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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 3 Sep 1897, p. 1

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Sch XXXIV. WHOLE No.1982 _-_.n‘r1’am 1m Mantles, Millinery, he best makers and will_ inte 3:” Dress Goods, been selected from t E‘rance and Germany, :zyle, quality and price. ”To close out balance of Stock 3 . 31.75 $1.90 . . SUTGLIFFE 81 SONS, who serves his w PAGES % @bfi @amWE m- no difficulty in serving you well. :61 patrons, and ‘will be glad to d ‘e in all kinds of FOOTWEAR, TRU I L‘â€" e are the very OUR MANTLE DEPARTMENT and us next FORMERLY WARNER 8: CO.’S. 76 and 78 KENT-S Dundfi This is J. Sutchfi’e 8: Sons. wwswvvwsvtsvvv very Newest Styles and to you at Low Prices. / is customers . A“. mnttn. and as our Stock is all best best serves himself” 'tolf’orter’s Bookstore, our motto, and as Boys‘ Clothing Flavelle Brothers. Best in Lindsay, and we ca VALUES and LATEST STYLES. Buying and selling strict- ly for Cash brings us as near as possible to the actual cost of production and en-, ables us to give you perfectly New Goods at Bargain Prices. Boys’ Strong Canadian Tweed Suits for school wear, to fit boys 5 to 10 years. Pants, strongly made and Well lined, very special, $1.25. DIRECT FROM BERLIN. well. We extend greetings to our former to do business} with them again. A TRUNKS AND VALISES. You will > T. LINDSAY. FALL I897. TWO HUNDRED OPENED THIS WEEK 66 Kent-st, Lindsay. VIillinery, Etc.,£have : makers in England, will interest you in sell, are offered 75c 1.25 "LINDSAY" CHEESE BOARD.\ L700 BOXES OFFERED THURSDAY. Salesman Wanted loic. as Paid Peta-hora the Day Previous. but the Buyers Refusedâ€"Sic the Top Figure -'l'he Winter Meetins or the East- ex-n Deirymen's Association my be held in Lindsey-A Resolution of Condolence. When the salesmen for the vsrloul twenties selling on the Lindsey bond reached town Thursday of lsebweeksnd heard the cheering news that who had been paid at Peterboro the day previous they waxed mm, at the prospect oi re- ceiving a similar price. and decided they would not sell for less. Buyers Whitton. Fit 23erald. Wrighton and Flavelle declared ‘ that the state of the market would not warrant such a price beinR DIM. and it took a long time to convince the salesmen that their hope of 10.3. or better could not be realized. m namrnn’s assocxa'nox. While Marker Campbell was entering the number of boxes boarded by the lac- ‘tories. Mr. '1‘. C. Carlow, oi Warkworth, adressed the board relative to the advau-c taxes likel to accrue having the nex, meeting 0 the Eastern airymen's Asso elation held in Lindsay. The date would be shortly after the municipal/elections. It would be necessary to establish a local membership of at least 200. The most noted speakers on butter and cheese topics in America would be present. and the dis- cussions should preve of vast benefit to thertarggers Qt the‘distriot. #A- _‘_ mung}. In DEB lumen: Ul. nus “an..-" Mr. Flavollo aoid he was very much in favor of the proposition; tho Lindsay board, which nursed with 700 boxes, now boarded about 1,799._ and lie 2°“. that. ii! r~- - .. n-nbhn 00mm uuuuu a,:w. nun. nâ€"v ---_ -7, arrangements could be made to have the 1 Association meet here the trons oi the various factories. and the armors gener- ally. would receive vast benefit tram the discussions. No doubt the town council would gladly do its share towards enter- tainin the visitors. Mr. hitton said he had some time a made up his mind to try and secure e next meeting of the Association tor Lind- say. The Victoria factories had made vast strides since the formation of the board. and the Association meeting, it held in Lindsay, would result in a still greater advance along the line of better methods. President Robertson remarked that he had always been of opinion that Victoria county was naturally better adapted for dairyingthan grain-growing, and he felt that the farmers were beginning to realise that fact. _ He had atten a meeting of c. x ._ 13-4”.-an and not 1865. no unu. nuuuuuw .. _---_r. the association held in Peterboro, and could say that it would be a grand thing it Lindsay could secure the next sessionâ€" no doubt Prof. R1bertson. now attracting so much attention in England, would be in attengoncg. gMg. Whittonâ€"he will be , ,_; ALA a-.. -e-nn‘r ahnw Ina ovum t u... ....... hereut) They had missed the fat. stock show somehow, but he hoped they would not allow the preeent chanoe to 9110 by. ,,_- uâ€" F.-I:nw that MU" III-IO peony-nu ‘.-â€"â€"â€"_v -- ., Mayor Smyth assured Mr. Curlow that the council would do all in its power to secure the meeting for Lindsey, and would not be afraid to incur a. little expense. Mr. Curlew explained that the tee for membership was only $1. and thought that there should be little difficulty in inducing at least ten patrons of each factory to join. _ It was then moved by Mr. Edward Thursâ€" ton. seconded by Mr. Thee. Culvert. that the county of Victoria invite the Beaten: mun“-.. immune“; to hold its next me uuuuu w. yum---â€" D3. men’s Associationâ€"tenoid its next mee g in Lindsay. ed. RESOLUTION on CONDOLENCE. President: Robertson then called for the report of the special committee appointed at list meeting to draft a suitable resolu- tion of condolence on the death of John S. Cmess. vice president of the board. It was read and adopted and the secretary and instructed to send a copy of the resolu~ tion to the bereaved family. A NEW VICE-PRESIDENT. On motion Mr. D. blnclair, of Cambray, was appointed to the vacant position of vice-president, and was loudly applauded as he took his seat. now was BIDDING WENT. The following factories boarded the number of boxes placed opposite: Inn Mr. riizgurmu on...“â€" by offering 9.: for the board; Mr. Whitton went an eighth better for selections; Mr Wrighton ofiered 90 and Mr. Fitzgerald _ Fmpsd to 99.; which was battered by Mr. lavelle. who offered 9?. Mr. Fitzgerald then called 9 9 16:. Mr. Fiavelle a, Filz~ gerald 92:. Mr. Fiavelle 913 1 3. and named Red Rock, Cameron, Dunsiord. and a dozen others, only the former Wet- - Mr. itton then ofl’ered 93c and called senvien factories. all refusing but Lorne- v e. Mr. Fitz erald took up Mr. Whitton's bio and ca ed ofl‘ a number of factories, } but without success. President Ribertson pointed out that Victoria cheese was a first-class article and should command as high a figure as was paid at Peterboro the grevious day. Mr. Whitton said he ad purchased over 700 boxes at Peterboro at the price he had offered the Victoria factories. The price had been “jumped up " at Peterboro by a couple of excited buyers who were probably sorry for their action later on. It was then proposed that the board should adjourn for one week. but some of the salesmen manifested a desire to re- ceive fresh odors. and bidding resumed, Mr. Fiavelle offering 93 for further selections. Mr. Whitton raised to 93c and called a number cf factories. but all refused; he then ofl’ered 9§c and took Raaboro. gnomes. Ma le Leaf and Pine ville. Mr. Fitzgerald offered 9§c and took Star Mariposa. Cambray, Bobcaygeon and North Ops. Mr. Fiavelle ofl'ersd 9453 for balance of the board. and Mr. Whitton raised to 95c. without takers. It was then decided to allow factories to sell ofl’ the board. Before adjourning for two weeks President Robertson read a circular relative to the branding of cheese at the factories. which has now bwome laW. 4 Mr. FM] by ofi’erlng went an all star ----- noun-nu..." Maripon......... Derryville......... Cambruy .......... ............. Janetvillo.... no...-.-nu.-.oo Fenelon Pulls" .... .. North Verulsm...... Minden................ . Valentia.. .. .......... ....... North 09¢............... ...... Pine Grove.................... RMbOro.... ..... oncocilIIIIo-.L..'un Bobcsygeon”.......,................ MupIeLed....................... .. Negation” Red Rock” ouc-u...c-...-s.- an......n..--o‘ ...-co.o The Engine Struck a. Cow Lest Hon- dey Evenmg. Causing Considerable Damage. WREOK ON TI'I"IE WHITBY LINE. Eitzgernld started the ball rolling A .1 A..- L-....A . M.- Whitman .u. .nu-n-n-g-on-u-o- LINDSAY. IIIIJLJIQO .. 102 thin: 1’43 A wroto' BRAVE RESCUE FROM BROWNING. mu Donna Connor Flanged into the River Thursday weak and Saved the Life of Little Barbie Bogs. A very have notlon was performed on Thursday am abouh 4 o'clock by M159 7 A. E-_l-A Details of a. Sad Occurrence. I Our readers will no drrbt remember en item which eppeered in m We Posr of Aug. 18 h referring to the eben- ‘ donment of an intent at the door at a well-known railway brekesmen. The re- puted tether disdained all responsibility. and as the mother had disappeared the unfortunate youngster (5 healthy looking boy about three weeks old). remained in the hands of the police. Chief Bell econ found e tempo foster mother in the person of Mrs. P. . wife ot the former caretaker of the gravel pit. and then set fent’s mother, a girl named Heullp, about 16 years. but lost the trnll in the vicinity o!_Beth83!: n. or I be _____... n n A. 1' Game 7 On Sunday morning we am... .....,.._- complicated owing to the death at the intant. An inquest was held this morn- ing in the council chamber by Coroner Poole, during the couree c! which several medical men gave testimony. A man named Dave Campbell gave evidence re- lative to the abandonment of the infant, stating that he had accompanied the child's mother and her parents on the‘ night in question; the 1's tether drove the rig, and he (Cam ) had gone with the mother and gran mother to a hence in Jewett’s terrace. where they left the child. It appears that the erring girl and her mother were then driven to Bethany or some near-by point. where it ie they took the train for Uncle Sam's do- miniona. _ An order wae loaned to have the oody buried. and the inquest was adjourned ‘ till 7 o’clock on Tuesday evening. A charge of non support. lodged against the girl's lather, Ben. Heaalip, was ad- journed till Friday next, the accused being admitted to bail in the cum at $1,200. ______â€" ABANDONED BY ITS PARENTS -vvâ€" -__, A little over two weeks ago Mr. Willard Cnrtie had in his employ a young tam hand calling himself Dewey M. Pearce. and he would now feel gratified for newe relative to his whereabonte. One Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Curtis act out to} call on a friend, and Dewey undertook to look after things during then aheeng. ‘ had Mr. Cortie' beet suit of clothes 3 watch. razor and eeveral other art! es worth In all about $40. Chief Bell wee at once informed oi the occurrence, and he watched outgoing height mm. but with- nlght, wearing what had appeared to be a new suit. Cards have been sent to the in O . 201199 ALB‘EXJ’BJEA‘h .m“%"° b“ '° 1 FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 3. I. 897 Look out for Him- nth-l! “9‘99 The general public as well a! the delegates, are annually invit- ed to hear Hon. A, 8. Hardy. Ontario's premier. at the Aca- demy oi Music on Saturday at cricket. Nous. -Tho young «totem: ot the north sud scum words plsyod I much on 5mm, on the school areas. The ma duos-noon resulted as follows: First Inning. south “rd. 33 mm. north wad. so; wound .L ___J Wduâ€"trwiiifi runs, noun Win 12. o and much will mm: M P" tomorrow (Tuesday). An mldont occurred at Davey a am. when!” by which a. young mm who wu # -__I_ Ink ‘n m JWWâ€"J ‘a 7-777 _ employed as e pecker neuly lost on eye from being hit in the me by u up allege thrown from one of the joiner “we. e eervieeeo! edocwrwerereqelredtodreee the wound end several stitches were â€"Rev. '1‘. Kenning. mew! of the Gun- bridge eh. Methodist church. conducted the eeniee no the Union church Snndey n. end delivered 3 htiet but very interesting sermon. The rev. gamma had a. very exo'ting end indeed enuione trio names the into. being towed over -‘ - A Lâ€"‘l’- Ila-Ann, “A Died in Toronto. Mrs. Steunton received n telephone men- use on Mondny morning worming her a! the dentin 0! he: tethet, Wm. Mex-dock. on old reeident of Lindsey. who we: in the on Tuesday evening. end were met at: the station by e luge number at sympothiziog i friends. tension tor persnts bereaved of their intents. and yet the home that loses e child by deeth ls elweys e sedans. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. G. Hartley on Sunday afternoon. In the presence of e 13 company of on: cltl- xens ...... Mr. oote's my blends In Lindsay “111 bereavement. wreckonthel.8.t0h.‘B.R.wunot musedhyun loo 3 the opening otnswlwh bysmeputyor -An Inportnnh concession bu been mode by the moons of the 6.123. m the bonds at de manna nnd employee- anenfly. Mr. B. Reeve. man! a manger of 0 lion. bu Issued a circular lulu-mink the umnu o! the company but upon the cat-moons o! bends of department- md oompllnnco with oer- ....... .L- mmnnn' will x. I, u. -. ulnar-o .Thg man" Sand” um not!!!“ A - -,,-_._ LI.- of departmen- um cum”... ..-._ i, tun conditions the company will refund one-half of tho mum chu- on and cod tea-f3 ed Eziz‘Si‘giglr #853525 51 85mm Pout Nous Accident. muons-Bayou; Obituary. at Dani! â€"m 9 o'clock mm mm meann- denyod for five minute. 1m Thursday 5! halved mutilation: «Mule. unseen-0d mm or We" an Inn. A hm tot 0 an mu. m men. .1)» condition of the MN“- â€"Port Perry Stead-rd: Lut week vou- eteblo McKnlaht. 0! Port Perry. brought Jamel Berber-to jell tor ”grog”. Re I; e brleklgr by truth. but u e end one to get work he left Little Brlt- ale. where he hoe worked for yeers; tor Port Perry to throw hlmeel! on the mercy ot hle ulster. Mu. Goode. but n he he not treeted herflptfierly she refused to core for hlm. e en become e wanderer. end the enthorltlee e! um county were obliged to to!!! hold of hlm. â€"Uxhr|dae Tlmee : Whue drlvloa throw!!! suntneld 'l‘ueedly Mn our resort" eew the very unuul eight of en 0 moverSStyeereot mmplowlafi very llvely tog-dyer:- gentle- men the letter we: juet eoml over the heed. le whlte looks blowléggn the breeze. he hula: loet hle hat. old men looked hole sud .hntlneonverntlon sold thehoreee were just e we hlt too tut for hlm. Be In one 01 Brook’- ploneere end should hue . V w. W Toronto Indian-Id exhlbmon. ho occu 3 heat. a u: once. on m 1.1: pounds at: Sepmmber m to the 10th. It will .---... .... a: m. was r192. .nd 192!" amour I'U w w.. so , located out at tho outdo ring. and Just In trout o! the bone and subtle shed. on the tic-u con- slum led but you. mu gh agriculture sad mm 9,3,!” imfi “pl. “COMM..â€" nâ€" __ t vided. -'rhe Bobceygeoa Independent an: Thee tlonlemedebyen unsealed citizen u {a OW out o! the quee- uen to t ennmyherebyhndgueu-y the openlngotemhettorthe hue end eh! In; of gum. eettle. etc. The “gang: [e w worth can: end manual-q I um w 1' fog-310111“! ‘53qu medium «111 be “1910 mammal! lama: Sat-ah!- â€"lr.A.E.8MdWoodvflh.¢M ammum‘ . g___.fl m iifn-umm" In town- ~lr. WuPn Momma WWW”. ham-hm WWW. â€" LPuIsndePoeLotflu mmwmrnwywws frauds. uynâ€" _,-_-, ~r Irma CLmbel Thuwl. mom-aid «nephew. Mum Jude Bull” Mood” tor ha home In Cabonrz. -Ml;s mini. Emhoe 1m town 1;: mums-be charge 0! one of a. ”W o! the Norm Busy Sew-M .Jluher cum Gm left on Tue? by to visit rehflm In Toronto. 80 hw_mlnmughhotbhemdu Ind vlclnfl’. â€"Mre. Thou. Suepheneon end temflyne- turned on Tneedny tram Plenum: Point. where theyheveheenoemplngtorflu put. two weeks. â€"Mlu Munle Damn lath Tueed-y even for 0111113 to visit her uncle. Mr. F. J . end letter on will vult Toronto“ 8 o blends. -Xr. Willie Gnu non of Dr. W. H. emu. dentist. left Wmudnv tor mane. we. Minn" where he has wound a poul- Suooees. Wu]. â€"M1u Jsmleeon and mu Bun. mn- llnestdmemMotKlumwhelre am.memmnuunerym mTaronmthuweek. 4n. Percy McLun. backhoe! no: the mwhewe 00.. Peberbo: o. wheeled to tan Tneedey on his bicycle to look ether eon. , 35M! at hm {01‘ his firm. \ 5 â€"Mr. Arthur Simpson Intended mm MToronbolutTnudnyws swank mm: In the nights at the e lbltlon, but n: prevented by m attack of Illness. '7 24151:. Lam Amman, merchant tailor. Toronto, 1m New York on Sun» (In hattorspleunntrl boEngluIl uni the continent. Be vult. Pram, Spun and Italy hetero returning home. â€"Toronbo World Sana. 19c: Mr. A. P. But. lone allow panties! aolonoo a Toronto Unlmluy. 3nd “wash of tho Var“: toobholl mom. has been oppolnhod a real on: master at Bishop Ridloy Collage. Sc. Gomez-Ines. â€"Mr. .4. Boom. of tho out Minol- botothsnxotMonuuLletota Toronto loot. Toad” no consult» Dr. Ryan-son reloflve no the removal of a. «moot. from which he hos boon sale!- lngtor some clue. "--- _-,, , â€"Mlse Lotfle Fox. assists“ in Mr. Ten-re confectionery. left on heed-.9“: ta Nepenee. where she will visit tr! ta eeverel month; Mien Oliver lete of. Sneelifle 8:. Sane' were, will teke her piece during her ebeence. â€"Mr. J. S. Sends. merehent teller. K .whoheebeenvleiflng hie eon. He. J. A. Sends. cutter tor Dundee Flevelle Bree. lea for Lehefleid heed” 99 ”gaging mew den with his W. L .A._. uh_l_- Inn-e- erodlubly. â€"Toronho World. Tuna: : Muba- I. Sylvester ll qulbe Iguana W. At Mlllbrook on the 3!: but. pm In the bon'noe. This I: the sixth rifle much“. undwulroournborewwudl meander mg week. - "-A_.._nl -0 m,

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