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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 3 Sep 1897, p. 3

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iYLEY. qumished pro-wt lake: 51” economic» to mntiful than may made or 'MB]! :8. MINES. mm}. tnomical. :e Furnish ’lnmbtng ODS. LPTOB. TIIE prom or this can”! ‘ ' m- and V“: POST.â€" Two of the D DEALER I dare?! N DANIEL. nets to pure“ .1! be recezved by harbors or I... (rune Burns Ind éa'. um zoom e. ano hull. Etc. MPAN Y' .1 lot Samba! £533 00 mm fl ox “'ARI- pa: vious etc-m". nFouflI a But Qéd body will CDCCK me l«35:11:55 of the disease. Nu. ' ods are well in their is 'CodJiver Oil. When igested, as in Scott’s , it does not dis- ' the stomach and the byinCCUI'CS the whole benc- fi; otthc amount taken. If «a was: to read more about "‘;>: .. send you a bOOko it .~. 5.5 I‘D 1m hm;- d-srxibution- on $-3.t.-mber we} 58c 14.5! night: '1 n Chicago 5e: Ibo New 1 ‘iutler and for: September rip l-‘rox lipz'rator“ In 3 Brake Looseâ€"Early Frost \Vlll Do finch llarm 0p!I mu. Th‘ fiWflMN U 3100 PER YEAR. :52sz whers’ Notice. ml he: embankment and the OVH' 50 feet. 8581153 «mm. Strangely enou “Um. . ..-‘ om Occupied the Most atzention Yesterday. EAVY SALES WERE MADE >TT SQWXE, Believing 0d. 35mm POST is published up hope. There are is of cases where re- from Consumption 1 complete. Plenty air and a well-nour- ndv will check the Eiifiuzliau £05k stlribution. nus: pm“- ... W, ~1qu were 35 34c 3.3-3.1.th {M ’. night. The level then shafted :0. and, after reaching 36 3-86 xiv-mom). closed firm at 36c, or a) 1 3‘3: higher than last night. er" stronger. Vin-zit market had m-ther a. wild . buL cooled off in half an hour .~ “than: important development {nuance of the day. An early ' mm: September shorts furnish- u Lhu only sensational feature. .m-nr gyrntions in that option 21:.- upming affected the whole ' ' , r~~ e109 flan-9d =2». Aux. 26.â€"VVhe-a:t eclipsed the “h prim’vs of the present bpll 2:1 10â€"day. The September‘OPm '1 $1.03 1-2 and D90. 960. After "Iv wild fluctuations, September 93 7-80 and Dec. at 937-80 s of 2 1â€"8c and 5-80 respectively. Tzrry in September was but the 91' another turn of the smws by 1” ('liquo. While in D «' was caused by bullish cables 1"‘0 nmvs. Corn was the most mark»: on the floor. and showed "0 1 380 advance at the 91939. “Nam-ml about 33C and provxsaons \ tip had been mum on; w... good for a big price in the weeks, and the investment this and other influences was of the day. Many of the big- xtoz‘s are uuw interested in -JZ"J came rmm Chicago that in; t‘wfl’e would not hold the tm-L-rs who were trying to LA -mn, AYABLE IX ADVASCI. \nmher Boos! In Chicago. .1 drivjng out 01 um".â€" i run mto at the :hree or an add“: ".n .r-f. \\ u,” .~- ...‘;__, and tlwn drifted for the re- »I‘ Hi» day. mug-hing $1.01 7-3 mu. Total sales were 7.9351000 November closbd at 99c, after H at $1.00 1-2 earlier in the mmpurod with last night. the '1 with :1 not advance of 1-20 :1 hushol. Export tmde was 1111:. only a few loads being 0n the curb further pressnn' ”n fn hear on the market and horse IJ'lt'AD n..- V, ~15. The country is interest- ~125th boom and bought free- ‘y'hcu wheat sold ott‘ in the Corn broke loose £10m its A companion and had a. lit- its own hook. Crop news is by gloomy. The trust seaaxm Emmi, and mm all acwunts a so fa: behind its average this time or the yea: that. the most favorable weather m.-- rm- danger y vvu_v_-‘ .. ,1 always be made in the attest e and Express Honey Order: no my be sent at our own risk. a whenyou remit by cash. always bezt to renew two weeks your mpper expires in order m gs ~A1w3ys give both your old omce when you :31: us to change name of the town and the auto or should always follow your own tothis ofico Wu monogram}! :1blwhel. 1342 :11: only a I On the curb In to beat 9“. so mcrchzmti (or business adver- rear or [or a shorter tim:. .lication. WM. 3. gay; The commence with my “5‘19- : (sohd typo) Nonpariel. first a quent. insertion. L hml c lumus 10cper line first asequent insertion .715L\'G RATES- m1, and mm all so far behind its :3 time or the 5" .c must favomkle :9 books unless :‘ Em almon- vuu ,Vu>â€"<~-V :y‘mtlvns in that option ‘pz-uiug affected the whole «1 strong at $1.02, timed 4. with smrcoly u bran-th- l tlwn drifter} for the _3- 0“ A\1 . _Q 'emsemenm such gs strayed d, hum (or ale-o! SIX or eight or {our insertions. If more dditionsl proportionate chsrge immense 3. Aug- 27-: s from W sscuoe 110‘“ Ago-n: [lad I the “ tsl [-20 to subscription ntes .ce. g out .01 to??? WILSOS a: WILSOX. Proprietors. :U.â€"'l'hc had mther a. wild If in huh: an hour )rtzmt development in) dn". An early lad ’ Tun-Inc. 27.~A piano 339‘“ “Yafistock had a -0m death this after- 191-5 which 1'43 up to 330,000 given out that age. To'duyls bullish, Neb- aiued or! drouLh- ) cool weaf‘h‘lr his is done, spL-culative today W35 g was 511‘:- by a. large whom were Ne‘v York torn nk‘s Frontier Proposal Accepted by the Italian Governnelg. had R Rome. Aug. 2T.â€"The Cabinet Council fiche SIR WllF‘RlD LAURIER? Besieged by Interviewers on Arrival at Quebec. TALKS UN DIFFERENT SUBJECTS says ms (‘nplm “LI Population Will ' flow I. This Conan. and Cam. Ila: Entered on a New Bra an 3 Brazil: of the ”be”! Government's Pout-y. Quebec, Qum, Aug. 28.â€"(Spe<:'al.)â€"Six \’Ilfri'.l Laurier and Lady Laurier 8113 again on Canadian soil. The Premier was me: clown the river by a. large‘ number 0: persons who were on board 1 the steamer Druid, 9.11% the crowd was : sacrum-d when the Premier reach-31 the Queen’s wharf. Sir Wilfrid is the p‘cture or health, and being asked for an interview, said: "First, let me any something regarding the jubilee procession. It was a sight never to be forgotten, and was a. ma:- telous revelation of magnificence of the British Empire, and n striking tribute to the manual popularity of Her Ma)- esty Queen Victor-in. Throughout, it was a wouderl‘ul sight, but l think the most impressive portion of It wns the service at St. Paul's. I thmk it was an index to the English chnracter, and a credit to the English button, that the consumating ceremony or that day Iahquld have been the puhhc thanks- ‘ givtng to Almighty God (or the pr - pemy or the nation. it was truly-a glentepectacle to see Queen Victoria, the chgnxtnries or state. the representa- tives of the army and navy the ‘ grant men of the nation all there under the canopy 0: Heaven, in the face 9! sum: grand cathedral, offal-mg then- Imnks to the Cream: for H15 mercies. ”The naval review was a spectacle l of an altogether different charncteg ““39; of an altogether different chameter, :lnu yet it was most impressive to see . xhe strength of the greatest ml?! 111 the world displayed, trom the bugg'ESt numot-war to the tiniest torpedo boat. It was a sight never to be forgotten, and made one feei that if there is any one thing more than another that ex- hibits the strength of the British Emr pire. it is a. marine display with an the sea forces exhibited in this manner.” Then, turning his attentio to matters of supreme importance to Canada, Sir WLIfrld entered upon a discussion of. the position held by the Dominion in Europe. the miportanoe of the dexmueia- U011 of the German and Belgmn treaties. and the stupidiity of those who argue that these actions on thqpart of G‘Eeat livinriii will not materially assist Can- ada. “Canada is now beginmng an en- tirely new career,” he said. “not only in England. but in the whole Continent of Europe. The denunciation of the German and Belgian treaties, as made at the request of Canada and the other self-goveming colonles. has without doubt created a. profound impression throughout the Continent. and unless I am greatly mismkemwe shall. I antici. pate, see a great flow of both capital and population to Canada in the next (cw years. And yet it is but two or three years ago that the English Gov- ernment, through Lord Ripon, refused to consider the denunciation of. such theatres}: ‘May I ask how you account for the change in front, Sir“ 'ilfr id?” ,__L ‘I’ ______.._.â€"â€"â€"-_____,_________..___â€"â€" "The anSWer is not far to seek. I ; atLibute the change to the attitude taken by the Canadian Government at the last session and the tarifi‘ legisla- tion then adopted by the Dominion. By our. action, England was placed in the posrtion of having either to advance or necede, and she advanced to me!“ us in the manner which we desu‘ec. There can be no doubt as to the na- vantagm which Canada will gain from the denunciation of these treaties. the greatest, undoubtedly, being increased fiscal independence for us as a nation. These treaties were in the way of any bscal arrangements which we could have made with the sister col- onies or even with foreign na- tions, because the moment any such arrangement had been made Ger- many and Belgium would have stepped forward and claimed the same advan- tages without giving anything in re turn. Canada found this out repeatedly during the twelve months prior to the Jubilee. when the Government was quite able to see how its policy was limited by the existence of these treaties. when it had opportunities to act in a manner which would have been for the good of Canada. Now we are free.” "Can you tell us whether the arrange- ments in connection with the fast ser- vice are proceeding satisfactorily, Sir W’ilfrid?” . “Yes. I have every reason to believe that the Canadian Atlantic fast steam- ship service is absolutely assured. and that it will be in operation before two years from now. Mr. Peterson has had to overcome many dimcultles. as a man with a new idea always has to. but I have every reason to convmce me that he has successfully overcome them all.” Speaking of his trip to France, the Premier. who modestly declined to say one word concerning his triumphahtour through the country, gave his opinion concerning the attitude of the French people towards CanadaL as follows: -_- -1...an “no: pcuuu: LUWMAua VtQunu-u .... __ “The French people have always been very friendly in their disposition towards Canadians. and are now still more so, but I am sorry to say that Canada. is not as well-known to Frenchmen as it ought to be. and, perhaps, I may cherish the hope that my visit to France may have dispelled a. few of the false 110- tions which may have existed prior to that time? Luu. L unnu- “Yon visited other countries besides England and France. did you not?" “Yes. while I was on the Continent we went to Switzerland and Italy.” Sir Wilfrid wns evidently bearing in mind the conditions of the interview. which he laid down. for he stopped. smiled genially. and. then. softening the least little bit. concluded in: saving: “Of all the people I met while I was in Europe. and I met manyâ€"but it would take up too much time to give you my Impressions of all of themâ€"there are three personalities which stand out clear- ly and vividly in my mind’s eye toâ€"day. It is impossible to tnlly appreciate the wonderful impression inculcated by these ‘ three illustrious personsges. I refer to lHer Majesty Queen Victoria. the Right IHonorable Mr. Gladstone and His H011- ness Pope Leo XIII.” ”other and mutter Bur-ed up . (3",, Owing to the Common Cause. Tampa. Fia.. Aug. 29.â€"Marie, the 1412”. old daughter of Mrs. Frances Valdez of For; Tampa City. went to the kitchen to start a fire this afternoon. She poured on kerosene and instantly there was an ex- plosion, tortoWea by me girl's agonizing cries as she ran from tho room on are. Mrs. Valdez at once went to her daughter’s assistance. While she was attrmptlng to extinguish the names her own clothes caught fire. Both were burned to a crisp. The house caught fire and was destroyed. has agreed ‘0 ‘ King Menelik tion 0! the B] will appoint a. flu???- . xfizosmw A ND mu nr. 1uu' ABYSSINI‘. THE CANADIAN l'ho lan- (ac-nar- ole-e M cum 0!. Bowmanville. Aug. 26.-The large dry goods,and grocery stores or the Mason Company were burglariously entered last night through the rear or south end or the buildings. The bars across the win- dow were bent so as to admit the body of. a small man. Then the door was ”939d. and tree entrance was secured ‘ ’’’’’’’ *- A Innze quantity of men's clothing, underwear, boots and shoes. ties and two values were taken. The night watghmn on duty saw no one in the buildings utter the establishment was closed at 6.30 p. m. The burglar or burglars were appar- ently not rotessional, but no clue yet been 0 mined to the culprits. ‘l'llo lulla- Sclo- or Bonny In Ice- .3 the Top of Iona! SI. Ella. .Victoria. B. 0.. Aug. 26.â€"The expedi- non of Prince Luigi 0! Savoy to the summit of Mount St. Elias has fixed once for all the altitude of Mount St. Elias at 18,120 feet. The eXpedition has also shown that the mountain was never a volcano. Thv Prince named a. newly-discon-red glacier “Colombo." Detroit, Mich, Au Lisk. 35 years of age, in; by Margaret boarding house on Si Lisk came here 15-01;: A (‘amadlan Woman RSI-hing. Detroit, Mich, Aug. 26.â€"Cntha'1jiue Lisk, 35 years of age. is reported mass- ing by Margaret Carr, who keeps a boarding house on Sixth-street. Miss Lisk came here from Pinkerton, Ont. where she has relatives living. Miss Cnrx says Miss Lisk was a. little queer. She had been looking for work daily for some time, but would never remain out in the evening, having a sort of hallu- cination that someone was constantly 1‘. flowing her. ‘Eor Lthiereason Miss ___A-. .11 ha- 1| 11.0“ng uCl 0:er fears sonnet Another Postponement (or Allison. Galt, Ont., Aug. 26.â€"It is announced that the Crown has requested an enlarge- mont until Friday, Sm tcmber 3, for e preliminary hearing: 0 Alllson. the sup- posud murderer or Mrs. Orr. t An English Syndlrale With a Million rounds Controls Canadian and IT. _. Fishing Grounds. London, Aug. 24 .â€"â€"Mr. Edwin Corbin of Chicago has closed a deal tmnlgamatlng the United States and Canadian Lake ,.-A_ .«I.. .. I‘. on” an. o... Berry Pickers Misslnfl. “'est Superior, Wis, Aug. 24.â€"A par- ty of eight men and women left last Friday in a small sailboat to go after berries along the south aide of Lake Supmior, intending to return Sunday. Nothing has been heard of them, but the captain of the steamer Gilbert ne- pm-ts passing :1 capsized sailboat a few miles out. Searching parties will go out this afternoon Flu .V (:0- ]: $551.4 X A L LIA Not. LHL' Luucu uuumu â€"-â€"â€" .* ,,,,,,,,, 7*, l"i.~hories Companies, when-by tho control of 20 companies passed inm tho hands of a British company. with £000.00!) capital. Mr. Corbin sails for the United States next Week. accompahiefi by a stat! of British .AA-_ AL- L..-|_-..- -nJ V! UTA. «Luv-u; uuuuu accountants to turk (Worâ€" tl'fewiuélineiéihxid initiate the consolidation. 88865438 11' 307143 VILLB. A Clause Was Added to Insure the Peace of the World - l‘anre Ila: Ike Pen. Paris, Aug. 2S.â€"The Gaulois publishes details of the signing of the 'treatw Den tweeu France and Ru§ia, which it declares to be :1. formal ofiensive and dcz‘ousiw agrccmcn-t. The treaty, the paper says, was concluded in the Em- pezor's study in the Alexandra Palace at Peterhof on “'ed’nesday last. Pres:- dL-ut Fame. the Czar, M. Hamtnux. the French Flu-eign Minis‘oer and Count Mumvieff. the Russian boren'gn ' is- ter. were present. The instrument had been finished. but it was decided 1:0 :1 clause which would unmistakably m- sure the peace of the world. President Fnum wrote this clause at the Czax's dictation. and all then signed the dwumcnt. after which the Czar present: 011 the pen with which the silmatmvs had lmen‘ntfixcd to Pms'ldeut Faure as :1 souvemr. There "at Been .\'o yet So!“ l‘w points in L'emr nvu-thix-‘ls of th all wlll be down This includes t tricts. 'llhcre 11: An“ “’innipog, Aug. Z’i.â€"m‘ports uum .9 points in Central Manitoba show that I\\'U‘I,hll'll>’ or the when 15 now cut and all will be down by the end or the week. This includes the latest rim-11in}: dis- trims. ' ‘here has been no frost. Capt. .l. Allan. injured in the attack on Almighty \‘oi-co at Prince Albert, is on his way to Montreal for treatment, Charles Grey. president of Lhe Patrons of Manitoba, is dead. From Four to Flve Hundred m lard More Than Last Y4 Washington. Aug. 27.â€"Ass rotary Brigham of the Agric purtmcnt to-day expressed t that the American farmers “'ollld receive in tho aggro c41m_000.000 to $500,000,000 £466.:600090 biwwvuxhvvv or that received last wheat. “This seems l but statistics sustain tl Colonel Brigham 315 the increaso in the pri 11w would benefit tl: mvnt Duke and Duchess of York Will Come and See Us Next You. u u Snld. London, Aug. .5.-â€"'I’he Echo asserts that the Duke and Duchess of York have accepted the invitation of _the Premier of Canada. Sir Wilfrid Launer. to visit Qanada dpring the spring _of 1898. while on the): way to Austmha. SCALDED 1'0 DEL-£18.. London. 0nt., Aug. 26.â€"Leonard J. Grimshaw, a machinist, employed by E. Leonard Sons. was scalded from head to foot this morning at \Vatsou’s box factory, Bathurst-street. He was im- mediately taken to the city hospital, where he died at 3 o’clock in the after. noon. The cap of the drip attached to the pipe used to conduct steam from the boiler to the engine blew out a short time after the engine was started. (:rimshaw was standing right under the drip at the time and was covered by the condensed steam, to catch which the drip is built. The force of the exploslon sent the machinist into a hole about ten feet away from the engine, and severely shocked the fireman, who .was in an- other part of the room. Gnmshaw was about 27 years of age and man-zed. J PRINCE L (7101's TBI 0111f8. MILLIONS FOR THE R0124 L 1'! gimpleshm WM ‘,S,A x.AL:.â€"â€" “‘17 m0. rlmpxes, D ”I“ w, unmâ€"â€". 7 , . ' itching. scaly scalp, di-y, emisheo thin, and fallin prevented by mam Son, thq efiectlve skin purityin soap in the world, $5 sweetest for toilet, hath Terrible Pate That overlook Ronald J. Grlmlaw of london. :een No Frost In Manitoba as Not" From \"Innlveg. win r1511 c.4524 DA. Gutig: are. xup. â€".. , of the Agricultural De- expressed the opinion can farmers this year 11 the aggregate from $500,000,000 in excess 11 last year for their seems like a 'vnst sum. stain the clairn." am also predicted that the price of farm prod- .»fit the laboring ele- 25.-â€"'I'he Echo asserts and Duchess of York the invitation of the 1da, Sir Wilfrid Laurier. 1 during the springnof NDSAY, ONTARIO. lllmdrod Mllllon Dol- Imn Last Year. ' 27.â€"â€"Assist:1nt-Sec- ports from ‘ 15 FA R J! E R5. iLATEST CABLE NEWS Orakzals daUOns CO‘. WI “-0 lip-“III- Im’n rum!- ”INTI!- he! and Greece Knocked on by lush and may. Slum, Any. tamâ€"The Ghinwu'i and Knhl police posts on the Sauna: reuse were et- tacked, encuated by their garrison. end burned by the enemy on Sundey nixht. In addition the Orakz‘als, on Sunday night‘i looted the North. Eamon. Bun“ an burned the school. The Kohnt Pass Atrial! are still loyal, in spite of the Mulllh'l strenuous efforts to excite their chiets. They promise not to oppose the Peshhwuri troops who Are marching on Kohnt. The column under Col. Richardson and I detached party, which were sent to relieve the police posts at In“: and Salraldara. found them hard pressed by Omkuls. A sharp conflict ensued between the reliev- ing (me and the rebels, resulting in the mpulse o! the latter with considerable loss. The mat: Wore relieved and their garrison: with wn. Nc‘npnper lieu Ila-sported} Bombay,Aug. 30.â€"Edltor Klshnlknr of the native newspaper Mnhmuubllshed It Is- lulpore, has been senten to trans rt;- non for life, and the proprietor an ub- lisher ot the paper. harmolkar. has n transported for seven years. The senten- or mde'pendence. "er! l-portnlt 'l‘nt the Irltlnl Forces Should 'I'nhe the Ole-give. London. Aug. 31.-â€"The correspondent of The "lmea at slmla says thnt no order: have yet been Issued regarding the expedi- tlon to Tit-ah, though the action or the ()mkzals show how lm ratlve It In thnt the British forces shoal assume the often- slve. The Ornkznls, howevar, make no nt- tempt to attack In force nny point where the troops are likely to meet them. The wisdom of the occupation or the Somnnn range In 1891 Is now demonstrated. But om- nun mmnnflon the _ernnznl Valley {Enid-ls Show" how [In ‘ the British forces shoal I (or that occupation the Woum have _ been devnsmu ,, -A_ â€"A"' ..»n [or Inn: W’L’Uyfluvâ€" .__ would have been devastated. Public opinion now m‘nenliy inclines to the belief that the Ameer is not directly concerned in the uprising. Bis desire to answer the Government‘s letter is proved by the fact that he sent a duplicate copy of his re iy by In of Kandahar. so that it would fie receive: by the Government in the event of the Peshnwur routes being closed. This duplicate has just reached New Chnman. NAT! 7E OFFICERS WERE BRA 73 __â€"-â€" And Only a Few ol the Khyber limes Were [Manned at Jenna's. Peshawur. Aug. 30.â€"-It transpires that several of the nufive omccrs at Fort ‘ J “nun”. lanvqh' Peshawar. Aug. 30.â€"-1t transpires that several of the native otlict-rs at Fort. Lundi-Kotal showed the utmost loyalty and valor when that post was attacked. One or them. who rectived a bullet wound in his shoulder, continued, despite his injury, to tight, and encouraged his men until the fort was captured. The subadnr who conducted the defence of Fort Lundi-Kotal was killed during the fighting. Among the attacking force were two of his sons. while another son fought by his side. The suhadar who commanded the Mallagoin Company, when the enemy entered the fort, col- lected his men and gallantly cut his way through the ranks at the attackers. He lost several men, but leached the road to Jami-ad Without the loss 0: a. single rifle. AL_a ‘n‘w n «mall section single rifle. It appears that only a small section of the Khyber Rifles stationed at Jan- rud were disarmed. They were on guard the night when the neWs or the (all 0: Fort until-Kora! was received. and the omcers, fearing that some of them might desert with their rifles, dis- armed them and placed other tribesmea on guard. The other Khyber Rifles are still trusted. "he arrests at Quetta on Aug. 2-! of three Baluchastan sirdurs is considered a most important step. as two or them, Meh'rullah and Yarmuhamed. were the instigators'ot recent raids in that quar- ter. Their arrest will anx-nt much trouble in Baluchastan. A majority of the Buluchistan chiefs have visited Quotta. and all declare that there is no further reason for enmity on the part of the Government. I ’Coblenz. Aug. 30.â€"At a banquet given , this evening in connection with the army umoeuvres, Emperor William. in the ‘course or a. long address, complimen liu the highest ternu the Duke 0: Cam- bridge, long the Commander of the brave British army, “who has done me the , honor to come to lend past me his brave ' historical regimunt." E His Majesty oontin-ued: “We may welcome in the xllustn'ous perqon of 3Your Royall Hmhness a contemporary ‘ . grandfather. who always spoke of you'ln tat-ms or the highest es- teem and tnqndshnp, and extolled Your Highness‘ mihtary attainments." t The Exnwmr concluded by congratu- datimg the Grand Duke 0! Baden 11mm ad ' “ 'e dent and brave as v were e tune of the Great pet-or." ‘ Hts Majesty then pro the health of the Exghtzh Corps its on - I in; general. the Gmnd Duke of Baden. ;’1‘he toast was received with three hur- 34 use v81". Reluctance and Ger-Inf. Jed- ouny (‘nnsed It to Fall Through. Constantinople, Aug. 30,â€"Lord Sullsburv's proposal for a julm gunman-u 9! un- 11- dcmult)‘ to be paid Turkvy by 611mm has talk-u through. owlug lo Russia's reluc- tance and Germany's jvulousy. Bush's III: the anco-Pruu-nn mun-u the Bunpuoua lulu-r Ia than: Toward». Great Britain '2 ENGLAED BULBS THE BALANCE. iie Since or En hands or England- stem coal. Expemyronotmce the pro- pectn excellent._ sxty thogund mm are already viable: and it 1.: (int coalxp'nincwm become oneot file “WMMW a.â€"â€"Fi¢teen tramps summed' ant-1 captured the farm house of John P. Williams last evening. Miss Wilhams' and Frank Collins were to have been married. The tramps drove the family end mt: out. devoured the bridal supger, and ransacked the home. All ulna lee were him. even to . can: of Mg. Wanna that conceited the man-hang Tgetzeddhc wu pug; poned sue! med e p. ue now in pursuit of the m ‘ I nun" axons UP COAL WHY Committing Depre- an Indian Frontier. IN NE VF!) UNDLJND. “u: mun- r run-Inn AI Ilnnce Caused PROPOS.‘ L DBOPPED. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. ‘ge from! Emperor preeent at last night's Creed”) dinner :1 the French Embassy. The menu was moot “usually deoonted with anegoricnl de- um h The lmpm nttnched I here to the handle 0! her an to keep u n souvenir. She has te lost her ‘lrulh Iookandllnowne tel: vomotm nmcent resence. She wishes to attend the lune eon to be given on board the French wnrohlp Pothuan. M. Fnure'l bed the one which ha been used successively the Emperor Funds Joeeph_ot. Austrh- nasal-y and the Ern- FIVA vv umâ€" All the correspondent: comment upon the he: that there 73.: no mention at the word "Alllnnce ' In the tents nt the ban not In the Peterhot. “Friendship" II n l the keynote of :11 the cinch! utterances Ind 02 the addreuel presented to X. Flare. The Puts commandant: describe the French press nndtrople u delighted wlth n tendered lo M.Fnure. the splendid me? n... .- nnnhlo to conceal thelndlwl‘w‘fi‘: .3032. Aug. .28.â€"The Tn'bune ub- hshes up mtemew With Pfince is- clares that. the British Government 5 that. the; Government at the Cape should be Bflflsh rather than Dutch. Prince Bxsmmk ('do admiration for the endeavors undo by the Pope to solve the mnl'queazivm. adding: “RI:- 23513:] l111;le mpohi (vacation conkl ' Iy e ’ce. at w ’ the military." no it requxrm Electric fun in din-t Donald. London. aug. 24.-â€"'1'he electric cabs which were introduced a few days ago on the streets or London are in ‘vrgat domnnd. Only two or them are Q was for hire. the other: having been private- for 25 shilliu a day. The company owning the vc iclos say that they could let hundreds of them it the: possessed them. They hope to add thaw new ones Weekly. , Wu Up All the Coal In sum Wie- Io Saw the mime foul-g. Pittsburg. Pm. Aug. 2S.-â€"By mo and of next week all the coal in the Simon- :nhele. River will practically be in the 1......“ n' one fixm. “‘hcn the present whole. River will pracucauy m- m um hands of one fum. When the present strike began the firm of John H. Jones $.- 00. quietly bought coal everywhece they could. at 'ces which now seem wry cheap. They have been keeping this coal and now practically canto! the 'ma] trade in this vicinity. \‘l hon seen today Mr. Jones admitted «Ln. ohm Gm had more than QLIQMOO tons- Enqu'u-ies among other coal firms 'loveloped the fact that there was very little coal outside of that'huld by Jones Co. and that that firm would in: able to get its own prices. 'l‘o-day it was :skin: 9 1.20: per bushal for run of minc and 10 1-2c for lump coal. This is an advance of 2c over yesterday. Peterboro. 0nt.. Aux. 29.â€"For a num- ber of days Superintendent Ford of the Little Lake Cemetery has had in his glossession a Brantfonl bicycle, lady's model. No. 1833. and no owner had claimed it. although it was left at hisI olhce on Tuesday last. The mystery as to the ownership of the wheel wan solved last night when two gentlemen, Messrs. Waller Patterson and J. lltid. noticed the body of a girl so over the slide at the lock just below the to“ u. Undertaker Bellinzham and Coroner Bell Were notilied and had the body removed to room: on Hunter-street. where it was identified as that of Ada Fraser. daughter of Mr. John Fraser. : 'l‘he deemsed had teen acting ax} collector for the York Loan and Swings Company. The coroner has not been able to decide whether the girl committed suicide. nor is there any rea- son apparent at present for belieang that foul play was the cause of death. "he only mark on the body is a alight bruiae on the forehead. but it does not appear to have any fracture of the skull with it. The coroner wdl decide as to an inquest on Monday. You: We.“ lined to Death. Walkerton. 0nt.. Aug. %.â€"A very sad accident occurred here last night. by which a fine young 512' 17 years of age. eldest daughter of v. William Tind- all. lost her life. She in desk fell down on the lamp. breaking It and spilling the content: over her clothing. In an instant she was en- veloped in unmet}. and was so badly burned that she died m a few hours. A Partner. Young lady ro- Waur of gal: 93: â€" In on 13-". '40” 11' '1'. 28133.80”- DEATH OF ADA FRASER. gel-Inge Cont-lull: Five Pecple Struck by n M- Gazelle Sallieâ€"Ole In. Wu Killed. Bunnlo, Aug. 29.â€"-An Erie pessenser trun traveling at the rate of 6." miles an hour struck u carriage containing five people at a. level crossing Just outside the city limits toâ€"nizht. The carriage and its occu- Bants were hurled high in the lll‘ end ow any of them escaped instant death is a mystery. Melville II. \‘nh-ntine wan dead when picked up. The other occupenu ot the vehicle. Mr. and I!!!» N. 0. Weider. their little non Eddie and Georg: Cole were mahwured. it is likely t nil will die. e puty Md been in the coun- try for the day end hnd halted 1: the cnoasinx to let u trelght train one by. The did not see the passenger t com- yin en opposite directhm until too iete to escape t. PRINCE 813111803 TALKJ. JONES HAS Electric fob- II Guy-I Demand. don. Aug. 24.-â€"The electric cabs L were introduced a few days ago e streets or London are in "rcar. ad. Only two or them are pun: ire. the other: having been printm- for 2.5 shilli a day. The , ' vc iclos say that could let hundreds of them it they sued them. They hope to add three ones weekly. . HURLED HIGH n. n J the ex-Chancellor dc- Bn‘tish Government '8 in South Africa. target- taught “by mg- Dutch IT CORNERED. “an room“! I- firm“ “arm udy Fond II the use A Interl- fi).â€"For a num- IN AIR. When In the uucuuwm "‘ 3:31:43 value at Talks m h Midn- w W 1”" ‘° an. 8006'.”me ”ammunpo'cudm mun-mo mm. mmw M'ammmdubum to aim... u. purity Mr M“ mayotmw! 51°“ 5M,“ m nanny min to ruin bondi- mpowctocnnkthou. Youmut m‘mwwt. Itwfllnnhyoir ,, ___a_Ll_.. --‘ thn “Jul. â€" wr"â€"" blood pun, rich sad nourishing-ad till drive out nu ms of din-u, sum-and baud upm'wm ____.._____â€"â€"â€", NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC.â€"I hou- byr zlvp node. go In pmu- um I will not be ALA- “-o-‘M 1“. m. MIL 213$ gigagé ; 253: fiiéizié‘ég 5333*“ a“ gg Eggs; Hood’sVPills WWW-“i #â€" ARM ii, IT-iin'véu-u-w. bnGANS, PIANOS AND SEWING MACHINES. [Ofloo Ind Residence Cor. annex Pool-nun Box £15. “34'"- The Victoria Loan and Savings Company, Hourâ€"1 dnv NW"- Hood's Suiinarifla. . V ‘v'- v I: the cal ufe, reliable monthly 2:: icine on which Indies cnn depend in hour and time of need. I: prepared in two degrees of stren No. FE): ordinary one. is by {a the best dolhr medicine known â€"-801d bzy druggistr, one Dollnx' per box. BAâ€"WD igfiks’ox. “I“ 5.71“. DOW!» Inmmntcwmumww‘“ may Dom“?- x9.”- landed 5nd law com (or win“ .3141. New Advordsenonts. loamy manna P“ °""~ I" to '0‘, ‘0. nodnpcomptmflon. on: W O Olin. ' Dunn’s CAVANA WATSON ANY MAKE DESIRED. :’s cotton Root CQNP‘M! ku‘v â€" 3“; at cm ' FOR SALE}; 1‘0 _BENT wamdlmnhlthulvmnotbo gag dob“ MW by my ”a. :P BARRY. withou‘ my "HM . I38. “BY BARRY. Lind-,7. U! u "W ' :1; two both Five D911“ >70. 2. nailed on receIPt d o 3““ stamp!»- the Cook company. mtoSdunyndsw9 ans-nur- 37km Powder. JOBN MAGW‘QO‘); -_. .â€" ma 8W smut mu. y mud loom, rumour um summon. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist.- “â€"- mmmmnwawm manna-Inmtgnkotao-n Wm OPERA HOUSE BLOCLW 67113732an ACCOUâ€"NTANT, ONTARIO, U10 â€" CONVEYINGER, COMMISSIONER H.0J. («North and South YMM1W ' Brockmdlmvln. mom T0 mm 1.0mm mu PETER BEOWN. 41:03:85, OAKWDDD r. a. Ski-thud“ to with dun-tell std Mu " A UOTIONBEB. W. Wellington-at. LINDSA r. 3‘, ucusm Emma DR. F. A. WALTERS. @W. H. GROSS. mmmw. mm: mblimnflwfltu -4-9 M;- auroral-Mutual Toronto Uni”!!! â€" mm M and Improvod bnncha 0' . Chmnodm one :TOwramory'a Drug sum nuance Kontudwmhnmâ€"ler. Gndum of Trinity Univouit . Tomato. .- ndumdthefloydCoumot “18 m. OFFICE-8‘ Kent-33.. OPP. the P. .1 ~uâ€"â€".- .. without. pain by 0A8. tad mm All, “Mbyuntor 26 you: with mm, Bouudhd the nu under Dr. Cotton. at)!" York WWO! OntorEquctinc room. Dr Cohan unlu- Dr. Neolmdlum. he In. gimme.“ to 1”,“? per-om withou: u: mam Dr. cel- nnd-uulchobut lodhinOMund-n. 0M ml Imam! mm W Mutiny. Ontario. EOBGE MoHUGH. mm a: flute ufifiifimnoyuoonz I Dem-l Sun-zoom. OFHOEeNo._â€" 5': muted u. modontae prices. Plane and postal an! baton coming. one. newly oppoduuu Sim noun. Mad-u. loan» FIVE PER cm . on w gammy. Tom-o! rm: to suit the hon lama mg“; . IOOBE a JACKBOI. MONEY LEE '1‘ on Mo Stu Mamba: Rays! College Dental Surgeon; m squirm: lon- onhrmormnm mudmwsmmby-Wncw lcSKEYxlu'Pm;_ ’ omronom. 'MI‘I'MLI VII! mm: m nun. rap-phi. on um mo unit bonm. Lino. We mtmwmonumwu‘ nus BOWES. A UCTIONEEB EéEJtiful Artificial Teeth. mun um woman xo‘rns with q counted n m n. v. commas. Art-“20131911“ have m m by the mdersitned ‘0 1°54 VI. ”UV-"v â€"â€" -77 very large sums at flit-Br cent» the meme! taken for any term not oxooedint ten years. "14 the mm ponble youth. 11811 My ox- quot-Indy. on Ch” find R HART, DENTIST, Lindsay. MONEY go LOAN r. 01301145. 0.113133. 012'.“ Eamon. quléfi- MCPHADEN, EAGLESON. mmnw .8 11111192 DENTIST, - Lindsay. "OKEY TO LOAN. *. EA. T9_TTEN. nmxs'r. __ 0911.3. sweet, TORONTO. ’. BLANCHARD. Honey to 140”. o! :Dflnity_ Quinn“; MONEY ! IMUGm _l mom nA..__4_ ”All. mun“! '. o: Den t1: try. a. _l 19’“. cmflns srzwm. -. _KA._ 15-A- _..--- , A_ A 0â€"“- Fri: our. to. mu m Box 17.3‘ Lindsay

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