â€" J. J. Wetherup- 3;. Germany. and we 1 lower than those of 0: them from midgii Fall Stock now Comple' have an «immense stat cod money by large importatwn 0. NTLES is now in am and will be found to ¢ ’3: ACTUALLY FALL AND , STYLISH AN CHICAGO, mu ALL snuoxs mannox XXXIII. WHO Warner a: < 10331713 49' m ATâ€" I FA‘

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