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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 3 Sep 1897, p. 5

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'eady in of ak for the ‘T-ST. ng into and . EARLY nteed to pi!" omplete mud to garnish- Van. nr inspect i d vder, Shot, ’rimers. nitio .dren’s DS and 7: £00- , and an or my Will at» W. “nun manu- Osnh Advmeod on Mars 80.10 Nous 0mm mmmmdnobenm MONEY TO LOAN J. H. SOOTHERAN, Tendon wlll ho rocolvod by the undonlunod (or the punk». 0! the nbovo pmpony up w the 22nd day of September next. 31mm In the Township of Ops. 1nd bung I" that pom ol not 8. In "to an] Conemnlon But at the 30an RIvor. the South In]! of Lot 3. In tho 4th Como-don lylng South 3nd Want 0! But. 0m- ka. conuInImr In 3!! shout 145 tern. Thln In on "0-th Mm nml In gnu-to wlIhln 5 mum of LIndny. DIM the 23rd dny 0! August. A.D. I897. â€"81-3W. J .73 WELDON. Clark. one providing for the issue of debentures to the mount of 81.400. for the purpoee ol buildln e School Home end other expenses thereto in U. .S. No. 14, Unipo- end 0pm, end the second providing {or the ham: of debentures to the amount of $1700, {or the purpoee of bullding I School Home and other expeneee thereto In [5.8 S. No. 21. Ileripose end Ope, end theteuch By-hw- were registered in the registry cake at the County of Victoria. 1t Lindnv. on the 28rd Day of August, A. D. 1897. Any motion to «mesh or let snide the some or nny pert them! mum. be mule within three month: {rum the due ottegmtution. end unnot he mode themtter. . o. “m- '16:», Day ofAugust, 189 7, Then am: well mutated and in good state of cultiva- tion. Apply to C. OHI'I'I'IOK. Unduy, Aug. 25th, 1897.â€"81~w. ‘N‘otlco is hereby given that two By-lnws were panod by the luplcipal Council of the Township 0! Kid- The-a m principnlly brick and well lowed, Prices mac from one to {our thouawd dollsn. OOMS TO LET. â€"Stndontl or other: during rooms (unkind or unfurnished with or without bond on be mommodnm by :pplylng to No 20 Cunbridgo st. No.5 , mley'l Terrace, opposite Wudor Olflcg-wso 3 «my. loal or unveiling. to introduce I new discovery nd keep our show and: tacked up on urea, lance. md bridge- throughout town And country. Sandy employment. Communion or any. $6.00 pot month and expenses. and money a ope-nod in my bonk when nun-ted. For psrticuhn writ. a---“ ..ns-n.r uvnmin nn 6 BRITTON Bros. Jewellers and. Opticians. I TELL YOU WHAT Real Estate Bought and Sold on Commission. 9' FREE-v Anus-’3“. not-aw. 10m DISCOUNTED open to receive now member- v. in time. It clan «count bellm- {or in Busine- Xothods mdAeoountinz. It: Shortlnmf Ind Typo- wrlung Dom“- ptrticubrl strong Patent “on commun- to Julm 30th. olidgy tor August. and work ngtlnSopt. 1n. Y w. H. SHAW, Principal. “Effimfifm TERI” "Momma. Ii‘ur purtlculm npply to MOORE a JACKSON. 900190.90 nly mum 1121““th Woteduaflon. may shut- mnyto-dn ma tho than he "pot or the opponnnuy to get a but“: eduauon. Tho “PUT IT OPP” 0.1: m1 Batman Gonggg mm 81 Emma Wanted Help. Also a number or choice {guns to sell or m rent. l lave 3 number of first-clan homo- tor I". And to 5: Iowa: m on low Security, or on spam-wed 1m Rota. IARM FOR SALE. KOREA“ WEED. open to MY? nsw MW! 9t en! “9°- ." 9"" OTICE. ELIABLE MEN IN EVERY LO- New A avartjsements- ones. and there are no extras added. Use nothing but: thoroughly kiln-dried, well-eeaeoned stock. Try to make every house a shandlng advertisement of the excellence of my work, and am trying as hard now as ever. It you want anything In my line call on me. West Sid. William Strut North, the coat of ,my contract lap hwy}!!!- am] no: exceeding. mm mm ‘\ Isn't no, that: I furnish the Doors, Sash, Mouldings and inoido trimmings to: two- thirds a! the new dwollinas and additions built In Linduy and within 3 radius oi 10 miles. Pedlar at 1121623011. youâ€"u“. It your sight is toiling-l! your eyes or head ache. you me ave yam-u}! inconvenience, e or money by coming to us and lea-oil: how to remedy the the tron o. It costs you nothing to know. "u van-a-..“ â€"V_ Whoa you’Gihbv'Jur Mivloo 1n cue or eye trouble we (in in to yogaâ€"tree. . , L‘ 1- n-1‘l-.. I. -An- Don't fall to oppreclato a good thin Juno become you zoo in free. Wgen u wink no hove It done wogxomma your onenes- . WORLD MEDICAL ELECTRIC 00.. London, Ont" Cumin. IT’S Slflllflflfllfl Geo. IngIe. GEO. INGLE deon' solIolm. Lladny‘ Enter nowâ€"Adana, Lindsay Planing m1 Svnttlv. Wash" Aux. 24,â€"M'l‘ho schoon- nr Maulxllxllt wnn utuppml us «he wal pru-pnrlng to hum» tho hnrlmr ln tuw ul' tlw-tm: Julmmm. Shv hm] u. bl dwk luml ur frvlght fluted to port. am in hvr lmhl wvrv sixty mum-naval whom llmpm'mr Brnmlt musldm‘ml. under the uh-vumnmmw. luul lltth- ohanco of ever mmlm: thv Yukon. 'l‘ho Inspector or- llvrml tho «lw'k land n-mm-Hl and mult- uhlv prm‘lslun mmlv for thu unto-w of gm- mummy-rs. Strict yogulutlonl will lu- t-Ivifurvmlr t0 row-n:’the'ovurorowdlné ut' Vessvls it‘iu'tu: for the north. Skimuux. Alaska, Aug. 17. via 80- nttic. \\'ush.. Aux. 25.â€"A civil engineer of .lum-uu. C. E. Gnrthaide. and nix us- siahlutu are now surveying the White Puss in the interest of an English syndi- cate. which intvndu to run a railroad {rum Sknguuy. the entrance to the pass. to 'l‘nku Arm, 3. distance or 05 miles. and eventually to the Hootalinqua River. 110 miles. E. A. Bellinghurlt 0! Victoria is one or the principal promo- ters or the scheme. This road, when completed, will form the shortest and quickest route to the Yukon country, and it is the intention or the company to build WharVes sud warehouses n Skaguny. expect to rap uu‘c LCLulAAD- The present trail over the paes’ised SO much at present by in-going miners was cut by this company with the idea of diverting the travel from Dxea am! the Chilcoot trail, and they made an attempt to prevent professional packets from Charting more than 15 cents a pound. In this, however, they were unsuccess- tul, as the rate is now 30 cents. rival or the steamer Rosalie from Ska- guny and Dyer: comes the news that the town organization of Skaguay, under the l¢v4dorship or A. J. McKinney._has taken definite action to open the trail. On the arrival of the callier Williamette none at tho passengers were allowed to take their baggage unnil the entire cargo had been plaood high and dry on the beach, tllrll tho individual holdings were seg- rogatod. it was seen at'once that to got ovor tho mil was impossible. A minors' mooting was convened, at which it was docidod to declare the trail close-d. The miners put their action into immediate efi'ect by toaring out several misspieces of the bridge across the Skaguay Rive-r. Then about 700 citi- zons wont to work on the trail, and the following day their number was in‘ oronsod to 1000. They had about 50 pound! of giant powder and I. small quantity of dynamite um] expected in full!‘ days nttor tho sailing of the Road- lio to ro-opon the trail in a greatly im- provod condition. The dangerous places whoro niu‘uy homos have boon last will ho tixod up with sounding. and the marshy portion: will bo mrdumyal. Thin notion will rouult in many prusrwctors m-Him:_ through to tho minos who would olhorwmo have boon hlookod nil wintor. 'l‘ho condition of affairs at tho lako. I; about tho niuno nu ropnrtod hurt wmk. I Seattle. Wash., Aug. 24.â€"With the ar- 1 in next season. IS hlIllllg‘io Muncrieflf is known as a thoroughly reliul-lo man, and the news received from there already should be a warn- ing to all. It is the belief. in Winnipeg that the men leaving via Edmonton will not see the Klondike till away on .vlluerl Deuroyed I Bridge In Order to Ilnvo It Rebuilt In later Skye. None so: [any Ion Blood In the Klan- dike by Way 01' the un- koot Pm.‘ Winnipeg, Man” Aug. 24.â€"Robert Moncriefl, a member of. the last Sel- kirk party destined for Klondike, who sailed from Victoria, 28.0., on July 26. writing rrom Sheep Camp, on the Chil- koot Pass, on Aug. 5, says: “We ar- rived here last night, after the hardest day’s work I have ever done. We packed about 200 miles each iron: the foot or the canyon, which is about six miles. over one or the worst roads in the world. We started at six o’clock in the morning, and made one trip and got back to where we started at one p.m., and then back again with the other hundred pounds, arriving at halt- past seven. We expect to reach Lake Lindeman in four days. That will be seven days across the pass with 200 pounds each. Billy Watters. a handy and experienced packer in other parts or Canada, says he would not carry the rest or the stuff over for $100 per pound. So you may know how bad it is. \Ve are paying Indians 22 cents per pound to take the rest of our stud over. and perhaps We will not be able to get them even at that. It has been raining here for four days. Many peo- ple are selling their outfits, because they cannot get it over the pass. About Mun-h 1?» is the time to sart, when the stulf can be taken in on sleds. \Ve expect to reach DaWson City by Sep~ tt‘lllbt'l‘ 1. Excepting for the very hard- it‘s! linen the trip via the route we came is ki ling." of. woxflilx claims. there will be a scarcity of food later in the winter, and when it will be im- possible to relieve the distress. In their mad haste to get into the country many are going poorly provided with supplies. Mr. McArthur was emphatic (n his opinion as to the recent changes of the mining regulations, and is convmced that as soon as the authorities realise the conditions of. the country they_w111 restore man: of the old regulations. The change that meets with the great- est opposition is that reducing the Width 01 claims. One hundred feet, he says, is too limited to control water tor “washing,” and too narrow to permit Winnipeg, Aug. 24.â€" (Special) â€"-D. McArthnr. who has spent twenty yenrs in the Yukon country, and left there on June 23, arrived in the city this morning. He brings a. sumcient sun with him to maintain him the rest or his life, but will return in the spring to the Klondike. He knew of claims averaging over $200? a day. Speaking of the crowds now going into the camps Mr. McArthur is apprehensive that mm. Dane, In hulls Gel-c HE HAS JUST RBABHED WINHIPEG Mr. D. McArthur Has Spent Twenty Years There. RIGHT FROM YUTON Poo’lo wm lII’er-Clfl-I Wok Avenged rwo noun-d Don.“- t My. AN AWFUL DAY’S WORK. 10 OPEN THE TRAIL. Ilopplnu (In Pool» THE CANADIAN POST, MNDSAY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 3; "Dick Lowe is worth $100,000 toâ€"d'ly. Oscar Ashby and Bill Leek could 159:! for $150.00.). Sam atthews m plug out in a few days with a} good stakv. An old fellow. 4m 3111': p’u‘flwr. who chopped wood around Juneau. has been offered $60,000 and refused it to: his claim. Cornelius Edwards sold out for $31000.” , One big. muscular man, who has had experience in the most mining camps in the Pacific States, says that it is nothing short of madness for any one to 1:0 in via Dyes and Skoguay this tall. and estimates that of those who are there now not one per cent. will “make it" this winter. “ 136,” he added. “I know. for I have been lé'mfles up the Skagnay trail. and, though fucking}: al- most second nutnre to no, preferred to tap: back. selling arm“ at I. has. to risking my lite by confining the trip." 0n the other hand were is a. story or one man. who, having reached L1ke_ Lin- dmm.xn. rotumed to Skaguny~ in 1-1 hours. en route to Juneau. to settle some business mattei-s, and who was i’eturniz; b) the same route, expecting to read. Like Linda-mum again 0y xhe time the «.ther members of his party had complet- ed the building or their bolts. 4...,4 Rumors are WSW“ , “1 never saw no much old mu: n all my llteunhereluflou. [around thb town. Harry Ashe taken In from W a day and upwards over the bar. and God only known what he 1. . .. 3.; the gambling tables. The hat-humor that lett here took. on a much calculation, three and a. halt tom of pure gold. and the most or the mines nan then been in openntdon only about six months. They say that the claims were only prospect- ed. They are nearly all shut down now. as they cannot work them 9X08!“ m the Winter, so that the output uvxt 811113;ij be gimplyLonox-mopg, _ 1...“. w vâ€"-.-.. _-__ to every person on it. Worker. for war In ntiil mm m DIWIOII City at 16 a duy. which rnie in certain to continue throughout the entire winner. Not a bench claim wan loomed. accom- in: to Ship. until July 4. yet William Kerr hu n claim aimdy worth Sinai). nnd ihore on many othm equally for- tnnntely thanked. Tho am I win: ur- rivnls will nndonhtodiy get rlc clumu. but only very few of (hone now on the mad from Dun and Shun" will see the mutant of m Yukon baton. Influx. hull "no and Ion-noon. Williun Kornwrmng down from Duv- non for uuppiiu More he nude hi- to:- iuuwln lactation, an: "M. ll next in impossible to go out pro-pectin; at thUmeottheym,umewoodlm all on lire uni mosquitoes a thick I.- the hair on u d 'u back." Then. alter dealing with b no. matter: be 3m: "1 never saw no man cold in: h pi: Bonnnu Creek lnu lino fully proved itself rich. hut-g“ dbeen land from source to outlet. dwyinnw good wage- to every penon on Workers for Eldorndo Creek is being mined to the top of the mountain on bench claims by rockers. and since the last report was sent out from thnt region one claim alone on the creek hnd yielded its owners $100,000. which sum. wieh whnt he had taken on: previoully. quite min- iiel him. He has handed the claim to his partners. with his good wishes. pack- ed the gold in such for shipment nnd taken passage for Puget Sound and home. 7 A _ _ _ _- . $3,500.00. 1- a la!- Shelp says that when he and his com- panions left Da‘ sou three and s. but tons of gold, valued most conservatively at upward of two millions, wu stacked up to await shipment on the river steam-er. The last boat down. which was to connect. with the Portland for her present trip. land 3 similar amount. Her cargo would have totalled six mil- lion dollars in value had it not seemed unsafe to risk so large an amount of treasure on any sin le trip. The trees- ure remaining for whet transportation down was, when Shelp left Dawson. piled up and under guard. 1t meuurod a trifle over a quarter of s cord, and it took Shelp more than two hours to get his sack from the heap after he had decided not no go down the river. but to cross the mountains instead. Shelp in authority for the statement that the Portland. on her present trip has more than three and s. halt tons of gold on board. while there is still awaiting ship- ment a greaper {mount still. _ _ .. épring. That the new: in the leader‘s latter is not itself an exlggerstion is borne out by Archie Shelp. who had himself new the yellow millions, and arrived in Jun- mm just before the City of Topekn sail- ed for this pom. He ind lent anson City on July 30 ha. accompanied by two fellow-miners. nuned McKay and Kid Birch. «he latter being the fortune hunter who had (men his name to Birch Creek. They ruched Dyes. having crossed the Ch’ilk at Pass. on the 18m day of the present monthJu-t 18 dnyl from Dav-on City, and in time to add their word of advice to the volume that are being written. urging inmshing proo- peqtors not rto try rthe mountains until This is the latest and most. authentic report concerning the treasure steamer Portland, now due on her last voyage of the year from St. Michael'l with those who have made fortune. on the Klondike or the Stewart. and the comin‘ back .to civilization to spend the winter 3113ng mag-e congenial lgrmundinp._ .. Victoria, 3.0., Aug. 27.â€""'l‘here in no use in anyone attempting to exaggerate the richness of these Klondike diggings," writes Captain Clarence Cox, master of the well-known sealing schooner Tri- umph, under date or Ounaluke, July 28, in a letter which his wife has just received. “The La: steamer the: came down the river bed 100 passengers, and the leeat'thu any one of them brought with him was 310.000. and be m 3 boy but 18.. One nun had $100,000 in dust and he had only been in the coun- try tbr a year. They all “erase be- tween $50.000Aand 3100.000 enchll LMC u who. r“... Advices trom vhafiahfih infinite that numbers of people have gone through in that direction. to ac» unvur- ...... ..,,,,,_ The route as far as St. John, or Fort Nelson, will be comparatively easy, but after that the dimculfies will cine. From Toad River to Black River Rapids the route is said to be immensely dim- cult. canyons, rapids and a aix hun- dred-foot deep valley combining to tom what Dr. Dawson has stigmatized u the worst piece og‘xziver he ever saw. AAAAA AL-‘ Controller Ind We. to man do: III Police M Away. Ottawa, Aug. 25..â€"Mr. Fred White, Controller at the Northwest Mounted Police. is making every efiort to secure the immediate leaving 0: a party or po- lice, who are to make the ova-land trip to the Yukon from Edmonton, and it n grobable that they will be on the trail y this day wegk. . The party wxll consut of five men and an omcer. but it is doubted both here and at Regina it they will be able to_get through ‘before win er. - A, an T,.L_ -_ n... "A'u w‘â€". For the miners who have no horses, the Chilcoot Pass come; preferable. Frank Slavin. the pugilist. is reported to have been the first man to emerge at the ’l‘aku. His outfit. however, wu badly broken up by the packers. and he refused to pay for its transportation. noes. .The White Pass in its present mal- tmn I: practicable for the entire distance to Lake Bennett. and a man without a pack can go over it in 24 hours. Pack animals can traverse it with a load or 150 pounds. and it seems to be the better trail for those who have brought horse- wirh them. . 7 L___-_ and the road to Taku will pmbably ne completed in sevei mouths tron: then. Skaguay isdeatinedtobealarxe town, and should the ruin-cad become an assured he: it will distance Juneau its-anioutfitting and general commercial point. Many of the Juneau merchants have opened branch stores here alreadv. "he great majority of people arriving cannot possibly get down the river this year. and those of them who already reahze this fact are locating lots in Skaguay and starting to build. 111 I year the town will undoubtedly contain 2500 or 5000 inhabitants. The various paths and trails leading through the for- est have been christened, and the intnnt town hu : Broadway and several ave OVIBLAND 1‘0 I'll YUKON. $931323; E 99“ mm m ’u, “a n- «n...â€" â€"-â€"â€" gonâ€" " "n13! her All vow-in touching at St. Mk‘hlu‘l'l tl‘io sum-er hue had urn-at clincnlty in keeping their crows. who have cuuxht the gold tow-r Very soon after orfivhm. One schooncr from Victoria wu entirely (inserted nmi her crew. from ca thin to cook. ldfil‘d u the river for h ondikc. The crew of t e schooner J. )1. Cole man code-vowed to deoert Ibo. hot the attempt mu discovered in time. and by the display or dream the men were compelled to rem-Jo on duty. The meter- ot the echooun Jewett and Coleman end the mm o: the Son- der wen pdd oi! at St. Hicheel‘e and departed at once for Demo. Ever! venei tro- St. Rachael'- has come em phofi-jended. The Portland 10:: The moat important new: from St. Michael's in that the Yukon River atoumera left there two weeks ago for their last trip up the Yukon. lt mu not certain that ther would reach Dow- aon thla tall. in wh ch event pamnxcn who left the Sound on the steamer Port- land as early as July 25 Would only reach Circle Olly before navigation cloaea. Thla malte- lt certaln that hun- dreds of mlnera who have left the Sound and Calltomln alncv Aug. 1 for St. Mlchul‘a will have to wlntor more. At lpant they can Icnrwly rt «am up the Yukon before the river {rt-en's mu- nolldy _ _~ ._. --. . Up to date none or the claim show any sign- ot exhaustion. and scarcely a dozen are more than well opened. Everyone has large area of ground to be worked. He an it is impossible to make mthlng like an accurate esti- mate of the probable yield 0! the mines. The [round it not It all even in rich- ness. And the width of pay-Imam "fl." mu}. , ‘ _ _ gt'lehen and the development ot clam.» ult‘l'ud)‘ round but not opened no u to yet-tun ot' gt‘euteat prouuctwu. Inert- nave been other nch mute: on Stu-Mt utter; Hunker, ltenderson and Indian Clocks. but none or these In an mm as datum on Eldorudo and Bonanza Creeks. Until the Wonderful dueovernes or txlondike Were made ground worth ten cents to pun with one, two or three feet or pay dirt were considered very good (or the Iukon. and nunern made [air money with rockers and sltnces. '1 his year miners are passtng enti:ely over ground ot this richntu in then- search for sand and gravel that Will pay like that or the liloudike discov- ertes. ~ Port Angeles. Wash" Aug. 29. -- The sl‘umc-r Portland arrived new from St. .uichzwl's. at the north or the Yukon itiwr. last night. She brought a nun .wl‘ or miners from the Klondikc ula' lrict. Tho rich claims on Eldorddu Creek. they aver, are about 140. An. ;;u\le estimates Inn! at um um .urM‘ MU chums are now piouucmg. nun cousiucnnx ground 50.1 to Le Worm-u, an the nut mice )cnrs wan ngxn-gnu “tour “walnut”. 'Lo um want In: .muui we Invomnle possilunuu UL ll<\\ a man to com to Juneau expecting to get work during the ‘wintvr months. He should be «provided with money mough to take care or him" until spring. Th» wonther has continued fuvonble for those on 1110 trail and altozr-thor it has been axrexmptjonnlly 6m- sonsou for outdoor opt-muons and a comparatively mild Winn-r is expected. V-_ V- .V..-7_V__ Accordm torment new: from Yukon. water has Len scarce for hydraulic pur . but better arrangements will b» Prngided_ to: _;:heog_operauons nex; 3‘1"- Flo'ur' :5 rod" nelHu' in the interioi- {or $60 per lack of pounds. and like pncgs are asked for other staple articles. Miners who were employed in mines near Juneau and who wont to the Yu- kon River have had thrir laces all filled by recent arrivnls. no t at nnw there is no Sal demand for labor here. and it w’ be worse than fully for PORTLflB Hunt}. SEATTLE. The Alaska Miner conning twu 0.- three colmns onvthe little incident a! Shogun: in which the Danube figured, takmx up the on behalf or Heavywemn. ammond And Jones. and manna: that the steamer would belibelledonhernextappeamceln Alaskan wuteyu. The ground umon whiehproceedmc-mllbenkcn is at the chip illegally sold figuor over her bar while within the armorial wnters or Ahab; oecond, that she .Iischarge-l her am a a point (Shaman not‘mention- ea In her papers. Which provided for the delimitation at her passengers and cargo at Dyes. It is held that Inspwnw :~mith could not ive the permission upon which Cnpuin eyer discharged his passengers and cargo. FLOUR OVER $1 A POUND. um anew . on the SR» gnay route, lgut qonfirpntxon seems dim. cult to obtun. It being freely stated. however, glut the new ducovery will re- sult in this route being more pwonjzw than that; by {a} of men. Ilkg of 3353““. ‘ ӣ70m min-en: white man; died othh woun The white citizen meumemmm matter- in their own hand: and the two den in the riot wen- m tumodomhothemub. Quick work wumdeotooeo! them. but Ole deflrh‘uMmu-fl Nani-fled. the maddesâ€" mmmtuomm ottherbtenot thepk'flcmud dxmvaeutbendn, ___, '1‘th m at day {and mmmfimmlghxuu mqupgt-_Thpmht 33'5’uéi1u§'ia3rii" fine mega. bad, or c negro mnrdener mu mum! dangling mode nur Pine Blufl. and wâ€"dny cune- the rt thu the entire halt-doses: were In ed In: ni‘km All efloru no yeriiy this report have no tu- proved tank. but. then- m m to believe that it in true- .A terribleriotoccurmd “gm ox chug-u of mi icon-nu. Due mm, guilty at mull-l “null. I‘ll burned m In: own gone 9‘: u your or deputy ___‘.. u.....|.._ _n-Lt Little Rock. MIL. Aut. 25.42 the report which mobs-d here wâ€"du would be true, a wholeule lynching. which. (or the number at m put to dad: mxhout proceu or law. hu pwbtbly un-er been unaided in u» was: at crane. bu who place an Cleburnc runny, when. {mu-dun to un- upon. six men were swung halo eta-um lat nigh; _by 3 W and ranged nob ,. __.._... In... nun: (Be-um! Axon-ran. the now Premier of Spain. u,- h- will continue Ibv pol- lcy of MI {pm-or. 8mm Canon. dc-I Cutlllo. n far In powdhlv. lle ny- Iutouomy would hue Inn-u mum! to Cub: Ion: ago had they dmlluvd sup- port from flu- Uultn-d 8mm and «ward to demand Mu- inunx‘ndvnau Au Input! ‘1'“! bu been issued at Constantinople. commuting the neu- unu- ot datum hn upon than who won- enact-din tau-um at mean her- or the Greek Church at 'Doku In March In! to In! aMtu-le for life In Tripoli and My. Twenty thousand men in the mum; "Idea m on strike u: Hindu-Peat. Hun- “? ' 3“ police ’3'" hundredcol ’ w t e . 0 an luring been injured. W The Prince. of Wale. and the Duke of flecklenburx-Schwerln- have arrived at Weed-hora. Germany, to ah- the water cure. nude tuneu- by the ht: Father Knelpp. The Corn Millen’ Association or huh. 15:13.. bu advance-d the price of flour 1:: per suck. making 11- dance per tuck in five weeks. The Cu: nnd Men: Faure are just now indulging in mutual admin- don speeches and attending mama] performances. mm In- .upom Witch and I“ I. leel In Full. Potatoes. dried bun! peas, etc. in": greatly risen in price in France, owing to bad crops. tamed to one enr’a impriwnment and fined. nod :- employ: of ant sec- doywu sentenced no at!“ months' Imprisonment and fined. G-ftii'lédn ’ot'om'. hundaed fives. hu' been oentenced no my as fine or 500 tuna. Oneortheempkryelorthe W «mu-hunt. the action in which the fire broke out. was len- Pu'in, Aug. 2A.â€"Bu-on Macho. one of the chic! promoters of The Clarity wade-awed by fire 09 My 4 I!"- my â€" yâ€"u. vv-â€"â€".-n in; the troop. couch :t-Mtfib line on the signing of the meaty of m. The Marquis of Sdicbury. however. mun- munnonhistogostmon to flag '1‘? occu- o e om men on upcom- ?“ brim. ufl Inn-bun Objects. Comandnople. Aux. 24.â€"-'l‘he Turk- ish Govmment now proposes that the Sultan’s m: dull occupy V010 and mmmmtxyin (hex-euro! the-colleen until Greek war in- (tannin in paid. va withdraw- I“ Ion-c Icy-l. London. Aug. 24.â€"Sir Donald Smith, the Cnnadinn High Commissioner in London. who was mined to the permgv during the Jubilee festivities. was on- cially punt-d (0-day an Baron Sunb- cun 1nd Mount Boyd. I". I. I. Ml.- ol flew-mu Platy- urk- than. him wun mu. Ottun. Aux. 2tâ€"Thm i: tumble in Stewarton Presbyterian Church. A prominent in: once!- and three members 0: union hue resigned. and there are likely to be further developments. The cause of this cute or unairu in want of harmony between the pastor, Rev. B. E. Knowku. nnd the resigned o!- licer. Mr. Knowles wu charged with making I augment pgnmily_u_flwting fimient church 6am. aid he wait led _upon to oubmuuute 1:. Hi: course In the nutter was not finishe- tau. hence the animation- ux ”on" Law I: ".8. O-elnlly Canned u Inn- Isl-uncon- find in now en mm to Omw: * andsco. He will nuke I embodying aunt-Lima nor mew 3 law. verninc the ode o! - and mtg; wood for fud. em He made a can'- or Lhe'moducdon or the new fields and found twang-three claims produced 3820.000 and an m: $70,000,000 in no exaggerated saute of tho qmount him: will bgyproduced b): Canvuw at St. Michael'o, deem em are already over two dwa- xnen in Dawson. and new pu- flumudvingevaymvia Ohnkoot Mb the tom! unopnt of {night landed thqre thi: you ml: not exceed four thousand tons. of which not more :11 rub: b provision. Min- trom Klondike. who left thminJuly,repor1thstthe1bodwu mauverybwthqmmditmdis- “Wmim Ogilvie, Dominioui Land Sub veyor. who bu been making topo- graphical survey- or British along the Klondike)“ been recited bâ€"y'EenG’ovmt'Mr @lusultndou a Layanu; mum «13:01;an new gold A“ , __ gold fields. write: from St. Michael's. under due of Aug. 15. to the eflect that there is five danger or n marine on the Klondike this winter. Am to all reports weaved mm the u own- it will be Snipe-He to sum- u Dgwsqn Cit: go support 180 duh 'i' «ii ’ann'” "WCEunkem’W ' 'uu'i $19,000. A- 10.00! K- am oooB“°'."%.‘m Ln 315.000. M. B- Came 315.000. WHOLESALE LYNCH! N0. CABLI IVS" BOILID 1,0,3. P091) IS em SURGE TRODBl-l IN A CHURCH. luv.- Iulmn “nod. hm; (fink;- ' Slipéiy 9389'! no we. mu so: Act-mug. u.‘ laurel-(y of Gun mull. ’ Pretoria. South African Republic. Aug. xiiâ€"At a meeting or the Volks- ' rad today President Kruger deliVered a which is likely to am the flush-ct excitanent in Great Brim. n'nx the course or his remarks the Mo! aid that the relation: be- m- (ire-1 Brink: 1nd the South Attica Republic were regulnted u the «invention at 1884. He added the: in fl convention of November, 1881, a m to the annex-um; or Great Hui- dld not mar. but that la the convention. an: o: 1884. not a ‘ lewondn redhead“ pmdwly ' ward since then the he the South Milan. hllc and ‘ W nation recon the our ad would endavor to maintain val-cl]. but could not hands a. forth"- vumo of from ac to 6d per own! was established. Up to Suturday the ntoch in wmhouoo It Liverpool showed I decrease or 7000 has. £33175: Tar 73069117 7 7:6 «new 'chuc' The corn nut-kc! at Liverpool Tue-- day was naked by («at excitement. ulna rapidly novm upward. Eight shilling- “so!- 100 pound- wu pus-ed dunlux condos. Auk-u: «ble- mm-or Wad“ chuck-x gunned a dish: tendon mum- the close. but am and rate- ahowed a very ”Manual rhe_on the dq_ fol; spot thc- \w-I-k- The ouch! report. which in not given to ext "an: mm. or awry. decorum. t 9 nus-hot :- “ex- clml." Such I phi-no (run we]: a Com-co h ligament. __ _ __ lo a lunar MI- “ MIMI. umn luau“. London. Aug. 25.â€"â€"Prusvectivo detr- neu in the price or hmd in «min: uuuauiue-u hem. Already none at the lnudun bake" have put on an extra hulf-pruuy a lust. and i! in exp-cud the run will quickly follow their exmpie. Marl; Lum- hnu advanced in sympathy um: .\‘«-w York. and milk-n will aid- wuw prices will: Mark hue. and the loud [when with the milieu. The only undone-r who will sum in the broad nolmulum‘. nu] that. or courle. mans «\‘u-ryhody in London. "In him-haul? Madly when “I {mm 5a m M dun-r than n Ind: m. and the pmhnhiliueu winced to no in:- Wine ruu,__ Flogr‘yru in! dug“: up body. The young man W“ 22 year: of use and mu employed with his father in {law grain basims. [in wu lu deli- cate helIrh. his heart being wank. and it in thought by his van-m. that um had noun-thin: to do with the acci- dent. u be was a good Iwimmet. Toronto. Aug. 26. The young man mentioned in the show deupatch us being drowned u an only mu ot Mr. Georg» A. Chapman. formerly munnger or the Belle Ewart ln- Con: ny. who resides at 46 Maple- nw-nue. tout-dale. He and Mr. Jackson. who also livu in We. left last Saturday for Jackson's [’th intending to Nlurn on Tuesday. but the drowned young man wit-graphed his: father that lu- did not tool well and would remain at Jul-known Point until Thursday. Iii-I tnlhor was apprised or the and accident about 10 o'clock last night. and at once mudv "mum-menu to leave this morn- inu {or the scene of the accident with Constable i‘Vlliuuu to march for the Some Indiana. whose attention in some Wl)’ had been called. chi-n came out Ind lighted the hon: and picked up Mr. Jocksou. but by this time :11 Luce or Mr. ChApnun had dismeurvd- ‘ The body has not at the am.- ot Wl'l‘l’ in: been recovered. You Mr. J-ck- nun. who "u completely 9 outed. was (alien back by the Indians to hi. board- iux home on the mainland. J. mm,lr..wuuteafil.lo am. In. I“ a Narrow 8- am WM]. m Sutton. Ont" Aug. Zlâ€"A sad acci- dent occum-d to-dly at the Sand h- lands. 0!! the aoutheut corner 0! Gear- ‘iu Island, Lake Simone. 11mm. Georg!- A. Chapman, 3:... and M. B. Jackson. in. or 'Domto. who have been visiting at Jackson's Paint since Sutur- duy. were bathing 01! x udlbout. Mr. Chapman excwmed ant he mu mm with cramps. Mr. Jackson endeaVurL-d to "rim t ohim, but the heavy nee run- ning proved too strong for him. and _he then turned and. machine the bout. used to hoist [be ml and mach his friend. Unfortunately. the bout cnuizeu. throw- ing Mr._Jg_cknon iqto the water. ,,-: Â¥ :â€" Tin-F9 is no I in Washington. ‘ lwun ntu-u-“g uwâ€"g -._ out: home in evident ten or hit life. At the tum time a “colon-ado." or junta at those teeth; to overthrow the Gov- ernment. hnd established active open- donl It the capital. The nmuinution of the President will doubtk-u brim; the country to a. revolutionary crisis. which hu long been impending. The revolution thus far has been confined to the country dUcu. when never-l ex- tensive engagements had been fought, the Government toms muting the ad- vantage. Wuhington. D. 0.. Aug. 25â€"1119 u- sudnstbn of President Bord: ot’ Uru- xuu Ins not titan-thew a surpnse no odd-J: hen who have watched the re- cent outbreaks in Umuny. This is the second attempt on the President's life. the former ban: made by s cruy stu- dent named Revenue. The last mail ad- vices remind here showed that the revolution had broken out atresh, the peace delegates from the insurgents bev- mx given up the hope or securing mm and withdrawn to the Argentine while. Further agitation was occas- ioned by the reports tth the Govern- tnent eecenpts had shrunk $1,600,000 dul- Lnx the year a a result or the mv'ulu- non. The last issue 0! The Montevideo Times received here lute: that the President remained sway from _the revolver. Senor J. Idhrte Bord: was elected President at Um“! 101' the W?" e" WM”. Au. 25.â€"-Durin¢ n nt- tioul (etc. which in held here mâ€"day. President J. Mime Bord: was {hot Tho President of Uruguay Shot Down In the Street AN ASSASSIN’S WORK '1“ IR UCIR" 011501 '1 1,820.. TORONTO IAN OHOWNEO. DEA RN38) OF BREAD mum-“mt“ mum-«annuals. byumflwm Uruguayan upmenuu' ve Paris. Aux. 25.â€"Premier Melina, ad- dressing the delegates to the Council- Goneml of the Department or the Seine and the numcipahn or Paris today,“ the rise in the price of when he wou‘d album the cues 0333!. “din: ‘an 1w" Both twig-re hovered scam the landfill-cuddle Russia: were M 8t. Potonburx. Aug. 2.". -The Cm, Carina and Pmideut Faure and their met-five suites witnosscl a march- ! of 50.000 troops at an: Kruuo Mum) Ito-day. The spectacle was fwd" A: the lm )euu Gnu-d m (and mud. Gu- Cur cried: you, my men." At the luncheon “‘41: followed Pani- dent Flare touted the Cu; and Car- ha and mwntxmy. :o «193:: “he ! t‘ IW‘ French comrades. no Cur replied by tuning “Our Canal-ado- o! the Va' inn: French Anny.” AMP...“ hoop! null-Id... nld unu- Fen-t. would 01 “Ill-l Inner. “’bltowood. N. \V. '1‘” Aug. 24.-Dr. Alliuxbaun. coroner or Brondview. bud an {mum-It yawrdly at Klpolm on the body of Andrew Gmy. who was killed on Snturduy with an ax by MI 00!! Andrew. A verdict of wilful nur- der wu undead. loath-Met look m- m _N'_W_quk. Aug. 1'5 â€" Gamma" In London attending the International crum- of summon Armin. returned no-duy on the Majesuc They were me! n: anal-undue by a number or suntan: Army om new xorx. aux. m. â€" wmmaer Bogtb'l‘ucker and wife. who have been Sh- Wilfrid Lauder In to have I grant mun-pun on Mu arrival In Canada next "0M3. It will begin I! Quebec no es- am) I the way up the river to [unwell mad the don-«mutation n the lea-won: will be moat elaborate. Slr wuma will be convo-yvd “bum river on the Govern- nvut flaunt-r rum. A 9-year-old boy. the non of William Vary. a farmer near Dru-nu. Mun, wu play] In a livid of what. when he wu ow-ru on by I binder m out to pieces. Bum Iva Wen- tlkuu cl. wuue Milieu” I‘t‘ro ope-mung the boy died. Rev. Morgan Wood bu been atom b1. mum-y ludum-mmnu to human la Detrotg win-w liuwruur Mush-e yum mad I Iubwrlptlun llul. bu: we pup-nu divine an iv Wuuld twp Mu ”mun-mun with flu Bond-um Court-unto“! Chum in To Mlo A! Colborue. out.. yesterday Mll- Helen. daughtvr of Rev. 1’. human 0! the PM Dyna-tau church tho-re. was married to Ir. J. E. McDonald. a prominent younum o! the rown. Bow ale very popular and flu wedding wnl uu nature-mm loch! event. The Liberal mvmben or Parlhmvnt to! Onlurlo hive u-xprwulvd to Sir Blchnrd Cut- wrlxht uwlr apprvclnttou at Mu cervical to me wuutry and of In: comm-ten: lender- wlp of flu- purty during Sir Wilfrid Lul- rhr'l nlueuw In England. Sir [Ck-hard Cunwrlght'nyu. u at u the Gowrumeul's Information goes. the Peru‘- awn-Tate contract for the hut. Atlantic Ieh \‘lco In progressing tum-ably. A dc-spalch from Vern-hem. Que" tell. of urn-re trust them on loudly night. Thin in. ruruu-d In Ionic places and to blow uud buckwheat wru- ruined. A dc-puilllou wulhd on Sir Ric-had Cut- wrlghl ut keuusluu yrslvrduy and nest- g‘dnlhul lm-ouwlhvs for the lube 00m 'nlluuy bv but“ In banana. Sir W uroxuluvd «mildemtlon. Lleut.-Col. W. St. Paul Sen: 0! loan-ed la going to Swine-rind an Immlpatlon agent for the Canadian Government. He wm be luau-d at Lute-m9. mic New. lun- Wllel Ind lob. (Joule-cod In“ Puma..- Owl-c I. lack or space. The price of bread bu been put up to 120 a loaf It BPUUVHIr. The “sumo-um In the Behring Sen cal bexln at HnIII’nx (0-day. Mrs. Grace Kama of Sydney. neu- Belle \‘Illv. Is dead, aged 8.!) years. ((‘lawsoul. 2 lo 1. 1: Lydian. 115 (Thou-re). w m 1 2: l'tlo-l. 115 «Sham. 5 to 1. 3. '1‘ no 1.11. Plaudlt. Do-maxocu». (Ventral Trust. :nln Dav. Hand Sc-t. Gibraltar. Huguenot. Howl-n11. Haunts. Cook Robin. Grand Sachem. Amazon. Ruby Lips. Amuebu‘ Ind Previous also ran and mum-d u named. ‘ l-‘Ifth race. ‘4' furlo 4:006 Tlmon. 1“ (Fl. Martin). 4 to 1. 1: ‘:nt. 115 (“'ullnnol. 2 to 1. 2: J. A. Gr". 11!. "Pu-II). 3 m 1.. 8. Time 1.28 1-5. Woluum. Cnvaleno and andywlno also run. 8121!: nge,_1|;§_ 9111055 hwy, selling-â€" an... -n. n_ .. Iv: .r-n " _ -â€".â€"v- 140 .(Slnck). 3 ‘0 (Marl). 4 am I'll!- tol.-3 Third ram. Hull Hundlmp. 6 m Ora-mam. nu «(‘laylouy. 8 to 1. l; ‘eo- plum. 117 «films». 5 lo 1. 2: Vovr. 121 (Slain). 6 to .1. 3. Timo- 1.H 2-5. m- lugs. Honda and St. Nlcholn II. .130 an. our“: race. Futurity. about 6 tux-Imi- I.’Alou«ln~. by Kin llkvâ€"Jullette. 115 «‘lawsou). 2 to 1. !: .ydlan. 115 (Thou-re). r.“ m 1 2: rill-L 115 «Slulm. 5 to l. 3. ’1‘ III. NIH: nce.1 null-I. ”Emil? In Pom t. 148 (Enalgh) 6 to 5.1““: 140 (Suck). 8_ to 5'va A Bu: Janet“: nt- l-‘do-r. 110 (Slum 5 to 1.2: Premier. 11¢ (Tami), 8 to 1.3.1‘Ime 1.50 2-5. Inuflee, 80mm. mue. Arum-lilo. Orion and m n!» ma. -- .. --,, ..,A_ n A.._I‘__ Second raco. 1 1-16 mlh-s. sellingâ€"Son; and Dunn-.103 (ngltn. 20 to 1. 1: Ben fiend behind. an mklnx a hold Nd tor the nuke-I. no dist-nee van 1 little too short. howeu-r. and u L'uouette 1hr wln, Lvdtnn was at her all. a head In from of trial. who was a had In front of Pinudlt. while the other: wen strung out through I sixteenth of h mile. Sun~ nary. First race. 6 turlonxs-Trlllo. 110 (Ben- nmy). 30 to 1. 1: Hal In. 110 (Sim. 8 to 1. 2: Yankee Sun. 1 U (Schrfl‘el‘l to 1 3. Time 1.02 1.5. BH-Iunln. Hm hm, lilndooam. Llhunus. Julius Caesar. Bun-1 Crawford. lawn hugjjillaulmly nllo rug. h were mt when the We «mans ll starters tor the richest state or the, tothepost. itwasnotiongheibte wereon their way mouths stand. the Thompson t showing the the Daiy pair coming next. the heels nexnandtheothersin auroral-g card. Then there was a short talk, mu h; the starter. and they w up or the Journey. it was a start tor all but one. Previous being standingstiilinthetirsthreat.” seat surprise of his owner and nest e old race-goers. Grand Sachem AnasonIan were uichent on their leet. with Uriel and ‘ Bohiu close up. L ouette next. and the others not tar aw . Nearly every one of the y tees was his stride and there was lit e shitting of positions as we lot swept down the chute toward the main track. So’dose together were they at the lirst turlongthat a dozen were not more than heads part. At the quarter pole the line o: tn advanclnx racers walahaimoshii‘fe that“ a av i diam. ey ru 1- past 9 w Cod Robin. L'Aioucue, Gibraltar Gain Day, Rowland. um, Hand“ and Lydian heads apart. and short ones at that. in the front rank, while the others were al- most lapped upon them in the second col- umn. Around the turn they rushed and were but a quarter from home and still Cock Robin led. hut Martin was u him and he was beginning to falter. t at his throat was L'Aiouette. hanging on much better than her owner had any idea she could. and ht at her tail was Gib‘ raltar's head. a Gala Day was along at his heels. but the boys were v- ing the colts. while Ciawnon wa. sitting still waiting for the iinai rush. which was bound to come. Sloane dug his heels into Uriel's side and he Went past the others like a flash. and poked his nose into hrs lace. while hi stable companion. Cock ohlu, with his it shot. fell back rapidly to the rear. Ulawson got to work at once to ride a linish with Sloane. Uriei'a et- i’ort was his last. for a turiong from home Claw-on had got him and was drawing awa , when a new competitor loomed u in t e despised outsider. L dian. who come from the rear under I e vigorous “.1- lug ot_ Thorpe. and with Sloane on Curie a.-‘ g” s..- t iaiiifiifig I‘ll-fl! and lit l’rlre cl WW. (cred. The other unexpected all; m thennlncotnydhn. whomthefioc. The tuck mhmm but-ew- ory condition. the heny Merlot-0‘ had this morning having turned 1: m not: mud. which had dried out sum to make the going hpuyudggm_m HIGHEST PLUI OF THE TURF. r103! A ND kl's‘l‘ CA NA 914 n NOTES Prémei. rue

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